The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1952, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesdov, October 7, 1952
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THREE! Sounds like reducing exercises by an
unusually enthusiastic group. In realty, counting
and bending are part of Orchesis' modern-dance
rehearsing. Tryouts are Wednesday even ng, and
prospective members should know what they are
retting In for. The modern dance Is slimming,
interesting, slimming, healthful, slimming, and an
expression of self just as paintmg. Orchesis pre
sented a dance of the four seasons at last year's
spring recital and members are shown rehears
ing at the right. The first picture shows (L to r.)
Miml DuTeau. Barbara Bell. Ting Lilly and
Charlene Katz smiling at their rehearsal audi
ence. Portraying a mood In the second picture
are: (1. to r.) Dee Irwin, Lois Olson and Shirley
Sidles. Demonstration of precision In practice are:
(1. to r.) Sally Sveska, Kathy McMullen, Wanda
Sotts and Georgia Hulac. Susan Sveska glances
approvingly at the practice. (Daily Nebraskan
Orchesis, women's 'expected to know.
This Wednesday's session will
be judged and the dancing expe
rience of the applicants will be
The activities of Orchesis dur
ing the year generally include
a Christmas program, a dance
modern dance group, will be held
at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday in the
dance studio in Grant Memorial
Last week the group interested
in Orchesis met and were given
the routines and steps they were
Male Students Encoura
To Participate In Orchesis
A new way to "stay in shape
Is being offered to university men.
Orchesis, modern dance organi
zation, is again opening its activ
ities to men. It isn't easy, but stu
dents won't get any more aches
and pains trying to stay in shape
by taking modern dance than they
will by workouts of other kinds.
Men are inclined to shout,
"Who Me" when modern dance
Is mentioned, but it is a long
way from a sissy sport. Look at
the muscular male dancers on
the screen for example the
man who danced the Mexican,
scene 1n the recent movie, "Just
For You." The men's dance
group has been active on cam
pus about 10 years. No tryouts
or examinations are necessary
for membership, just an in
terest. The men will present the spring
concert in cooperation with
Orchesis and Pre-Orchesis in
March, and one number may be
worked up by the men alone. No
experience is necessary to be a
member of the group. The men
workout from 7:15 p.m. to 9:30
p.m. every Wednesday witn me
women's dance groups.
Meeting tune ior the mens
group has been set for 4 p.m.
Monday, but it can be changed to
!suit the convenience of the group.
Anyone who Is interested in.
this new way to keep trim may
contact Mrs. Bladon, club spon
sor and roach, Extension 4138 or
come to the meetings held In the
dance studio of Grant Memorial
Sigs Give 100
Sigma Chi was the first fra
ternity to give 100 to the ALT
drive which began Monday.
Seventy-seven members each
donated S3 to the fund for a
total of $154.
Jack March, Sigma Chi ALT
representative, reported that the
Sig check was delivered to the
proper ALT authorities Tuesday
Princeton's Student Paper
Once Edited By Stevenson
and a spring recital. Each or
ganized house is invited to sub
mit a modern dance number for
the Christmas program. The
numbers are judged by the
dance group and a limited num
ber are selected to participate.
The spring recital for 1953 will
be held in March. This is pre
sented in conjunction with the
men's dance group. The theme of
the concert varies from year to
year.. The 1952 spring recital fea
tured four holidays from the four
sessions of the year.
The presentation of a dance
concert involves countless hours
of practice. Timing for the leaps,
falls and bends must be perfect.
Costuming appropriate to the
theme of the concert must be pro
vided for.
The Orchesis group meets
every Wednesday night at 7:15
p.m. in the dance studio. The
girls wear shorts or leotards
while working out. Girls who
are trying out should wear
Modern dance is in reality a
revolutionary movement in the
dance world which has attained
the status of an art and is taught
in modern educational systems. It
began when Isadara Duncan, Ruth
St. Denis and Ted Shawn revolted
against the artificiality of ballet.
Ballet at the turn of the century
had diminished almost to pure
techniques without any life mean
ing for the art.
Perhaps the most reecnt use
of modern dance movements
was in the movie, "Just For
You." Although the group which
performed was billed as Mex
ican ballet, the movements are
the same as those employed in
modern dance.
The activity is open to men as
well as women and there is an ac
tive modern dance group for men
publican the campus. Experience is not
necessary for the men's group
which meets at 4 p.m. on Monday.
Hodes To Review
Army ROTC Men
Maj. Gen. Hanry I. Hodes, for
mer deputy commander of the
Eighth Army and UN representa
tive at the Panmunjon' peace
talks, will visit the Army ROTC
unit at the University Tuesday.
General Hodes is now in com
mand of Ft. Leavenworth, includ
ing the Command and General
Staff College. He returned to the
U. S. last eFbruary. His visit to
the University is as a personal
representative of the Fifth Army
commander. The University's
Army ROTC program has about
1,000 trainees under the command
of Col. James H. Workman, pro
fessor of Military Science and
Applications Due Oct. 18
For Rhodes Scholarships
Competition for Rhodes Scholar
ships will be held in December
again this year.
The scholarships are worth
Twenty-three of the nations best, governor as a reward
known educators oE Columbia ; service
niT7 "iL" An editorial in the Crimson,
a vicious examnle" in accentine Harvard University paper,
. J?S n?A Jfif WJILJLtA g endorsed Governor Stevenson,
The7f the GOP vicei01 candldate for resi
f.mTi hAinntrincr in r.nvomnr The editorial declared that
stjwnsmv thP rtpmnrratir nnm-!Stevenson has "injected into poll
Inee for President. i tics a zea for intellectual exertion
and a faith" and called him a
,- i,. ;,i nTi."reireshine addition" to nolitics,
fund was contributed directly "by Princeton Uni-ersity's student! . J ' Conger, a graduate
a small number of men," while newspaper announced that they.stu?c.nt 9t,tfle University is the
r,nuPrtira- StPupncnn'c fun1 "urnc umnlH ennnnrt Hpnoral F.ispnhuw- xenpiem 01 me neroen BrOWneil
Ralph Conger
jWins Brownell
Science Award
paid by a large body of anonymous er for president, and by-pass the!le'l0WShIP lrl science education
donors into the party campaign paper s former managing editor,
fund, which was later given to the Adlai Stevenson, class of 1922.
Students For Raeclce
1 i
, i. ; ,
STUDENTS FOR KAECKE," Independent campu political or
ranizatlon supporting Walter Raecke for Governor, elected officers
Tbunday night. The officers are: (L to r.) Paul Mean, secrettiiry;
Ken Rstrom, vice chairman; and Dale Johnson, chairman. The
croup is planning to sponwir a personal appearance by Raecke at
the L'nnJverslty.
Fine Arts School Four Ag Union
Presents RecifaCommittee
Department of 'music students n I I
were presented by the School of 116001$ " ICKGCl
Fin AXU in a recital weanesoay-i nip A IIninn W(M w,,,-..
Undergraduates and one grad- 5 flnd houM wA dana,
atiftudentcf the music depart-jTOmjT)ittees mceilng at 4 p m
m.t partkipated in the recitaLjmay founJ out lnqujrIng at
btuoents are cnosen oy meir m
ftructors to take part In the re
cital. Each section, such a piano or
violin, bad their recital In a
separate building.
Students playing In the violin
recital were Wanda Gardner, Mar
ilyn Hammond, Earl Schuman,
nd Pat Fclger.
Voice students participating
were Gary Kenzelman and Vir
ginia Cooper.
Taking part In the piano recital
were Marcelia Schacht and Bar
bara Jones.
Student In the woodwind in
strument section were William
Kxause and Robert Zander.
Med College
Wins Award
Dr. A. R. Mclntyre
Honored At Chicago
Dr. Archibald R. Mclntyre, pro
fessor and chairman of the de
partment of physiology and phar
macology of the University Col
lege of Medicine, was honored by
his alma mater, the University of
Chicago, on Friday.
Dr. Mclntyre was one of 28
alumni who were awarded dis
tinguished service awards at
the celebration of the medical
center's 25th anniversary.
The distinguished service
awards to alumni were presented
at a dinner at the Conrad Hilton
Hotel by Dr. Eleanor M. Humph
about $2,500. Election to a
Rhodes Scholarship is for two
years. Scholars may apply at
the end of the second year for
a third year of study at Oxford.
Those who qualify under the
G.I. Bill or other military edu
cational funds may use their
benefits at Oxford on the same
basis as at an American Uni
Unit Plans
Alliance Trip
A team of trained personnel
from the University Psychiatric
Unit will journey to Alliance
Wednesday, Oct. 8, according to
Dr. Cecil L. Wittson, director of
the Unit.
In Alliance the team will put on m T
a demonstration of modern Psych-LQUTSe I TOinS
lainc ireaimeni ior uuuiuis,
teachers, court officials, nurses,
welfare workers, and other inter
ested groups from 13 counties in
the western part of Nebraska.
The demonstration will de
pict a typical psychiatric case
and show the role played by
psychiatrists, psychiatric social
workers, clinical workers, clin
ical psychologists, psychiatric
nurses, occupational therapists,
and other personnel of the Unit
in the treatment of mental
Dr. Wittson's team is sponsored
by the Panhandle Chapter of the
Nebraska Welfare Association,
and consists of Dr. Floyd Ring,
psychiatrist in Adult Service and
Appointments will be made ac
cording to the qualifications stated
in Rhodes' will. A scholar must
have scholastic ability, high moral
character, leadership ability and
physical rigor.
Candidates may apply either
through the state in which they
live or the state in which they
To be eligible for competition a ; have received two years of college
candidate must: training. Four scholarships are
1. Be a male citizen of the'granted annually in each district
United States and unmarried. i0f the United States. There are
2. Be between the ages of 19 eight districts of six states each,
and 25 on Oct. 1, 1953. I Nebraska is included in district
3. Have completed at least his 'five along with Minnesota, South
sophomore year by the time of, Dakota, Iowa, Missouri and Kan-
4. Receive the official endorse
ment of his college or university.
instructor in psychiatry: Dr. Don
reys, University of hCicago path- ' c ' ycniairy,
ologist and vice president of the Sv'Ce rlTJ,Jt
medical school alumni associa-il1,. Wrka lnAle 9r,uHai?
tion. More than 500 alumni and so1; Mrs- Av!st Scholder,
distinguish!! nhveioione h c1,.!chief nurse and assistant profes-
geons from the nation's medical
schools attended the dinner,
Motor Fleet
The deadline for returning: ap
plication forms to the local
committee Is Oct. 18. Foliowlny
screening- by the local commit
tee prior to Nov. 1 the applica
tions will be considered by the
Nebraska Rhodes Scholarship
committee on Dec. 10 and pre
liminary selections made. Can
didates chosen by the state com
mittee will go before a district
committee on Dec. 13.
A total of 32 scholarships will
A course for supervisory
hteie : fleets ' ben Monday wim be awarded on a national basis.
about 30 persons participating,
The course, which will last
through Friday, is under the
sponsorship of the University's
Extension Division in co-operation
' with Pennsylvania State
College, the Lincoln and Lan
caster Safety Council, the Ne
braska Association of Insurance
Agents and the Nebraska Motor
Carriers Association.
More than 20 speakers will be
heard during the sessions. Among
those from Lincoln are Niles Bar
nard, Donald Olson, Irvin Reis,
city fire inspector; Paul Hal
pine of the Nebraska Motor
Carriers Asoeiation; Richard
Ailgood of the Nebraska Asso
ciation of Insurance Agents;
Capt. O. II. Witt of the Nebraska
State Safety Patrol; John E.
Neylon of Neylon Bros. Freight
Lines; H. T. Willey of the Red
Ball Transfer Co.; Earl Stewart
of Mack's Transport Service
and Ray Ramsey, City Police.
Dr. Mclntyre. who holds two
degrees from the University of
Chicago, is one of 27 of the
university medical alumni who
nave uccn maue run proiessors &rrr
and chairmen of departments in TITe LOUSGS OjUU
lh. nolinn'n .1 1 1 1 , I '
iiaviuu s IHCUIl-jil BCJ1UOIS.
Gayle B. Childs, James Taylor and
sor of. Psychiatric Nursing; and cnaries U. Neidt or the Universi
Lorene Ludwig, director of Oc- ty's faculty; Ray Osborn, Director
cupational Therapy. of Public Welfare for Lincoln;
The demonstration will be held Capt. Clinton Hurd of the Lincoln
from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Police department; Milton No-
Alliance's Municipal Building.
for the 1952-53 year,
Jn ! WShi? WhihiS W,rr,-h He "ceived a doctor of ph'ilos- Df! made To ATO's
$300, is given through the Uni-nnhv App in tiharma,.iJ. ii ' 1 ,uid c 1 u "'s
... I a i . .. i i cnt - 1 1
vc.jr yL mi rounaauon iaao and his doctor of medicine1
uj. iiiii.tjr uu menus oi jvir. degree in 1931.
Brownell, who for many years!
was professor of science education '
at the University.
Conger plans to become a high
school science teacher. His grad
uate program combines additional
work in the biological sciences
with training in the teaching of
the sciences.
A graduate of Madison high
school, he attended Norfolk Jun
ior College and received the B,S.
in Education degree from the Un
iversity in January 1952. He
served two years in the U.S. Navy
Submarine Service
All students who expect to
receive associate, baccalaureate,
advanced degrees or any teach
ing certificate at the end of the
current semester should apply
at the Senior Checking Office,
Room 9. Administration Build
in?, by Nov. 1. Office hours are
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily and 10
a.m. to 12 Saturday.
An estimated $500 worth of
property was ruined Sunday when
a fire broke out in the Alpha Tau
Omega fraternity house.
Dean Buckingham, manager of
the house, said the cause of the
fire is not known but it is believed
to have started from a cigaret.
Members of the fraternity first
noticed the blaze about 12:15 p.m.
The Lincoln Fire Department
was called and extinguished the
fire before it demolished the store
room in which it originated. But
clothing, books, musical instru
ments and other supplies were
destroyed and the room paint
scorched and blistered.
votny of Securities Equipment Co.;
and Kenneth Flory of Roberts
R. A. Johnston and R. W.
Strauch of Sullivan's Transfer
and Storage Co.; Charles W.
Haas of the I.C.C. Bureau of
Motor Carriers; Irvin MoC'urdy,
Checks Available
The coeds that helped with
Rush Week Registration for the
Inter-fraternity Council should
get in touch with Arnie Stern
to receive their checks. The
men who served on the Police
Committee can also fet their
pay. Call Arnie Stern at 2-3094
or at The Daily Nebraskan
Business Office any Afternoon.
Tours Planned To Mediterranean, Egypt
A ttnrtne nt 4mi 4 4U a.
of ancient civilization In the Med- tour through Spain and Portu-
iterranean and Middle East are
being planned and directed by' Members of the tur will spend
Abdel Fattah Kazamel, recently rnthJn WiT V'Sit
... ... ' ' . 7 Cairo, Alexandria, Faiurn, Luxor
director of the Egyptian Tourist and Asswan.
Office in New York. Lectures, which will Include
These tours vSJl be available information on ancient and mod
from June 23 until Sept. 30, 1953 rn Europe .will be given by
T. . . , . , ' , Egyptian professors. -The
principal tour is through. --' '
Egypt and has been arranged and
sponsored by the Egyptian Gov
While the major portion of
the tour will be In countries of
the ancient world, there will
also be stop in Europe. Those
winning1 to spend more time
The tour price will include
round trip transportation,
meals, sightseeinf expemtes and
admission to scheduled theaters
and museums.
Several American professors
are to be appointed to assist in
the tour.
Details on the trip will be
available after Oct. 15, 1952, at
the Middle East Travel Center,
Meeting rooms for comrnitttees
the office.
appointed chairmen and sponsors
for the four Union committees.
Marily Matthews was chosen
to bead the publication commit
tee. Heading the house com
mittee will be Marilyn tarton.
Appointed chairman of the
dance committee was Junior
KnobeL The general entertain
ment committee will be beaded
by Evelyn LawrlUon.
Sponsors of the various commit
Kappa Phis
Initiate 19
Tuesday Night
Nineteen women were pledged
to the Degree of the Pine of Kappa
Phi, Methodist National Sorority,
at a pledging service Tuesday eve
ning in the Methodist Student
Following the pledging cere
mony, a banquet for alumni, ac
tives, and pledges was held in the
The program Included two solos
by Ruth Greer and the presenta
tion of honorary pins to Phyllis
Uwt are as follows: publications, BccKcr Margie Good and Joan
lary Ell?n Marondc; house, Bm'cJaPIer- " Luclvey Hill made
Waldo; dance, Don Leising and
the presentation.
u cmpuiorr mat muse - r,e cw r,cd?ei arc Frances
majors attend the recitals. How- !gen-ral entertainment, Don Lees. Anderson. Dorothy Bacon Ann
ever, everyone u inviiea w - i publicity chairman. Marilyn KramwelL Carolee Drehm. Donitta
waunews says stuocnis worKers
Th next department recital will
be Wednesday, Oct. 8
Beginning Oct 15, the
rial Science auditorium.
in the So-
! music Je-
are needed for all the committees.
Brehrn, Beth Brown, Joyce Ducy,
Alice Hall, Jeanne Hrabak, Phyl
She siiid the meeting times forlDonna Lor'enz. Roma Jean Miller.
the committer are Wednesday Louise Owens. Pat f'ittman. Beth
partment ceriors wiJi participate, afternoon wi'.h the publicity end-SIogg, Delores Synove., Margaret
in a senej of recitahs. general entertainment meeting atlTrunible, and Diane whitakcr.
(he Pttsh-Butfon lather
t push the
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