The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1952, Image 1

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lw Convocation Wednesday
1 Classes will h tUsmlccj ...
AWS Board
Sallie Matteson, Teachers Col
lege senior, replaces Marilyn
Bamesburger who recently re
signed as senior board member
of AWS.
Matteson, vice president of Kap
pa Delta, was previously on the
board when a sophomore. She is a
committee chairman for YWCA.
10 a.m. Wednesday for the first
time this year for an all-University
convocation in which
Chancellor Gustavson will speak
on "What's Ahead."
Voic of a Great Midwestern University
VOL 52 No. 17
Tuesdoy, October 7, 1952
Ssiinid! ay To
Iowa State Follows Example Set
By Nebraska And Kansas State
The Alpha Gamma Rho fraternitv announced todav the
donation of their Homecoming house display fund will go
aj uiic i.atiuiiai jc uuiiutiuuii
Publicity Chairman, Don Nov
otny, revealed that $25 would
forwarded to the polio fund. This
leaves $25 for the House to spend
on their Homecoming float.
"We feel that by donating:
more time to our float," Novotny
said, "we can be In the spirit of
Homecoming- and be doing- a
food turn for polio victims at
the same time."
The Daily Nebraskan was in
formed today that the Theta Xi
fraternity of Iowa State, follow
ing the example of fraternities
and sororities at Kansas State
the polio foundation; $50. from,111 Room 316 of the Unlon- Thurs"
their Homecoming fund and theiQay ai .ju p.m.
remainder from one dollar con
tributions of members,
Gamma Lambda
To Pledge
10 Members
Gamma Lambda, honorary band
fraternity, will hold its formal
pledging ceremony Tuesday noon
In Parlor Z of the Union.
The 10 new pledges are: Paul
Thompson; Jerry Shumway; Bill
Rnrr: Dennis Carroll: Jack Rogers:
Paul Cook; Robert Anderson;
Larry Hubka; Junior Knobel, and'
Tim pmiinn
Tim Hamilton,
Requirements for Gamma Lam
bda are three semesters of band,
good citizenship, and approval of
the active members.
.The pledges remain pledges till
the end of the semester at which
time they are initiated.
Present officers of Gamma
Lambda are: Jim Oschner, Presi
dent; Dick Garretson, Vice Presi
dent; Frank Wells, Secretary; and
John McElhaney, Treasurer.
0 Class Council
Dean J. P. Colbert will five a
short talk at the first meeting
of the Junior - Senior Class
Council Friday at 3 p.m. in
Union Room 313- Don Pieper,
Senior Class President, urged
all newly-elected members of
the class council to be present
for this meeting. Committees
will be appointed and a pro
tram for the rest of the year
will be outlined.
ASCE Holds
First Meeting
Of Semester
The student chapter of the
American Society of Civil Engin-
om-k held its first meeting of the
year Oct. 1. Forty-nine members
attenaea vne lnuiai Bamciuig ii
the purpose of setting up com
mittees for the coming year.
Nominations were made for
E-week co-chairmen but will
remain on the table until the
next meeting to be held on
Nov. S.
After the business meeting each'Daily Nebraskan is the junior
of the 6enior members of the
!eiy "Zir w-fi' Z,
Information regard inr the
ASCE may be obtained by
freshmen or aopbomorea Inter
ested In civil engineering from
Henry Wolf, Dick Barnell, Dick
Biennan or Norm Scott.
Students In Law College
Practice On Real Cases
Need a lawyer? Broke?
It is one of the aims of Lincoln's
Legal Aid Bureau to provide free
legal service, if feasible, for
DeoDle who cannot afford a law
yer. The agency is operated co-
operauveiy Dy me university col
lege of Law, the Lincoln Bar As
sociation and the Lincoln Bar
risters' Club.
The bureau, designed to provide
practical supervised training for
senior law students, celebrates Its
fifth anniversary this month.
Here is an example of one of
the problems that confronts the
r bureau. A young Air Force vet
eran came to the bureau's of
fices in the College of Law, 10
and R Streets. He explained
that he was on parole from the
reformatory and working nights
at a respectable, but low paying
Job. He ues much of his pay
check to reduce a debt In an
other state and continuation of
his parole depends In part up
on his ability to pay off the
His prospects are dark because
his wife has Just filed suit for di
vorce, seeking alimony and child
support. If his wife gets the pay
ment she wants, there will be no
money left to pay on the debt.
That would provide grounds for
the for the revocation of his
parole. If the parole is revoked
he loses his job, goes back to the
reformatory and nobody gets paid.
Law students who help un
ravel problems Ilk that one.
xur xmanuie sr aratysis,
A student-faculty panel will
discuss the foreign policies of the
two major political parties at a
NUCWA-sponsored mass meeting
The Democratic party's views
will be presented by Bruce Ken
dell of the Speech Department
and Ken Rystrom, Managing Ed
itor of The Daily Nebraskan.
The Republican policy will be
explained by Professor Maurice
Latta, assistant professor of eco
nomics, and Doris Carlson, past
president of NUCWA.
Paul Means, chairman of the
Speakers Bureau, said that the
audience is urged to take part in
the program by asking 'questions.
"This is a good chance to find
out just what both parties
lavoring, ana wnat iney tavorea
- in the past. Of course, there will
t l ! .
not be any official releases of
party police," he added, "but the
facts will be presented."
Means said that the meeting
was one of a series leading up
to United Nations week, Oct.
19-6. The purpose of the meet
ings, he said, is to give students
information and create interest
in today's world affairs.
Sophbmore applicants for the
Board of Student Publications
were announced by the Student
Council Monday.
Applicants are Marvin Fried
man, Shirley Mead, Walter
Wright, William Neef, Ann Kok
jer, Frank Chapman, Mary Sue
Lundt, Agnes Anderson, Jean
Steffen, Dan Rasdal, Bill DeVries,
Mimi DuTeau and Ann Faulkner.
The Student Council will fill
the sophomore position after an
interview with each applicant
at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the
Members appointed as junior
a n d
senior representatives last
week fcy the student council were
Hile Goodrich and Marshall
Kushner. Goodrich, a journalism
major and reporter for the Lin
coin Star, fills the senior position.
Kushner, also a journalism major
and former Sports Editor of The
The sophomore board members
,were not appointed at that lime
because only one application was
received for the position by the
Student Council last Tuesday
night, the previous deadline for
Dean E. O. Belshelm feels, are
retting good training. If the
case is one which lends Itself
to the attention of the -court, the
student assigned to it follows
through with a local attorney.
The attorneys are provided by
te Bar Association and the
Barristers' Club.
Most of the, cases come from
Lincoln social agencies, Veterans
Administration, city and county
attorneys' offices and from the
state's penal institutions. Only a
few people come to the bureau
without the suggestion of some
agency. Dean Belsheim and
Dwight Morgan, who supervises
bureau activities, believe this is
because the existancc of the bur
eau is not generally known.
The bureau is dlrectd by a
board of governors, Guy C. Cham
bers, representing the Lincoln
Bar; Thomas R. Panslng, the Bar
risters' Club, and Dean Belsheim.
During Its five years of op
eration, the bureau has handled
more than 500 cases; only about
one In five of which have actu
ally gone to court. The prob
lems have ranged from evic
tions to recovery of personal
While it has no restrictions on
the type of legal problems it will
consider, the bureau will accept
only clients who cannot afford a
lawyer or whose cases would not
permit a fee to the attorney con
tingent on the outcome, such as a
personal Injury suit.
1 ..
BAND DAY 1951 . . . This scene will be reconstructed for University and Kansas spectators Saturday
as 62 high school bands converge on the campus for the annual Band Day celebration. In addition
to the half-time performance shown above the ban ds march in a parade through the Lincoln business
district. (Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
Chancellor Among Forty
At National
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson left.ner was held in the Grand Ball-
J?a Mo0ndly T5 r
Chicago where he addressed the
national convention of the Ameri
can Meat Institute, held Oct. 3 ,
through the 6.
The annual Institute was held
at the Palmer House in Chicago
where meat packers and manufac
turers of packing equipment from
all over the nation were repre
sented. Displays of the various
meat packing machinery were set
up in the lobby of the Palmer
House and represented the prod
ucts of 106 companies.
The manufacturers also had
what were termed "hospitality
rooms" in which they held open
house for the conventioners. The
rooms were for the purpose of
meeting representatives from
meat packing companies with
which they deal throughout the
Monday night an annual din-
Wednesday Set As
A.H. Club Deadline
Wayne Frost, president of the
Block and Bridle Club, announced
that the club's fall membership
drive will be extended until
The animal husbandry depart
mental requires that the prospec
tive members have a 4.5 average,
a sophomore standing, Animal
Husbandry I and an interest in
the field of animal husbandry.
The club sponsors the annual
Jr. Ak-Sar-Ben as well as helps
to sponsor the livestock judging
teams of the University.
P. M. Headlines
fnrnw a TTifiorHo Teoimp
the West toward a new world war.
Tivvv j r--
buro member, George Malenkov,
Communist Party Congress.
"But," he said, "there Is no
mm nmnmec Tho Snvit TTnion is
strengthen" its defenses against
i&ck he 69 id
This was' the first time that the
has not been delivered by Premier Josef Stalin.
Viacheslav Molotov, acting chairman of the Congress, also lashed
out at United States' foreign policy. He said that the United States
and its Allies were arming "ever further, fanning up war hysteria
and carrying out preparations for launching a world war."
He accused the united states
nurimotnr nf iha Snvipt Union and
aggressive American policies.
hower accused President Truman of leading a "clattering din" and of
"firing blanks" in the presidential campaign. The Republican nominee
denied the President's statement that a GOP victory would end recla
mation nrniertB in the Northwest.
Campaign charges made by the Democrats, he said, are "sheer
bunk." He said that one of these "blank salvos fired at the Republi
cans" was that they would abolish social security. The general said
that the social program would be expanded not endangered by the
SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Gov. Adlal Stevenson has shifted empha
sis In his campaign speeches from the idea of continued prosperity
under Democratic leadership to the menace of Communism. Com
munism will be the topic of a major address at Detroit Tuesday night.
The speech will open a five-day campaign trip by air through seven
states in the Midwest and Deep South.
PROVO, UTAH President Truman said he was "confident that
hisfory will bear me out" In support of the moral character of his
"I have done my best these seven years, to keep the quality of
the federal service high to attract good people and keep them in their
jobs, to defend them against unfair and unproven attacks," he said.
"The Democratic Party Is a political organization that has a
heart rt cares about people all people," the President said. "The
Republican Party is ruled by a little group of men who have calcu
lating machines where their hearts ought to be."
NEW TORK Scientists have found a vast submarine canyon on
the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. Dr. W. Maurice Ewing, professor of
geology and oceanology at Columbia University, said it may be part
of an underseas channel system comparable In extent to the Missis
sippi River and Its tributaries. He announced his finds after returning
from a 10,000 mile research voyage. The canyon was located 800
miles off and a little north of Boston at a depth of three miles. Sci
entists traced It 800 miles without iinding either end ol it. .
n?m Uhe HjUn
where Chancellor Gustavson ad-
Korean Veterans
Forms 7-1996a (Monthly Cer
tification Training) have arrived
at the University Office of the
Veterans Affairs. AH veterans
attending the University under
Public Law 550 (Korean G.I.
Bill) are requested to sign this
form at the Veterans Office,
Room 106, Mechanics Art Build
ing, at the earliest opportunity.
If this form is not received in
within 10 days after the end of
the Regional Veterans Office
the month, the education and
training allowance may not be
paid until the following month.
The veteran should not inquire
about his check for at least 20
days after this form is for
warded to the Veterans Administration.
Applications Due In Junior
Management Examinations
The Civil Service Commission
said today the date of the 1952
Junior Management Assistant ex
aminations will be announced the
third week in October.
The positions to be filled, which
pay starting salaries of $3,410 and
$4,205 a year in various Federal
agencies, provide for training for
in the United States is rushing
- - - , -nil.
This charge was maae oy rum-
at the opening oi tne win Boviei
force In the world which can halt
strengthening and will continue to
the possibility of an American at-
keynote address to the Congress
oi Duuaing mimafj uu mc
burdening Western nations with
SPECIAL Gen. Dwight Elsen
sfers Wi
. ' 1
In Chicago
dressed the convention. Entertain
ment lo.uowing the address was
provided by the Purdue Univer
sity glee club.
Speakers for the convention
totaled 40, among whom the
most prominent were Gustav
son; Murray Shields, vice-president
and economist of the Bank
of Manhattan in New York; and
Gardiner Cowles, editor of Look
and Quick magazines and presi
dent of the Des Moines Regis
ter and Tribune. The majority
of the speakers were represen
tatives of tiie packing house in
dustry who tave reports on de
velopments made through the
Gustavson returned to Lincoln
Tuesday morning.
- Election Workers
Workers are needed for the
election and counting boards for
the mock election. Students who
are interested may contact
Neala O'Dell at 2-4120.
high level executive positions.
Applicants who have college
training or experience in public
or business administration or the
social sciences must pass two
written tests and a personal inter
view. Applications will be ac
cepted from students who expect
to complete the required study by
June 30, 1953.
Those who are made eligible by
the examination will receive of
fers of employment upon gradua
tion. Full information and applica
tion blanks may be obtained from
the college placement office, from
most first or second-class post of
fices, or from the U. S. Civil Serv
ice Commission, Washington 25,
D. C.
Applications must be on file
with the commission's office in
Washington, D. C, not later than
November 13, 1952.
Gustavson To Address
AUF Workers Tonight
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson will
address All University Fund board
members, their representatives
and assistants at the AUF "kick
off dinner Tuesday nieht. The
dinner will be held in Parlors A
and B of the Union at 5:30 p.m.
The new AUF symbol will
constitute the theme of the din
ner. Place cards, menus and
table decorations will bear the
AUF candle symbolizing the
AUF slogan, "AUF for a Bright
er World."
After the dinner, the Rev. Rex
Knowles, aiviser for AUF, will
speak to 200 fund workers in front
of the Unitni. Then workers and
their team captains will leave, five
in a car, to stan the independent
Deferment Tests
Set For December
Selective Service Boards have
received application blanks for
students who are interested in
taking the Selective Service Col
lege Qualification Test for defer
ment from the armed services.
The test will be administered
on Thursday, Dec. 4. Applications
for the test must be postmarked
not later tuan midnight Saturday,
Nov. 1. If a student has taken
the test at a previous time, he
cannot take it again.
Application blanks and other
test Information may be secured
in Room 202, Veteran's Building
12th and O St., or at any other
Selective Service Board.
Down f own Parade Scheduled
Earlier, Routing Reversed
Saturda is Band Day at the
This means that some 3,000 high
school students from all over the
state will be in Lincoln for a full
day of marching and playing.
The prepsters will be guests
of the University at the Husker -Kansas
State football game Sat
urday afternoon and will form
a mass band to supply the color
ful half-time show.
This year the traditional narade
through downton Lincoln will be
held earlier than last year and
the route of march reversed. The
first of the 62 bands will leave the
campus at 9:30 a.m. The parade
will move south on 10 St. to O St.,
east on O to 15 St., north on 15
to R St., west on R to 12 'St. and
north on 12 to the stadium.
Rehearsals for the half-time
show will take up the rest of
the morning. At noon the mu
sicians will eat a snack lunch
furnished by the retailers divi
sion of the Lincoln Chamber of
Commerce. Members of Univer
sity Builders will serve the
lunch under the supervision of
L. F. "Pop" Klein, the Univer
sity's director of concessions.
For the half-time performance
the high school players will cover
the entire football field. Under the
direction of Donald A. Lentz. con.
ductor of the University Band, the
mass band will play four selec
tions: "Star Spangled Banner,"
"Dear Old Nebraska U," "The
N o bl em a n," and "Symbol of
Honor." Three hundred baton
twirlers will perform simultane.
Participating bands and their
directors include:
Albion, Ivan C. Caldwell;
Arapahoe, Jack Learned; Ar
cadia, Neil W. Short; Ashland,
K. Lanke; Aurora, Glenn L.
Clark; Auburn, R. J. Chatelain;
Beaver City, Norman E. Ash;
Bertrand, Ivan Miller; Big
Springs, C. R. Stasenka; Blue
Hill, Ralph L. Gray; Broken
Bow, Howard A. Jacob.
Central City. M. L. Crandell;
Ceresco, Roma Johnson; Chadron,
C. Ward Rounds; Chapman, D. L.
Priestly; Cook, Harold Luttman;
rete, L. C. Havlicek; Culbertson,
Vernon T. Hanneman; DeWitt,
Dorothy Schneider; Dodge, Phyllis
Cowger; Fairlield, Eugene Kresi;
Fairmont, Earl Green; Franklin,
Marcia Ireland.
Genoa. Frank L. Bauer; Gothen
burg, Keith L. Lysinger; Grand
Island, Ralph J. Graniere; Harri
son, David L. Jesser; Holbrook,
Charles Schroeder; Humboldt,
Henry Deines, Sr.; Johnson, Paul
Parker; Kearney, W. M. Nelson;
Kimball, G. E. Pancheau; Lexing
ton, Glenn E. Miller.
Lincoln High, Lyle A. Welch;
Lincoln Northeast, David Fow
ler; Lincoln, College View, Wil
liam Splichal; Loup City, Gor
don Flood; Madison, Harold Os
bon; Minden, Donald Helmer;
Contracts Let
Bids on the elevator, newspaper
stacks, and finish hardware for
the State Historical Society's new
building under construction at
15th and R Sts., were let last
The OTCeefe Elevator Company
had the low bid of $16,716 for the
elevator installation. The low bid
on construction of newspaper
stacks was by the Hamilton Manu
facturing Co. of Two Rivers, Wis
consin at $6,500.
A Lincoln firm, R. L. White Co.
bidding of $1,720 will furnish the
finished hardware.
The bids were accepted after a
total of 12 had been offered. The
date of installation of the equip
ment has not yet definitely set.
student campaign. The first part
of the campaign will last two
The dinner and facilities fur
nished by the Union for AUF
contribution to the 1952 fund
Twelve Teams
To Take Part
In Solicitation
All University Fund solicitation
or unorganized students living In
Lincoln will begin Tuesday, ac
cording to Adele Coryell, head of
unorganized student solicitation.
More than 200 students are
being employed In this mass so
licitation drive. AUF workers
Will cover 12 districts. A team
captain and his troup will be
assigned to solicit one district.
Each worker will eontact eight
to ten students.
The team captains and their
crews will resume solicitation
Wednesday evening in order to
reach students who could not be
contacted Tuesday. Students not
contacted either evening will re
ceive personal cards from AUF.
The team captains will at
tend the AUF "Kickoff" dinner
In the Union Tuesday. After the
dinner, they will receive In
struction from Mi Coryell and
the Rev. Rex Knowles, AUF
Nebraska City, Duane Schulz;
Nemaha, Charles Berry; Ord,
Glenn L. Trent; Orleans, Ray C
Mitchell; O'Neill (St. Mary's
Academy), Charles B. Houser.
Pawnee City, H. A. Schrepel;
Polk, Joyce Hurt; Ravenna, R. T.
Folsom; Rushville, George Hinne;
Scotia, Richard Davis; Scottsbluff,
Vernon A. Forbes; Scrbner, Aria
Mae Solfermoser; Selby, Dean M.
Dellinger; Sidney, Dean Killion;
Stanton, Allan Nyegaard; Stroms
burg, Carroll Brown; Sutton, A. B.
Kelley; Tilden, Gerold Chalupa;
Walthill, Ira P. Schwarz; Wausa,
Fred W. Vorce, Jr.; West Point,
E. E. Hanna; Wisner, Robert W.
Rosenquist; Wymore, Clarence
1952 Dinner
For Oct. 30
The Home Economics Club will
hold its annual Ellen H. Richards
dinner in the Union ballroom,
Oct. 30, revealed Jo Meyer, chair
man for the event.
Speakers for the occasion will
be Anna May Wilson of Winnetha,
111. Miss Wilson is the author of
many articles in "Todays Health"
on the subjects of food and health.
Special recognition of four
home economics teachers who
have service on the faculty for 25
years will be presented at the
Mary Ellen Maronde will as
sist Miss Meyer as chairman for
the event Other committees are:
programs, Marilyn Larson; pub
licity, Connie Clark; The Daily
Nebraskan, Terry Barnes; posters,
Shirley Marsh; newspapers,
Norma Westcott; tickets, Barbara
Spilker; Madeline Watson, Pat
Graham; programs, Evelyn Lew
ritson, Eleanor Stevenson, dec
orations, Betty Hrabik, Mary Nie
haus; hostess, Jean Rippe, Sharon
Reed; Food. Ardith Smith.
This annual dinner is held in
memory of the late Ellen H. Rich
ards who is regarded as the
founder of home economics.
NU Meds Schedule
Meet Wednesday
On Wednesday October 8, at
Love Library Auditorium, Dr. J.
P. Tollman will address all Pre
Medical students. Dr. Tollman
was recently appointed as Dean
of the University of Nebraska
College of Medicine at Omaha.
Previous to his appointment, he
held several positions on the staff
of the Medical College, and re
cently he returned from service in
the United States Army.
The meeting will start at 7:30
p.m. All pre-medical technician
and pre-nursing students are in
vited to attend.
One of the coeds was shocked
by the language used by a cou
ple of workmen working on the
Historical Society building so
she complained to the foreman.
The foreman asked the two men
for an explanation. "Well, sir,
me and Joe was on the job. I
was on the roof with a blow
torch and accidentally let a hot
spark fall on Joe. It went down
his neck and be looked up at
me and suid, 'Really, Alfred,
you must try to be a little more
careful.' "
it won't snow
today, the
weather will be
very cold and
Jack: You
know, Dick,
every time
I kiss my
plnmate, she
closes her
eyes and
. squeals.
Dick: I say she does!
Jack: What's that?
Dick: I ay, does she?
Hello! Is that you Joan?
Ves, it is.
Are you going to marry me?
Sure am. Who is this on the
Jane: "Why do you come to
dances with a fellow like that?
lie can't even dance.
Mary: No, but be sura can In
termission. That's allll
r I
ir f una