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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1952)
Mondov. October 6, 1952 t .. i .1 . Think About AUF University of Nebraska students and faculty have been problems discussed thoroughly in edi members are about to be asked to donate money torial columns in past years. This year's AUF agaflF starting today. The annual All-University boad has taken note of such matters and has Fund drive officially opened this morning and will be carried on for two, concentrated weeks, i At about this time of year, students, groan when "approached for donations and raise their protesting voices to the skies about their hard-hit pocketbooks. The Daily Nebraskan has discussed this' Student finance problem recently in reference to a seeming "culture lag" on the campus. K - - The past years have brought to light many dis cussions about AUF as an organization, its internal attempted, in this fall's organization, to eliminate such activities as drew the most complaints and to add other projects which might bring their or ganization into more favorable public opinion. The Nebraskan sincerely feels that the mem ben of AUF have conscienciously examined Shelr orf anizatlon this year and have made changes that free their work from much former criti cism. For such work, we congratulate them. The matter of donating money to AUF and its causes usually a $2 gift is asked from each indi vidual is of immediate concern to us. Another check to another organization does not particularly appeal to the student body at this time. Many people make out their annual AUF checks for various reasons it's expected of Uni versity members, the house doesn't want to be cri ticized for not giving 100 per cent, everybody else donates, it's really si worthy cause . . . The Nebraskan staff would like to see people donating- to AUF only: after they've examined their consciences and the organisations which AUF supports and sincerely feel that their money is roing for a good cause. The Nebraskan wonld like to see students and faculty members do nating to AUF with absolutely no rerreta or misgivings, financial or otherwise. This year 15 per cent of each contributor's dollar will go toward cancer research at our own University. Dr. Frank Pace's cancer cell research on this campus stands first in the country. This benefit of the AUF dollar can be seen right here. And The Nebraskan seriously doubts that anyone would question the value of such necessary research. Letterip Thanks, TKE's . . . Dear Editor. This will acknowledge and thank you most sincerely for your graciousness in forwarding to this office Check 975, dated Sept. 24, from the Tau Kappa Epsiion fra ternity, in the amount of $50 as a contribution to the National Foun dation for Infantile Paralysis. We are also acknowledging to Mr, Mooney, president of this frater nity, our appreciation. Fifty per cent of this contribu tion will go to assist local polio patients needing such help. The other 50 per cent will go to assist with the national program of conJ tinuea researcn. DOtn imo xne cause and prevention of the dis ease, the training of professional personnel In both fields oi en deavor, and for emergency epi demic aid in the form of emer gency equipment and other serv ices so desperately needed during the time of fin epidemic, such as the nation, and Nebraska espe- 'pinllv ia nt this tlm facinff. Very sincerely, Clinton Belknap East Nebraska Representative, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Prove Greeks . . . Dear Editor, Occasionally into American his tory there came periods of bigotry and prejudice against those whose names are not "American," or whose ideas do not run parallel to popular American conceptions. Italians, Jews, Mexicans, Ne groes, Irish Catholics, and various groups of imigrant laborers have faced the storm of public disap proval " because they are not "American." America is great be cause it is the meeting place of A Student Views The News Britain Explodes Mteapon; Russia advances Mr Power At 8 p.m., Oct. 3, the British exploded an ato mic weapon in the Monte Bello Islands, north west of Australia. The exact nature of the weapon itself is highly secret, but experts indicated that the tests con- Ann Oriffis in offensive action. Combat ships and aircraft carriers powered by atomic energy are only a matter of time. The Monte Bello atomic experiment was the 97th nffiriatllv recorded explosion. It was Bri- w - r - - in a variety of ways." All information released by the British government carefully avoided the term, "bomb," and speculation be fore the test had centered on the possibility of an atomic guided missile. Eyewitnesses, reported that the high tower and the smoke resembled that of a bomb blast. Whatever the British have, thev intend to keep it a avpnr racp. faith, nationality, cul Forty per cent of every AUF dollar goes to tUre, and language the world the Lincoln Community Chest which in turn fi- NCHT A VERY SVP VC&XDOtl nancially supports the University YWCA and Jbierarchy and so forth. These student discussions have also been concerned with the over-all worth of AUFs work. Charity, of itself. Is normally regarded as a : virtue. With such an ethical principle, we can not argue. Charity, through the eyes of AUF, seems to be a different subject The value of the money collected by AUF and the purposes that it accomplishes have been questioned. "The manner in which AUF goes about its work Inter-house competition, artificial rivalry, etc. Community Chest is much smaller than the amount of money returned here to the Y's. Another 40 per cent of the dollar goes to the World Student Service Fund the only organized agency through which we, as students, can aid fellow students throughout the world. The Nebraskan is supporting the AUF drive. We would like to see every other student and faculty member doing the same. But money for charity must be freely and sincerely given. Do nations to AUF should be honest ones. R.R. A Nebraska Farm Boy A product of Nebraska's farmlands, Dr. Alvin says, "'an institution for the continued education Johnson, has made quite a name for himself in the "education field. " Even when he was young, it was evident that Dr. .. Johnson was destined to be a scholar and when he attended the University he proved it. As a pre-med student, he paid a lot of attention to rich non-scientific courses as Greek and La tin. Dr. Johnson's life story has received national publicity lately with the release of his autobio gnpbr (Pioneer's Progress, Viking Press, $5). The Sept 29 issue of Time devotes several col- - sums of Education section space to Dr. John- ' sin and the book. Time calls the doctor a "kindly, rudy-faced man who wandered from medicine to the clas sics to economics, he taught at eight universities, founded a school, finally became one of United Stateseducation's elder statesmen." This is quite a raeord and a record which Nebraskans haven't generally recognized. Dr. Johnson earned his PhD. at Columbia and then "started writing. He published his first text book shortly after and write what Time called a delicately worded book on prostitution for a group of Manhattan reformers called the Com mittee of Fifteen." He returned to Columbia and then came back to Nebraska for a teaching engagement He also taught In Texas and Chicago before becoming bead of the economics department at Stanford. Finally, he went east to teach at Cornell. A stmt as one of the early editors of the New Eepublic brought Dr. Johnson to 1919. - Then, he started a new career that was to bring him more fame than any of his other ventures. He became a founder and later director of school unlike any other school at that time. It was, Time knows. Who can scy what is strictly American? When Chancellor Gustavson told the FarmHouse Conclave "there is a democracy that goes with your name," and con demned what he called the "aristocratic atmosphere" of Greek letter societies, he hurled the blanket of scorn upon a group that is not recognized by an "American" name. The high ideals as set down in the con stitutions of social fraternities belie his accusation. Fraternities and sororities exist at this University because they have integrated themselves with the noble purposes of the school. Members of Greek letter societies have worked continually to make the University a better school in every way. we Iraternity people are proud of what the letters stand for. We may "discrimi . . .. , . nate," or choose members-to-be, This institution had its basis u.,f ' jnA. tha m ' who will be capable officers in battle; the citizens elect the men to govern us; and the University discriminates by allowing only those students to continue who fulfill certain requirements of in telligence and personal conduct. The greatest period of prog ress of human thinking was during that memorable time of Athenian Greece. Is it so wrong:, Chancellor, to remind ourselves of that period by nam ing our organizations with let ters from the alphabet of that culture? Disturbed of the educated.'" In Dr. Johnson's conviction that the educated have a definite responsibility to the rest of humanity and they can only fulfill this responsibility by hav ing a place where they could refresh themselves with reflection and study. Dr. Johnson has retired now and will live off the profits of his book and the savings from a life-time of service to his first love study in any form. The Nebraskan salutes him and wishes him welL D.P. cerned "an atomic explosive which could be used tain's first venture in the field, and the London Daily News maintains that it was "far ahead oi anything America has produced." The United States is responsible for 33 of the explosions 31 in tests and two in actual warfare. The remaining three are the only known atomic experiments under Soviet control. Russia, of course, has managed to keep her atomic progress almost completely secret. What ever is known outside the Iron Curtain Is kept equally secret by the U.S. Intelligence depart ment. , An effective atomic bomb is still dependent upon aerial transportation to reach its taiget, and partial .statistics on Russia's air strength up to March, 1951, are public data. At that time, the Eussians claimed to have 19,000 planes capable of combat duty. How that figure breaks down into strategic and tactical air power and how quality compares with quantity was not disclosed. Since 1951, Russian jet production has skyrock eted and it was not until last week that' Air Sec retary, Thomas K. Finletter, was able to say that American output had reached the same level. In terms of manpower to staff the planes, the Soviet Union far .outweighs the U.S. The Air For?e Reserve, alone, consists of approximately 1,000,000 men. For most of the past two decades, aeronautics has been receiving an emphatic build-up in Rus sian newspapers and youth organizations, although Russia's technical progress in the field lagged far behind that of the Western nations. During World War II, the Soviet Air Force was noted equally for its outdated aircraft and fanatically eager pilots. Now that designing and production have caught up with enthusiasm, Russia constitutes a formidable threat to Western air supremacy. At the present time, the United States can of fer a total reserve and regular Air Force of 970,000 and 20,000 combat planes. Griffls closely guarded secret. Rumors" suggest that the weapon provides a solu tion to several problems that are still baffling American scientists. In this case, the success of the explosion was not only a scientific but a politi cal advantage for the British. The United States, under the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, barred the sharing of any atomic se crets with other nations. This created a good deal of resentment in Britain, our major ally, and recently the AEC proposed amendments to the Act which would allow discussions between the two powers. With the British development behind him, Churchill now has bargaining power for the pro posed talks. He will probably make good use of it after the previous slight. The U.S. also disclosed new advances in atomic research last week. Technologists have perfected an atomic artillery piece. The 85-ton, 280 mm monster has an accuracy equal to that of conven tional guns at close range. At longer distances, it is up to four times as accurate with either atomic or conventional shells. Secretary of the Navy, Dan Kimball, an nounced Wednesday that an atomic guided mis sile warship is now afloat It is designed pri marily for anti-aircraft defense, but its com panion ships will be equipped to direct missiles A Big Success Coach Glaisford said It; Ed Husmann said it; Verl Scott said it; the policeman that led the parade said it; Ira Epstein said it and most of the people in the crowd said it Nearly everyone agreed that the pre-game rally Friday night was one of the most success ful In the last three years. With house banners waving high, the chanting, singing crowd went Into downtown Lincoln before stopping at the Union for a few yells and speeches. Spirit was as Its highest pitch. The Nebraskan wishes to give its heartiest con gratulations to the rally committee, all Cobs and Tassels, the pepsters, the band and the many stu dents who participated. This demonstration falls right on top of the criticism which Borne of the professional press has been dishing out to the Cornhusker spirit In recent sport columns we have been accused of not supporting our team the way we should. Nevertheless, Bill Glassford, Verl Scott and Ed Husmann agreed that the affair at the air port last Sunday was no one's fault; only a misunderstanding. The eoacn and team repre sentatives complimented you on your spirit and The Nebraskan does, too. D. P. Crib Notes Chancellor Jo Speak Wednesday; Union To Sponsor Dancing Lessons Shirley Murphy Strictly Kushner Democrats and Republicans are probably still questioning their sanity in sanctioning the gentlemen who proudly bear the flags or their parties for the office of vice-president. It is my contention that both men have fairly weak records in'season. congress; voting records which are inconsistent with the platforms the two candidates are Crib Notes is a rather inappropriate title for this week's column since most of the students are gathering in the lounge in front of TV for the world series (and may Brooklyn win!) Another event all University students will want to attend is Chancellor R. G. Gustavson's state-of-the-Univer-sity speech,' "What's Ahead?" The all-University convo cation is scheduled at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the Coliseum. Jean Davis, convocation com mittee chairman, and Ann Skold, assistant, are in charge. Dancing lessons are on the Tuesday evening agenda Oct. 7 through Nov. 18. Donna McCsndless, professional dancing in structor, will teach the class at 7 to 9 p.m. in the Union ballroom. The series of eight lessons will help prepare students for the quickly approaching winter social Murphy Wlahqin Tbim Familiar faces In the University production will be Dick Marrs, Ken Clements, Marion Uhe and Wes Jensby. New faces to the theatre crowd will be liars Slrks, Ellie Guilliatt, Al Haxelwood, Jack Babcock and Lynne Morgan. The Nebraskan recognizes the time, work and energy which must go into each theatre produc tion. We hope the students will show their appre ciation by supporting this and all University Theatre productions. Dissolving Line independent women appear to be instigating a new trend to dissolve the Greek-Barb line. This Is apparent in the announcement that the BABW Hello Girl will be selected by an ALL University election. In previous years, only those attending the Hello Girl dance were eligible to vote. No Smokee " Students registered for classes In the Social Science Building have been restricted from smoking In the classrooms at any time. As one Is forced to plow through the smoke filled halls, the individual Is ready to donate to the classroom fsb tray fund for overworked janitors. Just Friends "GOP EIsenhower-Taft force harmony seems a fair prospect at this writing. Just so the peace makers aren't the kind who must be pried apart Btnnoculars, Anyone? It seems as if the Women's Athletic Field has re niar4 TV filertainment in a Vine St Fraternity. r ., Batocriattaa ntv ara f Z-tMl With the Intramural soccer games every anernoon, m a m. mm. ssfnnoculars are more and more in demand. tlixon's Nickels ' The old chuckle that money Is stuff that talked ia the thirties, whispered in the forties and just sneaks off quietly now when you're not looking, was not the ease with Sen. Richard Nixon's controversial budget His opponents are still trying to make snore out of Nixon's nickels than the New Dealers ever hoped to. 'Outward Bound' The Daily Nebraskan congratulates the nine east members selected Thursday for "Outward Hound." Jul (Daily Vb&ha&kuL FIFTY-FIRST TEAR Member Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press Tk Dally Jlcknakaa b asMbbal fey ft atoU af Bm Car fttr af Kabnata at nmi at Hint am aaa aalatoai aalr. Accoroaw Im Artkl U af tfe Br-Lam eotwalac tfaaeat auMiea Ona aa aaajlanUifaf. mr tkt Bsara af PaMlcatlom. "II t, cava aaH af bm Hmmr Ihat laHliaHm aaaar In tarhaclUva bM to fraa fnm aSiwrial nanraau aa aw Mi af tfc Baara, ar aa bm wl af aw mnmim af Ik facaNr af mt vmntmr, mi bm r bm tun af Tat liUr ft now sup porting. So let's take a quick look at both records in congress: lau-uarv- i ley: Spark- I man and Nix- , ning-. Spark- ; JQt 'J man opposed ' the bill to aid Kushner President Truman's veto and Nixon voted to override the veto. Chalk one up for Sparkle. Civil Rights: The Alabama sen ator has always taken an uncom promising stand against such legislation. Amendments to the 1948 draft bill were not brought before the House, so Nixon has nothing on record. Nixon voted against a delay in considering the FEPC legislation and Sparkman was for delaying action. Nixon scores in this round Social Security: Both were in favor of expansion of the program in the bill presented in 1950. Pretty even round; we'll call it a draw. McCrarran Bill: Nixon voted for this undemocratic proposal for limiting immigration into the United States. Sparkman voted against it No question that Sparkman scored heavily in that round. Taxes: Nixon voted for a cut in fsvite Knarlrman nrmnKprl th frtit. MM anliaS ar SS.M,;,r "'"" :" . .1 v.u Slasw aar Sc. PaMallMa ' 1 ln lew minvT cxtcy uuuo, uum ram m4 saaaan, mMtmpn have adhered to this policy Oat km aaMMwa aartiw Maa af lu.hl, n -ncr-c- Tak Another Have you ever stopped to think about Ameri can houses in the early beginnings of our country? Briagei waison's House committee brings a Life magazine exhibit, "Houses, U.S.A.," to the Union lounge, Friday. The display will continue through Oct 24. The history of American architecture is traced in pictorial form from its beginnings to present day dwelings. The exhibit was originally pre pared by the state department for circulation in Latin America. A coffee hour will be held in the Union lounge after the Huskers beat K-State Saturday! (?) Saturday evening, Jean Sweeney's committee will hold a square dance for University students. No admission will be charged for the dance which will begin at 8:30 p.m. in the Union ball room. Three talent winners will walk off with the $10, $7 and $3 prizes Sunday offered to first, second and third place winners in the Union Talent show. Norm Guager is in charge of the show which starts at 7:30 p.m. in the Union ballroom. Last year, 15 acts appeared in the show. All the talent finalists' acts will be filed in the Union for reference during the year, to perform in Lincoln. TV 'Butterflies' Blight Halftime Ceremonies At TCU-KU Grid Game (Kaitar! Kotot Ttw Mlowlat Mortal M raartanM Ira Tat lalraniir Itmilf A W to aw liatvanttr Caamittea aa Steam raMleMMMK. Katarai H SacaM ('a Ma al tha Faa Ofrica Ib lawala. Naanata. aaaar A af Man S. 1117a, m4 al aaadal rat af aaataw atarMa far la Mae- oas I MIS. Ad af H r af Ortafca? a. 1817. tor 10, IM1 EDITORIAL STAFF Kanar . , AMacMt EdHor ,. Daa flaaar MaaaciRf fiHan .................... Sat Carlos. Seta RrMma ftaat Lallan ,. Salt? Hall, Hal UaawltwUr. Pk BaMaa, aam aWaaaioa, rat Hall Am'I Saaru Eoitar r attar 4! Mr , At UM, . ., Ckarta) h laara avaertrra Ta) Waari, Cbbcb Baaal Jaa Bicttna ral Bfeaa. MarlJra 1r, congress. bow. John. TidelandJ Oil: The GOP Veep hopeful turned in a vote favoring state ownership, Sparkmun evl dently feels that the government should have control. It loots Uke Nixon is mbking a rally. Fair Trade Proposal: Both candidates were partial to price maintenance in the proposition voted upon this year. The ref eree marks this round even. Fair Deal Foreign Legislation: aily Thought " ' n m VT -msx one man Dei ore you answer, near many before you decide, Anonymous. rail rattanaa. Natalia Katt, Jaaa Traarnr, Ja HarrlMa, I , . . rrntiipA the enffflV line Jaa Maraa, ft.rer Walt, Soatt Ckllaa, I.a Snlth, Marshall OOUl nave crOSSea ine 5"'-'" "',c aavfear. llak Car. Kaaer Carataar, Pat Lra. toaal Oaaajon these measures. Both Dark the Jaha Vannm, Caaek Itaekar. 14 ItMar. Cal Kaika. Oai-r Mut-vhall Plin onA tha wndlnff fjf kaarawa, Ia) Harelar. anrl KcAfaa, Dal Snaarroai. art . . Ai,,i';!Z. Vmnm in raB. I ai Backer. Mawara Vaaa, Bk Scrr, toal traaa.Bj'our divisions to Europe in JW01. IMm Ummm Arnold Sra l J'OCK-riDOea lur oeaier i aanhMBj MaaaMn Btaa swta, fa arara one maj think he is by listening riraaiBttoa jtaaamr ,. lu'ZZf lo "im. But Nixon has also seen Kttrat B4la..7".7.T.."".V.V.""."!'.iaur uulfit to vote for certain fair deal Did television "butterflies" cause the faux pase that blighted the halftime ceremonies at the Texas Christian-Kansas football game Saturday? We can't answer the question, which no doubt has puzzled thous ands of spectators. We believe, however, that poor timing on the part of the Unr'ersity band was responsible for the mistake, and that better planning is needed as insurance against repetition of the error. As the football teams left the field after the first half, a pre cision drill team of Naval cadeta from Pensacola, Fla., marched in fine formation to the center of the gridiron. Their maneuvers set off cheers from the crowd, but the outbursts were cut short by a request over the public address system that "complete silence be observed in order that the cadets could regu late their marching by the rhythm of their own cadence." For a short interval nothing could be heard above the rhythmic cadence of the smart-stepping cadets. An occasional "ooh" or "aah" rose from the crowd because of the precision of the cadet unit. legislation. Both swung hard, but their puncnes aian't land. The voters will be the final Judre on adding up the records of this flrbt We think they're both far from being classy box ers and both are hurting the chances of their political part ners (Ike and Adlai). We score it: t rounds for Spark man; two rounds for Nixon; three rounds even. We'll have to admit that the re sults come from our own opinion on legislation. II I don't like the Taft-Hartley end the reader does, oui on me wnoie, silence was strictly maintained. Then, as the cadet maneuvers held the attention of almost everyone, the University of Kansas band, directed by Prof. Eussell L. Wiley, burst forth with the opening strains of the "Crimson and Blue," alma mater of the University. The cadets, of course, were forced to take second place to the crowd's attention. The cadets con tinued marching, despite the noise from the band and the singing of the crowd. To add insult to injury the Itockchalk chant followed the alma mater. We question the necessity of al ways observing the alma mater and Rockchalk chant during half time ceremonies. Last year both were saved until the close of the third quarter in several games. An injustice was done, we be lieve, not only to the visiting cadets, but also to the effective ness of the alma mater and Rockchalk chant. A greater injustice springs from the fact that the game was the first collegiate football contest ever witnessed hv manw tha new students at the University, and the manner demonntratBd the University in this matter could not have left a favorable impression. To these new studpnf and tn the Pensacola cadets, we feel an apology is needed. Lette rip Be Careful, Editor ... ! glittering generalities forsak- Dear Editor: "Principle for expediency," The national v,lr, ftr.,.Jr'?.,.t"??.ai.r"?' orthodox, unlmag- Placed a great deal oi new, . valui'hlnd I theTwfy ?erhaP? Z on the editorial appearing in the'Si?cal to Le which the newmancr rfcfiar.w1 that it would not support Co-j jumoia s president-on-Jeave, Gen. cacuijuwcr. The Daily Nebraskan, however, 2. The stand of the Spectator perhapi ic cirnnlv innthw num. pie of the Irresponsibility of col lege newspapers never Judging on real issues always Jumping the in setting itself up as !.yfir'ifun with methlng not backed by is of importance. I am lruiini to lean toward the wire services point of view. Why? Well, since we know of no details other than were published In the edi torial, I could Justify my stand on either of two points. Un doubtedly one of these, at least partially, describes the situa tion, were it to be known. 1. The editors cf th perhaps found real reason for for saking the Ike bandwagon ex pected, as the Daner ur t our score cards are going to read! Prejudiced, Justly or unjustly ajuerenuy. toward tlsenhtner. They tpeak B nrwi va . .. . , . . . ... . uator. found th. mirai -"prong on their editorial uiue, or no, consequences. In Judging whether the story mouths just to be talking and to wo ueara tana quoted;. If this is the case at Columbia, the political stand of The Daily Nebraskan must be scoffed at with the same amount of scorn and contempt Its rabid support of thi general could very conceivably bf based on this same lrreiDonsibilitj of the college press. Whichever the case. The Daily Nebraskan's stand was fallac ious for either the editorial writer falls to realise the sig nificance of the Spectator's an nouncement or she Jeopardises her own editorial stand favoring Eisenhower. FRANK. TIERSON f