The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 03, 1952, Image 1

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    Add Deadline
Students wishing to add an
other coarse to their program
must do so before 12 noon, Sat
urday. Droppinr may be done
at any time during the year.
All adding, dropping and pay
ing of fees must be done in
Room B-7 of Administration
The drop-add fee Is still $3.50.
Mid-Term Degrees
AU students expecting to re
ceive associate, baccalaureate, or
advanced degrees or any teach
ing certificate at the end of the
current semester, and who have
not yet done so, should apply at
Senior Checking Office, Room 9,
Administration Building by Nov.
Voice of a Great Midwestern OmVersiJf
VOL 52 No. 15
M Heflicpous
Chancellor Gustavson told The Daily Nebraskan Thurs
day that "the whole matter of the so-called religious contro
versy was cleared up.
The Journal said Wednesday that the immediate con-
troversy centered around a
stitute or Keligion" announcing
its classes and schedules.
Bruce Nicoll, Administrative
Assistant to the ChancelMr, as
serted Wednesday after the con
ference between the student
pastors and the Chancellor that
no controversy existed between
them and that the meeting was
called to clear the misunder
standing arising from the bulle
tin. The issue arose from complaints
the Chancellor received from per
sons who believed the Institute's
courses were a part of the Uni
versity curriculum. The Institute
Nicoll said, is completely sepa
rated from the University curric
ulum. At the conference, the Chan
cellor made these three points:
1. The University endorses
and commends thr instructors
and student pastors in the In
stitute. 2. The administration "en
courages" any facuKy member
or student who wants to enroll.
3. The Chancellor and pastors
agreed that the bulletin left the
Implication that it was part of
the University curriculum.
Rev. Rex Knowles, pastor at
the Presbyterian-Congregational
Student House, said that the
Chancellor just wanted to be sure
the University was abiding by the
constitution of Nebraska. He said
that there was no controversy.
Sam Gibson, director of the
University YMCA, said that the
so-called "controversy" is "non
existent" as far as the Institute
is concerned.
On fage 2 in the Letterip col
umn of this issue of The Daily
Long Directs
Sen. Butler
Stanlev Lone. Democratic can
didate for senator for the lone
term, speaking at a Tuesday meet -
ing for Lancaster County Demo
cratic Committee, presented his
political views as in comparison
with those of his opponent, Re
publican Sen. Hugh Butler.
Long emphasized the fact that
although Butler has been a sena
tor for 12 years, his absentee rec
ord shows that actually he has
only been our senator 25 per cent
of the time.
Charles Ledwith, Lincoln at
torney and a county manager,
spoke in behalf of William Ritchie,
candidate for the Senate short
A question period followed the
Plans were discussed concern
ing a registration drive, according
to Mrs. Diez, president of Young
Democrats. She also said that the
plans included the help of Uni
versity students for non-partisan
Austrian Returns To NU After Year In
Vienna To Begin Work On Doctorate
Feature Editor
Transfer students from Iowa,
Colorado or even California are
not uncommon at the University.
But Heinz R. Schreiner is a stu
dent from the University of Vi
enna, Austria.
Schreiner, who is working for
his doctorate in biochemistry, first
came to the University in 1950 pn
s scholarship of the U. S. Army.
The scholarship was given on the
basis of good ciuzensnip, mxeui-
u BW . . j
Joe was slightly intoxicated, but
didn't want anyone to notice
His pal came along with his twlIJ
sisters and said, "Meet the rest ol
my family, Joe. xm
Joe, reroemoeroiB uu
aid. -"Purtiest gal I ever saw.
"Purtiest gal
As some of yoa diners-out
have no doubt discovered ev
erything comes f y him who or
m m m
ders hash.
While I'm trying to think up
another joke", how about dis
cussing the weather? I think
It'll be sunny and warmagain.
How 'bout you?
Mope If you guess how many
apples I have in tfus sacK, i u give
you all five of them.
DoDe Six?
bulletin published by the "In
Nebraskan is a letter from the Re
ligious Worker's Association of
Nebraska giving their opinion on
the matter.
Bovmtovm Rally To Feature Speakers, House Banners
It J t i t"4 , SfeiSSfK .. XUtoaX. v . "''"'
II II i m wa mm tzssvx . a- Z,JZ. i i . w
NU CHEERLEADERS who will be leading Friday's rally down town are, left to right, standing: Don
Hodge, Pat Nellis, Ira Epstein, Dick Claussen, Gary Hild; sitting, left to right: Danny Seibold, Per
Eaton, Jane Calhoun, Dan FogeL
pplicants For Rhodes Scholarships
May Obtain
Men students interested in ap-
plying for a Rhodes Scholarship
should obtain their application
forms at once from the office of
Dean Walter E. Militzer of Arts
and Science College, Room 204,
Burnett Hall.
The d e a d 1 i n e for returning
application forms to the local
J. P. Colbert Honored
At Builders Board Dinner
T n r , n A . T C 1 1 1
dent Affairs, was honored at
dinner given ay me umvciii.j'
Builders Board at the Union last
Following the dinner a mass
meeting was held at which new
workers signed up for work on
committees of their choice.
Anyone still interested in Build
ers who couldn't attend last night's
meeting, may sign up for commit
tees in the Builder's office in
Room 308 in the Union.
grades and knowledge of the ap
plicant in his field.
Applicants appeared before a
board composed of the Ameri
can Consul in Austria, a repre
sentative of the U. S. Army, two
Austrian professors and the
Chairman of the Austro-American
Institute of Education in
The Russians occupied the east'
ern third of Austria in 1945 under
the Potsdam agreement. Austria
is occupied by tne lour maKTia
powers, I ranee, ureat isntain,
iRnncia anil th United States. VI
,nna RussisiD zone, is tlso
occupied by the four powers.
Schreiner finished high school
in 1948 and entered the Univer
sity of Vienna to major in
straight chemistry with minors
in physics and mathematics. His
scholarship permitted him to
study in the United States for
one year and be received his
Bachelor of Science degree at
the University in 1951.
The summer of 1951 he spent
as a counselor at a boys camp in
New York. He traveled in 22
states. When his year was up,
jhowever he returned to Austria
Lo- the terms of his scholarship
' agreement. Schreiner did not want
jtQ return tQ Austria( where he
had been an officer of an anti-
Communist erouD
citir rf Vienna in 1951-52. Durine
this period he kept in touch with
G. W. Rosenlof, foreign student
adviser and Dr. Walter Militzer.
now dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences, with whom he had,
worked for his undergraduate de
gree. With the consent of Chan
cellor R. G. Gustavson they wrote
that the University wished him to
Schreiner worked from Feb-
return to work on his doctors de
ruary to July of this year get-
AFROTC Selects
Temporary Officers
Don Winkelmann has been
named Wing Commander of the
University Air Force ROTC de
tachment for the first semester.
Other AFROTC positions, as an
nounced by Capt. Peel, AFROTC
Operations and Training officer,
are as follows: Executive officer
of Wing Staff, Carl Brassee: Ad
jutant, Everett Jenkins; Operations
officer, Herbert Herbst; Supply
officer, Robert Hallock: Personnel
officer, Martin Lewis; Public in-
lurmauon omcer, uan xoiman.
The various group commanders:
Group 103, Wayne Handshy; exe
cutive, Gordon Krough; Group
104, Jack Greer; executive, Robert
Tockey; Group 105, Dick Bierman;
executive, Gary Wirsig.
Forms Now;
committee is Oct 18. Following
screening by the local commit
tee prior to Nov. 1, the applica
tions will be considered by the
Nebraska Rhodes Scholarship
committee on Dec 10, and pre
liminary selections made. Can
didates chosen by the state com
mittee will go before a district
committee on Dec 13.
A total of 32 scholarships will
be awarded on a national basis.
Each has a basic value of about
' ' ' ' ' "j V " - - - v-v
a;$2,000. In addition, scholars whojpj SCHOOl OuOOT
iquanry unaer xne j. i. diu, or
'other military educational funds, I
may use their benefits at Oxford I
on the same basis as at an Amer-
Ucan university.
Applicants must meet these
standards for consideration:
(1) Be a male citizen of the
United States and unmarried.
(2) Be between the ages of 19
and 25 on Oct. 1, 1953.
(3) Have completed at least
ting his papers to return to
America. Problems confronted
him on every corner. For ex
ample: One cannot buy a boat
ticket with shillings; it must be
purchased with dollars. Austri
ans are not allowed to possess
dollars. Finally, after a check
by the Counter Intelligence
Corps of the U. S. Army, he re
ceived his visa.
Schreiner left Vienna July 25
and arrived here Sept 2. He is
laDoraxory assisiam in owcuem-
Schreiner is working with Dr.
Walter Militzer of the chemistry
Department and Dr. Carl Georgi
of the .Department of Bacteriology
on a research project for the Pub
lic Health Service. The project
deals with heat resisting enzymes.
Schreiner's task is to determine
the molecular weight of the en
zymes and the relation between
heat resistance and molecular
The findings of this project
are trf interest to the canninr
industry and to the health au
thorities. From them they will
learn more about how to block
completely the effects of bac
terial action. Enzymes are chem
ical compounds (proteins)
w hich may go en acting even
though the cell of the bacteria
is dead.
When Schreiner came to the
University he was required to take
four, three-hour exams over all
the chemistry he had ever studied
and was Eiven only one week to
prepare. Now, two years later, he
has received the permission of the
University to work for a Ph.D. and
expects to complete the work in
three years.
While at the University, Schrei
ner has been active In Newman
Club, Cosmopolitan Club, and is
a member of Delta Chi, social fraternity.
Tickets go on sale Friday for
the 1952 Farmer's Formal. The
dance, sponsored each year by the
Ag Exec Board, will be held Oct.
10 from 9 to 12 pjn. an the College
Activities Building on Ag Campus.
Tickets are $1.20 per couple and
will be sold by members of the
Ag Exec Board.
Featured on the evening's
agenda will be the music of
Johnny Cox and his orchestra. At
intermission the 1952 Farmer's
Due Oct. 18
his sophomore year by the time
of application, and
(4) receive official endorse
ment of his college or university.
The University committee which
will screen me applications is
comprised of Profs. David Dow,
C E. McNeill, H. W. Manter and
Lane Lancaster.
Rifle Team Entered
-T .
varsity rifle shooters will com-
pete with 50 other schools this
year it was revealed at a meeting
fnu. i j j t
n . , 7 y
planned for the season are to Um -
iubji .
versity of Kansas, South Dakota, The maximum number of Corn- National Science Foundation,
Iowa State, and the National In-;huskers that can be sold is 3,000, SOO to Richard J. Mohrbacher,
tercollegiate tournament. The!according to Jay Benedice, assist-iBeUe Plame Minn who is work
em enar,rf w c0, Tri 1 ant business manager of the Corn- mS toward his MS degree,
team is coached by Sergeant Kis- n k 6 All the men except James A.
sacfc, sergeant Long and Sergeant
Adams. Members of the first and their sales since the number of
second teams are chosen from Beauty Queens candidates will be
high scorers in postal competittion based on the number of Corn
av .v ihuskers sold in each women's or-
eacn wee. ganized house. The number of
The team elected Paul Jordan , candidates will be decided in No-
secretary for the coming year.
P.M. Headlines
CHEJU ISLAND, KOREA American soldiers who quelled the
riot of Communist prisoners Wednesday broke up a planned mass
outbreak by 5,800 Chinese Reds it was announced Thursday. Maj.
Gen. Thomas Herren, commander of the Korean Communications
Zone, said the prisoners planned to join Ked guerrillas in the Cheju
Death toll after Wednesday's outbreak rose to 56 Chinese. Two
platoons of American soldiers injured at least 120 Chinese inside the
CoL Richard Boerem, commander of the Chuju camp, said UJfl.
prisoner of war headquarters learned of the planned break Aug. 24.
Plans were made immediately to stop it.
said there is "no sense" in the United States bearing the impact of
the Korean War. In a speech at Champaign, HL, the Republican
candidate said the South Koreans, could be trained to defend them
selves. "We do not want Asia to feel that the white man of the West
is his enemy," he said. "If there must be a war there, let it be
Asians against Asians, without support on the side of freedom."
He said the two World Wars and the Korean War could have
been avoided if the United States had been militarily strengthened.
MOSCOW The Soviet Union will not attack the capitalistic
countries and they know it Premier Josef Stalin said. But he added
that the capitalistic countries will
But the Communist-sponsored "world peace movement" may lead
to the overthrow of "militaristic" governments and replace them
with other governments willing to preserve tne peace temporarily,
he said. He predicted that countries now economically dependent
on the United Slates will try "to escape from American enslave-
LINCOLN Radio Station KOLN received authorization Thurs
day to operate a television station on Channel 12 in Lincoln. This
was the first antilication cranted in Nebraska by the Federal Com
munications Commission since the ban on applications was lifted
July 1. Harold A. Anderson, manager of KOLN, said if weather
conditions were favorable for construction, the station would De op
erative in lour or five months.
Formal Queen and her attendants
will be presented,
The Queen is chosen each
year from senior women in the
college of Agriculture who have
a weighted average of 5.5 or
above. An all-Ag-College elec
tion on Wednesday, Oct 8, will
determine the queen and her
court of four attendants.
In charge of the Formal are
Ramona Laun and Bill Waldo. Kay
.Vlasin is chairman of the elections
We're goin to town Friday
The pep rally scheduled be
fore the Iowa State game will be
a downtown rally. The rally will
form at the Coliseum at 6:45
p.m. The cheerleaders and pep
band will lead off, followed by
victory belL The Corn Cobs,
Tassels and Pepsters will line
up behind the bell.
Organized houses who have
made banners bearing their house
name will line up behind the
members of the pep groups. Pep
sters will line up as a group not
with their individual house
banners. Houses are asked to join
the rally as it passes down 16th
The crowd will proceed from
the Coliseum to 16th and Vine, to
16th and R, to 15th and R, to 15th
and O, to 13th and O, to 13th and
R, to the Union.
Verl Scott, Ed Husmann and
Coach Bill Glassford will be the
featured speakers at the rally. The
speakers will travel ahead of the
rally in a police car.
Students will not be permitted
to drive their automobiles in the
rally. In a large crowd the possi
bility of injury is greater if
automobiles are permitted in the
rally crowd.
Sass, Moran,
Nuss Added
To Yearbook
A new editor and two copywrit
ers have been selected for the
1952-53 Cornhusker by the year
book staff. The copywriters are
Marjorie Moran and Janet Nuss.
Dale Sass is the Art Editor.
Marjorie Moran, a. junior, is a
member of Theta Sigma Pi and a
journalism Gold Key Winner. She
is affiliated with Chi Omega
Janet Nuss, a junior, Is a mem
ber of Beta Sigma Phi, Theta
Sigma Pi, and Pi Beta Phi Soror
ity. Dale Sass is a senior and a
member of Sigma Nu.
Virginia Franks replaces Nancy
Hemphill as Section Head in
charge of religion and arts.
Tassels, Cobs Sell
1 lfft APiUiirlAir
laeseu ana u.m u wo uvuu.u i,. iiU1uja ,
1500 Cornhuskers up until Mon -
U - n.
Tassels to increase
inevitably war among themselves.
Ofi SqSq Today
committee and Tom
Leisy will
head ticket sales,
The eligible candidates for
Farmer's Formal Queen are:
Barbara Anderson, Elizabeth
Anderson, Marilyn Bames
berger, Julia Bell, Averill Bier
man, Marilyn Cook, Ruth Cole
man, Marilyn Elseman, Pat
Wainscott Finke, Joan Follmer,
Delores Gade, Elizabeth Gass,
Marjorie Thomas Good, Charlan
Graff, Margaret Harmon, Joan
Hines, Jean Holmes, Joyce
Kuehl, Ramona Laun.
Marlene Anderson Leising, Shir
ley Lumbard, Joan Meyer, Shirley
Eckerson Marsh, Mary Lou
Mudra, Levonda Murdoch, Janis
Otteman, Darlene Podlesak, Alta
Reinke, Mary K. Richards, Joyce
Schroeder, Derys Marsh Schultze,
Win $12,000
In Grants
Ten University graduate stu
dents in chemistry are the recipi
ents of fellowships worth a total
of $12,000 for the current school
Dr. C. S. Hamilton, chairman of
the Department of Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering, said that
the funds would enable the stu
dents to do research projects and
study toward master's and doc
tor's degrees.
Nine of the fellowships are
given by industrial organiza
tion which also supply addi
tional funds for tuition and re
search expenses.
The tenth, the Samuel Avery
fellowship, is given by Univer
sity Regents as a memorial to the
former chancellor. It was won this
year by Marjorie R. DeBrunner
of Lodge Pole. Miss DeBrunner, a
1948 graduate of Kearney State
Teachers College, received her
MS from the University in 1951.
She is doing research in organic
chemistry and working toward
the Ph. D. degree.
Three of the fellowships, worth
$1,400 each, are from Parke, Davis
Co. The recipients are Kenneth
C Kennard of Battle Creek, Mich.;
Kobert U Eilert, Decatur, HL; and
William J. Raich, Galesburg, I1L
Both Kennard and Eifert re
ceived MS degrees from the
University in 1952 and are
working toward their Ph. D.
degrees. Raich is working
toward the MS degree.
Other fellowships include:
DuPont Co., $2,100 to Glenn V
Hudson of Wilsey, Kas.; MS, Kan
sas State, 1950.
;anrir9 fi Tri ,3 ; , i Ann
to Frank A. Bower, Hastings; MS,
University of Nebraska 1951.
Monsanto Chemical Co? $1,500
to Arthur L Krieger of Hastings;
University of Nebraska 1951.
!D.; MS. University of Nebraska
Roller are doing research in or.
Checks Available
The coeds that helped with
Rush Week Registration for the
Inter-fraternity Council should
get in touch with Arnie Stern
to receive their checks. The
men who served on -the Police
Committee can also ret their
pay. Call Arnie Stern at 2-3094
or at The Daily Nebraskan
Business Office any afternoon.
Upperclassmen Register
For Potluck With Profs
POTLUCK ... Ed Janike and Mrs. W. V. Lambert watching four
new students playing cards at the Sunday night get acquainted,
with the instructors session.
Ttir.v 7Hh ih Profs" will be, acauainted with the instructor
presented for the third time Sua -
day, according to William Waldo,
Ag Union president
The get acquainted session be -
tween students and professors is
slated for 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ine lacuny cbuiuku
Sponsors of the luncheon and; Sunday night session will be lr.
social hour are the Ag Union and and Mrs. Franklin Keun. The
Ag campus faculty. student hostess and host will be
Each week 25 new students are j Marilyn Larton and Lei and
contacted and invited to getiGeorge.
Friday, October 3, 1952
ganic chemistry. Roller's work is
in the field of physical chemistry.
Mary Tagart, Pat Sheldon Taylor,
Priscilla Tellman, Donna Tink
ham, Imogene Vickers, Jeanna
Vierk, Mary Wagner Walters,
Bonnie Weakly, Artie Westcott,
Mary Lawritson Wriegand, Fern
Wilkerson, and Phyllis Zeilinger.
NU Obtains
$10,000 Gift
From Estate
Fund Set Up For
Seward Students
The University Foundation an
nounced Thursday the receipt of
$10,000 from the estate of the late
Mrs. Jessie T. Langworthy of
Perry W. Branch, director-secretary
of the Foundation, said the
money will be invested in keeping
with the wishes of Mrs. Lang
worthy and the income made
available to help worthy Seward
County students.
Terms noon which the stud
ents will be selected will be de
termined by the University, be
said. It is expected that by next
fall earnings of the fund will be
sufficient to provide financial
help for a student.
Mrs. Langworthy was a mem
ber of Seward County pioneer
famfly. Her father, Joel Tishue,
was one of the first Seward mer
chants and later became a banker
and extensive landowner. Mrs.
Langworthy lived her entire life
in Seward, and conducted her
business affairs until shortly be
fore her death last Feb. 14.
AUF Members
To 'Kick OfP
'52 Campaign
The AH University Fund kick
off dinner, Tuesday, will open the
1952 campaign for $5,000, the larg
est in the organization's history.
The dinner, for board members
and their assistants, will be held
in Parlors A and B in the Union.
It will mark the beginning of
solicitations for funds from inde
pendent students on both the city
and Ag campuses
Rev. Rex Knowles will address
those present at the dinner. Fol
lowing a general meeting of all
members, the 11 captains and their
200 workers will leave the Union
to start the drive.
The workers will work five in
a car. ine campaign wui last zwo
Students To Vofe
For 1952 Hello Girl
We Wmt botfa Creeks In
dpnpnjeilts t. votp fo th ,9c.
Barb Artivitics Board for Women
said Wilda Weaver, BABW vice
'Resident: Fr da v
.picMaeni, rniuj.
Students can vote October 16
and 17 from noon until 5:30
p.m. at the Union. Identification
cards must be presented by vot
ers. Names of candidates for queen
have been chosen and will be re
leased next week. Their pictures
will be displayed in the Union.
The 1952 sponsor of BABW is
Miss Annie Laurie Smith. She re
places Miss Lucile Cypreansen.
The dance will be held Oct 17
from 8 p.m. to midnight in the
Union Ballroom. Darlene Good
ding, 1951 queen, will crown the
new queen during the dance. Mu
sic will be furnished by Jim Phil
lip's combo.
! and their wives. Upperclassmen.
are eligible to attend it they bring
two new students who bwe ait
, previously attended and sign tneir
name in the Ag Union office.