Tuesday. September 30, 1952 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN CONSTRUCTION PAPER CAPERS COST MONEY, TIME, TROUBLE aird Anufhs M Work lFiiwe: &FOiuips Page 4 7 - .Jek it NO! NO! NO! . . . The student pictured in the above cartoon Is one of those rare types who can't follow instructions. The proper way to hold the card is the other way, lengthwise, with the longest middle fold at eye level. If he can't follow those instructions he won't be getting much out of football even from the 50-yard line. By PAT PECK Feature Editor It is doubtful if any University stuaent coma oe so overcome with joy that ho would tear up a ten-aoiiar bill and scatter it to the four winds in sheer ecstasy. let every Saturday during the football season students tear up nearly five times that much In card section cards. It seems to be strange conduct for reasonable people. VVhenv the cards are in place during the stunts, the University has one of the most striking card sec tions in operation. When the cards are torn to pieces they are nearly Invisible. The card section represents countless man-hours of labor for countless people that are never seen and receive no credit. The plans for the card section are built around the band show and are completed early in June. Mas ter charts are made out to determ ine how many of the 1326 persons in the card section must hold up game marked the opening of the tifth season under the fraternity. All bills for paper and equipment are paid by the Athletic Department. The Corn Cobs foM all the construction paper cards and stamp the guide cards for the stunts. The Cobs and Tassels set up the cards in their slots on Saturday at 8 a.m. before every game. Hank Dcines and Bob An derson direct the students in raising the cards and plan the master charts. The card section operates under the auspices of Gamma Lambda, national band fraternity. This group took over the card section four years ago. The South Dakota white cards and how many red to form a given design. Some schools which have card sections require persons occupying seats in the section to sign pledges that they will never allow anyone else to occupy their seat. This is not a practice at the University. , The fact that the personnel In the card section changes, that the occupants allow someone rise to occupy the seats has led to the failure of moving card stunts which have been at tempted. When scats in the card section are occupied by persons who know nothing about the operation of cards a stunt may be ruined. Students in the card section, as it is planned are to count with the director who uses the public ad dress system. There have been , t J a A i; - - .1 . complaints irom we sections uiiulmbm the balconv that the PA system is Inn lnnH nr t.hfr Tt has to be TifX" loud to be heard above the cheer ing in the section and the sound of the band. Then there is the little matter of holding up the card. It is to be held lengthwise from north to south with the middle fold at eye level. What could be more simple? The students miss very little of the halftimo procedures by hold ing the cards in front of their faces. Ag Y's To Present Film On New Bible The Ag YM and YWCA will hold a joint meeting Tuesday at the Home Ec parlors at 7 p.m. A movie will be shown on the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. After the movie, the group will go to Saint Taul's Methodist church to hoar a talk by Dr. Har old Bosely on the new Bible. Rides will be available to any one from the Home Ec building. Dean Johnston has announced that freshmen girls will be excused after 9 p.m. so that they may at tend the entire meeting. THE N SECTION . . . Here's a shot of the N section, taken from the West Stadium. The scarlet and cream block letter is formed by Corn Cobs, Tassels and Pepsters in their uniforms of the University colors. NU Speech Department Opens Clinical School To Cope With Child Problems Journalism School $gma Kappa Are Victims To Hold Reception j0' Mo" Robb"y , , 1 I Four members of Sigma '. The School of Journalism has scheduled a faculty-student recep tion for journalism students, fac ulty, alumni, newspaper men, and members of professional journal ism chapters. The event will be held in the Union Ballroom, Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. Faculty members and i'gma Kappa lost $49 in a early evening robbery of their house. A thief or thieves unknown ac quired the money while the mem bers of Sigma Kappa were at din ner. The four girls living on the sec jond floor of the sorority house left their, the monev in billfolds while at- wives will lorm a receiving line to jtendi di T f l h acquaint themselves with journal- , , , ., ism students and officers of stu-jroomed together lost $41 while dent journalism groups will cir-the thief gained $8 from the other culate and make introductions. two girls in different rooms. Refreshments will be apple ci- The Lincoln police were called der and donuts. i to investigate the robbery. Johnson, Nebraska Alumnus Writes Current Autobiography The recently-published autoDi-i"Jew Kepuonc" and tounding the ography of a University alumnus, ' New School of Social Research, Dr. Alvin S. Johnson of Nyack, f'oneer adult education center of ivt v :juiJ the country. .fftior, omlti,o mnt Dr. Johnson, who was born at schools j. IHomer in 1874, was graduated An article in the current issue from the University with a B.A. m iime magazine tens oi ine!degree in 1897. He received his book, "Pioneer's Progress," and;M. A. degree from the University An unusual little school to pre pare unusual little children for school opened its doors at 9 a.m. Monday at the University speech department in the Temple build ing. The dozen or so pupils who en rolled under the direction of Mrs. Madge Miller, a special educator, probably will find their class work like a new kind of play. There will be games and rest periods and stories and pictures. Outwardly, the school will ap pear to bo a kind of group baby-j sitting project, but behind it are two serious objectives. First, the children all have special problems. Some are hard of hearing, some have speech difficulties, some have physical handicaps, and some are both ered by mild emotional distur bances. All have one thing in common: their "unusualness" has prevented them from nor mal association with other chil dren. So the school will aim to help them learn how to play and work and learn with other youngsters. Second, the school well serve as a laboratory for about 15 Uni versity students who are majoring in special education preparing to deal with the hundreds of un usual children who each year are enrolled in public and parochial response can be obtained either with hearing devices, or H p reading. The speech department inaug urated its pre-school project last fall. Financing is helped by a gift from the Nebraska Society for Crippled Children and by equip ment donations from the Cooper Foundation, the Lincoln Quota Club, and from several companies dealing in audio and playroom goods. In addition, parents, if fi nancially able, are asked to pay three dollars a week to have their children in "school" daily, Mon days through Fridays. Dr. Wiley said the school re serves the right to refuse en rollment, but will consider all applications from parents of un usual pre-school age children. The department also conducts a Saturday morning school for unusual children who are of school age. This class is conducted as a laboratory training project and is concerned primarily with young sters who have speech difficulties, or who are hard of hearing. It is under the direction of Harlan Adams, University speech instructor. Tri-K Announces Membership Drive A. H. Departmental Seeks New Members Tri-K club announces its fall membership drive during the com ing week. Criteria for the club is a 4.5 average, one course in agronomy, and an interest in the agronomy. The club helps sponsor the crops judging team as well as sponsor Membership applications for the Block and Bridle Club are now being accepted, according to Wayne Frost, club president. Blanks for membership can be obtained on the bulletin boards in science of i the Ag college buildings or at the Animal Husbandry office. Some of the club's activities for the year are the livestock judging ing the annual agronomy judging contests and the annual Jr. Ak- contest each spring. ISar-Ben Livestock Show. TEACHER PLACEMENT achievements. ifrom 1906-08 in the department of inese inciuae xeacning at eignt, economics and received an universities, editing the magazine jorary L.L.D. degree in 1940. hon- MUELLER MUSIC Carillonneurs To Adapt Favorite Tunes To Chimes One of the first efforts the special school will make, ac cording to Dr. John Wiley, di rector of the speech depart ment's clinical activities, is to evaluate each child's capabili ties. If the child is hard of hear ing, for example, the school will try to find out the degree of hearing loss and then see what Morton Named New Head i . I i . ' f I I lis ' I I I m - - "-"r- -. 1 Organizational Meeting Set Thursday P.M. The organizational meeting of dary education Dr. William H. Morton is the new acting director of the Uni versity Teacher Placement Serv ice, a liaison agency which serves Nebraska school boards and grad uates of the University's Teachers College. Dr. Morton, a veteran Nebraska! educator, has been a University; staff member for 25 years and re-! cently retired from the principal-' ship of Teachers College High. School.' In addition to his new as-; signment with the placement serv ice, he will carry a part-time, teaching load as professor of school administration and sccon- "Mudents for Raecke" has been set for 7:15 p.m. Thursday in Room 316, Union. All University students inter ested in participating in the cam paign of Walter R. Raecke for gov ernor are invited to attend the meeting, according to Hile Good rich and Ken Rystrom, organizers of the group. The main function of the or- The directorship of the place ment service became vacant when Dr. Frank E. Sorenson took a leave of absence from the University to accept an ad ministrative assignment with the Point Four program in Washington. Dr. Morton reports that the critical shortage of elementary teachers is still reflected in rec- MEULLER TOWER . . . The home of the electronic chimes which are a familiar sound to the University students. By PAT PECK i The rolls resemble those of the Feature Editor old-fashioned player piano. A li- If you have been listening torary is gradually being collected the Mueller Carillon Tower for for the tower. Roberts is having three weeks or three years and it 'the rolls compiled with four mel- Still has not played any of yourjodies to a roll. Three or four rolls iavorite music your chance has of incidental tunes are now in come, eluded in the library in addition btuaents are welcome to sug-.to some music for snecial occa- gest tunes which they would like sions. A new roll will be installed fcdiiiauori win dc io complete ar- oros or tne placement service, rangements for a speaking ap-During the past year the service pearance of Raecke at the Uni- received 1,954 requests for ele versity and to publicize the event. 'mentary teachers, about 10 times "Students for Raecke" has been the number of applicants. During organized directly through the the past year, the service regis Central City headquarters of the tered 236 women and 434 men Democratic gubernatorial candi-jwho are qualified for secondary date- lor college teaching positions. Builders To Hold Pow-Wow Wednesday! Bcv Jackson, a former studentiications include Scarlet and, at the University and Builders Cream, First Glance, and Special' Board member, will speak on the Edition. I progress and growth of Builders, Jane Calhoun is membership, i me liuuaers row-vow woo- enairman. H-ntertainment will fol nesday at 7 p.m. in Room 315 of low the meeting. me union. All men and upperclass women are urged to attend the mass meet ing and sign up for a committee, Sue Reinhardt said. The commit tees include Campus Tours. Mem bership, Calendar, Student Direc tory, District Chairman, Publicity, Art, Office Staff and Parties and Conventions. Committees on pub- U-N Stationery 10c Pkg. Also $1 and $1.75 in Boxes Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street IN CONCERT to hear played on the electronic chimes according to Myron Rob erts, assistant professor of organ and theory, who has charge of the music for the tower. Roberts reminds that the car illon is primarily a folk instru ment and that folk tunes will be better played than other types of music. Symphonic music does not fit the capacities of the tower. Slow tunes will be handled better than fast ones. In addition to the regular wake up signals this year, the tower plays a ten-minute program of music just before 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. These rolls of music are played automatically. soon, The bells are played manu ally only on special occasions. Roberts usually plays them and the next such occasion will be the all-Univrsity convocation at which Chancellor R. G. Gus tavson wili speak. Traditional school songs heard from the tower before and after football games are played by Milford Myhre, senior in the School of Music. Plans are being made to be gin a series of Sunday afternoon programs in October. The music :or these programs will be played by University students, Roberts announced. Kiiwkiliiie georgfV r AND HIS BIG BAND TECH HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 Two Performances: 7:30 and 10 P.M. Tickets on Sale at Hospe's Music Store All Seats Reserved M MB M BMW M . U IM w v w w www v vs w wr v w v mjg'w r ... r j fflffl HflP , , k K X l V ILCKlJIHt 1 Xs. Get smooth, slick shaves the professional way (jT"' ' '"" -V ' V ... with amazing AERO SHAVE! Delivers rich, i ; X XJ comfort. No brush! No creasy scum! No razor -fli N. X clog! Kind to skin because AERO SHAVE has f: eA X X 3 beard-softeners, plus soothing Lano-Lotion. X y X Try AERO SHAV Instant Lather. Only 59f! p 5y m IMCX "MC at IT ) M oOl Wi f ' ) 3 BEARD I AERO SHAVE (J&A. 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