The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1952, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Tuesday, September 30, 1952
Poge 2
: .
' t
In This Election Year
journalistic repute, it became apparent' that even lowing examplei from typical campaign material. tmpTy rOCKefS
the elite of the newspaper world are deeply
troubled. and concerned about the difficulty of ... In reference to Gov. Adlai Stevenson's "humor"
finding the truth in the news columns in this in the campaign: "Certainly, he is a very funny
election year. man." "Who is he running against, Bob Hope or
Last week's news carried speeches by Dwight Dwight D. Eisenhower?" . , . such a drumfire of
Eisenhower, Adlai Stevenson, John Sparkman and Joe Miller Jokes. .
Richard Nixon along with many qjher profound In regard to the "split" in the Republican
utterances of political orators. The newsman has party: "Surely Senator Taft would not have let
to assume, before any political speech, that the
personage is going to say something. And the fact
that rnany politicians say nothing or utter bla
tant falsehoods leaves the reporter in an uncom
fortable predicament.
The Daily Nebraskan carried an editorial last
week about the low caliber material presented
In a publication of the Democrat party. Since
that time, it has become apparent to this writer
that both the major parties are dealing in petty
issues, irrelevant subjects, emotion-provokinr
Ideas and the traditional red herrings in this
free-for-all election campaign.
When the average newspaper reader picks up
his. morning paper in an attempt to find out what
went oa in the world since he turned off his
radio the evening before, he is usually dismayed
to" find that the incidents which blare from the
headlines speeches, investigations, charges, audits,
counter charges, and movements do not really
give him additional knowledge on any subject but
rather repeat and rehash every word that has
been uttered since the Democrat and Republican
parties picked their candidates early last sum
mer. , It would seem that the national committees of
the two major political parties in this country
either greatly underestimate the intellectual pow-
his son get married if he really felt that disaster
was so certain." '"And Colonel McCormick has
announced plans to start a new political party
not right nowbut in 1956."
In mention of the age-old "issue" of high taxes:
"When pay envelopes are being tapped by Uncle
Sam for $1 out of every $4, the public has a right
to expect the men who collect those taxes to be
I above reproach."
In reference to one side's opinion of the cam
paign: "September . . . seems destined to go
down in 1952 campaign history as the month in
which General Eisenhower hitched his campaign
to pure demagoguery." . . The General swung
through the South bellowing hoarsely . . .
It becomes apparent that every political
speaker ef note is nsing the medium of a free
press to appeal to every base Instinct that ever
caused man to vote one way or another. Those
very organisations which speak loudly of virture,
intelligence, reform, freedom, security, peace and
so n appear to have found in one of those in
stitutions they champion, the vehicle for their
irrational cries.
Perhaps this writer is too young to remember
other uresidential camnaiens which mieht have tivities. Please consider, too. that
been worse. But when a man respected in his!?ere, is.a rapi? economic pressure'
. . idevelomns not onlv on thp shiri-i
vwu " "J i u uiients but also on their Barents.
Dear Editor,
It was with great interest and
an empty pocketbook that I read
your heart-rendering appeal to
the students of the University.
There is a great amount of
truth in all of the arguments
you advance. But please, Miss
Editor, consider the student's
These are my expenditures for
me month or beptember xn just
extra-curricular activities much
similar to those you mentioned in
your editorial. Cornhusker, $5.00;
Football ticket, $5.00; University
Theatre ticket, $3.00; Longine
Symphonette, $0.75; and Lincoln
Symphony ticket, $6.00. For a to
tal of $19.75.
Those totals are for one per
son in one month? Add to this
the fact that I am pinned and
then double the cost of the Uni
versity Theatre Tickets, the
Longine Symphonette, and per
haps even the Lincoln Sym
phony tickets What does that
do to the poor student's pocket-book?
Then, too. consider the fact that
AUF will soon begin its drive, the
Kosmet Klub show will soon be
presented, Stan Kenton will be on
campus, and fraternities will be
gin their social season. Of course,
once in a while I like to patronize
me jocai theatres.
I think you are too harsh in your
criticism of the University stud
ents. Perhaps, they too, find
themselves in my predicament
and are then forced to choose
among the myriad of campus ac-
Stolen Goods
'Cheating Justified
In Self-Defense'
Peg Bartunek
Is there ever a good excuse for cheating? Of Interest in politics is running high at Oklahoma
mAA t.w. t ), TTn.Wcitv of A & M. Booths were set up by the Young Demo-
Oklahoma queried on this question, 293 felt that
"cheating was justified when done in self-defense,
that is, when others were cheating also."
Some of them felt no pangs of conscience if
they considered the tests unfair, or if the course
were required and of no interest to them.
The most popular suggestion for eliminating
cheating were the use of alternate tests, different
quizzes for each class section, and more tests be
given so as to minimize the importance of finals.
Did you ever stop to figure out where most
of your money goes? A ten-year survey at
Stephens College reveals that the girls there
spend more for food and cigarettes than for any
other item.
Incidentally, if you're trying to "keep up with
the Joneses," the Daily O'Collegian at Oklahoma
predicts that you'll just get lost in the crowd.
There are 663,420 people named Jones in this
cratic and young Republican
clubs with an eye to attracting
new members, but rapidly be
came the scene of debates, wag
ers, and heated discussions at
party members loyally supported
their presidential preference.
One pair of debaters collected
a sizeable audience during an
hour-long argument over con
flicting political opinions. This
high pitch of interest in the
coming election is expected to result in a large
crop of intelligent young voters.
At K State, a student felt it necessary to criti
cize a yell by the cheer-leaders at a recent foot
ball game.
It seems that when a player on the opposing
team rejoined, the game after requiring first aid,
he was welcomed back to the field by the cheer
leaders' chant: "Hit him again; hit him again,
harder." Now, was that nice?
experience deplores the present campaigns, it looks
ers of the nation's voters or else are quite aware like 1952 is a record year for mud-slinging from
of what they are doing in their rabble-rousing ap- both sides,
peal for votes.
""" Perhaps we as students should be more aware
ef most of the public inconsistencies of this cam
paign. Perhaps we as those who are paying
money to improve oar educations are more con
scious that the campaigns are not appealing to
any sort of Intellect.
However, it would seem that any person old
enough to vote would become weary of not be-
Only rational, objective judgement and un
derstanding of the real issues of what is at
stake in this election and in our world today
can correct this situation. It looks like college
students could very well be the motivating force
in an attempt to think about the next presi
dent of our country, and to think well and long.
John And Dick
Onthe risk that we might run a good thing
clear into the ground, The Nebraskan would like
to make a few comments on the unique experi
ence ebraskans had a week ago Tuesday.
On that day, Dick Nixon and John Sparkman
each made stirring appeals for voters confidence.
In the morning, John Sparkman smiled as he ex
plained to a University convocation that, after all,
it isn't creeping Socialism that this country should
be worried about, it is creaking Republicanism.
That evening, with the help of a nation-wide radio
and television hook-up, Dick Nixon "laid bare his
BouL" . . ,
This gave students a special treat a chance
to look ever both vice presidential candidates.
Tuesday, we looked both of these men in the
eye and tried to find out what qualifications they
had to offer. As we look back on it, both had
fine theatrical talents. Senator Dick was in his
best Barrymore form: he was jerking tears right
and left. While Senator John used the Hope
technique to give students a hnmorous relief
from academic tensions.
But this is just a superficial treatment of a
subject which requires much more consideration.
SpartiCCTwas funny, or tried to put his lofty
points L- a light way, because he thought that
the confusing business of politics might be more in
teresting to students if presented this way. Nixon
was deadly serious because he had the future of
the Rejs&lican party resting on his ability to con
vince the American people that he was pure.
Therefore, each man was faced with an entirely
different problem.
Despite this, there was a point in each speech
where thought ran parallel. In the midst of his
dissertation on the grand achievements made dur
ing 20 years of Democratic leadership, Senator
John told his student-audience that his lather was
a tenarft farmer in the red hills of Alabama. After
graduation from law school, young Sparkman had
a tough time living in the mess which the Re
publicans had created. At times it was extremely
difficult to support his new wife in the manner
which he felt tecessary.
- After the convocation, students had lunch,
attended afternoon labs or coked, ate supper and
prepared to listen to Senator Dick tell about bis
tdM. That evening he confessed at least the
Democratic leaders called it a confession and
in the process be mentioned that his father was
the proprietor of a family grocery store. Dick
Xtxoa helped with this enterprise as a boy and
after he graduated from law school, Dirk Nixon
and his wife had a really tongb time getting go
ing. This was during a Democratic administra
tion. "Here they are, two hard-working youths who
battled life through their early years. When each
got out on his own, each met misfortune because,
so they said, of the administration in power. This
ia. a very complex problem and gave the voters
nothing but cor fusion. But voters are used to be
ing confused by candidates and no one made much
fuss about this inconsistency. Therefore, let's look
deeper into what these fellows had to say Tuesday
and what relations that has to what has taken
place since then.
Nixon said, "Let me say first that it was
wrong IF . . He was referring to some 118,
CC9 which certain individuals claimed Nixon had
cheated with. In his speech, he maintained that
he had done nothing morally or legally wrong.
To prove his point he categorically stripped off
the cover ef his budget book revealing every
thing he had, has or is trying to have. To The
Kebraskan's point of view, he succeeded. He also
succeeded In the point ef view of a good many
Republicans because the National Headquarters
was choked with mail from voters acclaiming
Kixesr." .
Af end ef his speech, Nixon mentioned that
ft certainly would be nice if Governor Stevenson
would 4a- the same thing concerning a controver-
workers. Saturday night, Stevenson did just that
There just aren't as many of
those good old greenbacks as
there used to be. Consider these
factors first. Miss Editor, and
then perhaps you might see
your way clear to write an edi
torial praising the fact that
workers have been able to sell
as many tickets as they have.
A financially embarrassed
Activity Eligibility
Requirements Are
Explained Today
Barbara Dillman
Mew Translations 01 'Odyssey'
Written In Common Language
I can't think of any reason for anyone just
sitting down to read "The Odyssey" for pleasure.
That is, I can't think of any one I know doing it
Just in case the book is suggested by one of
your instructors as "extra reading," I recommend
the W.H.D. Rouse translation. You can get it in a
35 cent edition put out in the Mentor Classics series.
You probably read "The Od-
yssey m high school translated
Eligibility requirements for par-' in the traditional way using lofty
In the Nebraskans ODinion. he was not ouite as'"uo.n exira-curncularac-; words
. . . , ' , ' . juvmes nave Deen announced. Cer-
convincing as Nixon, but he did make a sincere itification of eligibility may be ob-
ellort to get oil the hook. And what did Steven-
and an elevated tone.
translated the story as
jtained by subniittine'a list of car- Homer had told it in the lang-
son do? Why he accused Ike of making some mis-i5"1531115 to office to the Dean uage of the common man. Homer
.uU1..h di icasi one toi(j these stories to entertain
week m advance of the date the , . ...
information is required. ;practical men. His listeners
ATI K; Cri(. TV ; ,v 1 . cMuuuunus die. a siu-.""- "
w, ,s UIC ,u..-.dent must be enro!led for at least need tohea scholar t0 read the
uy making joKes ai wnisue stops. u.f.
takes with money.
'Ik i
TV Heritage
Turning us from a nation of doers into a na
tion of viewers is not an original thought concern
ing the evils of television.
This evil could not be more sharply brought
out than by the deluge of quiz, panel and informa
tive programs that are now on the air.
We've even taken to sitting watching some
body else play our parlor games and work our
cross word puzzles. That is the height of indo
lence. Practically all parlor games have been
taken over by the air waves. An impromtn tally
reveals that there are 21 quiz and panel shows
on evening network television and more intro
duced at each weeks end.
Old timers might remember when question
games were the rage. You merely bought a book
that was full of tough questions about every topic
imaginable and sat around trying to stump each;
other. I
This passive participation that television has
introduced leads not only to an immoble mind but
poor eyesight and spreading posterior regions.
Instead of doing active participation in the
sports, we can sit in our living rooms and watch
toehr play golf, football or the like.
It wonld be a very heavenly thing if in some
average American homes, the next time 'Pano
mlne Quiz or What's My Line comes on the
air, the boss of the family would get up and
torn off the set announcing: "If we're going to
devote the next 30 minutes to this game, we at
least might play it nrselves instead of letting
someone else do it for us.
11 -J . 1 1 , -
VCUJl "ours- compiled with Rouse translating. Dillman
passing grades at least eight credit, , . . . . ,
hours of his first semester classes' For example, read what King Menelaus says
and completed with a passing to his wife Helen, "Upon my word, my dear, that
grade in 24 credit hours of the two is quite right and proper. I have heard tell of many
TelLJ heroes and their intelligence and their prudence,
on probation for conduct, forfeits
his eligibility.
and I have traveled much in the world; but never
and pluck."
did I set eyes on a man like Odysseus for patienci
Or the goatherd to Odysseus disguised as a
beggar "I see you're going to be a nuisance
again with your begging, man! Yon had better
get out while you can. I surmise that we two
shall not part without a taste of fisticuffs, for
yon play the beggar without rhyme or reason.
Are there no other dinner tables In the town?
To us the intervention of the gods is fantastic,
but in the story it is sometimes amusing and al
ways necessary. The scenes in which the gods
speak among themselves are funny and reveal the
personality of each god. Here's Poseidon "Damn
it all, the gods have changed their minds about
Odysseus, as soon as I was out of the way! And
there he is close to Phaiacia, where he is fated to
find the end of the tribulations which afflict him.
But I promise that I will yet give him a good run
of bad luck!"
Try reading "The Odyssey". You will be
amazed to find yourself interested in such a "dead"
old story.
Revised Bible Version
Officially Released Today
The greatest means of communication is within
grasp. But instead of following pictorial news
events, fine arts events, or current affairs actual
class room study the viewer is content with the
absorption of grade C movies which havenf been
on the screens for over 20 years, puppet shows
and cross word puzzles.
The American public should decide who is go
ing to raise their families, the parents or TV. Our
(Editor's Note: The following information is printed by The Ne
braskan in observ ance of Bible Observance Week Sept 28 through
Oct 5. A Bible display in the main lounge of the Union arranged by
Rev. Rex Knowles is available to students interested in such activities
and the "Lincoln Observance" of Bible Week at St Paul's Methodist
church Tuesday evening is open to the public. The information
printed here was supplied to The Nebraskan by Rev. Knowles, Uni
versity Congregational-Presbyterian pastor.)
A first edition of one million copies of what might be called the
greatest Bible story of modern times, A Revised Standard Version of
the Holy Bible, became officially public Sept. 30, 19o2 today.
The revised edition is tbe largest pre-publication printing order
ever placed for any book in any language. Three printing houses
were engaged for six months to complete tbe initial press run by
publication date.
Utilized for the publication was: more than 10 tons of type metaL
1.000 tons of paper, 2,000 gallons of ink, 140 tons of binders board,
71 H miles of 40 inch cloth and 18,750,000 yards of thread.
According to its proponents, the Revised. Bible is "the most ac-
j curate version of the Bible ever made and the easiest to read."
This is so. say the edition's champions, because of:
i 1. Preservation of basic rythmical beauty and simplicity of the
l King James Version.
j 2. Utilization of ail major Biblical manuscripts, more ancient
and authoritative than those available to the King James trans
I la tors, including some recently discovered.
j 3. Enlistment of modern accurate Biblical scholarship and his
itorical information over a translating period of 14 years (1937-1951).
. uccnsuuiuo i trcmiuc cnanges in me values oi woras ana
phrases, and clearing up linguistic obscurities.
5. Authorization by the International Council of Religious Edu
cation, approval by the National Council of the Churches of Christ
in the U. S. A the only authorized version in the language of today.
Previous English Translations of the Bible
1. First complete Bible in the English language: John Wyclif
New Testament about 1380, Old Testament about 1382.
2. First translation from the original Hebrew and Greek: Win
lynaaie: iew iesxament, lozo; Pentateuch, 1530.
3. First complete English printed Bible: Miles Coverdale, 1535
4. First Official Bible of the Church: Bishops' Bible, 1568.
5. Catholic translation from the Vulgate: Rheims-DouaL 1582
1609. 6. -Authorized version": Most influential and famous of all
English versions, tbe "crowning glory" of English literature: King
James Version, 161L
7. First modern English translation: English Revised Version
New Testament, 1881 complete Bible, 1885. '
8. First American revision: American Standard Bible, 1901
9. Numerous twentieth century translations: Moffette, Good
speed, Weymouth "readable and illuminating but paraphrastic
do HiMumuruca uj inajvr rcii(10Bs DOaieS.
Most Amazing Hew Chemical Discovery Brings
You 8 Miles of Penssnent Writing... itaf
TV heritage is not one of which to be proud. S.G.j Bible7sePt 20, Tlgslt iS'ZSrSSS
JIul (Dailif VfabfuzAlwuv
Associated Collegiate Press
Intercollegiate Press
Ttw rar Sebraakn b poHfaM t flu fuH it tat tmUrr
nHf at S'cbmikji m CKprrMw. mf vtdenu' rwt n4 eptoMrM owty.
Actmiint to Article II af ffe Br-l- mailn itB4at Mi
iwu m4 4mmtamt br Mm Board af .JPuMicatimu, "It to 4t
dmrri volte of Ow Band An publication, aader Hi toriaritia
hail be free tmm 4Hrial cemraa fb oart af A Baera, ar
ao the part af aar aMaabar af fat tacslty af fa tatrarfHr. bat flat
awiBben af the (Oft af Tat Inttr Sanmkaa are p at 11 l-
ownrible for what tafl arwaia nane i. be ariatea."
feakacrtirrioa rates are a aeawMar. (Z-&0 anUai or SS.Ofl
for &tr coilea. ruar. fc4. aaiiM, bmxte coay Sc. rabkibed
oitr da riot (tie acaaai year aiceat Bataraan aai Baaaart, nacatioai
ua4 enaiiiiattoa aerfoai. Oae laaM aabliea aariat tbe awafb af
A era br tba larnrvirr af WebiMt aaaar (be oniervwtoa af tbe
rnrttr a Praaeat PabUcatiaai. Eateraf M Serosa C ine Manor
at the Port Office ia Lawta. Xebnuka. aaear Art af Ceacrew.
March , t. aa at taerial rate of aoataae arerMed for tat Bee
ttua Art af Caasreai af October a. ItK. aatbsriie) Bepteav
ber 10. 1(22.
EtfUer Bafli Karnoaa'
Aanrune Editor Daa Pieaar
Manacmt Mum fiat Cortoa. Kea Bratron
Seat fc,tfJtor Ballr Hall. Hal HaMt-lbaiea.
Pick EabaM. bora bltaaeam. Pat Bad
fttwrtf Editor Gleaa Weltoa
An! Aart Editor Charter fclaark
featara dtta Pat Pack
At Editor . Chuck Btaia
Bartow Kdhtar . Jaa i4m
aepottert Ten Woodward. Daa Kaadal, Paul Mraaa,
MaHlya 7 jm., pkU Pattnaoa, Ba-rrjr Larxta. Natalie KU.
Ralph Ktrket, Joha Trroerrry, 4aa Harriaaa, torn Moraa,
ftocar Walt, Victor Fpi-
Bniaeai Maaatar . . Arnold Blent
Aat'l Baataeai Maaaata Btaa Blast. Pet. BeraMea
Daa rnH
PnwARif n vrc cTAll may i
COKMKTtP Pr5AStt4T1E5 ...
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