the 1M1 Persons selling tickets for tha Longine Symphonette are re quired to return the tickets and money to Marilyn Moomey in the Student Union Activities Office Tuesday. KNUS On The Air KNUS, University radio station, will resume broadcasting today over program service between S and 5 p.m. Monday through Fri day. .Foic oi a Crai Hidwsttm Vnirtnltf VOL 52 No. 12 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 30, 1952 u Svmmplh Moved! T meHiJ micirf SsiIIroooifu . . . . . The Longines Sympitonette concert, ongmaiiy scnea-r - g " . , a e L J I J tiled for the coliseum, will be held in the Union Ballroom,' A rsn TflU OmPflrt TtV Annan IPC Finn' Orhorc First Choral Concert bCnedUled according to Ernie Bebb, Union board member. Cl H ?U me9a MppeQI 11- fine, UHieR k. , Uonrlnl Q-n!i Countryman Sales Subscriptions are now being accepted for the Ag college magazine, "The Cornhusker Countryman." according to Wil liam Johnson, circulation man ager. The rate is one dollar for eight Issues of the magazine, he said. Memm The concert be held Thursday at ) pjn. as originally scheduled. Bebb, In charge of arrange ments for the concert, cited low ticket sales as the reason for the move. AH ticket sales were stopped Monday dne to the change. However, a limited number will go on sale Wednes day. May Follow Suit Pending Chapter Meetings I the official date as prescribed by line university. tions from George Gershwin's ac fl t f a semi-classical By TOM WOODWARD nature. The orchestra's wolicy Staff Writer is to Play all music from the I PPeai or noi appeal, maij Dean Buckingham, Alpha Tau original score. 13" 14 fratenu-, Omega treasurer, said that his This personal appearance of, . . . . fraternity intended to appeal the Mishel Piastro and the Symphon-I w nes was fine that they had received for of a ten-week tour cj e inier-rraiemny releasing tneir piecge lists. Council in a meeting held Fri- Sections will be reserved in the unjted States, Canada, and a part da" fter searings on Tuesday Ballroom for holders of reserved of Mexjc0- iand Wednesday afternoons. , ,, , vi me inwrnioes were given a The Symphonette, conducted by rv. .. fulii seat tickets. The concert win feature selec- Second Skit To Present Do's, Dont's 1 1 Counselors To Act In 'Know How Show "College Daze " second in a SC SI musicians, is actually a Ssymphony orchestra in all respects: iexcept numbers. The chief ouier Jence between the Symphonette land a symphony orchestra is that the Symphonette has a smaller brought against them on Tues day and Thursday, and may appeal the fines they received Friday, to the IFC advisory board. The advisory board is made tip! of alumiu advisors of each fra Buckingham said that he did not seek to excuse the early re lease by saying that the house was not familiar with the IFC ruling, but he thought that the newspapers that carried the lists should have been informed of the fact that the names were not to be released until Univer sity permission had been given. The news was released by a person who was not familiar with For November Memorial Service University Singers has selected 'Wilson, for membership 116 University) 2nd Alto, Mary Lou Beennann, students, Dr. Arthur Westbrcok,' Karen Beghtol, Mary Ann Bieber, director, has announced. (Barbara Bredthauer. Phoebe The choral group gives several uempsier, jsan ngier, rauricia concerts during the school year. ariey, Janice iiiuerton, ueorgia Their first program will be the Gryva. memorial serv ice in November. Diane Hinman, Darleen Holm, new'tir Sa?was carrv is gained by try-ut nlye Allen Barnard. Jay thl ht rSfScld thrt 'the s . Members are, 1st Soprano: Benedict, Jack Davis, Joe FeWy. rfot bfincldudae? S 5J 9 Krogh, Dad Mullin, tK- fl tin rfninor cn -7 Vsuier, vxaruuci, c. Pearson. Tnr?iti RiTi-t WaTTit Stranenn I nt fined for releasing pledge lists prior to the official date, Ira Epstein, house president, said that the lists given to the news papers had not been authorized by any fraternity officer. the official time Epstein said. He added that he had talked to the reporter "about 45 min utes,'' but was told that the lists would be printed no matter what he said Nancy Thompson, Phyllis Wroth. 2nd Soprano, Margaret isartu- Tenor, Rolan Anderson. .Bert Bishop, Hilmer Deists, cnaries lerguson, Keith Johan' I Filing deadline for the Board of" hours last year to q Student Publications is Tuesday at J student can not be a 5 pjm. The Student Council, m an the Daily Xebraskan at 4 p.m., busker staff. - f . . nnmMKAH TICS OI wee kiu i,.. onn miicir rr tirs Coed Counselors, will be held in Canada and Mexico. the auditorium of Love Library, Wednesday at 5 p.m. WriCC In Retimon TfcA skit win tea some of the v.lCJS5es in Reunion mv bt, Hnnis of camous life XA.-1 C,,JAnac. interview Wednesday Z, S7 7,ra avadable toIICICU I W W.uwu.a Roora S16, UrJon, . I Filings for Institute of Religion sophornore, one junior the Union. iaes must be in before the senior for the positions. Taking part in the skit are Barb.cjasses arp scheduled to meet, an-1 Students wishing to apply must. Uedlin. Katv Ke..v. Joyce Ben- nounced Sam Gibson. University turn in a letter or application nrlATi Jan T?irrim- Madeline YMCA Secretary. Dean Iinscott, UALl&WUl w " - , Launer. NancTi; The Institute of Religion is Board Oi Student Publications Filing Deadline Scheduled For Tuesday At 5 p.m. At thic n-ritirnf thf 12 nthAr t-v.i sen. Amer I.inv1ri T?anr!All fv string section. ternitv. (the rulinr. but he should not have fraternities that were amone those a t rr Ewen. John Moran.Garv Renrel- The Symphonette made its radioj Thirteen fraternities were found been asked for the names in the , fined, declined to comment pend-puthan Laine Marian McCul- man Leslie Roberts, Norbert Idebut in New York over the local euiltv of violating the IFC ruliriff first nlace. he ddd iinff riiscussion in their charjter , . , . -,,'v v Schuerman. C;J:... n-rto .-j 1018 ':.! '."1.7" v j, l..V:v: : " ,iocn, janeiie aiaur, xjuiiire.uu-, ;iauv c i - - awut a vtaoiii j vvi, uou av. ivi v. ui afw w a iv - Aileron iimade its CBS premier Droaacasx. Because of its rise in reputation and DODularitT. the Lonrines Sym- phoneae has been presented "with Oil w ai u .umu a w k . v j 1 Tt.i. - 111 m ran, -Marilyn JTeusse, A.ainryn' oariione, xrea Alien, Lreraia iRobson. 'Bitney, Robert Brown, Fred Coats, Joanne Sorenson, Shirley Un- Richard Garretson, Norman Gau 'derhill, Marian Urbaeh, Helen Ut- ger, Barry Larson, Gerald Law ;terback, Bonnie VTeddeL son, Maurice Niebaum, Keith Ot- lst Alto, Shelia Brown, Ando- to, Edwin Pearce, Jack Rogers, 'nea Chronopolus, Carole Coleman, Paul Thompson, Jack Wells. iMajorie Danly, Sandra Dicket, Pat; Bass, Nicholas Amos, Wayne Felger, Marilyn Hammond, Sally Bath, Charles Beardslee, Claude iKjelson, Evelyn Larson, Marlene Berreckman, Marshall Christen- Mary Kooinson, jeanne sen, Paul Kidd, Robert Longman, mlifv. The'sni? .Tiianita Redirer were the Meyers. member of board members last year. Ken Smith, Eillen Svoboda, Marlene Jack Lund or Corn- Keller is the faculty adviser. t Tiller, Janice Wagner, Kathleen pick and one; one Ho3e- Doris Mever, Lois Srb, Joy sponsored by 15 campus and out to ;Dean Linscott, Student Council box, in the Union basement. A student must be a sophomore, jun : Absentee Ballots Needed For Students To Vote Dsvid Major, R. L. Marrs, Earl Mitchell, Elton Monimith, Floyd Morehead, Milford Myhre, Robert Patterson. Wesley Reist, Paul scneeie, cnaries aymire. Drop And Add Fees The last m tne series on aa interested students- pus Know-How" wCl be Oct. S. Eegistratioa fee of 1 is re- Tbe skit wul expnain xae ons and is " , , , hours and have earned 24 credit to ties on campus. ORCHESIS j quired. Students may fUe for the 'courses at any of the campus re ligious houses. Dance Group Tryout Date Wednesday NU Prof. To Speak On Job Stability Farm Formal Committees Make Plans The application must include the student's cumulative grad average, which must be initialed by the Office of the Registrar, his experience in Journalism, activities, ideas concerning the board, and his reasons for applying. One of the cuues oi tee tsoara they go to vote. is to exercise a general supervi- sion over the financial and edi torial conduct of the Student Pub-, lications. The Board names the salaries of all student managers' Sand employees of the publications,! Jand it has the right to limit ex-f ipenditures for manufacture and distribution. The Board also liAxs the price ;w. .-.w - county la ixeorasnita iulull scuu, cw utuig .v 1 1 . : j . for sale and it apportions allow- letter to ty clerk! than 7,601 need not register. L vLf a tASt anees to the various publications . ianve was to give Ag students a from all general funds pertaining , , 'n ! Ix T r .chance to sign for the committee :to student pubucations. I As election time draws near of their respective county. The re-1 Payment of the $2.50 drop and Jagain, many University students quest need not be in any partial- add fee may be made in room B-6, of voting age are not sure where lar form as long as it is signed Administration Building. The fee iby the writer. musi oe paia as soon as arop ana It is important for students to add procedure is completed. include their Lincoln address mi 'the letter. An absentee ballot will A D..JI Jot.-. T be sent, and when the voter sends y DUIIUer5 IO his ballot back he must have ar . notarization on the return en-V.0minU6 UTIVQ lc ... . I Ag BuHders wd extend Anyone oviny m .vonsiu present membership drive Students, 21 years or older, from out of town, who want to vote in the coming election should write to the city where they are a resident for an ab sentee ballot. Students living in Douglas County should address their letter to the election com- their until misisoner in Omaha. j city of over 7,001 population Thursday, according to Jim Weber. other' must be registered to vote. Stn- .v r' - - - VTfliTTrv m ," pnnj'iKa snouia kdu. scau uuic in . k Trais.t staliHitv is a vital fac- xryouis lor . " tor in job security, dux ii is cy j 10 wednesaay, icx. i ti y no means uie oxay one, announced. Grant Memorial. Meadows, umversiiy oi iveox- .f-c -RlaHnn. Who Eve naa a Jeans, Cottons On At October 10 Dance Jeans and cottons will be re-j The Board also has the right 'meet Security Agency msntme Ta class" oTwho hsve Friday mornir.g. been in Pre-Orchesis may cy oui for Orchesis. Girls trying out should wear shorts or tunics. The members of any class may try ojt Including freshmen. Anyone interested who has not fcai experience may trjr oat for Pre-Orchesis. I Georgia Eulac is president. The each vear include a spring recital, a Christmas pro- training, personality immaturities, cram and dance. disorgatiired human relations all Ary men interested in the men's in addition to such job .security Orchesis group should see Wrs. hazards as poor managerial poJ gSoTatt MemoriaL Try- cies job rket CucUiations, and outs are not necessary. About 101 rerfstrants, includ- tng ipresentatrves from 15 Ne braska employment offices, at tended the opening meeting held In Love library auditorium and sponsored Jointly by the Uni versity of Nebraska Extension Division and the State Division of Employment Security. quired attire at the Farmers For- ta call for the resignation of any tne Ag -xcc rsoara editorial or business employee of Student Publications at any time, for what it deems suffi cient cause. However, the stu dent shall have the right of ap peal to the Chancellor of the University. Couples will dance to the music of Johnny Cox in the Ag Activities Building. Tickets will sell for SI a a eounle. The Farmers Formal Queen and her attendants will be pre sented during intermission. -rl.a T. D:-l I T C I;.1? -T 1 IUIcnr iry-VJUId IC1IIIIUIUI IU jpcUK aey visa io wort on. I To Start Tuesday At Harvard Seminar jworkersto eS4rsS As a result of the Union Talent! Dr. James M. Beinhardt, chair-pblidty and parties or con ,Sbow tryouts, Tuesday and Wed-." of the Department of Sod- C0I:irrJtte bave Ln. nesday, winners will be given a 0ly at tne University, has been creased work to do the coming 'place in the show. -invited to rpeak at Harvard Uni-(year be said. The Ag Builders are I After the show is over, the Un-Tty5 fourteenth seminar in ertakmg new projects i which 'ion Talent bureau is set up as a homicide investigation for state a semce to in lioston, i.ass Jvov. 17. men students interestea to rue uws cri m aw - - Bamor La an, senior tn Home t ne jr applications immediately, ing to appear professionally before'to Z2 Economics extension work, and group plans to be more Bill Waldo, senior in Vocational i Education, have been chosen co-chairmen for the ssir. I The other committeemen ap pointed by the Ar Exec Board tive this year than it has in ac-" thei The seminar is sponsored byj local business and civic groups. a past, Dean Linscott commented. u" ' Tr K"r7 I CJ7 v. ' flrst Methodist Church of w i t liudhhl xl win roe,K n Revised Bible Eeverend Bosley, pastor of P. M. Headlines By SALLY ADAMS Reynolds, John Tan Boutea and Dick Monson as chairman. Tom Letsy win be responsible for ticket sales. In charge of the presentation and election of the queen and attendants will be Kay Ylasln. chairman; Dale Ol son, Leland George and Caro lyn Gierhan. Laun will supervise all pub- -.t-w K:ifpn Gtn RncpnauLcL'the General Entertainment mittee, has stressed that all vf; aonaI2y-known specialists on vari 7vvO Students Involved tried oat for the show, whetvOBS subjects pertaining to homi- , pey maae u or cot, wu t i. cide investigation wi3 lecture. in me laiem ue jor la x u-ws.- tv include decorations. Shirlev - , . M&r&h. Ira Aim Tl sltA m f C M . AUawi ' I EernolnV John Tin Honten and ' t- ; i , v..-. - ur- -ttei-inarct WU t on "Sex tTwo University students porl en- Crimes,- a subject on which be fered facial cuts and bruises in an tenement. Las earned a reputation as one of; auto accident early Sunday morn-i Former students who "got their the country's foremost authori-' istart" in the Union Talent Show Vi is TTfW r.f t,t,' ..If4 lyn KueUer, are John Carson, now WOW-! j- ia, so. sui ana gd swaim, i m tjmana, ana x-ay xjuiiuo, , tww., -r , mg re- a lead in the Kosmet KJub spring 2, 2127 Harrison, who were rid- star of last year's "John and Mar- S.iwf?n g in a car driven by Gerald C.cia" show. Miss Dutton also had iT??airgr, iSvfSSS & I k t-. k . a t e t t: K?v- chsrpe nf chiipmwx: jsnr! ported. revue. snecial niprts. Hpafe? th rlm- Robertson's car struck an auto1 Persons from the bureau bave un committee -tt-iTI he "R'svnp on O between 31st and 22nd entertained voluntarily for Moody. Kis assistants are Wayne streets and reversed its direction Vet's hospital, orphanages, and White, Art Kuhl and Don Pluck- before coming to a stop, police state hospitals under the auspices neX Isaid. iof the Bed Cross College Unit. spring. cvansion, ul, win speak en Revised Standard Versions f the Bible at St. Paul's Method ist Church en Tuesday at S pjn. Eev. Bosley is an author of sev erat books. Pastors of all Lincoln churches and a combined choir from va rious Lincoln churches win at tend. Miss Mariorie Johnson, Deaa of Women, has announced that this is one of the function! for which late permission will be granted to University girls wish ing to attend. PRAIRIE SCHOONER NU Press Publication was : cruei press .if. "- -- ;"i .M T1k"i;hi his federal in .'ben tne ucmocraut u.. r for the last ten years. . Haeerty was not certain inat ye g. ----.; Victorious Cornhushers Welcomed Wome Praised For short stories Prairie Schooner, the Quarterly 'The Catch," was on Mist Foley! agazine published by the Uni- list of distinctive fiction. The Tsity of Nebraska Press, has f!atr-," sniwareri 4n k nr. ut .-m make a public state- his finandal afl f..JL2f.Jt f &LH 4?..J fJTO S'cVgTd to do ao Adlai W 1 II II If 111111111111 f (1131111111 JUUUUfWfb , ifl Sievenson w come tax returns for the last ten years. maf versity of won L:gh t, rirnrri. but that he will inform tne puwic rSerpToblem will arie in the explanation of his fa comefrTmthe sale of -Crusade in Europe," his b.brt his war-j time experiences. EiserAower paid income taxes on his r"uf . the book on the basis of "capital gains taxes. . cuLmed neither an amateur nor a professional author. He did this on the advice of Internal Revenue Bureau officials. Thus the Republican candidate Cassuming his revenue was Jl rnlllSrpsSaO instead of the $750,000 which would have been deSedfrom a professional author. Eherrsttet nat ter how carefully he explains the situation some persons wiJ say he received "special treatment. , rwrnmi ti t rtmr. AiHai Stevenson disclosed that be paid $21180 to the federal government ia income taxM in the last 10 years. Kecords showed that Stevenson paid his taxaonan in come of J500.052, most of it earned with gilt-edged tevestmente. Mt of the governor's income came from dividends on stocks In toreeorporations and from his interest in the Bloomington Panta grS IlunoS newspaper. In addition be has the income be earTdJ""V?! .m,in. revealed details of his politi- cal campaign funds and las personal fund used to supplement salaries of eight state employees. , ' o tv tp rv A f ar-Vir. c the "unholy crew" of Republican lobbyists with Eisenhower as their "front man Presi dent Truman opened his whistle stop campaign at Fargo, ?. JJ. He said he was glad the oil, China, real estate and other lobbies are in the Republican party." . . The President told the crowd that Eisprihowersetrns to be listening to some strange advice on foreign policy and they d better hesitate before voting Republican if they "want to avoid a third In reference to his own administration, Truman said, "We've crushed the Communist conspiracy in this country. And we ve rtopped the advance of Communism all over the globe- LOS AKGELES Military aircraft production was resumed at two southern California plants after 40,000 striking workers returned to their jobs. They listened to an appeal from President Truman to call a truce in the dispute between the AFL International Associ ation of Machinists and Lockheed and Douglas aircraft companies. Contract negotiations are continuing in Washington. Production of the Air Force's newest jet interceptor fighter, the Lockheed Starfire, was most seriously affected by the strike. Two thousand cheering Rusker es appearing in it in 1S51. iverjrasKa ITess, nas Catch" anueared in thi TWa-r TO.l recognition for short issue of The American Kereurv. s .... - I - "'"Wf -; J 1 ! I i I; . - i One story is amonc 29 chosen from leading American maga zines by Martha Foley for her anthology "The Best American Short Stories 1952." Two Schooner stories are among the C5 included on the honor roll. Seventeen others are listed at "distinctive." This means that nearly two- their busses to the strains of trtii.. MLies pru"efl! "There Is No Place Like Se-ii", vV- 1 jtafi considered by Miss Foley worthy - . . . -of special attention. j he was amazed of the large crowd which came team back. fans waited an hour and 25 min utes to welcome the football team back Sunday night. The plane J which was way overdue, was met. by the Cobs, Tassels, cheerleaders,! Pepfters, pep band and throngs of. Jubilant fans. j i The Buskers, who looked fairly. uou Liitm 7-x yiituiy uvci the Webfeet, were escorted to out to welcome theS n Iranian Student Receives Bruises in Auto Mishap The story reprinted in the an thology is "Always Good for a Belly Laugh" by Emilie Glen of New York City. One of the stories which Miss Foley listed en the honor roll was written while the tvtbnr, DMc Miller of Leavenworth. Kaa was a stu dent at the University. Also on the honor roll is a Catherine (just deplaned): X gave him my best years, and now he's run off with another woman. I . . . oh, I just can't control my emotions. Kate: Why bother? YouH feel better after a good laugh. Just for a change, here's an Hessamydin Ealuch suffered se- urm lae i-mversiiy. jEnglish joke. vere bruises Sunday night when- aiso on we nonor roa is t naroia rercy, you snouia pull he alighted from a moving car on siory try ut. lxiwry l V. imberiy, down your curtains; I saw yoa 15th street between Q and R. professor of English at the Uni-plainly holding your wife on your Baluch, 21, an Iranian student at- versity, who has edited Prairie lap last night- tending the University, had been cnooner since its lounding. inei Percy The joke is on you, riding in a car driven by Ghulam stTf "Windfall for Whitford," ,'Arold; I was not home last night. TL Shareefv. 27. another Irar.ian BB pUDllsned in me June IVil student. NROTC Unit Heed To Hold Reception (issue of Harper's Magazine. An other of Dr. Wimberly's stones, Captain T. "A. Donavan, Profes sor of Ivaval Science, and Mrs. Donavan will be hosts to 200 NROTC Midshipmen and other in- - i vited guests at a garden recep- - ' J tion st their home, Tuesday. cmT i-ifBoir iw I OAer guests will include rep- FAMTLIA- SCENERY ... Greeting Cornhusker 1 ootball fans resentatives from other local Naval Saturday after Saturday is the riant N formed in the midst of the lactivities, University faculty mem student section by Corn Cobs, Tassels and Pepsters. The color is berg and sponsors of the Midship supplied by red and white sweaters. 'men proficiency awards. i Riffe Team Meet University students Interested in the rifle team are requested to attend the team meeting Wednesday night The meeting, slated for 7 p.m. in lounge of the Military and Naval Science building, will in clude discussions on member ship, team matches for the com ing year and other plans for the team's activity's of the coming year. Since the weather hasn't been at all unpredictable (get the pun). 111 try the same eld theme again. Yes, sunny, wub good picnic weather. "And what," someone asked one of the presidential aspirants, "wCl you do if you are elected?" "Good heavens," he exclaimed, "what will I do if I'm not?" Lady: Can you give me a room and bath? Clerk: I can give you a room, madam, but youH have to take your own bath. That's tuX