The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1952, Image 1

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ofs lfiir
Praises Rise In
During Demo
Freedom from fear is the fore
most issue facing the voter when
he goes to the polls this Novem
ber 3, said Senator John Spark'
man in a speech Tuesday.
Sparkman, making an off-the'
cuff address at the University
Coliseum, did not say just what
fear the voter should be free
He did give strong Indications
that two problems were of para
mount Importance in this year's ;
election: foreign relations, and
economic stability in the U. S.
Of foreign relations, the senator
said that he wanted peace, and
had a real knowledge of world
problems. He said that his expe
rience on the Foreign Relations
Committee in the Senate, and as
a United Nations representative,
had given him a clear insight into
the foreign relations problems
that we are facing today.
He said that it is most Im
portant that we let the under
privileged countries of the
world know that we are more
than willing to help them solve
the problems. Sparkman said
that our world today cannot
survive another war of the
same scope of the last World
War, with the terrible weapons
of destruction developed re
cently. Sparkman remarked that our
country has had a steady rise in
the welfare of all the people since
the Democrats took the govern
mental helm, 20 years ago,
Sparkman said, that as a farm
raised man, he knew the prob
lems that faced the American
fanners during the years just
before the Democratic rise to
power. He remembered lost sav
ings, and old people looking
forward to their unproductive
years with apprehension be-
. cause they had no good pension
system. Now, he said, we have
the Federal Deposit Insurance
plan, and Social Security to
avert such apprehension, despite
stiff Republican opposition to
both of these plans. .
Corruption is a major political
issue, Sparkman said. The
publican candidates have
much about corruption, but they,were based on two bills that are have occurred since the last meet
do not call attention to their rec- n laws: The Socialized Medicine mg.
ord of 20 years ago. The Demo-Bi11 and Brannan Farm Plan. Of These "events," since no official
cratic party faced and met theithese two bills he said that they action has been taken on migra-
tremendous task of cleaning up of
the most corrupt governments
ever known to this country when
they took office 20 years ago.
He called attention to Governor
Stevenson's corruption busting
reputation. Stevenson got this
reputation when he cleaned up the
Two Photographer Posts Remain Open
Pending Report By Adviser, Ken Keller
A report showing The Daily Ne-
braskan ended last year $4,210.84
in the red prompted the Commit
tee on Student Publications Tues
day afternoon to take a long, hard
look at the newspaper's financial
The first result of the Com
mittee's attitude was a decision
to defer appointment of a staff
photographer, pending a report
from Ken R. Keller, Cornhusker
and Daily Nebraskan adviser.
Keller was instructed to see if
an economy plan could be de
veloped to curtail photographic
and engraving costs. A Quick
survey of costs indicated that
these two items cost The Daily
Nebraskan about $2,300. last
Dr. R. V. Shumate, Committee
chairman, said that until Keller's
report is received, the committee
would also hold up appointment
cf a head photographer for the
Cornhusker to fill a vacancy cre
ated by the resignation of Dick
AxtelL Axtell was named head
photographer for the yearbook
last May but resigned Sept 10.
At its meeting, the Committee
heard two applicants for the
Cornhusker photography post
and two for The Daily rlebras
kan spot These applications will
P. M. Headlines
ST. LOUIS Dana C Smith, trustee of Sen. Richard Nixon's
$18,235 expense fund, enlisted the aid of Nixon's Washington office
in connection with a tax refund claim, the Post Dispatch reported
Tuesday. The claims of $500,000 to $600,000 was filed by the Red
River Lumber Company of Northern California. Smith's family
cwns the firm and he is a stockholder and company attorney.
According to the newspaper, last year Smith was introduced
to an attorney in the Justice Department's Tax Division by John J.
Irwin, then an administrative assistant to Nixon. Smith confirmed
the statement but said it was only a routine request to the Senator's
office. He said Senator Nixon himself was not involved and that he
had never discussed the case with Nixon. Nix6n was not available
for comment
NEW YORK The American Federation of Labor convention
endorsed Stevenson's presidential candidacy by a unanimous vote.
This is the first time the AFL convention has endorsed a candi
date since the organization was founded in 1881. In 1924 a special
committee barked Robert M. Lafollette running on the Progressive
In his report to the convention James L. McDevitt, director of
Labor's League for Political Education said the only way to get rid
of the Taft-Hartley Act was to elect 49 senators and 218 representa
tives who feel the same way.
rmr.inn Rnv. Adlal Stevenson admitted that he had pro
moted a cash fund from private individuals to augment salaries of
om stnte officials. However, he said there was nothing secretive
about such aid. None of the men
The charge agalns the Democratic nominee was made by Kent
Chandler, Chicago manuiacturer ana usennower suppuiier, m
4i.ffrc.rn tn strvenson. In his formal statement, the Illinois gov
ernor said, "There is no question
.... n nnnnprtinn between the
The statement did not reveal
got it and who gave it. Stevenson cua say uiai uie money was,
that left over from his 1948 gubernatorial campaign together with
fie&eral contributions.
Public Welfare
corruption left by eight years of!
Republican leadership in the state
of Illinois.
Sparkman also answered Re
publican charges of dishonesty in
government employees. He said meeting of student leaders to con
that only 174 cases of irregularfer with him Wednesday noon to
practices in government offices eliminate misunderstanding and
had been found. He pointed out confusion surrounding the migra
that there were over 2 million !tion question,
government employees, and that I in calling the meeting Dean
the percentage for dishonesty for Colbert denied:
government employees is far
lower than in some other fields.
The Senator also called atten
tion to the great power and
farm help programs instituted
under Democratic administra
tion. The REA, one of the farm
programs, was resisted by Re
publicans every step of the way,
and was passed only when the
Democrats were able to win the
support of the few Republicans
who voted in favor of the plan.
The 80th Congress
much attention in Sparkman's ad-
dress. He called attention to the,riouslv affect the action of the
fact that this was a Republican-:
to note the short duration of the
Republican advantage.
His renlv to Renublican charges'
of creeping socialism was that
DJtheir claims were eomnletelv un-,
founded, and that their claims
iwere not jaws ana wouiu never
be accepted as law,
The Senator ended his speech
by saying that he knew the Amer
ican people would realize the is
sues at stake, and he was very
confident as to the outcome of the
November elections.
remain under consideration
pending receipt of Keller's re
port The Committee took a second
economy step in deciding against
allowing funds for two represen
tatives from The Daily Nebraskan
to attend the annual meeting of
the National Intercollegiate Press
Association which will be held
this year in New York.
Robert Pinkerton and Leon
ard Zajicek, applicants for The
Daily Nebraskan photography
assignment, told the Committee
they would like to accept the
appointment as a joint venture,
but felt the established salary
of $39 per month is inadequate.
Glenn Rosenquist one of the
student representatives on the
Committee, said he believes stu
Union Talent Show Try outs
Scheduled Sept.
Do you have talent? If so, the
Union Talent Show would be a
good place to put it to use.
Now an annual affair; the tal
ent show, composed of University!
students, is sponsored by the
Union Activities Committee.
Tryouts for the show will be
from 7 to 10 p.m., Sept 30 and
i Abutter 4
were elected officials or office
of improper influence because there
contributors and the beneficiaries."
how much money was donated, who
VOL 52 No. 8
nMU Migration
Amid a flurry of rumors and
accusations concerning University
migration, band trips and Student
Council action, came the voice
Tuesday of Dean of Student Af
fairs J. P. Colbert, declaring that
"nothing is official."
The Dean Monday night called a
1. That the University band
is definitely going to the Uni
versity of Colorado game.
2. That the band is definitely
not going to the University of
Kansas game.
3. That the administration has
ruled out the possibility of a
migration to Colorado.
Although the Wednesday noon
meeting was called only to de
termine "where we stand and
what it (the confusion) is all
about," it appeared that the re-
suits of the meeting would se-
student Council when it convenesUnlm.aHft A v-aT,c t
At the Council meeting, accord
ing fo President Wayne White, the
action taken at last week's meet
mg proposing a migration to
Kansas will be reconsidered in
the light of "the events which
tion, unaoucteary include:
1. The denied rumor that the
band would not attend the Kan
sas game, even if migration were
to KU.
2. The Increasing cries of To
the Rockies," which began im
mediately following the- Conn-
dents should be willing to work
on both the Cornhusker and Daily
Nebraskan staffs at less than
standard salary scales.
"My guess is," he said, "that
almost every member of either
the paid staffs of the Corn
husker or The Daily Nebraskan
could make wore money if they
wanted to go out and work by
the hour."
Pinkerton and Zajicek suggested
that perhaps Kappa Alpha Mu,
honorary photo-journalism frater
nity, might be willing to provide
The Daily Nebraskan with photo
service as a chapter project on a
$30-per-month basis. Both are
members of the society and Ax
tell, who resigned from the Corn
husker photography post is na
tional president of the group.
30 -Oct. I
Oct 1, in the Union ballroom.
The talent may be o" a varied
type; presented either individu
ally or by a group.
All University students are eli
gible to try out for the show. En
tries are needed.
The acts that will be used in
the show are selected during the
tryouts. All talent entries for the
tryouts are put on file by the Tal
ent Bureau. The files are used for
reference when talent is wanted
reierence wuen lajeni is wanieu ... ., C(jo(.
, jj .. j- 4u f, vited to this event students oe
for different events in the city or . . ' . . ,! ftta-t'nln This tnvps tnlPTitpil Kfu -
dents a chance to make an outside
Applications for tryouts should
be made at the Union Activities
Office or to Norman Gauger,
be Oct 9.
The Union Talent Show will
presented Oct 12, at 7:30 p.m.,
in the Union Ballroom. There
will be no admission charged.
The talent acts will be Judged
the night of the show and the
winners will be announced after
the show. The prizes will be $10
for first place, $7 for second and
$3 for third.
J """Sf
ACTIVITY FILE . . . Looking over her complete list of all coeds'
activities at the University is Sue Holmes. Miss Holmes is the AWS
board member in charge of the point system. (Daily Nebraskan
Voico of a
cil's nearly-unanimous vote In
favor of the Kansas migration.
Before the rumor concerning
the band s refusal to attend the
Kansas game was denied, Presi
dent White declared, "A migra
tion cannot be successful without
the band." He added that, if the
band did not go to Lawrence, a
migration as recommended by the
Council would be impossible.
Any action taken by the Coun
cil will go to the Faculty Sen
ate's Student Affairs Committee,
headed by Colbert for acceptance
or refusal. The Committee cannot
authorize an official migration
without a definite request from
the Council.
The calling of the Dean's
meeting seemed to indicate that
the committee has not consid
ered the Council's recommenda
tion and that it desires a fur
ther study into the opinions of
The Council action last week
followed a discussion in which thenavian countries. Following these
great distance to Boulder and ex- talks new staff members will be
pense involved ($40 or more, ac-
was recommended by the Council
because of the low expense and
the possibility of large student
The opposition, however,
which has arisen during the
week against a Lawrence ex
pedition, together with reports
concerning the band's plans,
has seriously complicated and
clouded the migration issue.
White declared that the Coun
cil would probably recommend to
the administration that the of
ficial migration to KU, as pro
posed, be forgotten and that an
unofficial migration to Colorado
that is, without University sanc
tion substitute this year.
Regardless of Council or ad
ministration action it appeared
Tuesday that a large number of
students were planning on the
Colorado trip. One University
student has chartered two buses
student has chartered two buses
offering a round-trip ticket for
Pep Rally For
Huskers Set
Friday A.M.
An early morning pep rally will
be the send-off for the Comhus-
kers as they leave for Portland,
Ore., Friday morning.
The team will breakfast at 7:30
and leave for the airport at 8 a.m.
Corn Cobs, Tassels, and Corn Cob
workers will be present on the
Union steps to lead the rally as
will be pep band and cheerlead
ers. Danny Fogel, rally chairman,
said that the rally will break up
in time for students to be on time
for 8 o'clock classes. It will begin
at 7:30 a.m.
Fogel urges all students to bei
present to see the team oil lor
this second and important game,
House Party Starts
Delian-Union Year
Delian-Union will open their
year s social activities aaturaay,
Sent 27. at 8 p.m. with a bouse
party at the home of Clark Gus-
tin, alumni sponsor, ilii u street.
All independent students are in-
to attend should contact
Ormand Meyer. 3-5672, or Clark
Gustin, 3-4245, before Saturday
Delian-Union holds meetings
every two weeks, alternating be-
Most of the meetings this year
will be held in alumni homes ac
cording to Gustin.
Park To Head AUF
Speakers Bureau
Eldon Park has been named
head of the All University Fund
Speakers bureau, according to
Rocky Yapp, vice president in
charee of publicity.
Park replaces Bob Hasebroock
who resigned from the position.
Park's other activities include
Builders treasurer and a Student
Council member.
Great Midwstnrn University
Union Dance
Winner Of Campus Beauty Contest
. Twelve finalists for 1952-53 Calendar Girl were selected last night.
They will be presented during intermission at a dance in the Union at 8:30 p.m.
Friday. The Calendar Girl will be chosen by the vote of ticketholders at the door.
Tickets for 50 cents each are being sold at a booth in the Union lobby.
Service Certificates
To Be Presented At
n,. t,i ir,,,it
ing Dinner will be held Wednes-
day at 6:30 p.m. in the Union
ballroom. Included on the pro-,
gram wiu ue iwo u-nuimie
by staff members who have re-
turned rrom abroad.
The speakers will be Dr. Carl
iieorgi, wno studied lor a year
at the University of Pans, and
Dr. Albin T. Anderson, who
visits Su'wlcn and nthpr SranHi-
Twenty-five year service cer
tificates will be presented to the
following faculty members: Miss, Science; Dr. J. E. Weaver, profes-
Evelyn Metbger, assistant profes-sor of Plant Ecology and F. J.
sor of Home Economics; Miss jChase, Assistant Extension Eco -
Carolyn Ruby, associate professor nomist
of Home Economics; Dr. H. A.
Pagel, professor of Chemistry;
Dr. C G. Lowe, professor and
tiianiiian uic ircuaiimuii uiinas ieii to nil an educational as- .
Picture On Cover
Features New Look
Plans of the Cornhusker staff
to produce one of the highest
quality yearbooks in Nebraska
history got the green light Tues
day from the Committee on Stu
dent Publications.
The committee, headed by Dr.
R, V. Shumate, gave Don Noble,
Cornhusker Business Manager,
authority to spend $550 above
contraci price to give tne laaa
fVirnhnitpr a fiill-rnlnr "tin-in"i
- l' ,
nirtiire on the rover.
A second request from Pat! school. jMyrle Pickett. Barbara Lucas,
Bechan, Cornhusker Editor, and) Pessimist: One, who when given' Jean Steff en. Donna Folmer, Mil
Noble, to boost the quality of the a choice of two evils, chooses bothJdred Snvder. Darlene Goadding,
yearbook's paper also won com
mittee approval. The high quality The weath
stock will cost $325 above the er ? ? ? Your
contract price. guess is prob
To get these concessions, how- ably b e t ter
ever, the Cornhusker management than mine,
agreed to forego attendance to the Let's say
1953 meeting of the National Col- clear, cool
legiate Press Association's year- (very cool),
book section. The meeting is sunny
scheduled in New York City. weather to
Business Manager Noble said day. OK?
the Cornhusker budget could not .
be stretched to cover both the in- LiP 1 1 c k is
something that
representation at the meeting.
"It's our oosition. he said. mat.
the money belongs m the book
rather than New York."
On its own motion, the commit
tee voted to increase the salary
of the Cornhusker Associate Edi
tor, Julie Johnson, from $40 to $505 papers 1 'was jn a generous
per montn. ine committee ex -
pressed the opinion mat tne as
sociate editorship should carry a
slightly higher salary than the
managing editorships which are
set at $40.
University Students Pursue Dramatic
Careers At Hayloft Summer Theatre
Feature Editor
Rich man, poor man, beggar
man, 'thief doctor, lawyer, mer
chant, chief. These are only a
few of the personalities displayed
by a group of University students;
who spent their summer treading
the boards.
When the Hayloft Theater
opened its third season last June
9 in the big barn at 5904 South
street, the entire cast was com
posed of University students.
Aianan toe, ru jouer, umuc
Downing, Marty Miller, Harry
Stiver, Les Mathis, Hank Gib
son and Wes Jensby, who all
appeared in University Theater
productions last year, were the
stars and starlets of Hayloft's
The managers were Rich Miller,
now a student at the University,
and David Andrews, an alumnus.
LeVonne Gibbs, box office man
ager, was also a University stu
dent. During the summer the group
presented 13 shows. The per
formances ran six nights a
week, Monday excluded. Prac
tices began on June 2. The cast
rehearsed one play during the
day and presented another at
night Practice hours were from
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and
1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Curtain
time was 8:30 p.m.
Director of the Hayloft Theater
was Irene Marmine of New York.
While playing at the Hayloft,
SB MKiiv
Tickets To
tv a t t .
Geology; Dr. C C. Camp, profes- house chaperon at the Residence
sor of Mathematics; Dr. D. AJHalls for Women,
Worcester, professor and chairman j They were judged on the basis
01 me ueparunent or taucauonai:of v-,allr. nA rrsonalitv.
Psychology and Measurements: j013"' p01Se 3 d
Dr. w. H. S. Morton, professor of
Secondary Education: and A. G.
George, Assistant
who have retired since July
will be recognized: Dr. T. A.
selbach, professor of Agronomy;
Dr. H. H. Man-in, professor cf
Theoretical Physics; Dr. John P." T . T, V J "
Senninc. nrofessor of Political ,
Miss Mabel Lee, professor and, elta Aau 1JelLa euey,
'chairman of the Department of .Chi Omega; Pat Nellis, Alpha Chi
Physical Education for Women,'omesa and Grace Burkhardt,
signment in Iraq.
Because of insufficient space,
only faculty members will be al
lowed to attend the dinner. The
tickets are $1.35 and may be pur
chased at the door by those hav
ing reservations.
Staff Writer
Overheard last June
Landlady: A room with a bath
is $10 a week without bath it's
c,Aa- Til iritv,vTit o
wtUUtlAb. A Al MAC TWMJlM.
K?tVi T'm inert cttHn a fnr oiirmwr
(gives a d d e d Cool
lu " U1U
Irate (angry) student: I don't
think I deserved a zero in this!
nniT 1 i
Agreeable professor: I don't! of America will hold a monthly
think so either, but when I graded meeting in Room 1 306, new Agron-
Lawyer: No, I'm sorry, miss.
You can't collect alimony just
because be wants bis fraternity
pin back.
Pat Diane and Marian lived to
gether in an apartment Marty is
a Lincoln girL Les Mathis, the
only married member of the play
ers, lives in Lincoln with his wife
and small daughter. The other
three men in the cast also roomed
The shows presented included
three by John Patrick, "Hasty
Heart," "Lo And Behold," and
"Curious Savage." Others were
"Apron Strings," "Death Takes
A Holiday," "Milky Way,"
"Murry Hilt" "Power Without
Glory" and "Our American
"Our American Cousin," the)
play which Abraham Lincoln was,
watching when he was assassi
nated, was revived on tne ayion
stage for ti e first time in forty
years of American drama
According to Pat Loder, the
plays by John Patrick were the
,.1 3 4v
which the cast really enjoyed
nrpspntir, Tnnc f thm n 4
Lo And Behold," a comedy
which incidentally, is being pre
sented over Radio Theater Guild
this coming Sunday evening.
Several times during the sum
mer, stars were imported to
play in Hayloft productions.
Usually these actors and actres
ses were from Lincoln, but one,
Mrs. Rita Shaw, came from
The Hayloft Theater season said that anyone who can meet
closed with the production of "Our 'these requirements is strongly
American Cousin" and the cast is, urged to file.
Wednesday, September 24, 1952
The Bill Albers combo
play for the dance. A trio will
sing numbers typical of the four
season of the year as the Calen
dar Girls are presented.
The 12 finalists were chosen by
Dean Linscott, president of Build
ers; Miss Anderson, beautician at
Gold's; Miss Workman, advertis
ing manager at Hovland's; Rob
ert Michaelson, hairdresser at Si-
mon's, and Mrs. F. D. Hastin,
Finalists are:
Joan Kjeldgaard, Kappa Delta;
Connie Clark, Alpha Chi Omega,
'chosen by Farmhouse; Ruthann
ljLavtae. Sigma Delta Tau; Nancy
Keis-'Hemphill, Pi Beta Phi; Virginia
'Holloway, Sigma Kappa; Marlene
MS aii,, r,; r;. rfv,;a
- tiOiyoK.e, iappa Aipna ixieia,
chosen by Beta Theta Pi; Betty
Jstratton, Delta Delta Delta; Gracia
Ulh Kar,na AiDha Theta. chosen
r' Kappa ineia, cnosea
Delta Delta Delta.
NU Traditions
Topic Of First
CC Program
At 5 p.m. Wednesday, Love Li
brary Auditorium will be the
scene of the first Coed Counselor
"Campus Know-How" program.
The presentation, "Nebraska
Does It This Way," is an informal
skit consisting of University tra
ditions and customs.
coeds who will be accompamed to
the programs by their Ccad Coun
selor big sisters.
Participating in the Wednesday
skit will be:
Nancee Peterson, narator; Jo
Meyer, Mary Fuelburth,
Marilyn Hamer.
Robyn Ryder. Barbara Hersh-
berger, Mary Jane Mapes, Eileen
Mullarky, Sandra Daley, Winnie
Stolz and Elizabeth Gass.
The second skit will be Wednes
day, Sept 29 at 5 p.m. in Love
Library Auditorium and entitled
"College Daze." The series will
conclude with "Activity Mart Pre
view" Oct 6
Sue Reinhardt and Jo Johnson
are co-chairmen of the series.
Soil Conservation Society
To Meet Thursday P.M.
The University Student Chap
ter of Soil Conservation Society
Vlliy UUlJUXUg, 1.1 .lft. aoj
It is the first student chapter
ever established. Any student in
terested in conservation should at
tend this meeting, according to
Arthur KuhL Secretary-Treasurer
of the group.
now scattered. Harry Stiver has
assumed his position as head of
the speech department at Has
tings College, Marty Miller is
studying for her masters degree
at Smith College, and the other
members of the cast have re-
turned to the University, where
you will be seeing them in Circle
Theater productions. Wes Jensby
is president of Nebraska Masqu
ers, honorary acting group.
Marian, Diane and Pat are also
Sophomore AWS
Filing Starts Today
Associated Women Students
Board has one vacant nosition for
a Sophomore, unaffiliated woman.
Requirements are: a 5.7
weJKnieu average. reii&ueieu iu at
Jf ".ntly and 24
hours passed last year. The ap-
plicant must be living on campus
in a hall that is under AWS rules.
Applications are to be filed from
Wednesday through next Tuesday
in the main lobby of Ellen Smith
Hall. The vacancy was left by one
member who did not return to
school this fall.
Applicants should refer ques
tions to AWS President Jean Lou
don, phone 2-1926. Miss Loudon