The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 23, 1952, Image 1

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AWS Point System
Associated Women Student's
point system appears on page 4
with the revised changes.
Speaking at the first Univer
sity convocation today will bo
Sen. John Sparkman (D., Ala.).
The convocation will be in the
Coliseum at 10 a.m.
Voice of a Great Midwestern tniverjify
VOL. 52 No. 7
Monday, September 22, 1952
University Music
P. M. Headlines
ct 17
All Campus Election To
Elect BABW Hellow Girl1
Barb Activities for Board Women's "first social func
tion of the year will be the annual BABW Hello Dance Oct.
17 according to Wilda Weaver.
Dancing will be from 8 until 12 p.m. with the Jimmy
Tl.:iK yU il. ii.. j...
t iim'ti a umuu xmiusmiig uie music ior me aance.
I Featured at the dance will be
12 Finalists
To Be Picked
This Evening
the presentation of the Hello
Girl. Each independent wom
en's house will choose one girl
to represent them as a candi
date for Hello Girl. The can
didates must be a junior or
sophomore, having a 5.0 average
or above, take an active part in
school activities and carry at
least IS hours a semester.
The Hello Girl will be chosen
Girl in an all campus election.
Tickets will go on sale a week
Candidates for Calendar
were chosen after the sale of
Builders calendars ended Monday.
Organized houses selected one
candidate for every SO calendars
sold by their representatives.
Twelve finalists will be chosen
on the basis of beauty, poise and!
personality. Candidates will befVU Theatre
judged at i-so p.m. Tuesday m
the faculty lounge at the Union.
One of the finalists will be
elected 1952-53 Calendar Girl at
a dance in the Union Friday night.
She and the other 11 finalists will
I WASHINGTON Sen. Richard M. Nixon will go on the air Tues
day night to explain his $18,235 expense fund donated by fellow
Californians. In making the announcement, Remiblican National
Chairman Arthur E. Summerfield said the National Committee and
the GOP Senatorial and Congressional Campaign Committees have
purchased more than $75,000 worth of radio-TV time.
The broadcast will be carried by NBC television and CBS and
Mutual radio stations at 7:30 p.m. Central Standard Time.
Gen. Dwight Eisenhower talked with his running-mate Sunday
night by telephone. Although the results of the conversation were
not revealed, indications were that the general is opposed to having
Nixon withdraw from the race. Observers on the special train said
the 20 minute talk between the Republican candidates was held so
that the general could know more of the details concerning the Nixon
expense account. i
SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Gov. A'dlai Stevenson's (aides kept a list
of business corporations and state suppliers who contributed to his
gubernatorial campaign and expense fund. The money was raised
since the governor felt taxpayers' money should not be used for cer
tain expenses.
The list was kept by William J. McKinney, former state pur
chasing agent He said that he never let the donations influence him
in placing orders. He resigned his post in 1950 when it was evident
irehesfra Memmbers
before the dance. They may be1 that the state legislature would not confirm his reappointment.
purchased for 60 cents from any
BABW member.
Chairman of '.he Hello Dance
planning commi:tee is Darlene
Open House
Saturday P.M.
McKinney said he never knew the exact total of contributions
but that it was near $100,000.
NEW YORK Delegates to the American Federation of Labor
convention cheered when Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson repeated his be
lief that the Taft-Hartley act should be scrapped. He first urged re
peal of the law in his Labor Day speech at Detroit.
Stevenson said Republican claims that he advocated compulsory
arbitration of labor disputes was false. "My proposal was that if
Congress sees fit to direct the President to intervene in a labor dis
pute, it should give him among other things, the authority to try to
have that dispute referred to arbitration," he said.
Circle Theater
Play Tryouts
Open Friday
Sixty-six University of Nebraska students have been
selected to play in the 1952-53 University Symphony or
chestra, Conductor Emanuel Wishnow announced Monday.
Professor Wishnow said the or
ganization has an especially well
balanced instrumentation this
year. The orchestra will give its
first concert Nov. 9 with a nationally-known
artist as guest so
loist. Members are:
Violins Earl Schuman, concert-
master, Donna Gardner, Pat Fel
leer. Gavle Henkel. Sheila Brown.
Student tickets for the 1952-53 i Marilyn Hammond, Alice Saund-
Students May
Hear Concert
Series For $5
Tryouts for the first University
Circle Theater play will be held
Friday, Sept. 26. 3 to 4:30 p.m.
and 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. and Satur-
jonn icicn tecnmeai director, uuy m ux '"" vine, Ruth Johnson, John Malone,
vi me v-uirc lucaia, wiiu iiioucjuna me umce oi xne dcnooi OI
the announcement, states that; Music
there are nine roles available in j ' ..... ... . , A
iui live uuuars siuuems may
see six concerts, four of them
with orchestra.
Herbert Schmidt, concert pian-
All productions this vear will ist wiH opcn the season ct 28 at.Chnistensen, Arthur Murphy (Uni-
JLTTth ? be followedjversity faculty), Carol Patterson,
Harold Welch, Douglas Wilcox.
Cellos Carol Puckett (Univer
sity faculty), Charles Klasek,
Elizabeth Templeton, Joanna Jor
gensen, Robert Patterson, Darrel
the play, "Outward Bound," by
Sutton Vane.
Anyone is welcome to try out.
It is not necessary to be a speech
Wanda Gardner, Virginia Mc
Peck, Gail Katskee, Lucille La
vine, Barbara Jones, Richard
Christensen, Wanda Barrett, Mar
jorie Hallas, Marianne Kolter
man, Fauneil Gutzmann.
Violas Roma Johnson, Martha
given in tuc oiciid ijut; uiceuei Tn n v.. t j t
set up on the third floor of the!o" Dec. 2 by cellist Leonid Rose,
twiq v, o, who will be accompanied by the
seats only 125, performances williLi"coIn Symphony Orchestra
run eight nights, Wednesday,! On Jan. 13 Igor Gonn, baritone
Thursday, Friday and Saturday ot ,smr wm appear, un eD.
ABOARD EISENHOWER SPECIAL Dwight Eisenhower blamed
incompetent diplomats" for the Korean War. He attacked the Demo-
TTniwrsilw IhnntrA'c nnjn Vinn eratie record in foreien affairs in a sneech at Evansville. Ind.. one of
be presented at intermission. J will be held Saturday, 7:30 to 9:30 the stops on his Midwestern campaign tour.
Vvorv tifVf.iv.niW at tho noe P. m. at the Temnle building. I The Republican presidential candidate said there were two
j ..w - . ' : inic ...i i tt..-..j :u.. l- " ouujcie own
tvidv rati mis vote frr Palfnar1 miormauon BDOUl ineaixe ac-, vmei seniles ainee into, wiicii me unm-u owin was imguijr cuuugu rfeveloned first in thp nncipnt
may cast one vote for Calendar tivitieg and their funcfions win be t0 force peace. These emergencies-the Berlin airlift and the Korean Glek Waters The -UnivpS
Girl. Tickets for 50 cents each are'- tj rwi.; w i .lt. niAn9n, fv, .tiit.n, v, A re?K. ineaieis. ine universny
t,n .w TV,io U SOlOmon. a DianiSt. IS DeinC ."uimuiei. diuivn xvuAuerg.
first time that performances have,sPnsored b-v the Symphony. Basses Naida Watson Marilyn
run into the weekend. Production The two concerts, March 10;faul. Karrold Spicknall, Jim Mc
dates of the first play will be d April 7, will feature Michael jLean, Charlotte Hervert.
Oct. 29, 30. 31; Nov. l,-5 6 7 8 i Rabin and audition winners of i Flutes William Krause, Sigrid
The arena theater, in which the Previous talent shows, both to be ,
stage is placed in the center and accompanied by the orchestra.
the audience seated around
Explanation will be
being sold at a booth in the Union 'given about the freshman acting
lobby. j group concerning their member-
snip requirements, iviovies oi me
war were results of a diplomacy which the military had to "bail
WASHINGTON fipcrpt Chinpsp-Snvipt acrepmpnls. rpppntlv
A picture Of the Calendar Girl tVipntrp's last war nrnnMinn nf cnnrhiripd in Moscow mav brine npw Communist militarv offpnsivps
will appear on the inside cover of Othello and slides of other past m the tar bast.
the Builders Calendar next year. 'plays will be shown.
Corn Cobs
Don Noble, Corn Cob president,
Candidates are:
Sally Jo Spiker, Kappa Kappa TOUT (1311165,
Chiefs Combat
Gamma: Ardell Wilhelm, Bar
bara Dunn, Alpha Phi; Wanda
Ham, Love Hall; Mimi DuTeau,!
Kappa Sigma; Jean Louden, Theta
Xi; Dora Mathews, Terrace Hall
T V 1 . JJ !
jerrie iangciew, uamma mi Especially for those students
Beta; Lynn Holland, Jody Seifert, who never sit in class and hear a
Delta Gamma; Carol Molstad, ,HW vain- n in
Campus Fire
sane desire to follow the fire
Towne Club; Joan Bryson, Peggy
Winchester, Marlene Rees, Alpha 'trucks, the excitement came di
Omicron Pi; Barb Kokrda, Mari-,rectly to the campus yesterday
lyn Schnert, Alpha Xi Delta; Janejafternoon.
Deppen, Nancy Hemphill, Pi Beta! The house at 520 North 14th
Phi; Ruthann Levine, Sigma Delta Is aigecdtar a,nfir
Tau;Gracia Eyth, Delta TauMU;fe'happa started m a
This warning was issued by U. S. diplomatic experts who are
familiar with Soviet-Chinese affairs. They doubted that the negoti
ations would bring new hope in the stalemated Korean truce talks.
The officials fear that one of two moves may be in e offing.
These are: (1) a stepped-up campaign in Korea to win a military
victory rather than a negotiated truce, or (2) a new Red offensive in
Indo-China. They said the military moves probably would be carried
out by Chinese Communists or other red groups backed by the
Jr. -Sr. Class Council
Filings Due On Friday
Pieper Lists Qualifications;
Names Plans For Year
Grace Burkhardt, Mary Robinson,
Betty Stratum, Delta Delta Delta;
I Filings for the JuniorSenior , the council would have one vote
Two engine companies and two Rpnt 5fi af,mrjill(, to cpninr -lass member.
Clarinets Wesley Reist, Robert
Oboes Dale Ground, Jo ye
Fricke, John Berigan.
Bassoon Phyllis Wroth.
Trumpets Paul Thompson,
Jack McKie, Paul Bieberstein.
Trombones Stan Shumway,
Jack Lund, Fred Boucher.
Tuba Robert Chab.
French horns Walter Cole,
used it during the last season for
plays produced in the experimen
tal . i .
a . ,u tt 'announced a meeting of all Corn
The students at the University- . , , 6 J .
saw a performance in an arena :Cobs and workers Tuesday jn Un
theater when the Nebraska Mas- ion room 313, at 5 p.m.
Zdrn! Discussion be hed o" the Kathryn Robson. William Barrett,
Jack : Dalton" in the Union ball-ithe Corn Cob Priects 'or the next! Dennis Carroll, Kenneth Reimary,
room in the spring of 1951. ihome game and plans will be!065 Hazen. ..
It is more difficult for the actors made for future Corn Cob activi-L J0"?5',0"-111 f&i
to r.1av on an nrpna sta,rp sir,PP.,. lTOll al iviarais, Miny weicn.
. - n . - - lies
some member of the cast on stage:
must be facing one side of the:!
audience. The actors are playing
to four sides instead of just one
as in the case of the regular stage.
According to Tolch, there will
be no difficulty in seeing or hear
ing the productions presented on
the arena stage, since there are
only three circular rows of seats
Jerry Humphrey.
I Harp Bonnie Weddel.
NU Will Get Psychiatrist;
Selection Still Problem
surrounding the stage.
Judy Slansburg, Kappa Alpha truck companies were called to pj.esident Don .peiper
Theta: Diane Feaster, Lucille Hil-pe scene, cringing wun xnem two. Applications for the councils
ger, Tau Kappa Epsilon; Connie .pumpers and two ladder trucks 'mav be made at the student Ac
Clark, Farm House; Dottie Orch-'Also present were the chief and;tiv-ties office and seiecti0ns will
rd, Katy Kelly, Chi Omega; Pat! the assistant chief. !be made Monday, Sept. 29 by
Nellis, Alpha Chi Omega; Naomil Perhaps due to the proximity of the Campus Improvements Com-
iieorge, Alpha uamma lino; joan me nous.e iu uk pidi-cs wiuae mittee of the Student Council.
Kjeldgaard, Pat Graham, Kappa students "coffee," a large crowd
Delta; Marge Ericksen, Pennies; gathered to watch the fire.
Cynthia Holyoke. Beta Theta Pi;i Apparently the damage was
Charlene Katz, Sigma Alpha Mu confined to the interior of the
Carol Wright, Sigma Phi Epsilon. I closet.
First Of 'Know-How' Series
To Be Given Wednesday P.M.
Qualifications for filing are:
Junior or Senior class standing,
a 5 accumulative average, and
an interest in student govern
ment, Pieper said.
Pieper said that a constitution
of the Junior and Senior Class
T'as begun last, year but has not
yet been approved by the Stu
dent Council. The eight Junior
and Senior class officers will serve
'Nebraska Does It This Way",noon. The program will be the from each class seected council
will be the theme of the Coed first of a series of three. 'members.
Counselor's Campus Know-Howj xhe skit will be presented at. According to this unofficial con-
presentation Wednesday after-5 p.m. jn Love Library auditorium stitution, the president of the
' ' 1 and will explain various Univer- Senior Class would serve as pre-
4H C iK To Qnnncfir sity traditions The skits are in'siding chairman at the council
w F the form of informative entertain-meetings, but each member of
ment according to Susan Rein-- ' "- - r
hardt and Jo Johnson, co-chair- 1 I ! L. - , LJ.
men of the Know-How series. LOVe LlDrary HOUrS
The second skit, "College Daze,
Thp tTnivrrsitv 4-H Club will, will be presented
sponsor a watermelon feed Wed- third skit, - Preview to Activities Love Library will be open from
nesday, at 6:45 p.m. on the lower Mart, Oct. 5. participants in the .55 a m to 9.30 p.m- Monday
Rocky Yapp, Junior Class
President, and Pieper have
drawn up tentative plans for
this year's work for the council.
Some of the projects this year
are: planning and presenting
the Junior-Senior Prom; pre
senting, during the Ivy Day
ceremonies, a cup for the Sen
ior man and woman with the
highest accumulative average
for four years; and the plan
ning and carrying out at differ
ent class projects throughout
the year.
Tassels Name
Does the University need a full-,be equipped to help in other prob-
time psychiatrist? This question JCIIi! u,dl. arlie-
was asked last year, and has been
answered by Dr. Samuel I. Fuen-j
ning, director of Student Health. I
The University is to have a
full-time psychiatrist. The only
problem remaining is the selec
tion of a person for the position.
Dr. Fuenning said that inter
views have been in Droeress lor
Tassels. Women's Ten oreaniza- snmp limp nnrt Ihnt n nevrhintrist
tion, reported 450 Cornhuskersjwill be selected for the position' ajri
Kfilri bv thPl'r Tnpmhprc D iha limn ' rlnii rr V,o lo sf fVio c--i I V W
"l-i. -J H V b.. ..J.JV UUllllg Hit JOlkLl k U. tT.
ot their meeting Monday night.
According to Dr. Fuening, yearly
expenditures for psychiatric serv
ices total, "about $2,700." He in
dicated that the School of Social
Work and the clinical psychology
department often enlist the sid of
psychiatrists for lectures and
other things. Student Health Cen
ter often has requests from the
University departments for the
services of a psychiatrist, he said.
Watermelon Feed
Wednesday Night
5f Jfe'Announced For '52
skits are:
through Thursday and 7:50 a.m.
Peterson, narrator, Jo to 5 p.m. Friday ' and Saturday.
The Library will close at noon on
days that there are home foot
ball games,
Ag campus.
All new students, as well as
upperelassmcn, arc invited to at- Ann Meyer, Mary Fuelburth,
tend by the 4-H Club. Myrtle Pickett, Barbara Lucas,
In case of foul weather, the feed Jean Steff en, Donna Folmer, Mil
will be held in the Horse Barn dred Snyder, Darlene Goodding,
arena. Marilyn ' Hamer, Robyn Ryder, ibe on duty at the loan desk from
The 4-H Club requests that stu-' Barbara Hershberger, Mary Jane! 5 to 7 p.m., Monday through
dents sign one of the posters on Mapes, Eileen Mullarky, Sandra Thursday, to assist in any way
the Ag campus bulletin boards if , Daley, Winnie Stolz and Eliza- needed in any part of the build-
thcy wish to attend. 'otm uass. iuS.
Chairman of the committees for
planning the Homecoming cele
bration were named. The Home
coming game will be between
Minnesota and Nebraska, Nov. 15.
The committees and their
chairmen are as follows: pub
licity. Norma Lothrop, assisted
by Marilyn Erwin; floats, Bar
bara Bell; Coliseum decoration,
Elaine Gruntorad; half-time
presentation, Sandra Daley;
dance presentation, Georgia Hu
lac; balloons. Pat Peck; invita
tions, Phil Kort; parade, Lura
Ann Hardin; tickets, Sue Rein
hard t- rally, Darlene Goodding
and Nora Devore.
This year, for the first time.
Tassels are having a supply chair
man. All supplies for decoration,
building and publicity will be
purchased through her. Neala
O'Dell is the supply chairman.
These chairmen are junior and
Work has been going on for
some time to find the right man
for the job, and even more time
must be taken before a definite
choice can be made. The reason
for the delay is that such a se
lection is very difficult to make.
Dr. Fuenning said.
First, a proper person must be
found for the job. He, or she, must
be able to fit into University life,
he said, and must be able to work
with students and their particular
Rally Attracts
850 Boosters
To the chant of "We will beat
South Dakota," the first rally pro
cession followed the pep band
from the Coliseum to the Union
probably be engaged in privatel An esnated 850 University stu-prac-tice,
and some length of timejdents took part in the rally,
is involved in leaving a practice to Leaving the Coliseum at 7 p.m,
assume a new position. Dr. Fuen-,- -.o1, rriay.r.y,A i.-r, v;
ning pointed out.
Last year. Rev. Rex Knowles
said. "University students are
as stable as anyone else, but
they are also as unstable."
Students at the University will
Cniirtfr t i in Star
Staff Writer ,
Note for all the camous Don
Juans as in this little gem of, senior members of the organiza-have double benefits from their , introduced. Coach Bill Glassford
words to the wise Poetic Lover:!
rally marched
Street, up North 16th, and down
R Street to the Union steps.
Game captains Carl Brasee, Ed
Husmann, and Bob Reynolds were
'Just one little kiss, love makes
Coed Wants Sticker For Three Cars;
Brown Palace Barely Gets Permits
Feature Editor
Harder to talk into letting you
park than a prudish girl on a first
That's the best way to describe
doubtedly a relative of the late
King Midas, who insisted that
she neded a parking sticker for
each f ther three cars, which
she drives alternately.
the members of the Student Coun- jf,nntK ig lhe KtlKient who has
...1 inkln in tViO Qtll- -. , . -
vu wriw mun mc wjc u - nniv w0 cars am'CS one xo-
ueru union loouy uuu c;ay ond the other tomorrow
Less wealthy and more frequent:Wymore. his home town, and
in the annals of parking sticker iback and needed a permit to park
on campus, because his home was
permits if
In order to obtain a parting
permit ard a sticker it is neces
sary to present your University
identification card and your
car registration. The first to
prove that you have a right to
park on campus and the second
to prove that you have a car,
it is necessary to live at least
A public service librarian will the world eo 'round you know."
Campus Ami
con: So does a
smash on the
The happy
weather man
reports that
w e'l 1 hare
good picnic
fair skies and
weather with
warmer tem
peratures up
to 35. The flies that have been
swarming around the heads of
hard working students will have
a few more days grace, tem
peratures will drop to only 40
degrees, in the wee hours.
What not to say when you go
home for the first time is demon
strated when Father says: "What
was the hardest thing you learned
One alibi good enough to rate a
permit was one tried by a roomer
at the apartment house next to the
Residence Halls for Women. He
insisted that he often drove to
more than eight blocks from cam
pus. He got the permit
Residents at the Men's Dorm
tion. They will choose the re-!s1udent health in the near future, alS0 P0Ke 10 lne ralJ-v crowa.
mainder of their committees be-! Dr. Fuening said. Now we willj Ira Epstein and his Yell Squad,
fore the preparations for Home-have sufficient facilities for taking assisted by the pep band, led the
coming actually begin. 'care of physical problems and will ralliers in yells and songs.
'iyttht Wncks from the camous in!Drn icenr. nsfir in hoi,ln coweEe mus lar.
I order to obtain a permit to park.own private parkine lot because it
Only handicapped peopie are me is on the campus.
exception to this rule. If you live
between Second and twenty-second,
between Holdrege and J
c. nrrMi Tnnct Tinrlr nff ram-
1 on J i " i -
jus. The people who issue parkr
Even if you heep a motor pool line stickers arc very smn,
for your own private use you can checking Ihis address. hat a
only get one parking sticker. If isurprise to find that the person
vm, vT, in.,L r, hf,ih Ab and'beinc checked commutes from
City camnusl vou can get one' Mil ford or Seward.
sticker for each campus-siQt c
and adequate proof..
Brown Talace Inc., 1201 J SU
had a narrow escape. .Nearly uu oi
The rules arc designed to be air;the tenants have cars. The house
t nhL and every student who ap- is e.a me souui buc . f-
pnes Tor B permit
has an alibi
designed to wiggle out of them.
Example include the gal, un-
If were
tlicvnen w
on the north side, all
ould have to park off
It could have been an acci
dent, or it could hare been a
get-even measure with the alibi
boys, but the person issuing per
mits was a little hard on one ap
plicant They asked him for his
license number. Be was only one
of a great many people who
dont know their own license
numbers. While he returned to
his car to get it. the committee
changed the rules, requiring him
to have his whole car registra
tion. Ton guessed It, he had to
go back after U.
Sparkman Will Speak 'Off The Cuff;
Speech Will Deal With Foreign Policy
By TOM WOODWARD The basic, underlying reasons of Cleveland was the laust atop for
Staff Writer Civil Rights troubles are eco-; the senator before he came to JJe-
In a personal interview last nomic: without economic troubles braska. In several of his press in-
night, Sen. John Sparkman dis- you don't have civil strife." The terviews there, he noted that re
closed that his speech , Tuesday j senator voiced the opinion that he ports he had given seemed to have
would concern the U. S. foreign thought race problems, even in a "way of getting garbled up" by
policy. jthe South, were definitely on the 'the press, e
His speech is to be an off -the- down-grade. Sparkman Fpent the time from
cuff affair with no previously pre- The Senator said that his next his arrival at Lincoln airport
pared text. stop is Grand Island, and from touring Lancaster County. He said
Senatw Sparkman met with 'there he will go to Minnesota and 'that he went to Waverly where he
labor lef&ders from both the CIO South Dakota. When asked how looked over some of the govern
and AF of L last night In these! long his tour will last, he smiled ment storage area. He bad ex
meetings, the senator was asked and said, ""I'm on this trip until; peeled to eat a farm meal at a
about his opinion of the Taft-November 3, with occasional stops: farm home outside Lincoln, be
Hartley Labor Law. He said that in Washington." Isaid, but was treated with a feast
h favorpri starlinp from "scratch"! WTim aslcprl nuhat ii thnufht indparl. Alt mfmhr nf the nartv.
"Dauntless freshie answers: ari(j -building a new law that about the news release about including Sparkman, were Te-
"HOW to open a beer bottle With would he more efficient in its'Sunntm- Nivnn Snarkman rpnlipd markinn ahniit the rfinnpr they
a au -ceni piec-e.
Bow to make a hit with your
Instructors shown in this case
History Prof: "Who was Tal
leyrand?" Stude: "A fan dancer, and cat
the baby talk!"
Fraternity man: "Do you
smoke?" Fledge: "No." F'rat. man:
"Dp you drink?" Fledge: "No."
Frat. man: "Do you eat hay, then?"
Pledge: "No." Frat. man: "Gad,
youre not a fit companion for
man or beast!"
workings. He reminded labor that he thoucht Governor Steven-had.
leaders that were in favor of son had given the best reply to! Mr. Sparkman said that he had
scrapping the Taft-Hartley law, that question, and that he could been on the move almost cou
th tit they would not have even think of nothing else to add. Hejstanlly for the past weeks, and
the privilege of organizing, if the added that his reply had been 'was ready to keep on doing just
Taft-Hartley law were repealed filmed at the airport and would ;the same thing right up until the
and no new legislation installed in be televised. final bell.
its place. The senator is traveling wilhj Personally, Sparkman is a
When asked about his. stand on his wife and daughter and has a ' friendly, polite roan. He is a oon
Civil Rights the Senator said, "In ; staff of four men and one woman 'smoker and non-drinker. H
my opinion there are tv planks,with him. The entire party trav-1 works hard, and still manages ta
concerning Civil Rights. 1 The two els in a chartered DC-3. The plane .keep his personal charm. His
planks are: O) This prollem can;in which they had been riding schedui includes speeches, meet
be worked out by men rho are had engine trouble, and had to beiings, intrviews such as this one,
willing to sit down at a confer-! returned to Kansas City for re-land conferences. His day begins
ence table, if they are completely pairs, but another has been made! at 7;45 a.m. and may last until
devoid cl political opinions. 2) I available to him. I midnight.