Page 4 ' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday. September 19 1952 Union Picture Lending Library To Open Ibis Week Ottering famous fat Names The Picture Lending Library! set up In the hall for students who The pictures Liii .Min he rherldnc out nie- wish to check out a picture. 'free of charge i turcs free of eharee each day this, tAt. a rC X'SZ'l'JL n ...'Student Handicraft Classes Picture Lending. Library includes pictures of many sizes and styles Free craft shop classes will be are checked out for one semester. The purpose of the library is to To Be Held Tues. And Wed. furnish students with pictures forlgin Tuesday evening, Sept. 23, fet their rooms or houses. 7 p.m. in ihe Craft shop room lo- The library s nuiiumcs include cpteci in me union oasemeni. Van Goch's Boats of Saintes Ma rics; Raoul Duffy's The Steamer; Maurice Utillo's Rue Siennais. Paintings by Van Gogh, Homen, Urillo, Picasso, Degas dominate the collection. The pictures in will be displayed m The craft lessons, under the di rection of Mrs. Charles Coleman, will be given both Tuesday and Wednesday evenings each week. The Union emphasizes the fact that students participating in the the collection activities of the class may make thi Union anv article tney wisn. ine maie lounge this'weok. A booth will belrials with which they work are,ment. leather, textile, metal and wood. The classes are held on a strictly informal basis. Students wishimj to join the class need not register. Bridget Watson, Union comrmtfee chairman, stressed the fact that individuality was one of the im portant keynotes of the craft series. All students interested in par ticipating in craft classes will bt furnished all necessary equip- w i . .... z L$ - -rr - 1 -1 ' - - t i It ' ' I SHINING SYMBOL ... Tat Adams points proudly at the All University symbol which she designed Ust sprint. Ralph Flanagan's Orchestra Returns To Lincoln For Third Time In Year 200,000 Pounds Of Clothing Needed For Destitute Children sweep of Billboard's annual nnnularitv Doll of dance bands. Flanagan comes to Lincoln aftcrlthe Palladium in Los Angeles. By TAT TECK Feature Editor The "Flanagan Flair" in dance music will be on tap for Univer sity students who make their way to the Turnpike Friday night. Ralph Flanagan and his orches tra are making their third appear ance in Lincoln. They previously played here in the fall of 1951 and last spring. At that time Flanagan was working as top arranper for Terry Como'n Chesterfield Sup per Club and had scored many successful disc arrangements for top vocal artists. He decided he could make dance records that would sell, and he started recording- for RCA Victor. ... ji a j- 4.f . D.).i linie 11 Ilia ttUUijaL'mui jui lac His first disc, "ou re Breaking . . . fnr 4h Tvniitarv XceSoS ttt hAcademy , over 17 and under 22, his records were released simul- years of age. Also the candidate . taneouslv and enjoved the same 'must have received his high school , popularity. ' diploma not later than the spring' ' Under 'the pressure of public of 1953. Applicants, in addition demand to see Ralph Flanagan he to the age limits, must be an ac formed his own band and wasltual resident of the Third Con heard for the first time at the'gressional District of Nebraska. Kinc PhiliD Ballroom. Wrcntham.l The nominations will be made Mass. Cars blocked the roads to on a competitive basis with the 1 the ballroom for four miles and! preliminary tests being given Dec' the state troopers were called outjl, 1953, Military, Naval Schools Have Four Openings Nominations may now be made to fill three vacancies at the Unit ed States Naval Academy and one vacancy at the United States Mili tary Academy. An eligible candidate for the Naval Academy over 17 and under 21 years of age at the time if his appliaction for the Nebraska schools have been 'children at home and abroad, asked to take part SrJti tional Children s Clothing Cm-: ComlTlunjst aggression in Korea sade to collect clothing for aid to .desperately in need of aid, as well having played at such places Bs,nC04V children in foreign lands as thousands of American child- the Meel i'ier in Atlantic city ana an(j he j c ren that do not anenti scnooi cie- Every family in Nebraska is be-'cause they lack sufficient cloth- ine asked to send a bundle of inc. r eUMD.CClPPLEDAND TB VETHCAMS RECEIVING- VA COMPENSATION DO NOT WAVE TO APPLY FDR IHE INCREASED PAYMENTS RECENTLY VOTED BY CONGCKS . . . THEY'LL BE PAID AUTOMATICALLY BEGINNING WITH AUGUST CHECKS DUE ABOUT SEPT. I All University Fund To Use New Symbol Two Week Fund Drive To Begin Oct. 6; A new symbol is being Incor porated by All University Fund, according to Joan Hanson, presi dent of the organization. The new symbol features a lighted torch and the words "AUF for a brighter world." The symbol was designed and executed by Pat Adams, AUF art board mem ber. The new symbol Is to be used throughout the coming: drive of Oct. 6-20 as a symbol of the organization Itself and of the work being: done by AUF. The organizations to which AUF" will give funds this year are World Student Service fund,' 40 per cent; University Cancer Re search, 15 per cent; Community Chest, 40 per cent; and operating expenses, 5 per cent. AUF is the only organization on the campus sanctioned by the University to solicit funds from the student body. Since its organ ization at the University in 1943, it has collected over $20,000 for charitable organizations all over the world. cood. serviceable clothing to school during the week of Nov. 3-8. The clothing will be distnb' The clothing drive In Nebraska is expected to raise 200,000 pounds of clothing, F. B. Decker, State Y OF STRANGERS WHO OFFER TO PAY YOUR DELINQUENT GI UOME LOAN PAYMENTS IF YOU LL SIGN 'ON THE DOTTED LINE '.'..CHECK TMEIC OFFERS CACEFUU-Y WITH THE MORTGAGE HOLDER OR WITH THE NEACEST VA A I rr fH lnfrtl rirt rr VETERANS ADMINISTRATION uted by Save The Children Fed- Superintendent of Public Instrue cration, a child service organiza-tion, reported, and added, 'If each tion which gives aid to neglected family in Nebraska will send at least one Minnie or gooa cioimng. k. to maintain order. Record-breaking crowds con tinued to follow the Flanagan appearances and at the end of 1949 he almost made a clean All applications and requests " Information ronUrt your npril addressed to Robert Harrison, M. C, 206 Post Office Building, Norfolk, Nebr. Dairy Judging Team Will fcompete In Chicago Contest we will collect that amount." Lutheran Services Worship at the University Lu theran Chapel Last Spring, Panty Raiders, Now, Squabbie Stealers By TOM WOODARD Staff Writer Tuesday morning at 3, 14 dark Missouri Svnod 'dad figures stole along the streets juis.ouji ojiiou, , . Ta Delta house. Three Ag college students are, will be in the Union, Koom 315, Their aetermined step showed juaging Sunday at 10:45 a.m. clearly that they had a certain od- Other week activities include: jeet in mind. Choir rehearsal,' Wednesday atj The 14 were the Sigma Alpha Mu pieaecs, ana mcir ujra Squabbift, the larte white paper Sauabbie. Squabble made a repeat ap pearance the next day, but un der slightly different circum stances. Instead of adorning the Delt rooftop, he dangled at the end of the rope out of the Sammie house. His once beau tiful white body was now dec orated with SAM, and other choice comments. An alert Delt noted Squabbies new resting place, and quickly in- representing the dairy team of the University at the Dairy Industries Exposition in Chicauo. Sent. 22 throuch 27. The three Donald G. Beck. 7 p.m. in Temple band room;; Marvin u raneii tna nicnarajGamma Delta picnic Sunday, bept. mat.he doe atop the Delta house. u. no u i"V'rc 29, at 4 p.m. Under the leadership of Don formed his brothers. The out- T?f "71 T,rVnP ihrir Star " Sharton and Yale Goldburg, the raged Delts charged the Sammie Dairy Products during their staj i !SAM pledges trekked to the fire h0Buse en masse, 'and recovered inpn thm pnrr, will tnD CVO Fl Oel I CO I LH U TCVi ,house; borrowed a 30 foot ladder; lhe slightly soiled Squabbie. 1 Malnnl r m k k -,i d carried it to the north wall of I Squabbie again adorns the Delt Pit? ToZ and Mh SrR1 Covcnant 0ub members jjelt house. rooftop. He is clean and again wSonn te view thefr dairy 'have a party in store for them at At the bottom of the ladder a presentable. The Delts have insti faHiitipc the Finst Evangelical Church Fri-short discussion was held; Norm.tuted a special agent watch to ThP fpam win also construct day at 7:45 p.m. LPhiUips snea ms snoes; took a prui-ai mcu ucjuvcu uu The First Evangelical's Church'""-1001 TOPe ana moumea UJC a booth at the exposition telling nf TMphrntt-a'B nlnnp in the dain" industry. Nebraska is the fourth c jnfy e - After securing the dog to the largest butter producing state. : Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.:; worship, end 0f the rope, he carefully low Prof. Paul A. Dpwns is coach-Jll a.m.; youth league and stu-'ered it to the waiting hands be ins the team forithe dairy de- dent fellowship, 5 p.m., and ves- low. Norm climbed down and the partment. pers, 7 p.m. 14 quietly removed the ladder and Ben Zinnerker, animal care taker at the Delt house, reports that all future "Squabbie Steal ers" will meet with water lots of it from firehoses installed on the roof. Take note all ambi tious pledge classes! I mj 'J ii RflONK'S : HOTEL D'HAMBURGER , ri Meals Until 2:00 P.M. . , Open from 7:30 A.M. to 12:30 A.M. ? ) IOWA STATE 5 ( ) SO. DAK. STATE Hi DROP IN AND SEE US ! 225 North 12th St. tLi OF THESE Better Grades are Always Assured When Typed on a ROYAL PORTABLE ''World's Number One Typewriter" Available at the NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 125 N. 11th St. 2-7285 "We .give Green Savings Stamps" ( ) GEORGIA( ) VANDERBILT CASH YOUR HOBBY IS OUR BUSINESS ( ) KANSAS STATE ) BRADLEY SEE US FOR ALL YOUR HOBBY NEEDS ; LINCOLN HOBBY SUPPLY 1123 P St. 2-4692 PHIZES $(c?00 1st Prize 3)rnp LillXJ SKI A n a NEXT TO THE TEMPLE' ) SAN JOSE STATE ( ) COLORADO Quickest Service-Food At Its Best! - SHORT ORDERS SENATE LATE KITE SHACKS 927 O Street ( v ) KANSAS ( ) TCU $)00 E-...'.""""3 2nd Prize 3rd Prize LEE'S Cleaners & Tailors ( ) TEXAS ( ) LSU 1017 P Street Phone 2-5121 POWER QUALITY INHERENT IN BOTH OUR CORNHUSKERS AND THE NEBRASKA BOOK STORE ) MARYLAND ( ) MISSOURI (mamBOOK STORE 4. RULES In each advertisement on tMs page you will find one football game scheduled for the coming week. Indicate your choice of winner by checking the box next to the team. If you wish to indicate a tie, check both boxes. Complete entries must be at the DAILY NEBRASKAN office by 12 o'clock noon this coming Saturday. Fill in your name and ad dress in the space allotted, winner will be announced in next Tuesday's DAILY NEBRASKAN. Dont indicate scores, merely winners of ties. Prizes will be awarded to the person who guesses the outcome of the most num ber of games correctly, and whose entry is received the earliest. Staff members of student publications are not eligible to enter. SEE US FOR RECORDS SHEET MUSIC INSTRUMENT RENTAL ) GEORGIA TECH ) CITADEL 1140 O St. Ph.2-6921 Faculty and Students ALWAYS WELCOME ) KENTUCKY VILLANOVA firUm Qseis h Mi Let Us Sewe Yen rrSIr 111 111 mm0r Lit it i LZ!3 CLEANERS &. TAILORS 'Free Pickup and Delivery" ( ) OK LA. A&M 227 No. 12th ) ARKANSAS Ph. 2-6064 Name ... Address