Page 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, September 19, 1952 We Heartily Approve Tradition Broken A certain tradition of long-standing has been given a serious jolt on the University campus. In fac it has been Shattered for nt Jeast one year's time. The women have made up their minds and have delivered their ultimatum ,to the men. Yes, it's true the Associated Women Students board has decided, with faculty permission, that the annual Coed Follies will be "open to the pub lic" this year for the first time, as far as our records show. Last winter's Coed Follies was unprecedented, M far as The Daily Nebraskan is concerned, in its rowdlness through the annual crashing of the how by University men. AWS saw the need for a change and went to work. Jean Loudon, AWS president, and Jan Steffen, board member in charge of the show, mentioned several facts in a letter to the faculty committee which necessitated the change. Tressure from the Lincoln police evidenced that the Follies' crashing had become a problem to them as well as to the women. Actually, no valid rea son for closing the show to the public ever existed except that the "women only" attitude had be come tradition. No changes need be made in the performance in order to open them to the public and the annual crashing was giving AWS rather unfavorable publicity. In order to open the Follies to the public, AWS saw that two nights of the show were needed. And so it shall be on Feb. 23 and 24 of 1953 at the Nebraska Theater. Tentative plans Indicate that the Typical Nebraska Coed will be ' presented on the first night and the final skit judging will be reserved for the final perform ances. This opening wide the Follie doors is simply being tried by AWS this year. Great financial risk is involved a risk which AWS seems willing to take to correct a long-standing campus prob lem. Perhaps the general public in Lincoln will now be anxious to see the show. Perhaps, at first, University men will be interested. The intrigue Is apt to wear off. The Nebraskan staff hopes it doesn't. AWS has taken a progressive step. We sincerely hope they don't have to walk backwards. R. R. Looks Like Progress It looks like fall semester, 1952, might be a pleasant one for University housemothers and their female wards because of the action AWS recently took in regard to quiet hours, closing hours, special permissions and "down-hour" re strictions. AWS says Its revision of the rules was carried out In answer to requests from University women and their housemothers. The philosophy under lying each change Is solid and wise. AWS says that its rules are "subject to revision each year." They now have proved that they mean It. Quiet hours and the lmes that men may bo In women's houses have been coordinated which undoubtedly will allow housemothers to do other things besides spending each evening chasing men from their abodes. AWS has In words to this effect told fresh men women that after their first Bemester, they will receive those privileges so accorded upper classmen. More time for studying, activities and, wc presume, adult behavior. Under the revised rules only women with four or more hours of downs will be restricted duflng Ihe week. When a University woman re ceives a down hour from a certain department, it Is sometimes difficult to carry on study in order to remove the delinquency. AWS has recognized this fact. And, instead of chasing University women out of properly chaperoned men's houses at 12 on Saturday nights when the women do not have to be home until 1 a.m., AWS is now requiring that 12:30 be the time to start for home. One of the biggest revisions made by AWS and perhaps the one subject to the touchiest trial is that special permission slips do not have to be signed by one of the seven senior AWS board members. The woman makes out her own per mission slip and then takes it to her housemother for final approval. In a University of this size, It would seem that restrictions, particularly upon the women, will always be necessary, AWS must enforce such restrictions. In their revised rules, they have admitted that, In many instances, Unlver sity women may be trusted and expected to act as they should. The new rules are more pro gress for AWS and Its wards. We should be thankful. R. R. Question: K.U. Or Colorado? To The Mountains " The call pf the hills can be heard in the campus coffee shops, the study holes and the classrooms, r The majesty of the mountains is inviting and the plainsmen from Nebraska are eager to enjoy it. The University of Colorado is in the mountains and the Cornhuskers play football with CU this year. To a great many students, a migration to Colorado looked awfully good; but to the Student Council Wednesday, it looked awfully expensive. This is the situation: a good trip would cost so much that it might become an exclusive affair and not truly a University migration. As an al ternative, the migration committee, under the chairmanship of Eldort Park, suggested to the Council Wednesday that the migration go to the University-of Kansas. After a little, very little, discussion, the Council voted to approve the Kansas suggestion. This, however, is only tentative, sub ject to final approval by the administration. It was brought out very definitely at the Council meeting that no matter how the students decided on the migration question, the adminis tration would probably decide on Kansas which would mean that the students would go to Kansas. The administration, ideally, should let the students solve their own problems, but it must be admitted that the school has a large responsibility when its students pick up and go to another campus so administrative concern can be excused. The University officials prob ably feel that they are better able to make de cisions of this type. Perhaps they are. ic Despite the fact that the call of the hills can also be heard in our offices, The Nebraskan agrees with the Council decision and the probable ad ministration decision. .While he was giving his migration committee report Wednesday, Park mentioned that for around $45 a student could have a good trip. When you double that to get the date price, it explains the reasoning that prompted the Council to recommend Kansas. According to testimony given at the meeting Wednesday, a trip to Kansas would cost some thing just under $10 including game ticket. With any luxuries you might want to add, this still would remain in the realm of the common purse. It must be granted that there is a great differ ence between Boulder and Lawrence, but the football game itself promises to be Just as good. Both Colorado and Kansas rate as potential con ference powers and advance publicity indicates that the Huskers will play good ball this year. Since the primary reason for migrations is sup posed to be the football game, no one should com plain about the change. Nevertheless, the call of the mountains can be heard above the clamor of the game. Many, many students have already in dicated that they plan to answer that call in an unofficial way. It was suggested at the Council meeting that there be an unofficial migration to Colorado with the arrangement that all the Corn huskers sit together at the game. However, this received no official Council action either pro or con. It was discussed and the discussion brought out the fact that it would be hard for an automobile migration to have even unofficial sanction. The only way the Uni versity could feel safe under this arrangement would be with a chaperon in each car. This would be -unwieldy. It is hard enough to handle students on the train, the reasoning goes, with out trying to watch over a hundred separate cars. There is a great deal to be said for this reason lag if you are sitting near the phone parents use when they call in complaints. Perhaps the scenery will be different in Kansas this year. It wasn't "iactly stimulating last year, - but $45 would be a lot to pay for the stimulation ' Colorado has to offer. D. P. to the University of Kansas this year seems to have touched off a battery of cries concerning the Council's loyalty to University students and threats of an unofficial migration. Students have criticized Council members for refusing to consider seriously a migration to the University of Colorado, and for becoming slaves to a so-called Kansas-migration tradition. The critics, however, can find no ground in the proceedings of the Council upon which to base their nonloyalty attacks. The first reason is that the Council members would undoubtedly have supported a migration to Colorado if such a mass movement would have appeared at all feasible. On the contrary, the great distance to Boulder (550 miles, according to estimates) and the inabil ity of a Council committee to obtain a reduced student body railroad rate shot the estimated cost of the trip to $40 or more. Even on this basis, the Council discussed two possibilities for Colorado migration. The first was a regular migration with the charge set at the estimated $40. According to the committee, the minimum number of participants 200 might be obtained without too much difficulty since the University marching band would account for ap proximately 110 persons. The second possibility for a migration to Colo rado assumed the form of an inquiry, in which one member asked if the migrators might travel by car instead of railroad the cost being considerably less if four or five students traveled in each auto mobile. The answer, however, was that such a migration would not have the official sanction of the University and could not thus be termed a student migration. Since neither of these plans offered any solu tion to the problem, the Council formally approved the Kansas trip. The proposal will still have to be passed by the administration. Before the Council considers taking any part in the clamor for mass attendance at Boulder, it will seriously weigh all of the implications and possible dangers of such a move. Before a large number of students decide to journey to Colorado in preference to Kansas, they, too, much consider the possible effect upon the regular migration and upon a unified Cornhusker spirit. ' If the administration approves migration to Kansas, which it will probably do, it is the duty of University students to support the official mi gration to the best of their ability. Then, if they have an excess of gridiron spirit and of traveling allowance, let's stage a rump migration. What could be more exciting than a pigskin tussle in the shadow of the Colorado Rockies? K. R. Council" Loyalty The Student Council's announcement Wednes day afternoon that it supports student migration JhfL (Dalltf Vkbha&katL FIFTY-FIRST YEAR Member Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press Th. n.n. M.hrir li rnihllihtd br tfia students of tat Univer sity of Nebraska as expression of undents' newt and opinions only. According to Article II ot ne y-uaws in'tmini imurm p-im... On.. anil itiiminlitnvrf hr the Board of Publications, "It la the de dared policy of the Board that publications, under Its lurlsdcitlon shall be free from editorial censorship on the part of the Board, or on Hie part of any member of the faculty of the University, but the members of the Stan of Tn uaiiy neDrasaan are personal it n nnncihia rr what rbev iar or do or cause to be printed." gnhscriptloa ratee (re S2.00 n semester, $2.50 mailed or $3.00 fnr th. mll. rear. 4.00 mailed. Single copy Sc. Pablslhed dail, rinrin the school year except Saturdays and Sundays, vacations and examination per ods. one issue puousnea aunni me momo i Annul hv th Ifnivunlrv of Nebraska vnder the supervision of tbe Committee on Btiidcnt Publications. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office hi Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act ot I'oairresa, March S, 1879, and at special rate of postage provineo inr in nee lion 110'.. Act of Congress of October 8, 1917. authorized Septcm. ber 10, 1922. EDITORIAL STAFF Rditor . Ruth Raymond Associate Editor Dob Pleper Managing Kdilor Mug uorton, Ken H.vstrom Mews tilllora Sally Hall, Hal Hasselbalch, Dick Ralston, Sara Stephenson. Pat Ball Sports Editor , Glenn Nelson Au't Sports Editor Charles Klnsek Feature Editor Pat Peck Ag Editor . Chuck Beam Society Editor Jan Steffen BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Arnold Stem Ajj'I Business Manager! Stag Sipple, Pete Beresten Dog Overholt Circulation Manager Ed Berg Mjhl Newg Editor Pat Ball Strictly Kushner Marshall Kushner I'm still feeling the repro- cussions of last Tuesday's column, but as a true journal istic pugilist, I'll answer the bell twice a week until the end ot the semester (or me). The political ppop: The only thing that is keeping John Spark man of Alabama from being the worst vice-presidential candidate this your is Richard Nixon. This Is not to infer that I' have Democratic leanings, as I care very little for Adlai's Veep compromise candidate. It Is simply that I think less of Nix on's congressional record. Next week we'll compare them. The pigskin parade: Nebraska's Cornhusker's open their 1952 home slate against South Dakota this Saturday. Coach Glassford has had his troubles with Injuries this year but spirits are! running high on the team and the boys have the desire to win. From this column, which rep resents the wishes and Interests of the entire student body (for a change), I'd like to wish the Hunkers a fruitful season and the very best of luck. Last year, June Bieibower of the Lincoln Journal, wrote a col umn for my sport page in which she exposed a sort of complacent attitude of Nebraska's fans in the stadium. ' Football players are not on the gridiron primarily for the cheers.l but I've never heard a gridder re fute the statement that a shout of encouragement " makes you feel better. How aBout it this year? As we see it: NEBRASKA 32, SOUTH DAKOTA 12. Just a word of warning to Nebraska's male students. This Is leap year and they tell me that all the ferns that didn't score with a man last year will be looking for a fall guy. - The Interfraternlty Council has just released a lisf of the new Theta Nu Epsilon pledges. They are: Fall Clothes Soke Weather Problem; Looh Like Wool, Yet Feel Like Cotton On any coVlege campus the month of September is definitely NOT tho time to see well-dressed coeds. Why? A logical reason is that we girls cannot seem to make up ourtmlnd between wools and cottons for class wear. If this demoralizing, de vitalizing heat continues, the Nebraska coed wilj melt away from wearing cashmeres. On the other hand, the often thought, smarter girt who wears her summer cottons to class may find her lessons suffering; for so much time Is taken in keeping skirts, blouses or dresses fresh. It's a little late to solve this dilemma now, but it is an opportune time to note science's answer to our annual problem. y Barnes "Seasonal" cottons are beginning to enter the market for an all-day, all-year addition to the practical wardrobe. With special emphasis on cotton tweeds the new fabrics have the ability to retain their handsome good looks indefinitely. They shed their wrinkles, resist spotting and soiling and are guaranteed against stretching and shrinking. What's more they are wrinkle-resistant and tailor perfectly. College shops now feature the new fabric In tweedy cotton dresses with velvet, linen or rib knit trimming. Buyers comment that customers are buying these for wear during the hot season. Favorite color combinations are black and white, grey and, white or royal blue and wine mixtures. Plenty of Interest in winter cottons has added a new chapter to fashion fundamentals. What would be a better buy for school wear than a tweedy cotton dress that looks and acts like wool ... but feels like a cool cotton? Palladian Party, Open Houses hp Weekend Social Whirl This pinning tradition on our campus is fast Martlson, John Henderson and Ann Penner, Bill becoming a vicious circle. It starts with tho usual Knudson and Julie Claussen, and Dick Smith and Boy meets Girl. Then comes summer vacation. Dinne Smith. Tho first summer, Boy comes back to campus The rut ua:n JMasn, jonn ainciair, was mar- minus his nin. After the second summer. Girl ried Sunday. Sept. 14, to Jean Dana, Lincoln. more 'Call Me Madam' Berlin's Hit Includes i Top Satire By SYDNA FUCHS Staff Writer Tall Mo Mariarn" nnrl TTthvl Merman are riinsiriprpri in he synomous by olarge number of people, but it was proved to me Wednesday nignt mat such is not the case. Elaine. Stritch as Mrs. Sallv Adams ahrt Kpnt Smith as Cosmo Constantjne gave Irving Berlin's musical verve and brilliance. Berlin's skillful use of political satire put "Call Me Madame" on a par with sifch productions as "South Pacific and "Okla homa." The rentral character, Mrs. Sally Adams, Is quite obvi ously a characterization of Mrs. Perle Mesta. A famous Wash ington hostess, Mrs. Sally Adams is sent by Harry Truman as am bassadress to Lichtenburg, a typical European country where the cabinet falls every two weeks. (Mrs. Mesta was sent to Luxembourg). There she falls In love with the Prime Minister, and after a slight quarrel over a 8100,000,000 Joan from the United States, the couple are happily united Th humnr in mis musical anata. from Berlin's jabs at the foibles of the present administration.! "Harry's phone calls to Sally are! full of talk of Margaret, Bess, ana the entire Truman cian. ine oec retary of State has a mustache and i tnmtm as "Donn " The Tthree 13 "uv vv ii congressmen who insist upon loan ing Lichtenburg ?iuu,uuu,uuu are 1 nf trip obese and pompous legislators so often seen in car toons. ..... "Call Me Madam" Is full or such remarks a "pur, State De partment is so busy investigat ing itself that it can't bother with foreign affairs." Irving Berlin's music is superb. Tt'o a tivpIv rav Todav." "Mar rying for Love," "The Best Thing For You Would Be Me," and "You're Just in Love" are just a few of the songs that have become nnr.ii lar nntsirte of the musical. My favorite was a song entitled "T T.ikA Tkp" orobablv the best campaign song since "Wintergreen for President." The production is by Leland Hayward, who also produced "State of the Union, "Mister Roberts," "South Pacific," and Point of No Return." The dances and musical numbers were staged by Jerome Robbins who is also known for his work in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," and "Oklahoma." Tall Mk Madam" would make any loyal Republican cheer, and the democrats nugm enjoy uw phararterizatinn of the black sheep, Harry. Besides that, it's a darn good musical. Common Concern How many pledge classes had their eyes on the Delt's dog? Certainly there were more than just the Sammies' plans to nab the mutt. Of course, it's- easier to get even with the neighbors than with someone half the way across campus. comes back to campus minus his pin. This unpinning Is getting more and popular. It's almost a fad this year. The Palladian is planning a terrific party for independent students Saturday night at Pallndlun Hall, 301 Temple Building. The annual fall event will begin at 8:15 p.m. with a short program. Danc ing and refreshments are other features of tho party. . It's time to start making the rounds of open houses again. After the foot ball game Saturday, several fraternity and sorority housc-s will serve refreshments and welcome all guests. Among them are Alpha Xi Delta, Kappa )eha and Phi Gamma Delta. The Delts are planning a picnio after the game for the brothers and their dates. Sev eral couples who plan to at tend are Jack Skalla and Marilyn Lane, Dick GeleiP and Sue Olson, Ed MeCSure and Jo Hoyt, and Mathieson and Sherry Clover. '' Heard about four summer weddings which had a lot in common. In each case the bride was a Theta and the bridegroom, a Sigma Ni couples were Herby Engdahl and Mary St. . Steffen Jean Other ncwiyweds lire Don Rauh, Sigma Nu, and Robin Rauch, AOPi;Mort Novak, Pi Kap, and Elaine Cadwallador, Alpha Phi; and Howie Pear son, Delt, and Sharon Ncff, AOPi. Candy passings Monday night took place at almost every women's house. Among the pin nings were those of Audrey Marx, SDT, and Paul Gaiter, SAM; Connie Llndly, Terrace Hall, and Vernon Magill; Delta Slg; Sheila Brown, Chi O, and Paul Thompson, TKE; Patsy Peters, Kappa, and Tom Harley, Phi Delt; Pat Graham, KD, and Jerry Shumway, Sigma Chi; and Nancy Whltmore, AOPi, and Bob Vandell, Delt. Two other summer pinnings have been an nounced those of Lois Gerhart, Theta, and Marv Bridges, Sigma Chi, and Marietta Crandall, Wy more, and Jim Boettcher, Sigma Chi. Mimi Hamer, Delta Gamma, is now going steady with Jerry Roe, Phi Gam. Other steady pairs are Jo Knapp, Chi O, and Jim Oschner, TKE, and Judy Flansburg, Theta, and Keith Glorfield, Phi Delt. Two Alpha Phi-football player engagements have been announced. They are Carl Brasee, ATO, and Mo Ogden, Phi, and George Prochaska, Pi Kap, and Jo Peck, Phi. Two girls from AOPi have also announced be trothals. They are Corky Clore, who will wed Bill The Misko, Lincoln, on Oct. 3, and Jo Mohler, who is Ellen engaged to Harvey Goth. A Great Stride They don't even tell you what to do. They just say; "PLEASE, Newly Seeded." Perhaps this is an appeal to the traditional intellect of the univer sity student. It was probably reasoned that college students did not need to be hollered at, all they need is a subtle hint. This sign is subtle to the hilt and exceed ingly polite. The Nebraskan believes that this approach to a traditional problem is healthy. One doesn't have to be laughed at very often before he realizes that It doesn't do any good to preach or get tough. Because either way the result Is resentment. Very often the only effective method of dealing with problems like lawn-walking" and class-cutting is the subtle, "we-understand" approach the Administration used with the sign. Actually, it seems as if the psy chology might be working. The newly seeded areas look like they are coming along all right and hardly any students have passed out from the exhaustion of walk ing on sidewalks. The Nebraskan would like to hail the plan as a great stride in student-faculty re lations. D.P. In this age of high pressure ad vertising, signs are not unusual. They blink at us, they scream at us, they wave at us. They tell us what to do, where to do it, how to do it, and why it should be done immediately. But the signs recently pot up on the campus are different. They don't scream or blink. They are not mechanical or made of flourescent materials. Margin Notes Contribution To Culture A University professor. Dr. E. N. Anderson, has been appointed to assist in one of the truly signifi cant projects of the United Na tions to world culture. The project is the writing and editing of a world history which eliminates prejudices of nations and authors! and which should provide as ac curate a picture of the story of man as is possible to construct. Both the project and Dr. Anderson deserve the support of students the world over. A Complete Directory The Student Directory staff deserves congratulation on its effort to obtain complete infor mation on all University stu dents and faculty members. If persons whose names are listed in The Daily Nebraskan contact the staff, this year's directory should set a new record for ac curacy. World Understanding A contribution to world under standing is being made Friday and Saturday on the University cam pus as an eleven-man German sistent that a portion of the Uni versity is prevented from attending. machinery and tractor productiv ity team visits Ag College's famed tractor testing laboratory and other points of interest. The crroun is one of the first groups of this' A Different Sinn Uerman government and indus try. Company organization, labor management relations, manufac turing methods and marketing are objects of the team's study. Something Be Done? One of those disgusting situa tions will arise again Tuesday morning when Sen. John Spark man, Democratic vice presiden tial nominee, addresses a so-called University convocation. A great many students will be unable to attend because their classes will not be dismissed at that hour even for a University convoca tion. The present policy allows department heads to ri p c i h o whether or not their classes will be dismissed and a number of them have refused to do so. Since thp pnnvnpatinnc nro ennncm. i the University and arranged by the faculty senate's convocation committee, it seems rather incon- Free To Students Tour name free In 23-karat gold on lpper Note Books when purchased here. Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street It is quite interesting to note the manner in which various newspapers and press services report speeches now being made by political candidates. Take, for example, the Omaha talk by Democratic National Chairman Stephen Mitchell Wednesday. One newspaper, its own re porter covering the event, Dlayed up Mitchell's criticism of General Eisenhower, whom that paper supports. Two nationwide press services, however, dwelt more on the praise Mitchell gave to Governor Stephenson, barely mentioning the criticism of the general. While all three stories undoubtedly reported the words and thought of the speaker, the difference In ap proach and emphasis made the speech sound like two entirely disconnected addresses. The power of the press! TONIGHT SEPTEMPER 19th COLLEGE NIGHT MiJLiiJkiiir.ii Johnny Cox and his orchestra Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Adm. $1.70 per couple RALLY! RALLY! First Rally Night of the Year. After the Rally Come Dressed As You 'Are! You'll have Much Pore Fun lis Winter... if you're a goad dancer! -aw f I ? f $3 f HURRY l Special Rates for College Students Want your dancing to make such a grand impression that you'll be singled out for popularity? j ust spend a iew happy hours ; at Arthur Murray's and you'll - learn a marvelqus Rumba, or f any dance you wish. And you'll look so well dancinp. be sn mn. 4 fident that your steps are right. 525 Sharp BIdg. 2-5800 -Jim mm 1 1