Th,.Hnv. September 18, 1952 Page 4 4 TUU I 1 A I I Y 1X1 I- K IV t K. li 1 L, LSI ll I 1 w I -v ' ' ' ' .. Enquires Mycin SoginiiGig, Patience i -1 A- S 1 it i 'j ! 3 r -,1 ..r .1 -i v v Brown Cards Returned For Class Changes The Assignment Committee on the second floor of the Military and Naval Science Building is still working for the convenience of University students who are still dropping or adding courses or registering late. Effective yesterday, however, the procedure of dropping or add ing is somewhat changed. Students wishing- to drop or add courses should fill out Drop and-Add sheets. These sheets are obtainable from the respec tive advisers, and must be ap proved by the adviser and the college dean before proceeding any farther. When dropping courses, stu dents should obtain their brown enrollment cards from their in structors. No reasons have to be given for dropping a course. When adding courses, stu dents also have to consult the instructor of the course they want to add. In some cases, par ticularly when the desired course has been closed, the per mission of the department chair man is also needed. For changing sections only the consent of the department chair man is needed. When reporting to the Assign ment Committee, the student should have his Drop-and-Add worksheet and his brown class card with him. The fee for dropping or adding courses is $2.50. It is payable to the cashier in the Military and Naval Science Building. According to Mrs. Laase, mem ber of the Assignment Committee, about 600 students have dropped or added courses up to now. These are mostly early registrants who underwent a change of mind dur jng the summer. The Assignment Committee will remain open every week day from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and from 1 to 4:30 p.m. until Octo ber 4. However, students wish ing to drop a course in good standing are urged to do so be fore the deadline. Courses dropped after that date may be recorded as failures by the in structors. Directory Continues Name List Staff Still Lacking Student Information The Student Directory staff re ports that complete information is still lacking on the students listed below. The staff urges all those on this list to phone 2-7631, extension 4231 or stop at the Directory office 305 Union between 1 and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Harold Adams Alan Aden Norman Anders Frances Anderson Richard Racom Charles Reattr Thomas Reecham Heed Relden Robert Becker Francis Benedict Clark Bete Ice Robert Bias Barbara Blackburn Andrew Rodor Rex Bower Rdward Bronf Raymond Brooks Gerald Brown Kenneth Buckles Bill Burr N. F, Busklrk William Bmkirk C.ulllermo Callao James Campbell Richard Campbell Allan Carper Rita Cepnre Fnen Codr Prilip Curley Merwyn Davidson John Davis Henry Deines Pessy Diestel Frank Drasoun Victor Eastep Anthony Esqulvel Jerome Evans Ponald Gabriel Keith Garber Gary Gardels Gunars Gavars Henery Gibson Donald Glesmann Fvelyn Glum William Goodlett Tiril Gottsch Kathryn Grabitl William Greer Charles Grim Kay Guiles Don Gustafson Charles Jensen Grant Jones Alaysius Johnson Bruca Johnson Kathleen Keller Richard Klbnrx Charles K Iff in Bernlta Kiser Richard Klein Gale Kloeffler Derek Knowltnn Charles Kotoid Barbara Kokrda Korman Krausc Donna Krause, Allan Kreicl Cot Kroese Larry Kroon Charles Mahnke Milton Maiser Korman Mann Avelina Manotas Dasmar Manotas Jack March Bennett Martin Leslie Martin Lyle Mason Brigita Alatisons Thomas McAndrews Thomas McCarthy Lawrence McCoy Puane McCutchan Thomas McKee Robert McNamee Wilma McNaught John McPeck Robert Mcssmer Richard Meyer Billy Miller Philip Miller Gerald Murphy George Myers Arthur Kakaaawa f'haunce Nelson Dale Nelson Klovd Nelson Valters Nollendorfs Maurice Norton Carl Olson Ralph Olson Nancy Pailinx Dasmara Paeglc Marilyn Paul George Pearce Masine Peterson Kenneth Pfclffcr Sadie Phillips Robert Pinkerston Bernadine Pokorskc Ronald Powers Richard Rachin William Rader .Terald Ramsdelt Gale Randel John Ranncy William Rasdal Alice Reade Paul Renken Rodney Rippe Jerry Robinson James Rodgers Wayne Roelle Mas Rothleitner James Roubal James Runyan John Russell Francis Svoboda Doyle Rundbert Ralph Stump Rollan Stukenholtz liee Strom Janis Staklls Charles Sprague Donald Sorby George Sohl .Sabea Smith Richard mith Melvin Smith Lloyd Smith Edgar Smith Donald Smith Ardyth Smith James Sife Melin Sipahioglu Claudette Schulze Billy Shoultz Holland Shields Harold Sceberger Rachel Scaquist Nelson Searey Roy Schwasinger UY Mow! si B,yV horn any O ; :'v?f ,-7-i'i vnV" XA loft )taU fiv , V'fl rf IS ,mmmtmm,tmMM.m0m, -'Hi im. .. . - - BOOT LICKING ... If you want to drop or add a course you must first persuade your adviser that you are a physical wreck or a vest-pocket Einstein as the case may be. Thil Patterson folds up to kiss his adviser's feet In an attempt to get rid of an in wanted course. if r 1, . . , N. lfCn. n n MONEY WITH WINGS . . . And you have to pay for all the trouble. Phil's pained expression is proof that it hurts. What good will it do a man to be free if he's broke. Giving his folding green one last, affectionate squeeze, Phil relinquishes it to Mrs. J. J. T. Bachman, who waits to pick up the loot. ModernHomemakersMix House Work By PAT PECK Feature Editor If vou are a coed with a dia mond on your finger and wedding dreams in your eye have no qualms about squandering your" expensive college education in a kitchen. Statistics released by the Census Bureau indicate that during the decade from 1940-50 married women by the thou sands traded dishrags for type writers and Mix-Masters for power drills. The lady laborers outside the home in Nebraska numbered 87.798 in 1940. By 1950 the number had jumped to 126,362. Unless the man in your life is the almost mythical $25,000 a year man chances are that you, too, will be walking out of your ruffled boudoir at 8 a.m. to sit at a type writer or stand at a desk. Few homes today come equipped with a full-time housekeeper mother. In order to make the pro verbial ends come together in fi nancial security mamma is a breadwinner. She teaches, pounds a typewriter or clerks in a store. If you are looking forward to latching on to a male of the species in order to get out of getting up in the morning and ruining your manicure chances are that your dreams are doomed from the altar. If you can fathom statistics from the height of your pink cloud you are apt to see yourself working for a living married or not Be glad Oiat you have a college h 0( Lt Pcrshlng lh0 am0 r'U- VT?ZL SVa changed to Pcrshlng Sine,, education last generation who married with out an education are now be moaning the fact that the only Dr. Cromwell Attends Mechanisms Conference Dr. Norman Cromwell, Depart ment of Chemistry at the Uni versity, is attending the Fourth Conference on Reaction Mechan isms at Bryn Mawr College cam pus this week. The Conference is a meeting of chemists from leading colleges and universities and scientists from industry and government. About 150 are expected to at tend the four-day sessions which continue through Saturday. With Office way they can aaa to tne iamny income is to take in washing. If you are looking to the fu ture while you're listening for Lohengrin it may comfort you to note that married career wo men seldom "slip" in appear ance like the lady who devotes her life to the vacuum and the sink. Shipp, Keene To Command Pershing Rifles Ray Shipp was elected com manding officer of Pershing Rifles at a Monday night meeting and Jack Keene is the new executive officer. Other officers elected are: Reed Smith, Personnel officer; Mike Delisi, Crack Squad officer; Mau rice Norton, Pledge Trainer; Don Wentz, Supply officer; and Jerry Spitzer, Public Information offi cer. Tentative plans were made to hold a smoker Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Pershing Rifles was founded in 1892 by Lt. John J. Pershing and originally consisted of 40 mem bers. The unit was established for the purpose of setting an example for the rest of the ROTC unit. The organization was originally called Company A of Nebraska. In 1893 the name was changed to Varsity Rifles and in 1895, in Pershing Rifles now consists of 65 companies in 35 states with, headquarters at tne university ui Nebraska. ' Volunteers Needed . , . . i - ,. At First AjCI otQtlOn rl i a nnAnA fr fivct s6n,'ioo asked the games. Men will be stationed in,seWantK " .cfha.r- . the stadium for those in need of "We boil it first, sir the ser first aid geant reP,led- Free football tickets will be "od!" given the volunteers. Those in- Then we i filter it. terested should call Darrel Puis at' "Excellent!" 2-7831 before Friday noon. I "And then," said the sergeant, First aid experience will be "just for safety's sake, we drink helpful but is not required. 'beer." TLEASE PLEASE . . . Even a plea on bended knee is or no avail. Phil Is giving his all, but he can't pass Mrs. Laase's desk without a slip signed by his adviser. Perhaps it would be easier to carry those extra three hours of math. JR. DIVISION Reading Lab Will Begin On Sept. 23 Every University student has the opportunity to improve his rnndins and studvina habits by enrolling in the "Reading and! Study Lab," announced Wesley Pop. of the Junior Division. The voluntary courses are a part of the Junior Division ana coun- sclinc Service In addition to the nine weekly sessions beginning Sept. 23, there will be individual practice on the "Reading Accelerator." This machine forces the student to read at a more rapid rate of speed until it becomes a habit to him. Test practices will be a half hour each. Poe stated that an average stu dent should improve his reading 10 or 15 per cent during the course. Poe also stressed that the labs were for every student regardless of his year in school. "The main difficulty," Poe said, is that few students really organ - ize their work properly aespne the fact that most of them know the basic requirements of good planning." To enroll in the labs, a student must see a member of the Coun seling Staff at Temporary Build ing "A" before bept. M. Subjects to be discussed at the sections include effective use of time, mechanics and speed of reading, improvement of read ing comprehension, efficient note-taking, preparing for exams, and how tr take exams. Sections will be offered at the following times: Tuesday, 10-12 noon, and 3-5 p.m.; Wednesday, 3-5 p.m. An Ag College section will meet Tuesday at 3-5 p.m. The classes on City Campus will meet in Room 225, Burnett Hall. Meet ing room for the Ag section has not been assigned. Medal Given Former Student For Gallantry A former University student, George D. Lionberger, was award ed the silver star for gallantry in action. The award was presented to his wife by the head of the Univer sity ROTC department, Col. James H. Workman. Lionberger entered the Univer sity in 1946 where he completed four semesters and two summer sessions. Being a veteran, he did not enroll in the ROTC depart ment. He was killed in action Oct. 6, near Koncdong, Korea. Lionber- gar was the platoon leader of the 'assault platoon on Hill 867. He was seriously wounded ty enemy artillery fire but rallied his platoon forward until ordered to (holt within 200 rds ot th, Jective. He refused evacuation to" J"" V't remain with his men , Lt "on - uasn was latanj wuunucu mj enemy artillery and mortar fire ! during the defensive organization his I The medical omcer was test- ins the water supply. wnai precautions ao you lane September 29 Professor Burhet Exhibits 22 Paintings Completed During hw Years In Europe Tea Scheduled Friday To Honor Artist Introducing LeRoy Burkct! Burket, artist and assistant pro fessor of Art at the University, has recently returned from Eu rope afer a two year stay and has .hmutfht with him a collection ot Lji nuintinirs whirh ho romnleted while in Paris. A tea honoring him will be held Friday, Sept. 19, between 3 to 5 p.m. in Gallery A where a select group of 23 of his paintings will be displayed. Everyone is invited to the tea and to the exhibit which will continue through Oct. 15 in Morrill Hall, second floor. Burket is at present interested in semi-abstract work in sub dued colors, which is repre sented in this exhibit. The col lection contains a large num ber of land and sea scapes which he observed in Europe. ' "There is a place for all types of expression in art and I don't have the belief that my style of art is the only kind," states .ourKei, He traveled all through Europe, visiting Spain, Italy, France, Aus tria, Germany, Holland and Bel gium on a Fulbright scholarship. "Europe is a very stimilatlng place for an artist to work. In Paris, Rome or a similar city, stu dents all over the world can meet and the exchange of ideas is in teresting and a very wonderful experience," Burket states. "Modern art originated in France and it is interesting to COED COUNSELORS 'Know How' Programs Announced Ninety "big sisters" were pres ent at the first Co-Kd Counselor mass meeting Wednesday after noon in the Union. Mary Mielenz, Co -Ed Counselor advisor, spoke o.i the importance of developing lasting friendships between "little sisters" and fac ulty members. Elizabeth Gass, president of Co-Ed Counselors, stressed the importance of signing up for group meetings and attending them. "Each Co-Ed Counselor should sign tip for the group meeting which best fits her schedule," she said. "The new method of meet ing in smaller groups was devised to encourage better attendance at the group meetings," she reported. Every member should sign up in Ellen Smith Hall sometime before Friday. . 0sri JZtar the coming ?CT we dSr buttd to STXf Calendars listing all Co-Ed .ho faied to' receive a calendar may pick one up in Ellen Smith Hall. Included on the Calendar are the Campus "Know How" pro- grams. The first program is on Sept. 24 in Love Library audi- lorium. v sku enuuea, "eDrasKa Does It This Way" will be pre sented. Jo Johnson and Su Rein hardt are in charge of the3e pro grams. "Each Co-Ed Counselor should be responsible for bringing her "little sister" to the campus "Know-How" programs," Eliza beth Gass said. Cokes were served after the meeting. HAPPY DAY ... At last! At last! After back-tracking for mllea Phil finally nears the end of the drop and add trail. With luck he is pulling his last card for the semester if it's the right card. The kind lady, is Mrs. Merle Stoneman, wife of a Teacher s Col lege professor. live where the school was sit uated and partake of a little of the atmosphere that was a part of modern art movement," he explained. His art, he believes, was more realistic before he visited Paris land he is interested in comparing German Productivity Team Plans Weekend On Campus An 11-man German Machinery! zation, labor-management rcla and Tractor Productivity tcamtions. manufacturing methods, will visit Ag campus and its world famed tractor testing laboratory Friday. The visitors will visit city States, will be guests at a lunch campus Saturday. eon Friday at the Foods and Nu This is one of the first groups trition Building' on the Ag-campus. of this type sponsored by the gov- Lt. Gov. Charles Warner will ernment at Bonn and the indus- try of West Germany. Some of the things they will be studying are company organi - USE DAILY NEBRASAN CLctmghd (Ma To place a classified ad Slop in the Business Office Room 20 Student Union Call 2-7631 Ext. 4226 for Clari fied Service Hours 14:30 Mon. thru fri. s THRIFTY AD RATES No. words davl 2 daysj 3 days 4 days 1 week M0$ .'40 $-65f$ .85 $1.00 $1.20 11-15 -50 .80 J 1.05 1.25 1.45 16-20 j .60 .95 1.25 1.50 1.70 21-25 .70 Jl".10 1.45i1.75 1.05"" 26-30 .80 1.25 J 1.65 " 2.00 j 2.20 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Tenor aax man for local dance band, plavlng polka and modern music. Phone 8-9218. INSTRUCTION !GET THAT JPT-team ahorihand and let In (trlde. Shorthand In 80 daya. 2-1482. 1118 Federal Securities Building. FOR SALE Almost new Rrmlnalpn portable type writer. Perfect Condition. 2-4083.. Rooms For Rent 5448outh 28 University boya. Block from Bus. 2-22VH. HELP WANTED PART TIME JOBS We can place three male siudenti In our food service department. These are noon hour positions. Hours will be 1 1 -2, five days per week. Duties will be carrytnff trays of dishes. Apply employment office 1th floor. MILLER & PAINE the different trends in art both in the United States and Europe. Burket has received his Bachelor and Master's Degree of Fine Arts from the University of Iowa. Ha was an instructor at the Univer sity before his trip and now he is teaching painting and etching. marketing, etc. The German team, which is on a six weeks tour of the United talk on "Why Test Tractors," and Prof. L, W. Hurlbut, chairman of the Department of Agriculture, is ;in charge of all arrangements. PART TIME STENO We have a position for a part time tenotrapher In our personnel offioa. Hours will be afternoona plus all day an Saturdays. Apply employment office 1th floor. MILLER & PAINE STUDENT WIVES-Are you Interested In obtaining an enjoyable Job? The unl veralty has several desirable secretarial and typing positions open. Salaries vary with your experience and training. Va cation and alck leave benefits are lib eral. See Miss Robinson at the Per sonnel Department In room 203, Admin istration Hall. FOR SALE 1941 Chevrolet coach: good condition for entire winter's transportation plus. Phone 50-5272. Almost new Remington portable type writer. Condition perfect. 2-4638. LOST AND FOUND LOST Pair light blue tura framed glasses in white leather case between PI Beta Phi house and Dirty Earl's. Call Phyl Dosek. PI Beta Phi. or TASSIL or at the . CORNHUSECER OFFICE (Basement Student Union)