The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 16, 1952, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Tuesday, September 16, 1952
Page 3
The Lineup
iW loses
Key Athletes
Charlie Klasek
It is fnterestinjf to note that a number of key Husker athlttes
have deserted the University for greener pastures. Coach Harry
Good bas especially been hit by the departing men.
Clarence Cook, substitute varsity center on last year's squad,
ku enrolled at Doane College this year. The Kearney State Teach
en yfo ct squad has tabled a new guard In the person of
Bad Extra m. who also saw varsity service last year.
The Nebraska track squad lost a letterman when Hoppy McCue
decided to leave the University and enroll at Hastings College in or
der to participate in more than one sport
Conspicuous by their absence are three Cornhusker gridders
ail lettermen. Bill Giles, Cliff Dale, and Tony Winey have all given
up the sport this year. j
Kansas Jayhawk football will be heard and viewed nationally
this Saturday when they meet Texas Christian University at Law- 1
rencc NBC is telecasting the Kansas-TCU straggle on S3 stations
from coast to coast It will nark the Jaybawks' first grid appear
ance on lire TV.
The vanguard of a 20-man TV crew from XBC arrived in Law
rence Monday to begin construction of two extra boothes to house
the operation.
Mel Allen, noted Yankee baseball announcer, will mike the game
for the TV broadcast. Herman Hickman, who recently left his post
as Yale football coach for a career in TV, will headline the post
game roundup from New York.
An interesting story has come out of Iowa State. According to
Cyclone publicists. Jim Champlin. junior guard, has learned a lot of
football in the last 14 years and today can tell you most of the rules.
But it hasn't always been that way. Not when he was six any- i
way. Toons Jim had just listened to the radio broadcast of a foot- '
ball tame and turned to his dad and said: t
"Dad, what do "towels have to do with football? Our teacher!
told us the "towels" were a, e, i, o, and u!" I
If the Ration b following the same pattern as that of the Big
Seven conference, then the two-platoon system in football is on lis
way eat First to scrap the two-team play were the Corn buskers,
who found they had good men who were able to go the route both
Kansas State is leaving the platoon system in favor of the "quar
ter" system. The abandonment of the two-platoon system will re
turn real football to the campuses of the U. S. and it will be a boon
to sportswriters, sportscasJers, and fans.
Pavnkh Out
Pew Ends Left
Pot S
Sports Editor
Coach Bill Glassford's end situ
ation took a dive Monday when
starting ena ueorge mynicn was
counted out for the season and
termed "in serious condition."
The Des Plalnes, 111. senior is
tn St Francis Hospital tn Evans
ton, 111- with an nicer which
has been raptured. He has re
ceived 12 blood transfusions. j
Paynich had left the Husker ;
camp Saturday after it had broken
up until Monday to allow the;
players to prepare for classes. He
was in Chicago to take examina-;
tions for foreign service when his
condition was discovered,
j This made the fourth Husker
end from the '51-52 squid who
was unavailable for duty as
head roach Glassford sent his
charges through rugged paces
Gridders To Report j
' All University men who are in-jj
terested in football are to report,
to the field house Tuesday at 4:15
4! ttum
Ccwtesy Lancets Journal
ing end George Paynich. who
was suddenly rushed to a hos-
for physicals. Coaches Bob Faris pital in Evanston. 111., has been
be played Monday, Glassford listed
the following: Ends, Schabaker
and Emanuel; tackles, Jerry Min
nick and either Harvey Goth, Jim
Oliver or Ed Husmann; guards.
! Jerry Paulson and Kay Curtis;
i center, Bob Oberlin; quarterback,
'either John Bordogna. Dan Brown
or Duane Rankin; halfbacks. Bob
! Reynolds and Dierks Ralston; and
George Cifra, fullback,
j No members of the squad will
be cut until after the South
Dakota game. The Scarlet men
I tor plans to have every varsity
) squad member suited CP for tha
j game.
I The squad worked on pass de
fense, ball handling, starting and
blocking assignments Monday.
I The Corr.huskers will stay at
the Ag College Friday night and
return to the city campus shortly
before game time,
j The injured list Monday in
. eluded Max Kennedy, halfback:
! Keiners, Stu Thorell, fullback:
Teaser. Ed Gaiinski, fullback;
George Prochaska, guard.
Only Gazinski and Prochaska
are definitely out of the picture
for the Dakota skirmish.
and Al Partin expect the
out to double the squad.
HUSKER WORKHORSE . . . John Marhisic, m-ponnd junior
guard from Turtle Creek. Penn, has been a big factor in the out
look of the guard situation for Coach Bill Glassford's Cornhusk
er. (Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
The Other Six
New Prep
turn-: declared unable to play football
) this season for Nebraska. Tl.e
two-year letterman's ailment
was described as a "perforated
Sports Staff Writer
Kansas . . .
Per usual University of Kansas There is a firm and growing
publicists are bemoaning the un- suspicion at the University of Col
v r ' , , . , . in orado that the Buffs passing game
expected loss of a key player in sorcethir.g more than a
the Jayhawk starting eleven. mere implement of diversification that the ratings in all classes will
Bud Laughlin, ace Kansas full- during the approaching 1952 foot- include new leaders. Lincoln High,
back, was ordered to report lor nan camisusu. Oakland and Harvard were all
From first game
throughout the state, it appears
in preparation for the season
opener with South Dakota Sat
urday. Bill Giles, Ted James and
Jerry Yeager are three others
who are not playing at the
! Giles, a letterman last year, and
James have given up the sport in
j! favor of cracking the books.
1 Y'eager, junior end from Has
tings, is sidelined with a broken
thumb. The tough defensive end is
on the doubtful list for the Sat-
indications urday contest
That intelligence was g:ven
Sports Staff Writer
It's a long, long time from May
to September.
And on Sept 1 many Husker
athletes returned from summer
work and vacations.
Eind George Prochaska attended
ROTC summer camp and spent
the remainder of the time work
ing on his father's farm near
Ulysses. Bob Smith, Grand Island
halfback, worked for the Union
a packing plant and played base
ball and golf.
Duaue Ffueueke. tackle from
Grand Island, who left two
years ago for military service,
will be back this falL Jerry
Teager. end from Hastings,
stacked bay a ranch near
Whittman. Jim Teisley, full
back, worked as a railroad sec
tion mas out of Maryrille, Missouri.
induction by Uncle Sam.
However, the Kansas coach
ing staff has -not been caught
napping. They have no less than
four top-flight fullbacks ready
",U1, " Ti.rv!;n Passing than before ahd unusually
The task Of replacing Laughlin ivw
is going to take some doing even
for an experienced performer. The
departed Kansas City 200 pounder
boomed into wide prominence last
season on feats like these: (1)
Gained more yards in a single sea
son than any ruilbacx in R.U nis
treated roughly in their openers.
mage session when the "regulars" Holy Name has lost practically
came by air for six touchdowns their whole team from last year
against a resolved but befuddled m preparing for their opener with
band of reserves. The reason for Northeast
was aenai suor ciiiri
Coach Glassford lined up his
remaining end strength in this
order Ted Connor, Bill Scha
backer, Dennis Emanuel, George
Mink. Andy Lochr, Ken Kein
ers. Ken Moore and Don Hewitt
Vhen asked to stack up his are due
starting offensive lineup as it deadline
would appear if the game would October 10.
IM Managers
Call Meeting
With the opening of the
semester comes the call for
first meeting of intramural sports
The University intramural de
partment has asked all intra
mural managers to attend the
fall meeting at the Physical Ed
ucation building, room 114.
Thursday, September 18 at 7
The topics to be presented to
the fraternity, church, and inde
pendent leaders will be the year's
schedule and eligibility rules.
All touch football entries are to
be in September 22 at 5 p.m. Fall
tennis lists should be in Septem
ber 23 at 5 p.m., fall golf entries
September 27, and the
for freeihrow entries is
adept receiving.
; Zack Jordan, the senior tail
back from Denver who led the
nation's punters two years ago,
has virtually salted away the
No. 1 job with the Buffs this fail
by dint ef Us pin-point pitching.
The Links, although winning,
were pressed by a rejuvinated
Central team. Coaches Frank
Smagacs and Ken Kennedy
should build the Eagles Into a
j Northeast, Scott sb'.uff, and
II If 9 !JB & k HI I
ly, suits, w
IE 08s.
worked for a construction com
-n - i i.rnuL nfinv "mjTiiw mpnr iw nana ciauucuwAj,
. n , t mv. Tiiit'n stablemate: ana
caseoau. uan tsrown, opnorooie uu. ' "V . ..jj. . ; t, t: c.i
Sports Staff Writer
Buck McPhail, of Oklahoma. Bob couia h;h Omaha Rpt,. jmri ro?P at a ctariv -ith . ffv. HvT ,mH t, ,r-
fcis cwn bactueia losser, out mew ; , . ' '
Sooner"s sary connaence. ODservers Dy aomping lecn wnue
Coach Dal Ward and his aides vAr,i, pi-. ai1 -;i imnnx.
Harver Goth. Lincoln tackle. "tory wita 64z; tz iraueu raij ' l ':n.-;r " sive victories and should rank
Jordan has developed that con- at
i2nr simrvntr tin laAr lac
quarterback, played baseball in Creek, Fa. worSed for a switcn j " ndence in early drills and much lt Hff sw,.
his borne town of Sioux Falls, and agnal crew. John uacmsK "7I dividual scoring of the credit can be deposited in' '
signal caiier, worxea as a rubw j rr - I . T.IT TirK- Ml Lmed to 7th olace a junior ena.
among KU's all-time ground-gain- Knafelc has displayed an lin
ers with 837 net yards over a two- common talent for plucking Jor-
. . J.'. wiwmm it Af fno air ZbmA
Gym Coach
in Turtle Creek. Pennsvlvania. a fummer joo
TWnnj Tmmarmri. All-Confer- town.
cnoe end, worked with the Uni
versity of Nebraska anthropology
camp near Alma, Nebr.
Kay Novak, fullback from
Omaha, played baseball and
erred as rrousdskeeper for
Lexington ta the Nebraska In
dependent League. Novak w
ne of the loop's leading slug
gers. Bob Reynolds played baseball
for Holdrepe in the same circuit,
attended ROTC camp at Wichita
Falls, Tex, and attended the Tarn
O'Shanter golf tournament in
Chicago along with former Grand
Island teammate Bob Bach man.
Tackle Jerry Minnick of Cam
bridge worked as a lineman for
the RE A
Don Boll. Tackle from Scrib
Tier, attended ROTC camp at Fort
Benning. Ga. Ken Ofborn, guard
from Answorth. worked with a
blue grass company in the sand
hills. End Bill Sthabacker c 1
Minden worked as a section hand
and played baseball for has home
town. Carl Brasee, Omaha guard
and Tackle Ed Hussman were in
summer ROTC camp.
Slax Kennedy, halfback from
Beatrice, is erring as a coun
selor in a bors camp near
Khinelander. Wisounsia, Denny
Korinek, halfback from Llroses.
pUyed baseball witti David Citr
ad worked for Hughes Broth
ers at Seward. Kay Cnrtik.
ruard from LaureL worked
the state fclgfcwairs and mw
weighs ta at 221 pounds.
Vert Seott, renter from Mitch
ell, also attended Fort Benning.
Ga, for EOTC camp.
Jim Ced.erdahl Lincoln half
back, worked for a cwirtructi'n
in bis borne
war ivriod. !; oSl S
x- i-..-, : i;nn ff T anpri-
lin's spctis Galen. 2M pod er o
I-'-- - 7 v
bm&$Simm limn lulling
Already a first-string line
backer, a spot be has held since
his first game as a sophomore,
Fiss will shoulder the double
duty roIL
Behind Fiss, Kansas can pre
sent another lettered fullback,
Frank Sabatini Chicago junior, a
swift 185-pounder, and two sopho
mores. Man-in Kinnett, 190-
into a
monopoly between Jordan and
Knafelc. Carroll Hardy, the
slippery sophomore from Stur
gis, S. D- and Bon Johnson are
proving pretty fair hands at
passing, as is senior quarterback
Soger Williams. Lefthanded
Frank Bernard! gives CU an
added pass threat on reverse
was unimpressive
in their opener wnue halls City
and Norfolk started well.
Blair, Syracuse, and Aurora i
pulled surprises in Class B
games. Holy Name bas only one
regular back, but Coach Box
Engelbrittson has always built
the Ramblers into a winner.
Minden and Broken Bow will be
perenial powers again, while St
.Bonaventure should threaten the
j leaders.
Class C and D winners both
took it on the chin in their in
augurals. Oakland dropped its
first game in 11 starts as Valley ;
was overpowering in a 19-7 game
nounder from Kansas Caty, Mo.
and Ken Harper, 183, of bt Jotin. round out a quartet
Sabatini broke into six games as offensive ends.
a sopnomore last year, carrying in is is uui i" ay umi aiut
it fimoc for 9 nt ain r.f 49 vards. I sinele-winf will decrease cround
Kinnett and Harper labored on the attack intensity. But the defens-B-team
as freshmen. ive unit that concentrates on the
The Jayhawks meet Texas Bufrs famed overland game migfct
Cbristiaa I niversity at Law
rence ea September 20.
Veteran Tom Evans, along with Cambridge and RushviHe took
Jerry Raveling and Carl Fisher easy decisions and should fight it
ol capable out tor tne lop spot
D leader Harvard was held to
a tie br Blue HilL Clay Center
and Guide Bock won their op
eners to place them in conten
tion for Harvard's crown.
This new turnover should make
find itself the victim of Coating for new interest on the Corn-,
footballs. 'husker prep school scene this fall.
For the past three seasons, the Sportswriters and Sport scatters
Poll have picked Oklahoma to run away with the title and they
did. This year though, there was a split decision in the Oklahoma
backers camp. The split was whether the Sooner record would go
unblemished or tattered with one or two defeats. Nominated to turn
the tide were Kansas, Colorado, and .... Nebraska.
The Kansas line and backfield possess weight and power to back
up their rating. The Buffs parade an array of fast, powerful and ex
perienced backs topped by Carrol Hardy. Another boy to watch, a
lineman in the truest sense, is Don Greenwood.
Nebraska offers newly acquired experience and depth in their
reserves. Bobby Reynolds, who shtwed some of his Sophomore
form in the Miami game last season, is being depended on to again
flash some of his power. The line is bigger and will have power in
such boys as Jerry Minnick, Verl Scott, and Carl Brasse.
With one or two breaks and some good blocking, Nebraska could
throw a coe in Oklahoma's chamoionship hopes.
1 S 4 5 7 TP
ntlakw 41t tT'x HH
kaaa lSi? 3 T - 1 1 lSS
CtOT 1 ' T'i I3H
'ttraia I T 32 15 1 1 TK
Mimii 1 S 1 mi 4i
l MA 4 S II SI 5 S7
Kaanc StM, tht l IS M1 M
Tm 4tmmim Mai towiari) Ax nabcr lc ri ponnaa Max fbe Buttr
fniiw PfJktie
Ttmr FVfcnl T HTm TP
Miin.ri 4
1M Vmri 4 ft
14 OMiliM il'T ItfiiM
Qtelllil it'T CHitli
101 OfcWMfB I1 OkiakMM
Camemt Lanooto Jmirral
Gymoastios Coxch Jake Geier
requests that all varsity, fresh
men, and others Interested ta
working with the grna squad re
port to room IM ta the PE
Building Sept. St si 4 -
Equipmettt will be checked out
at that time.
Bill Tliayer, 165-pound halfback
from Rapid City. S.D, and a
sophomore, is beginning to draw
particular attention as the Corn-;
buskers drill for the season's
opener against South Dakota, Sep-
eoropany and played baseball f ir Uraber 20.
Stromsburg. George PayrJch, erdJ Bill is the artful dodger type,
returned from Washington where, when be tucks the ball beneath
be worked lor the United States his arm. He should improve rap-1
Foreign Service. Emil Bad to,' idly as the season progresses,
halfback from Omaha, worked in 'Coach Bill Glassford believes. j
rps r
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