The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 17, 1952, Image 1
Summer 0) SUL LJ3 VOL. 52 No. 7 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Thursday, July 17, 1952 jAftcr Beore' fQut Of The Frying -Pan,' Series Topic Thone, Schneider. Smith Talk GOP Effects On Demos The effect of the Republican National Convention on the Dem ocratic convention will be dis-l cussed by a panel composed of, three prominent political figures St the fourth and final discussion, in the Battle of the Ballots series today. The topic of the diseusrion will be After and Before.' The panel will be composed of: Charies Thone, a delegate to the just - completed Republican convention. j Mrs. Arthur Smith, a member of the Lincoln chapter of thej League of Women Voters, and anj active member of the Nebraska' Kefauver for President Commit tee. : ; Dr. Carl Schneider, staff mem ber of the University political ence department. The discussion series, co-spon-; sored by the University YMCA and YWCA. and the Student Union, is designed, in the "wards of Marylia Moonoey, Union Ac tivities director, 1 give partici pants a broader understanding of the political scene. j The discussion will be held at 4 pjn. in Parlors ABC, Union. ! Mark Van Voorhis is modera tor of fee series. I Theater Production, Next ummer eek W a. y . k T . Vium-wii i . . " - 3 ILEHXA&SAUS JCEAK CIXMAX Members of the Samsoer rkay east. sawa here rehearsiar tkeir farts, are (L t r staaAia) Shktey Fries, Harry Laaraaa. Naacy TnU aad Xsliada Ttaat. Kaeeliac is Onek Baestxs. Rehearsals Reaching Climax; Tickets Now Available In Union With only four days remaining before the official opening of the Summer Theater's initial production, "Out of the Frying Pan," the cast, crews and directors are rapidly reaching the climax in rehearsals. , Tickets for the three performances, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, may stUI be obtained in the Union Activi ties office or the Union Main office. Free to the public, the tickets are being distributed this vear in an attempt to space the audience evenly over the three performances. Tickets will also be available at the door before each per formance, as long as there are any left. The play concerns three men and three women as piring actors and actresses who, because of financial in security, are forced to share an apartment. The apartment is directly above that of a Broadway producer whose current t 'Iff f . snow is a Dig success, ine enure Iieailll UeparilllCIll play revolves about the humorous Offers One-Week Museum Digs Into Qn c. Way Ideas rhe UmversJtr State Museum is it-iClIfSC OCIXOOV manner in which these young peo ple attempt to act for and be hired by this Broadway producer. X.TT-ciT-.ff rViiirssAc Their apartment, meanwhile, is Two post summer session tice their ambitions. courses in home nursuuE will be? A number of changes in the The University State Museum is conducting a two-pronged raves- conducted by the University Pub- cast have taken place since Erst lie Health Department in coopera- announced in the Summer Ne- Xicxx with the American Red Cross, orassan two weess ago. a wo new The courses, under the direc- faces have been added. &m of Patricia Wall will beein S Nancy Dark will play the part July 28 and run through August of Muriel Fester and Jim Toroa- fU lraa rucea u jar'ior.f said one expediuoo is Of Sales For XT Company fJS two-prongea raves- n 7 7 T I I: and August 4 throuEh Ausust 9. sek will play Arthur Kenney. The tition into Nebraska's past this irOUl HI ICt. II One hour of University credit other change in the cast occurred Iwm be szven taose wno oesire n,wmn imiij uogooa win m,ion. . ? TC Prot: Talks At Conference Nebraska's public schools He addressed a conference armmw Nebraskan. In aiSi?"" to excavaticjn work for fossils of the prehistoric ani mals, this group is assisting in preparing two buildings at Fort, Robinson which are to be the per manent field bead quarters for Museum expeditions) j Dr. Scbultr, in general charge' of both field parties, says two im- teortant developments have marked the excavation work at tne Meai-: :cxne Creek Dam. J The first Is the cSscovery of the NEW YOEK. Arthur C Brran,"fixst complete skull. wiJh the core' a graduate of the University of of the boras still attached, of a Nebraska College of Engineering,1 type of bisca now extinct. The faas been appointed vice president bison was larger than the bison in charge of sales for the jSatmnal first seen by the white man. I remains of animals living lhere: between 20 and 40 million years ago. j These include three-toed horses,, rhino, camels, and oreodonts. The. latter group is now extinct but re-i motely related to today's bog ana sheep. A second expedition is invesli- land Teachers held in Love Library! gating campsites contammg evt-jjjjfcjriyjj dence of early Indians, and ani-3 The traffic Droblem. s&id Dr. mals such as bison, in. the vicinity , Seed, is this: Many Nebraska par of Medicine Creek Dam near Cam-L, seeln jj have the idea that; crodge. once taxes to support education but use coarse is limited to nurses. Kelson exchanged parts. T.anf7irei teachers, group leaders, and un- now plays Norman Reese and Net- dergraduates with special per- son js Mr. Coburn, the politician, mission. IjThe remainder of the cast, un- suffering from a traffic problem;- M w-ji ; Tmsnonrr Build-'BM o Umb w- with ideas not automobiles r.lf?!? Temporary iu- w d k- Pr. - -.--j .i T-3 ;;ia? C Siaor Tins im Mane Bonn: Bracr in fuxsa m. ux uiutomV FWlhw irfonrvatiofl will be Dome CaibBa; Hwirii Ftidhr Teachen Colleee said Thursdav. I tn-Oicr iciorroauoo w oe Jtm m given in the July 24 issue of the . j. sponsored by the University and I sue jixeorasKa -cmgres5 vi tmivxns Carbon Company, a dMsios of the, Union Cartode sad Carbon Cor-; porattoB. Bryan, a native of Mindwn. Neb, has been with the company in various sales activities since IS3S. Be started as an industrial salesman in the Chicago office. and has held poa tiaras since in theibeem determined that the Indians offices in Cleveland, Kansas City oocupied these campsites between: and New York. itJOi'H and lfl,O00 years ago. j The second development is that another campsite level at the "Bed iSmoke Site" has been uncovered,1 bringing to twelve the number of. human habitation levels found there thus far. are paid tziey bave aiscaargea their duty to the little red school bouse. The cast contains an almost PriTCs Till! iflf lUniversiSy students and sumnner m. Ma iumuiv '(session students. Fink, Laegdon, Phi Delta Kappa will bold its Misses Boot. Pratt and Kaufman, summer uutiatioa and picnic at Xelson and Tomasek are here for Pioneers Park Tuesday at 5 p-m. jthe summer session only. The re- The meeting will be held at the mainder of the cast has attended group of tables near the conces-;the regular term in addition to siom stand. ' their summer classes. The initiation will begin at 5, it is interesting to note that, for njm the picnic supper at 6 and'fhe most oart. the cast members The tear-Kers seem to feel that at 7 PJa, Dr. Mati Caishman, pro-'are not theater majors. Chuck otooe they have given a pupSL the'fessor of Kriucatann at Iowa State .'Huestis is an Arts and Sciences required course of instruction 'i College and the National Secre- jseoior and Jim Rsley is a Pfaar their fe3r is fimndwi. tary of Phi Delta Kappa, wfll niacy College senior. Bere we have ooe-way streets,' pP to roup on the sub-j Jim Tomasek has been stodyimg Dr Beed said. iWbat our boys j4- Tbe National Program f .for the ministry at St. Louis, and and girls Deed is a broad two-waj, L15 r3 fP;" - - . "Malinda Root teaches school dur- streetwhich will give parents and; S? Z01 JTUC-WS Jzi be faa and spri semesters. SSrslSoflorto ex-1afJ?TLK change ideasT liJfTfSi T Hea Fischell are all enroled ZltTiy s- ! before axn. Monday. in Teachers College. bearsal periods, but with extra energy and enthusiasm on the part of the cast, be said, the perform ances of next week wul uphold the tradition of the University 235 Booh Volumes Gone From Booh Nook-Valued At $400 By MAXXLTN MOOMZT f Uawa Activities Director) Attention all borroweasS 1 1 The books in the Book Hook are for your leisure reading tteae. They' are there to be picked up and, "MMrail TrS tfHMt M?f tfSflWA Mr7?ffl wfni leave. J This way everyone, instead cf Juct a few. will bave the oppor tunity to enjoy fctae latest books. ii From heaps of charred bone.'ity actksa. The P.T-A. be said, baked earth, and stone tools it has 'can give Nebraska a '"two-way street in ideas which will give teachers and parents a shared re- possibility in helping our chil dren mature to responsible, con structive citizenship.' The conference also beard a re port on the National Citizens Com-j mission for the Pubuc from its regional director. H- Hartaing; and a panel discus-l skm by Dr. Galen Sayior of the' marked Stodent Union. Bring these books hack to the Book: iwiA uukk j4ils M&aw nnwnni UK1CI Mostly new and recent fiction; and noia fiction books are missing; rozn ,tbe Nook. For example,: there' is only one volume of the new CfcurtbiH series left. ways m the borne, in the church,! and in many other ewnasimity - Forrea IJcaellan Will mentirg and broa'dpniTig bis scbooljAadress I Cr Meeting instruction. I Rev. Forrest McOeQan uf M3- Dr. Beed urged parents andlford w21 fang aod speak for the irk.,.- Beacners no mase ine r.i-A. aa, later-varsasy tannsaan j-euow- risv n : ship this evening. funion baioam at 8 pa each Eev. McCJellan has served s'luibt, will be given in the arena stale president of fine AssemblyljstagSjQg style with the stage in the of God Young People as well as center, surrounded by the audi pastor of various churches This seating arrangement is tiaroaagbwut the stale. Icomiparatively new to the Univer- The meeting wd be held ia'ssty. It was Initiated in a piano Room 335 of use student vtaen,iQaattxit production in the col- effective izstruinent for cominwm-l beginning at 7:30 pjxt. discus-". ... , r An old Irishman collapsed on schools, ma Mr. liartung. seum last spring. low should be revived. One in the crowd, .""Maggie O'Reilly, kept shooting, "Give the poor man wtuskey! But no one paid arc Bledicute? Doctor: "Good moroiEg, nurse, attention to her. Finally the man from the Itook and are valued at,. beginning ouSed hlmse'J up on one elbow -TTi i i s close to i-4-03. The lihraxy cur- irsin mamieiojisraess. Ee fust and sa'i wenly. "TTiH the lot o duct a search of your owa and see'renily bas 559 volumes ratted at tried to blow the foam off his ye hM -7- tand let if you can fend books lying around 1500. 'medicine. Ore-' y Union Calendar Thursday, Jaly IT SPOST SHOBTS, Lounge, 11:45 p-m. CRAFT SHOP open. 4-9 pjn. BATTLE OF THE BAL LOTS, -After and Before," 4 Sunday, Jury 2f FILM FEATURE, "Twelve O'clock High." TJfO pjn. Jaly 21, 12, 23 SUMMER THEATER, "Out f the Frying Pan," 8 P-m.