The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 19, 1952, Page PAGE 3, Image 3
-Thursday, June 19, .952 SUMMER NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 NU, Tiger Baseballers Cop District 5 Honors Reynolds, Dunn, Decfcer Named To '52 All Stars MU Fails In Title Bid; Holy Cross Wins Tomorrow Is Final Date For Summer Sports Registration Cancellation Of Softball, Ping-Pona May Be Forced TUP T IAJJ7TJIO Missouri and Nebraska baseball T I O I II f M.IM.M.J JLJM. 1 1 J- KJ I players dominated the District Five All-Star baseball team in! 1952. i Three were named from each! school by the coaches of the NCAA Fifth District, A. J. L- failed in its attempt to holdthe are approximately 340 high school Jugate toefact that music and cancellation of the softball and By CHARLES KLASEK As many of you have observed celled both as athletes and as A lack of interest in the sum- y mm m i mitcittone thAtf racnAAfiira The. tTniviHrih,, nf Xti.T-i """ k;k .k iT..i ;i mer sports program may lorce Collegiate World Series champion-'boys and girls on the University athletics can work in harmony for table tennis tournaments, Missouri and Nebraska finished snjp title in the Big 7, Tuesday campus ne-rwo in we tug aen um- night, when Holy Cross nosed ference race. Kent Kurtz of Missouri was the nearest to a unanimous choice, Kam O 4 m. m Missouri, Big 7 champions and University personnel. Yet it is District 5 representatives studying music, speech, the betterment of the individual. and art under the guidance of fa-! Union To Present in the teresting to note that a great ma- gfef f getting seven of the eight votes, series, prcvea nara u neat as wey lonty oi the Doys enrolled in me wiiisiviii Bob Reynolds, Nebraska second "J"! ,ne same unui mc ev- All-State Fine Arts Course do not C Cnr Jm, cker, polled four votes, two of nth which time tbey faterests actMties reOTUre dUnOOy n w chnrtrtmv nnp for sec-! wading 4 to 3. That was the . . I sacker, w onH w i third ha cnd H though, as the Crusaders to . . . . . 1 ... 4 AlUlOUgn a loui ui uure uui- and 4, fielders were listed by the various coaches, Jerry Dunn, Nebraska , Missouri had heen unbeaen in f,p" .the tournament until Monday mastered music, speech, and an. Many 3 mns in the seventh of the boys have left enviable ath- mre in the ninth to ietic records behind them in their various high schools. According to a Physical Educa tion Department report only one individual has registered for the ping-pong tournament and only one team has entered the softball competition. The closing date for registration in both the softball and the table tennis tourneys is Friday. If no more en. r es file at the Physical Educ i'on office, Room few names at random Junior Wren and of Missouri led the balloting' :V4 ., t i Taking a Dunn and Wren each polled five LJ, of , ;,eakeni Tige hurler we can see that the fellas are vntK 41 -j4i- s j . eauallv proficient in the music in uic maui limine anu went on .1 , ii mA rv 4 n 4. . 6 room as on the athletic TWnkpr of Missouri and Jack In firt nwti-- n il, oerry t iihHixr nf Tnwa Ctat Ranker 4nail 1rl IVU Klcnnr! a By Marilyn Moomey (Union Activities Director) ine rum feature Sunday win 102. the sofiball j.nd tine-Done offer an opportunity to see a tournaments will be cancelled, movie which is different from the Entries for the tennis touma usual run of films. ment mav sfill be entered at the The "Dance Film Festival" P. E. buHin. The closing date offers a gala program of modern for filings is July 2. field. ,ance ar,d classical ballet on the Syracuse was i,,c pB"m c'nciua tx-turopean Chaplain frtrtt. wiu iiiim Liii oiiyucis, ., - rsDie oi me i-eacocK,' -ine io Muc-r3SS iVLr Meet s Pavane," and "The Des-t . , w i th4 fin J MrnTof the 1952 l Heart," as danced by Ula-( nev: ,.lsaac naerson wno ber m the final g ame of the 195Z Valerie -nd' Aus served five years as a chaplain m run average of 0.84. froreed to play tw games Snnday, gTT 1 Muad which com- BaMet Groups. w "r, g aa T T Marion Moss of Oklahoma tm the donble elimination iey Syraf faut"XtbTu rec- The music taken from the War . y1 address the Inter AiTM ?th an rned run average whfle Mwsonri took the day off. i 'Lll works of Tschaikovsky. Straus Varsity Christian Fellowship - - . u . . ... ora auruie witr i7f . . - of 1.93 in 65 innings, had a t-lf ine Missouri joss Kept ine tig Gerrv nlavs saxaohone in the All-i-' pul ana imsKy-K.orsaKov averase and an earned run mark Seven from acquiring the trophy ."17 Cfff PJll ?.-a Don't let the title frighten y of 1.93. Nebraska was the only two years in a row. Oklahoma , , " ream toiwiu , . J Tom Hcbard, another sax selected by tne coacnes. Bt. I player, of Nebraska City, is well ... . ' K 7, uugn V.I1UI If IUI1UUV known to fans in that area as a k ktz. Miuoan . 2 m is 23 13 jb m-, wt in Collet - bv F.r- top-flight defensive halfback and Union Ballroom, free to alL The 1943 to 1948. as on tne Dahmke of member of the Syracuse won 8 and lost one with an earned edf, tneCrnsader, 1 to ,The JfiSt:lW run average oi wim ent noiy iron on we ions , . 4 " t had a 4-0 re were , .weekly meeting. frichten vou Kev. Anderson, whose present 'away as the movie is verv enter- -ome is in Annandale, Minn., is taining as well as being "a great here attending the Field Mobiliza classic. Don't miss the opportu- tion course which the University nity to see it. lis offering for reserve army of- It will be shown at 7:30 in the Hcers. He served in turope from Bob Rfmoidk NikJ ' 2S 2 17 .372 1 j .r, ; II J II c.l S01ICI1&1V-I VIIU. lit IS auns ail VUl.- ,r n irAu4ro C..n,l -:l I Tha ivutinil uKi,h Drill hcM . r. i v 'K, JI -ii 14 13 11C31 1 1I VtTIIlrflill aura rrff-I It J1 oal-. . . . . -. . t.ui xw iivak kiunuaj wiul( "v- iv6. " " ' " iZU ri.: 5Tif is 21 5 is ter West, will be reviewed by standing swimmer ana weguara. Razor.s Edge," starring at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 315, j-w . iii rf 5?? ?? " H? 'Is? Arthur J Vmni in th fanihv Larry Jones, an acrompiLsnea.Tyrone Power and Gcn xiernev. Union, is open to the public. member of that high school's state t m.. . i t j chamnionshin track scuad. He ran . . w t "it ' joh. Riotfl.' Ofcmm c 30 13 10 .433 lounge Vennix in the Monday afternoon w s.m m 72 m mm 173 The book is based on a survey -. r " ,: XX iT u II to 0 4 of VS. college graduates made by anchor on Sidney's winning relay Three of the selections, Junior,TIME magazine and analyzed, by VJVS5 Wren and Don Boenker of Mis- tne Columbia university Applied r' V J ' and Jerry Dunn of e- sociai Kesearcn uepanmenu n J for claims to be the first complete . , , souri and Jerry braska were recommended All America consideration. study of college graduates ever' mom athlete at All-State is Lou Sports Shorts This week's sports short will! be -Big Fish," "fishing tun, and "fishing Thrill." Snort sport films saeh aj these are shown each Thnrs- day, in the Union lonnge, from 11:4$ am. to 12:15 THej are free of eharge. NU Purchases Science Research Instrument S'i Z, . . V-T . Dunkak of Omaha. Lou was an T fZ'nJill outstanding basketball player and "They Went to College "ld baseball pfayer for Omaha South help to dispel some of the tables , hteVaduation this spring. surroundTnig hi g he r education , , f the Omaha Metz such a, that the i educated do not JunioT,Lion baseball squad, Lou .rri. ni tfcJT Sr. i?. attracted so much attention with marriage nu!L that Phi Beta Kap- his pitcYling ability that he was pas are most likely to succeed, and offcT a contract by the Omaha many others. ICardinals. But Lou turned the Mr. Vennix, who is the Iivi-icontract down so that he m??ht Homiumranra acu.i oiu- rtudy piano He is one of the fin- tnis age. dies Room at Love library, has .k.i tAuk, v .4 n.s ika iy.i i i.ivcriKujr i" writer has heard in many ar He received his B.A. degree; from Jordan College in 1938 and I could go on for qui't Studen ts bile his M.A. degree from the Univer- mentioning such names hi Don The University of Nebraska is rfty of Denver in 1949 following Geis of Beaver Crossing an l Lloyd purchasing an important research military service in Europe. Castner of Ashland who have ex- imtrumiwt with a gin oi n,"uv from - Mrs. Margaret Wheeler Casady of Des Moines, la. The instrument is an infrared spectrophotrymeter. Mrs. Casady'i gift to the University of Nebraska Foundation will be supplemented with an additional $4,000 from the Foundation's Mortimer 3. Brown Fund. The instrument costs 115,000. research tool will xiravWe University sctentiils in the field of physics, chemitlry and biology a qukk and efficient twthod of dterminin the composition or archite-tre of ' molw!. Oibw nwans are more cumixwtme and timfl"-or!mifv2. Mrs. Caady made the gift to the University fn wm'try of her orad brotbers, HiJand H. Whwelw of Llwoln nd Maon Whiter oi Seattle. The gift if alto in spprt-dAtion of the chira-tim-A tipfxiriumiy ottered ber brothers wl herself by th Uni versity li'rtcoln Students Have AH-State Scholarships Three Lincoln high school ttu 4ent are recipient ft Dftlta Orc.i ertm mmie wbolanehlps to th Univrity All-StaU IUh School Fit Arts Omrae now in tension. TYtey ', Gail Katk f Cen tral iliah School, and Jo Anne Jensen and Joy llaupt of North- Th scJiolarships ar part of national progrsn of interesting prom 1 ng ctudent in summer -rtiic camps. The Lincoln awards ere oe fr? Sfned to encourage Nebraska high school rtudenU to play tri7ged Instmments. The students were selected from reeommendationji made by music 'wrvisTi In the Lincoln schools. You are invited to make use of the facilities of our bank. We will be pleased to serve you whether or not you maintain an account here. Member FcOcrat Immrttu Cffntkm 10th & O Street Since 1871 m pltfnSi-- lI , jj" YEAR Or SERVICg-g fti GOLD'S Year-round Shop RAYON BEMBERG by Kay Ashton 5 Style Shotcn : COOL REFRESHER . . . graeefuliy styled for eomfort. Soft tailreI details, ftewn pleats in front, flanged al the fthoulders and a rounded eollar. Thi hut ton front elaie comes in soft summer shade. Sizes 12 to 20, 16Y2 to 242 GOLD'S Year-round Shp...SeeBl Floor