The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 19, 1952, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Thursday, June 19, 1952
Summer Nebraskan
Intercollegiate Press
Xriwaskaa. aa TV Mir UrtoMlun. an- nfcW k Ifce
Ninibaoxube N" 'Eleventh All-State . . .
'jTrrZ. Dream Is Ended
i For the eleventh consecutive oratory, extemporaneous speaking.
vear. summer session students and discussion. The fruits of the
f la laHrnMy mt Xranwfca a. namOaa .f , ar. aaa '"'"' I IriPII V I Jl . V ICi VeU-
AMiac I A.tWV II at tar B "TTrV.VII .T7 V " " ""I t
. . - . - - -If ft ikr ara MUa f Ikr llaaro laal .
MiMiMnw 1 - . . ... ,., i hi- M a- mmwt rx I i vcar. summer sojm iuucuu - "-.-.- v
m W . .i Tr D-w .s--""--) w . - j before have the opportunity to observe ing the final week of All-State
?2LZ2TZJttLZJZ. 5T fZnJd the embryo high -,chool musicians, when the boys and IgirU iwillpre-
. - e r"r--
H witnessed the embryo high school musicians, wnen me ooys ana Kir wu.
"- ""LT ,he Wh,te witnessed orators, and dramatists at sent one-act plays and choric
TTJW" beauty ofNebraskas rolling work durjng the three week ses- speaking.
at f"1 grasslands, a b r o n z e-skinned sjon 0f the All-State Fine Arts The third division of AO-State
ZZSLTZ? Pore warrior slept fitfully .Music Course. inludw lrr 3M by i girta
All-State, me reauxea orram ei woo mj m t
' T 1 1 A Octaacr aatawwa w rorra w . i . f J
iwt i. 'through a dream which came to ... ,,v ..tiHn- in suidT nrivatety d4 narticf-
tMtmr itZZl SIS an end Wednesday afternoon. draB .f the University Fine Arts nate in band, fenestra rhartt,
Aaci r'ivics The vision which trwahled the cUefe, inclodes some 34 yang and ensemble.
arrior's dreams cntined fr men and women frni bujh sebols: There is seldom one evening
-c r '. - three nights. G, emmaded the thronchout the state of Nebraska during the week that summer
Krwao nSL luf '"" , Great Spirit V.akonda in these Atsd SBrPwinding states. The AH- school students can not enter the
w-. ai t-tsw - av. fetar-. " ,wi- Wf star at ' - .k. hiitinr nlace c.-. i... s. .-.;. s,.. nninn without being able to at-
ar Biaaaaai ll . ... . . . - - ' 1 .nntiij Kr rma
imnere v 111 ig a uuiui.. uon oy resniar tmrcmi; pro- icnu a k-""-"
jTbe warrior did as be was bid and feasors. 1 branch of the All-State course
foond the ninibaoxobe. j Fourteen students are studying during the month of June.
...-, tn-a lAor-nrf in the Art riivicion of All-State It is truly amazing to watch
. , . .;,i,i in a certain Omaha daily newspa- . th- ninbauxube the under the direction of Jr. Man-these young boys and girls make
A riil if IB" mm a rvcll a. t.uw - - m . m - T tt -a - -a. .
' , . in, thi editor's mina. t t, flf Peace was rrea R.euer. Lnjnng me
per iiuc ' r.1 thin ctr- . . j j
Taxes On Freedom . . .
three rapid strides of improvement dur
. 1 T
: i this; ctr- . j j - t r-y,.r m h-iwic tra hiuVi cr-hnni artitt anil in? tneir inree weens OI suhiy. ll
course, is not an mwai "y"?" -- - Each successive guardian of the be instructed in all branches of is even more amazing to observe
til "- BhJikr?,y ediUn, addrccd h ZJss on, the art. Delays of the students' the capabihties and achievement
tru .f952r It went ab I epUining the bitter P"b- elaborate rituals surrounding its works wiU be featured at Morrill of these high school students dur
k u LnL? Hal If this day and are face, then drifted ve, from its buffalo skin Hall, the Student Union, and at ing so short a period of time,
"rri-TaritlS "'uVl- adntmistrati.-. as many rdi" , smoking w hen pacts the final concert in front of Me-Their work sometimes reaches
ff iU ,f,sL 2TAWmeh the Trwnan Administration of 'acc and o;her agreements morial Stadium, June 25. that of the professionaL Attend-
!T,KfUrA1l P?" the aore- emTy mak Theritualsl The speech div-ision of All-State, ance of several of these All-State
LlIT-L tlfrTJlTaUnxT fwlrl Importotit. If ignored, the under the direction of Harlan recitals is something no summer
wnUoDcd " " " - ,Ce orily threat which hangs overjvast supernatural powers of the Adams, gives some 40 students in-school student should miss.
- - - L p-r it is not the most menacing Dive would bring great suffering struction in debate, dramatics,! J
me imunj, w y"r- " i- h the Government in- ln " ,h(. Ponca -I
. mere are many - . - -
;'wi the hope of young peop'e to lead good and happy It p, renerations
lives. , "passed, that the pipe was handed
Tbese include the bureaucratic controls which limit every Aom-m u j9e Birdhead. Vnhappily,
vouisg man who ainns to go into business, on farm or in city. to his marriage was bom only one
-But far more mischievous to all are high taxes. daaehter, who by tribal law, eonld
- . . This buge burden bears down most cruelly, of course, not take eastody of the pe.
those who are just starting out . . . . . - ,MHt:ti One day, however, his daughter
"Unless they are InrMer than most its a JlITliZ Passed away. Distrusting his fel-
Taxes those withheld from their pay checks and those k,- tribesmen because tiie white
the line to the price of every bit of merchandise they tar-wimK had uM them to think
anore than they coald normany hope to save. .. lightly of tribal customs, Joe
"And if anyone is lucky enough to get an extra-gooa joo iae Birdbead got in toixh wsth an
vajiltjjag tax rates will take much of what he earns tmat archeo5;st at the University of
will have liffle cruance to sccumula capital and go into business IOT ebraska who had befriended
tl"mthrr mmris UVrc 1 b 'JJJjiTrti "rhrth a interpreter. Joe
or Harrey flrestones or Marshall fields. TIJ Birdhead sadly willed the sacred
prodace a new race of industrial tianta, to lead Amenta to f to tbeUniveraty.
neizbts of material saeeess, ts being eraMtea. u scbooL" be said, woald
Te opinion expressed in the above editorial HT
this editors mirwS. nottoiBg but a i pesamislic feeliEg o f m Several years ago, Jo Birdhead
Davcred with sm wer-beteuE dewe on the passed away at his home along
iaflucace its readers to favor of the potocal candL.te .the bafiks of tte Nrara. He
r,e-nrer swpsscrtmg-in this case. Sea. BertA- Jt was 84.
I am a taxpayer. Within very few years I fL fdT.l Wednesday at 2 P jn. in the Uni-
verv same problems which the above edntornal descnlxs. J Verrity Mnweam the saered tribal
are mmMjoiiis of other college jtfudents like me in this vtfiation. ninhanxabe, was removed
Ve do face what seems to be an enormous number of tf.iifnam iU bnffalo skin ease. Bat
Howerer I feel that we sbSd be rratcf l f"f V"!" im without a sympathetic lanee
to pay taxes, even thong they do seem to be a great "nanciai bar- a( trtat Ponea
r t. . MMdi arinleee.. The American people navei.
. . ji tr w$ i.naa 107 aimvM. ii ! - -
Politics At A Glance
TMs TV Biannlli Kerae
With the Democratic National Convention only a little over a
month away, the party presidential aspirants are scurrying about
their duties, shaking bands and grabbing votes wherever they can.
Sen. Estes Kefawver of Tennessee and Mataal Security Di
rector W. AvereU Harriman eneonraeed nationwide speculation
when both held conferences with President Traman in the White
Hows. Neither managed to aconire an endorsement from the
President, bat Harriman described his talk with Traman as en
cosraeinc. while Kefanver was liable to gain even encourage
ment from the party leader. Instead. Traman seemed more in
terested in acquiring Kef aaver's sapport on the Tidelands Oil bill.
Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson of Illinois, meanwhile, whom the
President has allegedly favored for the nomination, seems to
be weakening in his stand as a "non-hopefuL" Although he has
repeatedly said that he is not seeking the nomination, and only
wants to be re-elected governor of Illinois, his backers have be
gun to advocate a "draft" at the July 21 convention.
Stevenson, it seems, is very cordial to Harrimaa's amWtions.
It has been alleged that this is in line, not only with bis own de
termination not to ran. bat also with bis plan to keep the pow
erfnl Illinois deleg aUon from sapportmg Sen. Kefaaver. Steven
son. Harriman and Traman. ft seems, all see eye to eye in their
opposition (or is it fear) of Kefaaver.
Sen. Paul Douglas of Illinois, meanwhile, has been doing
everythang within his power to swing that state's 54 delegates
to Kefauver. Douglas if probibly the number one Democrat,
senator and statesman in the country as far as honesty, ability
and desire So serve the people is concerned. A move began early
in the campaign supporting Dwuglas for the nomination, but he
promptly squekrhed it on the basis that he, certainly one of
the most modest men in politics, feared he would be unable to
do a competont jf-h.
Meanwhile a Georgia delegation voted to rive ito home state
senator. Kichard B. KaswelL Ha fan slate a t 2 National Conven
tion delegates. Cnssetl is the nnmber one Democratic darkborse,
to date.
If a draft nnovetm-rnt should take shape at the convention
for Stevenson, however, the Illinois gwernor could prove more
than a darUwrge. He would probably be a hiding candidate,
battling it out with Kefauver and Harriman would be the
ray in which we ran help the war-torn, naekwara nawon m ., ,1"Z1L Zl
world to sartve from that comAant treat, commannm. u we ... '-- . , .. t ii .
toreidorrana were to be dropped at the preent time, an annual TeaOm ; College 'f' United OUfTimer ChUrCn GfOUD MeetS
foreign . T ,V; .-Jui n tta od hands within ConJereimce on Curtetat l?v;io',- - r
.naeanUble TTllSrSJhuM Edition June 2 and!, Dr. A. R Anders of fe Ex-jlSth, at 5 pm. Sonday. Tt-a
Jn'?l LfZiJL ytTrrWkwTt T adVhe 27: ion Divkwn of M College or'oatherinc wm ifl(:lueie a U
free nans wonioi .r Xt . ZT:vi Uivxr, Horae Mann Lincoln ."vTldrntsan RetponiUltty in Karar " , .
EaOa proper, as well n of hat ' "jr fyr M Jf we Ir.e for School Experiment- Life" at second trir.g of tl I S u n d a y' d.ewxUm,
rwedoin s cswSJy, ad ' nut be wel-msg to fy fS, fs,JU. t- United Summer Churcli ProsTam, "Chriistian Rpomiblity for Fair
are lo eirjj'Wy S- llr Colleffe. An awci4ite editor of'! naeeting will be held at theTploymeriit Pfactk-es," was held
lithe Joiutmal of Edweational Bpt StAJdent House, 3S1S No. -at the Wesley Foundation. '
! view,
have they done it? By taxing tbemHe to pay for the treiienoos
vt of their freedom. '., .- - , f the scattered remnants of the
At the present time tliere exnit an iwe ww w " ;3C Ponca tribe, came to the Uraver-
ntc an extreme danger to freedom rf all democrat - t3ty, ninbauxube was re
Ttasis it is rowessary to araefw a greafler tax upoa the Vfwe j-ed from its case and placed
free nataoiras. If we are to retain our f reexdom, we mutt t waumg to a y ftI Pwf)Ca jo reJjct
pay for it, regardless of ttie corf. - - . jfr LaOaire, in ceremonial cos-
Of cowrae tlai brings us to another pomt representeo OT an- 0'!ered a special Ponea
ttoer ediiorial which appeared in the same newspaper a --sHer
13m ago. It deacrilbed the amaan-Atheson Dwsraora" as having j
the ' bland assumpftoon that foreign aid is workm tmt jw& fine, that jli , If iy--wiM
It i javimg ttae woW from SlUKn anJ will have to be cwntmreued iMaflOnaiiy tinOWn
untttl the reaswnatble goals' are reached.' 11 f f
Altnoneli foreign aid may not be working ot as well as K EdUCQiOrS HerG
woald if it were nnder better management, n ts te o7 p .
I wmt " w w- - - - I C. Hand, prwfew ol
ciitfirion at tje UnSon; What is the platform of the '5ew if Demo-libnois. He was an associate di
cratot Snewtor of the Csmgie Giuidance
Dr I T. La;ise, in bis poKitUiom as a imwiiber of what was mp- Study from 193:1-2:7 and iwper
T(sai to be 'am "darabiiaAed" fnel, was unable to erpound on toe vior of BaJc Besearch Stu4e in
smbSeAt. sBuiIfkienMy to present a wW prvrtrayal of what the Hilo5s Seosnndary School Cur
Lufe faetiwi re.i'My stand for. , 'irktslum rrttfrzms dnce 147.
As he said, fcot the forrirn and dAxneaie poUie of the New ! S'arhSl S. JUkey, profesvyr
life Democrats are practically the same as those of si bat be dribed of pfcythology and tmswsstitrewent
a the Hhim Demotral. One of te major point of different jjarjd chafm of department
as be pointed oat, eoneerns party leademnip. In the editor's opinion, 'of gwsdamte and stmfal education
however a greater poiat of difference esirt. Ta coweeras the at Southern Ulsnois Unlversnity of
auaaxenVeaf of the potkiea wbkn are pnt into aetton. Cabondate, Illsnois, and a fwem-
Tbe preawnt ffoejC polky, regardleat wf ttos amount of criitidsm ber of the lfttemational Council
it rftKstsive, would be a t-pJerd ore if it were under better manage- for EsscepWonal CWren
went. Tfaia i lso tnue m Civil Bibt fasemea, and again on gwerw j Boger Albright, educational ad
ment managewient. Preddemt Truman t doirag everyU'jtnc be knows ,;viser to Motion Pkture Aocia
iiiow to clean civrupiUjn out of the Federal goverrjmerit. If rrans t.on of America and Te-bmg
fl'Uite well, twt he ia not capable of bandtog ucb a big tob. Tfje New Film Custodiara of Wafthfcnsrton
UJe Dftmocraite, on 0e orijer band, with tie man tf-ey are f,T1-HMe was one of the origSnal croup
Ifl, iji!e Kefawer of Tnmte, as Prudent, would be able "of vlividual who were resrpon
to lndJe the too. Tljey wowld rot tav 1j mav.tirc to tlieSr way tSbJe fvr Umd'm$ Teacbin Film
every time tfety wactod iwmetbSmg aicewjfjJistjed. JCuiUj(dAn.s.
' The Wg proMena exists, of eowrae, of how to defea (he maebfae J The (conference will featwre two
m (he laatioatal eoovention. As Dr. Laaae enrphaatxed. It takes time :yps of meetings. The fiti type
a4 enerrr. We wifl know try the end of Jaty if a candidate backed will be general meeting where
r Imhw elOzens with a tntaahnatm of time a4 energy eaa def eai devVp!T' of toterftrt to every-
eanfidafe baetied by the monryladen maetiine. - fone in the f!4 of puhilc educa-
Ttji prcbHem, ofVeourte, 1 not restricted to j Democratic party,;; lion win be dlarussed. The aec
tm retired Cen. Dwibt D. risrower, it eem, is faed with the ond type wVJ. be small croup
m problem in hi race wlJa msctiine-backed Sen. Robert A. Taft 'meeting for parvas of similar
My t best sno win. ; "T.cre'Sa to 4,cuf devclvprrer.U
Prcudly Announce
cJhe cJklrcl Seaxon of
cJhe diayloft Summer cf healer
The liasty Heart-
Opening: Tueedary, June 17
Playing Tuesday thru Sunday
"The he$t plays of the American Theater1
CuttcAn Tim l&Q VM. Eeryr!km 4-2327
Wl S&aih S4.