The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 07, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, May 7r 1952
Exam Schedule Arouses Controversy
Over Position Given 9 a.m. Class Finals
By COXNIE GORDON Inert and Friday classes on Sat-jthatrff Jg in
Much iSLETl. arisen UrS.Sp dean of student ftZttZZ&'SZ
re drains uic ' r-: -".,,, n a rotating by it Td rather nave n ne
ming 01 me a.m. wnw?, y.-j....- , Us
lOaSlS, Ail U'LAJCi. v.
moves up one day each examina
tion period. ....
He added that reseneauiine 01
final examinations is made only
when there is an -mammy rr- itu. m
garding scheduling" or jnn.ess 1,, r"T 1 k
Draft Data Forms
Students subject to the draft
must Till out draft data forms
so that the University can file
college student certificates with
the local draft boards. Forms
ran be obtained from offices
of the college deans or at the
office of veterans and selective
service affairs, 106 Mechanic
Arts hall.
Dr. Oldfather Honored At Banquet
1 W,M . T..ntv vears .f service as d
'Seventeen' Magazine Will Award
. . r i tri t'tMi iv 11 14U j-
$1,000 For Winning bhorr o.ores (se- a . of
v ' ' .. . ,mh1 should be be- .mvernment defense bonos
bylteen XOOO ar3l500 words than "something he aueaay
Twenty years .f service as dean
01 tne."L banquet
lences " . nninn
Tuesday evening in the Union
The faculty of "Xl,
To Be Given
By Airways
list day than the first," was his
: comment.
I Milroy Zveitel, junior in Busi
ness Administration, was another
!ctnpnt affected bv the May 31
exam. He said, "I think the Fac
Exams Set
For May 22
One thousand dollars in prize
:u I ma.A ccravr
money wm ue given " j i ecu . ,
-Seventeen," national magazine and must be original and nave.naa.
lor leen-age gins, u. u. "in.v been published, me auiuui , - c- , spceCh.
short story contest. fwn 13 and 19 years 6 airmal. of the commiuee
The short story contrition - - - , notarized !planning the event was
iVct n aiv win De . , ,,- no was assisicu
nn '
v V
Exam Schedule
a.? broujM fourth tter Wednesday 'd7?f ue qliIk.Uon emtoatto.1 SSZXSSJS - ..i--. " - " . , ...,- J I J
Jark JSirnoiS. junior iu . , j , m
neering college, commented, "I be-will be anectea oy iu e "T,wno were uname , -
lieve ttat the rotation system is jlieved that scheduhng a less pop-!previous tests this year, an-
n. .! Poor one, I think mat exc.c -jI)0unced Maj. Gen. Uewis b. ner-
;irrtc frtr AiihAr rtf the other
tests given this year must reapply
frr- riAtir TirKPTi! m cruel iu uc
i triNwn iwr " mil 4 k unr&UM v ... II.
mil rumiH ni - - ibu. , - 1. ai
. .. - t 4x1 MMnanici .a. rMaanin
MAnrl 4hA 111 117. 1M: innnmwi ,w' T. - w It IX. lit
air travel scnoiarsmps wm tc
awarded by Eraniff-lntemational
airways for the 1952-53 school
Th airiini hppan its Inter-
Americaii scholarship program in
Amounting to approximately
$30,000 the travel grants mill be
awarded to 25 Latin American
students for rraduate work in
the United State and 25 U.S.
scholars attending universities
in the Latin American countries.
Each award consists of a round
trip ticket, and authorization for
a full year of academic study.
They are available to any of the
nine cities served by Braniff in
Latin America and any of the 29
cities on its VS. routes.
US. students may apply for
scholarships to universities in the
Braniff served countries of Cuba,
Nebraskan Competition
Becomes Keen; 31 Apply
iml Wi 1 EsriBk A, .
14, IS, !. 17. 41, 4S. I.
lei tualullMl cnflirllnt villi
J tirm M Ml XTJI " :
eUgible. Application blanks may, f&r$BTtu
... - m J a
I'd-J J
i UiJJ-ica Livii
A total of 31 applicants are
seeking the 19 positions filled by
action of the committee. The
deadline for application filing
was April 30. The board will
interview the candidates begin
ning at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the
faculty lounge of the Dnion.
i. -a rmit editorial and
IU V " . M
10 conunuc
.work, the
When the business ana circu
lation applicants have been
heard, the committee will turn
to editorial positions tn this or
der: editor and associate editor;
managing editors; news editors;
sports editor and assistant; fea
ture, society, agriculture and
photo editors.
- j -d, Uoliiria n
i.l.rrrj'ri afternoon
To be eligible, a student must I
meet certain scholastic require- IU II llrCnQSlTQ
inents set up by the Intsitute. HelW wIVUVJiim
must be unable to personal . -X
provide for his transportation and MfornC LOnCciI
;Aip: At Boys' Town
Professors Present Papers
At Luther College Meeting
. i a Tr-rif TPanl vn
It Moil.. W M . II.
these cvt- ...
ill wrtiom n ButincB Orwlmi Ul.
(ColitruniK .
AH sectiemi ia Edoaitia 61. 62. CU-
!. . ..... .
13 - .
AD StetioBt a Busincw Orcmiatioa 3, -
fiermeni as. 'i- UayiTox M Wed.. Fri.. or w cot
2. Must be satisfactorily pursu- am
ling a full lime couege couie " is
graduate or undergraauaxe ieaa-, mKtjnt ,0 iDU,
ing to a degree. .
3. Must not have previously i mJ,4 ..
i.-, .v- 4.-t L v,. Wed.. Fri- or w one oc two
-!oC ao sw. .,
icm,- -
Applications must be mailed
not later than midnight May 10
to the Educational Testing Serv
ice, Princeton, N. J.
To be eligible to take the test,
1. Must be a selective service
registrant who intends to request
deferment as a sruaeni.
or Mon.. Wrd.. Frt
tbnr dart.
AO ectkm in Enln B. 1- ColironO.
All sretions In Civil EninMiint H-
AD ttttian ji?, 190
Clanet martin 3 rJU Ta.. Than..
, or two W o( the U
a la ".
.: i. Vitfcrmatia 11, 16,
A II wniw '
10S. ColiKWi.
An ctkm In M.tlmMUCO 14, 15. 17.
42. 108. 107. fColiKum.
CUnci "Wnl at 8 a ra.. Tocl. Tborv.
Sat., or af one cr to of thnr day.
1 ft 1 IWHW-I
t a.m. to IS wooo
CUua tnrrtina at 1 P-tr... Tuea. mi
Thutv. or eithtr one of tViesedayt.
riann moetint at 3 .., fcE
. WL. In., or an one or
. ll I . vl . .. ,
AO section in Entlisk 100
All am tons n Netfcantral Entiotgrtot 1. -!
All aeotiom to Home Etomwimci 5i ana n " '" ,
AH irctiom Bae Oiwiaooo IL nK)in 5 ,
tCoiiBfom). 'dit- or Woa.. Wed., Fri.,
" n.-; nmaoiiatio. HI. wo "x flv . .
jtiibnanL i .1 & o n.. Toes, and Tliutv.
"-"-J1? , i 14 or either one o rheae day,
an wdn ia French 11. I J- . . . I!
3olirua. I ClanM tnenina at 7 PH.. Moo.. Wed
w m . " . r'.-fi- Fn- of any one or two
AS aectiona ia Snaum. 52 and 54. Coll- rn- ( . .. n 12 aooa
i 7 n m . 'iiiea. ana inarv.
, . fir or four
or any one or
n , r-i inff rrm. 2 d u j. jvijaviuwu, -
JoSXL attended tSTflthS University of Wisconsin. He
Josepn Alexis " . lmr.v. nr. nnp nf ihe earlv founders
second annual meeimg i -""-,-- . 1t he
Hptv for the Advancement ciw ie ?
iJ Vh, held at Lu-'played in its development.
OV-Cli.i(-J-'--o -
TTr,r,r invitation of Famtr iner cuuee. . ... lo .
Schmitt, director of Boys' Towa; 2, 3 T.aoerlAUF lO fcnllST
k;t. 4v, iTnivprsitr orcnesxra ouioui ' -
;rT; ritiiens "Fogr er hlidin ana tne Aixiiuae
will Play for Boys Town can r gr ow
and their guesis inury. 1-"--" :lv aT14 Alexis cre-
! nlJ5.SL3'Sshton Words in!
enToVuditoriuiModern Swedish .to the general
A7rZL.rr, fnr::,,l "Over- meeting of the society- . ...
AOrm Aiaeiiuai tmumu. ufoi m. - tn, ,motv uras founded untfl
i .KoiDTchin snould ,,. tr, Tivmnra-No. 3" by Beet- The society was lounneu
to xne xisu
ctTBrt. Mpw York 21. N.Y.
Courses At Stockholm
ds3ZrWed..'FTr-"or" an, one or
ct the ,
AD aectiont in Entliaa I-
o.aa. a OM,
AB section, ia English i.
AM section. jjfcjfn"n'2 ?iSi.
. o a oi Toea
SaC any erne or two tt theat aaya.
avaa. It . ... 1 nf ihrae da't.
in rf'um aa EJcctncal bnatseenas . m a. o.aa.
19S. 236. 237. j ciasart mcevn a! 2 P .aa.. Too. and Tour
, ,fl . ... H or four dar. or eiioer tc y " - .
a. Tana.
Osaaci rorrun at 4 f ive 07 fo
Thm scholarships are au-
aliarized bv the Civil
i RAa.rd rtf the U-S
n Minmm. The lnsti
aicui v "
tate of International Education
selects the students and admin
isters the scholarships. The in
stitute is a 22-year-old organiza
tion devoted to the exchange of
students anions JS countries of
the world.
nmm iiuitin imv. -.-i-, , I ;0 nsc fniinrtpn mm . . ..J4. nrainnp .
w fnr thM scholarships snouia ture to Leonore-No. 3" oy eei-i - - ------ , n-,, aWe for the All seniors aua iu numoers.
uutuu wuiaUU, vw r ..-.v. c,Tiir an laneuaces ani
nwmm . .
or Moa Wed. Fn- o ml " "
u. lo it waoo
Clxn meet at 11 Tw. Than..
Sat. or an one or two ot rheae oa.
ClatKS aneeiirlt at 2 .
.of MoaTWo. Frl. or ow two
lei tbeae d'i...- ir i
vi r. i' r-' -- -
1 a-aL aa It owa- ,
AH auctions a Economics 11 aad 12. Cc4-
dmmt Ithawwrd
u. aa It waaa
-i. nrtin. at 9 o . or fc
Ua. or Mon.. Wed., Ftl. or any one or
two of tneae oaya.
Fall Speakers
On Wednesday
ISA To Award Certificates
To 97 Members At Banquet
n Tjilheran student
Ithem Student associa-- of
will present LS A certificates to 25. ohrs preSent several
oTifl f-a-n students receiving
JiUVCll, j-,aJ-i-. I j
-n c 1- n-re-t-T-p.TVTnlll frs ana
rThe Plow that Broke the Flams'' , Scandanavian
hv Thomoson ana -me jtussaa iiina
1 Easter" by Kimsky-Korsakow.
mi , - ! it r i ii 11 a 1 I
hohinfaofSslLdS schoo sponsored Itesfer. Aloore
fnr American tu- .ll I
e fieids of political sd- By Lonnecncui con n;rr TiAn
ence, economics, and sociology Connecticut college will sponsor Q eCl I WW
lUizabeth JVL uates oi ine jiijvci- the jtu annual uneuum "
festival at Iwew ijonoon, c-oiu
Julv 14.
The six weeks summer session rw.r, rfwtVffl be
is open to all interested students . "ThirrcflaT
and wffl be conducted by profes- given y.vPg
IliaUe, COmpOSlLlUii, aiwcuap-j - .
i nTvcitinn fnr ,ri an cf... Means" by Jack Moore.
BLiAu. At j- -
is inLtaesLcu m jjmversny iuuu aiii i.. - . -
. . . - w i-natim in Lutheran
mavian ianSUdK -(Wffl be tne purposeci a ipWetoesday night
roain speaker of the meet-'ACT mass meeting Wednesday at - M finnua g bangu
roain ? pjT pjj. x, Union. pastor L. C. Pretty of the e-
t?t Ppt JCnowles will sneak' braska Lottxran Social Service
rtnrip.nt. division announced.
Mnm than 200 American stu-
pnte have attended the interna
innsil crrarlnat school since its
" e-
founding in 1945.
The course, which is approved
by the Veterans Administration,
win start in September. Tuition
. rvn . ..... CCAA ! r,l a T-
ships are available. jas well as courses in elementary
Applications from both graduate and secondary school teaching,
ami DrooerlT Qualified under- Academic credit is available for
graduate students should be sub- (the session.
jnitted to tne Amencan-auiiiuj-navian
fotmdation, 127 East 73rd
street, New York, N.Y. Enroll
. ment is limited to 45 men and
Coward Plays
Rev. Rex Knowles will speak
i tn- about the ouroose
of AUF and the part played by a
speaker's board.
Bob Hasetwoock sneakers
board director, ttfT ei all organ
ised houses to send several rep
resentatives to the special meet
Ine. All students who are in
terested in this phase of A I F
activity are also invited to come,
braska LoUxran Social Service
will be ffu4 speaker. His topic
will be "A Penny for Tour
G-ordon Mamusson, senior oenai
Speaking 'or the Juniors of
ISA will Art Becker, az
college , rati, the response from
the senurs will be riven by
Donald yelson. Teachers col- (
lete. Joye KuehL M LSA
president, and Jerry Larson,
city campus LSA president, will
be masters of ceremonies.
The banquet will begin at 6 p jn.
- - w. a a T-5 ST
Main Fealnre Clock 1
Sehedalr Fvimhari hj Theattn
SUte: "Jungle Jim in the For
bidden Land," 2:13, 4:47. 7:2!.
9:55. -Waco," 1:05, 3.39, 6:13.
VarsitT: "Rancho Notonous,"
1:33, 3:25. 5:37, 7:39, 9:41.
Esquire: "Lady Possessed." 7:00,
(jOTuoa nxd ijii "wa w-'""" i "0
student, will sing "The Lord's. In Union Parlors ABC.
Union To Honor Outstanding Workers.
Board Members At Picnic mursaay
n i.Ji- rT.M Ia.nan4 TlQiaC1 AaSTi if f34- 1
Awards for outstandiug Unioo 'present president of the Union
NROTC . . .
Continued From Pate 1
Cosmopolitan Club
Members of Cosmopolitan
club will hold its annual elec
tion of officers at a meetinf in
Room 31S, Union, Wednesday
He added that no previous participation will be given to both .board.
enor cfrirKPS Or WOrk in UF.TT4 wrnr-Vo, onrt nnaril TMm-1 Woi
-The Astonished Heart" which " necessary iwb h ;bers at tte awards picnic
takes place in a penthouse in mphasized th at' Thursday at S P-m. at the Ag
uuper Mannauan croc - wh(J participate as speak-.Union.
i to-do psycmains nisnc uu d k Ext
'an old scboal chum. This creates rs wiu o
a lamfliar triangle and results in not PS-
a comedy. .
Charles Peterson ind Charles A KPci Tft SOOnSOT
Bell are producing the play. The al ' w -wiiwi
cast includes; Jven tien.eui itu. n.,Unnt StQrV
traying Christian Faber, Elhe, ine UUTOni JIOl
AIIUn ia,liia,a.a
'3 Min
3 ietiwk
U0' i
Color bf
AROTC . . .
Continued From Pate i
Quantica, Va, June 21 for a two
month training period. They are:
Daniel S. Bitner, Silon L. Coat-
man, Alien ru micueiew . M.-rt.
Peters. Walter S. stocioon, jr,i Ochsner David Phi Dps
Junior midshipmen will re
ceive three weeks aviation in
doctrination at Corpus Christi,
Tex., beeinning June 27 Fol-1-ov-ing
this, they will report at
little Creek, Va, for three
weeks amphibious training.
rcuua. .... - sneue, vaijean wi.uiu,, j- nwin,.
Galen a. uien, VJ-i"' t,J-Milder Charles Munn, George ,.,. 7 rrN;nc
Bailey, Theodore W.. Barger, John row R0g;rr Noble, Jack W Wui for cabinet pou-Uons,
r Backer. J. Gilbert Benedict, ! ?af cZunc Olson. Roger Cook, 'project council memrstup tvm-
t."iit TiicHnn Tipan Buckinc-: Srr' , . imer' wort ana jresnman tiuurei
hamam G. Cambridge. 1-1 wiJ1 be of four weeks'po close
All Union board members. .
committee chairman and Union
workers are invited to the
Transportation to the Ag cam-
nut ikHII 1v ffnrn5thid br the
tt-:- Iaqub
Guiliatt playing his wife, Jiar- Mein1jers ,0f Alpha Kappa Psi'pus beginning at 5 p.m.
bara Cistine PMlip the oth-, j b adminislra- Nest year's committee chairmen
er woman, Elenore uicjc .., Vo lM5Jwill be announced and awards
Fipps playing Tim, and xtay cu- xicm ir-uauiijr. WCv fcy vridmaier,
ton as Susan. 'needs to Know more aovui .me - , ,
Hot dors and "the irunmlnrs"
will be served. Entertainmrnt
is also being planned by the
Ar Union b c-particlpitinr
la the picnic
Goltlenrti Stationery Store
tu Xartfe lata St.
Thp -niav ?avK And Me a HE ,
LClii-'-D jJ.t--v vi
It concerns a Eritish couple of the
"jolly set" who have io lace xne
tni hnt thv1'f rambled away all
iLarry Pollard, Lawrence Poppa, their money, i ne piay cabi u
James -Ouinn, Lawrence aamuuL,iani)uuuwu joi.
(Arnold Strasheim, Cornehui;
Thomas, Duane Ieary, George
Phillin Alberts. Phil-
iio Breslin. PuOger Haliock, Hobert
Johnson, Cyru Jocian, njroiuuu
KroPh Jack Ladds, Robert La-
Munn. George
.ririiM rf 'hiiriness
At a result, the society is
sponsoring a showinr of a film
on "The DuPont Story" at
p m. Wednesday in Love Library
ThP film. technicolor troduc-
tion, is a historical film of DuPont
and an attempt to presenx xne
story of big business, its problems
and difficulties.
Dean Eoy M. Green of the
Collere of Engineering and
Architecture will speak at the
The public is invited.
BiUiaiB ucamuijugt:, The camps wui De oi lour weeis.B. .vJ7., mirr v
T -Dane. Edmund E. De-LtitifTn inrtwid of the six weeks! ALT speakers mass meeting, 7
Mar, William A. Harris, Jr, Ray-, period heid prior to last yeai -'P-m, Boom 3OI PerEhing
nond R. Ha wley Michael H. ben a Ehortage of faemties forced por prSert vf
JTLW rfAJtiM w --7 - CI -1 B f-'v. . . w '
Orders taken Monday, Tnesday and Wednesday After
noons at Student Union and B-5 Burnett HaU.
IT James Mcton fl
The purposes of the camps are
to familiarize the cadets with
the aircraft and aircrew, to em
phasise the value of the high
standards of the Air Force
through application in camp ac-
.11..: i Mnl. 4 1 n Afi
Richard A- xteed, oienu jt.. i.uuc-; uviu, aua
hurst, William M. Ruff, Eertrand j more mully aware of Air Force
Frank D. Sorenson John B SU1-, The total ball tickets on sale at
livan, wames ivi. jcjij', imuu v. .v- . Tim,,,, nffire .or from .dance
komas, J W. Tombarge, Har-jtemaUcaliy ided among the -; tmon ceor from
ln H. Wiederspan, ajaniei nous huujclh, vj j.tpu,. .
Wolkensdorfer, Rockford G. Yapp, Cadets will receive 7a compensa
una i-i.if.rvcii a j iuu uv.
D. Jones
George T. Karabatsos, Donald .
Lonprd, Richard J. MtKee, Rob
ert H. Mayer, Earl Arthur Pan
tier, Eldon E. Park, Allan G.
Paulson, John P. Rasmusson,
Richard A. Reed, cienn a. ftoae
pledges, 7:30 p.m.. Room 26, Mil
itary and JMavai science uauuun.
Co6mo club meeting, i .i p jb.,
Room 316, Union.
B,ed Cross Handicraft, 7 p.m
Room SIS, Union.
anroiMntiLtive from Ralston
Purina feeds company, 7:30 pjnM
. . -1 11 fl CT
Room w Agricuixui i uu,
On The Air
3:00 "nsic From Everywhere"
J:15 Something Ur The Girls"
3:88 "Your Stndent In ion"
3:15 "Headings For AH"
4:09 "Musical Grab Bag"
4:15 "Moose Calls"
4:2 "UNESCO Show"
4:15 "Guest Star"
S:u Sign Off
June Havoc 4
A Musi See Picture
1 vr isw."--n 1 1 1 . -r
i ' 1 Vr.V. .rror. cvorr faoilit li jX5-4rJ:
1 1 l-your
lfr A5RSEME.T: '
I 1 IOOjV 1 I
j rOf LaMBaBMKl S' Tjl
I iyOT,,;t... .-.-la i
-a-V-l-- (av
Yes. it's florious fun - -. a thrill in Springtime o drive where
ou wish in a fine new car. Rent a new car from Hertz anytime
you wish, for as long as you wish. Take your friends at no extra
coBt 5 r can ride for the cost td one! Gas, oil and proper
inBurance are f umifibed. So .don't te without a car whenever you
need it It's so easy, convenient and cost so litUe to rent one
from Hertz, world's largest Call or come in.
Here's All If- Ccttt
a RBTE CXAKPIZ ... a ar takaa etrt art t
I'M. lraa 3D nulaa. atun4 iloca 2 .M.
man K.10. indiudms yaa. S inauionoa.
myevdiM ad bow nmujr Xltltk. itddiiisnaU anil
J)7c pav miia.
1017-1023 Q Street Fhone 2-5400
f i
i Vs
Jletr, Different, Dlsttnctivel
Rounded Collar
White Oxford
... now lor ma el Kebraiia. DistucSTa
wLll oadord dolh tlirta wt'Ji round d
coUccrs, r7u!ax cus. Sites 14 is lElO
Jlen' FitrnliMitgi
UAGEUS First Floor