The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 07, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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' 5
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Wednesday, May 7, 1952 I Barbed Wire I Stolen Goods
It's All Over
. . . But The Shouting, We Hope
Approximately one-third of the University With the class officers, it is another story.
nion momwhin 1 Ms nnf nt s snn wpnt to Thpv simDlv filed: but they won election. It is
the noils Monday and elected eight men. six of extremely doubtful that they won their new posi
them faction-backed, as junior and senior class tions on the basis of the pros or cons of their
officers. Thirteen men and women, mostly men. various campaign platforms, tsui tnese em peo
were chosen at this University election to serve pie all have one factor in common: each one
on next year's Student Council. pledged, if elected, to scarry through the platform
The election was not quite a Faction victory, which they expressed in the election forum last
Neither was It any sort of confidence vote for the week.
Senior Action Committee. And, as usual, women of course, each candidate stood upon a plat
voters seemed to follow independent or sorority- form 0f do-good for the University, with the
sister channels in their voting procedures.
No matter how elected and with what plu
ralities, we now have eight new class officers
and part of the 1952-'53 Student Council. One
third of the eligible voters put these people in
office. And each one of these persons has prom
ised their constituency many things.
The people who went through campus elec-
exception of a few humorous persons. Most of
the candidates spoke about class unity, a bigger
and better junior-senior prom and finances for
their respective classes.
The election has come and gone; we have new
officers and part of a new Student Council. The
Daily Nebraskan congratulates these new officers
Hons to become Council members have proven, at and sincerely hopes that the old phrase, "It's all
least in a small way, their interest in the Univer- over but the shouting," will hold true for the
sitv. Thev have shown their interest in their col- University. By this, we hope that the shouting
lege, received at least 25 legal signatures on their will become sincere, concentrated and effective
filing forms, and have received the support of the work and planning lor xne gooa 01 me university,
maiorJtv of voters in their colleee. its students and their government. R.R.
She Couldn't Vote
At least one of the candidates for senior class
officer Monday could not vote for herself.
'And it was not from over-modesty or from
a lack of confidence in herself.
Likewise, a number of sophomores had to vote
for senior class officers, and about the same num
ber of juniors could not vote at all for class of
- f icers.
What was the difficulty?
The trouble lay entirely in the Student
' Council's definition of juniors and seniors. In
determining election eligibility, the Council used
the credit-hour scale employed by the Univer
sity. Under this system, students with 27 hours
or more are sophomores, those with 53 are jun
iors and those with 89, seniors. The hours were
figured as of the end of the first semester.
Assuming that 125 hours are necessary for
v .graduation (in all except Pharmacy and Engineer-
. . . Even For Herself
their original classes.
The second possibility would base class
standing upon the previous fall's credit-hours.
While there Is greater chance for variation
through the entire year than through a single
semester, the credit-hours would conform more
exactly with the 53-89 standard set by the Uni
versity. The credit-hours as of last September
are, incidentally, used as the basis for class
standings of students named In the Honors Day
convocation list.
A definite problem posed through this system
is that the office of records and registration would
not be able to supply grade-credit slips for de
termining class standings as it did this spring
because the office's files now include credit-hours
earned last semester.
The third suggestion comes from the system
emnloved in the Colleee of Engineering. Accord
ing colleges), the Council made certain that any ing to Dean Roy M. Green, a student's standing
person voting for senior class officers would have depends not upon the number of hours he pos-
36 hours left to earn before graduation (including, sesses but upon the date of expected graduation,
of course, this semester). Because 18 hours is barring academic difficulties.
considered to be a normal load a semester, this
meant that the student had at least two semesters
to go.
The result, however, would have been the
same if the difference had been much over 20
hours, since an eligible number of these students
The system thus allows a wide variation in
hours required for graduation and allows a dif
ference in the number of hours different stu
dents carry each semester.
To employ this method in Student Council
elections might involve a great deal of red tape
will complete their education before the end of or ,n fact might even be imposible. It would
two semesters,
The same applied to sophomores (so-called
juniors), as the difference between 53 and 89
hours was again 38 hours.
In either case, it was possible, by taking 18
. hours a semester, to become a junior at the end
of three semesters or a senior at the end of five.
Granted that the present standards create
confusion and discrimination, there are at least
three possibilities for constructive change. The
first two involve modifying the present credit
hour system, while the third would call for a com
plete .change of election basis.
The first possibility would simply increase
the maximum sophomore and junior hours from
53 and 89 to, say, 60 and 95. This would allow
sophomores to retain their status even though tak
ing up to 20 hours each of their first three semes
ters. Juniors would be able to take up to 19 hours
each of their first five semesters. A great many
borderline students would thus be moved into
if it were used effectively, solve the entire prob
lem of classifying sophomores, juniors and seniors
merely by determining the number of semesters
remaining before graduation. After all, this is
exactly the thing the credit-hour system tries to
accomplish in a very arbitrary manner.
Each of these three possibilities has its ad
vantages and its drawbacks. While none of them
may be as simple as the method used in Monday's
election, each would at least partially correct the
discrimination involved.
There are undoubtedly other ways of accom
plishing the same thing. The purpose here, how
ever, is not to discover what should be done.
The facilities of the system have been pointed
out. The need for a revision has been shown.
The rest Is up to the new Student Council.
Perhaps in next year's spring elections all
sophomores can vote for junior class officers, and
all juniors can cast ballots for senior officers.
An Ordinary American
Where will President Truman place In history?
The Question might appear rather premature
at the present for he is still a vigorous man of
67 and has always loved a good fight. His ef
fect upon both national and international events
are far from ended and he will continue in his
present position until Jan. 20, 1953.
. . . Where Will He Place In History?
president. But against Truman the man, few
voices are raised. Even his critics find It hard
to dislike Truman the man.
Truman is the first to admit that he landed
In the White House by accident. He did not want
to be vice president to say nothing of president.
The job came to him because of a convention
If he does retire when his successor enters deadlock between Henry Wallace and James F.
the presidential job, his place in history will be Eyrnes.
decided by his merits of his 7 year record in the
White House.
And what will history reveal? Will our grand
children think of him as the man who placed the
His plain mannerisms, Missouri twang, bright
sport shirts all the markings of the ordinary
American. It was the ordinary American who
United Nations into the role of the almighty ruling ro 6 burning letter to a critic of Margaret s
Dinging, xi woo me oruiiiuiy American wnouiCK
close to his friends even though some of them did
Gals With Degrees Often Lose Out
In Matrimonial Race, Book Declares
Barb Wylie-
I think all concerned will
agree that Ivy Day was a big
success this year. Reading
over the list of those who were
honored at the festivities
shows a better-than-average
chosen group who will don the
Mortar Board and Innocent
garb for the coming year. In
the past, after the dust has
settled, many have been un
satisfied with the results, but
this year everyone seems to
be pleased with the outcome.
One thing that is apparent from
baturday's event is that the m-
no cents need
new robes.
Aftc detecting
numerous small
moth holes and
evident wear
and tear on the
robes, it is
pretty obvious
that the Inno
cents are defi
nitely not
handy with a
needle. Perhaps
ihe m o n e y
taken in from
;;he sale of women's apparel at
che men s dorm could be con
fiscated for this needy cause.
Another thing that attracted
much attention were the let
ters TNE painted on the trowel
used to plant the ivy and the
three or four black-robed males
roaming suspiciously In the
background. These small, lurk-
ing innuendoes remind us that
ihe skull and crossbones are
still near the surface of activity.
The one thing that can stop the
faction turns out to be a group
of women. The previously sched
uled check-off station after elec
tions Monday was the Phi Gam
house, but. when their Mothers
club decided to hold their meet
ting that day, the check-off sheet
was taken to the ATO house. Yes,
women still have a place In cam
pus politics.
For loyalty ana party spirit,
the All-University party has It.
When asked if the party would
take steps if a certain fraternity
supported their candidates or
the faction's, one faction mem
ber was heard to reply, "I don't
know, I haven't been told what
to say yet." I wonder If they
have a five year plan, too.
Don't tear up the bean patch.
'Marilyn Mangold
to the
Poor Schedule
To The Editor:
How dnanv of the students at
this University have 9 a.m. classes
on Monday, Wednesday or Fri
day? More. I grant you than nave
classes at 12 noon the same days.
Therefore I fail to see the rea
soning set forth in the procedure
of this semester s exam schedule
It is commonly known that
students have two principal de
sires during exam week. The
first is to pass their various
examinations; the second to get
home and away from school as
soon as possible. Due to lack of
foresight on the part of those
responsible for this semester's
schedule a majority of the stu
dents will be forced to remain
in Lincoln until May 31, thus
eliminating all possibility of be
at home for Memorial Day.
In short, the whole schedule
seems to have been put together
with complete disregard for the
student body. Why has such a
departure been made from the
pohticies of previous semesters?
Why keep us here longer, when
thoughtful consideration on the
part of a few could easily have
eliminated such an unpleasant ar
rangement? CLIFF DALE
Thanks Juniors
To the Editor:
I want to thank the Junior class
of this year for having enough
To the many girls who have
come to college to find a husband,
the recent book, "They Went to
College," provides some disillu
sioning news. According
bearded au
thorities, wom
en college grad
uates under the
age of 30 who
11 d V C 11 C V C I
married Hum-,
ber 41 percent,
but only 25
percent of all
U.S. have never
married. Irre
futably the col- 1 ,
mt ttl :
dastardly deed. Coach Schoel
was heard to remark that he
was going to send the makers
of the soap his testimonial on
the suds-maklng ability of their
product in cold water.
Prejudiced Writers
Another new book, "USA Con
fidential." brands California Uni
versity as a "bed of sexual per
version, left-wing teaching, and
narcotics addiction, with plain
old - fashioned love-making re
garded as corny." Bewildered stu
dents write indignant letters to
the Daily Californian.
We wonder if they aren't just
poor ordinary people like us who
get most of their wild college life
in reading a West Coast counter-
lege girl is in a
shaky canoe; Mangold
and the longer she remains single jpart of Cornshucks.
uib mure cei lain uecume uei i. . . 12 I D
chances of perpetuating her spin-, Western Monkey DUSineSS
sterhood. Those are the facts: Go
home, young woman, go home.
Suds Halt Oars
Soapsuds halted rowing practice
recently at Cornell. A prankster
had poured a full box of soap
flakes in the recently completed
practice tank and each oar stroke
churned up bigger and better
Over 50 barrels of suds were
emptied by the freshman squad
and practice was halted. The
swimming team, wrestlers and
varsity rowing crew are under
suspicion of having done the
A College of the Pacific stu
dent waited until roll had been
called in his 96-member class
and then walked out of the
room waving goodby to the pro
fessor. An enveloping overcoat
and a monkey mask concealed
his identity so well that the in
furiated prof had to call the en
tire roll again to discover which
one of his gleeful students was
Hawaii Ideals -
The Missouri Student fears Uni
versity of Hawaii students are
taking the wrong track in their id-
attempt to gain statehood for their
country. Students there are fight
ing a proposal to allow the sale
of beer at the school's stadium,
thus proving their inability to ac
cept the ideals and standards of
the U.S. collegian.
Return Of The Bicycle?
A California U. writer wonders
why students don't ride bicycles
instead of worrying about where
to park the car every day and as
sumes it is because bike-riding
appears undignified at college age.
undignified or not, as soon as
they develop a two-seater bi
cycle with blinds that can be
drawn shut on moonlit nights,
we expect to see a good many
more two-wheelers on campus.
The Same Everywhere
The University of North Caro
lina recently held their annual
sorority sing, the Valkyrie Sing.
The Daily Tar Heei reports that
after the sing a crumpled piece
of paper was found on one of the
benches where the sororities sat.
On the paper were scribbled sev
eral lines to direct the girls in
singing. They are printed here
with in their entirety:
"1. Words.
"2. Pep, smile, stand straight.
"3. Sell the song; put your heart
into it; think of the notes, don't
"4. Sopranos and seconds loud,
Korn Kernels-
Saturday's Starlight Terrace Ball
To Climax Ag Union's Dances
Dale Reynolds
' f MRMk
The last Ae Union dance of the
year, the Starlight Terrace ball,
will be held uriaay nignx irom
9 to 12 p.m. in front of the Ag
Jimmy Phil- wo
lips and his or-
c h e s t r a will
furnish the mu
sic for the
dance. Tickets
may be pur
chased in the
Ag Union of
fice or from
any dance com
mittee member
for $1.20 per
.Tananese lan
terns and balloons will decorate
the terrace in front of the Ag
Union, and refreshments will be
served at tables around the danc
ing area.
The new Ae i Union board is
now working on their annual all
Ag campus picnic and fun day, to
be Laid neitr Wednesday after
noon, May 14. The new board
members, Bill Waldo, Don Leising,
Mary Ellen Maronde and Don
Lees, are planning for games, con
tests, lunch and a community sing.
Some of the games win in
clude sack races, three reused
races, ball throw and a Softball
game. They will start about 4
p.m., and will be held on lower
Ae campus.
The picnic will start around
6 p.m. and will also be held on
lower campus. A community
confidence in me to elect me prcsi
dent for next year. I will sincerely
trv to keep that confidence
throughout my term of office.
I will also try o carry through
every promise that I made dur
the campaign.
This means that I am pledged
to see that there is a senior class
policv on campus issues of im
portance to seniors. It means that
I must put the constitution for
the iunior-senor class officer-
council board through the Stu
dent Council and into effect. It
means that I must do everything
I can to interest you in buying
announcements and class rings so
that the class will build up i
When I made these promises,
I was only hoping for a chance
to carry them out. Now that
you have given me that chance,
I will carry tMem out.
Thank you,
sing will be held following the
picnic. All Ag students are in
vited to attend.
After the smoke had all cleared
from the spring elections, Ag col
lege found that its amendment to
the Ag Executive board had . fi
nally become official.
Ag organizations for the first
time are electing representatives
to serve on next year's Ag Exec
board. These organizations are
Block and Bridle club, Tri-K
club, Varsity Dairy club, Soil
Conservation society, Agricultural
Economics club, University 4-H
club, Homo Economics club, Vo
cational Agriculture club, Ag
YWCA, Alpha Zeta and Phi Up
snon Omicron.
The new amendment also car
ries with it a statement which
should see very few absenses
at future Ag Exec board meet
ings. The amendment states that
any member of the Ag Exeo
board Who is absent from a
meeting must submit a written
excuse to the board.
If more than one of these ex
cuses is not accepted by a major
ity vote of the board, then both
the member and the organization
which he' represents shall auto
matically lose their representa
tion for the remainder of the year.
This seems to be a fairly strong
part of the amendment, and If the
Ag Exec board get's as strong and
takes on as many responsibilities
and activities as it plans, it should
be enforced.
Next semester. Ag students will
find that they will have to get up
a little earlier in the morning, as
all classes are being scheduled to
start on the hour, instead of 20
minutes after.
This may now require a little
more planning ahead for students,
in order to get all the classes they
want to take on both campuses.
Trl-K is holding its annual
crop judging and seed identi
fication contest Saturday. The
contest will be held in the Col
lege Activities building, starting
at 8 a.m. and lasting approxi
mately three hours.
There will be Ihree divisions in
the contest, freshman, junior and
senior. The freshman division is
for students with no agronomy or
agronomy 1, and senior division is
for students trying out for the
judging team and me junior team
is for all others.
Medals will be presented to the
top three men in each division,
and a trophy will be awarded to
the high individual by the Ne
braska Crop Improvement asso
ciation. The National Agronomy society
is now sponsoring an essay con
test which is open to all Ag stu
dents. Winner of the contest will
receive an expense paid trip to
Cincinnati to the annual National
Agronomy society meeting.
The paper may be written for
an English course, and then sub
mitted in the contest. Deadline
for entries is May 12, so if anyone
is interested, contact Dave Sander
at the Crops laboratory soon.
The new Ag bulletin board
doesn't seem to be getting
much use. Many organizations
that never seem to get enough
publieity -n their activities
should take this opportunity to
get their name before the stu
dent's eyes.
Connecticut College
on a hilltop overlooking the
Thames River at New London,
July 14-August 24, 1952
Study wltht Dorli Humphrey, Louie
llornt, Martha Graham, Jon Llmen,
William Males, Sophia Mellow, Jana
Dudley, and other noted danoert . , .
Certificate and aeademle aradH
aTallable. Co'dlraetora: Bath Blaamar,
Martha lllll.
For details write: Box 28
School of the Dance, Connecti
cut. College,
New London, Connecticut
hand? Or merely as the man who served during
the mink coat era? Will he be praised for saving
the nation from a disastrous steel strike? Or as
the president who should have been impeached
for abusing the powers of his office?
At this point in history, no one can tell.
So much that we know or think now is warped
by our own political views which prevent us
from looking at Truman objectively. At least
one thing is certainno man has ever served as
president of the United States during a more
trying period In history.
"n One-hundred years from now if there is no
war with Russia, the historians will say that his
efforts prevented it. If all of Asia becomes swal
lowed by the Communists, Truman will be held
to fc'lame.
His determination to put the forces of the
United States behind the UN to halt Communism
might be the turning point In world history. He
will bo remembered as the man who gave the
first order to use the Atomic bomb he hopes to be
remembered as the man who gave the last order.
Under his administration, the U. S. foreign
policy has undergone a decided change. The
pre-Truman foreign policy was designed to co
operate with all the nations of the world. Now
not deserve it, who played the Missouri waltz on
the White House piano and who ignored the public
pulse and went ahead to win the presidential nom
ination and election In 1948.
History's verdict will probably concede that
Truman was an ordinary American with all his
strong and weak points but that the Job he
took called for a little more. S.G.
JhsL (Dally VldMAkatL
Associated Collegiate Tnm
Intercollegiate Press
Tha Dally Nehraakaa at BhlMw4 by ta if mm a aha
Cnlvernlty of Ni-hrka sa axp-Mefcia at atodenta' aawa aad aota-
inna only. Aeeordlnr to AnIHe U of Mm Hr-Lanra vororalat
tndont puhllrstlona and dmtnlatond by tha Hoard of PaMlea
tlorn, "It la tho daeland poller of Board that oaMloatloaa,
nnder Ita Jurisdiction ihall ko frao from editorial aonaoraalp oa
tha part of tho Board, or oa tha part of any woiwwt of tal
ftumlty of the llnlvemltr, hut tha aiemhera of tho ataff of Tha
Dally Nebraokan are peraonally roapoaalhla for what Uwr oar or
qo ar eauae to do printed.'
SnlHMrtptloa ratea ar 11.00 a emmter, ft.SA BMlled ar 11.00
rar too eoiiefe year, (4. on aaaiiea. ainite eop a, rabinined
dally dnrlna the echool roar oxeopt Satardara and Haadara.
vaeallona and examination periods. One laane pnhllahod daring
the month of Ancnal by the University of Nenraeka aador law
uperrlnlon of the aaaunlttee on Student fnhllaatlona. Hnterod
oa neeono t laee Mailer at the feat Of flea hi Unoola, NeBraelca
. . , ..... !" Marea . un, and at epaetal rata of
the foreign Policy has but one Ultimate aim t"; Dnrod for la Seetloa im, et of Coofraaa of Oetoaor
, , . 1017. authorised September 1. lull.
to check Communism everywhere,
It was Truman who put into effect the Mar
shall Plan and the North Atlantic Treaty Organi
zation. It was Truman who gave the order to
fight back with the air lift when Russia tried to
gtrtingle Berlin.
His critics have attacked him for the huge
federal budget, the largest on record; his failure
to support the regime of Chang Khi-shek; the firing
of MacArthur; his inability to handle the Wash
ington scandals; end now the latest- the seizure
of the steel Industry.
The charges are long against Truman, the
QlaMiLsxL (Ma,
To place a classified ad
r Stop In lh BiulneM Office Room 20
Student Union
Call 2-76S1 Ext, 4226 for Haaai
f led Sirvic
liovrt 1-4:30 hloiu thrv frl
Aeaoelete Kdltor. .Bath Kayaioad
Mnmmlnr. Kdltera ban Plepar, Hue Uorton
Mewe Kdltera .teliy Atama, Ken Ryatrom, Jan flteffea,
Hal llaaaetbaleh, Mally Hall
Sporte Kdltor .Marshall Kashmir
Assistant Nporta Miter ,. .oieaa Molsoa
Feature Kdltor ....... .Dlek Ralston
At Kdltor , ,.uala Reyaolda,
Knelotr Kdltor , , M..OnMe (lor don
rnntocrepher.,. ,.,.Bob Shorraaa
Reporters Leonard Zajleek, I.nali Seheen, Sara Stephen-!
oa. Bob Nnkarton, Pat Ball, Shirley Murphy, Oreta Craig,'
Darlene Podlesak, Terry Barnes, Boh Deeker, Natalia Katl,(
rry rsiiman, ae nerg, ;naeit fleam, alary Jaaa
MoOalloufh, Tom Weedvard. Jeek Rorers, Bill Mandall.
Rnstneaa Maaaco.
Aaelstaat Boelneea Manaa era. . . .
Pete Henrsten
rirenlarlon Manaaw ...................Uemfe Wlleor
Ubt fowa Kdlte..., .......... t . , , , , .least Ht.ffen
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onaa i amen
. .Btaa sippta, Arnold Ktera,
nlnga and Sundaya. 0211 "O." Call
Roottshlu'r coaoh wlshea to sublet nn
npnrtment In Lincoln for months of
June and July. Write ti. gciiuraow, 1502
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Are iirill rr)A Br f it f
Nil nevr eryrt. irr
of Mullln Carteem publlihed m rhlt book enly.
Chlcopee, Man.