THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesdoy, April 30, 1952 EDITORIAL PAGE How About It? Everyone Is talking about improving the Uni versity these days. With the spring elections just around the comer, campus improvement works its way into nearly every conversation. But, as usual, the most anyone gets done is talk. The Daily Nebraskan would like to remind the faculty of one very definite way that it can actively work for campus improvement. Use the teacher rating Scales. .They are kept in the office of Henry M. Cox, Temporary A, Room 1. They are available for the asking. ' How can teacher rating help Improve the campus? The system as Instituted at the Uni versity, Is designed to rate the Instructor on his faults and virtues only as they are connected with teachlnr. It Is not a popularity contest which good Instructors should give to boost their egos, nor Is It anything which would frighten a poor instructor from his office. It Is an objec tive attempt at Improving the quality of Instruc tors by 'pointing out certain deficiencies which prevent a teacher from giving the student the best possible education. it The administrative officials at the University all maintain that the real foundation of any educa tional institute is the Quality of its faculty. If this is true, and The Daily Nebraskan is willing to grant that this is a vital aspect, it is urgent that every possible step be taken to put our school oa the best foundation. Before the system was inaugurated on this campus, there were complaints from many circles that students could not" be trusted with the job of 'grading" their instructors. It was argued that personal gripes and prejudices would enter into the evaluations and the result would not be fair to the instructor. The Daily Nebraskan has al ways considered this argument nonsense. The Nebraskan has a great deal of faith in the Uni versity student. There are only a few real reasons why In structors refuse to use the teacher rating blanks. Perhaps it could be because of lack of faith in the student. If this were the case, It would seem strange that that instructor would even bother teaching these students. Certainly, one f the prime requisites of an instructor is faith in his students. Or, perhaps, It Is because the instructor is afraid that he will ftnd out just what the stu dents think of him. To The Nebraskan, It seems necessary that the teacher know what his stu dents think of htm. There is no universal law . Time For Action that Insists that students dislike Instructors' merely because they are instructors. The teacher should not presuppose that there will be an antt attitude towards Mm. But if that attitude does prevail, It Is of the best Interests of the class that the Instructor is aware of it. But, Just as it has faith in the students, The Nebraskan has faith in the faculty. It is the firm belief of the Nebraskan that the majority of in structors, if they found that their classes did not approve of their instructual methods, would do everything in their power to improve the situation. The Nebraskan's faith in the faculty goes far ther too. We believe that the real reason that more teacher rating blanks have not been used Is due to a misunderstanding of the value of rating. If every instructor could see that rating is not vicious or silly, a more active interest would be taken. It Is completely up to the faculty. As the system is set up everything is voluntary. If a disinterested attitude is responsible for the present situation, The Nebraskan urges every faculty member to consider the virtues of rating. This is one place where the University could be improved and all it takes is a phone call to Henry M. Cox. It is time for action. D.P, Hollywood Hazing Now that the impressions from Hollywood's "Take Care of My Little Girl" are getting dimmer, Hollywood has come forth with another attack. This time it centers around fraternity hazing under the title, "For Men Only." Despite the name it will probably be advertised as a movie every woman should see. It perhaps is tied in pretty much with re cent criticisms of fraternity and sorority systems. This time the movie attacks one fault, rather than the whole Greek system. This editor is anxious to see whether national fraternity headquarters sends out letters "request ing" members not to attend. Many sororities re ceived similar instructions last year. What ft ri diculous manner to try to keep down ticket sales. If fraternities are not guilty of such prac tices it probably would be a good idea for mem bers to see the movie so they would know what's fallacious and exagerated. This editor further wonders what the 1953 col lege "sensational revelation" will be. After all, we've got to keep moving this U.S. movieland. J.K. Ivy ay R acmg Form elated t th candidate.) a ...A MAI.k iell,e i Mltort Netet rt!elnr ta the Iradltleaat ivy Bay "reelr.; frm." I ta 5 JrfiXet the tM" rW2L 1H k maaked r tackled ter Artr rWd ar lantern te a Ivy 1V. Tfc "her" I ""J 7-T . mret1' drali VUh the peealMHM ar hhtarr at tea u on ataarni wm mm helped the eanHte tut " r" " Horse H. S. Ma T. r-rarir ;tw lea ejf Memh V A V )Hitm M Btotie I'M Typktllr ACM Mix rirtot Mm Hunt Carrot Tf All Bra Nobl ! Ca-Cak Ily IMcf lleae" ollr Clayton'! FMmob .' haaibereer Homrrtrad Baltshaker t'lwter BtMr Campn Win tlore am Parity Malv 70 Baai W Waeia N BIM Bahy hitter Raa Mo ft) Horse' JT twicer M(hmu - Mm of Wi Stable Vnmt Stables ... . ftta Mara. -Mansion, A VfV Aeiwt - J Ont-HoflM Mm Uf Sklppera Harem Otat-How Marjorta'a Awrtipleta Marler! Mothptec Pea Cnrta Weaver' (Ml f Black Masque Handicap Traitor I Steamboat L At Ami AH-MiM Stead Marlertet Moerfepler A( Aiaa Marlowe a. W aefliateca tieon" Rtrat A'JlSarail 4 M Mark taaa)a tank Oar-Mom v . i l"eaa For f " arrV Hak-Ca Wee Horn Kaila Hrvea-V Mfe-Ca 5'hej H HWllW Th Heater Otraml No Rider No Hwier v o Rider Tharewrhbred Rrs-e-l a WCTU Tm Haw TThtfli wi it h Ta Hantar No RMor Svai-r Srvro-X No RMar WCTW twimba( Hb-Ca Hay Ta HanMr Odds t-i -! Ml 41 IS 1 41 t-l M ar-i IJH-l , tT-I S1 ttt 7-1 ST-I 4-S Ml 1 1 -l 4-1 U-l -1 -t Comment .... - - - - fc in. 4 a fir rrTi.tl4i Will r Tratar: tnt l7 FlaM hoajital. rarlat arrlal W. riar raarwtl hr r, Sataen rrVly for ) n Too many arroo ataWaaaalaa, iH4 ftlly M latta wrr. M mm for "got . , . , . Itrirramral HiraB-lrr wm fc ! Tralm kari kat I M av. ,r r am IN wJ M lr Rrr aaart " too . M liooka too4 hot rmally flrtttk WM . Plat marrral for kar. To naay oo4 IwraM from mmt hmtor. rj tohi hat fflrlala rrfaa I let Mr Vko.14 le ai Ak-far-Bo. 1 4 UaMrirlr will fttftM Traalrr kar rl7 r Wt . Small flltoj at wlU Hwayi tlo. o P. o wri thiltk-rtin ta l tkt main, iholtrl to ara rarla. . . ... 'aat krlo bat la wttk r traama. lomfwork will fcrlwi " rroaMa. Thirteenth Annual Handicap . r . TMot Party I'ast Ppr 4)ray Ml.'y Cara-mal 'walNr 1tu- ' Ioabl Take Hkyarfafitir Hoar ftoar Ttaiy Tnmblac Tea Volnt Tom Boy Row Bad TntiV Trthtar Hpotlew Stahfo . , Bafhl WM ' rk Ortraao Portma r r Park Tkh1 Party f1raa 'j'Vi-s CaaalbaJ ek . f Hell fcat Hlflk Watar 1 -taalff'a Canyoa -Walcom lira Caaalbal OhA bvk.4k it. . RmIm m4 Sim Mnlllaaa 8rw-ZV 'f k"-' Fact! Fatrybnat rnA f1u.a ""akki Mud WeH iFTirk Hurdlar Banhfnl Hock oy Builder , V Prlnc lolphbl - T WiM Mm Jv eraar4 Hart'i Ortraatcs Caaalbal Clob CnHf'i Oaayoa . BrahN 4 tiatl AV-Wtloa acHoa Faliyhual Tttloi Party -Cairtff't Canyoa Rshl WIM V 1) 8tmt Domala Trainer Odds Bmr Bat M o RMor 72-1 H AKm) t-Vl ft Mar M-1 Vita Pockrti -l Wot Ah- M-1 BHIar4 Bar) It-lH Blltar Baft fl-l 4omr Ma -t Tow o tb Pan e-i No ftwr -t ." Bitter fl-l RMW Iowaj a fb Farm Fml Patm W-1 BmHb Brotbar -t Cartytorta -l No RMor tl-t Towa oa fbt Para 76-1 X RMar 40-S 1ttttc klntt 100-1 Kmltb Brother s -l Carty locks 1S-1 Blllard Baa M l No RMor ll-l No RMor Jil l No RMor 60-1 K A konat r fttrlotly for lanaa H amy orrtja yo, Comment e fall ll pan to b kripfal. Plow atart rrrvonn Itroptat J ramlly. Olaaifm tramr bb for flab. Nvr trft lb alartbtt tea. Hia recor apraks for him. poorly roacMtl for flahb. i-ack Maror bat win rmM Mo too apot. Thli pn woat writ water. Kvra alnmi woaMat tbh ralry. WoaMat bay hmM lat yrarl race, win Placa M Tba mam mt aok ck rarbt. Two tralnen have dar kc way. fltoppe tralobit too earty. Parly aaovorl win awM MM bv HatrMf woat pan klm Onw. Raanbit aMIKy will pay oft. tmr choir for drk bona. BniH p for too abowbaj. . WW barely auk 11 If the track h wet. Too many f" horaoa from the aame atabl. Slow atart, no trahwr bat win atffl atace. Bam Oral for lack a awotl bone. Unite for nzlea. Crazy College Youth . . . Or Are We? The Daily Nebraskan office receives countless file for office because they are "Faction-supported" telephone calls during the course of each business day. Queries over the 'phone range from "Will there be a paper tomorrow?" to "What's going on in parlors X, Y and 2 tonight?" To the best of its ability the staff of The Nebraskan answers these Questions and makes it their job to know the answers to the multi tude of questions that arrive. However, on oc casion an extremely unusual question arises that cannot be answered by The Nebraskan's per sonnel. One recent question concerned the platforms of the candidates for senior and junior class offi cers. The conversation went something like 'this: "What are the platforms of the candidates?" I'm writing a paper and I'd like to know." or that their particular house says "We need some one in this activity, so why don't you file?" It became increasingly obvious to this writer that our University campus is extremely unique in its political situation. The person on the tele phone could not be convinced that no specific platforms, or platforms characteristic of the party so represented, were not available at once. Could it be that our University is so devoid of situations needing improvements so void of constructive platforms to be carried out that no one even the illustrious running for student government offices need suggest progress? Perhaps it took an absolute stranger an adult critic unconsciously to point out that no po- "The platforms of the candidates will be given mical Parties, standing for anything at all, exist in Wednesday's Daily Nebraskan and a Thursday night forum is planned for platforms and ques tions." "Yes, but what are they running on?" At this point, this writer explained to the caller that the platforms are unavailable at this time and that certain questions such as hell week, library services, University improvements would probably be considered by the various candidates. This has been the usual answer to such questions. The caller was not at all satisfied with such answers and kept asking, "Yes, but what are their platforms?" And . . "Are not all office candidates in favor of improvements and such?" It was extremely unfortunate that the staff member could not supply the caller with the de sired information. It was a mystery to the caller on our campus, no platforms are immediately ob vious for office candidates, and no interest appar ent for constructive, progressive student govern ment. This situation was shocking and revealing to The Dally Nebraskan. Perhaps it might be equally so to candidates for junior and senior class offices and Student Council hopefuls. With less than a week left before the May 5 elections, this condition apparently typical of our cam pus might be rectified. R.R. Practice Or Pranks A notice in Monday's Daily Nebraskan carried the traditional news that members of Innocents Society were to meet at a specified hour for tack ling practice. Two very mysterious words ap and a greater mystery to this writer why such information was not available. The person seeking information was obviously not aware that at this University candidates for various offices do not form platforms of progress on which to run for office. They did not know that certain persons argin Notes. "Students should see their advisers and why candidate platforms could not be supplied peared at the end of the news story: "Usual place." For many years, around about Ivy Day, the mystic 13 have announced tackling practice, at some unusual hour, and with the "usual place" included in the story. Attempts have been made by various people to find out just where this "usual place" is and to see the 13 most outstanding young men on cam pus going through their tackling paces. No one, to our knowledge, has succeeded. The Innocents do well in their Ivy Day ath- so It goes ad infinitum dowix through the years letics; but it looks like the tackling notices are before registration. Latest procedure is to make merely prankish tradition or else campus sleuths out desired chedule, rush into adviser's office, just can't beat the mystic 13. K.R. say, "sign, please," and wham you're ready for .. another semester of higher education. Perhaps a. . m m someone could find a system for applying brakes jjR. (JJZIUL- flftuAZAtuZfLr to a few student tactics during registration. f With the opening of applications for summer activities 'Coordinator, it appears that a full-time, year-round activities coordinator might have a place on oar campus. Someone to schedule all special events, projects and mass meetings and to rule out overlapping of functions might prove quite beneficial to the University's overloaded activity program. From a recognized authority in the field of editorial writing, Bill Vaughn of the Kansas City Star, comes word that editorial opinion is vanish ing and that "making nemies never killed any newspaper but making friends has." A few stu dent protagonists might take issue with Vaughn on this point According to the Lincoln General hospital, !ts appeal for O-Kh negative blood type in Tues day's Daily Nebraskan was successfully met. Congratulations of the highest order to those who responded so Immediately to this call for help. Daily Thought TT.Irs don't turn up in this world until sencbody turns then up. Garfield, FIFTY-FIRST TEAK Member Associated Collegia Pre Intercollegiate Press Tba Da (It Wabraatiw hi MlaM by k ITnhrenlty of Nebraska a eap-emloa af atodonta' aanra ton only. Aenordlnc to Anlele II of tkw lly-Lawa mw uliar ndat publication mmt admlnlatoniS by the Boar of PoOUeav tlona, "It la the twelarerl volley of tile Board that puhtloatlaa. anaVsr Ha Jurmdletloa mhut be free from editorial aanaotaalp em the part of toe Beam, or oa tba part el any mamnor of the ntetwjr 01 an (jnirorairy, not (Be nenMn af ma etan af The Aally Nebmakaa an peraonaUr taapoaalbla far what tea ear ar at or eaaa ta b prtntea." Sabaarlitttaa rate are fl.80 aameatar. f.M aaaJlad ar S3.M tor tba e.He-e year, 4.eo aaaUea. ttinrle copy . Pabltak eally emrlnr the aohoot yaar Satarday and Saaaay. 'vacation and tmunlnattoa period. On laao paMtabad dortna th month at aagaet by tba lialrexlry at Nebraelta and tba uporvhiloa a the eemmlttoe a ttiflnt PnMkwtlon. Kntwred ae Beeond OIaa Matter at the Poet Otfl hti Uaeaha, Nfbralu, andor Art at iv-ma. Marah . tueiu. srf at .mi.i w prtrrtdod for to ftwtloa . aat ad ttwcnwa Oatobar MttDunm nopcomner la. lax. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor dam faayar Associate rmte. Katk Baywmad Manaflnf Bdltara Daa Ptenar, 8a teartaa Kern KdMara. Sally Adam, Sea Rystraea, daa Stefnaa, Mai HaelhalH. Sally HaM Sport KdJtar ...... .Maraball aaahawr AMfc.iant Npmna aon. l,H-mm Net Foatnr Edit .Die Raletmi AdJBdltor ...... ... .... .. ... .. .... .Mala Boyaolda oefoty Btlltt.... ............. .......(leant Owrdwai Photorrapbo .B Hlt-mmm Beportem. Leonard Eajloek, toala grhawn, 8ra Stepben- ". Bob Plnkerten, Pat Ball, Shirley Murphy, Oreta Cral. Ir!ne Podleaak. Terry Bentea, Bob Decker, Natalia Katt. Bon Olonon, Ocrry Fellmaa, Ed Ber(, Cbaek Bean, Mary Jaaa MeOallDBch, lea Woodirard, Jack Befcra, BUI MandelL BUSINESS TAIV Bnalna lHaaarat dafc O Baakaaw Maaatnn... jtam aippw, dunoid fteeahsHoa MaaejdaT. Mt at Xm &aita.M. Barbed Wire Sorb Wylie- With all the fine weather we have been having the last few days, it would be adding insult to injury to get hot under the collar today. The suntans show it and the cot ton dresses prove that warm, picnic weather might stay with us for a few more days. One of these picnics that is get ting more attention than the usual is the traditional 'Junior Jitters party. Rumor has it that all the interested juniors are sav- mg their Jitters for this event and that any r e s e m b lance between a small earth quake and the picnic grounds is purely ac cidental. One of the funniest fS Wylie things I've seen on campus lately is the communal silence between said interested juniors and the Mortar Boards and Innocents. There should be an appropriate quotation right about here, but since none are lorthcoming, let s forget it. Good luck to all of you. If there is one thing that rets my goat it is an insinuation. The type that goes, "What well known personality was seen where with what other well- j known personality." It seems to me that the Letterip entitled "Blackmail" in yesterday's pa per is in the same category. Also the type of smear evident speaks for itself. Couldn't you be a little bit more than 'In terested" and give us the facts? Thanks to the Senior Action committee for their list of the fac tion candidates. They could have more . appropriately labeled it These are the men NOT to vote for." The urgent thing now is to vote. Everything that is to be said has already been written or will only be rehashed. Now, make your own decisions. Discriminate be tween the various candidates andi decide for yourself who is the Stolen Goods' Signatures Help To Control Bridgeport Elections There is dire need for an apol ogy I misinformed the reading public A friend has written that Adlai Stevenson's middle name does not start with an "S". Adlai, as the informed public knows, has been one of the presidential can didate aspirants. Guess that will teach me to swipe ;okes from other college sheets without checking them. idle Chaffer By their own admission, Uni versity of North Carolina coeds spend most of their leisure time talking about boys, marriage, boys, diamond rings and boys. One male recently stated that he was disappointed. He read somewhere that collere is the most likely place to find a mate on his own educational level. best qualified. But vote. Get your blue slips early. Definitions: A youthful figure is something you get when you ask an older woman her age. A psychologist is a person who uses $2 words to explain a failure caused by laziness. A bachelor is a guy who is foot lose and fiance free. A diplomat is a man who re members a lady's birthday Jtiut forgets her age. A seabee is a soldier in a sailor's uniform with marine training and doing civilian work at WPA wages. Civilization is the condition in which one generation pays the last generation's debts by issuing bonds for the next generation to pay. The original mistake was In venting the calendar. This led, in due course, to having Mondays. At last report he has been dat ing a waitress in Raleigh. Election News A new election system with the aim of adding efficiency and con trol tn 11 univ- esity elections f was recently inaugurated at the University of Bridgeport by the office of student activi ties. The new system prov ides the office of student ac tivities with an easy reference '" card file of ev- Mangold ery student available for use by any campus organization. At registration, every student filled out an Information and classification card listing his name, local and home address, and telephone numbers, major, class and signature. The new I ' an. ' Marilyn Mangold system is designed to cut down on dishonest techniques. Check that. Upon casting his vote, each stu dent signs an election registration book. His signature is checked against the signature on the in formation and election card and a notation is made on the card that the student voted under his own name. - Two results are expected from the new system: First, a better, quicker and more accurate method of contacting students. And a more honest election that will encourage more students to vote. Money Problems An economic roblem suhrnit. ted by a Northwestern State col lege student went like tlus: If you owe $50, you're piker; if you owe $50,000, you're a business man: if vou w $50 miiiim you're a tycoon, and if you owe 4su billion. youTe the rovern. I men! SON GLASSES! Army type, Ground gg Lenses, Sweatband. I With case.... Other styles ..... 49o to $1.00 urn sundries 14th dV S Bj v. j5k : '.17 i f'a'TlFTT'Tri! A BATE EXAMPLE ... A car taken aat art t PM drhraa 20 mua, returned S AM eoata $SM, deluding oa. ou ana tnsaraae. Kfc GARDLESS OF HOW MANY KIKE. Additioaal aOleeo. 07c per mil. Who can resist a sftiart new car . . . the iun oi going in style to party or dance, or the many other student affairs ... or a spin on moonlit nights! You can rent a new car from Hertz any time, ior en hour, day, veek cr en long a you wish. Gas, oil and proper insurance are iurnished and there's no cost for extra pcawen cers. Call us or come in. CICC2TS DifrUrSsJf STATIONS Fhone 2-5400 1017-1023 Q Street . I . 0s Inspiration from out of 1Mb world. Th shirring on the bra completely encircles the figure like the ring around Saturn. And the crescent curve of shirring make any body more heevenly. Larton taffeta In lime or black, Sizes 34 and 36. 1795 Other smart swim suits by Cole, Catallna and Janteen styles. Heavenly colors. In one cmd two-piece Sixes 32 to 41 1055 $25 Accessories First Elm J