2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, April 25, 1952 EDITORIAL PAGfe Final In Activities? There will be the bitter tears of disappoint ment There will be the radiant smiles of triumph. Thirteen men and five to 20 women will join the ranks of Innocents and Mortar Board. Ivy Day festivities will be complete. To those juniors so honored for outstanding work in activities it will be the day of ultimate recognition. To some It may seem a day of fail ure. The signs have already appeared. Jittery Juniors are consuming coffee by the gallons. They are holding hush-hush conferences dis cussing and prophesying the chances of their fellow activity workers. Some are pricking up their ears, some are smiling their brightest smiles, when Mortar Boards or Innocents ap pear. And final plans are being laid for the junior jitters party. On Ivy Day afternoon the pent-up hopes or fears will be resolved. To those who will wear the mortar board or devil's head sincere congratulations are offered in advance. They have spent three years making a name for themselves on campus. Some started as freshmen with Mortar Board or Innocents as goal for which to fight. Others started with only an interest in doing something other than study ingstarted without hopes of recognition. Lost hours of sleep, too many cigarets and too many cups of coffee, assignments done between classes and mass' meetings will add up to Ivy Day honors for them. Mortar Boards and Innocents have chosen as their successors those juniors who they believe are the outstanding campus leaders. Every other student should have nothing but praise and respect for those who will be tapped or tackled on Ivy Day. To those who have fought and failed it need not be a day of despair. It is true that some who will not join the elite circle will see the hopes of two or three years shattered within a space of one o. two brief hours. Those who have this feeling of absolute failure should not leave Ivy Day fes tivities as bitter and disillusioned juniors. They must search their own minds and prove that those selected might have spent more time in activities, or done more outstanding work, or had higher . . . Oh, Ivy Day averages. They must realize that they have not failed their final exam in activities, for there is no final exam. "Nines" will be given to those who are chosen on the basis of their over-all years' work, but many with "seven or eight aver ages" will be close behind. Those with "sevens" and "eights" must realize that they too have con tributed much to this campus. Praise for their activities remains with all who knew them. They must not feel that their useful campus life is over, One year, five years, or ten years after May 3, 1952 many of those chosen as Mortar Boards and Innocents may be leading extremely suc cessful lives. Many may not. Many of those who were not chosen may be leading equally successful lives. Many may not Those juniors with jitters must realize that their futures are not hanging from a thread which will be broken or strengthened on the afternoon of Ivy Day. The highest reward for activity workers is all that will be granted. Ivy. Day is festival day. It is a day of recog nition. It is a day of joy. Let it not be a day of bitter tears. S. A. Going East When a staff meniber of The Daily NebrasKan is honored, it is with pride that other membrs look to his accomplishment. This time the recognition came to Charles Gomon, Daily Nebraskan news columnist, who has been appointed to West Point Military Academy. Gomon, who will spend four years at the academy, was told the news under a rather pe culiar circumstance. While waiting to begin a discussion on a pian for a future defense pro gram for youth at his hometown, Norfolk, his younger sister arrived with the news. The oc casion was rather timely Gonton was uphold ing the merits of a strong professional army for the future defense. And, appropriately enough, when the chair man introduced Gomon, the last speaker, it was with these words: "And now we'll hear from the Pentagon." The statement caused quite an up roar with the audience. The Daily Nebraskan will lose an excellent staff member, but it is with pride that we wish him well on his new adventure. J. K. Barbed Wire .Barb Wylie- Culture At NU The library at the University used to be housed in Architectural hall. Perhaps the one person really responsible for the present building is a soft spoken old gentle man who has headed the College of Arts and Sciences for 20 years Dr. Charles H. Oldfather. Dr. Oldfather, who is leaving the University in June, saw that something should be done to give this campus the type of library that it deserved. He headed a committee which worked four or five years planning the Ideal library. When the ... For 20 Years Another campus tradition that owes its exis tence to the work of Dr. Oldfather is the Uni versity Memorial service which honors faculty members who have died. This service i typical of the type of thing Dr. Oldfather would origin ate. He has a deep Interest in his students, his position and his University. His life, he said, "Is just one committee meeting after another." Since his selection as dean, he has served as chairman of the Rhodes scholarship committee. The Rhodes scholarship entitles the recipient one uonaia i ix)ve estate was given to the University year's study at Oxford. Dr. Oldfather also served to be used on a new building, everything was as chairman of the committee on instructual poli- ready to go. As Dr. Oldfather put it, "the foot- cies and practices which surveyed any changes ings could have been poured two days after the that might be made in the instructional system, money was available." This committee instituted a new grading system The addition of this library has been one of that is "similar to the one we have now." the most significant advances of the University , jl. building program. It has been a great help to the students here who, the dean said, "are seriously Interested In wanting to get an educa tion." It has been his job to see that a broad base of the humanities and sciences is available for these students. A dean builds a good college by build ing the best possible faculty. Many of the mem bers of Dr. Oldfather's faculty are recognized throughout the nation as outstanding in their fields. But his life is not just one for scholarly pur suits Dr. Oldfather is just as human as the history he teaches. At one time he and his nephew won the doubles championship in the Lin coln tennis tournament. He has played a lot of golf in "the low 80's." Dr. Oldfather Is interested in university stu dents and he defines university students as those "individuals interested in things of the mind." D. P. Four Characteristics By the REV. REX KNOWLES Student Pastor After a not overly religious upbringing, four years in a not enthusiastically religious college, surrounded by frankly agnostic friends, it is a con tinually amazing surprise to me that I can be a humble student of Christ The small babe of Bethlehem brings me the message of love. The young boy of Nazareth teaches me obedience and humble service. The man of Galilee inspires me by his example and gracious teaching. The Savior of Calvary pro vides for my salvation. The risen Lord of the resurrection offers daily fellowship with a living companion. This Jesus is a Person, a solid historical fact. He is not a myth, but a man who lived on earth with a place in history and a date in time. This means a lot to me because it means my spiritual ideals are not part of some insubstantial dream; because in my game of follow the leader I am following, not a will of the wisp, but a real man, richly, vividly, completely human. That is why I find him so close. That is why his words speak so clearly to me. This Jesus is a Power. Men rose to follow him Margin Notes From Munsan, Korea, each day comes a news tory that goes something like ". , . flurry of un usual activity . . . but not Indication of any solid progress." Reminiscent, to a certain extent, of the busy work so characteristic of some University activities. There is much to be done much that could and must be done. Tragic to soldiers in Korea; disheartening to University progress. - The Taft-Elsenhower battle for primary votes appears like it will become a neck-and-Beck race before the Republican party's nomin ating convention this summer. Ike won la Pennsylvania bat Taft might get most of that - state's 70 delegates. Eisenhower forces are aim ing for an eastern block of delegate votes which might foul up the Taft machinery. They're off and running and the momentum of this race looks like it will bring both Taft and Elsen. bower spilling onto the convention floor they can't possibly stop sow - 1 Daily' Thought Gome persons do first, think afterward, and thea repent f orever,--Secker. . . . Not A Myth without hesitation. He took a tragic death and made of it a new path to reach the heart of God and the hearts of men. He is more powerful today than he was in Galilee nineteen centuries ago. This Jesus Is a Promise. Hovering over all this agonized world is his vision of the Kingdom of God. He made, the vision real, and he will yet make it true. Because of his persistent gentle spirit its cotning is as Inevitable as the seasons. This is his world and he will yet have his way in it. This Jesus is a Presence. He comes closer to me the farther I travel. No barrier can hinder his presence. And here today he stands, a chal lenge to the heart of every individual. He said he would be withdrawn and yet would remain intimately with his friends. I have found it so. This is Jesus Christ a person, a power, a promise, and a presence a fact, a force, our future and our friend. JIvl (Daily Tkbha&kuv FTFTY-FTR8T TEAR If ember Associated Collegiate Intercollegiate Press Tt Darty Ntbimakaa It aabltaawe br tfca Hailaata at CaJwralt ml Nabraaka M nrmlN at Maaeata aam aa4 ton miy. Aawwalnf I Art lei. I of Ik itr-Law. germing mm jHtnueatiMM ana aaminuMrafl ay tm auaara at i tln, "ft la tk aXaarctf palier af ti Board that aabll nnaer Ka Jnrttalrttm .kail ba frca from editorial CMMarMIs aa ika emit ef tb Hoard, ar aa tb part af any aaamber af tba faculty at' tba Ualveralty, bat tb. member, af tba .taff af Th. Dally N.bnMkaa ara amnnaJly iMpafMribta far a bat tray aay ar da ar aaosa ta ba printed." Babtertptfoa ratal are 11.0a a acasaatar, S-M aMlled ar SS.at I ... anuat. year, st.aa aaallad. Hlngla aopy fa. faMUhad dally dnrlnff the mImmH rear avmnt AatnrriAva and MnndAva. vacation and xamlnaMoa pertnda. On. tana aabllabed aorta I??"." " by tba Ualrentty af Nebraaka aader tba "TT" oram"a aa Stodent raMleatlooa. Entered aa Saeoad Claaa Matter at tba rati Offlee la Lineal. Nebraaka, rIT- .l,C?T"e' Marea J, Tw, and at aaeetal rata af fTr" ta Seetloa 11M, Aet af CanareM of October til, authorised Oepteraber 1(, UU. EDITORIAL STAFF Utter ....aaa Eraeaar Aaaaetata renter Bath aay end Maainc Kdltari Daa Planar, 8ae Oortea Mewe Editor Sally A da me, Kea Rjratram, Jan Steffea, Hal Haeeelheleh. Sail MaO Pre Kdltar..... , Marat all fcaaaamr .Oleaa Netaea i.DM Ralatea aparUn. Leonard Zajleek, Sara Steaheneea. ray Bartanek. Jerk Bararar Rill Mandell, Nadlne Merlarty, Bob rinkarten. Pat Bell Shirley MarehT. Greta Oralf, Darlaaa redleaak, Taery Baraea, Leal Seheen, Beb Mkr, Natalia Kstt, Ben Oibaen, Gerry Fellman, Ed Bery, Clack Beam, Mary Jut jBeCatloa(h, Jerry B.bert- BUSINESS STAFF Thursday, -the "seniors with guts" published their slate of candidates for class officer and Student Council positions. This is a complete revelation for the campus to have one party's slate publi cized openly and may the Faction take note of this Why not come out in the open with something everyone knows about, but only talks about in whispers. What are you afraid of? Is it your own party weakness; rreaiction: i woman's oe a surprised to see a non-faction backed sen ior president next .year. You can real ly pick 'em, boys. They say it is a women's world, but just because the women are wearing poodle cuts, poodle bonnets and r 'v. Wylie : : x I know it says "loving cup" Mother Brownwell, but I won it in a dancing contest." Sound-Off Proqnosticator Predicts Players, Pennant Possibly Tom Rische Now that the baseball season Is underway, an anxious public is waiting to see horn the various baseball writers fared in their ladies are leading the world to the1"1 Predictions of things to . . i come. v-v t come. Noted sports writers, such as J. G. Taylor f dogs. Here's to bigger and better Stu dent Council meetings similar to Spink, Dan the one held last Wednesday. I'm DanieL Oscar afraid a national league baseball Fraley, Grant' umpire would have a pretty hard land Rce, Joe one. Council Keicnier, members threw everything but pop bottles and when the smoke finally cleared, they had re-writ ten for the third time one sub section in their by-laws. Like the man said, "evolution or revolution? With all the corruption and ex poses coming out of Washington, prison revoults and politicking going on In the country, I read with relish an article published in a small town Nebraska news paper. It showed a little faith, that mere was stin a strong founda tion under the shambles. The col umn ended like this: "throueh the bitter differences of opinion and the scandalous conducts and the sham and hypocrisy of the en tire system and the inefficiencies and wastes that drain our pocket books and strain our patience there isn't a better government in the world. You can complain when you want to, fight with your neighbors, call Truman a bum, spit on the sidewalk and wear your hat at a cocky angle with relatively little threat of being tossed into jail. This may not be the best country in the world, but it'll do until something better shows up." What are you doing May 5? Arch s Ward, Karsall ' Kushner and f r-l A a bach have i X r.trt thpir - V tal balls to see who will win the pennants and various Dawn, as dk A So. grazing into my crystal ball, here are ine various r penings as I see them: Umpire of the year, Scotty Robb. Batboy of the year, Lyle Porter, T.Wriln Athletics. Racial! commissioner of the The World Series will not be between the Chicago Cubs and the Philadelphia Athletics. Eddie Gadel. midget formerly ,;. ih St. Louis Browns, will not win the American League batting title. Rex Barney, formerly with the Rrooklvn Dodcers will not win the National Leaeue "player of the year" title. Bobby Feller, Cleveland Indians pitcher, will not win the Amer ican Leaeue batting title. ' Red Rolfe, Detrot Tigers, will not be named manager ol the year. The Lincoln Athletics will be the Western League team most likely to be rained out Leon Brinkhopf, of the Chi cago Cubs will not be the goat of the World Series by dropping a ball in the ninth inning. The World Series will last either four, five, six or seven games. Larry Jansen, of the New York Giants will not win the National League batting title. Here are two "all-star teams" which will probably never be named: National League First base, Hank Arft, St. Louis Browns. Second base, Gerry Priddy, Detroit Tigers. Third base, Hank Majeski, Philadelphia Athletics. Shortstop, Tommy Upton, Washington Senators. Right field, Vic Werti, Detroit Tigers. Center field, Irv Noren, Wash ington Senators. Left field, Taffy Wright, St. Louis Browns. Catcher, Joe Tipton, Philadel phia Athletics. Pitcher, Bobo Newsom, Wash ington Senators. American League First base, George Metkovich, Pittsburgh Pirates. Second base, Sebastian Sisti, Boston Braves. Third base, Ed Mathews, Boston Braves. Third base, Ed Mathews, Bos ton Braves. Shortstop, Jack Cusick, Bos ton Braves. Right Field, Bob Borkowski, Cincinnati Reds. Center Field, Willie Mays, New York Giants (leaving for army). Left Field, Jack Mayo, Phil adelphia Phillies. , Catcher, Clyde McCullough, Pittsburgh Pirates. Pitcher, Rex Barney, Brook lyn Dodgers. Your Church Julie Belt - Lutheran Student service, Alvin M. Peterson, paster Fri1y to Sunday Regional Ashram at Camp- Covenant Cedars, Stroms berg; leave from 1440' Q on Fri day afternoon. Sunday 5 p.m., ritv LSA at First Lutheran church, 17th and A streets, a cost supper followed Dy a mm, -Ke-uion in Berlin," at 6:15 p.m.; 6:30 P.m., Ag LSA, cost ftuppiu- 101, lowed Dy tne mm ai i.ou. lues 1:30 p.m., meet at union lor Friendship picnic at Floneers park. Wednesday 4 p.m.,. class "Missions in 1st Century" at 1440 Q. Thursday 7:15 p.m., choir practice. Wesfey Foundation, 1417 R street, Richard W. Nutt, pastor. Friday to Sunday, election of of ficers; polls open between 12 noon and 9 p.m., each day. Saturday 2:30 p.m., Wesley Players busi ness meeting; practice at 3 p.m. Sunday 3:30 p.m., Sigma Theta Epsilon initiation at St. Paul church; 5:30 p.m., Wesley Fire sides. Tuesday 7:15 p.m., Sigma Theta Epsilon election of officers. Wednesday 7 p.m., Wesley Worship. Baptist Student Fellowship, 315 North 15th street, Rev. C. B. Howells, pastor. Sunday - 4:30 p.m., Pioneers picnic, meet at stu dent house first. Friday, May 2, annual senior banquet; w. J. Niben of Calvary Baptist, church in Omaha is guest speaker. Lutheran (Missouri Synod Sunday 10:45 a.m., worship, Un ion, Room 315; Anthem by choir under direction of Harry GiesseU man; 5:30 p.m., Gamma Delta meets in YMCA lounge, Temple building, beginning with cost Fup per. Sunday Mav 4 Lord's Sup per to be celebrated in worship; registration after worship; Sunday 6 p.m., annual student-alumni banquet, Parlors XYZ, Union. Letterip Names Wanted Dear Speed: Why not be a sport nd give out with the names? I can't remember them all and the list will help me remember at the poles. Non-faction membr pro faction. NU BULLETIN BOARD 'Round The Campus SK's, Middies, BP's, Sammies, Phi Delts Add Up To Big Weekend Connie Gordon I je""""V 4 "if! ! I V I Bporet awRer ............ .MartB aakaat Hparte Kdltar j Fearnre Kdltar I AC Kdltar , .......aVt .. at-Jaa JMU """" " ttfVMtftM Mmmi , AMlltMt BufaMM MftMfWV. ............. ...... .Smtm OfhLH0war( ! rmVttm PP aeVrWaa B aTVW lM)l bTVMS kwm Newa atat..V.V.V.7.'"tV."VAV.V.V.'..ikk KaMea Sherrill Waldo; Lloyd Guggenmos Whether you're a saint or sin ner, the Sigma Kappas say you're welcome to their annual 'Saints and Sinners" house party this evening. The main floor of the Sigma will be dec orated as heaven and the basement will look like Hell (I didn't know how else to word this). I want to emphasize the fact that this Is not n n a t ii m party. Gordon Picking out their halos and pitchforks will be: L. J. Olsen and Barry Thompson; Marti Strat bucker and Red Thibault; Harri ett Harvey and Howard Tracy; Carlv Roeers and Bob Viehmeyer; Jan Bull and Stan Sipple; Faye Oraham and Randy McCune; Norma Erickson and Denny Kno- olk: Liz Bredthauer and kick r.g- gert; Mary Lou Ginn with Dick Baumeister; Norma Ehgle with Dave Brandon: Ginny Holloway and Chuck Huestls; Marlene Dum- ke and Owen Otto; itutn Ann Richmond and Charles Peterson. The SDirit of John Paul Jones will invade1 the University cam nus tomorrow ntght when the midshinmen of the Naval Reserve Officers Trainlne Corps Unit fNROTC. to you) holds its annual Navy dance. The middies will De in uniform and their dates will wear formals. Attendance Is re ctriMort to the midshipmen and their dates, the instructional staff and their wives and a seiectea list of cuests. I'll have some date news on the dance next column time. The Brown Palace Is holding Its annual dinner dance at Cot ner Terrace tomorrow evening. One of the features of the ban co et will be the presentation of the new Brown Palace offi cers, who are: Fred Cox, presi dent; Don Ostendorf, vice presi dent; Louis Schoen, secretary; Larry Dane, treasurer; J. Mi chael Wfaalen, steward; Eugene Harnlsh, house manager: Jim Klingsporn, sergeant-at-arms. Some of the dates to the dance Include: Walt Hosick and Lucetta Jilg; Joe Chase and Pat Gibson; Hank Baum with Darlene Krafka; Gene Herman and Pat Peck; Dick Shubert with Helen Wleseman; Bemle Borowfak and Annie Lee; Haight with Jeanette Mundhenke; Joe Huckfeldt and with Vera Humphrey; Eldon Shu ey and Lola Monia; Gordon Swepe and Polly Gould; Edgar Smith and Gertrude Ritzdoft They cancelled the flood so the Sammies could finally have their lawn party Saturday night Some of the dates to the lawn party include: Marv Kohll and Di Cooper; Jerry Spitzer and Shir ley Noodell; Dave Cohen and Sally Solomon; Gerry Fellman and Hel ene Sherman; Bart Rochman and Leta Werner; Ray Pred and San dra Fischer; Moe Lipton and Bar bara Turek; Squeak Zveitel and Joey Margolin; Joe Kahn and Car ole Marx; Don Silverman and Connie Piatt; Jim Stern and Bert Bush. The Phi Delts are holding their annual spring formal this evening at Cotner Terrace. Some of the Phi Delts and their dates are: Jim Oltver with Jo O'Brien; Jim Donelan and Phyllis Colbert; Ken Fisher with Barb Zimmerman (Omaha); Don Wahl and Janie Torrey (Omaha); Keith Glorfield and Judy Flansburg; Bill Hamsa and Joan Roe; Owen Beach and Mary Belle Baldwin; Chick Battey with Betsy Lieber; Bob Gilmore and Joyce Ftnney; Tony Winey with Barbara Turner; Gordon Peterson and Jody Seifert; Eldon Lovell and Carol Else; Randy Ayer and Mary Flynn; Louie Roper and Shirley Leding ham; Irv Thode and Ruthe Jew ett; Bill Harris and Joy Wachal; Bob Volz and Barbara Bell; Steve McKenzie with Barb Anderson. Got some engagements of, big interest to reannounce. Cigars and chocolates were passed respectiv ely by Jerry Johnson and Lois Larson to announce their engage ment Marilyn Cook Is also wearing a diamond. She announced her en gagement tb Charles Stuber last mg when Jo Berry announced her Monday evening. Congratulations are also In order for Dee Irwin who an nounced her engagement to Lt. John Jacobson, who Is now sta tioned in Fort Riley, Monday evening. The Gamma Phis also received a pleasant surprise Monday even- engagement to Jim Schleiger. Friday E-Week convocation, 11 a.m., Stuart theater. Interviews for post-graduate training as U.S. air force weather officers in Union. YW Fine Arts commission, 4 I p.m., Ellen Smith southeast room, Elaine Smithberger, leader, i YW Goals and Values group, ! Ellen Smith southeast room, leader, Norma Lotnrop. Tri Scl essay contest entries due in Room 109 B Social Science building. Cotton and Denim dance, 9 p.m., College Activities building. Street dance sponsored by Union on R street between 14 and 15, 7:30 p.m. Saturday Applications for Medical college admissions test due at educational testing services, Princeton, N. J. Tassels filings due at noon in Union or Ag Union. Farmers Fair barbecue, 5 p.m., southwest of College Activities .building. Cosmopolitan Club box sapper with Wesleyan International Re flations club at Wesleyan, 6 p.m. I Farmers Fair free square dance, 8:30 p.m, College Activities build ing. Sunday Wesley Foundation officers elec tion at Methodist student house closes. CAfetR SHOT OUT "WHERE OUWAHT ITTOBE. AOR OFTEN THAN NOT WITH TKE PETENDA8LI DOT KNUS On The Air 179 ON TOUR DIAL S:00 "Mnslc from Everyhere" 3:15 "Campus Ys" 8:30 "Comparing Notes" 3:45 "Radio Workshop Players" 4:00 "Musical Grab Bag" 4:15 "This Week On Campus" 4:30 "Garretson's Waxworks" 4:45 "Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody" 5:00 Sign Off. A rrrutcfi I SPAlOINO oot I fv rr rrrti lV rjfl THl GREAT NW SPALDING DOT , POWERED By tru -tension winding with tempered THREAD TOR UrJ'TORMtTY MAXIM DM DlSTA.KCfe COMBINED "WITH THAT SWEET DOT TTE.EL AND CLtCVC Inn . fr,',, - , '.A S2S OTHER FAMOUS SPALDING GOLF BALLS, THE TACT AlR-FLlTEi (TEU -TEKSION WOGND VnTKTUPlREDTR READ) AMD TKE TOUGH KRO-FLITE and TOP-F LITE - AT raOTMJIOMAL SHOPS ONLY' sets the pace In port. at Mwllla Cartaant avfclMiaa' la Ink aaak anty. WNTK TODAY TO tfALDINGOtPT.C-i Chleepaa, Moil.