The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1952, Image 1

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Draft Data Forms
: Students subject to the draft
must fill out draft date forms
so that the University can file
college student certificates
with the local draft boards.
Forms can be obtained from
offices of the college deans or
at the office of veterans, and
selective service affairs, 106
Mechanic Arts hall.
A. 1
Mops For Juniors
All juniors interested la
activities are asked to come to
The Daily Nebraskan office
Monday through rtiday of next
week, 1 to 6 p.m., to pick up
their maps. Further Informa
tion is available at The Dally
-Voicm 6000 Cornhutkert-
VOL. 51 No. 131
Friday, April 25, 1952
Credit Slips Afoiv Af
Registration for summer and fall terms, scheduled for May 12, 13. and 14, will
have a new twist, Dr. Floyd W. Hoover, acting director of registration and records,
announced Thursday.
The new detail in the registration process requires students to pick up grade
credit slips from the office of registration and records, Room B-1, Administration
hall, before they will be admitted to the assignment committee.
. . The slips, according to Dr. Hoover, show a student's weighted grade average and
his cumulative hours of credit on record as of Jan. 28. Students will be admitted to the
assignment committee on the basis of credit hours shown on these slios.
No student will be admitted
without a slip, Dr. Hoover em
phasized. Ag students may obtain their
grade-credit slips from the of
fice of Dr. Ephriam Hixson, as
sociate director of resident in
struction, Room 206, Agricul
tural hall. s
Dr. Hoover, in announcing
registration, reminded students
to contact their advisers before
May 12 to complete their work
sheets. Appointments should be
completed before registration
Printed schedules of classes of
fered during summer and fall
termsTwill be available in the
Staff Writer
The English teacher took a
piece of chalk and wrote on the
blackboard. "I didn't have no
fun over the weekend."
"Now, James," she commanded,
"how should 1 correct that?"
yourself a man,"
gested James.
Overheard the
,,J . J
u. as spring wears on the
jokes m this column trof ,-
.nd weaker. Our explanation:!
Look at the calendar. Yes. thJ
re only three weeks of classes!
The weath
er today will
be fair and
warmer with
the tempera
ture reaching
a high ef 72
degrees. The
lowest tem
perature in
the morning
will be 40
A group of
actives promised the new pledge
that his room contained a gen
uine feather bed. At two in the
morning he limped into their
room and hollered, "Fellas, you'd
better come upstairs and help me
look for the feather.
One fraternity man has per
fected an invaluable system for
approaching beautiful coeds.
He says, Tm a stranger in
town. Can yon direct me to your
Wife: "Just think darling. Just
25 years ago today we became en
gaged." Absent-minded-professor: "Real
ly? Don't you think it is about
time we were getting married?"
Mary Ann Grundman
Wins Trip To Austria
Mary Ann Grundman, College I Miss Grundman is the fifth
of Agriculture senior, was named Nebraska delegate to a foreign
Friday as Nebraska's represents- country under the 1FYE project
tive in the International Farm She will be among 139 youths
Youth Exchange program this from the United States who will
summer. She will visit Austria.
Mis Grand man, w ho will
graduate this Jane as a borne
economics major, will live and
work on Austrian farms for
three months daring the sum
mer. Then she will return and
speak before various organiza
tions to tell her Impressions of
the country.
An outstanding student at the
Unviserity. Miss Grundman has
had 10 vears exDerience in 4-H
as a member and has helped the
state 4-H club office with sum-teach
mer camps as a leader.
AO COED WINNER . . . Mary Ann Grundman (r.), Ag college
senior, will be Nebraska's representative in the International Farm
Youth Exchange program this summer. She will visit Austria.
&& is with Guy B. (L), assistant state 4-H club leader
osf raf igd Pates
office of registration and rec
ords beginning May 1. Ag stu
dents may obtain schedules from
Election Slips
A representative of the
office of registration and
records will distribute
grade-credit slips to stu
dents at Union Tuesday.
- The slips, necessary for
admittance to the registra- .
tion assignment committee,
will also be needed for
voting in Tuesday's elec
tion. The slips will show
not only a student's grade
average and his cumula
tive hours but also his
A student's eligibility to
vote for Junior and senior
class offices and for col
lege representatives to the
Student Council will de
pend upon the grade-credit
Dr. Floyd W. Hoover,
acting director of registra
tion and records, Thurs
day advised students to
obtain their slips at his
office. Room B-7, Admin
istration hall, before Tues
day to avoid the expected
He also warned students
to keep the slips until reg
istration Hay 12-14. They
will be absolute necessities
to admittance to the as
signment committee, he
Hyson's office.
The grade-credit slip, the only
important new feature in this
swing's registrationj process,, is ,
one of" te" perennial changes
designed to prevent students
from "beating the system."
Until last spring's registration,
registration numbers were oo
tained prior to drawing cards.
Students were then admitted to
the assignment committee in or
der of their numbers. Upper
classmen drew numbers before
underclassmen, thereby giving
students with greater number of
hours first chance at drawing
registration cards.
The system, although effective
at the outset was not infallible.
By last spring the number of
registrants who had discovered
ways to beat the system was
large enough to warrant a com
plete revision of the registration
admittance process.
The result was similar to the
present system, whereby stu
dents are admitted to the as
signment committee on the basis
of number of credit hours.
Grade-credit slips, however,
were on file at the assignment
committee and were obtained by
students at the time of registra
tion. This spring's process, there
fore, provides a slight change in
procedure. Last year, Dr. Hoo
ver guessed that the system be
gun then would be effective for
visit European countries as good
will ambassadors.
Her expenses on the trip will
be furnished by Nathan Gold of
Lincoln, who has been the
financial snpport of the trips ef
the other four delegates. The
four included the former Helen
Oehsner, Duane Selfin, John
Skuciu and Wayg Bath,
Miss Grundman will return in
November. After filling her
speaking'obligations she plans to
school the second, semester
lot the school year.
rife M4M
Coortnv The Lincoln Slate Juirn!
two years before students would
figure an angle to beat it
pf.? --imm'r .. kps. sM -mar i
r f" -7fk
' ) ' . H
Courtesy The Lincoln Star
KTA MEMBERS . . . Kappa Tan Alpha, national scholastic jour
nalism honorary, has named five University journalism students
to membership. They were selected on the basis of high scholar
ship and outstanding journalistic ability. They are (1. to r.) Jack
Hart, Tom Rische. Hile Goodrich, Joan Krueger and Marjorie Van
Bill Vsycplhifii T Spsik
At Jq
Bill Vaughn, editorial columnist'of Journalism will recognize Ne -
for the Kansas City Star will be;braska men and women in news-
the speaker at a luncheon climax- paper and advertising work pro -
ing Journalism day at the bni-
versity, Saturday.
The Honor Awards Luncheon
recognizing more that 60 out
standing Journalists of the ter
ritory, will be held in the Lin
coln Hotel at 12:30 p.m.
Gamma Alpha Chi, Sigma
Delta ChL Theta Siema Phi.
Kappa Alpha Mu and the School1
Thirteen Will Compete
In Extemp Semi-Finds
All but 13 students were elim
inated in the quarter-finals of the
Delta Sigma Rho intermural ex
temporaneous speaking contest
Thursday evening.
The winners will compete in the
semi-finals Tuesday, April 29, at
7 p.m. Drawings for the semi
finals will be held Monday from
4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Temple
The original entries from
three of the organized houses
entered Kappa Alpha Theta,
Sigma Alpha Ma, and Chi
Omega are still in the competi
P.M. Headlines
Staff News Writer
Truman Tells Of Ultimatum
Truman declared he forced
Russia out of Iran in 1945 by
sending Stalin an ultimatum.
The chief executive also
claimed he thwarted a Yugo
slav move to seize Trieste by
ordering the U. S. Mediterran
ean fleet into the area.
A short time later a presi
dential press secretary, Roger
Tubby, said the president had
not sent a note to Stalin and
that, when the word 'ultima-
turn" was used, it was strictly
Unicameral Passes
LINCOLN. Nebr The Ne-
braska unicameral legislature
passed the $50,000 flood relief
appropriation bill requested by
Gov. Val Peterson.
The special session met for
the last time Thursday morn-
Michigan Prison
JACKSON, Mich. The.
nearly 200 rioting inmates of
the Southern Michigan state
prison agreed to surrender
after officials gave in to most
of their demands.
Gov. G. Mennen Williams
and officers of the peniten
tiary agreed to go along ivith
the rebels' demands in order
'Atomic Artillery
E. Hull, army vice chief of
staff, announced that atomic
artillery would be absolutely
safe for friendly troops.
The general said no atomic
guns have been fired as yet,
but he hinted they may be
tested next year.
Mar cu vers in Nevada
Flood Donations
Contributions to The Daily
Nebraskan Flood Relief, sup
ported by the All-University
Fnnd, Student Council and
various administrative officials,
totaled $55.85 Tuesday evening.
Donations were received from
the following:
Sigma Alpha Mu .....$27
Anonymous 7 . .
Mabel Strong 10
Maud.Melick 5
Ted Durst Ward 5
Rogefr Helmer 1.85
The need 14 still great. Cash
or Checks, ufade out to Daily
Nebraskan Flood Relief, should
be brought r mailed to The
Nebraska .Office, basement,
Union. " -
111 SB!
fessionally and m nign scnoois ana.navmg enrollment oi juo to oaa
University journalism seniors.
Fifteen high school seniors
will receive Silver Key award
for writing competition among
high schools. The silver keys,
bearing the seal of the school,
are donated by the Lincoln
Journal and Star.
Three classes of schools are
The winners in the quarter,
finals were;
Donna Tinkem, Love Memorial
Hall; Noel Rasmussen, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon; Jan Steffen, Gam
ma Phi Beta; Dennis Mitchen,
Theta Zi: Frank Chapman. Phi
Gamma Delia: Lee Ellen Creas
man, Kappa Alpha Theta; Mary
WoralL-Kappa Alpha Theta.
Don Ovcrholt Kappa Sigma;
Allan Garfinkle. Sigma Alpha Mu;
Gerry Fellman, Sigma Alpha Mu;
Continued on Page 4
layman's language.
There was evidence that the
state department was dis
turbed by the president's
Mr. Truman's remarks came
in connection with a discus
sion of his powers in a national
emergency. Reporters at the
White House press conference
a tempted to find out what
powers the president actually
possesses, since he seemed to
have little trouble seizing the
steel industry.
Flood Relief Bill
ing and concluded its
in 80 minutes.
Gov. Peterson and Brig.
Gen. Warren Wood, tactical
commander ot the Nebraska
national guard, thanked the
legislators for their passage of
the flood bilL
Rioters Surrender
to "effect the release of the
hostages and the cessation of
resistance." Nine prison guards
were held as hostages inside
the barracded cell block.' The
prisoners demanded reforms
in personnel and procedure.
The governor also offered to
throw in a st?ak dinnei in an
effort to pacify tha knife
wielding convicts.
Safe For Troops'
proved that the new weapon
can be used on the battlefield
with safety. General Hull said
the 2,000 troops taking part
were able to stand up in their
fox holes within about four
seconds after the blast. These
troops were dug in some half
a dozen miles from the center
of tha blast area.
Pardee isegjoims yet
l . .
Farmers Fair festivities will set underway Friday
attend the Cotton and Denim dance tp begin officially the "Aggies Fiesta" weekend
Bobby Mills and his orchestra will be on hand from 9 to 12 p.m. at the Col
lege Activities building ballroom to furnish music for the be-whiskered fellows and
cotton-decked girls. ' "
Highlighting the Cotton and Denim dance will be the presentation of the God
dess of Agriculture and Whisker King. Goddess of Agriculture was elected at an all
Ag election Tuesday from 30 senior women, and the Whisker King was chosen Thurs
day night by the Mortar Koaras,
The presentation will be made
at intermission, with the Home
Ec service committee in charge.
Decorations theme for the
dance is "Western Fiesta."
. Saturday's activities will be
gin with a parade beginning at
9:30 ajn. It will form at 9 p.m.
in front of Love Library.
Seventeen floats, a color
guard and pep band will be in
cluded in the paaade. The God
dess of Agriculture will ride on
the Home Ec club's float
The parade will move south
on 12th street to R street. From
R it will travel to 11th, on to
O street, and down O street to
16th street.
From 16th street, the parade
will move to Vine street and
then to 33rd street. It will then
go on 33rd to Holdrege street,
and to Ag campus.
Following the parade a pie
eating contest will be held in
! the Ag Union at 11:30 p.iru
More than 45 students from or
ganized houses on both city and
Ag campus are entered in the
contest, which is divided into a
men'ta and women's division.
Winners of each division will
compete ior the championship.
fentered in the competition; Class
A schools having an enrollment
lover 600 students, class B schools
students, and class C schools will
enrollments under 125 students.
Dr. William F. Swindler
director of the School of Jour
nalism will present keys to the
Gamma Alpha Chi, women's
national advertising fraternity,
will reveal the winner of their
"Women of the Year" award in
professional advertising. The
Times and Mrs. Ralph Cox of.
"The Headliner" award will
be presented by Theta Sigma
Phi, a women's journalism
Sigma Delta Chi, men's jour
nalistic fraternity, will announce
their winners for excellence in
news writing during the last six
Winners of the annual Missouri
Valley News Picture competition
will be honored and awarded by
the photo-journalism honorary
fraternity, Kappa Alpha Mu.
News photographers from Ne
braska and Iowa are entered in
the contest.
'Our Report To All Nebraskans'
Describes E-Week Open House
Feature Editor
The 40th annual engineers week
AnytnAyf Tk(iM4 Air fifiU tin aawpcw ,
open house-a display of the fa-
ir .u. ,..AiJ
oilitix nnrf rlr of 111. cfllrfflnl.
in the College of Engineering and(
Roy M. Green, dean of the col- partment is displaying different
lege, described the open house as typeg of engines, wood and metal'
"our report to all Nebraskans.wiwnrc:nir mar-hinM. welding dem-
He said that the displays were es -
pecially aimed at high school stu -
ems ana, aiicr pointing out me
acute shortage of engineering col
lege graduates, he said, "We hope
that open house may serve as one
means of informing high school
E-Week Schedule
Friday, April 25
11 a.m. Engineers conv
cation, Stuart Theater.
12:30-4 p.m. E n gi n e e r
field day, Pioneer park. 1
raining, under East Stadium.
6:39-Mldnight Enjrinee:
dinner dance, Lincoln Hotel.
boys and girls concerning en:
ncenng and engineering eauc
The tour covered seven bull
ines and started on the secc
floor of Architectural HalL Arc!
tectural designs were emphasL
and were hung along the wa.
Smalt scale models of some
the designs appeared on tables.
Ferguson hall, home of th
electrical engineering ' depart
ment, featured a nervyometer,
and a sexometer, to measure
nervousness and sex appeal.
i Thers were displays of dial
Holmes in charge, is co-spon-
The Ag Union, with Jean
soring the contest with the iair
board. Innocents society mem
bers are judges.
An added attraction to the
1952 Farmers Tair is the open
ing of a Midway on the Ag
campus mall, featuring conces
sion booths, talent show, penny
pitching and a souvenior stand.
The Midway will be open
from 10:30 until rodeo time, and
will open after the rodeo until
4he barbecue. It will be situ
ated in front of the Home
Economics building on the Ag
campus mall.
Ag students will ride, rope
and race in six events in the
Fanners Fair rodeo for the title
of "All Around Cowboy." The
student winning the most total
points in all the events will get
the award.
Prizes for individual rodeo
events include Silver belt
buckles, spurs and western
The rodeo will be held from
1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the
Ag eolleee rodeo arena on the
Fair Program
9 p.m.. Cotton and Denim
Dance, College Activities build
ing. 10 p.m.. Presentation of God
dess of Agriculture and Whis
ker King at dance.
9:30 a.m.. Parade on City
campus and downtown Lincoln.
. 10:30 a.m Midway opens on
Ag campus mall.
11:30 a.m., Pie-eating contest
in Ag Union.
1:30 p.m.. Rodeo, Ag college
rodeo arena, northeast corner
of Ag campus.
5 p.m., Barbecue southwest
of College Activities building.
8:30 p.m.. Squire dance in
College Activitites building.
north east corner of Ag campus
Admission is 85 cents for adults
and 50 cents for children.
The chutes will be handled
should make the show
ve much faster than in pre-
vious years.
eC.T1 10;9 vm
Fair Rodeo Queen, will be pre
sented at the beginning of the
Section Heads
Students interested in filing
for section heads should see
Dick BUIig at the Cornhusker
office in the basement of the
Union, any afternoon during
the next two weeks.
There are approximately 20
openings. Most of the appli
cants chosen wil be those who
are freshmen now. Previous
experience on the Cornhusker
staff is not necessary.
telephone system, a mechanical
man and his dog, and a small
radio transmitter and receiver
broadcasting ten feet. A me-
fhn," ,"al"e
that drew pictures with elec-
"la orew i'ClUfC
trons were also featured.
The mechanical engineering de-
jonstrations. and foundry work in
Richards laboratory.
Charts and displays showing
the condition of Nebraska's
highways and methods of im
proving their condition were
featured by the civil engineer?
Ing department In Mechanic
Arts halL Different types of
Us, types of construction ma-
. t 9
-' '
J-WEEK DISPLAY . . . Bernard
(r.) work on their display of ft
Engineers' Week open bouie.
as students in "Aggie" garb
rodeo. Jack King is announcer
for the rodeo.
Rodeo events will include
saddle bronc riding, bare back
riding, roping, a flag race, bull
riding and wild cow milking.
Twenty teams of University
coeds are entered in the calf
catching contest a special fea
ture of the rodeo.
..Barbecued ham is the special.
Barbecued ham is the special
feature of the menu for the
Farmers Fair barbecue, which
will be served from 5 to 7 p.m.
Saturday. The barbecue will be
held southwest of the College
Activities building, or inside of
it in case of rain.
The Ag Country Dancers will
hold a free square dance Satur
day foil awing the barbecue, to
climax the fair's festivities. All
fair-goers are invited to attend
the' dance, which will be held
from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. in the
College Activities building.
Farmers Fair board manager
Frank Sibert announced that
students may be excused from
classes Friday to work on the
various phases of the fair. All
Saturday classes will be dis
missed for the faL.
For Mo
Balloting for president arid vice
president of the Nebraska Uni
versity Council for World Affairs
will be held Monday, April 28
from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., at a
booth in the Union lobby.
Candidates are: Allan Gar
finkle, Sally Hall and Joan
Krueger. The candidate receiv
ing the second highest number
of votes will be the vice presi
dent. The election is being resched
uled for the top two offices be
cause one presidential candidate
in the previous election will not
return to school in the fall.
Members will need membership
cards in order to vote.
Applications for seven board
positions may be made at the
same booth Monday through
Thursday noon next week. Stu
dents applying have been asked
by Ginny Koehler, president, to
sign up for an interview when
applying. Interviews by new and
oldofficers will be held Thurs
dayrMay 1, from 7 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. in the NUCWA office.
. Board positions open are: spring
conference, speakers bureau, pub
licity, membership, special pro
jects, United Nations Week and
mass meetings.
Names of all new officers will
be announced m Tuesday's Daily
terials, and civil defense appa
ratus were displayed.
In Avery laboratory, the chem
ical engineering department is
featuring a machine that makes
paper from straw. Also displayed
dry" water and the manu-
facture ot rayon,
Military engineers is display
ine models of various types of
military bridges in the drill hall
of the Military and Naval Sci
ence building .
Bancroft hall, home of the en
gineering mechanics and agricul
ture departments features dis
plays of modern farm implements
and a 600-drawing display from
professional engineers and other
colleges and universities.
Coo rt cry Ihe Ltnenm htm
Kittle (L) and Clay Hutcbinga
model ear race as part of the