THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, April 24, 1952 EDITORIAL PAGE Your Point Of View ... A That Matters In an University classroom this week, one in- tion stories and complain about certain domination structor, of considerable repute, culminated a dis- of voting or a student might do something about cussion of the pros and cons of the steel industry, such conditions with his voice and his vote. One corruption in government, political parties and might read a story about the honors convocation general newsworthy topics, with the insistence, and curse academic standards or do something to oft-repeated during the semester, that his students improve his own academic rating, have faith in their fellow-man, in their govern- . 4r ment and in the future. f No matter what tha situation, no matter who The entire discussion whether Truman is jus- the personalities, and no matter what the circum- tified in seizing the steel industry, whether more stance, your point of voice is the primary motiva- corruption exists in private or public life, whether tion for what you think. Yours might be cyni- certain governmental trends are along the road to cism; or, as the instructor mentioned, you might socialism was, in the instructor's mind, an abso have faith in something, lute substantiation of his main contention that man have unshakable, intelligent faith in man. . This one man's point of view Is a rock-hard belief In the ultimate goodness of human nature. To him the growing controls on private life rep- . resent fear and the borrowing of trouble from the future by Individuals. Example of this (not particularly supporting .the instructor's opinion, one way or another), Is the constitutional amendment now prohibiting any U.S. president from seeking more than two terms as head of this nation. People voting, in state legislators, on ratifica tion of the amendment, felt, on occasion, that the bill was wrong in that the circumstance might justify a man remaining in office for more than two terms as president. Also felt was that the American people were expressing, in constitutional amendment, their fear of each other. This instructor spoke of a faith not a blind acceptance of a certain philosophy that has col ored his attitudes toward wars, Congresses, Presi dents, floods, crime and, yes, even happiness dur ing his years spent in direct contact with the news-making factors of the world. It became apparent, with the climatic analy sis, that one's whole reaction to any circum stance is primarily dependent upon one's point of viewing the subject at hand. This seems ex tremely elemental, but, Just for instance, look at the news on any one day In the papers. One could look at the rioting prisoners in the .ww i. tu. ,r,trv onmin isi Or one could recognizing the necessity for the slips, The Ne tead about the rebellious prisoners and say "This braskan 8lso fears this steP wil1 rply cut the indicates a need for investigation into convict re habilitation work." The newspaper reader could scan the story about atomic blasts in Nevada and Joan about the danger to mankind from atomic bombs or could do everything in his power to advance the demand that atomic power be utilized, for peaceful progress. To come from the international scene to our University campus, one could read of coming elec- To our readers, The Daily Nebraskan would like to remind that be it campus or Interna tionalyour point of view colors all and it can be black or white or a hundred shades between. .Whatever The Daily Nebraskan prints in news stories or writes In editorials, your reaction Is your point of view. See what we mean? R.R. Blue Monday-Forseen The necessity for presenting a blue, pink or green slip in order to vote in the general election May 5 may turn that date into a blue Monday so far as the number of students voting. Although the colored slips do seem necessary in view of the somewhat complicated election pro cedure, it probably will cut the number of voters considerably unless interest sparks a great deal more than in previous elections. These slips, which students may obtain in the office of registration, B7 Administration buildlnr, or Room 206, At hall, contain the student's cumulative record hours, scholastic averages and college. Reason for the slips Is to prevent confusion and insure fair voting for Student Council representatives which are chosen by colleges. Since ID cards do not contain the information which is necessary for this type of election, the additional slip step appears inevitable. However, it would be advisable in the future to find an easier method of securing them if possible at the election booths at the time of election, While number of votes. Students will have to be aclimated to this new step. It involves extra minutes and extra steps, but it surely should be worth the effort in order to have a hand In determining which students will be your representatives on the student governing body and which students will lead your classes. J.K. We Can Find Out . . . Office Seekers When candidates for junior and senior class will last depends a great deal upon whom next officers and Student Council representatives take year's junior and senior class members decide to 'the spotlight Wednesday night to be questioned choose as leaders. They are the ones who will be your class officers; they should be representative of the ma jority of voters not a minority. Wednesday night is a good time to find out just what ideas, if any, the candidates have for the offices they seek. J.K. Does He Mean It? j . Sen. Robert Taft, speaking in Boston at a news conference, has suggested that congressmen con sider impeachment of President Truman for his seizure of the steel industry. Senator Taft called the seizure of the steel industry "a valid case for impeachment . . . valid for presentation to the House certainly." There is certainly much room for speculation about the President's action iu which has been termed another step along the road to Socialism. Senator Taft and three other senators are sup porting a resolution directing a Senate commit tee to study the President's legal rights in mak ing the seizure. The Senator from Ohio has his sights set on the White House via the Republican party. Harry Truman has announced that this is definitely his tion was valid and the voters were simply ex- last year in the White House. But Senator Taft ercislng a right to elect write-in candidates. The seems to be in favor of extra-curricular methods main fault was that no one had any idea what the to "Help Hurry Harry Home." The impeachment two candidates proposed to do when elected. At of a president or even proceedings to do so, in the that time the offices were almost void of res- midst of national and international period of ten- ponslbillty except the Ivy Day planting ritual sion and crisis might lend great fuel to the fires Now, they have some significance. How long it of Communism burning brightly in the world today- v Margin Notes V students, the meeting will mark the first at tempt in many years to allow the voting students a chance to find out personally for what students seeking office represent. It is a wise move. The essence of a good democratic feeling In any election is sparked by a knowledge of the candidates, who they represent and what they plan to do when in office. Until this year, it didn't make much difference who led the jun ior and senior classes; all the presidents did was plant the Ivy. However, now there seems to be promising Indications that class officers aided or encouraged by class councils might ac tually be doing something constructive. Consequently, that the students know what the candidates propose to do when and if elected takes on much more significance than in recent years. Three years ago the class officer election was completely upset with write-in candidates winning both the junior and senior executive posts. Com pletely Faction instigated and promoted, the elec- What Am I Doing Here? Bob Rekhenbach Several items in yester day's Daily Nebraskan seem worthy of comment. One of them was the letter suggest ing that Ivy Day be skipped. The writer stated that, to the writer, Ivy Day had very little signihcance. Maybe he s right. One thing that Ivy Day does, at least, is to pro vide fodder for Letterips. Another thing that has been getting a lot of attention lately is the new, so-called "Seniors with guts" faction. For the last three years I have been op- p o s e d, in principle, to the organiza tion on cam p u s known as the ' Fac tion. I still am opposed to any one party or group which seeks to con trol the poli tics of the campus. The Reichenbach situation seems to be somewhat changed. Merely refering to the All-University Party as the Faction would not seem to be quite correct. Now when some one speaks of the Faction I wonder which faction they mean. Are they speaking of the fraternity-controlled faction or the "seniors-with-guts" faction? I think it might be a good idea to give these factions names so that there w ould no longer be the aura of doubt surrounding the word faction as used In cam pus politics. Possibly connected with the po litical situation is the question of whether students who are not in rhe College of Engineering should help support, pecuniarily at least, a departmental function of that college. Or should any student be expected to give financial sup port of any activity which is lim ited to only one college. For in stance, should all University stu dents be expected to buy "B" ribbons for a Bizad day, or A & S " ribbons for an Arts and Sci ences day or "T" ribbons for a Teachers College day? Anyway, I think you get the point. In my opinion ,and in that of a number of others, it is grossly unjust to esk students not tenrolled in the Engine College to buy "E" rib bons to help, or should I say to tally, support "E Week." Particu larly is it unjust, I think, in the light of the stand which the rep resentatives of that college took on the issue of an all-University event such as College Days. At this point my personal prjudices :annot help but creep in. I have never been able to understand, however, in my four years at this institution why non-engineering students should help pay for "E Week" from which they derive only the possible benefit of some publicity for the University and the opportunity to see the dis plays. I will admit that the idea of selling ribbons to finance a ven ture is a good one. But what vould happen if every college and Bock Notts' 'Jefferson Selleck Rates As Stereotyped Memoir Mary VV or rail It gives the Nebraska audience an opportunity to hear great plays school in the University decided! that , have relatively nU m- to put on some kind of an exhibi- TL. ZZT; TZiM T'in the South which means a nres. t on and to nav fnr it hv Bellini? yuijseuscn, unci i. . , , .J, " President Truman, aboard his White House yacht on the Potomac river, and presumably deep in work concerning the affairs of our country, ex tended his week-end trip until Tuesday morning, consequently missing an appearance at a memorial service for the late Harold L. Ickes. The pleasant, calm, sunny atmosphere is, we hope, conductive to calm, clear thinking on affairs of state. Anyone out of matches or lighter fluid should plan to attend the burning of the bonds cere mony next weekend sponsored by the Union. After 15 years of Indebtedness, the Union will lift p its head to watch the burning of Its shackles. Figuratively speaking, it should make quite a blaze. Senator Taft might get to the White House. But his latest suggestion to clear the Presiden tial headquarters for his arrival seems to indi cate lack of though timing and plain common sense on the part of Mr. Republics. Truman perhaps shall be proved wrong in his seizure of the steel industry. And Senator Taft's remedy might be proven just as fallacious R.R. JIvl (Daily TkhhaAkcuv FIFTY-FIRST TEAR Member Associated Collegiate Intercollegiate Press Tlw alto Nnhraaksn to ph!Uhl by the etodent at the rnlvrlty of whraka m axp"malnn of tneni' now and opin ion only. Aomrrilnc to Artll fl ml (B nr-l-aw tovarnlnc Indent publication and Bdmlnletared by th HnarS ml Panllaa- tlnna, "It In the rteelared policy of til Board that puhllratlnna, ndr lt inrliullPtlon ahall ha fro from editorial aanaaranlp on At Inswlch. England, college men and women pt of tn nar. er on the imn of any nmiw mi ttm w"-"i . faculty of tho llnlvaralty. hot too member of n taff of Tim would find rather disconcerting and certainly dlf- iiiy Nehraakan preonaiiy rwpomihi tar j -.l i ,.- rDlotInn- o to be printed." auciib ui ii 6.. - SnWrlpttos rt rr .on mutt,. t?.M mMllMl m S.M ships. British girls attending dances at the Amer- J iii yomr, $4.00 owim. rnntt mpy puhn.ho lean Air Force base tnUSt Carry ' no petting vumtlon and ramlnnllnn periods. On Ihm punish durtnc 1 1 iri.,i,, .,.!,.!! th" month of Aturnut by tho (Inlvmlty of NrhranMn anrtor tlw passports in the future. "Displays of affection uporvb.ioa of in mmmittf on attHimt pahimtmni. Knu j 1 l.m v... mlaA nuf "In thp lntfrflt nf manor at tha rial offiiw m Unooln, NohiMlca, and liquor have been ruiea out in ine interests 01 an A , i)mtrrnMi rnh Ui and at PMiai rat of morality and security." Obviously, someone must '2XilZtli$ o.tonr not be convinced tnat "ail s lair in love ana war. In a report on our nation's sharp Increase In crime last year, FBI Dlreotor 3. Edgar Hoover called the heavy percentage of youthful offend er "a tragedy of our times." Juvenile de linquency can no longer be ignored or rational ised. However, although no excuse, is the greater "tragedy of our times' revealed In the examples of conduct young people find In their governmental representatives. Daily Thought Th greatest of faults, I Bhould say, Js to ts conscious of none. Carlyl. Kriltor AMoolate ftrfltor. Airmailing Kill lore Now Kdllom. ... EDITORIAL STAFF .Hath RaynMMM) . ,. .IHvn Ptonar, Hnr lor loo Rally Adams. Hon Rmrom. Jan Stoffoa. Hal Hawolhnioh, Hallv MU Sport Rdltot . , . , , .Manhall Koabaor nnnri Mitar. ., , , oionn Nolon w It Rol.ton A c . ,., , tmlo Kaynold Sooloty Krtltor , , , ...tlnnnlo ftordon rhntoa-rapaar. , , Hob Nhomavt fctportoni .. Irftanard SUjlotk, Sara Stphna, Tt Bjnk, JneV Rayxn, Kill Munrfoll, Nadln Morlart;, flab rinaartnn. Pat Rail. Shirley Murphy, Orol Oral., Iarlnt PodlrMk, Ttrry BarnM, l.ffula Brfnoon, Hon ifmar, r.ataiio Kail, Ran lhon, 0rry Pollman, Rd "T, uuut Mta, Mary Jan MoCulloujh, Jarry Kobart Ha BUSINESS STAFF ftnalnaai Manatwr Jab Oohon Aaalatant nualnraa Manacara. .... .Stan Slppw, Arnold atom, . .J!'" Bnnrd Is e member of the As-ocl ia w mii.. .V.V. ".V.1V!" I!"'.'.'.'.'.'..... Biir Haiiiation of College Honor Societies. v4 fmavbe even mockery) of Ne braska's largest city. Mention is made of places and events wheih sound like sometnmg youve heard before. For instance, is ohviouslv a satirical imitation think about the Sleepy Hollow country club and Its Kangaroo Letferip Non-Doers Mr. Chairman of the senior Ac tion Committee: The students here at the Unl versityfwant to know who you are. You have to fall into one of two classifications on this campus: the gripers, or the non-doers. We sus pect very strongly that you are the brain-children and larynx of the gripers, the mam runcuon 01 vour disorcanizauon ucju to If you're interested in reading personal dairies, you might try "Jefferson Selleck" by Carl Jonas. Although Jonas, a native Oma- ian. prooaDiy never intended his npvel to fall into a stereotyped me moirs class, it fits there well. Very little of the book is co herent. It's a j 1 -. - maa mixture ui y y chuckle- f worthy and i 12 brain aunmg events. Take Worrall them as you please. children, Tom and Tinker, live, To us Xebraskans, old Jeff Selleck is the typical Omaha businessman, loosely speaking. His problems are universal, and his family Is average. There's nothing particularly eyebrow raising about Jeffs life, except that we Midwesterners are most laminar wiwi i. ... ta,IU ",c "?'" - -Lw, ftr r.atewav Citv. where Jeff, his lost to them. Then "jenerson ei- "t,r, ri r-v. wife Gertrude,and their two'leck" is 3ust another book. - noble to say the least your efforts to sal vage the student body from the murky depths of the pit of faction tyranny. Far be it from the non-doers to make a suggestion, for our purpose is to observe and wonder, but since constitution, student repre sentation and the like are equally worthless in the light of Univer sity and faculty control, we offer the observation that spring is here, so why not forget the perplexities of life, gripers, and do something worth your while. Turn your thoughts to the pursuit of the op posite sex for a change. That is the only thing which deprives us non-doers of complete fulfillment of our name and purpose. Senior Non-action Committee. golf match; the Dig eix mmi m anA cnash the the Gunnison, river country: tne ,f";" " r Omaha-tinted banks and depart- f1' , th do.nothing stores, odors 'oronrs of which we are members IT C? te to carry out the u, cue tiLiiiuai a n v festival in which a Princess and several Countesses are chosen. The book Is actually quite readable, In a general sort of way. If you can drag yourself from one paragraph to another, you might occasionally piek np a hint of something familiar That's the best part 0 fthe book, the scraping together of tidbits which recall Omaha to you. But just what do people who are unfamiliar with Omaha get out of the book? Gateway Cty must be just another city to them, and the pleasant memories are duties suggested by our name, and to sit back and laugh at you, the gripers, as everyone else would do were they aware of your exis tence. We are as effective in our capacity as you are in yours, for if being inert were a laudible at tribute we would be the most un rewarded group in the world. At present, the non-doers are marvelling at your vigor and im petuousness! Congratulations for determining to present a slate of candidates, for student office, bet ter qualified to serve than any other. No doubt your list will be Chords And Discords Four Ace's 'Perfidia' Destined For Popularity v David Cohen The Four Aces have brought out one of the hottest discs to date. "Perfida" can't miss being a hit. The guys blending rhythm and enthusiam .v are in the right places. The revense side, "You Brought Me Love" has the same fire but the song itself isn't as good. Rosemary Clooney proves that she is a top singer on her latest re lease "Tender ly." Percy Faith does an excellent job backing her ana tne line ar rangement adds laurels. Another exciting band which is following Billy May for the num ber one post is Sunny Burke. Sunny's newest platter "I Wanna Love You" and "I'll Always Be Cohen been determined by sales and polling. Here are the results. In the fieldl of popular music Les Paul rated number one with "How High The Moon' and Nat Cole and Tony Bennet followed second and third with ' 'Too Young" and "Because of You." It is interesting to note that vocalists were the order of the year, as they placed in the first nine positions, with the excep tion of Les Paul's number. Senior Action Dear Mr. Faction President: As we stated Wednesday, the The number one band of the sfiI1fer nation is sub year, Les Brown and crew have;mjttmg a nst of suggested -candi released a collection of songs, and all with the same beginning title, "You . ." The alubm is neat, clean cut and generally good, but at times the numbers become dull. Several of the tunes including, "You're The Cream in My Cof fee," "You're an Old Smoothie,' and "You're My Everything" are old tunes wtih nothing more than inspired melodic variations. This Following You" are fresh, clean mit. thev rate 'A.' dance music and as such it de The top records of 1951 havelserves an audience. dates for class offices and student council representatives from col leges within the University. We submit this list so the students at the University of Nebraska will know who we are backing. Your group is also backing some of the candidates and the students want to know who you are backing. Where, Mr. Faction President, Is your list of candidates? Is it in 'Authors Of The Ages' Nears End Of 5th Broadcasting Year The University radio dramatiza-l (9:30). A transcription is rebroad tion, 'Authors of the Ages" nears caSt over KRVN, Lexington (Sun. theendof its fifth year. "Authors" 1 2;30) fend KNUS, the University is a weekly presentation by st-raci0 station (Mon 3:15). The dents of the radio section of the half -hour dramatizations are album does add up to Pleasanttoday'S Daily Nebraskan? If not, vou are not giving the students a fair deal maybe you don't in tend to give the students a square deal. If you don't, we will try our best to give them the whole story. Don't you have "guts" enough to name your own men? SENIOR ACTION COMMITTEE speech department. An extra-curricular activity, "Authors" gives students ex perience In broadcasting profes sional radio shows. Any Univer sity student may try out for parts and participate in the show. broadcast direct from Studio B of KNUS. This week's performance will be "Lagniappe of Laffittee," an orig inal story by Harriet Ewlng, Sta tion Manager of KNUS. "Lagni appe" is based on historical in- NU BULLETIN BOARD Thursday E Week starts. YW Noon discussion commis sion, meets in Ellen Smith dining cidents of Jean Laiftte. the nirate'room, Neala O'DelL leader. who helped General Andrew Juaior class treasurer filings Jackson win the Battle of New close at noon in 209 Administra- Orleans during the War of 1812. Lagniappe is a common word ribbons to students, people down- own in Lincoln and state em ployees? a a a Until the situation mentioned above occurs, I suppose there is nothing too wrong with the engineers selling ribbons. It is, I feel, a situation that deserves A lot of serious thought. As long as some of you have helped pay for "E Week" it might not oe a bd idea to drop over there and see waht they have to offer. University. "Authors" was originated for prmaril cultural purposes, Jorgen sen said. The first program was broad cast by radio station KFOR on October 2, 1947. It was a radio adaptation of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice." Presently, '"Authors of the Ages" is broadcast over three out lets. It is programmed "live" to KOLN on Thursday evening ent given by a tradesman to his customers. This week s story deals with the strange lagniappe which tion. YW Worship Workshop com mission, Ellen Smith dining room, 4 pjn.; leader, Phyllis KnerL YW Student-Faculty co f f e e hour, 4:30 p.m., Union faculty Lafitte offered his customers. The, lounge, Barbara Bredthauer, lead- present started a mysterious whis-ier. pering which has grown into one I YW Community Tours group, of the most fabulous stories ofiEllcn Smith southeast room, 4 the Southland. I p.m.; leader, Jane Jackson. NU Senior Honorary Societies Continue Ivy Day Traditions Mortar Board Thirteen coeds banded together at the University in 1905 to "make firls a strong factor in class and Iniversity activities." These girls were the "Order of the Black Masque" which is now called Black Masque chap ter of Mortar Board. The group chanced from a local unit to a national senior honor society for women In 1921. The national organization is known as Pi Sigma Alpha. More than 80 chapters of Mortar Board exist in American colleges. Their symbol a little black Mortar Board. The symbol and name was taken from the local name of the chapters of Ohio State university and Michigan univer sity. National Mortar Board was founded in 3918 at Syracuse, N. Y by representatives of exist ing local honor societies for wo men. The University Black Masque chapter maintains its original custom of tapping ifew members by masking them with black half masks on Ivy Day. Senior members of Mortar Board parnde in regalia during Ivy Day festivities. At the end of the program, each Mortar Board has located her successor among the junior women and masks her. Traditional Mortar Board events are Black Manque ball, scholarship tea and Founder's day luncheon. Members of Mor tar Board aint at campus elec tions and usher at convocations. Recently, the chapter partici pated in the freshman women's orientation program with Assocl nted Women Students. Mortar Board co-sponsors the Ivy Day festivities which will be May 3 this year, Mortar Board members elect new mombors in the spring from University women who have com pleted their Junior year. The mlnlmn rr tmm Kn v rtt TnntTlVlflT'll itt five; the maximum, 20. Mortnr Innocents Whcf Innocent? An organization which is en tirely Nebraskan in origin and character is Innocents, men's sen ior honorary society. Thirteen men have been tackled on Ivy Day for 49 years of University history. The tra ditions surrounding Innocents have been explicitly followed except for three years during World War II. Innocents propose to "group outstanding campus men into a single organization to strengthen University spirit." Dr. George E. Condra, state ge ologist, organized Innocents in 1903 to prevent class wars and fights. Selection is made by senior In nocent members on the basis of leadership, scholarship, character and contribution to campus life. The devil's head insignia, number 13, name and ritual of Innocents were created by Dr. Hartley Burr Alexander. la noonnts members adopted the baldric and red robe as other symbols of their organization. Innocents sponsor the Frosh Hop, Missouri-Nebraska victory bell exchange, freshman-sopho more tug-of-war, Homecoming house decoration contest, Dad's Day and the Scholarship-Activities awards which are presented on Ivy Day. A tradition Instituted by Inno cents this year is that of exchang ing a buffalo head with Colorado's men's senior honorary, Heart and Dagger. In conjunction with the Nebraska and Colorado chapters of Mortar Board, the men award the hand at half time to the school which won the InBt football game. The men assist at the Chan cellor's reception, Honors Day, Ivy Day and with general Homecoming functions. New members of Innocents will be tapped by present mombors USE DAILY NEBRASKAN PLaAAiii$j (Ma. To place a classified ad Stop In the BuslneM Office Room 20 Ssadent Union Cell 5-7631 Ext. 4226 for Oaa.1 fled Service Hoort 14:30 Mon. thru hi. THRIFTY AD RATES No. words I 1 day 2 days 8 days 4 days 1 week 1-10 j $ .40 j I .65 t 1 I $1.00 I $1.20 11-16 I AO I JO 1.05 j 1.25 j 1.45 16-20 I JtQ I J5 I 1.25 I UP I 1.70 21-25 I .70 I 1.10 j 1.45 1.76 1.05 26-30 I JO I U5 I 1.65 2.00 2.20 B33SCEXLANEOUS Juno Honitymoonar. Bummar Vaoatlnnara. Jmtarn, artraotlvi, turnuittui lof eablni In tlw ata Park, Long'a Paak araa. Hlr itnna flrsplaoM, gorgeous vlw. Trout dtraam. Hnoludad but acoriMlbla. Special rata to June honeymoon oouplan and Two vananolea for all lummtr rental. For detail, write Mm. O. H. Zum wlnkel, SM74 So. Jaokion. rjenvr, Colo. 5a1IiVaND RHHNH0(IM). OnatTalva Blnira and Sunday. KUS "O." Call Earn NRSXT year'a axnemaa thla mimmer. Men or woman. Nationally anertleail, Onort KoiuwUeeplnS atnl, Flaxloloita mil on tight. Write X2Wi Applaton, Detroit 33, Mlohlgan. Will Interview In Llnnnln, yoiniir men who want Knnd paying ummar 1nha. Alt on wlwleeale bread route nurlnr ! men'e vnnntlon. Kapealally luterenteil In men livlns In nr near Coliimbu, O'Neill, Broken Bow, North I'latte, Kearney. Jlolilreae. Write your ouallfl- natlone to Box MZ, Grand la land, Ne- proeita. KENT & SALE from the outstanding male lenders of the junior class. Each mombor W ' ' wki ti i th-u.m tackles his successor, - lata, iiua. aula. Mar vim Stahauta, KM No TUXEDOS AND WHITE CINNBIR JACK- 1. 1'H for nam. Slea .16 to 48. SUITilD FOR PORUALS and Weddtni. i;au z-icaie Tor appointment. IMA "R". That XI Fraternity. KOSBOW AND BREB 1UBNT-A-TUX. WANTED ATT. c5TBrneT5iurnT!rsro!rE round floor apartment lor iummar achnnl MMlnn. write Pete Bletarmaa, Mitchell, Nebraaka, Immediately. WORK DONE I srar Jead eervlo. call a-esao B'tar o:W run. Typim, experlenned. Theae and Term Paper done neatly In approved lorra. Paper turnlnhed. Call 44l4. LOST UlIITuUi numuliiinu Inmorluul Oenrjrle and Nenraaka loantlflnatlnn. Phone n-mno. Ellxaheth D. Wall 15UO K. Tan Upper notebook, Banireton a Van Haven textbook. leprtal Soa Buub 3-5J67. WANT AUS BUTXa tESULTS