The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 23, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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    Wecfnesdoy, April 23, T952
IrU Aa IFaoir
Staff Writer
The Ag barometer predicts fair
and warmer, but the fate of Farm-
erf Fair has inevitably been "fair fair, mechanical rides and con
and wetter." I cessions were brought into the
Throuehout ' the history of the campus to form the midway. The
traditional Farmers Fair, rain has j parade which advertised the fair
damnened all but the snir ts of featured a University nvestocK
the other half was needed at I in this early history. The, fair was
the gate to take care of the similar to the typical "County
many fair-eoers." Fair" of today. Athletic contests
Durine the early history of the and horse shows were a big at
traction of tne lair, bpanish ioik
dancers performed in the fair in
the '30's. Expertly trained, the
Section Heads
Students Interested In filinc
for section heads should see
Dick Billigr at the Cornhusker
officj In the basement of the
Union, any afternoon durine
the next two weeks.
There are approximately 20
openings. Most of the appli
cants chosen will be those who
are. freshmen now. Previous
experience on the Cornhusker
staff Is not necessary.
Section heads are in charge
of scheduling pictures, gather
ing copy, and general assist
ance. ,
r""""...i 0
By L.
A scrap of paper once n
J. Zajicek
epresenting $258,240 will be tossed in the bonfire cora-
the Aggies.
But rain or the fear of it has
been the only thing which has not
changed with each new year of
the fair.
In 1915, the earliest record of
the fair, it is reported that there
was only one central gate of
a d m 1 1 1 a n ce to the college
grounds. After several years of
fencing in the campus, the Fair
board decided to discontinue the
practice because "half the stu
dents were kept busy watching
for fence-hoppers and most of
parade and floats and exhibits ad
vertisins crops education.
There were bull-doggin' and
bronc-bustin' contests in the
Farmers Fair as early as 1920. Ag
students enthusiastically par'
ticiDated in these contests. An
other big student project intro
duced to the program was the
Daeeant. Part of the evening's en
tertainment, the pageant depicted
some historical event with stu
dents serving as players ,
There is no record of any edu
cational purpose to Farmers' Fair
MUS Alumnus Interviews
Robert Taylor At Premiere
This ts another l series of article! based
on Ac operation of, the University radio (
tioa, KM 8.
Staff Writer
KNUS is quite proud to have
discovered a picture of one of its
alums interviewing Robert Tay
lor during the Hollywood pre
miere of "Quo Vadis." Chuckling
along side of Taylor in a picture
in the April edition of Movieland
(page 38) is . KNUS's former
Charles Dugdale, best announcer
on KNU in 1950.
Noted for his versatility in
characterizations and announc
ing, Dugdale was called back
into the navy after leaving the
University. He is now an an
nouncer for the armed forces
radio service on the west coast.
Success or not, KNUS and the
radio department offers Univer
sity students the foundation for
announcing on commercial sta
tions. During the school year,
for Nebraska stations. Already
job openings for the '52 gradu
ates exceeds the number of
In many Nebraska stations,
graduates from high schools are
employed to absorb the demand.
With the demand so high, the es
sential qualification for announc
ing is a basic knowledge of radio.
The radio section at the Uni
versity offers theory in class
rooms and practical experience in
the laboratory radio station,
Regular announcing amounts to
reading station identification, an
nouncements, time and tempera
ture between programs. From
there, many students work up
regular 15 or 30 minute programs
of their own which they produce
at least once a week. Known in
these personnel are not restricted i'"sr V , 1 '7 11U 8
dancers left the audience awe-inspired
and satisfied that Farmers
Fair was the place to go.
The first twenty-five-year of
the fair found Aggies constantly
progressing to make it bigger
and better every year. Many
contributions were made to the
first annual fair until 1940
finally rolled around.
It was a happy year for the Ag
gies; it was one of the first years
that it didn't rain. Featured in the
program was the intersorority rid
ing contest. Forty sorority girls
came out to Ag college's wide
open spaces to participate in the
preliminary contest. Honors were
well divided among the different
Wrestling matches were held
between hairy-chested University
students as another special fea
ture. The traditional masking of the
Junior Fair board members was
held at the Farmers Fair dance.
Masking was considered the most
important part of the dance, and
six new board members left the
dance happy and excited.
Open house was introduced in
1941. Exhibits which had been
set up in the College Activities
building basement (there was
no Ag Union at that time) were
moved to the departments al
lowing more room and to im
prove the educational possibili
ties of the fair.
Of course Aggies also had fun
at the 1941 fair. Fun loving tub
bings were popular at this time.
An indoor style show was given
to honor the Goddess of Agricul
ture, who had been elected by
campus vote. A square dance ex
hibition was also held as part of
the entertainment.
A rodeo including a steer-rid-
f ouaw f u.-v-i r- , r o
memrTh7ScpUpTer iiuB S since 19,7-will 1
after it Ssto Wck Imilding devSted almost exclusively to leisure and
Cosmopolitan Club
To Meet With YMC A
Cosmopiltan club members will
be guests of the campus YMCA
Wednesday mgru to near an tQ read a book, I j and 2 500 balls were used
rfr-osc hv .Tnhn Motheselah. student .A-.!.,.,, moll """ a"u 'JUU.
-j - ' - newspaper ui maatm , w ,uu. i j, ,!, iho vpar
nnrl Ttantlsr minister from India. Wtav t listen to record or radio UP durlnB me yc,u'
Metheselah will speak and show .programs; to make a telephone
films of India at 7:30 P.m in the -U oyelegram; work on The
YM room at Temple building. Ihusker; to watch television; to
John Wirslg, YM president, in- take part in student organizations
vited the Cosmopolitan club to and societies which have offices
the special meeting. William Saad.'or meet there; or last, just to loaf
Cosmopolitan president, an-or .fP H , activities in
frounced that this would take the the union consisted of 881 bridge
place of the regular meeting. lessons, dancing lessons and cness
The Union Is a sort or cuy
hall where campus political life
begins and ends. All poMlcal
activities are not confined to
the campus, however. In the
last three months, three stu--dent
movements supporting
Taft, Peterson and Kefauver
were started in the Unions
Carrying city hall farther, the
Tassel Applications Due Saturday Noon;
Actives Jo Select Pledges At Tea May U
Tassel aDDlications must be
filed at the Union on on city cam
pus or at the Ag Union, before
Saturday noon.
Tassels is a coed pep organiza
tion which serves to stimulate
Cornhusker spirit.
Tassel pledges will be select
ed from the group of candidates
who have filed. Coeds will be
selected by active Tassel mem
bers at the annual rush tea,
May 11 at the Ti Beta Phi
Organized houses must send
two applicants for each of their
affiliated vacancies in the Tassel
Filing of barb-at-large and ag
at large coeds are not limited in
Coeds filing for Tassels must
fill two scholastic requirements
" .'r. . contest, a draft horse, nolo MmelThev must have at least a 5.5
, and a calf roping contest drew a
many students work jointly with expect tQ be scheduled for an-,lare "owd of Fair-goers.
radio stations in i,un.uui u.. ""-jnouncing on KNUS. One such' 6S' vvnc uiwuimcu
joining Nebraska towns. Except(COed) Betty stratton, finds this,1" 1942 when the fair was taken
for Dugdale's national appear- work botn worthwhile experience off .the campus. It did not re turn
and challenging for a woman to unH1 masses were dismissed
ance, ruNua is pnummj
ested in training students for
radio stations in. Nebraska, of
which there are more than 20.
With graduates in the field of
radio at the University usually
numbering less than 10 each
year, the supply Is inadequate
Home Ec
Elects Laun
venture into.
Other KNUS announcers are
Bob Wells, George Nancarrow,
Ward Hansen, Morris Weisgurt,
Don Clifford and Harold Diehm.
Besides offering practical ex
perience for announcing, KNU a
weighted average and must carry
a minimum of 12 hours Univer-
Coeds who will be pledged afterjWith the Cobs, they form the
the tea will be initiated into the nucleus of the cheering section.
Methodist Students Dedicate
. m m A t J
recreation ior stuaenxs. . . n.t!uA nr.ort of stu-
This building would not have been built, except : for hehaafc et.8"pbp
dents. They began paying Union fees as part of their tuition before theburt di ing was
opened on May 4, 1938. The fee, $3 prior to this term, was increased to $6 last fall.
lit year student entered sessions. Ping-pong STS
Union 4,500 times a day to eat; was checked out 165 thousand the imarv campaign. Earlier
some of the same audience heard
intial campaign speeches of Cros
by and Anderson for governor.
Student activities are supported
by the Union. The most recent
example of this was the Model
United Nations Assembly held for
three days in the Union's rooms.
But the program does not end
here. Every Sunday nieht a movio
is shown, free to all students.
Among the more looked-for movie
nights are dhe flicker flash back
nights. They grind through old
time movies, such as "The Great
Train Robbery" and the "Center-
field Cops."
When the ballroom is not being-
used for movies, luncheons or lec
tures, it is usually being used lor
Besides having one of Lin
coln's largest food dispensing
establishments, the Union has
one of Nebraska's biggest soda
fountains. The Roundup aver
ages 1,000 meals a day. On the
other hand, the Crib, coke-spot
of the campus, serves approxi
mately 1,500 orders a day.
The Union is operated by a pro
fessional paid staff headed by
managing director, Duane Lake,
Lake and his staff are responsi
ble to a board composed of 12
students, six faculty members and
three alumni representaives.
The $6 fee will be continued in
order to build a reserve fund for
expansion of Union facilities and
construction of a student center
on the College of Agriculture.
Although an extension of th
Union was voted last year, no ac
tion has been taken because of
government bans on non-essential
The Union expansion will in
clude added recreational space, as
well as increased facilities tor stu
dent offices.
organization a year later. In or
der to be initiated, they must par
ticipate in all Tassel activities and
do the amount of work .neasured
in terms of a point system.
Tassels was organized in- Feb
ruary, 1924, by the Black Masque
chapter of Mortar Board. At that
time, objectiives of the organiza
tion were toVrornte school sphit
and give University women an
active interest in the presentation
of sports events.
Since then, Tassels has ex
panded to give service to other
University functions. Tassel
members usher at concerts, con
vocations, the Messiah and com
mencement. They sell Cornhus
kers and Mortar Board Ball
tickets. The group is in charge
r? the student cheering section
at football and basketball games.
Tassels also arrange the card
stunts at the stadium.
During the football season,
Tassels attend all home games
on the Friday of the fair. The tra
ditional tub was set by the Union
for violators of Farmers' Fair cot- I A Ik
ton and denim garb. Other events! M.A Ourm V1 OfTin flfl Altar
I V W V kWl III IWIinn mmm . - i -
of the day were the barbecue and
open house. A women's program
washeld by the home ec depart-
iin I"! fl 1 1 if- CL I claimed organization on the cam
59 B mmmm ,pus can SUDmit information of
- . i. - 2. U 1 J i.
( Dining evems iu ue uiuautasi uu
KNUS. The station staff compiles
the information for break an
nouncements to be read between
and within programs. In the near
future, KNUS plans to reschedule
a special program for the Red
Ramona I Laun, junior in tne ..Biography of a Pint 0f Blood,"
College of Agricuuure, waa Murrow featured this 30
president of Jfni opsnoo unuuuu,
home economics honorary, Sunday.
She will serve for the 1952 and
1953 term.
Other officers elected, all jun
iors in the College of Agriculture,
are the following:
Vice president, Artie West
. cott; treasurer, Margartt Har
mon; chaplain, Jeanne Vierk;
marshall, Marilyn Bamesberger;
editor, Jean Holmes, librarian,
Avri1 Rierman.
Lura Ann Harden, historian, is
the only sophomore officer.
Phi Upsilon Omicron earlier,
initiated 21 members at an early
morning ceremony. The new mem
bers are all in the College of Agri
culture. They are:
Seniors Neta Bellinger and
Lois Larson.
Juniors Bernadine Robb, Betty
Hathaway, Averil Bierman, De
lores Gade, Melinda Pfister and
Elizabeth Gass.
S o p h o m o res Connie Clark,
Lura Ann Harden, Geneva Berns,
Marilyn Larson, Marilyn Erwin,
Barbara Crowe, Rose Stiffler, Bar
bara Spilker, Mary Maronde, Bar
bara Raun, Virginia Barnes, Terry
Barnes and Mary Jean Niehaus.
Phi Upsilon Omicron member
ship is based on, scholarship and
participation in college activities.
serves the University and campus !ment fr those not interested in
organizations. Any University ac-!tneJodeo.
ine roaeo openea wnn Dare
back and bronc riding. Steer
riding, cutting horse and a co-ed
calf catching contest were also
part of the program. And, in
addition to all this, there was
a midway made up of organiza
tion's concession booths.
A new year, a new fair in 1949
with open house and, of course,
the roHeo A neur twanff was
program ion his former radio show, I cow milking contest. The old fa
Hear It Now. Ivorites were again back on the
Organizations should either . tv. .k ...
mail wieir iiuuruiabiuii w muo.
Temple Building, or rive It ner-
sonally to the Station Staff in
the KNUS office located in the
cubby hole between the base
ment stairs of the Temple
That's it. Tune in again next
week same day, same column.
Meantime, dial 870 to KNUS.
missing from the regular campus
features. The big day was fin
ished off with the barbecue and
square dance.
And now 1952! The complete
storv of what Fair-goers can ex
pect this year has been covered
by the Daily Nebraskan. May we
say, "fair and "warmer."
Eight Students To Form
Hayloft Drama Company
Dedication of the Durm Memor-'Durm, is now a junior at the uni-
ial Altar took place in a consecra-!versity-
Hon Service recently at the' "The altar was P"rchaseJ Wlth
J I recently at tne tudent contributions and will be
Methodist Student house. tho, pntpP nt nnr new rhanel."
Rev. Richard Nutt, student pas-.Rev. Nutt stated.
tor, gave the dedicatory prayer.
The scripture was read by James
Rogers. Lois Eddy and Lester
Smalley took part in the presen
tation and acceptance of the altar.
The words of consecration were
made by Wilborn Whitehead.
The altar is of light oak with
a clear finish and plain design.
'The center panel has a replica
of Durer's famous painting,
"Pfaylng Hands." "These hands
are a symbol of sacrifice and
devotion," Reverend Nutt ex
plained. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Durm,
to whom the altar is dedicated,
were killed in an automobile acci
dent in 1951. "They were very
active with our Wesley founda
tion and had a great deal to do
with the annual Folk Festival and
square dance circles," Reverend
Nutt said. Their son, Thomas
Nebraskan Filings
To Close April 30
Applications for the 20 paid
positions on The Daily Nebras
kan staff are due in the office of
public relations, 1125 R street,
upstairs, before 5 p.m. April 30.
Daily Nebraskan positions
available are editor, associate edi
tor, two managing- editors, five
news editors, feature editor, Ag
editor, sports editor, assistant
sports editor, photographer, busi
ness manager, three assistant busi
ness managers and circulation
Interviews for the various posi
tions will be held on Tuesday, May
13 at 3 p.m. The place will be
announced at a later date.
Eieht University students will
form the company for Hayloft
summer theater in Lincoln this
Pat Loder, Marian Uhe, Mar
jorie Miller, Diane Downing, Wcs
Jensby, Harry Stiver, Les Mathias
and Hank Gibson.
The crew will replace a New
York equity' company which has
Dreviouslv clayed the lead roles
at the theater.
This is the first time such a
WAC Commissions Available
To Graduating Senior Women
- Graduating senior women maytained from the Professor of
apply for commissions in theMilitary Science, Room 110 in the
Women's Army Corps. Unmar-Military Science building,
ried women who are between the Deadline for filling applications
ages of 21 and 27 and who have have been extended to May 1.
a college degree or will graduate Accepted applicants will be
this spring are eligible to ap-commissioned second lieutenants
ply. in the WACs and will be required
Applicants are not required toto take a basic officers' course,
have any particular type of de-Following successful completion
gree. Details on eligibility re-of the course they will be eligible
quirements may be obtained from to apply for a second lieutenant's
the dean of women. commission in the Women's Army
Application forms may be ob-Corps regular army.
'Girl Crazy'
Continued from Page 1 I
You," "Treat Me Rough," "Bar
bary Coast," "Look What Love
Has Done To Me," "But Not For
Me and "Sam and Delilah."
First presented on Broadway in
1931, starring Ginger Rogers and
Ethel Merman, "Girl Crazy" was
resented as a moving picture in
tlA early 1940s with Judy Gar
laiVi and Mickty Rooney. The
original play was written by Guy
Eo'xn and Jack McGowan.
Keither Amos, a business ad-
plan has been tried at Haylott,
according to Miss Uhe.
Dallas Williams, director of
University theater recommended
20 students to tryout for the
theater. These eight students were
chosen by the theater manage
ment. Miss Uhe said that the theater
will produce a different play each
week. Cast members will practice
during the day for the following
week and perform in the evening
for the present week's play.
Fifteen apprentice actors will
be selected to work behind the
scenes and appear in minor roles.
Apprentices will be chosen on the
basis of theater experience.
Irene Marmine from New York
will direct the Hayloft production.
YW To Hold
May Morn
Tickets for the annual YWCA
May Morning Breakfast are nowi
on sale at the YWCA office in
Ellen Smith hall
The May Morning Breakfast
will be held May 4 in the Union.
All University women and their
mothers are invited to . attend the
Breakfast which is a traditional
YW event. '
May Morning Breakfast com
mittee members are: Priscilla
Jones: Kath.v Grabill: Mitzl Reese;
Marearet Moore: Mary Waltz;
iLynn Turner; Pat Graham; Mary
filabubj$sixL (Ml.
To place a classified ad
Stop in the Business Office Room 20
Student Union
Tassels lead rallies on the cam
pus and "send-off" rallies at the
station, as well as campus tours
before rallies to encourage stu
dent participation.
Highlight of the Tassels' year is
Homecoming;""- Together with
Corn Cobs, the men's pep organ
ization, Tassels sponsor the
Homecoming dance, Homecoming
rallies and the Homecoming Day
During Homecoming the Pep
Queen Is elected. Tassels nom
inate five of their members as
Pep Queen candidates. From this
slate the qifeen is elected in
an all-campus election. The
1952-53 Pep Queen is Barbara
The Greek letter symbols of
Phi Sigma Chi are worn by each
Tassel member on her sweater.
Phi Sigma Chi stands for pep,
sportsmanship and character.
The Tassel uniform consists of
a white wool stocking cap, a white
wool sweater with the organiza
tion's emblem, a red skirt, white
anklets and saddle shoes.
The Nebraska Tassel chapter
is a member of the conference of
pep groups in the midwest Phi
Sigma Chi. Other chapters are:
Kansas State at Manhattan, Uni
versity of Kansas at Lawrence,
Omaha university, Washington
university at St. Louis, Iowa State
at Ames and University of Mis
souri at Columbia.
12th & Q Sts.
by Junior Age
Call 2-7631
fled Service
Ext. 4226 for flaMi-
Hours 7-4:30 Won. thru fr'u
No. words 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 1 week
1-10 $ .40 $ .65 $ .85 $1 .06 $1.20
11-15 .50 I 10 I 105 j 1.25 j r.45
18-20 .60 .85 1.25 1.50 1.70
21-25 .70 1.10 L45 175 1.85
28-30 j .80 "1.25 1.65 2.00 2.20
sides" for the Thursday and
Friday night performances, and
a number of reserve tickets for
the Wednesday performance,
according to Jerry J. Johnson,
production chairman of the
show. Tickets may be purchased
at Walt's Music Store or from
any of ft number of ticket sales
men on campus.
Don Devries and Eldon Schafer
r rA ncrief oriT nrnH 1 1 PAT
Other directors and committee Jeanne Christiansen; Ardell Wil
hfllm; Shirley Nasn; Nancy
dall; Janet Anderson
Jo Ann Meyers; Betty Pepler;
chairmen are:
Aaron Schmidt, director of mu-
w ' ennninmnrn nr Miss sir; Jafk Moore, director oi dance
DuTecu a Teachers college fresh- scenes; John Tolach, technical di- Shirley Mead; Nancy Chamber
man, have had any previous dra- rector; Charles Burmeister, ticket lain; Sherry Clover; Jean Stef fen;
matic experience, according to Di-' sales chairman; George Wilcox,' Mar ys Johnson; Mary Fulber h;
rector WhUtaker i publicity committee chairman; Man yn Tipan; Kathy Kelly;
Amos did musical operecta worn Arnie aiern, program . ' ,"" .
In high school, and Miss DuTeau and Chuck Widmaier and Kent; gerty; Marilyn Bourck; Janet Tur
has had much dancing experience,! Kelly, poster and display commit- ner; Kay Seivert.
but Miss DuTeau, Whittaker said, tee chairmen. ' Tickets are 65 cents each and
v. had vnirf train- Ticket rjrices ar $1.80 for re- may be purchased either from
Li ! served seats, $1.50 for main floor the YW Commission group lead-
rrv. .... .tin tur re. . and inwer halconv "Seats and $1.00. ers er In the University YWCA
erva4 ''te along the I for upper balcony seats. I office in Ellen Smith halL
Jun Honeymooner,
Bumratr Vactloner.
lodern, ttrctlve, Iurnthed log cbln
In the Eatet Park, Long'i Pcalt area.
Big atone flreplacei, gorgeous view.
Trout atream. Secluded but accelble.
Special ratea to June honeymoon couples
Two vacancies (or all summer rental.
For details, write Mrs. O. H. Zum
wlnkel, 2474 Bo. Jackson, Denver, Colo.
nings and Sundays. (WIS "O." Call
ground Iloor apartment lor summer
school session, write Pete Bleterman,
Mitchell, Nebraska, Immediately.
Diagramatlc Illustrations for Theses, Pub
lications, Lectures, Instruction, In Ungr.
Horns Kc, Boe. Scl., Bus.. Arts, Ag., etc.
1. L. Ahuja 3-8766
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Bloom Typewriter Exchange,
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