The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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Tuesdoy, April 22, 1952
Two-Party Politics
With the advent of spring elections, May 5,
several attempts are being made by members of
the All-University party, the Faction, "Seniors
With Guts," and other interested parties and per
sons to put some real life into voting for junior
and senior class officers and Student Council
These attempts consist of, for the Faction,
drawing up a slate of candidates to be backed
by the entire fraternity membership eligible to
vote and setting up a system of "checking off", to "Seniors With Guts," or otherwise, are interested
.To Be Or Not To Be
lamentable fact becomes more and more appar
ent with each campus election. All the innuen
does and smoke-filled rooms of national politics
find their place at the University, in exagger
ated form, because not one of the supposed
party holds publicized meetings, selects candi
dates on the basis of platforms, announces their
candidates or openly campaigns for the election
of their slate.
It is good that some persons, whether Faction,
make sure that all Greek men vote. For the
"Seniors With Guts" the process also has been
to draw up a slate composed of selections from the
persons that have filed and to begin a rather
ambiguous campaign, through a letter in The
Daily Nebraskan, to garner support from seniors,
out of the reaches of political pressure, for this
slate. This group of seniors contends that their
purpose Is to elect people actually deserving of
office in contrast to the reputed faction system
of "passing the offices around among the houses."
Their methods appear to be 'anti-Faction" rather
than constructive.
It Is heartening to see organizations and per
sons taking an interest In the election of can
didates to several of the most Important offices
of student government. However, one rather
in backing certain candidates. But it seems ri
diculous that such activities are carried on in
secrecy and without faculty or administrative ap
Whether Greek or Independent, whether from
Engineering college or Business Administrative,
whether male or female The Daily Nebraskan,
at this time, does not care. The Nebraskan's point
of interest in this coming election is that the
various interested groups make public their slates,
decide upon platforms and actively campaign for
their candidates.
A two-party system possibly would affect the
caliber of persons in student government and
perhaps add prestige and worth to junior and
senior class offices and Student Council mem
bership. R.R.
rag krueger WE CAN FIND OUT. . .office seekers
Sin And Green Grass
. . . Campus Beat
(Editor's Not! Followtnr to s uet editorial by Ir. Nathan nr1 tha, erlitnrc Viavo rmnlifiivJ fnr thn .Tnnrnalistip
Blumberf. The Dally Nebraskan from time to time this train- n
ter has asked various faculty members to contribute to the Valhalla (junior division, at least) by their Will-
What Am
I Doing
Bob Reichenbach-
Flood Proves Americans Will Work
As A Unit When Enemy Attacks
- Tom Rsche
The recent Missouri river flood
crisis proved something that
Amortona arA
Just to get on the band-too often prone ,,
5 -xrV
Assistant Professor of Journalism
"D'ye know I'd like to be an iditor,' said Mr.
"It must be a hard job," said Mil. Hennessy. "Ye spicuous this year on the Nebraska campus,
have to know so much."
wTis a hard job," said Mr: Dooley. "But 'tis a
fascinatln wan . .
"I shud thing the wurruk wud kill thim," said
Mr. Hennessy, sadly.
"It does," said Mr. Dooley. "Many gr-reat iditors
is dead."
Finley Peter Dunne
Somewhere up in the Journalistic Valhalla,
where there are neither deadlines nor deadbeats,
no publicists or politicians, and certainly never
typographical error, there should be a place'
reserved for all the editors of newspapers who
actually said something significant while here on
Unfortunately, their number would not be large,
especially when compared to the mass of editors
ingness to take forthright editorial stands on is
sues of concern and importance to University
students. The Daily Nebraskan, it safely can be
said, deserves some measure of credit for the po
litical consciousness which has become more con-
Take, for instance, the issue of "McCarthyism."
Now, there is an element in the American press
and in the American population which would
like to assure us that there realty is no such
thing, that opponents of the junior senator from
Wisconsin are somewhat hysterical, or misguided,
or seeing Fascists under the bed, or are pinko,
fellow travelers, "liberals" (it has become fash
ionable among the more cynical to put this word
in quotation marks). There are newspapers and
magazines which either fail to recognize that
McCarthyism exists or contend that if it does,
it is good, clean, honest sport with a good end
but some untidy overtones.
These people don't want us to think about Mc
Carthy. More important, many of these people
who regularly produce sheets of paper covered hope they will obtain some of the benefits which
with ink once a day, or once a week, or once a
month. There are editors and there are editors.
.Some recognize the function of
public service inherent in the
establishment of a press in a free
society; others regard their chat
tel as nothing more than a busi
ness enterprise which, if it pays
off handsomely, is a journalistic
Thus we find the editor
who stands four-square
nroinct Yinlae in tfca riirrtwav.
. . Courtesy Lincoln Star
who Is unalterably opposed to i)r. Blumberg
sin, who crusades vigorously for green grass in
the public parks, and who is willing to stand
np and be counted on the issue of pure milk.
This type usually is also a practitioneer of
"Afghanis tanism" an editorial device by which
the writer gives hell to the prime minister of
some foreign country, preferably Afghanistan,
but never says a word about the City Council.
accrue, temporarily, to advocates of irresponsibil
ity in public life. Students should take time to ex
amine the man's record, check his charges against
the results, balance his techniques against the tra
ditional democratic processes constructed labori
ously over the years since America was born.
The Daily Nebraskan, to Its credit, has at
tempted some analysis of McCarthy, of McCar
thyism, and of the atmosphere and practices which
it breeds.
There are other fields which might well oc
cupy the thoughts of University students, such as
the principle of a liberal arts education versus
specialized training. There has been enough con
fusion on this subject to confound even the in
doctrinated, and as a result we have students
who enroll in the University to learn tools of
some trade, believing that learning how to make
a living comes before learning how to live, or
who believe that if one wants to teach, one
should go to a teachers college.
The list is long, the space limited. It is enough
to suggest that the editors of The Daily Nebras
wagon, this reporter will
climb out on the limb with
all the rest of the so-called
writers and predict various
and sundry outcomes of the
present season.
The New York Yankees will
make it four in a row and cop
the American League flag.
The Trolley
Dodgers from
Brooklyn will
win the Senior
Circuit bunt
ing. The World
Series will go
six games and
will see the
Yanks taking
all, four games
to two, nat-uarlly.
As for in-
vidiwal per- Reichenbach
formances . . . Gus Zernial will
repeat as the American League
home run leader and Ralph
Klner will repeat in the Na
tional. George Kell and Stan
Mustal will win the batting
crown in the American and Na
crown in the American and Na
tional respectively.
Orestes Minoso will win the
RBI title in the American and
Gil Hodges will do likewise in
the National. Most valuable Player
of the Year will be Phil Rizzuto
in the Junior Circuit and Gil
Hodges in the National.
Ed Lopat will have' the best
ERA in the American and Sal
"The Barber" Maglie will hand
cuff the batters in the National.
Rookie of the Year will be
Andy Carey in the American
League and Wilmer "Vinegar
Bend" x Mizell in the National
National League. Gil Hodges will
also be the goat of the World
Series, dropping a good peg from
"Pee Wee Reese with two out in
the last of the ninth, the score
tied, and a man on third. This
laux pas will allow Gil Mc-
Douglad to score from third, giv
ing the Yanks the fourth and
final game of the Series by a score
or 5-4.
to. forget Am
e r i c a n s may
fight among
themselves, but
when another
enemy attacks,
they will work
Workers and
leaders alike
were lavish in
their praise of
the work and
What was accomplished there in often i mistake .the division f opin
only a few days would ordinarily ion for weakness. But they are
Kavo taUfn months or years
The response was amazing.
People rom all walks of life, all
parts of the region went to
Omaha to aid in the battle
against the flood. It proved
again the basic solidarity of Am-
At on
The country is like many fami
lies. The family may tear each
other apart at home, but woe to
be to anyone who criticizes any
member of the group.
Amprirnns rjroved their solidar
of itv on Dec. 7, 1941. Quarreis were
thousands of people in stemming 1 forgotten, and Repuoiicans aim
the onslaught of the muddy waters Democrats joined together m a
at Omaha and Council Bluffs. common effort. Foreign potentates
'Round The Campus1
Pinnings, Parties
. Highlight Society
mmmsmmm mmium iwiimwNww
Although the School of Journalism at the Unl
versity has no control whatsoever over The Daily kan have resisted the temptation to plead for
Nebraskan, which is an independent newspaper, "school spirit" at football games, and have done
members of the faculty naturally follow with great something for causes other than queens crowned
interest the extra-curricular activities of their stu- by will of the Greeks. If the student newspaper is
dents. The vigorous, aggressive news and edi- interested in national and international affairs,
torial policies of the student newspaper this year perhaps more students will follow the same course.
have been a source of satisfaction and pride to It has been demonstrated that students who profit
the faculty not only in the School of Journalism most from their degree at the end of four years
but among some colleagues in the College of Arts are those who asked, the earlier the better after
and Sciences and The Daily Nebraskan has arriving at the University: "What am I doing
emerged as something more than a "Rag." Makeup here?" Ask it seriously, repeatedly, doggedly.
and news presentation have improved remarkably, until an answer is there.
Smoking In Classes
. . . Not Generally Approved
also has no smoking signs posted.
So long as the status which the University fol
lows in regard to classroom "smoking continues
without serious consequence, this appears to be
the wisest course to follow. Some schools are ex
tremely strict in prohibiting smoking, or pretend
ing to prohibit it. University smokers should be
thankful that there is no iron clad blanket ruling
on classroom smoking. J.K.
That students generally disapprove of smok
ing in the classroom about two to one was the
conclusion drawn from a recent Associated Col
legiate Press poll in which the University par
ticipated. Freshmen and women evidently dis
approve the most.
When students across the nation were asked:
In general, do yon approve" of disapprove of
students smoking during classroom session? 29
per cent approved while 58 disapproved. Men
opposed It to the tune of 51 per cent while
65 per cent of the women opposed It
As a student spends more time in college, the
trend toward approval .increases. For example,
only 25 per cent of the freshmen polled approved,
while 42 per tent of graduates did. Other fig
ures were: sophomores, 28 per cent; juniors, 21
per cent; seniors, 34 per cent.
The University has no rigid policy or ruling
n the matter, according to Charles Fowler, di
rector of the division of buildings and grounds.
The decision is left mainly to chairmen of de
partments and instructors. However, there are
torn hazardous areas, where no smoking rules
are galte strongly enforced. Temple building
Margin Notes
JhsL (Daily Vls&AadJkcuL
Associated Collegiate Przae
Intercollegiate Press
Tb Daffy Nebraska W published by the stsaents of the
Cnhrerslty of Nebraska as exp-easloa of students' mmwt and opin
ions nil. According to Article II of the By-Laws (overning
student publications and administers by tb Beard ft Pabllea-
Uons, -it is :ne declared poller of ttm Board was. r abneatlaas.
ander Its Jurisdiction shall bo frao from editorial eensnrsniD aa
tha part of the Hoard, or oa the part of any member of tha
faculty 01 too university, bat too members of too staff of The
Dally Nebraskan are personally MspeaslMe for what they say or
do or cause to bo printed." .
gnbseriptloa rate are S3.M a semester, ft.M mailed or fl.aa
for tbo collets year. (4.00 smiled, ainsle copy Sc. FaMlsbad
dally d urine the school year except 8atrdaye and Sundays,
vacations and examination periods. One awas pabllsbed during;
the month of Aatnet by the lnlreratty of Nebraska ander the
supervision of the commutes on Modern) Publications. Entered
as ecoo Claw Matter at the Post Office m Uneoia, Nebraska,
ander Act of Vprnrress, March 3, 18 tv, and at special rate of
5V?!? Pr.ld lor ta Section "3. Act of Coagress of October
nuwiun Beviexooer . uzz.
Congratulations of the highest order go to the
43 University students selected for Phi Beta Kappa,
or Sigma Xi membership (or both) Friday evening.
with athletics, activities and social doings.
Daily Thought
Assoc! a to Editor. .
Manaslnc Ed I tori.
.News Editors
Bath Raymond
uoa neper, Hue oortoa
Bally Adams, Ken Rystrum, Jaa Steffea,
oaf nniewoaica. aaiiv Hall
Sports Editor. ... Marshall Kashner
shkw noons oaiior.. ........................ .Glean Nelsoa
FMtlfPM V.llltas. ...... n . ,
Tf 4a rrattfVtne tn nnta that academic honor finds Ar Editor
4-9 eM J, A. fc fjOClBty EtUtsSaf ww m w "r
its place among the typical college life crammed rt-towhar.::::":"
.. Monira zsjices, Bars Stephentrn,
i t , aca asters, diii nundell, Nsdlns Meiiarty,
Bob rinkerton. rat Ball. Shirley Murphy, Greta Grslr
uarume reeiesek, Terry Barnes, Louis Schccn, Bob
Decker, Natalie Kstt, Eea Gibson, Gerry Fellmsn, Ed
Berg, Check Beam. Mary Jans McCsUongh, Jerry Kebert-
It i3 useless to attempt to reason a man
out of a thing he has never reasoned into. -
A mis taut Business alanagers.
Cteenla(los) Manas or.
jilgbt Mows Editor...
,,,...,. .Jack Cohen
. .Stan Slppto,' Arnold Stera,
Pete Bcmtea
Goers WUeos
SaUy AdVar
For full Information contact roar nearest
Got some more news
some of the weekend house parties
and formals.
First on the list is the Fiji Is
lander party which, as usual,
turned out to be a terriffic sue
cess. I've got some more Phi Gams
and their dates to the affair. They
are: Ken Osborne and Joyce Fin
ney; George Hancock with Sally
Murphy; Bill Holmquist and
Jeanne Smith: Bill Nelson and
Charlotte Trudenabe; Dave Min
ard with Pat Gilbreath: Dan Wol
kensdorfer and Joyce Hays; Jack
Shull and June Hartzeu.
More news also on the Pi
Phi's and their formal which
was held Friday evening in the
Terrace room of the Lincoln
hotel. Some more dates to the
dance were: Cathy Corp and
Sandy Crawford; Janet Rogers
and Larry Poppy; Shirley Ly
singer and Larry Eatherton;
Jane Jordan and Dick Axtell;
Susie Tewell with Jerry Fen
ton; Muriel Pickett and Jim
Tracy; Barb Shields and Bill
Farmer; Barb Colwell and Jim
Plihall; Marilyn Bourckk with
Larry Dunning; Barbara Hof
with Joe Gordon; Maryanne
Harris and Fred Moshier; Lor
raine Johannes and Bob Toole y.
Pinnings are really the news of
the day today! Delta Gamma Barb
"Putt" Gilmore is now wearing
the pin of Sig Alph Warren Ras-mussen.
Congratulations are also in or
der for Pi Phi Sonna Holmes who
announced her pinning to Phi
Gam Ed McCoy last night.
Surprised and happy Thetas
Connie Gordon
about, were showered with two canay
passings last night. Sue Porter an
nounced her ninninc to Howie
nonnis fnrnier DU at the Uni
versity. Wibby Gass also passed
candy to announce her pinning to
Jim McGeachin, a Phi uam.
Slg Delt Rita Krantz an
nounced her pinning to OU Phi
Ep Harold Novak at an after
hour spread Saturday evening.
Add Peg Dlestel's name to
the list of diamond-wearing
girls around campus. Peg passed
candy at the Gamma Phi house
last night to announce her en
gagement to Glen Reeder.
The vast majority of Amer
icans are Americans first, and
Republicans and Democrats sec
ond. Or they are Americana
first, and of German descent or
Irish descent second.
There are always chiselers and
profiteers. Even during the floods,
a few sought to take advantage of
the situation by looting. Most of
them ended up in jail.
Tha vast maioritv of Amer
icans are clean, hones and decent,
regardless of the hullabaloo
created when some .oted person
is caught doing wro' i.
tv,o moWUv nt Americans will
rise to the occasion when the need
Flood Or KK?
To The Editor:
niiHn? the Dast fiw days, I
have noticed that The Daily Ne
braskan has devoted a consider
able amount of its nevs columns
to reports of student activities in
the flooded areas 01 umana. inese
stories and pictures have been of
considerable interest to me since
such efforts seem commendable
from all points of view. I particu
larly feel I must commend The
Daily Nebraskan's activities in
connection with the flood since
these occasional student moves re
flecting charity and nobility ap
peal to the intelligence of a few.
However, I would like to re
late an Incident in connection
with The Nebraskan's flood
coverage which took place last
Friday. I overheard a conver
sation between two persons,
whom, I presume, are known as
Big Men On Campus.
One of the men was obviously
a member of Kosmet Klub be
cause he was railing against The
Daily Nebraskan for not devoting
more space to Kosmet Klub news.
Editorial policy on The Nebras
kan seems to lean more heavily
in favor of flood coverage instead
of Kosmet Klub publicity about
their sDrine show. This champion
TUESDAY of the riehts of an activity as op-
Y. W. Battle for Ballots com-posed to humanitarian work:, leit
mission, Ellen Smith dining room,
4 p.m., leader, Syvia Krasne.
Sig Delt Charney Taub has her
doubts about the Navy depart
ment. She received a letter from
them asking her if she would like
to be a Naval cadet flyer. Char
ney could have joined except she
didn't meet one of their qualifi
cations: she wasn't a male! How
about the WAVES then?
The Nebraskan's space devoted to
the flood was rather ridiculous in
Rri Cross Wood board meetinslthe face of the impending KK
in Red Cross office in Union at snow,
On The Air
3:00 "Interlude"
3:15 "Trip to the Stars"
3:30 "Round Up Time"
3:45 Guest Star"
4:00 "Shake Hands with
4:15- "Final Sports Ed"
4:30 "Road to Rhythm"
5:00 Sign Off
4 -p.m.
YW Current World Problems
commission, Ellen Smith south
east Room, 4 p.m. Nancy Dark,
Convocation 10 a.m., Coliseum,
Sen. Wayne Morse, speaker.
Election for Goddess of Ag
riculture in Ag Union from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
YW Comparative ' Religions
group, 5 p.m., Ellen Smith south
east room, leader, Bobbie Dunn.
Corn Cobs, 316 Union, 5 p.m.
Attendance is required for new
YW Jobs and Futures commis
sion, 5 p.m., Ellen Smith dining
room, Mary Ann Pasek, leader.
Provo Corp, cadet lounge, 7:30
p.m. No uniforms required.
Sophomores welcome.
Red Guidon, Motor Truck lab,
7:30 p.m. Election of officers.
Panel on world affairs, 7:30
p.m., Ellen Smith hall. Ginny
Cooper, moderator.
For such an attitude, I would
like to register my resentment
against the typical, stupid col
legiate attitude that would feel
the activities of Kosmet Klub,
however worthwhile, should
take precedence over student
work in an area devastated by
the waters of a flooding river.
The Daily Nebraskan's decision
to devote more space to the flood
work than to Kosmet Klub ac
tivities is commendable and jus
tified, in my mind. The other at
titude is disgusting and inexcus
able. Name Withheld By Request)
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