The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1952, Image 1
the College Days Applications for positions on College Days governing board must be placed In the College Days box in the Union base ment before 5 p.jn. Tuesday. College Days governing board will meet Thursday at 3 p.m., Room 315, Union. Thompson Dinner Organizations wishing to par ticipate in the dinner honoring Dr. T. J. Thompson, dean of student affairs, are to check at the main office of the Union immediately, Anita Lawson has announced. -Voice of 6000 Cornhuikert- VOL, 51 No. 128 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 22, 1952 lecf Discysses del Ag students will go to the polls Tuesday to elect the 1952 Goddess of Agriculture. Voting will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Ag Union. The Goddess of Agriculture will be chosen from 30 Ag college senior women. She will be presented Friday night at the Cotton and Denim dance, aloflg with the Farmers Fair Whisker King. Candidates for Goddess of Agriculture are: Patricia Achen, Alice Anderson. Marv Ellen Anderson. Marv Jane Barnell. Nita Bel linger, Mary Ann Buck, Dorothy Cappell, Luella Cooney, Joan Engelkemier, Eleanor iuncKson, jjoiores jiiSiermann, uarice Jttaia, Mary Ann Grundman, Jean Hargleroad. Myrna Westgate Hildenbrand, Ruth Hoffmeister, Donna Hyland, Betty Kelso, Lois Larson, Annette Luebbers, Carrie Pederson Meston. S h i r 1 e v Miles. Lavonda Murdoch. Darlene Podlesak, Rita Renard, Bernadine Robb, Joan Raun, Joan Sharp, Jo Ann Skucius ana jane wenaonr. To r?1 irn ifOiryinm 5 it Views University students will have an opportunity to meet and quiz candidates for class officers ana Student Council representatives at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 30, according to Don Noble, member of the Student Council elections committee. Meeting place will be announced later. All candidates whose names are entered in the May 5 elec tion are requested to attend the forum to answer any ques tions concerning their attitudes toward campus problems. The meeting will be open to the pub lie. Pictures of candidates will be posted in the Union and Ag Union in the near future. Candidates for senior officers are: President Ronald Raitt, John Lowe and Donald Pieper. Vice presi dent Don W e n k elmann and Frank Ma jor. Secretary Irving T h o d e, Sally Adams and Barbara Young. Treasur e r class Savage, G. David Alkire and John Wirsig. Teachers Joy Wachal, Nancy Whitmore, Jane Calhound, Bsrnita Rosenquist, Dick Newell, Diane Hinman. Richard Shubert. Ron ald Smith, Phyllis Armstrong, Carol Patterson, Donna Folmer, Sue Brownlee and Sharon Cook. Law Edward Perry Howard Tracy and Charles Lawson. Representatives to be elected include agriculture two (one woman and one man), arts and sciences three (at least one woman and at least one man), business administration two, engineering two, law one, eachers three (at least one woman and at least one man). Pharmacy and dentistry col leges, assigned one representative for the two colleges by the new constitution, failed to enter a suf f icent number of candidates. How ever, an amendment to the con stitution, granting each college a representative, will be voted on at the May 5 election. Goddess of Agriculture can didates are all senior women with 5.5 averages. Presentation of the Goddess of Agriculture and Whisker King will be at intermission of the dance by the Home Kc club, with Jo Meyer in charge. Bobby Mills and his orches tra will furnish music for danc ing from 9 to 12 p.m., in the College Activities building. The Farmers Fair Whisker King will be chosen Thursday night, with Mortar Boards as judges. The beards will be judged on length, uniqueness and best all-round growth. Judging will be at 7 p.m. in the Ag Union. Students attending the dance are to wear the tradi tional cotton and denim. - Ag students are to wear cotton and denim the full week be fore Farmers Fair. Thursday and Friday have been de clared as jeans days, and girls may wear jeans to classes if they like. Frank Sibert, fair board man ager, announced that classes will be dismissed Saturday for Farmers Fair. He also said that students working on committees in preparation for the various fair activities will- be dismissed from classes Friday and will be excused by the administration. Debaters To Speak To Norfolk PTA Five University debaters will discuss the place of youth in a future defense program in a panel discussion Tuesday evening before the Norfolk Parent-Teachers as sociation. Each of the four participants, Doris Carlson, Charles Gomon, Charles Rossow and Joan Krue ger, will present their views at the opening of the panel, and then open the discussion to questions from the audience. Dale Johnson will serve as chairman. Accompanying the group will be Donald Olson, director of debate, who will introduce the panel members. . , The moral character of our government accurately reflects the current moral charac ter of American citizens, Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon said Tuesday morning before the 24th annual Honors Convocation at the University. "I think the first step necessary for the improvement of ethical standards in govern ment is to improve ethical standards of the grassroots of America," Senator Morse said. "It is not only true, as Jefferson said, that democracy can be no stronger than the enlightenment of its people, but it is also true that the ethical standards of the officials and employees of a democracy will not rise above the ethical standards of its people." Six-hundred-eight University Week To Bircihrodiyce BioQinieeir vyirncuiiunrB Noble Mass Meeting Of AUF Planned For Wednesday Jack Warren and Arnold Stem Candidates for junior class of ficers are: President Rockford Yapp and James Weber. Vice" president Bob Hasebroock and Georgia Hulac. Secretary J. Benedict and Bev erly Jackson. Treasurer Allan Garfinkle and Jim Matson. Student Council candidates are: Business Administration Dick Huebner, Harriet Wenke, Bennett Martin and Stan Sipple. Arts and Sciences -J. Benedict, Bob Hasebroock, Jean Davis, Joyce Johnson, Sally Hall, Ken net Rystrom, Charles Kiffin, Shir ley Hamilton and Lyle Dennis ton. Agriculture Dale Reynolds, Charles Beam, Terry Barnes, Bar bara Raun, Lura Ann Harden and Dixie Borgaard. Engineering Robert Young, Bob Peterson, Mac Bailey, Gary Jones. John Rasmusson, John All University Fund will hold a student mass meeting Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Room 313, Union. According to President Joan Hanson, the purpose of the meet ing is to enlist students who are interested in helping with the un organized student solicitation dur ing the AUF fund drive next fall. This meeting will help acquaint students with the purposes and cess of the coming fall drive A movie entitled "Hungry Minds" will be shown. The movie illustrates how aid given through various organizations helps re build refugees both mentally and physically. It also gives an idea of the ravaging effects war can have on a country. Rev. Rex Knowles, pastor of the Congregational Presbyterian stu goals of auk and will also give ?t . ' fallr nn. 11 UV.llb JLU,3V.p W lit O1 1 V H Uk VV11 them a preview of next fund drive. Adele Coryell, head of AUF unorganized student solicitation will give the welcome talk. Miss Hanson will explain something of the purpose and aims of the organization. She will also ex plain the importance of unor ganized solicitation to the suc- cerning the work of AUF. Students will be given the op portunity to sign for work in AUF next fall. All students are invited to at tend this mass meeting, whether or not they have previously par ticipated hi the activities of All University Fund. JR.-SR. PROM (paJVwL Judges To Interview Royalty Candidates By CHARLES KLASEK Staff Writer A modest girl never pursues a man. Nor does a mousetrap ever pursue a mouse. It looks as though we might have a little relief from the April show ers today. It will be partly cloudy and clear with the tempera ture reaching a high of 57 degrees. I . .. "m' Fair Twelve finalists for Prom King and Queen will be selected at in terviews Tuesday night Six men and six women will be chosen by impartial judges to be presented at the Junior-Senior prom May o Candidates chosen by organized houses will be interviewed at 7 p.m. in the Union faculty lounge and music room. Finalists for Prom Queen will be chosen by Ollie Maggee, James Swanson, Charles Simon, Rev. Rex Knowles and Dean Frank Hallgren. Mary 'Augustine. Mrs. Hedy Neumann, Marjorie Mengshol, Peggy Pray and Mrs. Fern Hub bard Orme will select the men as final candidates for Prom King. Candidates and the houses they represent (those submitted before Tuesday) are: 'Power Of Press' Admits M Coed To Flood Ureas By SALLY HALL News Editor "It's a man's world" versus the power of the press. This was the conflict I ran into in the com pletely militarized emergency areas of Omaha Sunday. At that time, national guard and fifth army personnel were under orders not to allow women into any restricted areas. I was working as photographer and general assistant to Richard Thompson, Information writer photographer in the U.S. State Department We rather naively thought that his pass and a let ter from the commanding gen eral requesting that every cour tesy be shown to him and his party would be enough to get us past guards, iver can argue with a regular army sergeant with an order to carry out So we had to get an official pass declaring that I was a State Department employee and could travel in any Omaha area at any time.' This produced results although guards were obviously unhappy about letting me through. Once past the guards we discovered that the tension so characteristic of the past few days had almost disappeared. The only activity was watching levees and the receding flood waters. Small fires burned along the dikes, marking points where signal corps men manned tele phones. Barges loaded with crushed rock moved slowly along the Missouri while Salva tion Army workers kept us sup plied with chocolate bars, cold hot dogs and black coffee. In East Omaha, we found that; i . ii skeptical of the pass and we weren't troubled until the Douglas county sheriff questioned me at Jackie Sorenson, Sigma Phi Ep silon; Trishie Mayer, Phi Kappa Psi; Mildred Yeakley, Phi Gamma Delta; Cecilia Pinkerton, .Alpha Gamma Rho; Imogene Vickers, Theta Chi: Jean Loudon, Delta Tau Delta. Dorothy Cappell, Acacia; Ruth ann Lavine, Sigma Alpha Mu; Marilyn Bamesberger, Alpha Tau Omega; Lynn Albers. Theta Xi. Pat O'Brien, Beta Sigma Psi Nancy Lindell, Brown Palace; Rex Coffman, Amikita. Foster Woodruff. Delta Gamma; Gene Robinson, Love Memorial hall; Al Blessing, Chi Omega; Cy Johnson, Gamma Phi Beta; Carl Brasee, Alpha Phi. Bruce Hendrickson, Alpha Chi Omega; Dan Tolman, Terrace hail; Jack Cohen, Sigma Delta Tau; Chick Battey, Alpha Xi Delta. A 100-point rating scale will be used in 'judging candidates. Ratings will be: personality 30, appearance 25, poise 20r in terest in campus affairs 15, house and campus activities 10. Finalists for Prom King and Queen will be announced in Thursday's Daily Nebraskan. Prom King and Queen will be selected by those attending the dance. Finalists will be presented and the royalty selected through the use of an electric applause meter. By BOB PINKERTON Staff Writer "Engineers Molders of Man's Environment." This motto expresses the object of this year's Engineers' Week which begins Thursday and lasts through Saturday. E-Week is designed to introduce visitors to the curriculum of the cojlege through displays, demon strations, movies and tours of every department. Emphasis is placed upon the educational op portunities that are offered. This year's speaker is John M. Clema, electrical, '30, whose topic is "The Engineer Before and After Graduation." Clema will speak at the an nual convocation on Friday at 11 a.m. at the Stuart theater. Clema was formerly managing editor and editor-in-chief of the Blue print; chairman of E-Week in 1930; chairman of the Engineer ing Publications board; and Engi neering Executive Board, Open house will be held Thursday from 2 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. The public is in vited. Starting point of the tour is Architectural hall, where programs will be distributed. Exhibits introduced in the tour are based on principles which, have a practical application in technical society. I n v i t a t ions were sent to 600 high schools urging them to Krogh, Chismar To Supervise E-Week Plans This year's co-chairmen for E Week committee are John Krogh, civil engineer, and 'Paul Chis mar, mecnanicai engineer. - i Krogh has worked on E-Week projects in previous years and Chismar was chairman of the foundry for E-Week last year. The previous year he worked on the machine shop project. Krogh was chairman of the attend the open house. This mechanisms, used partly in oosi- year's high school visitors will be tioning large machines such as navai guns irom a central station with a minimum of effort and er ror, will be shown. among more than 10,00 people ex pected to attend E-Week. Some of the things they will see are: In the architectural department, displays will include furniture de sign, renderings of interiors and community planning. Among the electrical engineers partment, displays is a model of a technique The mechanical engineers will of communication transmission, show a jet engine in its second microwave. One of its applica- year of development at the Uni Hons in modern science is inter- versity, along with many other diF nys on power machinery, weiding, and others. Civil engineers have planned displays of structures as well as civil defense, soils laboratory, transits and equipment a rayon plant will be among me displays in the chemical do continental transmission of televi sion. Another disulay of servo lmy0mmA pill iliplIlIIIK... will t, 'Al3 r . s x v t t VV .n I If JOHN M. CLEMA Willey Wins Outstanding Senior Title Outstanding senior member of Alpha Lambda Delta, honorary second prize winner in a windowscholasti: fraternity for freshmen display last year. He is a member women, is windia winey. of the Engineering Executive At the organization's initiation board, Sigma Tau, American So- ceremonies which were held Sun ciety of Civil Engineers and is 'day at Ellen Smith hall, Miss Wil circulation manager of the Ne-ley's selection was announced. braska Blue Print. Senior members who have Chismar is cast nresident of maintained a weighted 7.5 aver ASCE and is a member of Pi Muge through college were pre Epsilon, Pi Tau Sigma. Sigma Tau. Rented certificates. Ihey are: and is on the Engineering Execu-jNancy Benjamin, Joanne Engel- tive board. He formerly attended ikemier, Lois iredenck, Annette Virginia Polytechinic Institute and: Luebbers, Barbara Mann, Maria George Washington university. He Marx, Marilyn Moomey, Patricia will be graduated in June. iMoore, Jessie Murray, Mary Sid- Krogh will be graduated in ner, Ruth Sorenson, and Miriam January, 1953. Willey. The engineering mechanics de partment will feature a gyroscopic automobile balanced on a single track. The military engineers will have on display model bridges, amphibious work, mines and mine detectors and artillery. Models of farmsteads, irriga tion, R.E.A. and farm machinery will be shown by the agricultural department Engineering Students Begin E-Ribbon Sales E-Ribbons went on sale Monday and will be sold until Wednesday. Almost all engineering students are selling the ribbons for 15 cents each to help defray the expenses of Engineers' Week. Eight departments of the School of Engineering compete for the E Week plaque by trying to sell the most ribbons. The eight depart ments in the school are: Civil, electrical, agriculture, mechanical, architectural, chemical, military and engineering mechanics. Engineers Week will begin Thursday and last until Saturday. Open house is Thursday from 2 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. students were honored for ex cellence in scholarship. Sixty eight seniors possessing superior scholarship were individually honored on the stage- of the Coliseum. Winner of the C. W. Boucher memorial senior award was Warren Rasmussen. The award is given to the senior possessing the highest four-year grade av erage in the University. C. W. Boucher memorial sen ior athletic award, given to the senior participating in varsity athletics with the highest four year grade average provided it exceeds 84 per cent, went to Joe N. Gifford, while the C. W. Boucher senior ROTC award, given under the same conditions, went to Lyle D. Altman. The awards were established by Dr. C. W. Boucher, former Univers ity Chancellor. Senator Morse said that if our citizenry is "to be enlightened on the great issues that confront our country in this dark hour of crisis, then each individual in our citizenry must do more in dividual thinking about the problems which confront us." One of the sad facts which I see on the American scene today," Senator Morse said, "is that millions of our people have stopped thinking for themselves. Their taste for facts is being destroyed by the spices and relish that is being used to cover up the tainted, spoiled, insidious pro paganda that is being fed to the American people these days. The result is that the American people are starving for the want of a diet of high political ethics." Senator Morse described five major areas in which the dis crepancy between the kind of morals and character we have in government, and the kind we would like to have, come into sharp focus. 1. Our government is a repre sentative, republican form of government not a democracy, Senator Morse explained. This system provides that the repre sentatives of a free people in the Congress or in a legislature must act on the basis of facts to keep faith with the truth and to stand up against a temporary wave of public opinion char acterized by an emotional re action to propaganda misrepre- Continued on Page 4 TWENTY-THREE SINGERS Foreign Students To Lead Discussion A panel discussion by three for- Zi taS h leip itudenti will be featured great length. He finally decided to T d t j t A YM-YW good picture possibilities where a . , . , national guar unit with several The students are Justus Damm, amphibious ducks were occupying Germany; Wiebe Kroontjie, Hol a filling station. land: and Henry Peidruck, Ger- The guardsmen were just ready many. They will discuss educa to go out on the river so I joined tlon church and their country as them and became probably- the a whole, compared to America, only girl to drive an army duck The meeting will be at 7:40 p.m. on the Missouri during flood time, in the Home Ec parlors. P.M. Headlines By CHARLES GOMON Staff News Writer Missouri River Threatens Kansas THE MIGHTY MO The record high Missouri continued to wind its destructive way southward over millions of acres of the nation's richest farming valley. Residents of East Omaha, absent from their homes for a week, prepared to move back into the area on Wednesday. Public utility crews worked Tuesday to get power, elec- U.S. May Free Installment Buying WASHINGTON Rumors the country is new tnicK in Washington to the effect that government controls on installment buying may soon be relaxed or elim inated. According to one version the mobilization agency feels tricity and water on a normal basis. To the south, soldiers and airmen at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas battled to save Sher man air force base from the rampaging waters of the Mis souri. About 1600 men sand baged feverishly to keep the muddy stream from ruining the facilities at the multi-million dollar base. on a sound enough financial basis at this time to permit more buying on credit. If the expected ruling is handed down citizens will be able to buy refrigerators, cars and television sets under much more liberal terms. CCC.Corn Devoured DES MOINES, la. An un disclosed state official in Iowa managed to find some humor in all the pessimistic flood news. It seems catfish, ducks and geese are gorging themselves on corn from burst govern ment granaries. The flood wrecked many storage areas Four Killed By Racing Car DAYTON, Ohio A racing car went out of control on the Dayton Speedway and roared into the grandstand. Four per sons were killed, including the driver, and 50 more were in jured. Eyewitnesses said the driver Gordon Reid, of Burbank, TV To Show A-Borrw Test YUCA FLATS, Nev, Tele vision audiences throughout the U. S. will be witness to the next atomic blast at the Yuca ' Flats, Nev., proving ground. where the Commodity Credit Corporation was holding corn bought under the price-support program. According to the official the corporation should send a bill for this corn loss to the Fish and Wildlife Service, which theoretically would be respon sible for the damage. Calif., apparently misjudged his speed on a turn just before his vehicle left the track. The car went into a spin at high speed, struck a drum of paint near the side of the speedway, and rocketed over the heads of some spectators into the crowded stands. If all circuits work, a com plicated system of relays will send the image of an A-bomb detonation larger than either of thosa witnessed at Hiro shim or Nagasaki to thousands of viewers. Madrigal Sing Set For Friday Evening The University Madrigal Sing ers, under the direction of Dr. David Foltz, will present their an nual spring concert at 8 p.m. Fri day in the Union ballroom. The 23-voice organization, formed by Dr. Foltz four years ago, has grown into one of the finest American collegiate chor al groups. The Madrigals have been selected twice by The Co lumbia Broadcasting System to sing a nationwide Christmas program. The Madrigal Singers are: John Moran, Jerry Colling, Dan Vaughn tock; "Six Rasdal, Earl Jenkins. Jaenike, tenors; Marjorie Danly, Nancy Button, Janice Fullcrton, Janice Wagner, Virginia Cum mings, altos; Peggy Bayer, Nancy Norman, Joanne Smith, Gwen Grosshans, Patricia Laflin, Gladys Novotny, Rosemary Castner, sopranos. Milford Myhre, Robert Van Voorhris, Robert Brown, baritones; Warren Rasmussen, Jack Ander son, Jack Wells, basses. Included in the program are a group of true madrigals, dating back to the sixteenth and seven teenth centuries. The complete program is: "My Bonnie Lass She Smileth," Mor ley; "O Softly Singing Lute," Pfl- kington; "Come Away, Death," Williams; "In These Delightful, Pleasant Groves," Purcell; "Charm Me Asleep," Leslie; "The Blue Bird," Stanford; "O What A Lov ely Magic Hath Been Here," Ban- I Love My Love." Hoist: Chansons," Hindenmith "The Doe," "A Swan," "Since All is Passing," "Springtime," 'In Winter" and "Drchard." Admission to the concert Is by ticket only. Tickets are free and may be obtained at the Union Activities office. !(!( Stage Crew Workers Describe No-Date Problem By DICK RALSTON Feature Editor As opening night for Kosmet Klub's spring show, "Girl Crazy," araws near, DacK stage crews are making a final effort to have props, scenery and other produc tion necessities ready in time. I ine boys who can't take bows for their efforts are working ; night and day and have been i excused from Wednesday's I classes to work on the props, ; according to Marshall Kushner, construction crew worker. Kush ner said the workers' worst I problem is that they don't have any tune for dates. He cited the date problem as a cause of lowered; moral. Describing some of the diffi culties in making props, Kushner said they were almost finished painting a backdrop when they ran out of paint. He said they had to repaint the whole backdrop with another color. Another setback of the con struction crew concerned a plat form of which they were specially proud. The platform was to be used for the chorus to stand on. The first time it was used the platform collapsed from the weight of the chorus. This year's show is very col orful with a lot of good humor, reported Jerry Johnson, pro duction manager. "The show is well cast and there is a lot of good dancing," he said. Johnson said there are more scenes than in last year's show and the music is better known. Coeds in dancing roles are spending a fortune for soap, re ported MiKe lawlor. in charge of stage properties. Lawlor said the dancers have to do the "sDlits" in their dance and they pick up all the dirt on the floor on their legs. Lawlor said he ran Into trou ble locating props for the show. Finding enough revolvers and holsters was the big problem, he said. The backstage workers all a?ree that this year's show will be highly entertaining and very col orful. And, even though they won't be able to take a curtain call, they'll be there, working for a better show as hard as anvnn else.