The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 07, 1952, Image 1

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After Co!lege-What?
An editorial based on a mw
book, "They Went Te Collect,
appears on Page 2 today. It at
tempts to answer the question
every college student constantly
asks himself what do I get
out of four college years?
The book, now available at
book stores, Is crammed with
facta about the collere educa
tion. Daisy, Ivy Chains
Filing for participation In
the Daisy and Ivy Day chains
for unaffiliated girls are due
Friday, April 11. ,
Applications should be placed
in the Mortar Board box in the
Union and must include the
rirl's name, address, telephone
number and class in school.
-Voice of 6000 Cornhutkert-
VOL. 51 No. 121
Monday, April 7, 1952
Russian Delegates Walk-out
An assassination and three Russian walk-outs sparked the model UN confer
ence on charter amendments which was held Wednesday through Friday.
While a Soviet delegate was speaking, the committee on modification of the veto
was thrown into turmoil by a spectator who leaped to his feet shouting, "Down with
Red Russia!"
Before the delegates could utter another word, a second man arose from the
crowd and confronted the demonstrator with a pistol which was calmly leveled and
The shocked committee sat
stunned as three armed agents
then forced their way into the
chamber to retrieve the body.
While some covered the com
mittee room with suns, others
dragged the "bloody" victim
The display of gangsterism
was depored by the chief dele
gate from Denmark, because
some "blood' of the Heinz 57
variety was smeared on his
trouser cuff! The Danish dele
gate moved a vote censure
Bgainst the secretariat for its
negligence in protesting the del
egates. Secretary - General
Charles Gomon, Arts and Sci
ences sophomore, later assured
the conference that greater pre-
Cy Johnson
Elected New
IFC Head
Cyrus Johnson, junior in the
College of Law, was elected presi
dent of Inter-Fraternity Council
Thursday night.
He is also president of Sigma
Alpha Epsilon.
Other officials elected are:
Glenn Rosenquist, vice presi
dent, is a junior in arts and sci
ences. He is also a member of the
junior class council and treasury
of Phi Gamma Delta.
Secretary is Robert Hasebroock,
sophomore in arts and sciences. He
is a member of Pershing,
Kosmet Klub and Delta Tau Delta.
Arnold Stern, freshman in law
college, is treasurer. He is assist
ant business manager of The Daily
Nebraskan and a member of Zeta
Beta Tau, Kosmet Klub and Corn
Inter-Fraternity Council super
vises activities of all social fra
ternities at the University.
Chorus Rehearsal
Girl Crazy singing- chorus re
hearsal will be held at 7 p.m.
Monday in Room 21, Temple.
Is important that e,very mem
ber of the chorus attend.
University Students Win Art
Recognition In Mission Show
Two University students re-1 Thomas were also accepted
cenuy won recognition Dy naving
art work shown in the 22nd an- were an oil painting "Abstract
nual exhibition at the Springfield Number One" and a drawing m
ert museum, Springfield, Mo. I titled "Let the Mourners Come."
MAnu 0il pa.jnting "Composition Thomas "is a senior in the Col-
exhibit for Mary Hartman.
Miss Hartman is a junior in
Arts and Sciences college and is; Entries were submitted by pro-
an art major. jfessionals, instructors and stu-
two pieces suomiuea Dy Jonn
Schlesinger, Rogge Debate U.S.
'Collective Resistance7 Policy
Opposing views on who bene
fits by American foreign policy
were , taken inday morning by
Arthur M. bchlesmger, Jr., and
O. John Rogge, who debated that
question at this year's last all-
University convocation.
Schlesinger, Harvard histor
ian, contended that the Am
ericans do have a foreign policy
which he termed a policy of
"collective resistance to aggres
sion through creation of posi
tions of strength." This policy,
he said, benefits the United
.' States, since it is filling vac
' uums, open to Communism
through weaknesses, .with
This policy, according to Schles
inger, arose from a series of spec
ific crises following the war and
includes building economic
strength through UNRA, the
Marshall plan and Point 4; and
military strength through the
Truman doctrine, NATO and
He stated ' that "extraordinary
progress" has been made toward
European unity and that the U.S.
must remember that, particularly
in Asia, military might is no good
unless accompanied by economic
and Dolitical strength. Jtie con
cluded that our present policy is
"wise" and the "best calculated
to conserve world peace."
Rogge, New York attorney, on
the other hand, declared that if
the U.S. has a foreign policy at
all, it has not been made evi
dent. He calk for a positive
program in adction to Schles
inger's "peace through strength."
He declared his opposition to
German rearmament in any case
and to "making a deal with
Franco Spain" and said that
through lack of a positive pro
gram wc have reversed sides.
"We were first allies of Commu
nism against Fascism, now we
are allies of Fascism against
Communism." 1
caution would be taken in the
The charter amendments
conference was broken up into
two committees to study the
modification of the veto and
the powers of the General As
sembly. These committees ironed out
proposals advanced by Australia,
Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Rus
sia, South Africa, the United
States and a joint resolution
sponsored by Denmark, Iceland
and Saudi Arabia.
At the third plenary session
on Saturday morning the final
disposition was made of the
committee reports containing
proposed amendments.
No agreement was found on
any proposals to limit or abolish
the vote in the Security Coun
cil. However, under an amend
ment sponsored by Australia,
South Africa and the U.S., the
veto power of the big five would
be liminated in the amendment
process itself. At present these
five nations must ratify any
amendment before it may be
come effective.
A Czechoslovakian amendment
was adopted whjch gives the
General Assembly the power by
a two-thirds vote to decide
which delegation shall be seated
if two governments claim the
same seat in the UN.
Sweden offered a compro
mise resolution on the subject
of Red China. The Swedes
suggested that the Red Chi
nese be seated in the UN but
that China be eliminated from
the big five. The propposal
When two amendments by the
Soviet Union were shelved, the
Communists took a walk. The
reds also stalked out of the
committee sessions of Friday
and before that tthey had pulled
out of the first plenary session
Thursday afternoon.
The joint Arabian - Danish
Icelandic amendment, providing
that all countries by reason of
their existence should be mem
bers of tthe UN, was postponed
The NUCWA - sponsored
conference is modeled after
the UN in New York with stu
dent representatives attempt
exniDition. The winning pieces
icge vi ii us aim ociences major-
lnS in art,
aents tnrou.Tnout the country.
y , . "
Courtesy The Lincoln Scar
FOREIGN POLICY DEBATERS . . . O. John Rogge (1.). and
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., gave opposing views on "Who benefits
from American Foreign Policy United States or Russia?" at an
all-University convocation Friday. The convocation, sponsored
by the Union convocations committee, "was the list of four for
which classes were dismissed.
His positive program would in
clude the following points:
l World wide census of atomic
and all other armaments with in
spection by a "watch-dog" com
mittee of the United Nations,
2 Disarmament. ,
Hits UNI
ing to follow tthe policies of
their designated countries as
close as possible. Procedure at
the conference followed actu
ual UN procedure.
Pharmacy Students
. . . ...... .....,.......-....,....!.'...... m: v . 1 SS
NAMED TO RHO CHI . . . Nine University pharmacy studei.ts have been selected for member
ship in Rho Chi, national honorary pharmaceutical fraternity. Hornored for high scholarship and
professional aptitude are (1. to r.) James Langer. Eldon Shuey, James f t a n c i k Gale Demarii,
Thomas Whitcomb, James Justice, James Stephenson and Virgil Hatch. Not shown is Marvin Malone.
Seven Campus Groups Open Filings
For Board, Council Positions, Offices
Filings are open in at least seven
campus organizations this week.
Offices in several principal Uni
versity activities and the 'class
offices are yet to be filled.
Filings are open from Tues
day until April 25 for member
ship in Tassels, womens' pep
organization. AH Ag-at-large
and all unaffiliated at-large
women who wish to join Tassels
sould leave their names either
at the city campus Union activi
ties office or at the Ag Union
activities office.
Two nominations from each or
ganized house and residence hall
land all unafiliated women who
I apply are invited to a tea at the
Pi Beta Phi house. May 11
Sophomore standing or above
and a 5.5 average is required.
a ir r
Interviews will be held
Wednesday noon for applicants
for the position of faculty solici
tations chairman.
Applicants must have AUF ex-
perience, a 5 average or above
nnd be carrying at least 12 hours.
Filings close at noon Tuesday,
3 Use oi money saved by dis
armament for development of
under-developed areas. '
4 Stockpile of resources in
other countries by the United
States to be in effect, a return for
our aid oi the above point
it happened at nu...
Little things occasionally go
wrong in the best organized pro
ductions and plans. One of these
occurred during the Aquauettes
show Friday night
The first number in the show
was supposed to be a snappy,
military drill accompanied by a
lively march. "Anchors Aweigh"
was played for the production,
but the sound man was evidently
more interested in the show than
what he was doing.
The record was played at 33
rpm speed rather than conven
tional 78! The result was 12
coeds performing a snappy mili
tary drill in slow motion.
The best laid plans of mice
and men. . .1
Student Union
Eight Union board of managers
positions are open to aPPaton,
Charles Widmaier, board chair -
man, announced
Filings are due at 7 p.m. Tues
day in the Union activities of
fice. Candidates will register for
interviews with the present
board when they file. Interviews
will be held from 7 to 8 p.m.
Tuesday and from 7 to 9
Wednesday in the faculty lounge,
Board members will be elected
April 29 at a meeting of the entire
union uudia uj. ah.uhj., wutu.
and alumni members.
All students who have worked
one year in Union activities are
eligible to file.
Specific positions on the board
will be assigned to new mem-
Ka mab 4Viaim r&lAHnn
Application blanks are s available
Students seeking offices in the
Nebraska University Council for
World Affairs may file until
Wednesday, April 9.
Positions open are president,
vice president, secretary and
treasurer. Application blanks may
be filled out "t a booth in the
Union lobby. I i ard filings will be
held at a later date and members;
will be appointed by new officers,
according to Virginia Koehler, 1
NUCWA president.
She stressed that anyone in
terested in filing may do so,
whether a NUCWA member or
not. The present executive board
will draw up an election state
from the application and mem
bers of the organization will
elect the officers Thursday,
April 17.
Applicants must have a weighted
average of 5 and be carrying 12
University hours. Information
wanted on the filing blank in -
eludes: a candidate activities, his
reason for being interested in,
NUCWA and his ideas for the or-
-Names In The News
Staff News Writer
PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN had scarcely unpacked
his sun-tan oil after returning from his recent Florida vacation
when the political mud hit the fan.
First, Attorney-General J. HOWARD McGRATH, not pleased
by the current investigation of corruption in government being
conducted by special clean-up man NEWBOLD MORRIS, refused
to cooperate with Morris. When Morris sent McGrath the finan
cial questionnaire which went out to hundreds of government
employees, McGrath sent it back unexecuted.
When the president returned from Key West, McGrath told
Truman his troubles and apparently threatened to fire Morris.
The verbal fight between McGrath and Truman continued even
at the Washington national airport where the two were to meet
the visiting queen of The Netherlands, Juliana.
Finally McGrath did as he threatened and fired corruption
sleuth Morris. When the president heard that, he promptly fired
McGrath. What will happen next is anybody's guess, but the row
within the administration can hardly help democratic solidarity
in the coming election.
THE PRESIDENT announced at a Jefferson Day dinner in
Washington that he would not be a candidate for president again.
The announcement came as a surprise to the guests and was
greeted by cries of "No! No!"
ADLAI STEVENSON, governor of Illinois and believed to
be President Truman's personal choice for the presidential nom
ination, announced that he was only interested in running for
governor again. It did appear, as one reporter put it, that Steven
son might run at the drop of alraft
thumbed his nose at the South African supreme court and re
ferred to the justices as "appointed and paid by the government."
Citizens of this Commonwealth nation feared native uprisings
resulting from the prime minister's discriminatory practices to
ward the non-white population of South Africa.
Wlien Malan's majority party in parliament disenfranchised
some 50,000 Cape colored voters, the court declared the action unconstitutional.
Royalty I
Jr.-Sr. prom, with presentation of the prom king and queen, will climax Ivy Day
activities May 3. ;
Candidates for king will be nominated by women's houses, and queen candidates
will be nominated by men's houses. Each house will select one candidate and one al
ternate. The alternate will be interviewed only if there is a duplication of candidates
names submitted. In case of duplication, the house submitting the name first will be
given preference.
The candidate must be a
University junior or senior,
have a 4.5 average and be car-
Pnurtcsv The Lincoln Stale Journal
Student Council
Filings close Thursday at 4 p.m,
for S tudentj Council college repie-
tentative positions. From one to,
three representatives will
elected from each college at an
all-University election Monday,
May 5.
At least three students must
file from each college before an
election will be valid, according
to George Wilcox, vice president
of Student Council and chair
man of the elections committee
AnDlications may be obtained at
;Room 209; Administration build-
ing jjames wlu be placed on me
kaUnt anrnrdin? to time of filine.
Wilcox said.
Candidates must have a
weighted average of at least 5
and a credit load of 12 or more
Qq$s QftlCerS
tanaiMHa iui
uon ndy uism u riu-
gren's officer Room 20 Adnunis-
tration building, until Thursday at
,4 p.m,
A president, vice president,
secretary and treasurer will be
elected from the junior and sen
ior classes. The all-University
balloting is scheduled to take
piace inunuay, may Fajr rode0i on thg ,awn Eouthwest
Two candidates must file for,of tne College Activities building,
each office betore a valid election nviroo
i las- j it r
may be held, according to George - saleg booths in the city Union
Wilcox, Student Council vice pres-jand Ag Union on A rfl 16 1? and
ident and chairman of elections, 18
Names will appear on the bal
lot in order of filing.-
Requirements for class officer
candidates are a weighted aver.
age or 5 or
above and a credit
load of at least 12 hours.
Ag Union
Applications are due before va -
cation ior live commiuee cnairmen
and four sponsors of Ag Union
Annlicants must have a 5.5 aver -
age and be carrying i& nours.
Freshmen, sophomores and juniors
are eligible to apply.
o Be Presented
rying a minimum of 12 hours.
Six women and' six men fi
nalists will be chosen.
Judges for men candidates are
Mary Augustine, assistant dean
of women; Mrs. Hedy Neumann,
instructor in architecture; Mar
jorie Mengshol, advertising di
rector of Magee's; Peggy Pray,
director of religious activities at
Westmi nster Presterian
church; and Mrs. Fern Hubbard
Orme, Lincoln city council.
The women finalists will be
selected by OIlie Magee,
Charles Simon, Jim Swanson,
Rex Knowles and Dean Frank
All candidates will be judged
Seven Seniors Selected
For Symphony Concert
Seven department of music sen- pet" by Haydn will be played by
iors will perform with the Uni- Denny Schneider. Included in the
versity Symphony orchestra in a selection are "Andante" and "Al-
concert Tuesday evening in theiegro,
Union ballroom.
The seniors, chosen for their
outstanding ability by their
classmates to take part in the
concert, are Warren Rasmussen,
Barbara Gilmore, Peggy Bayer,
Janice Liljedahl, Denny Schnei
der, Jack Anderson and James
The program, sponsored by the
Union music committee and pre
sented by the School of Fine
Arts, will begin at 8 p.m.
Rasmussen will open the con
cert with "Concerto in B flat for
Bassoon" by Mozart. The selection
includes two parts "Andante ma
Adagio ' and "Allegro."
"Third Symphony, Opus 78 fori
be next
Gilmore will he so -
urgan and Orchestra" by baintiior you."
Peggy Bayer, soprano, will sing
"De puis le Jour" from "Louise,"
by Charpentier.
Janice Liljedahl will tie so
loist for "Concerto in B flat for
Violincello" by Boccherini. The
number includes "Allegro Mod
erato." "Concerto in E flat for Trum-
Ticket Sales
For Barbecue
Begin Today
Ticket sales for the 1952 Farm
Faij, barbecue b in Monday
d continue through eApril 18.
T . T.aT.snn aTlr, Lpm,um
barbecue co-chairmen, announced
that no tickets wild be sold after
that time.
The bargecue will be held Sat-
urday April 26 from 5 to 7 p.m.,
immediately after the Farmers!
Ramona Laun and Wayne
Moody are in charge of ticket sales
for the barbecue. Ann Lammers
and Dick Monson are in charge of
't;,, Kipr-khafpr and .Tanpf T.vnr-h
will handle the serving.
Clegg will take care of cleaning up
:--.e barbecue.
,f,A rniw Aptivitioc hniirtinsri
following the barbecue. Iplained Lilv.
"TT7 . nf---.
l' ' wiim-ww
Barbaio Discusses
Psychiatrist's Duties
The chief duty of a University psychiatrist explained, is given a
psychiatrist is to work mostly psychiatric interview at the be
with the 90 per cent of college stu-ginning of his junior year,
dents who do not have mental ir-j One purpose of the interview
regularities, according to Dr. system, Dr. Barbato said, is to give
Barbato, who spoke at Love teacher candidates a chance to
Library audtorium Friday morn- iearn at first hand the emotional
ing- qualities necessary for successful
Dr. Barbato, University of , teaching and also to learn satisfac
Denver phychiatrist, gave a Col- tory methods of solving emotional
lege Health Day address as a problems in tfie future,
part of the combined sectional The program is especially slg
meeting of the American Col- ; nificant, he said, because teach
lege Health association being j ers provide "the first line of de
held at the University Friday. J fense in preventive psychiatry."
Most of the 10 per cent of col- Dr. Barbato concluded his talk
lege students with mental difficul- by suggesting that all universities
ties can be helped sufficiently in adopt a program to make stu
three or four interviews, Dr. Bar- dents, and even faculty members,
bato said, and the others should "better drivers" in the road of Uv
be referred to private psychia- ing.
trists. The college psychiatrist
should be free to spend most of . .
his time, according to Dr. Barbato, AUF ApDOImS NOW
developing and maintaining emo- , 'Z .
tional maturity in the other 90 per QQOthS Chairman
cent. I
The Denver psychiatrist drew a! Marv Friedman has been ap
parallel between an emotionally pointed head of booths for the All
immature student and a poor, University Fund, according to the
driver. Both, he said, make it AUF executive board,
dangerous for others in their re- Friedman is a freshman la the
spective societies. College of Arts and Sciences. He
Dr. Barbato cited the plan set
up by the University of Denver
for coonerating between the
school of education and the psy
chiatric clinic
Each prospective teacher, tha.jvx1""
on a 100-point scale. The basis
of the scale s 30 points on per
sonality, 25 on appearance, 20
on poise, 15 for interest in cam
plus affairs and 10 for house
and campus activities.
AH finalists will be pre
resented at the Jr.-Sr. prom.
The king and queen will be
chosen by those attending.
Applause will be registered by
an electric applause meter.
The prom will be held at the
Lincoln hotel ballroom. It will
be semi-formal, and Dave Haun
and his orchestra will provide
Tickets will be on sale soon at
$2.50 each.
Bass Jack Anderson will sing
"Vision Fugitive" from "Herodi
ade" by Massenet
To complete the concert, "Con
certo in E flat for "Piano" by
Liszzt will be played by James
Staff Writer
The clerk at a campus book
store told a student. "Here's a
book that will do half vour work
Gre gald
me two of them."
me two of them.'
"No, sir,' he said, "I cannot ac
cept your offer of a cocktail at
this hour for three reasons. First:
I promised my mother never to
drink during the school day. Sec
ond: Liquor before lunch inca
pacitates me for study all after
noon. Third: I had three just be
fore you came in.'
After a nice
cool week
end, its nice
to have a lit
tle spring'
again. Skies
today should
emain fair
to partly
cloudy and no
p r ecipitation
is expected.
An impetuous
vounz Phi Delt
negotiated a date with a pair of
Siamese twins one night. "Have
yourself a good time?" asked his
awe-stricken roommate later.
"Well," reported Phi Delt, "Yes
and no."
And mere was mat iraierniiy
man who was thrown out of the
toy department of a local store
because he just didn't know
where to stop his experimenta
tions. He squeezed one doll un
til it hollared "mama." Then
he squeezed another one and she
yelled "floorwalker."
"I think your boy-friend is
wearing a new kind of suit," said
"Not at all," said LUy.
Well, he looks different," m-
"it's a new bov-friend.w ex.
is a member of the Red Cross Col-
lege Unit board and a member f
Sigma Alpha Mu.
j Friedman replaces Mike Lawlcr
I who recently resigned Irom the