The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 01, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, April 1, 1952
r IMUJICWA Assembly
r x pis b ay - ' " r II i r 4
a. s.. Jf M 3B3t.".'y-L. Jl Af tV-V, '- S - JIT ' IMllrnT"
" 1 ' ' mi mmm nw ,
WHAT DO WE DO NOW? . . . Sumner House
(r.), instructor in political science, offers sug
gestions to Gamma Phis (1.) Pat Lindgren and
Norma Gamerl for the NUCWA conference. They
will represent the United States. (Daily Ne
braskan Photo.)
SAMMIES LAY PLANS ... As representatives of Australia, (I.
to r.) Allan Garf inkle and Marvin Friedman interview a Canadian
student, Burbank Kristjaason, to learn a few ideas ,about the stand
taken by the British Commonwealth of Nations in relation to the
UN. Their ideas will be presented at the NUCWA conference.
(Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
itrdipv nrTTR . . . Chi Omegas. (1. to r.) Carol Else, Beth
Logie Rosemary Amos, Hester Morrison and Mary Middleton,
find that Love library is one of the best places to do research work
on problems concerning the veto and powers of the general as
sembly. Both of these topics will be debated at the spring con
ference. (Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
Acacia, (I. to r.) James Collins, Pat Allen and
Gus Anderson are at work preparing their
speeches for the NUCWA mock charter amend
ment conference. They will represent the USSR
and Bylorussia. (Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
'Round The Campus
Farm House, AGR Spring
Formals Top Social Weekend
The social spotlight was shining Alda Mae Reinke; Paul Fenske
brightest on the Ag campus this and Pat Wall,
weekend. Both the AGR's and the The AGR's held their traditional
Farm House held formals this
"S weetheart"
was the theme
of the Farm
House party
held Saturday
evening at Cot
ner Terrace.
A 1 1 h o u gh no
formal Farm
House sweet
heart was pre
sented, Steve
Eberhart passed
cigars during
the dinner to Gordon
announce his pinning to Lora Lee
Other daes to the dance in
cluded: Rex Meyer and Made
line Watson; Charlie Harris and
Jo Dunn; Clayton Yeutter and
Jeannie Vierk; Clark Stube and
"Cookie" Cook; Don Reeves and
Barb;.ra Crowe; Don Johnson
and Virginia Barnes; Wayne
Mook and Joyce Bennington;
Wayne White with Jo Meyer;
Oren Rawlings and Janie Reich
ard; Glen Marsh and Shirley
Eckerson; Paul Krueger and
Some of the dates to the party
included: Howard Hall with
Mary Ann Nelson; Don Pluck -nett
with Dora Hueftle; Bob
Berke and Nancy Sanders; Bill
Waldo and Rosemary Castner;
Dean Linscott and Cecilia Pink,
erton; Ken Pinkerton and Nancy
Hemphill; Lee Georg and Mari
lyn Larson; Jim Haggart and
Cathy Melvin; Don Anderson
and Mary Dean Niehaus; Joel
Mead and Barb Bigley; Gus
Shires and Mary Maronde.
"Cinderella" Ball was the name
of the SDT's annual spring formal
held Saturday evening at the Lin
coln hotel.
Some of the Cinderellas and
their Prince Charmings at the
dance were: Diane Cooper and
Marshall Kushner; Leta Wciner
and Vein Davidson; Fran Locke
and Shelley Green; Rosanna
Locke and Hal Bcrkal (Omaha);
Lucy Lavine and Gerry Fell
man; Syl Goodman and Bernie
Greenberg; Bark Turek and
Marv Suvalsky; Lois Gerelick
Connie Gordon
and Stewart TuIIy (Omaha);
Charney Taub and Monte Her
man; Hefene Sherman and Hugo
Kahn (Omaha); Audrey Marx
and Paul Gaiter; Charlene Katz
and llerm Shyken (Omaha);
Ruthie Lavine and Lennie Bush;
Reva Gittclman and Lenny
Theater To Present
'Victorij Regina'
"Victoria Regina," an experi
mental theater production, di
rected by Charles Peterson and
produced by Marilyn Lehr, will
be presented in the arena thea
ter, Room 205, Temple building,
April 17 and 18 at 8 p.m.
Tht nlnv is "a lively Dortrait
of Queen Victoria from girlhood to ege of meeting with about twenty!
an old age: of a spirited woman lashion columnists irom iweniy
whose virutes and vices were 'different colleges,
proudly middle class," Peterson meeting was held
said. I Hall here in
Fashion Folly.
Nebraskan Writer Meets Fashion
Columnists In Secret Session
Dolly McQuistan
The cast consists of Victoria, Lincoln.
I, . . . j, Uldvuu uy ivxcii uiic Minimi t aim c jt;Lif cue
've got some more dates for the ' ,,,:L , h M' vin L(IB own,
OIIUIIICI. lilt: AJULiicaa ui ncni . until lllis wcciv
and Princess Victoria will be when we could
acted by Christine Phillips andjp u b 1 icize our
Pat Loder, respectively. Pat Nellis.much pondered
and Charles Peterson are cast in ideas. Our main
the parts of Princess Louise and topic of discus
Prince Albert. The maid will be sion was that
Beta Spring formal that was
Friday night at Cotner Terrace.
The Betas and their dates in
clude: Janice Jaco with Dave
Kauf; Don Anderson and Mari
lyn Johnson; Marlene WTyatt
and Don Shultheis; Rocky Yapp
and Kay Sommers; Charlie
Wright with Barbara Bell;
Kathy Grabili and Bill Greer;
Priscilla Jones and Jack Greer;
Joy Nixon with Tom Healey;
Jerry Siegel and Alice Good
time; Bob Gangel and Marilyn
Coupe; Tom Weekes and Judy
Last Saturday I had the privil-your eyes. I thing to represent your favorite
faince most of the colleges rep- candidate. The new buttons will
resented at the meeting were the either be in pastel shades or the
western schools, we felt we should; old favorites red, white, and blue,
live up to the western tradition. I Speaking politically, we found it
So this year one day a week, pre-'necessary to arrange for another
f erably Friday, will be set aside meeting to decide whether or not
for wearing cowboy boots, saddle it will be appropriate to wear the
pants or jeans, western shirts, and coon-skin hats on dates.
The secret
in Boomer's
played by Diane Downing.
NU Singers
To Present
The University Singers will pre-
college coeds
have become in
a rut as to the
type of clothes
cowboy hats. No loaded guns
Of course, we all agreed that
politics should enter into fashions
this year because it is a political
year. The main interest in jewelry
will be buttons worn on every-
To summarize briefly, some of
the other debatable questions
we talked on were: Terry-cloth
formats, slicker suits, denim
dressy coats, gunny-sac dresses,
and s p o n g e-r u b b er dressey
they have been wearing for the
past few years. . I
Naturally we all feel that we
the authorities on campus
College Health Conference
To Convene On NU Campus
Army ROTC Men Elect
Tavis To COA Council
Dick Tavis was elected armv
representative to the executive sent a concert Sunday at the First
council of Candidate Officers as- Plymouth-Congregational church
sociation at a recent meeting of at 5 P-m.
the army branch of COA. j Dr. Arthur Westbrook, director
Tavis is a sophomore in the Col-; of the school of fine arts, will
lege of Business Administration' direct the concert.
and a member of Sigma Chi. I The processional; the "Requiem"
The executive council is the by Gabriel Faure, accompanied by
! policy making unit of COA. It is Myron Roberts, associate profes
sor oi organ and theory; and t an
wear, so
Tri Sci To Hold Contest
For NU Undergraduates
we decided to make a Tri Sci, anthropology, social must accompany each paper.
few changes that will be so much
of a relief to the busy twenty-
hour-a-day coed.
I imagine we shook our heads
for at least a couple of hours
over the fact that everyone
wears white anklets. Isn't it
strange because by the end of
the day they are usually dirty
and very drab looking? So we
columnists feel that this year
anklets too can be exciting.
Do you realize that many anklet
Friday and Saturday, April 4 and Friday afternoon a panel dis-
5. jcussion on preventive medicine in;
o the University's Health Cen-ing speakers: Dr. Ralph Canute-, other candidates f'or the army, "Grant Them Rest Eternal,'!
ler, saiu me curuerence win ue a sun uiu ui. oigmuuu uuimic ui council position were Don Bean. "Offertorv." "Holv. Holv. Holv."
uiuveiMiy ui ivciumis, ui wi- Robert Fayman. Robert I
nuuKUB i "-V- ""11""r . (headed bv Wayne Handshv. Dresi
preventive meaicme m coneges oayo university wev" dent of COA, and is composed of tasy in A by Cesar Frank, also1 designers have lost their minds in
and universities will be discussed chiatrist, will speak on mental representative from each of accompanied by Roberts, will attempting to introduce a new
at conference at the University .health in colleges. fh th,-o nnTr Qorinoc v im5b ii nmwam ( f oinAmo9 w0 Vnni this in
navy and air force. j Soloists for the "Requeim" are be very true because we are al-
Samuel Fuenning, director colleges will feature the follow- are membcrs of C0A. i The narts of the "Reauiem" are:' a.iv.
We knew we had to reach
some decision as to what would
be the newest thing in the
stocking wear this year. I was
very proud when they selected
a well known Nebraska boy's
idea. Yes, George Wilcox sub
mitted the winning idea. This is
it the new thing in anklets will
be painted water-color designs
to match the design of your
skirt and dress on your ankles.
Just think how simple it will
joint meeting of the University's the
annual college health day, and of liam A. Hunt of Northwestern uni
the South Central and Rocky ersity; Dr. 13. w. Lalene ot an
Mountain sections of the American sas State College; Mr. R. W. Hart
College Health association. of Kansas City, Mo.; Dr. Lawrence
Representatives of colleges and Holden of the University of Col
universities in the Rocky M o u n - orado; Chancellor R. G. Gustavson
tain and cornbelt states, and of of the Unilversity; and Dr. Bar
Nebraska colleges will attend. j bato. The meeting is open to the
At 11 a.m. Friday in Love Li- public.
and Christian S. Yamate.
Maclay "Blessed Jesus," "Lamb of God,'
i "Deliver Me" and "In Paradise.
Builders Seal Design Contest
Open To University Students
Mock Primary Results
(Continued from Page 1.)
Gov. Warren pulled 202 votes
to beat his opposition, present
vice president, Alben Barkley,
30, and Illinois Governor, Adlai
Stephenson, 29.
Additional results were un
available as the Daily Nebraskan
went to press late Monday night.
The write-in candidates re
vealed party hopping in many
cases. Eisenhower received six
votes on the Democratic ballot
while the Republican ballot
found Kerr, Kefauver and Tru
man written-in several times,
parent in other offices.
Attention artists and would-be
Builders are conducting a con
test for a seal design to repre
sent their organization.
The design of the seal must
center around the Builders
motto, "To Build a Greater University."
Entries will be judged on
tion as possible.
Student interest, whetted by the
appearance on campus of several
of the top candidates, showed up u J ri
in the number voting. The mock .
primary drew 1,155 voters.
Voters were required to regis
ter for either Republican or
Democrat and present an ID
card which was punched.
The election committee of the
Y's under co-chairmanship of
Syvia Krasne and Marvin
Strommer, handled the details
of the election.
work and sociology organization,
is sponsoring an essay contest
open to all undergraduate stu
dents registered in any course in
the departments of anthropology,
social work or sociology.
The essay or term paper must
be written on some subject cov
ered in me of the three fields
of study and must have been
written since September, 1951.
Papers submitted must
the following requirements:
1. They must be typed, double
spaced on one side of the page, on
typewriting paper with 1 'A -inch
margin on the left and a one
inch margin on the right.
2. There must be footnotes and
bibliography if one is relevant
Three copies of the paper are
to be submitted to the judges,
who will keep the original. The
standards of research are those
usually required in under
graduate work in the Tri Sci
The essay committee suggests
that students cons' lit with instruc
tors under whom they took an.
thropology, social work or sociol-
meet ogy courses before they write
their papers.
Alpha Kappa Delta, national
sociological honorary fraternity,
has contributed the prize
money. Three prizes will be
given, $15, $10 and $5.
Papers must be submitted to
Max N. Burchard, Room 109B So-
3. An abstract one page long cial Science building by April 25.
Contest judges are Mary Mie-
lenz, Builder s Faculty adviser
and Dean Linscott, Builder's
Contest entries must be sub
mitted on sheets of plain white
caoer. The sender's name and
address must be attached to the of your cashmeres you have been
entry on a separate paper , waiting so long to get rid of. Be-
All entries must be sent to the cause this year, Tee-shirts, at a
Builders office. Room 308, Union, 'much more reduced price, will
Friday, May 2. jtake the place of cashmere sweat-
Builders will award a prize to ers. The outstanding color in Tee
the designer of the best entry. I shirts will be olive green to match
Aquaquettes Build Swim Show
Around Musical Background
Aquaquettes' "Down the Mis-narration of Nanci DeBord, swim
sippi" will be built around a club members will produce spe
background of music ranging from cial effects in the mood of each
the happy-go-lucky "Cruising song. These effects include mili
Down the River" to the more'tary formations, blackface, flu
sophisticated "Rhapsody in Blue." orescent painted hands and cos-
To the music of records and the; turning.
Songs to be used in the show
Now is the time to discard all Mr IU OmmiSSIOn
Weather Officers
(French Club Plans
Skit For Thursday NU Receives $2,200 Research Grant
For Use By Dr. Looker In Chemestry
Receipt of a $2,200 grant from
j "Le Casque Invisible" is the
jskit to be presented by the Uni
versity French club at 4 p.m.
! Thiirsrl.nv.
! Members of the cast in the four- lhe Research Corporation of New
scene skit include: reader. Kay I York to support research being
'Burcum; the hero, Walter Mead; done by Dr. James H. Looker in
uwo peasanis, jeanne aecK ana
rin.ill-v fnr the errmlovment of
an assistant to aid Dr. Looker
I in his effort to develop a new
I method for the production of
amino acids by synthesis.
Dr. Looker joined the Univer-
The write-in vntp
heavy, especially for Eisenhower A3," iTT'L the University's chemistry depart
Students voted at the Union. Ag whose name was not on the bal- n,in ' ' ment was announced Friday by sity staff in 1950. He received his
Union and Ferguson hall in booths lot. I Nnr'ma Tfhrnn will nlnv fhp Chancellor R. G. Gustavson. .undergraduate and Ph.D degrees
wmcn were under the same re- Campaigning on the campus was part of the bandit-chief and John
BUU.UUUS pidi-eu uii iuguiuuuu punctuated with eevrything irom Woollcy and Frank Wilder will
polling places. jpetitios to coon-skin caps. There be policemen.
In fact the whole election was, were many campus clubs support-j a french radio program and
The United States Air Force has
announced plans to commission
300 college graduates as weather
College graduates and second
semester seniors with credit for
one year of college physics and
mathematics through integral cal
culus are now eligible to apply.
Applications should be made
to Chief, Air Weather Service,
Andrews Air Force Base, Wash
ington 25, D. C, for forms and
detailed instructions for apply
ing for a USAF commission and
meteorology training.
Schools which will offer the
weather training course are the
include: "Anchors Aweigh," "St.
Louis Blues," "South," "Memphil
Blues." "Cruising Down the Riv
er," "Dixie," "Stormy Weather"
"Daybreak," "Basin Street Blues,"
"Rhapsody In Blue," "Way Down
Yonder In New Orleans" and the
finale "Old Man River."
The money will be used prin-
run as close to the official elec-ing different candidates.
Blood Contributors
Beta Delta Members
To Record Donations
french music will be a part of the
program, announced Mrs. Jane H.
Dein, instructor in romance lan
guages. All French students are invited
to attend the program in Union,
Room 315. Refreshments will be
Innocents' Award
Organized men's houses
must submit their entries to
day for the -Innocents Scholar
ship Activities award. Entries
are to be turned in to Jack
Cohen, 1345 R street.
Red Cross blood, recruitment.
board has added a new feature to
its program.
A black leather gilt edged
blood donor's memorial book
will be kept by the board to
record students who have do
nated to defense.
The book will be initiated at
the Beta Delta Rally at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday in the Union
tance of blood in the defense
Presentation of the first RCCU
Beta Delta of the Month will cli
max the program.
A certificate, crown and
large blood donor's pin will be
given the honoree by Shirley
Murphy, blood recruitment
Red Cross board members will
come on stage to lead the sing-
Wilma Kindhart. Jean Perriniing of "Hail Beta Delta," blood
and Elaine Kagawa, members of; donors' fraternity official song.
in Copies of the song will be dis
tributed at the doors by mem
bers of Miss Perrin's commit
tee. Any organization with 35
percent blood donors may re
ceive a certificate of apprecia
tion from national Red Cross.
An organization representative
should submit the names of
blood donors and list of mem
bers in the organization to
Miss Kagawa at International
Names will be checked at Red
Cross headquarters and tthe cer
tificate will be presented at a
monthly rally.
the blood board, will be
charge of guest signatures.
Blood donors should present
their Red Cross donation rec
ord cards as proof of Beta
Delta membership.
Jim Adams, special events
blood chairman, is in charge of
the rally program.
Den Leineman, recruitant
chairman of Lancaster county
Ked Cross chapter, will speak.
A movie, "Blood and Bullets,"
Will be featured at the rally.
Igt William Welsh, ordl
fence chief. Marine air detach
tent of Lincoln Naval air sta
tion, will explain the impor-
from Ohio State university and Massachusetts Institute of Tech
engaged in post-doctoral research 'nology, New York university, the
at the University of Illinois before. University of California at Los
coming to Nebraska. Angeles, Pennsylvania State col-
The Research Corporation Is a!leee, the University of Chicago,
non-profit agency founded injF1rda State university and the
1912 and starting with income
from patients obtained by Fred
erick Gardner Cottrell has con
tinued to make research grants
available to American colleges
and universities.
University of Washington.
Further details can be secured
from Capt. E. S. Nyland of the
Air Science department in Mili
tary and Naval Science building.
Klasek Wins Third
In Speech Contest
Charles Klasek took third place
honors in the individual oratory
contest at the Missouri Valley de-
hatp tmirnament Friday at the
University of Kansas. His speech,
on elementary education teachers
was titled. "Where Will They
Lead Us?"
First place winner in the con
test was Kirk Brady from the
University of Colorado. Brady was
the speaker of the assembly at
the University of Nebraska de
bate and discussion conference.
The entry from the University
of Kansas was in second place.
Livestock Show Committee Heads
if '-A ui
LIVESTOCK SHOW . . . Ag students headlwr
committees for the Block and Bridle livestock
show Saturday night are the following: Dale
Reynolds, publicity; Frank Sibert, co-chairman;
Courtesy of Slate Journal.
Rex Messcrsmith, co-chairman and president of
the club, and Clayton Yeuter, special events
NUCWA Conducts
United Nations Poll
This was one question asked of
187 students in a poll conducted
by Nebraska University Council
for World Affairs last week.
One hundred forty-one ans-
you satisfied with the ballroom.
Nations as it operates i One hundred five students
MAn't think the veto DOWer 01
the Security Council should be
abolished; 15 had no opinion
and 67 voted "yes."
Those favoring giving
General Assembly the right to de
cide which government of a men
fled with the operation; 21 had ber nation should be represented
no opinion. jn the UN were 135. (i.e., Na-
Jean Speidel was in charge of tionnlis China vs. Communist
the poll that queries Sumner J.I China.) Twenty-six voted "no,
House's political science class and 1 and an equal number had no opw
many nouses on tne campus. 'ion.
wered "no," and 25 were satis-
NUCWA delegates gave out the
questlonaires to their respective
Another question brought 153
against having a police force for
the UN; 22 were for and 12 had no
The poll was taken to arouse
Interest in the mock-UN Charter
Amendment conference, which
opens with the World Court Wed
nesday afternoon at the Union
The last of the five question
on the poll was "Do you thinK
its (the UN )operation could be
improved by a charter amend
ment?" It brought 114 "yes
and 26 "no's." Forty-seven baa
no opinion. ,
The liiscussions at the confer
ence will be on veto powers ara
powers of the general assembly'
The poll will not influence the de
cisions of the discussions.