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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1952)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, March 26, 1952 AFR07C Sets March 3 1 As Application Deadline The deadline for Air Force ROTC students now enrolled in the basic program to apply for the advanced course is Mar. 31 All students must .urn in their applications by that date. Ag Coeds To Show Handiwork To Hiah School Visitors Fridav i Ml The deadline for advanced "A Weekend on NU Campus"'Ruth Hoffmeister, general chair-'man; Barbara Raun. program:' courses application for students style show depicting typical Uni- Home Economics students on the ; Betty Kelso, luncheon; Terry who have completed their basic versity fashions and traditions willigeneral planning committee are, Barnes, publicity; Mary Jane Bar- requirements and are not current- De given lor visiting nigh scnool visit Ag campus Friday to And nell, tours; Phyllis Zeilintfer, noon- ly enrolled in an Air Force course, girls at the annual Home Econom-out about careers in home eco-time entertainment; Marilyn All interested students should ics Hospitality Day Friday, jnomics. )B a m e s b e r g er, stops-on-tours; contact Major John B. Truell, Each model will step onto theiebe, Dolly Rhodes, Marilyn Marilyn Seh n e r t, registration; Room 202, Military and Naval Ag Union stage through a large .Brewster, Dixie and Donna Gierhan, personnel and Science building, as soon as pos- image of the "Cornhusker" year book. The style show will begin at 10 a.m. following an intro ductory speech by Dean William V. Lambert. Even University boys will act as models in the style show. Gary Hild, Sterling Olson, Rocky Yapp, Chuck Beam and Raymond Har mon are styling military uniforms, gaard, Elizabeth Gass, Connie Averu Bierman, favors. Clark, Mary Jean Niehaus, Bar bara Raun, Carolyn Gierhan, Nancy Chamberlin and Ann Kok jer. Narrator for the show is Terry Barnes. Jeanie Schott will play background music. Featured on the Friday after noon program is a speech on Isible. Teachers From Wesf Germany End mm I - -. 0mm I I i I six-Month Visit or Nebraska acnooss Corn Cob sweaters, tuxedos and ''Ho,me Economics and Television") (This ls the report made by uy ivus. i,iujrU d. oj-nucia, wuu k members of the special commit a home economic free lance writer tee studying the problem of pro ad consultant with margarine ividing adequate social affairs fa manufacturers. She will speak at duties for students. Members of & p.m. in Ag nan. ithe committee are: Dean Mar- Eugene Robinson is Master ofjjorie Johnston; H. P. Davis, pro- wic iiuuies uuiuig iiuuiumic "-,tessor of dairv husbandry: Dr. Committee Reports Adequacy Of Social if airs facilities For University Students Farmers' Fair costumes, Girls modeling fashions made in home economics clothing courses are fat Hasson, Dolores Gade, Doris Hueftle, Jewell Claussen, Joan Raun, Mary Ann Grund man, Ann Lammers, Sharon Reed, Phyllis Corliss and Carrie Mes ton. Also participating are Judy ers. More than 500 students from schools all over the state plan to tertainment. Scheduled to entertain the fu ure home economists are Mary Ann Lawritson, patomine; Douglas' Roger Shumate, professor of po litical science; Herbert Smith, as sociate professor of secondary education, representing the fac- Sf?5' accoT.dion LMiulty committee on student affairs University, Q. May the Coliseum be rented for other functions? A. Yes. Q. Who established rules and dates for renting the Coliseum? A. The Board of Regents of the University upon recommendation of the board of intercollegiate ath letics. Q. What are the rental rates? A. There are two rate charges By MARILYN TYSON I The German teachers are rep-1 Island. Hebron, Lincoln, Nebraska Staff Writer resenting a part of a program City, Newman Grove, Seward and auk writer I SDOnsored by the U. S. department Tecumseh are the ten communities Sixteen high school teachers f.?Xte and the office of educa- cooperating in the program, from the western zone of Ger-; QSIal QQ teachers from When the teachers arrived in many last week -completed a six 1 y spending nine Lincoln in September, they had a month's visit to Nebraska. m3 observing and studying' two week orientation program on iiiuy nave ueen nere long Amprican schools and community , me university wuo, xii u c iU4- lowing weeKs, tney visueu .Ne braska communities and attended seminar sessions on campus. Uni versity professors discussed faith them subjects of interest to the teachers. Last week the teachers held their final evaluation sessions on the University campus and are preparing- to leave Nebraska. Each will visit two other schools in the United States before May 23 when the teachers will gather in Washington, D. C, for a final evaluation session before return-, ing to Germany. enough to begin to feel like real y,tP iNeurasKans ana, tnrougn tneir experiences, they have gained un derstanding of the United States and its people. other like expenses incurred In maintaining the Coliseum for au ditorium and dance hall use. Q. Who administers this fund? A. The manager of the Coliseum acting in behalf of the board of intercollegiate athletics. Q. What does the charge for Coliseum rent include? A. The charge includes the Coli seum heated, lighted, cleaned and regular janitor service. At the University the project is being handled through the United Nations educational divi sion of the department of educa tion services under the direc tion of Dr. Frank Sorenson. Ada Harms is the Nebraska coordin ator for the German teacher project. In Nebraska, the 16 teachers have recently spent five weeks observing and participating in the affairs of various communities. Beatrice, Fremont, Friend, Grand Applications Open April 1 For Navy Officer Posts Navy officer training programs! not 27th birthday at the time of i for college students will be open application. Q. Does rent include extra cost for application April 1, according F restricted line program they TAFT SUPPORTERS .. . . i uivv Lu:iuiiibtcc uii atuuciii nuaii s. wi qu Coble and Peg Mulvaneyl 1. To all functions not Univer- for police ticket sellers andto Lt. Cmdr L E. Felkins, officer ha"e heached their 19th but quartet ana me Ag uounuy aanc- t H th ot,lrInf. rnnnrin Isitv or student sponsored, the takers, cost nf hmHn itrm.. tt in r-hartre nf the navv recruiting' no. j ... tuj.. u . ciccuiis urcnestra piatiorms, swuou aim umce in ndvdi uiiiuci , SUDmission of application. Each outdoor canopy and other special Procurement, Naval Personnel did t t be a graduate of Buffett, Gen. Wedemeyer To Give Views Thursday Howard Buffett, congressman his reasons for supporting Taft. from Nebraska, and Gen. Albert Wedemeyer will present their views for supporting Sen. Robert Taft as Republican presidential candidate Thursday night at the Union ballroom. Buffett is the leader of the state-wide campaign for write-in votes for Taft in the April pri mary. Wedemeyer, a former Ne-j braskan, is returning from the East to assist with the campaign. I mi . till in invv-wug wing t3un)Uit( rrumelng' t0ibe he,ld- at.8 fay Delta Theta Phi, legal frater i-,iu. yimsua,, , w wdiu ie nity. The fraternity is not sup The meeting will then be opened for questions from the floor and discussion by the two speakers. Buffett said he is an xious to discuss students' ques tions so that they may under stand Taft's campaign. Rnffprt erlirnr nf ThA Tloilv Mo. hraskan in 1QM sai It wmnlH Klegiate athletics like old home week to come back I . Q- Who pays for cost of main to the University campus. jtenance of Coliseum? The meeting is being sponsored, ianitnr f ' thpp rlanv maintenance cost is paid by the University as part of physical plant operations. Cost of major items of repairs, new roof, floor Q. When was the Coliseum 'rental charge is $3uu a night. erected? 2. To student sponsored func- A. 1925. tions for which an admission, fee, services frequently required? Q. Who owns the Coliseum? is charged the rental is a mini- A. No, these expenses are paid A. The Board of Regents of the mum of $50 per night or 10 per, by organizations using the equip Uni versity. ' Icent of gross ticket sales less fed- ment and services, charges being W. What did it cost to build the crai aamission tax, out not to ex- Coliseum? , ceed $350. A. $435,000. Q. Where Is the revenue Q. How was this cost financed?, from Colium rentals de- A. It was financed by three sources as follows: 1. $100,000 cash from Univer sity general funds. 2. $135,000 cash from depart ment of intercollegiate athletics. 3. $200,000 bond issue. Principal and interest on bond issue was paid by department of intercol- porting definite candidates but is sponsoring the meeting so that students may become acquainted posited? A. All coliseum rentals are de posited in a Coliseum income rental account In the University studen'. activities office. Q. Is the account subject to audit? A. Yes, to State Auditor. Q. Are copies of the audit available? If so, where? A. A copy of the audit is available in the University comp troller's office. Q. How much was collected by way of Coliseum rentals last year? A. For the fiscal year July 1, 1950 to June 30, 1951, total Coli- refinish, redecorating and the like seum rentals amounted to $5,' with the issues involved m the have be'en paid by department of primary election. $30,000 Award intercollegiate athletics. Q. What was the Coliseum built to house? A. The Coliseum was designed to house intercollegiate basket ball, intramural athletics, physical education for men and the annual June graduation exercises of the University. Q. AVho manages the operation 454.28 as follows: 1. Homecoming Dance t 350.00 2. Mililary Uall 350.00 3. Moriar board Ball 162.46 4. Kosmct Klub Show 191.82 5. Non-student or non University center, Omaha. Felkins said the applications for a number of different offi cer programs will be accepted any time after April 1. The programs offered include appointment as unrestricted line officers, staff corps officers and restricted line officers (special ists). General qualifications for these programs are as follows: For appointment to general line positions and staff corps (supply and civil engineer), candidates based on actual cost of labor and materials used. Q. May the Coliseum be fre quently rented for creneral student and public use? I A. No. Q. Why? A. Because such frequent use will interfere with the program of athletics, both intercollegiate and intramural and physical educa tion, which programs are daily carried on in the Coliseum during the school year. Q. Who has charge of the con cessions at the University dances in the Coliseum? A. Department of intercollegiate athletics. O. How 3rA ihn vmcta from concessions divided' Seasonal holidays will be the . A. Pay for merchandize, nav tn!theme ? Orchesis1 25th spring re- seuers ana put in concession ac an accredited college or university with a baccalaureate degree or bo within 120 days of graduation. Supply corps candidates must have a minimum of 45 semester hours of business subjects. Direct commissions are also available for women in the nurse corps, general line and supply corps. For further information about the officer training program stu dents may contact the nearest must have reached their 19th but, navy recruiting station. count of athletic department. iv no mres the concession salesman? A. Concession salesmen armnint. ed by coaches of the various 'presented. cital which will be presented Fri day and Saturday at 8 p.m., in Grant Memorial hall. One number from each of the four seasons of the year will be mary to University students, Buf fett stated. "This is perhaps the most im portant event in the history of Nebraska," he said. "I never would have left Washington un less I had felt it was necessary." Buffett will discuss briefly the imnnrfanr-A nf tho TJoKraela r.avi paign to Taft's candidacy and its vlAAn rnrmAI1 relation to the national political!' fdl I Will IC I picture. He will also present the . , lacts concerning the mechanics l I I Ntl IflOnt university. the velvet drapes, stage cyclorama and importance of write-in votes.!" 'w q -vho manages the operation'and hangings, stage lights, "party Stands taken by several of the Dr. Leonard F. Peltier, former of the Coliseum? lights," orchestra platform, grand ithe dance can hire someone and Celebration by Morton Gould candidates, including Taft, on uni- University student, is one of 21 A. The board of intercollegiate i piano, for cleaning of drapes and n they do not they are hired by Yankee Doodle Dandy, Lee Irwin veisdi limitary training win De a young medical school faculty ! atmetics oy autnority delegated Itireprool treatment when needed, uvir. iwanaowsKi. highlight of Buffett's address. I members in the U.S. to receive a by the Board of Regents of the I tuning of piano as needed and John K. Selleck, rouowing mmett's ad dress, '$30,000 research grant from the Season Dances To Spark Spring Orchesis Show sponsored rcntalj 4,400.00, sports. Pop Klein KunervisPc it Totals $3,454.28 .Q. What policies are followed In Q. What is the rental income hiring these salesmen? used for? A. Athletes first and then any- A. This fund is used to purchase one who is interested. H. Who hires the ticket takers? A. The organization sponsoring Tickets for the performance may be purchased for 60 cents from any Orchesis member, in Grant Memorial hall, or at the door before each performance. The program is as follows: Fourth of July General Wedemeyer will present Delegates To Attend National College Unions Conference Bob LaShelle an Nancy Weir have been named as delegates to tne National Association of Col lege Unions conference by the Union senior board members. Marilyn Moomey, acting Union activities director, and Duane Lake, Union Director, will also at tend the conference. The conference will be held at Oklahoma A & M university April 23 through 26. LaShelle is sponsor of tthe con vocations committee and a board member. Miss Weir, also a board member, is sponsor of the recrea tion committee. Kefauver Group To Meet Thursday To Complete Publicity Arrangements John and Mary Markle Founda tion of New York City. He will receive $6,000 an nually for five years to do re search in orthopedic surgery at the University of Minnesota medical school where he is an instructor and senior resident. Dr. Peltier graduated from the University in 1941. He received his M.D. degree at the University of Minnesota in 1945 and was a captain in the Army Medical corps in Germany from 1946 to 1948. He returned to Minnesota and re ceived his Ph.D. degree in 1951. The Markle awards were estab lished to relieve the shortage of promising medical school teachers by providing some financial se curity early in their careers. Dr. f" f II l I Peltier is the son of Dr. and Mrs. fOf ASS6SSment HOmble George L. Peltier of Lincoln. Dr.i George Peltier is Chairman of thp The sjpraisal of assessed state"-'-""'-' ''"i ''C field "isn't a University Department of Bac-1 property is "horrible," Mate ben. very popular area to work in." Young Democrats for Kefauver will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Parlor C, Union, to complete plans for publicizing Sen. Estes Kefauver's visit to Lincoln. Kefauver's Monday night speech in the Union and the Monday morning caravan through southeast Nebraska will be the principal activities dis cussed. The meeting, originally an nounced for Wednesday night, was postponed to avoid conflict with a speech by Sen. Robert S. Kerr. All students interested in the Senator Calls State System teriology. Stolen Goods Ghost Believers Verify Superstition In N.C. Marilyn Mangold Thon.23 Adams, of Lincoln, told I . ne said, even if recti the Teai hers college graduate club'fying the system raises the taxes Tuesday afternoon. "What we need," he said, "is a referee who will call them (assessed property values) all the same." In support of his charge against the present appraisal system, Adams presented a table of as-1 II Kill f I v-ans ivu rror of a property owner, "you don't mind paying if you know every- Dody else is, too." Life Magazine 1 1 ) 1 Rumor has it that there is a ghost on the loose at Chapel Hill, N. C. Said ghost is reported to be inhabiting the front porch of the home of a man who died re cently. The man's wife and son also inhabit the home. At any rate, there is a i ? bright green metal rocking chair on the front porch that wag the man's favorite chair; he used it to sit there every light before he died. R e c ently a passerby noticed an un- Mangold usual shadow across the chair. Chapel Hill's population has flocked to the house every night this week to see the ghost. They aee a shadow from a street light which shines on one of the pillars or tne porch leaving a single dark Image across a brilliant yellow pillow at the top of f.he high back chair. Many reported they saw the clear outline of th ghost'a arms and rfgs, others said In tones of awe they saw the chair rock lightly. If you believe in ghosts, it's a guuu story. These College Ladies Re-reading the statement by it. M. Jones that college women have let him down this columnist Is reminded that she "has a dark, unreasoning fear of the futr dominated by the atom bomb" and said fear has said columnist in its grip. Jones a'so says that we ladies are not Interested In the world around um. and do classwork without applying our minds. Maybe he would like to know bow many reports those ladies In international relations classes have written the past weelcMay- De we nave reason to be upset cy tne atom bomb and other such trivialities. Maybe. Csware The "Reader's Digest" proves valuable in so many ways. From Huis monthly publication one can sessed values and sale prices of ten pieces of Lancaster county! nrnnnrtv Thn nccnccoH valuta nf I m m glean topics for speech classes.'the property varied from eightl MttlStlC iCff Y rarrno a.m u , . . . tin . . . . . . - i - ...-, cm.. nils icr icih io no per cunt oi actum topics for columnist has found a little story: sale price. m it which might prove hilarious It gpes This "simple little practical problem," Adams said, is one of the blsgest problems the slate legislature faces. He also attacked several other fallacies in the tax system and of Manhattan. meigs' picture and to college mentality something like this: An inhabitant of the girl's dorm at some undisclosed uni versity managed to get herself pinned one night. Perhaps she was getting revenge upon some uncooperative man because flie next day she rushed up to said man, threw open her cost, and sm earned, "W)OK!" the poor bov slammernH ""N I II around, blushed and finally flt-lVJiga nlZea nOUSeS teSaidaivhnHWrhat?H See story on Page 1.) hnr iir,; L d ,orollen to wcar Search Week speakers who will hewhP "hS ' rn "g- m I-"" organized house, Wed- . . iiiui, tii'SiInv. as ai'mnopd hv thi hniiKn Valter Meigs, assistant profes sor of art, was featured in Life magazine last week as one of nine artistic "stars of tomorrow." The nine "newcomers" were chosen by art dealer Edith Halpert NU Search Week Speakers To Visit the "Header's Digest is valuable, No Sympathy Throwing the garbage out, no tice the results of this survey. A poll at the US Military Academy has disclosed that a Inrim ma jority, nearly 2,400 cadets, wouldlBalla' Uelta Tau Delta; Dr. Frank resign in protest if the 90 cadets Court f arm IIouse; Raymond Al- aischarged for "cribbing" were Der m -aPPa i; merlin Dana, a photo graph of one of his abstract paintings were printed in the March 17 issue of Life with the following comment: '"One Man Four Pots' (the painting) was developed by Wal ter Meigs, 33, after seeing some ancient Roman pottery whose earth-mottled appearance sug gested both the world from which it came and craftsman who made visitations committee, are as fol-!1" Meigs, who likes to make his lows: own pottery, is an art professor John Methusela. Alpha Tau,3' tne University of Nebraska." Omega; W. Howard Holversuti, Alpha Gamma Rho; Richard Nutt, Delta Sigma Phi; Father David reinstated. Results of the poll were an nounced in an article by Cadet Lt. D. C. Ahearn of Winthrop, Mass., in "The Assembly," a magazine for West Point alumni. Academy officials said the article "expresses the feel ing of the corps of cadets as a whole." Ahearn described the ousted cadets as "honor code violators" who "can find no sympathy from the men they knew best.'' Kansas Poetry I think thqt I shall never see A grade more lovely than a 'B' A 'B' whose marks will let me . rate The points I need to graduate. I need a 'B' this is no lest This is my mind's sweet flowing So that by summer I may wear A cap and gown, a cultured air. Poems are made by fools they say But surely none can make an 'A.' Copied from the Kansas State Collegian, the above noem la affectionately dedicated to all seniors In this institution. Sigma Phi Epsilon; C. Vin White, Phi Delta Theta: Dr. E. McClung Fleming, Alpha umicron n; ur. Harold sandan, Delta Delta Delta; Rex Knowlos, Gamma Phi Beta; Douglas Clyde, Kappa Kappa Gamma; C. R. Mat tison, Pi Beta Phi; Rabbi Abba M. Fineberg, Sigma Delta Tau. Lloyd Shubert, Sigma Kappa; Margaret Trester, Howard hall; William Bernhardt, Loomis hall; Ward C. Conklin, Love hall; and Rabbi Judah Stampfer. Baptist student co-op. Four Agencies Plan Trips For Students Students interested in traveline in Europe this summer will have the opportunity to obtain infor mation about tours Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m. in Ellen Smith hall, ets may be purchased for $1.50 from any Vocational Educational t piud memnpr Representatives of the National Marshall tirlll ertAolr rtn "TUn Student association, Scandinavian, Challenge to American Aaricul- Accordlng to Life, Miss Hal pert, owner of a Manhattan gal lery called The Downtown, "took ' a cross-country tour, looked at thousands of paint ings, finally came up with nine young artists, most of them under 30 and most of them ab stract and even extreme in style." Life said the dealer "gambled on their future and bought outright from each of th artists a minimum of $1,000 worth of paintings and installed them in a special room where they will be continuously on display." Form Bureau President To Speak At Banquet The annual Vocational Educa tion banquet will be Wednesday night with Charles Marshall, Ne braska Farm Bureau president, as principal speaker. The banquet will start at 5:30 p.m. in Union parlors iBC. Tick- faihyland oreenhoupb. . op.n Kw nlngs and Bundayi. 6218 "O. call H-2H12. Kefauver-for-president campaign are invited to attend. Activities of the organization, according to Larry Nordin, presi dent, will be coordinated with the plans of the Lincoln-Lancaster-county group. Particular functions of the University organization in clude delivering handbills an nouncing Kefauver's speech, hold ing Kefauver signs at Lincoln vot ing centers and participation in the caravan. Kefauver's schedule of Lin coln appearances includes: Sunday 10 a.m. Speech at the Unitar ian Forum. 3-5 p.m. R e c e p t i o n at the Kappa Sigma house. Evening S p e e c h at Baptist forum on "Morality In Govern ment." Monday Morning Caravan to Beatrice, Fairbury and Crete, 4:15 Speech at the Lincoln labor temple. . 8 p.m. Speech at the Union ballroom. University students and fac ulty members are particularly invited to the Sunday afternoon reception and the Monday night speech. and Wanda Bott Summer Hoedown, Four girls and four boys. Perspective, done in Minuet and Jazz music Halloween Dem Bones, Senior members of Orchesis. Done to Nocturnal Fantasy, a record by Fred War ing. Christmas Twas Six Weeks Before Christ mas, Men's group The Day Before Christmas, Pre orchesis group Our Christmas Story (two acts), Orchesis (from operetta "Schoorge's Christmas") Easter Jesus Joy of Man's Design, Pre orchesis Spring Interlude, Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. I Grant Us Thy Peace, We Pray1 ihee, Lord, Orchesis Miss Helen Martinis Orchesis sponsor. Mes.ibers are: Barbara Bell, Wanda Hotts, Jane Deppen, Mimi DuTeau, Henrietta Hagel berger, Georgia Hulac, Delores Irwin, Charlene Katz, Ting Lilly, Kathy McMuIlen, Marlene Ehrll, Mary Pattison, Lois Olsen, Sally Sveska, Susan Sveska and Peggy Wood. Shirley Sidles ls presi dent. Members of Pre-Orchisis. un der the sponsorshin of Mrs. Weaver, are: Agnes Anderson, Betty Barber, Alison Faulkner, Frances Fricke, Ann McKamy, Ella Miyanoto, La vie Nelson, Mary Quigley, Mary Janet Reed, Jean Sweeny, Jackie Swltzer, Beverly USE DAILY NEBRASKAN IadMk (Ma. To place a classified ad Stop In lli Buaineti Offict Room 20 Student Union Cull 2-7631 Ext. 4226 I r ,.I:.J fied Service Hours !4:io Mon. thru frU THRIFTY AD RATES No. words 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days $ .40 $ .65 $ .85 $1.00 1-10 11-15 lC-20 "21-25 .50 .60 "".70" .80 "05" 1.03 "1.25 I I 1.10 1.45 26-30 .80 1 1.25 1 week $L20" l.25Lll.45 1.50 , 1.70 1.75 I 1.95 1.65 2.00 2.20 MISCELLANEOUS Student Travel service. Nether lands Office for Foreien Student relations and the Office du Tour lsime Universitaire will be on hand to show films and discuss I travel programs. i ture," He is a member of the American Farm bureau board of directors and has served with the Farm Bureau for 24 years. Marvin Hanson is in charge of the banquet. WANTED Ride for three mle students to Detroit. April S or 10. John Elwsll. 3-7915 If you llk Ike, get an Ike Button from Chuck Roaaow. Theta XI Houae, 1S35 R. HELP WANTED BUS BOX We have an opening for a bua boy In our Food Service department. Muat be able to work from 11:002:00 dally or live day per week. Apply Employment Office. 1th floor. MILLER & PAINE. FOR RENT White aatln choir robea for wedding candlellghtera. 4-6345. The Daily Nebraskan want ads have a reputation for quick economical results. FOR SALE SIZE 39 long Navy Offlcer'i Uniforms. Like new. Tailor made. Blues and sun tans. Cheap. 3-5764. 65 discount. 3V.x4V4 f3.5 Super D Graflex. Like new. 2-8559. Tracy, Joanne Yeager and presi dent, Mary Jane Mapes. Jack Moore, Janny Seibold, Bob Peters and Jerald Ramsdell compose the men's dance group. AWS Officer Installation Held Tuesday Jean Loudon officially became the new president of Associated Women Students at a meeting for the installation of officers. Tues day night. The students who were ap pointed to their respective offices will hold those offices for the re mainder of the year. Other officers installed were: Virginia Koehler, vice president and chairman of the committee in charge of sign out sheets; Phyllis Kort, secretary; Marilyn Brew ster, treasurer; Syvia K r a s n e, publicity chairman; Janet Steffen, Coed Follies chairman; Sue Holmes, point system chairman; Ginny Cooper, Ivy Day Sing chairman; and Shirley Murphy, notifications chairman. Members of the committee in charge of sign out sheets are; Gertrude Carey, Eileen Mullarky, and Hester Morrison, who re placed Nancy Weir who had re signed from the committee. Members of the point system committee are Barbara Spilker and Donna Elliott. Nancy Hemphill is in charge of the AWS scrapbook and Pat Bradley is in charge of the ac tivities mart. Main Feature Clock Hrheduled KurnUhfd by Theaters Esquire: "One Foot in Heaven," 7:24, 9:23. Varsity: "Death of a Salesman," 1:00, 3:08, 5:16, 7:24, 9:32. State: "A Streetcar Named De sire," 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40. f NOW 8IIO Wl NO U T REUl'LAR PBlrES Winner at I Aetdemy Awards t Warner Bros. "a btreetcar Named Desire" KIM HUNTCft KASt MALDf N TENNESSEE WR.LIAM5 iXl!!lSi2""iJ'.ii-?:'-'.':'i?-f'?' -"fTT1! ' !'.'.''.,M'.' , Sat. t, Sun. 1 1 Eve. 1:15 t f.m. Now flaying FREDERIC MARTHA MARCH SCOTT VAT II The eesntry mlnliter ithe had ene foot In teaven and the ether ene In bet water 'One Foot In Heaven" COMINO Somerset Mauiiiam'e "TRIO" O a inistak n by his son unleashes the greatest drama ef our day! V