The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 26, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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feirdl ird
End Sparkles
1 Wednesday, March 26, 1952
Assistant Sports Editor
Coach Bill Glassford's gridders
have a limited number of practice
sessions remaining in the 1952
spring football training period.
For this reason, the Husker
mentor has a series of hard
scrimmages en tap for his Scar
let squad. The April 5 deadline
for the annual alumni-varsity
rame is drawing- near, and the
Nebraskans have paid no heed
to the unfavorable weather con
ditions the past few days.
The spring scrimmage system
set up by Glassford and his staff
this year places .the squad mem
bers on different teams, ranging
from A to I. .These teams compete
against each other daily, and every
squad member strives to work up
to an A team position.
Coach Glassford's A team
Tuesday listed Ted Connor and
Dennis Emanuel, ends; Don Boll
and Jim Oliver, tackles; Kay
Curtis and George Frochaska,
ruards; Bob Oberlin, center;
John Bordogna, .quarterback;
Chuck Chamley and Dennis
Korinek, halfbacks; Ed Gazin
ski, fullback.
The men Glassford picked as
having shown the most improve
ment since the beginning of spring
practice sessions were Connor,
Emanuel, and Bill Schabacker.
All three are currently playing at
end positions on the Husker
Connor has played both tackle
and end for the Cornhuskers,
and Schabacker was primarily
used as a linebacker last fall.
The second unit, or B team,
was composed of Schabacker and
George Paynich, ends; Jerry Min
nick and Ed Husmann, tackles;
Carl Brasee and Tony Winey,
Andrews, Hebst, Altman
Win IM Handball Crowns
Jack Andrews of Delta --'jma
Pi and Howard Herbst and Lyle
Altman of Sigma Nu are the 1952
intramural handball champions.
Andrews climaxed his parade
through 122 university men by
downing Leonard Singer of Zeta
Beta Tau to take the individual
championship. Herbst and Altman
proved themselves the best of 49
teams and emerged as doubles
champs. They defeated Bob Bab
cock and Tom Cushing of Sigma
Alpha Epsilon in the finals.
Stem Alpha Epsilon swept
Grid Players
Spice Tiger
Infield Drills
Two grid quarterbacks are
makinir strong bids for infield
lobs with coach John "Hi" Sim
mons' Missouri baseball squad as
the Tieers .move into their final
two weeks of tune-up work.
Tony Scardino, freshman, and
Bob Schoonmaker, sophomore,
are the two gridders showing
up well in Missouri's early drills
although Coach Simmons has
had little opportunity to survey
his candidates outdoors. The
baseballers have been confined
to batting cage work in the
fleldhouse for all but two sessions.
Knardino has Droven himself a
nifty fielder, and is currently
working at the shortstop spot.
Schoonmaker, also a shortfielder,
has been hittine the ball soundly
and may be shunted to the first
base vacancy, ine two ouier in
field positions currently belong to
lettermen Kent Kurtz, second
baseman, and Ross Boeger, third
Coach Simmons will enter the
1952 campaign with nine re
turning lettermeii on the squad.
Five of these holdovers are bat
tery personnel. They are pitch
ers Kick Atkinson and Don
Boenker; catchers Herb Gell
man, Carl Barbour and Bob
Two outfielders have previously
won their numeral. They are Jack
Patchett and captain Junior Wren,
star halfback on Tiger grid squad.
Wren, Big Seven swat champion
of 1951 wim a .408 average,
mrrpntlv recuDerating from
fractured right wrist. If Wren is
unable to play, his position will be
taken by either itaipn Monroe,
Jerry Schoonmaker, Bob's brother,
or Vic swennou.
to the team championship with
a total of 39 points scored by
their heavy entry list. Beta
Theta Fi took runner-up honors
with 29 tollies.
It is interesting to note that the
two individual finalists were prac
tically the sole entries for their
organizations. Andrews was one
of two Delta Pi's entered in the
tournament while Singer was the
only representative of the Zetas.
The Sig Alphs will receive
the team trophy while Andrews,
Herbst and Altman will be the
recipients of intramural medals.
The final team standings were:
SAE 39
Beta 29
Phi Gam 21
Indep. 21
Sig Nu 13
ATO '9
Phi Delt 8
Delta Pi 8
Sig Chi 4
Delt 1
PI Kap 1
DU ....J 1
Sig Ep 1
The five basketball players with
the highest career point-totals at
the University ol Missouri are cm
stauffer. Dan Pippin. Thornton
Jenkins. Bud Heineman and John
guards; Verl Scott, center; Dan
mown, quarterback; Max Ken
nedy and Bob Smith, halfbacks;
ueorge Ciira, fullback.
The C team listed Ted James
and Jerry Yeager, ends; Harvey
Goth and Bill Holloran, tackles;
Russ Morgan and Ken Osborne,
guards; Dick Goll. center; Duane
Rankin, quarterback; Emil Ra
dik and Lawrence Goll, half
backs; Jim Yeisley, fullback.
Members of the D outfit were
Pat Lee and George Bauer, ends;
Don Glantz and John Sebold,
tackles; Tom Kripal and John
Machisic, guards; Dick Watson,
center; Ken Moore, quarterback;
Bill Thayer and Don Sterba, half
backs; George Gohde, fullback.
Members of the nine scrim
mage teams are being shifted
often, as the squad members
fight for top positions. Glass
ford indicated Tuesday that he
plans to invite 44-50 men back
to early fall workouts.
Nine names appeared on the
Scarlet list of men injured in
practice. Those unable to scrim
mage Tuesday due to previous
injuries were Max Kitzleman,
Jerry Paulson, Hi Prucka, Walter
Finke, John Brestal, Frank Bar
rett, Dierks Ralston, Ladd Hans
com, and Emerson Scott.
'' ' ' v V,; " j
Vans! i: f 'iSM
i-wtr-itiiriiiitM-TJ'rwmi'-r'iaiiiiiiriiTi'f utthiii
All Sports Day
The University department
of athletics has planned for
several varsity sports exhibi
tions on All Sports Day, April
The annual alumni-varsity
football game, to be played in
the afternoon of that day, will
highlight the card. Coach Bill
Glassford's charges will battle
an Inspired alumni aggrega
tion, coached by Trainwreck
Tom Novak, in their final
spring grid session of the year.
A n alumni-varsity basket
ball exhibition, a regularly
scheduled baseball contest, golf,
tennis and gymnastic meets,
and a track team demonstra
tion are also planned.
Tickets are now on sale and
can be purchased for $1.
Thirty Teams See IM
Water-Basketball Action
Intramural Sports Columnist
Intramural water - basketball
entered its second week of action
this week with only seven unde
feated teams among the 30 squads
in competition. The rest of this
week will see more action continu
ing through the crowning of an
All-University champion on
Wednesday, April 9.-
An otrwise bright picture
of the rough water-sport is
tainted by the numerous for
feits during the initial action.
Of the first 38 decisions re
corded in the books, 25 of them
have been through forfeits. Only
13 actual contests have come off
as scheduled in the Coliseum
Beta Theta Pi of the deep-water
league II heads the list of un
beaten outfits. The Betas are all
victorious in three contests, all
three wins coming in legitimate
contests. They have rolled up an
impressive 86 points in their initial
contests while limiting tneir op
Donents to but eight tallies. Swinv
mer Bill Greer currently leads the
Betas and the entire league II in
Fhl Delta Theta tops league I
with a similar 3-0 record, two
of the victories coming in actual
batUes. The Phi Delta have
amassed a total of 51 points
while holding their opponents to
20 and own the league's top in
dividual scorer in Gordon Peterson.
League III of the deep-water
division finds two teams occupy'
ing first place. Both the Simimen'
wohs (they pronounce it "Swim
Cadtef ion Umelighfl1
ff Tigeir
Bill Rowekamp was the central; offensively. Early plans are to
m ccmir 'c snrins croom KOweKamu ior a uacu-
nor, Husker letterman end candi
date, was named Tuesday as one
of Coach Bill Glassford's most
improved men during spring grid
workouts. Connor appeared on the
Cornhuskers' "A" lineup for Tues
day's scrimmage sessions.
aways") and the Ag Men's Club
own one victory in as many starts.
The Simimenwohs participated in
the only contest in that league
thus far and won by a 14-12 tally
Shallow-water action finds
Sigma Phi Epsilon on top of
league I with a perfect three
game mark. Only two of their
wins came about without the
help of a forfeit and they have
scored 56 points to their op
ponents' 47.
Alpha Tau Omega and Phi
Kappa Psi possess unbeaten slates
in league II, the Taus owning
three wins and the Phi Psi's two.
Only a 30-6 ATO win represents
an actual contest played in this
The standings as of Tuesday,
March 25 are:
Phi Delia Theta 3 0 Sigma Phi Hps' 1
Rlama Alp' Fp S 0 Alp' Gam' Rho 0
rhl Gam' Delia 2 1 Sigma Chi 0
Bela Theta PI S 0 Alp' Tan Ome' 1
Sigma No SI Delta Tau Delta 1
Delta Upsllon 2 t Kappa Sigma 0
gimlmeawohi I 0 ar P.OTC
A Men'i Club 1 II Theta XI
Delta Sigma Phi O 0
Sig' Phi Kpj' S 0 Alp Gam' Rho 1
Phi Gam' Delta Z 1 I'm Delia Tneta 1
Sic' Alpha Epi 2 1 Higma Chi 0
W li w
Alp' Tan Omega 3 0 Delta Tau Delta 1
Pbt Kappa Psi ,2 0 Higma No 1
Beta Theta Pi 2 1 Delta Upsllon 0
Beta Sigma Psi 1 1
Cerv Hits
500 Foot
Home Run
Nebraskans, especially Univer
sity students, have a close eye on
the major league training camp
baseball competition. That eye-
catcher is in the form of Bobby
The Weston walloper has sent
four pitches over the fence in
the current Grapefruit league to
lead sluggers such as Ralph
Klner, Stan Musiat and Gil
Hodges in the home run depart
ment. The most recent of the round'
trippers was a blast that sailed
over Brave s Field's 450 foot tence.
Spectators and writers who saw
the ball clear the boards like a
Don Cooper pole vaulting fete,
claim the pill threatened to land
near the 500 foot mark (a blow
that would do even Kiner himself
Cerv bounced the homer off
the slants of Warren Spahn, old,
but reliable hurler of the Braves.
Cerv is a "rookie" candidate,
even though he held a short
term lease on the Yankees cen
terfield gardens last year.
The Yanks manager, Casey
Stengel, is on the lookout for a
replacement in centerfield for Joe
DiMaggio and Cerv might solve
his problem. The competition will
be tough, however, as Mickey
Mantle has been receiving top
billing for the job.
DiMaggio stated that he pre
ferred Gene Woodling to Mantle
for his replacement, which throws
a new light on the story. Stengel
will probably be forced to switch
Cerv into left field.
football drills got a delayed start
in Columbia Monday, and mark
the ex-Armv endder as a Key
newcomer in the '52 Tiger blue
With his West Point back
ground, Rowekamp should fit
readily into the Mizzou line-up
somewhere. The 6 ft. 1-inch
junior from Marietta, O., let
tered one year as a defensive
end for the Cadets but will be
given a thorough trial at offen
sive fullback here.
Coach Don Faurot hopes Rowe
kamo will make the switch
smoothly, and chances are ne win.
Ball-packing won't be any nov
elty for him, since he once played
halfback for the Army plebe
team. Chief amone Rowekamp s
top rivals in the fullback fight will
be: Al Androlewicz, lone return
ing letterman from St. Louis; Tom
Fitzgerald, B-teamer from Coffey-
vil e Kan.: and Bob tsauman,
raw-boned freshman from Ste.
Genevieve who made the varsity
travel squad last fall.
Rowekamp's whirl at full
back could be this spring's most
significant experiment, despite
the fact that there should be a
blazing scrap for both wide
open halfback 'berths. Loss of
Junior Wren and Harold Car
ter will create the gapsat both
halves, but right now Faurot is
hot on the trail of a fullback.
"Split T teams need that big,
powerful fullback as a running
and blocking threat," the M. U.
gridmaster points out. "Look at
Maryland and Oklahoma last year,
for instance. They had fine per
sonnel aE the way 'through, but
fullbacks like Modzelowski and
McPhail made them extra tough
. . .And before McPhail, the Soon
ers had Heath. Kansas also ran
Split T plays last season, and had
an ideal fullback in Laughlin."
Just a few years back as
Faurot well remembers Mizzou
had a top-flight fullback in
fiery-tempered Win Carter,
toiled on the '48 and '49 Gater
Bowl squads, Though lacking
size, chunky Win had all the
assets of a Split T luiiDacK
speed, power-drive and block
ing finesse. The Mizzou ground
game has never been quite the
same since he left.
Like Carter. Rowekamp doesn't
meet the "real big" speculations,
but he's tall enough at 6-ft. 1, and
will weieh more than 190 pounds,
even on jtaurots iigniweigm
scales. He's solid, tough dead seri'
ous about his football, and excep
tionally fast.
Despite Faurot's prererence
for a two-platoon system, the
Ohloan would be a good bet for
double duty if he measures up
sive halfbacking role.
Another former West Pointer
Don Mackey will be among the
60-odd Tiger griomen reporting
out Monday. Listed as a halfback,
Mackey is of the "scatback" va
riety. The small blond lettered in
hockey, but not football at the
Point, ana maKes nis nome in
Maiden, Mass.
With his practice schedule set
back a week by foul weather
and muddy grounds, Faurot an
nounced a change in the date of
his final spring game. It has
been re-scheduled for April 26,
he said.
For the first time in Coach Don
Faurot's regime, the Mizzou foot
ball boss will go into the 195?
campaign without a seasoned cen
ter. Ever since he came to Colum
bia In 1935, Faurot has had an
endless stream of topflight cen
ters. When spring ball gets
under way Monday, however,
he looks in vain for an experi
enced ball-snapper. The cycle
ends with the June graduation
of Roger Klnson and Bill Fuchs,
his offensive-defensive combi
nation for the past two years.
Top-rated in the new batch of
centers are Lloyd Brown, husky
junior-to-be and Charles Sode
man, who lettered as a defensive
guard last season. Also in the pic
ture are George Ekern, a squad
man in '51, and Don Luckey.
It'll be up to one of this group
to keep alive the tradition of
standout centers at Missouri.
The coach, who inherits the
task of turning out a new pivot
stalwart, is Huston Betty, the
first midline-man under Fau
m .i iijjwiiiii ,.jminw!i!iijiii.i.BH.inii.i i iiiiiiii.i i.iiiLijjiiiiiajajpi.i,iiilimMElMJl IIUII1 I
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The four Husker gymnasts who
traveled to Boulder last weekend
might be seen on television and in
movie newsreels in the near fu
ture. Several major newsreel
companies filmed the tenth an
nual NCAA gymnastic champion
ships held at hte University of
Colorado. The Nebraskans who
made the trip were Max Kennedy,
Paul Hughes, Tom Kidd and Bob
Missouri's 1951-'52 basketball
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