The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, March 18, 1952
White Bucks, Once Taboo,
Enter (Fashion Spotlight '
i SlBi
a irii'irDmiBirQ'D"
Society Editor
The dollar may be depreciated,
but a buck is still a buck . . . espe
cially now at the University.
Gone are the days when the
lorm "buck" meant a dollar bill.
This term is now being applied
fashion-wise to the white buck
shoes that are now adorning feet
all over the country.
A few years aso, casual white
shoes were considered about as
fashionable as cotton mesh hose
or Cuban heels. With the ex
ceptisn of white and brown and
Ma "k saddle oxfords, no girl
in her right mind would have
aprnared on the street with a
pvr of white shoes.
But, style taste change as fash
Ion dictates. Though loafers and
sadr.les still remain the two major
mainstays in the avrage coed's
casual shoe wardrobe, the new
white bucks arc slowly finding a
pla-e there.
Trobably cue of the major
reasons that the shoes have not
attained a greater popularity is
that many girls feel that she
must have "Cinderella" feet to
wear a white shoe. True, after
years of wearing: darker shoes,
white shoes can, shall we say,
emphasize the size of the foot.
But, most coeds find that after
Bettirif used to them, there is
(and I quote a buck shoe owner)
"nothing like them."
One of the big problems con
nected with the white buck shoes
is keeping them clean. Even the
most optimistic coed knows that
a day of hopping through mud
r. u. ij j ri
tA a f i
i i VI
if f I f I
( iH
Aonniyinices Qrad Awsur
The Joseph Claggett Seacrest award last year. He stated that
scholarship for advanced study in any upperclass student or any stu-
journalism is now being offered dent graduated during this acad-
to upperclass students in the emic year may qualify.
BLACK AND WHITE ... The current fad for white buck shoes
presents its problems. Shall they be kept clean and white or left
dirty and black? (Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
puddles or even walking around
campus plays havoc to a white
shoe. The picture on the left
shows what does happen to a pair
of freshly polished buck shoes
after an average day of campus
trotting. Buck shoe manufacturers say
that bucks should be treated
comparably to suede shoes.
They may be cleaned either
with a liquid polish or a pow
der. Either way, pessimistically
school of journalism.
This scholarship offers $500 for
one years study at any school of
the winner's choice. It may be
used for a year after graduation
or the last part of the senior year,
The advanced study may be in
ship was not offered for the first cedurcs Short Course at Kadcliffe
three years. As result, two College in New England. She is
awards were made for the next now married and works with her
three years. husband, R. M. Gitlan, on Stars
In 1945. Patricia Chamberlain and stripes in Germany. Robert
the field of journalism or in any received one of the awards, and.Lienenert was the second winner
in laio, ana smuicu ai iiuivn
western University. He is now
employed with the Detroit Free
P jss on the copy aesK.
work connected with it. itook her graduate work at Co
The committee which will in- lumbia University in New York
terview the applicants is, Dr. I City. She is now in Geneva,
Swindler, Dean C. H. Oldfather,' Switzerland, doing publicity work
Dr SwinriW rhairman nf hoinCa1 Arl ana Science college, ine Oiner awaru OI uihi year was
School of Journalism announced. I r- Frantz, .head, of the Eng
..... . . ... . , ilish Department.
Applications must be filed in xhis scholarship was established
,G juui iimiaiit unite UJ J1UUII,
Thursday. Hearings and per
sonal interviews with the appli
cants will be held on March 27.
Dr. Swindler announced that
there will be two winners this
year as no one qualified for the
in June, 1942 and in the last ten advertising manager in one of the
years the winners have been ac- Lincoln stores.
tive In journalism, Dr. Swindler
The first award was given in
1945. Dr. Swindler stated that
because of the war, the scholar-
Neale Copple and Marcella
given to Marjorie Menjsnoi wno siajchert received me scnoiarsnip
took her graduate work at North-! in 1947. Copple received his Mas
western Unrversity and is now iters degree at Northwestern and
then returned to the University to
serve on the faculty for two years.
In 1946, two people again re
ceived the scholarship. Marthella
He was copy reader and assistant
picture editor at the Milwaukee
enough, the daily wear given
to them will probably make
them look as if they never saw
a cleaner in their life.
In spite of the somewhat new
Droblems broueht about bv this
new trend in shoe wear, white K-erauver is xne
bucks are probably here to stayjbest man avail
. . . until some fashion experts able for the
decide otherwise. p r e s i d e ncy.
Who knows, maybe cotton mesh s writer,
hose and Cuban heels will De a x s a g r e eing
next! somewhat,
presents anomer
A fellow writer for The Daily
Nebraskan, Bob Reichenbach, last
week presented his opinion on the
upcoming presidential campaign
Kefauver Versus Elsenhower
General Gains Public Favor
Tom Rische
relations. He has gained wide re
spect for his ability in this field.
Another point in Eisenhower's
favor, as in Kefauver's, is his
'Round The Campus
Delt Convention Tops Weekend;
Pinning, 'Steady Deals1 Announced
Hitting the high spot on the presented their Coed Follies skit
weekend was the Delt Western at the convention, but Saturday
regional convention. Thirteen evening ws the really big event,
schools in eieht states were rep-' socially speaking. It was the con-
resented, jvention dance held in the Lincoln
Friday evening, the Kappas hotel.
Dates to the dance included:
Max Kennedy and Joyce Fin
ney: Don Woods and Mary Ann
Nelson: Doug Hanson and
Bridget Watson; Duffy Olson
and Agnes Anderson; Bob Ficke
and Diane Feaster; Jack Faulk
ner (IS) and Bonnie Ellers:
Chuck Higgins (S. Dak.) and
Sue Seveska; Vince Allen
(Westminster college) and Mar
lene Stroh; Ken Whitehead
(Westminster) and Betty Due;
Sheldon Crosette (Westminster)
and Ann Gilligan: Hank Mahl
man (N. Dak.) and Mary Pitter
man; Allen Kipper (K State)
and Sylvia Leland; Walt Wright
and Marion Eckstrom: George
Karabatsos and Jo Crosswell;
Ray Mladovich and Jody L'Heu
reux. o
On The
AP Haywire
Amy Palmer
Connie Gordon
Speaking of steady deals, here
are some that I forgot to list
and though they're late, I hope
they will still be news to some.
They are: Miriam Willey and
Jerry Johnson; Doris Gillett and
Kaye Gauger; Corky Clore and
Jerry Ewing; Jan Bohner and
Tony Ramussen; Marty Pick
ard and Don Mahannah.
land expressed the view that Estes, reputation for honesty, and the
tact that he is not a professional
politician. The New Hampshire
results would seem to indicate
public disgust with those who
make a business of politics.
Any president, no matter how
honest or fearless, must be able
to deal with the professional
man's view of
the situation.
Kefauver has r
been a g o o d I
s e n a t o r I ? 5
showing fear- i1
lessness, humil- ' Rische
ity and complete honesty. Ke
fauver is a nice guy and might
be a good president. But a presi
dent has to get along with the
"big wheels" of his party and
as yet, no major congressional
leader has declared himself for
Another drawback to the Ke
fauver candidacy is the fact that
the Tennesseean is a democrat.
Any party too long in power is
bound to gather barnacles in the
form of grafters and hanger's-on.
Democrats have no stranglehold
on corruption, but after 20 years
in power, Truman's administra
tion seems to have collected more
than its share of barnacles who
live off tne public and off money
Holcomb took the first part of her journal from 1949 51 and is now
work at the University and the .assistant Sunday editor on the
second part at the Publishing Pro- Lincoln Journal.
Miss Slajchert took ner study
at the University of Prague and
during her graduate year was
the correspondent for the Co
lumbia Broadcasting System and
for Time and Life magazines.
She is now Mrs. John Tennant
and is engaged in government
publicity work working on the
State Department publicity pro
gram which sponsors the Voice
of America.
George P. Miller received the
award in 1948, doing his advanced
study at the University. He is
now publisher of the Papillion
Times and associated weekly pa
papers. In 1949, Jack C. Bolts won the
scholarship. He attended North
western university and is now as
sistant telegraph editor of the
Lincoln Journal.
politician, however. Elsenhowr?
has been dealing with the wild
est of international politicians
lor years and doing so quite
successfully. He haa much sup
port among progressive republi
can leaders.
Eisenhower's views on do
mestic policies are largely un
known. Those who are usually
"in the know" say the general is
a thorough-going conservative on
domestic matters.
Home Ec Department Receives
Margaret Fedde Gift Portrait
Spring is due to arrive this
week. Look around; do you
see signs of spring, that is.
Don't worry, I'm sure that on
that magical day flowers and
sunshine will suddenly ap
pear. Ah it's such thoughts
that dreams are made of.
The basket tourney created
quite a bit of pandemonium on
the old state-owned grounds
1: ov,n as the
I'niversity. I
gmss those
kids get quite
a kick out of
coming to the
"b i g city."
I" n i v e r sity
athletes add
ed to the at
traction. Bob
Reynolds and
others were
handing out
autographs and
ments the first
play when two
girls decided to join the crowd.
"You ask him," whispered one.
"Oh no, you ask him," said the
other. After two minutes of
conversation like this, they
shoved the program under his
nose without saying anything
and walked off with the auto
graph. My parrot Tiz has been espe
cially busy this week. He's cir
culating a petition to submit to
the Student Council to let all an
imals matriculated to the Univer
sity be represented on that board.
Tiz is being very philosophical
about it though. As he puts it,
"What's the use? I'm an egg yes
terday, a featherduster tomorrow."
various com
afternoon of
rather timid
chosen Theta Xi Dream Girl at
the Theta Xi formal Saturday
And along that same line,
congratulations also to Mary
Jean Niehaus who was present
ed as Beta Sig sweetheart.
Frankie Carle brought a lot of
NU students to the Pike Friday
night. Some of the couples seen
there included: Gladys Johnson
and Jim Pettijohn; Lorene Graver
and Kent Kelley; Alice Frampton
and Mark Dittman, Charlene
Johnson and Joe Srb; Joan Hol
den and Dave Phipps; Peggy
Also, would like to take time to Bayer and Norm Gauger; Judy
announce a pinning. Jerry Krantz. Overgaard and Bernie Goodman;
Delt, and Bev Pace, Chi O at Ruth Ellenwood and Paul Wil
Omaha are now pinned. coxen; Dorothy Kahm and Dale
Going steady are Rod Harvey, Nelson; Ginny Holloway and
Delt, and Eleanor Sulc, OU grad., Chuck Huestis,
Congratulations ire certainly in j dishonestly obtained. These barn-
oiuer lor Lj-nn Aioers, wno was acles hang on tenaciously.
Were he elected, Kefauver,
being a democrat, would likely,
unknowingly, keep many ' of
these barnacles. With a stag
gering number of federal em
ployes, it is difficult for a chief
executive to know well even
the men who fill the most re
sponsible positions. Many of
the smaller barnacles would be
If a change is to be made,
who should replace Truman?
At this writing, the man
1 j 3torr.i.-..J...IIIt.ll)ILI, .HUII' HIMI ' , 1
t-Wn . .i .in mil, mi. -
A nortrait of Marearot FpHrfp
Ofichairman of fh( ITnivprsitv hnmp
the hour would seem t0be. G'iecotiomics department for 31 years,
MISS MARGARET FEDDE HONORED . . . Miss Dorette Schlaphoff (left), chairman of the Univer
sity home economics department, receives a portrait of Miss Margf.ret Fedde from (left to right) Mrs.
Roscoe Hill, Miss Ann Smrha and Miss Florence A twood, all of Lincoln. Miss Fedde retired in 1950
after serving as chairman of the University home economics department for 31 years.
, , .. , . ... 1 Courttw Lincoln Star.
development), design and institu-1
Dwight D. Eisenhower. Probably
the most important part of U. S.
policy at the present time in
volves the ticklish business of for-
ign relations. General Eisen
hower is an old hand at foreign
was presented to the department
Friday evening at the joint meet
ing of the Nebraska Dietetic as
sociation and Nebraska Home Eco
nomics association in Omaha.
The painting, a gift of 728
alumna' and friends of Miss
Fedde and of six organizations
will be hung in the social rooms
of the Home Economics build
ing on the College of Agricul
ture campus. It is the work of
Hermine Stellar of Chicago, a
former University faculty mem
ber. Serving on the committee which
arranged for the portrait were
n.ff.. ;. ' Anna Smrha and Mrs. Roscoe
. . m , , twin vi u i v& tyuiii
bay have you heard the story i there are different kinds of straw that will blend well with youri Pa H a f - - n( ihB TTivorQitv'c
aoout the "rour-b's"? Before you hats, sucn as the simulated, the iavorue snaae. i aiso hmiq "'.ihome economics department; Do
Fashion Folly
Sailor, Skimmer, Shell, Scoop
Featured Hot Styles For Spring
think too hard about what the smooth, and the
rour-b ? could possibly mean, I'll In case you have a poodle cloth
let you know it is the big story i coat you will want a "rough"
on hats this year. You see the straw hat.
Sailor, the Skimmer, the Shell.
ix itActar'iv friar vplmw
straws. ; T J :VTlJ ' V". '
uc a guuu linn luiui.
and the Scoop are the four out-! There really isn't anv one out-
tanding styles this spring.
These styles are very import
ant this year because they are
made to wear with every hair
style. Hair styles usually are
different every year, so conse
quently hat styles change too.
It always fascinates me to hear
what the different shape hats are
named. The hat that is designed
for anv age this year is the "Pla-
standins rolor for haU Thrro will'teau. rom tne description oi tms
hnwpvpr hp a lnt nf u-hitP hats hat over the radio, I gathered
that it is to be worn towards the
r i 1 . . i 1 1 . t 11. ! V. . ...Ill
thic'ironi, oui ine oacs oi mis nai win
with approval. Navy again
year will be a favoyte.
I think the trim on a hat def
initely adds something to it. That
It won t hp vprv harH in HomMo trinph nf rprl ic a rpal cntnn PYinn
what ih tfvturo nf vnr t5t ...iiinWnn Hat ripcionorc h Q r o type novelty hat. This year
hp P-vp. ch,i v,ir,ai ti,- foit ,u r. i;!check and striped straw can be
buying straw hats. Of course stick together to get the color red
Teacher Goes 1040 Mile Route
To Correct Speech Difficulties
Ernest Burgi is an educational enable
circuit rider who travels 1,040
miles a week to meet his classes.
His "pupils" are 126 teacners,
parents, and young people inter
ested in correcting speech dif
ficulties. Most of them learn by
attending Burrn's classes and
participating i n "laboratory"
sessions. A few of them are vic
tims of sp"??h hmdicaps them
selves and receive individual
Burn's efforts are part of a co
operative service program oper
ated jointly by the University of
Tcbraska Extension Division, the
University's speech department,
nd the Nebraska Society for
Jrippled Children.
This semester the division has
their youngsters to makeiThat was a snowv dav in February
the maximum progress in over- when he was sure he could get
coming speech handicaps. to Wausa from Lincoln but class
3. Provide individual speech members who faced country-road
therapy to a limited number of I travel knew they could not.
persons who have speech uiffi- Are Burgi's classes worth the
culties and who live in areas effort?
where such help cannot be other
wise obtained.
Burgi holds "school" one day
a week at each of his five towns.
Last semester his circuit in
cluded Butte, Burwell, Greeley,
Sshuyler and South Sioux City.
In addition to classroom instruc
tion, each session includes a lab
oratory demonstration where
about a dozen local children
take part in group exercises end
games designed to improve
their speech.
"That depends," Burgi admits,
"on your point of view. When
I'm driving in the snow at mid
night, I sometimes wonder my
self. But when I talk' to parents
who have brought their young
ster 70 miles for a speech-correction
session, I know the clas
ses are worthwhile."
Burgi came to the University
last fall from the . University of
Denver where he instructed and
received his master's degree In
speech pathology. This summer, he
Dpsnitp thp hnarrlc nf urirtiar- intano tn nnnHmiA Viio ctnrlv
i i r.. i "T1 1 driving, tsurgi has been able to ward a Ph.D. degree at the Uni-
vurtis, Tryon, and Ar- meet all of his classes except one.'versity of Illinois.
"olies Burgi's service and the Ne
braska Society for Crippled Child
ren pays the difference between
he program's income and operat
.ng expense.
The whole program is part of an
effort the University and the Ne
braska Society for Crippled Child
ren is making to:
1. Inform grade school teachers
of the nature of speech-correction
training and help them under
stand the problems of the young
sters who have speech handicaps.
X Help parents of children with
speech handicaps become aquain
ted with fundamentals which will
Do you have
The Lincoln Maytag Company will install a washing machine
with meter in your sorority house, rooming house, or dormi
tory at no cost to anyone. All you do is insert a coin and
solve your laundry problem right in your basement.
Why not ask your house mother if this service could be made
available for you? For further information call . . .
1323 O St 2-2549
in the Women's college.
Miss Fedde joined the Uni
versity faculty as an instructor
after graduating here in 1914.
She became head of food and
nutrition division and in 1919
was appointed chairman of the
home economics department.
Under her direction the depart
ment was expanded from three
catagorized as a novelty. They divisions to seven: food and nu-
may not be good next year but Ijtrition, clothing and textiles, hour
think they are very attractiveing and equipment, family econo
for the present season. mics, family life (including child
gain the most attention with flow
ers and velvet trim.
Each year there always is some
hat. This year the
retta Schlaphoff, chairman of the
department; and Florence Atwood,
state home extension leader.
Miss Fedde will not be on hand
tion administration.
After her retirement as head
of the home economics deoart-
ment in July, 1950, Miss Fedde
went to Wiesbaden, Germany,
where she was stationed as con
sultant under the U. S. State De
partment There she helped teach the
American way of life to rural
families through adult and
youth groups. Although she was
invited for three months, the
time was extended to a year and
she went on to Berlin where she
taught families to plan low cost
meals that met minimum diet
ary standards.
The idea of a suitable memorial
to Miss Fedde began two years
ago with friends and alumnae of
the University home economics
department. The portrait was
given "in recognition of Miss
Fedde's leadership, her foresight
in pioneering ideas and her un
tiring efforts and devotion to the
to see her portrait presented. She! development of a home economics
sailed in January for Beirut, Leb-'program which has enriched the
anon, where she is now teaching -lives of those who have been
privileged to be associated with
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