The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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-Courtesy Lincoln Star. -Courtesy Lincoln Star.
Managing Editor
This is probably one of the
most difficult years the Uni
versity has faced, for import
ant administrators of the Uni
versity must be found to replace
the four deans who will be
So answered Carl W. Borg
mann, dean of faculties, when
asked the effect the three re
tiring and one resigning dean
would have on the University.
Persons retiring from their
adminstrative responsibil i t i e s
are: Dr. T. J. Thompson, dean
of student affairs since 1927;
Dr. C. H. Oldfather, dean of
the college of Arts and Sciences
since 1932; Dr. Arthur West
brook, director of the school of
Fine Arts since 1939.
The three faculty members
will reach the retirement
age of 65 during the present
school year and will leave
their present posts June 30 as
soon as suitable appointments
can be made.
The three retiring deans will
probably stay on the campus
another three years as teach
ers in their various fields, for
this is encouraged under the
present rules.
Another vacancy to fill will be
that of Dr. Harold C. Lcuth,
dean of the college of Medicine
since 1946. He has submitted a
resignation to be effective June
30. Dr. Lueth has indicated that
he will return to private prac
tice and teach part time at the
University of Illinois college of
As yet, successors have not
been named but faculty com
mittees have been established
the faculties and as advisers
UN Needs More Power To Enforce Decisions
On Dissenting Countries, Schneider Says
The United Nations can bring I NUCW A will be a charter amend-1 IZ L
peace to
Vio mrlr1 if -thpv have
the world n xney nave
the power of enforcing their de
cisions upon the disputing mem
bers. Carl J. Schneider, assistant
professor of political science,
pointed out this power failing
at the second pre-conference
Nebraska University Council for
World Affairs meeting Thursday
The NUCW A, composed entirely
of University students, is a model
organization of the United Nations.
The students represent the dif
ferent UN countries and they at-1
tempt to vote as the real country j
These decisions, Schneider
said, are tied up directly with
voting and veto power of mem
ber nations. At the present
time only the nations in the se
curity council have the vetoing
Dower. This was designed,
Schneider said, so that small na
tions without military power
would not place the UN in a
position that it would have to
.carry on without benefit of the
major power's help.
Since the veto has made the
Security Council increasingly un
workable, the trend has been to
shift the power of the CouncH to
the General Assembly, Schneider
The model conference
of i
Union Cues-
Atomic Energy
Explains Peace,
Notice the exhibit in the Union
Atomic energy is explained pic-
torially to viewers to explain the
peacetime research, war-time use
and future hopes and problems.
Editors of Life magazine and
the United States Atomic En
ergy commission prepared the
exhibit to help educate the pub
lie on the topic.
Bev Mann's house committee
brought it to the University. The
exhibit will close Friday.
Quotes from
the secretary of
state's report
on the interna
tional control of
atomic energy
forms part of
the text with
the panels.
Most of the
photographs are
the work of
Life p h o t o g
rapher, F. Gore.
H i r o s h ima,
Bikini and OakRidge are pictured , "clo?jng the Ring." The book cov
in th nnnoic tT,.?nim min,n ers the beginning oi summer in
radiation sickness and uses of ra
dioactive isotopes in therapy, in
dustry and commerce are pictured,
First Piano Quartet
First Piano Quartet of radio and
International fame will play at
8 p.m. Thursday in the Coliseum.
Student tickets are 75 cents.
Students in Sinfonia, Sigma Al
pha Iota, Delta Omicron and Mu
Phi Epsilon are vying for places
among the three top ticket sales
men. The top salesmen will re-
ceive a pnonograph album or the
First Piano Quartet.
Joy Wachal is ticket sales chair
man. Committee members are Bob
LaShelle, Jaclc Greer, Bill Waldo
and Barb Reinecke.
. uartet members are Glaum
trAttili, Frank MtUler, Adam
- Courtly Lincoln Star. -Courtesy Lincoln Star.
to Chancellor R. G. Gustavson
in the search for suitable
candidates for the vacancies.
Committee members and
chairmen to investigate the suc
cessors to Dr. Oldfather and Dr.
Westbrook were selected by the
Chancellor from nominations by
the senate committee on com
mittees. Heading the committee to
search for a successor in the
school of Fine Arts is Dr. Wil
liam H. Werkmeister, head of
the department of philosophy.
Members on the committee are:
Peter Worth, assistant professor
of art; Myron Roberts, associate
professor of organ and theory;
John C. Whaley, assistant pro
fessor of music education; and
Hazel Davis, assistant professor
of elementary education.
This committee, Borgmann
said, was asked to explore the
qualifications of individuals out
side the University faculty.
In charge of the committee
studying the Arts and Sciences
vacancy iu Dr. Cliff S. Hamil
ton, dean of the department
of chemistry. Committee mem
bets are: Boyd G. Carter, associ
ate professor of romance lang
uages: Walter F. Wright, profes
sor of English.
Donald W. Dysinger, profes
sor of psychology; Leroy T.
Laase, professor of speeech and
dramatic art; Clarence E. Mc
Neill, professor economics;
Doretta M. Schlaphoff, professor
of home economics; and O. H.
Werner, professor of history
and principles of education.
This committee has already
studied the records of more
to serve as representatives of
than 100 persons whose names
were submitted for the posi-
meni roiiieicin.c. -mc
ji,,.t0- ,,,m trv tn fnrm-
ulate solutions for the voting and
vetoing question. But at the same
time the solution must be in har
mony with the nations that they
are representing.
The third pre-conference
meeting will be held Thursday.
The pre-conference meetings
are held in order to familiarize
the participating students with
Aggies' Estes
Scheduled For March 21
"Wheels of Fortune, Political
Pools, and Sports Roundups" will
be included in the concession
booths at the annual Estes Car
nival at the College Activities
building, March 21. The carnival
will be held from 7:30 to 11:30
Presidents for the Ag Y's, Dick
Monson and Marilyn Cook an
nounced that seven organizations
are entered in the event.
Love Hall will present "Leap
Year in Dogpatch" while Alpha
Gamma Rho will feature
"Wheeis of Fortune" in their
booth. "Ring Your Candidate"
will be theme of the Farm
House booth and the Loomis
Hall concession theme will be
War Use
'Shirley Murphy
Garner and Edward Edson.
They will present an interpreta
! iTo;";"':. .u.i .
tion of the classics.
the fine arts committee which is'
sponsoring the program with the
activities committee.
'Come To The Stable
"Come to the Stable" will be
shown at 7:30 p.m. in the Union
ballroom bunday.
Lorctta Young and Celeste
Holm star in the movie as two
French nuns who battle worldly
odds to establish a hospital.
The nuns are characterized by
deep faith, good business sense
and knowledge of people.
The film is part of the Search
weeK program, tnougn sponsored
by the Union.
Churchill's Book Nook
Winston Churchill's fifth vol
ume of World War II history is
now in the Union book nook.
ine name ot tne volume is
1943 to the evening of June 5,
French liberation had begun
and the Hitler regime was
doomed. The character of Church
ill is revealed through this period
more than in previous volumes.
Winds of Morning" by II. L.
Davis is another book nook
The novel describes life in the
northwest during the 1920's. Amos
Clarke, voune sheriff's assistant.
j with an accidental killing.
Complications send Amos to
help a horse herder, Hendrick,
move his stock.
During the journey, Hendrick
reveals the sentiments of early
settlers like himself. The north
ern countryside, wildlife and
horses spark the novel's setting.
Monday, March 17, T 952
tlon of dean of Arts and
Sciences. From this group, the
committee has submitted to
the Chancellor recommenda
tions on six of the group for
further consideration.
The committee appointed by
the 'Chancellor from nomin-.
ations by the senate committee
or committees to examine the
area concerning the office of
student affairs is not looking
for a successor. It is examining
the area concerning all activities
of students which relate to the
University outside the class
room. These activities include
such areas as Student Health,,
Junior Division and registra
tion. When this study is com
pleted, the committee will re
port the recommended changes,
if any, to the Chancellor.
Heading this committee Is
Earl S. Tullbrook, dean of the
college of Business Administra
tion. Working on the study with
him are: Dr. S. I. Fuenning, Stu
dent Health director; George W.
Rosenlof, dean of admissions
and inter-institutional relation
ships; James S. Blackman, as
sistant professor of Engineer
ing Mechanics.
Harold E. Wise, professor of
social eduaction; Angelln Ander
son, assistant professor of home
economics; David Dow, profes
sor of law; Richard M. Dourne,
associate professor of economics
and labor; Donald M. Pace, pro
fessor of physiology; and G. W.
Gray, associate professor of
The Chancellor appointed the
committee from the faculty of
the University college of med
icine to study the vacancy to be
left by Dr. Lueth.
Chairman of the group ad
vising the Chancellor on the
college of Medicine vacancy
is Dr. John S. Latta, profes
sor of anatomy. Assisting him
are: Dr. A. L. Bennett, pro
fessor of physiology; Dr. H. H.
Davis, professor of surgery;
L. W. Lee, associate profes
sor of urology; L. S. McGoo
gan, professor of obstetrics
and gynechology; and Dr. C.
L. Wittson, professor of neur
ology and psychistry.
of the various countries.
Opening the conference offi
daily April 3, the Law College
will m-esent a model session of
the International Court of Justice
The court will deal with legal
asDects o international invest
The first full session will be
held the following day, with
Chancellor Gustavson keynoting
the meeting.
the "Estogram Services." "En
steins Kitchen," will be pre
sented by the Home Economics
club and a "Political Poll" will
be the attraction at the Ag
men's Club concession. Amikl
ta's booth will be a "Sports
Proceeds from the Estes Car
nival will help to finance dele-
for the Estes conference,
which is held in Estes Park, in
Colorado each summer, said Mon-
Tiekets for the concessions,
food stand and the move will be
sold by the YWCA p.nd YMCA for
one cent each.
Clarice Faila and Rolan An
derson are co-chairmen of the
show. The traveling trophy,
now held by Love Hall, will be
awarded to the winner of the
concession booth, according to
the co-chairmen. Any organ
ization which M'lns three years
in a row will be awarded the
trophy as a permanent posses-
The YW chairman, Miss Faila,
announced that they would op-!
erate a food stand at the car-
A free dance andd a movie i
will be the YM contribution to
Ule evening's program according!
YW Camp Counseling comm
sion, Ellen Smith dining room,
p.m., Gladys Johnson, leader.
YW Leadership Training group,
5 p.m., in Ellen Smith dining
,room. Leader. Miriam Willev
Robert Crosby and Victor An
derson speak In Union ballroom,
2 p.m.
YW "Invest Your Summer"
week starts.
"First Glance" meeting in
Builders' office, 5 p.m.
Union board members, commis
sion chairmen and pool workers
meet in Room 313 at Union, 7 p.m.
"Street Scene" tickets go on
Voting by all University women
in Ellen Smith hall and Ag Union
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., for Coed
Counselors, AWS, Barb Activities
Board for Women, WAA, and May
Baptist's annual waffle supper,
5:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church.
Medical Career discussion, Love
Library auditorium, 7 p.m.
Governor Val Peterson speaks
in the Union ballroom at 7:30
Dr. Robert Sears speaks in
Room 201 Social Scienca building,
8 p.m.
'Worker Of
If pHlillllBIl
by v
BRIDGET WATSON . . . This month's Union "Worker of the
Month," Bridget Watson (1.), is shown receiving the award from
Marilyn Moomey, acting director of Union activities. Miss Watson,
a freshman in Teachers college, is a member of Kappa Alpha
Theta. According to Miss Moomey, the award was given primarily
for Miss Watson's outstanding work on the fine arts committee.
(Dally Ncbraskan Fhoto.)
For '52 Advanced ROTC
.t. j. n.. -j j.
applications ior tne advanced are paid ai me raie oi svo per A : Wr i ( rHnhmQ annar.
emirs? in armv ROTC beginning month anri ari fiirni.shpH s.ihsi.! Senator Kerr, presently touring ex-governor of Oklahoma appar
F0Ui!V",rmy ,?H1U-uD?,S!im!ht?.t1?, aJe..fVnished.s.ubS1?-' Nebraska, is voicing vieorous bud--entry regards success in Nebraska
in oepiemow, miuuiu Heiience, nousuig, unuorms ana mea-
submitted by April 10, Col. James
H. Workman, professor of military
science and tactics, announced
Application forms are available
in Room 110, Military and Naval
Science building.
According to Colonel Work
man, applicants for the ad
vanced course must not have
reached the age of 27, must be
regularly enrolled students in
the University and must have
at least two academic years re
maining at this school prior to
graduation, or if graduate stu
dents ti'iey must have a like pe
riod remaining to complete the
advanced degree. They must
also have completed the basic
course of the ROTC or received
credit in lieu thereof, he said.
Colonel Workman stressed vet
erans and those not presently
enrolled in the basic ROTC may
be eligible for the advanced
course if they have 12 months
prior service or prior ROTC
Upon acceptance and enroll-
ferment will be granted as 'iong!
as the student remains in good,
Cadets enrolled in the advanced
course are paid a subsistence al
lowance at the current rate of 90
cents per day. Veterans enrolled
in the advanced course receive
tnis allowance in addition to tne
1 r . r c j i, T Tt.-li - C
oenems oiiered ay uie ui oni oi
Rights, provided the 'Ceiling pre
scribed by law on total income is
not exceeded. An officer type uni
form is furnished by the govern
ment and is retained by the stu
dents who successfully complete
the course.
While attending summer camp,
members of the advaiceu course
WAA Election . . .
Continued from Page 1.
pledge trainer of Chi Omega.
Miss Yeakley is a junior in
Teachers college. She is an in
ttamural representative, a mem
ber .of YWCA, WAA and Delta
WAA elecdons will be held
Tuesday. Those eligible to vote
will receive ballots at the same
tin.. thPv them for th
n,ni PlPPtinns.
Eligibility to vote is based oni
one of these qualifications: i
1. Particination in three intra-1
e ........ . - - -
mural tournaments having played
in 75 per cent of their team's;
" 2. Membership in one of the '
WAA clubs havine attended at
least 75 Der cent of the meetines.
3. Intramural representative in
good standing.
4. Sports board
member in
good standing
Dates of filing for other WAA
positions will be announced.
J. Paul Sliccdy Switched to Wildrool Cream-Oil
Because He Flunked The Finger-Nail Test
PAUL wis having snd-wich at the Dromedairy-Bzr when his
roommate said:"Sheedy, every co-ed sphinx your hair's ugly!
Your camel's hair coat won'i pass the Finger-Nail Test! There
fore, if you fig-ger to get any dates, 1 humply beseech you to try
Wildroot Cream-Oil! Contains soothing Lanolin. Non-alcoholic.
Relieves annoying dryness. Removes loose, ugly dandruff.
Grooms hair neatly and nfturally all day long. It's your hair's
best friend!" Sheedy got Wildroot Cream-Oil and now his Sa-hair-a
looks terrjficl .Better desert water, pyramid your savings
up to 29' and dry-ve to any drug or toilet goods counter for I
bottle or tube of Wildroot Cream-Oil, America's biggest-selling
hair tonic! Ask for it on yout hair at the barbershop, too. You'll
really be dune yourself favorl
if of lit So. Harris Hill W, wiltiamsvilU, N. Y.
Wildroot Comfx Inc., Buffaio 1 1, N. Y.
The Month'
Due April 10
i ..... .
iral at.tent. nn at. gnvprnmont py-
pense. Transportation to and from
camp is furnished or reimbursed:
at the rate of 5 cents per mile.
Students may apply for enroll-
nH 1 . .,ee j
"L"? "L
in uie auvanceu course null,
wnicn inciuaes me aruaery, en -
gineers, infantry, military police covering approximately 3me xmr dyhiti parUcSar
ariH nnnna Umtravr iUr rrti.of'il Ur,rrU XT-.T , J n 1 01 ine Semester falUQy ing parilLUldr
be enrolled in an appropriate
academic Held if admission to the
engineers is desired.
Graduates of the advanced
course ROTC are, upon successful
completion of the course require
ments and the necessary attend
ance at camp, recommended for
con nission as second lieutenant
in the Officer' Reserve corps, in
their respective branches. Dis
tinguished graduates may qualify
ior regular Army commissions.
iunner lmcrmanon i may oe od-
idint-u m rvooin iiu, ivumary and
Naval Science building.
Counselor Slate . . .
Continued from Page 1.
of Alpha Xi Delta YWCA Build -
ers and is in Teachers college.
Ann Launcr is in Business Ad-
'ministration college and is a mem-
ber of Karma Kamoa Gamma.',: j ma i v, -nrV .T.J .i.'.u
Builders and Union activities,
Mary Jane Mapes is a member
i v r r k a ?' -Pr '
ers college
Marlene McCulIough is in with Alpha Omicron Pi and in sophomore.
Teachers college, a member ofiTeachers college. She is a member The sophomore board has six
!Pa Ch 0me?a R?d... Cross, of Newman club and has worked candidates and four positions
YWCA andn Union activities. !0n the Cornhusker. 'available
Muriel Pickett is a member of Nancy Hemphill is in the Col- Catherine Bethscheider is fresh
Pi Beta Fhi, Builders, Sigma lege of Agriculture and a member' Teachers college Teri
college. - of Home Ec club and has worked ers c0iege
Jane Urode is in Arts and Sci-'on the Cornhusker. I nrth'B0 . . ,
r,e iir-no on o r.f. .tnv l.naKP is nffilintpr? urih' Dorothy Sears is a Teachers col-
Pd Cross
Chloryce Ode, a home econom- participated in freshman debate,
les major, is a member of Home Miss Laase is enrolled in Teachers
Ec club and Ag YWCA cabinet. Icollege.
Margaret Ray is in Ag college.' Ei,een MuIIarky is enrolled in
Claudette Schulze is in Ag col- teachers college. She is AUF of
lege, and a membr: of Home Ec;flce assistant, a member of Build
club' ers, F-d Cross College unit, YWCA
Marilyn Stelling is a member of i?"?-0"?!1. , ,
Builders, Dorm council, Pennies'
&,s, ana&c ence conege. ion
I Winifred Stolz is in Arts andEPsi'on , Miss ; Lewandowski is in
I science conege, ana a memoer oil
Towne Club, Builders, and YWCA. ;
Baptists To Hold Annua!
Waffle Supper Tuesday
m .
The Rev. C. B- Howells, direc-
tor of the Baptist student house
'announced the Baptists
... "a'"","a,l1
waffle supper will be held lues-
'y from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at First
Baptist church
Proceeds for the waffle sapper
will be given to the summer con
ference funds, according to Rev-
'erend Howells.
.r..i...i. ....... 11
ICefauver, Kerr Plan
March Appearances
At NU Convocations
I Two presidential candidates for!
.the Democratic nomination Son.1
Estes Kefauver and Sen. Roberti
Kerr have scheduled appearances,
on the University campus this
Senator Kefauver of Tennessee,
chairman of the Senate crime in
vestigation committee, will speak
Monday, March 31, at 8 p.m. hi the
Union ballroom on the eve of the
Nebraska primary,
Senator Kerr of Oklahoma will
speak Tuesday, March 25, at 8 p.m.
in the ballroom.
Both are sponsored by. the
University convocations com
mittee. Dr. Carl Schneider,
chairman, has announced that
the committee is willing to
sponsor any presidential candi
date if that candidate or his re
presentatives request an engage
ment on the Nebraska campus.
T he Nebraska -for- Kefauver
committee and the Kerr - for
President committee in Ne
braska requested appearances
for these two speakers.
Both men's names have been
entered in the Nebraska primary,
April 1, on the Democratic ticket.
Senator Kefauver, fresh from
victory in the New Hampshire
primary, has been gaining pop
ularity through his personal cam
paign tours. The "Crime buster"
rolled up 54 per cent to President
Truman's 44 Der cent in that state,
. . .. - .m , '
F"' '"lu,i
Eighteen University Geology Students
Plan Field Trip Through Wyoming, Utah
Eighteen advanced geology
- . r. .
,""""'" "1
students will take a iem trio
and central Utah, April 11 to 20.
The trip was announced by Dr.icnmt,iptPri. thev will write eeo-
William N. Gilliland, chairman of : logicai ieports on their findings
the geology department, who willland observations,
be in charge of the group. rjr. Gilliland stressed the im-
Students will be introduced to portance of seeing geology in the
the major types of Rocky Moun-j field to understand it. He said a
tain geology, typical oil field thorough job cannot be done en
strtuctures and mountain struc-ltirely in the classroom.
AWS Ballot...
Continued from Page 1.
president of the Dorm Council, on
the Union committee and a mem-
ber of Cosmopolitan club.
Joyce Bennington is a member
of Alpha Chf Omega and in
:Teachers college. She is in YWCA'was also the 1951 Hello Girl.
and has worked on the Cornhusker
and College Days
Marilyn Brewster is a member,
of YWCA, Builders and Home Ec
club, bhe is atrinatea wun Aipnai
oi Agriculture.
Donna Elliott is a member of
Kappa Alpha Theta and in Teach -
ers college.
Madeline Gourlav is affiliated
Alpha xi pelta and is a memberi
of YWCA, Red Cross, and has
Zn' MThl
Sally Jo Speicher is in Teachers
allege and a member of Kappa
Kappa Gamma.
Main Feature Clock
Schedule Furnished by The.ieri
Esquire: "Henry the VIII," 7:24,
State: "A Girl in Every i urt,"
- 1!? ACf RiR fl-SS. ".Tiintrla nf
' ',.,0 ...
"1 ' '" ,:t""' "
Varsity: "At Sword's Point,"
1:35, 3:38, 5:42, 7:46, 9:50.
now tZESBl
"Nature's Half Acre"
Mat. Ht. p.m. Sun. 3 p.m.
Eve. 7:10 8:45 p.m.
tlillES Ml'CITII
J jr tit
ZjLf Chilli
Jiis'jAMttM Iff
III. MllliMIM '
,r- '
Courtesy Lincoln Star.
eicn and economic policies. The
QC " -a) cfo in h ramnnin.
:ture. Dr.
Gilliland said.
t r tu u
i,A't V uQ ;,., nr-i
t""'0" " -"r
phases of geology in these parts
of the rounfrv When the trio is
BABW Slate . . .
Continued from Page 1.
versify Tennis club and president
of Pennies, a girl's dorm club.
Darlene Goodding, Arts and Sci-
ences sophomore, is a Tassel and a
'member of the Towne club. She
Bcverlv Jackson, sophomore in
Teacher's college, is a member of
Towne club.
Lois Miner, Teachers college
sophomore, is secretary of Cosmo-
Lois June Pierce is a member of
the Loomis club and an Agricul-
jture college sophomore. Helen
Jean Utterback. is a Coed Coun-
selor and a Teachers College
mnarea snyaer is a rresnman in
College of Agriculture.
Winifred Stolz is a freshman in
Arts and Sciences.
Carlin Walker is a freshman in
Teachers college.
The board provides independent
students with opportunities for ac
tive campus and social life.
If you were unable to get together
with our representatives, we'd like
you to know about the excellent
openings available to qualified en
gineers, mathematicians and physi
cists. Our brochure points out and
pictures the history, development
progress, organisation, expansion,
facilities, programs, benefits, and
opportunities open to you at Bell
Aircraft, a leader in the Research
and Development of Supersonic
Aircraft. Rocket Power Planrs,
Guided Missiles, and Electronic
and Servo-mechanisms equipment.
(Atronautual Eaginttring Training
NOT RtquirtJ.)
Mgr. Englnesrlng Partonnel
p. o. texl lUrFALO a.N.r.
yco,y a
1 in iil limp-" '
'iV. .