The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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t Monday, March 17, 1952
yv 11 wars, Kansas iomDraire Missouri Line Coach Smith
IjNebiraskaim ASI Big 7 Team- Uses Tvelve Man Defense
Nebraskan All-Big Seven Selections
. First Team
nfik w" Sen,or Nebraska
riT. i v-fi Sen,or Kans" State
niiir Knnoim !en,or Missouri
Dick Knostman Junior Kansas State
. Second Team
loh KZeL lunor KansM State
Art Bunte Sophomore Colorado
Sherman Norton , Senior . ' OkiX?
Dick ITm r.! l0ni ,B11L.HW,.and BiI1 Kansas;
Sports Editor
Kansas State's Wildcats landed
two players on the Daily Ne
braskan's All Big Seven team this
year, placed a man on the second
team and two on the honorable
mention list to lead this year's
WAA Sports Columnist
The girls basketball tournament
Is still underway. There were just
two games played this week. The
Chi Omega first team defeated
tne K-appa Delt first team 15-9.
.Joanie Corrick scored six points
for the winners, and Marilyn
Mathews scored six points for the
Also the Alpha Xi'i first
team defeated the Gamma Phi
Beta second team 18-10. Bar
bara Mann scored ten points for
the winners,.
The quarter-finals start next
fer, Knostman and Lovellette.
Art Funte is the only sopho
more to make the Nebraskan's
second team. The avkward look
ing Coloradoan did much to keep
are the forwards.
The honorable mention list in
cludes, for the most part, players
that were consistent throughout
the season and were primary
Colorado in the dangerous and ! sources of support for the first
giant-killing classification all year and second team members,
On the second unit, Housey
and Bob Kenney provide the
spark from their guard spots;
Jim Stange Is in charge of the
pivot duties; and Bunte and
Sherman Norton of Oklahoma
Bill Lienhard, injured the last
few Kansas games, Joe Good,
Nebraska's scrappy junior,
George Hess, Iowa State and
Frank Gompert were all out
standing examples of depend
able performers for their team.
If Harry Smith, Missouri's new
est coaching addition, insists on
putting in a 7-2-2-1 defense when
spring drills begin here Monday,
Head Man Don Faurot will have
to pardon Smitty's yen for a 12,
man football.
It's just his Canadian back
ground, you see. Smith returns
to the Mizzou staff this month
fresh from a one-year hitch as
head coach of the Saskatchewan
Rough Riders and he's partial
to those 12-man defenses. He's
happy, though, to be back where
football-playing weather is
more temperate, especially after
one memorable experience up
"We went into one of those 'side wing (end)
(twelfth man Is called a "flying
wing"). Other positions are cen
tre (center); inside wing (guard);
middle wing (tackle): and out-
Cornhusker Coaching Staff
Dick Iverson, fiery Wildcat
guard, and Dick Knostman
both placed on the first team.
Nebraska's Jim Buchanan won
the other guard position with
Iverson, while Missouri's Bill
Stauffer fills the other forward
post with Knostman. Clyde
Lovellette had little difficulty
winning the pivot post.
The Univer
sity of Kansas
placed a total
of four men on
this year's all
star team. Be-
sides lovellette,
senior Bob
Kenney took a
second berth
guard position
and two other
Jayhawks re
ceived honor-
Norton able mention.
The starting team consists of
four senior and one junior. Three
of the starting alignment set new
records at their respective schools.
Buchanan and Stauffer cracked
Nebraska and Missouri's marks
week, and from then on Hand Cumulous Clyde picked off
tournament is going to be Jcuble
The officials, referees, um
pires and time keepers, have
had a very big part to play in
this tournament. There is an
officials club, and these girls
had to pass skill, and written
tests, tu get into this club. The
time keepers, have just had past
experience, and hey are volun
teering their time.
The badminton and duckpins
club is stnl meeting every Wed
nesday, Kay Chnstoffel, and
Barbara Tooley are heads of these
clubs respectively.
The tennis "club, headed by
Carol Frene is also going to get
underway ut soon as weather permits.
Eight players on the roster of
the Washington Senators hail from
Cuba. None comes from Washing
ton, D. C. I
the Jayhawk standard as well as
national records.
Only Dick Knostman will re
turn for more court action next
year. His teammates, Bob
Rousey, Jesse Prlscock and Gene
Wilson will all be back next
year to spark Coach Jack Gard
ner's basketeers.
There is no
denying that
starting team.
They have scor
ing punch plus.
They have
heighth with an
average of 6
fee 4 inches per
man. They
have the floor
leadership in
Buchanan and
Iverson and the
rebound ins
control will in the hands of Stauf-
'" a' ' 'J i' wi -V
HmhersSrd In Total Points',
Buchanan 4th High Scorer
The Nebraska basketball team
ranked third in total points scored Name
this season in Big Seven basket-Lovellette
ball play. The Cornhuskers aver- i Knostman
aged 60.2 points per game to trail Stauffer
Kansas State, 73.8 and Kansas Buchanan
Jim Buchanan finished fourth
among the conference high scor
ers. Clyde Lovellette won the
title with 336 points and a 28.0
average. Buchanan had 181
points for a 15.3.
The Final statistics?
Iowa State
Kansas State
Kas. 139 58 336 28.0
Kas. S. 77 71 225 18.7
75 57 207 17.2
77 30 184 15.3
67 50 184 15.3
73 30 176 14.6
63 46 172 14.3
58 55 171 14.2
53 4G 154 14.0
59 33 151 12.5
46 33 125
33 47 113
39 34 112
46 17 109
36 31 103
43 14 100
UK ' l: M m WW Wi
V.W.V.- VV.WAW.'.4WAYMW.-.VWi .
playoff games with a three-inch
j layer of ice covering the field,"
Smitty shivers, "and another
inch of snow fell during the game.
We had to use hockey bluing to
mark off the sidelines."
Still broad and compact
built along the lines of a re
frigerator Big Harry rejoined
the Mizzou staff March 1 after
a two-year sojourn at USC as
freshman grid coach, and a year
In Canada. He replaces Bob
Maddock who went to the Uni
versity of Indiana as line coach
last month, and who, incidental
ly, filled Smith's vacancy here
in 1949.
Last year, Smith a two-time
All-American guard at USC led
Saskatchewan to a 10-8 campaign
and the squad's first champion
ship year since 1936. The Rough
Riders were finalists in the Grey
Lup playoffs.
Pro football is thriving in
Canada, Smitty says ,and in the
Western sector, at least. Is out
drawing hockey the national
pasttime. The final playoff
game, for instance, drew 28,000,
and tickets were scaled all the
way to $6 a copy.
Talent is, in Smitty's opinion,
uniformly good. Each squad car
ries 30 players, but must pare its
roster to seven American players
by Oct. 1. Two of Saskatchewan's
mainstays last year were Glenn
Dobbs, former Tulsa triple
threater, and Don "Red" Ettin
ger, the ex-Kansas line stalwart.
Dobbs recently was named
player-coach of the Saskatchewan
club, succeeding Smith. Ettinger
rates Smitty's highest aecolades.
"That red-head is a football-
piaying demon a great com
petitor," says Smith of Ettin
giner, "He played the full 60
minutes in sixteen of our games
-and played it tough all the
Basically, Canadian football
follows the American pattern,
but has its own individualistic
The major deviations are:
1. Twelve men instead of eleven
same titles as
Backs have the
their American
counterparts in a "T" formation.
2. Larger playing field 10
yards longer and 12 yards wider
than the standard 100 by 53V.
prescribed for the American game.
Goal posts are on the goal-line
as in pro leagues here, but th
Canadians have a "touch-and'
goal" area extending for a dept.
of 25 yards behind the posts.
3. Only three downs, not four
are allowed in which to mak
a "first and ten."
4. Scoring differs. Five points
are awarded for a touchdown,
three for a field goal, two for
a safety, and one for a conver
sion or "rouge." The latter sit
uation arises when a kicked ball
passes through, or Is downed,
in the touch-and-goal area. The
kicked ball may be either a punt
or field-goal try, and the kick
ing team gets the point. How
ever, if the receiving team
elects to run the kick out of the
touch-ar-l-goal zone and suc
ceeds the point Is not awarded.
If the receiving team tries to
advance the kick out of the
area and fails the ball is then
put In play by the receiving
team on its own 25. If the ball
is unplayable in the touch-and-goal
area, as a result of having
gone through the area, the re
ceiving team gets the ball on
its own 40.
5. The defense "sits" a yard off
the scrimmage line, not up to the
tip of the ball. Downfield block
ing is only permitted ten yards
past the scrimmage line, and is
restricted to all linemen (or any
one on the line of scrimmage),
and one back (stationed outside
the end) who must be designated
m advance.
6. No forward passes may be
completed behind the scrimmage
line, ruling out the screen pass.
7. Players covering a punt
are required to maintain a five
yard gap until the receiver
catches the ball.
THLIK BIG JOB JUST STARTED ... The Nebraska coaching staff has awakened after a four
month dormancy period and has been shaping up the varsity football squad for the 1952 season.
Over 100 prospective candidates have turned out to take their spring conditioning from (left to
right) line coaches Marvin Franklin and Ralph Fife, backfield coach Bob Davis and (kneeling)
head coach Bill Glassford.
Buck Makes AP
Conference Team
Jim Buchanan was named to
the Associated Press Big Seven
first team. Along with the
high scoring Husker guard on
the all star quintet were, Clyde
Lovellette, Kansas; Jim Stauf
fer, Missouri; Bob Kenney,
Kansas; and Dick Knostman,
Kansas State.
Stauffer and Lovellette were
both unanimous choices. The
list of honorable mention in
cluded Frank Gompert and Art
Bunte, Colorado; Jim Iverson
and Bob Rousey, Kansas State;
Bob Reiter and Gene Landolt,
Missouri; Bill Hougland, Kan
sas; Sherman Norton, Okla
homa; Jim Stange, Iowa State;
and Jesse Prisock of Kansas
'B' Squad Meeting
University of Nebraska Base
ball Coach Tony Sharpe has
announced a meeting of the
"B" diamond squad at 4 p.m.
Monday, March 17, in the field
house. This will be the nub
bins' first meeting, and any
one interested in playing is
asked to attend.
No workout will be held the
first night, Sharpe said. Tenta
tive practices are slated for
Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of next week.
Ed Berg will coach the "B"
A Large Selection for
Friends, Relatives, Kiddies
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 No. 14th St.
Norton Okla.
Iverson Kas. S.
Stange la. St.
Gompert Colo.
Kenney Kas.
Bunte Colo.
Hess la. St.
Diercks la. St.
Waller Okla.
Good Neb.
Matzke Neb.
School Won Lt. Pet
G FG FT TP Ave Seger
12 253 198 704 58.6
288 210 786 65.5
12 327 232 886 73.8
253 211 717 59.7
12 333 191 857 71.4
265 161 691 57.5 Kansas 11 1
12 241 194 676 56.3 Kansas State 10 2
238 197 673 56.0 Missouri 6 6
12 273 177 723 60.2 Iowa State 4 8
310 203 823 68.5. Colorado 4 8
12 233 180 646 43.8 0klahoma 4 8
277 168 722 60.llNebraska 3 9
To place a classified ad
Stop in the Busineai Office Room 20
Student Union
Call 2-7631 Ext.
fied Service
4226 !r Haul.
Hours 1-4:20 Afon. thru ftl
No. words 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 1 week
M0lT40 M5 t85 $Oo $L20
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10-20 j .60 j . .05 j 1.25 1.50 1.70
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bread routes, or asnUt Saiesmanager In
office. Muat be courteoua, renponalble
and safe driver. Good wages. Box 6HI1
Ornnd Island, Nebraska. CJIve full details.
nlnfts and Bundayi. 0218 "O." Call
AN YON 10 who saw the accident Involving
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the corner ot nth and R, Satunir.y,
March 1, at about 0:20 P.M., please
PHONO 2-3360.
Social Science bulldlni and Burnett, Frl-
. . . . . win n ....
nay at ii. tioena Miner, i-i.t..
roon. Between Burnett and Union Mon
day. William saaa. f-ouoo.
LOST Bulova watch, Boy's Rest Room
Student Union, 13:20 P.M. Thursday
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