The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 14, 1952, Image 1

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Statehood For Hawaii
The opinions of statehood for
Hawaii are expressed by Ha
waiian students attending the
University. The interviews ap
pear on page four.
P Debate
Victor Anderson and Robert
Crosby, Republican candidates for
governor, will present their beliefs
on state issues before students and
faculty Monday at 2 p.m. in the
Union ballroom.
Anderson, who attended the
University, is at present the mayor
of Lincoln, and past member of
the state legislature.
Crosby, from North Platte, at
tended the University and re
ceived his law degree from Har
vard Law school. He is a former
lieutenant governor and was
speaker of the Nebraska legisla
ture in 1943.
The stand taken by Anderson
Is briefly this:
1. There should be no increase
In taxes.
2. Job opportunities should be
created within the state so that
Nebraska will not continue to
suffer a loss in population due
to a lack of jobs.
3. Our schools should be kept
at the highest possible level
and the standards of the schools
in the surrounding sliates should
be maintained.
4. The highway commission
should contain representatives
from all sections of the state.
The governor will be the chair
man, and there will be one rep
resentative from each congres
sional district.
Anderson favors the Pick-Sloan
plan. Crosby favors a plan simi
lar to the Pick-Sloan plan. In op
position to the Missouri Valley
Authority, he favors a resources
plan controlled by the states in
P. M. Headlines
Staff News Writer
'Big Guns' Face Committee
ministration wheeled out its
big guns to face a congres
sional committee investigating
the 1952-53 budget. Mutual
Security Director W. Averill
Harriman, Secretary of State
Dean Acheson, Secretary of
Defense Robert Lovett and
Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman
of the joint chiefs of staff,
all testified before the senate
foreign relations and armed
services committees.
The gist of these high offi
cials' remarks was that Con
gress should not cut President
Truman's request for $7.9 bil
lion in foreign aid funds.
Harriman appealed to the
senators in the name of U.S.
security by saying that to cut
Reds Attack 'Heartbreak Ridge'
KOREA In the first appre
ciable action in several weeks,
Communist troops attacked po
sitions of the American 25th
division in the "heartbreak
ridge" vicinity of the Korean
U.S. and Turkish troops
stopped the Red attack 100
yards short of the lines. The
Red assault battalion was
pinned down by a curtain of
allied artillery and mortar fire.
About one-fourth of the at-
Morris 'Citation' Considered
talk in congressional circles of
citing Newbold Morris, Presi
dent Truman's appointee to
clean up corruption in govern
ment, for contempt of Con
gress. Morris recently referred to
the "diseased minds" of the
Chinese Announce 'War Trials'
PEIPING A Chinese judge
announced that American offi
cials should be tried as war
This statement followed a
Red Cross Investigates Red Charges
GENEVA, Switzerland The
international Red Cross an
nounced it would investigate
communist charges that germ
warfare is being employed in
American Secretary of State
Dean Acheson report edly
asked for the investigation, on
the grounds that the red
claims are false.
Similar requests, mostly in
the form of protests, have been
received in Geneva from the
Red Cross societies of Hun
Turmoil, Class Cutting To
Staff Writer
Every year, when state basket
ball tournament time rolls around,
the general student population on
the campus heaves a sigh and
plunges resignedly into the week
most enjoyed and most frustrat
ing in the whole year.
At this time thousands of high
school students mob the campus
only to trample their college sis
ter's and brother's toes, eat the
Lincoln restauranteurs out of or
into business and succeed in the
total dishevellment of the N-Club
concessioneers and Corn Cob
members, not to speak of the
ticket-akers and policemen.
Usually the campus gets
braced for the on-rush of these
ardent fans a day or two before
they are scheduled to arrive.
Corn Crib dieticians stock up on
food for the ever-hungry crowds
VOL. 51 No. 105
volved. It differs from the Pick
Sloan plan in that after the work
has been done by the Department
of Interior, it should be returned
i to the states for operation.
Crosby also favors:
1. A bill sech as the Fair Em-
, ployment Practices Act as a
step toward breaking down ra
cial prejudice.
2. Administravtive reorgani
zation, as a means of econo
mizing. There has been no re
organization since 1919.
3. A two-year plan for road
reconstruction. He wants to sub
mit the plan to the people of
the state for their approval and
4. Emphasizing the cabinet
system with weekly meetings of
the governor and departmental
The program is being sponsored
by the Battle for Ballots commis
sion of the YWCA. The purpose
of the group is to study issues and
platforms of candidates for all of
fices in both parties and voting
Moderator for the program will
be Doris Carlson, YWCA presi
dent. The program will consist of
a 10-minute speech by each can
didate and the remainder of the
time will be spent in questions and
The purpose of the program is
to acquaint the students and fac
ulty with the candidates for
governor and to help stimulate
interest in the forthcoming pri
mary eletnion, which will be
held for Nebraska residents
April 1.
the aid program might wreck
western defenses against Com
Secretary Lovett attempted
to allay congressional fears
that the allies in Europe would
continue to "drag their feet"
in the rearmament program.
He said the first consideration
in granting aid moneys would
be the "performance" of these
Acheson said the Europeans
are doing their best and that
aid cuts "might well wreck"
the defense program.
The administration's plea
faced strong opposition in Con
gress. Many senators feel tnat
sharp reductions are necessary
in defense spending.
tackers wxe killed, according
to division headquarters.
In the Panmunjom truce
tent, UN negotiators told the
Reds they were wasting their
time by continuing to propose
"tlie unconditional repatriation
of all prisoners we hold in ex
change for a small portion of
those you hold."
Rear Adm. R. E. Libby, UN
negotiator, said that was "what
the Red proposal amounted
to," and'added that it was com
pletely unsatisfactory.
congressmen investigating his
appointment. Congress has
asked Morris to explain how
his law firm was involved in
the sale of war-surplus tankers
and oil which eventually
wound up in Communist Chi
na. series of "revelations" by the
Chinese communists that UN
forces are using germ warfare
in Korea. These accusations
are denied by the U.S.
gary, Poland, Romania and
Paul Ruegger, president of
the Red Cross committee, said
an inquiry would be made into
the possibility of bacteriologi
cal warfare if the committee
would be assured of full co
operation on both sides of the
front in Korea.
It is possible, as one re
porter has put it, that what
the reds in Korea need is a
good sanitary engineer.
Time Brings
and various organizations plan
dances and parties to keep the
foot-loose and fancy-free teen
agers on the campus and out of
between-game mischief. These
parties also help to publicize the
University to prospective frosh.
The rea- activity begins as the
ticket office in front of the coli
seum opens and the first ball-supporters
appear. Enthusiasm lags
at the beginning of the four-day
extravaganza as most of the real
interest lies in the playoffs be
tween tne Class a teams, wnicn
aon i siari uniii me sctuuu uj.
The way to measure college stu-
ucui.a tinvi tot vi w r.t. iw'-d
game days is to cneck tne attend
ance tolls of afternoon classes dur
ing the tournaments. Oh, yes, the
profs sometimes play hooky, too!
Of course there is the usual bet
ting and individual rating on the
teams and loyal high school alums
begin spreading their form of
in Block, Bridle Sh
A working border collie, han- - o -
died by Dewey Jontz of Des
Moines, Iowa, is the latest addi
tion to the list of special events
for the 18th annual Block and
Bridle Jr. Ak-Sar-Ben livestock
The list of special events and
participants for the 1952 show
were announced Thursday by
Block and Bridle club president
i Rex Messersmith.
The new act consists of the
collie placing sheep in small pens
in various parts of the arena. In
addition to this act, the dog will
also exhibit his talents of herds
manship on ducks1)
The 1952 show is scheduled
for April 5, and will be held at
the State Fair ground Coliseum.
It will start at 7:30 p.m.
Another special event for the
show is the performance of Red
Ace, world famous dancing horse
owned and shown by H. L. Oldfield of Elmwood, Schade, Dick Gleichenhaus, Donald Beck, Joel
Nebr. Oldfield will also perform with his "high Waddill, Wayne Bath, Jack Aschwege, Art Raun.
schooled" mare, Miracle Lady.
Floyd Megrue of Tekamah will present the Johnson, Steve Pederson and Dave Austin.
American flag at the beginning of the show, riding Participants in the sheep division are:
"Son 'O Nick," his world famous champion Pala- Richard Kiburz, Carl Todfleben, Darren Nel-
mino stallion. son, Howard Hall, John Frazier, Valdean Markus-
Other special events for the show include a sen, Charles Harris, Bob Petersen and Tippes
western-style coed horse-riding contest, a show Hamilton.
class of parade horses, a class of jumper horses Swine fitting and showing participants are:
and classes of three-gaited and five-gaited society Gary Hild, John Norris, Joseph Posey, Tom
horses. Leisy, Delbert Merritt, Fred Smidt, Don Novotny,
The show will be held in conjunction with All- John Stone, Brock Dutton, Valdean Markussen
Sports Day at the University, and will be the night and Ray Harmon.
entertainment for those attending All-Sports Day Winners of each class in the showmanships
activities. contests will be awarded a permanent trophy with
Block and Bridle's Jr. Ak-Sar-Ben show is a their names engraved on it. Runners up will also
traditional livestock showmanship contest featur- receive ribbons.
ing a Variety of special horse acts. Showmanship winners will also receive medals
The coed western-style horse-riding contest will from the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben.
be judged entirely upon the riding ability of the Contestants in the showmanship division will
girls. be judged on the training of their animals, groom
Students entered in the riding contest are: ing and fitting and the manner of presentation by
Pat Hammond, Nancy Hyde, Barbara Arendt, showmen.
Clarice Fiala, Jean McNaught, Patty Russell, Mari- Tickets for the show will be $.90 for adults,
lyn Rice, Joan Meyer, Grace Dunn, Elizabeth Mil- $.65 for students and $.35 for children under 12.
ler, Jean Jackson, Margaret Nelson, Jo Knotts, Co-chairmen of the 1952 show are Rex Messer-
Alma Stoddard, Shirley Coy, Janet Bailey, Eliza- smith and Frank Sibert. Cal Kuska is Master of
beth Anderson and Cory Anderson. ceremonies.
Winner of the coed horse-riding contest will Committee chairmen in charge of the classes of
receive a permanent trophy. Runners up will re- livestock are Dave Austin, beef; Wayne Frost,
ceive ribbons. sheep; and Ralph Hild, swine. Bill Burrows is in
The livestock fitting and showing contest is charge of the coed horse-riding contest.
divided into three classes beef, sheep and swine. Other chairmen of committees are: Clayton
Ag students participating in the beef fitting and Yeutter, special events; Dale Reynolds, publicity;
showing are: Ward Hansen, coliseum; Tom Leisy, awards; Bill
Kay Schwedhelm, Cary Todfleben, Howard Johnson, cards and clothing; and Don Johnson,
Hall, Charles Watson, Raymond Kelly, John music.
Orchesis To Present Spring Recital,
'Seasonal Holidays March 28, 29
"Seasonal Holidays," Orchesis'
25th spring recital, will be pre
sented March 28, 29 at Grant
Memorial gym.
The recital under the direction
of Miss Helen Martin, women's
physical education teacher, will be
presented in four major parts
Fourth of July, Halloween, Christ
mas and Easter each holiday
representing a different season.
A dance, highlighting the Fourth
of July act, will show the cele
bration in 1776 minuet transform
ing into 1952 jazz.
After Halloween witches haunt
the stage, senidr Orchesis mem
bers will give their interpretation
of "Dry Bones." Mimi DuTeau
will give a black cat tap dance.
"'Twas the Night Before
Christmas," New Jersey version,
will be related by the men's
dance group. "Our Christmas
Story," a dance drama in two
Teachers College
Plans Coffee Hour
A coffee hour for Teachers
college seniors will be held from
3 to 5 p.m. Sunday in the Union
The coffee hour is sponsored by
the faculty and student advisory
committee of Teachers college and
the hospitality committee of the
Union to enable seniors to be
come better acquainted with their
classmates and the faculty.
Reservations may be made in
Dean Frank Henzlik's office, Room
303 Teachers college. Seniors may
bring guests.
NU Campus
home team propaganda. Even the
coeds slyly bet a coke with their
doubting roommates.
It is more than evident that
participation in this non-college
event Is higher than at most
University functions. Many col
lege students skip dinner in or
der to get good seats at the
packed Coliseum and many
would break their bank account
just to scrape up enough money
to buy a ticket. Ask any coed
where her plnmate is during
this week and she will undoubt
edly throw a book at your head
in disgust.
Co-operation in setting up the'
organization of a big confab like
this has been exceptional and
much credit is due to those houses
and organizations on campus who
have contributed to its success, i
-Vole of 6000 Cornhuikert-
Collie Featured
CONTEST TIME . . . Rex Messersmith (I.) assists Clarice Fiala
(r.) draw for the riding contest. (Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
Doug Gruber,
acts adopted from Theodosia
Payneter's "Scrooge's Christ
mas" will conclude this section.
As the illusion of building a
beautiful cathedral is given by the
dancers, Bach's - "Chorale" will
conclude the program.
Orchesis members are: Barbara
Bell, Wanda Botts, Jane Deppen,
Mimi DuTeau, Henrietta Hagel
berger, Georgia Hulac, Delores
Irwin, Charlene Katz, Ting Lilly,
Kathy McMullen, Marlene Ehrll,
Mary Pattison, 7,ois Olsen, Sally;
Sveska, Susan Sveska, and Peggy
Wood. Shirley Sidles is president.
Jury Wanted
Any non-law student inter
ested in serving on the jury for
the Law College fake robbery
trial is urged to contact Don
ald Kelly at the Law College.
What is Search Week?
It was formerly Religion-in-Life
week, four days set aside
for students to investigate their
Search Week will be March
23 through 27 at the University.
Dr. William Bernhardt of Iliff
School of Theology and Dr. Ar
thur McGiffert of Chicago Theo
logical seminary will be the
principal speakers.
The schedule for the week in
cludes breakfasts, retreats, ves
pers and convocations.
Search Week committees will
retreat to Grace Lutheran
church at 2 p.m. March 23 for
orientation. Newman club will
hold a conference at 4 p.m.
The Union will show "Come
to the Stable" starring Loretta
Young and Celeste Holm at 7:30
p.m. March 23 in the Union
ballroom. The story concerns
two nuns who are trying to raise
money to build a church.
The week's theme is "Want
ed: Bases for Unity." The by
word is "buf." Each letter
stands for a day during the
"B" stands for brotherhood
which is the theme for Monday,
March 24.
The day's events will open
with a breakfast and retreat at
6:45 a.m. in the Episcopal
chapel. Catholic students will
hold mass at 7:05 a.m. and 8
a.m. in the Union. Ag Matins
will meet at the Ag Student
center, at 7:30 p.m. Classroom
appointments begin at 8 a.m.
Margaret Trester, Search
Carroll French, Gerald Kranau, Bill
Members of Pre Orchesis are:
Agnes Anderson, Betty Barber,
Alison Faulkner, Frances
Fricke, Ann M-Kamy, Ella Mi
yamoto, Lavie Nelson, Mary
Quigley, Mary Janet Reed, Jean
Sweeny, Jackie Switzer, Beverly
Tracy, Joanne Yeager and presi
dent, Mary Jane Mapes.
Jack Moore, Danny Seibold,
Bob Peters and Jerald Ramsdell
compose the men's dance group.
Mass Meet Planned
A mass meeting for Union board
members, committee chairmen and
and pool workers will be held
Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Room 313 of
I the Union.
I The meeting, sponsored by the
personnel committee, will feature
discussions on the pros and cons
of the present pool worker sys-
For Search
Week team member, will speak
at a Baptist student luncheon at
Personal conferences with in
dividual speakers of the week
will be scheduled during after
noons. Judah Stamphfer, team mem
ber, will discuss brotherhood
with a city campus student
group meeting at 4 p.m. Ves
pers are scheduled at 5 p.m. in
the Episcopal chapel.
The Rev. David Balla will
hold a marriage session at 5
p.m. in the Union. John Methu
sela and Rudolph Weins, team
members, will speak to Ag stu
dents at 5 p.m. in the Ag Stu
dent lounge.
Dr. Bernhardt will give the
opening convocation speech at
7:30 p.m. in the Union ballroom.
A Catholic conference is sched
uled for 7:30 p.m. at the Cath
edral. Understanding is the theme
for Tuesday, March 25.
The morning schedule for
March 25 and March 26 is iden
tical to Monday's arrangement.
Dr. Bernhardt will be guest
speaker at a city campus fac
ulty luncheon at noon.
Baptist students will hold
luncheons Tuesday and Wednes
day, also.
Miss Trester will meet with
city campus student groups at
4 p.m. and Dr. Bernhardt will
meet with Ag groups at 5 p.m.
Vespers will be held at Epis
copal chapel Tuesday and Wed
nesday, also.
Mrs. P. J. Meehan wilL con
Friday, March 14, 1952
Hinshaw ruin's
eiferase PSaim
How we can defend ourselves
against Communism so that it
meets the two tests of practic
ability and morality, was the key
note of an address by Dr. Cecil
Hinshaw Thursday. The speech
was part of pre-Search Week ac
Hinshaw, former president of
William Penn college in Oska
loosa, Ia is a traveling lecturer
for the American Friends Serv
ice committee and the Fellow
ship of Reconciliation, and is a
leader in the Quaker church.
"There is no evidence that thf
armament race ran lpaH tn nparc "
he stated. "Armament races lead
to war, not peace."
The greater the power of de
struction, the greater the fear men
have. Fear brines about a lank
of rationality and eventually pre
cipitates a war, ne aaded.
Anouier point brought out by
Hinshaw was "if war comes,
cai we defend ourselves vic
toriously?" As an adverse argu
ment he cited General Eisen
hower's statement, that "our
civilization cannot survive an
other war."
In addition he remarked, "Civil
ization is not destroyed because
people are killed, not hprausp
property is destroyed, but through
wnai nappens in tne souls and
minds of people when they en
gage in war."
Twentv-one out of 23 civiliza
tions have killed themselves by
preparing for war, he added.
"There is another way to ef
fectively fight evil so that it
Home Economics Silver Tea
To Honor Japanese Student
Miss Akiko Terashima, Japa -
of Agriculture, will be honored!
Sunday at the annual Home Eco
nomics club Silver Tea.
Miss Terashima is attending
Ag college under the sponsor
ship of the Home Ec club, out of
their foreign student fund. The
Silver Tea is sponsored by the
Home Ec club to help raise
money for the foreign student
The Sliver Tea will be held
from 3 to 5 p.m. in Love Me
morial hall. Everyone is welcome
to attend, according to Jeanne
Vierk, Home Ec club president.
Home Ec club members will be
hostesses at the tea. Its officers
Dr. T. J. Thompson
Welcomes 60 Delts
T. J. Thompson, University dean
of student affairs, greeted more
than 60 delegates this morning at
the opening session of the Delta
Tau Delta regional conferences.
Representatives from eight states
are attending the two-day meet
ing. Seven national officers will
speak at the conference banquet
Friday night. One of the visitors
will be Marion K. Coleys, presi
dent of the southern division,
from Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Keith Skalla and Bob Hase
brook, officers of the local chap
ter, will discuss publicity and ac
tivities at one of the meetings.
For Union Workers
tern. The advancement procedure ( over vacation and was telling her
will be outlined and important mother about her recent esca
announcements will be made as to Pads- When she had finished, her
applications and interviews for
board members and committee
chairmen for next semester.
Duane Lake, Union manager,
will give a short talk on "The Ob
jectives of the Student Nnion."
Week Announced
duct the marriage series at 5
Visitations by team members
and speakers vill be held Tues
day evening. Dr. Bernhardt will
conduct a seminar on faith at
7:45 p.m.
Christian rural life will be
discussed by an Ag YM and YW
panel at 7:30 p.m. Catholic stu
dents will hold a conference at
7:30 p.m. at the Cathedral.
Faith will highlight the dis
cussions on Wednesday, March
26. Ag faculty luncheon guest
at noon will be Dr. Bernhardt.
Dr. McGiffert will speak at a
Teachers college convocation at
2 p.m. and at a 4 p.m. Ag con
vocation. Rev. John Saunders, team
member, will talk with the city
student group meeting at 4 p.m
Dr. Cy Wolters will conduct the
Three Men Complete Team
Three men complete the Search fer is leader of Temple Israel In
Week team member speakers. DoveI N.H and Hilel director
Rabbi Judah L. Stampfer, Dr. . .. TTl,.ef , To,
Harold C. Bernhard and Rev. John the University of New Hamp
Saunders will visit the Univer-snire'
s'.ty March 23 through 27 for Dr- Bernhard is director of re
Search Week discussions. ligious activities at Iowa State
Rabbi Stampfer is known as a Teachers college in Cedar Falls,
speaker, literary critic and reli- la. He received his A.B. degree
gious leader. He received his at Carthage college and PhJ3. at
M.A. degree at the University of the University of Chicago.
Chicago where he became a mem- Rev. Saunders is pastor of
ber of Phi Beta Kappa. Fairview Christian church in
He is the author of a poetry Wichita. He received his A.B.,
book, "Jerusalem Has Many M.A. and divinity degrees at
Faces." At present, Rabbi Stamp- Phillips university.
'Younger Generation'
Appearing on pare four is a
letter from senior Time maga
zine editor, Henry Grunwald,
giving a round-up on how the
staff compiled Time's report on
the "Younger Generation."
meets the practical and moral
tests," Hinshaw said. "In a fight
it is pre-supposed that you are
trying to change the mind of the
enemy, but there is a limit in
how far you can change their
minds in respect to violence."
"Psychological warfare is the
answer," he said. "A real weapon
in psychological warfare is to ex
press faith in your enemy. Kind
ness is a powerful and practical
weapon when used on a large
enough scale."
iwill pour.
Miss Terashima will be wear
ing a Japanese kimomo, and
will be present in order to meet
all those attending.
Ramona Laun is in charge of the
tea. Other committee members are
Mary Jean Niehaus, publicity;
Virginia Barnes, hostess; Clara
Gregersen and Elizabeth Gass,
food; and Shirley Eckerson, music.
Staff Writer
A married alum and her former
sorority sister were discussing
married life.
"I wouldn't trade my husband
for any ten men!" exclaimed the
To which the coed replied, "I
wouldn't trade my ten men for
any husband!"
A bright
spot on the
cloudy hori
zon is that
the overcast
skies are ex
pected to yield
no rain today.
The thermo
meter is also
being a little
more consid
erate and the
mercury is ex
pected to rise
to 40 this afternoon.
Mary went home from college
the pitfalls of sin.
She ended up an hour later
with, "Now Mary, you know
where all the sinners go."
"Yes, mother," replied Mary.
"They go everywhere."
marriage series at 5 p.m. fn the
Dr. McGiffert will address the
faculty seminar at 7:45 p.m.
while Dr. John Leach, Miss
Trester, Dr. Bernhardt, the Rev.
Rex Knowles and Tom Rische
conduct the 7:45 p.m. student
Catholic conference will be
held at 7:30 p.m. in Parlors
XYZ of.the Union.
Dr. McGiffert will speak at
the closing convocation Thurs
day, March 27 at 11 a.m. in the
Union ballroom.
Search Week committee will
hold its final evaluation meeting
at 4:30 p.m.
Dr. McGiffert will conduct the
Christian career group at 7:15
p.m. Catholic students will at
tend a conference at 7:30 p.m.
in the Cathedral.