The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 12, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, March 12, 1952
First WeeS
Ralph Taylor Heads
NU Military Group
Staff Writer
"Rehearsal schedules are up on
ih hnllptin board. Check the
show Ethel Merman appeared
in and because of her smash
rise to fame in the roie of Kate,
the song "Sam and Delilah"
was written - II y f
and was adt'ed to the original
land 25. j
Dance routines for the musicfa i
' will feature such scenes as a Mex
ican fiesta, a weserrt setting oi
time of rehearsals and be there broncho busters, a Dar room Dai
on the dot. Bring your music andlet called "Barbary Coast, and
dance shoes and be prepared to(a blues song and dance to &am
work, work and work some.and Delilah." Dance director,,
more . Jack Moore, plans to work up a
Familiar' Well, it should be to! dance a week, blocking the steps!
anyone in the cast of the Kosmet;the first part and polishing the,
Klub show "Girl Crazy." Pro- routines the later part. Working
duction crews and directors of out technical difficulties will be
the show swung into action this the hardest part, Moore says.
weeK as me cast gui men iiu. no iv.,.. -. T?niverdtv
taste of rehearsal. jheld in the Temple basement! Thirty-three university
taste 01 renediidi. . . !.,. , .0l.'c ua.i,, mct. man and sophomore air
Last weeK, oenina timra pnui w uiu vctn. o vm, trT- cfontc htvf
1 j e 4V, nikAr urtmni nirpc. ROIL stuaents nave
SS? " ZlXLZ ZvZ or6 Aa on S hmidT rCport7 fast new organization called Command
of the musical, ranees were I progress and hard working chorus Squadron
blocked out step by step, music members, borne ot tne songs De
scores were taken apart and ling worked on are "Look What
put bak together again to try Love Has Done To Me," "I Got
and judge the length of time a iRythm," Sam and Delilah," "Ber-
. j 4. 1 II.. IK.,-., r"et I'Trnat Mo Rnil!?h."
cnorus wouiu neca 10 kjiu juaij a. -.-0--
difficult score. iand "hmDracaDie you."
Tnrti virtual blockinss for the Rehearsals lor me leacis,
Ralph H. Taylor, Jr., engineer
ing junior was elected president
of Scabbard and Blade, national
military society, Thursday.
Others officers who were elec
ted are. vice-president, William
Adams, business administration
junior; secretary, John Savage,
engineepng junior; and treasurer
,, . Douglas D Hanson, business ad
I In the early 1940 s Hollywood ministra1ion junior.
I bought the rights to the show and; Part ot thp meeting was devoted
filmed It Wim JUdV Lrariana ana fn mitlinini- n nmu nrnram rfl
Mickey Rooney. ince then all events lor" the organization, a!
'America has sung and is still dinner for members and dates was
singing the hit tunes from the planned.
I show "Girl Crazy."
Snow Maiden
Students Start AFROTC
Underclassmen Group
fresh -force
formed a
members for the advanced pro
gram. He said the group plans
to form a crack drill squad and
a rifle team. A dance, jointly
sponsored by Command Squad
ron and Arnold Air Society, ad
vance air force ROTC group,
is planned for this spring.
Clarice Bloom
To Show Slides
On Hot Bread
Miss Clarice Bloom, regional
home economist of the Wheat
1 Flour Institute in Chicago, will
'present a scries of colored slides
before home prnnnmics students
According to Don Dunbar, ron ana Arnoia Air society, aa- !March 17 nH ,s.
newly-elected president f the yance air force ROTC group, j Miss Bloom wl illlistriltc her
group, all basic air science stu- is planned for this spring. reasons why "Hot breads add
dents may -become members. Insignia of the unit will con- zest to simple meals." The slides
Other officers are Gene wens, !s;st of gold and blue shoulder will be on muffins, biscuits and
'executive officer- Frank Weiis,lcords and gold nd blue service coffee cakes.
ac- adjutant; Bob Bruner, operations; ribbons. Any freshman andi The slides will be presented at
i ,t m-HinfT tr Mav Whittaker. headofficer; Jim Weber, finance 0111- sophomore air science students in- $-.10 a.m., 10:10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Inlrttv, J,anv T nntu 'director are satisfactory and en- cer; Bill Doole, public information terested in becoming members are on March 17 and 8:20 a.m. and 3
fTctorrdraw Paul E1 PSt T invilfd Rtd meetings which I p.m on March 18 in Room 320
S?:Tl iJ wl iu0 rt-'ar. airpaHv hpinff memorized and shall. 'are held on alternate Tuesdays at Foods and Nutrition building on
T itsJthe date of the first complete re- The constitution of Command, 7:30 p.m
" anH ctaoprWhearsal will run according to Squadron, drawn up by the cnar-
f- - - , , 1 , . .
were set up and ticket committees scneciuie,
Ui m
! h
. mv -mrr TfcW? A D Innkinir Wfltl fl PTillfll V
this maiden fashioned from the snow behind the men s dormitory
are (1.) Don Silverman and Ira Epstein. Just like all college, women
said Ira, "She's here today, gone tomorrow." (Daily Nebraskan
and publicity chairman were
given orders to begin.
In short, the wheels are now in
motion and will continue to turn
at a breathtaking rate until the
nights of production on April 24
The show itself was produced
on Broady in 1930. Ginger
Rogers starred ii the leading
role and comedian, Willy
Howard, played the famous part
of Gieber. This was the first
ter members, Is awaiting ap
proval by the Student Council.
The purpose of ihe group,
Dunbar said, is to promote the
air force ROTC program, to ad
vance the esprit de corps of the
air force and to better prepare
Dunbar said.
Ad Group Director
To Visit NU Today
Ag campus.
The slides will show basic
steps in making these breads
and then will Illustrate interest
ing ways to vary them by means
of shaping, fillings and toppings.
Students attending the meetings
Freshmen To Present
Recital On Wednesday
Eleven freshman in the depart-l "Sweet Little Jesus Boy." by
ment of music will nresent a vocal, MacGimsey, will be sung by wini-
and instrumental recital Wednes- fred Winston, soprano
day at 4 p.m. in Social Science1 A piano numuer, ahuwih ujr
auditorium. Villa-Lobos, will be played by
Dr. Arthur V.. Westhrook. direc- Janet Rash. ... .
Mrs. Dnai; Johnston, of Kansas w:ii receive leaflets of recipes for tor of the School of Fine Arts.l Donna Heinz, soprano, will sing
' Will Kl C 1VA, ' v j. v ... ( iui VI U1C 1 1 UU1 KJ L A. 11 1 ' - J( j.
City, Mo., aciing executive direc- many of the breads shown in the announced the program as fol- a German folk song, Lxve tne
Adams, Lliteras, Perrin To Supervise
RCCU Blood Recruitment Delegates
Renting Adelphi, she is a fresh
'man in Law college.
Publicity chairman and anili-
tor of Gumma Alpha Chi, women s lip,;
advertising honorary, will visit
the University today. TFACHFRS
Mrs. Johnston, who is also cx- ltww'"-"J
pansion director of the organiza
tion, will be honored at a luncheon
given by members of the Univer
sity's Epsiion chapter Wednesday.
The dinner will begin at 6 p.m.
in Parlor X. Union.
A conference with Dr. William
College Plans
Coffee Hour
owli,ulc. , un.i.ii" - . W A M U
and Science. Adams Represents ated women's recruixmeni nedu of journalicm is also scheduled TUT UCIIIUId
An opportunity for Teachers
Jim Adams, Carmen Lliteras! events committee and is chair
and Jean Perrin were elected as man of affiliate men recruit
Re d Cross blood recruitment ment. He is a freshman in Arts
LTflL 31 XnC B I nllta Tau Delta? " i Miss Perrin. She represents Dell a ; ""iston.
uimi .6 , s i V.arr. nf Gamma and IS a- Teachers College, Hrl SmJth. TJncoln alum.
JClaine Kagawa IS me council-. -"l"SQD " , "L 7'" ,a j' 51 b Vn v-VnllrOP srninrs to become better
tseta Jueua mes ana is ujuepenu-... . ;nae presiut-m, unu i oi, j-. o - -- . -
Secretary ivnss rwiigawa win "c.sjjon chapter president, are in acquainted wiui men iwmdu-s
in charge of delegate membership cnaige of arrangements for the and faculty members will be of-
icrea mrougn a conce nuur ou:i
day afternoon.
The informal gathering, spon
sored by the faculty and student
advisory committee of Teachers
colleee and the Union, will be
ir,.c- .Peddler.
Donald Mattrox, tenor, will smgi "Think On Me," by Scott, a so
"Sylvia," by Speaks. jPrano solo, will be presented by
"The Lotus Flower," by Schu-;Jean DeLong.
mann, will be sung by Yvonne Sherry Clover, pianist, will play
Moran, soprano. '"Two Prelude!, No. 7 and 8, by
Joanne Howland will play a Shostakovich,
violin solo, "Improvisation," by , "A Memory," by Ganz, will be
Kabalenskv. 'sung by Shirley Lewandowski,
Marshall Christensen, baritone, soprano. .
will present "To Scenes of Peace. Jo Ann Bals, soprano, will sing
Retiring," by Mozart. I "The Star," by Rogers.
board secretary.
Adams will head the special
ent women's chairman. Repre-
Entries Due March 31
For Photo Competition
Photography enthusiasts have'
until March 31 to enter prints in.
the seventh annual Kappa Alpha j
Mu international couesicue yuu-
tography competition.
Any student enrolled in the
University Is eligible to enter
prints in the competition spon
sored by the photo-journalism
honorary. Photographs must be
8 by 10 inches or larger and
mounted on standard 16 by 20
inch photo mounts
land council-board minutes. She DanQuet-
represents inieiiiauuimi nuut.
iMiss Kagawa is a junior in Teach-1
!ers college. . J
I The independent mens chair-,
man rjosition is still open. j
The council ot aeiegaies
voted to set a minimum quota
of two donors a month from
each affiliated and unaffiliated
house. Blood pledge cards must
be submitted to the Lancaster
Red Cross office by Saturday
winner in the amateur class will
receive a scholarship to the
Photo Workshop at the Univer
sity of Missouri, May 11-19,
1951. If his pictures emphasize
college life, the winner in the
amateur class will also receive a
$25 bonus.
Certificates of merit will be March 31 and April 1
awarded to first, second, and third a Beta Delta rally will climax
place winners in each class of this month's drive. The next blood
both divisions. recruitment council meeting will
Vnfrioc bp indeed and be March 25.
Dd to 10 prints .vith no more ,, j jjcvtav ot thP national1 " TZ -
than five entries in each of the, ti of jcaDDa Aloha Mu, UnmP Fr MpetinQ
. , ,n .v"n.i;i(.
prn iu-i, at uic uiiivtianj.
Judges will be Larry Rob
erston, chief of the photography
department, Omaha World-Herald;
Xeale Copple, assistant
Sunday editor, Lincoln Journal
Star; and Wendell Hoffman,
University photo service.
Cosmopolitans To Hold
Special Entertainment
Secretariat Added
To UN Conference
Something new has been added lems.
Special names will be on the held from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Union ,,, u nn; w mpmhprt
agenda for the Cosmopolitan club 0Unee. Nations conference. working on the public relation
meeting Wednesday, following thei First held four years ago, the w , t head d b Secre. 'department. They will handle aU
regular business meeting. jcoffee hour has become a yearly General Charles Gomon has publicity releases.
The meeting will be held at i :30 'affair at the University. v ' p.labiisnPj Modeled after I Duties of the department of
p.m., on the third floor ot the bcniors may bring guests to tne jt , N tjons Secretariat the
Union. Miss Lois Miner, a club coffee hour
four classes picture story, news
feature and sports may be sub
nr'ted. Prints will be judged in both
amateur and professional divisions.
KAM members and persons earn
ing at least half of their income
from photography will compete
in the professional division.
An 11 volume tncyciopeaia
of Photography will
awarded the portfolio winn
of the professional class. The
The University blood quota is officer said notjces would be be made at
m .v,;,-,c a month. Bloodmoblle ..j j : ff.- in- r
,IU , . , UUMtU ueslUlcl L11JK L1JC CAdlb luuill U111LC. UUil J
Will V1SH OLVlLiau '
Entries Due March 22
For 1952 Ivy Day Sing
To Feature Hat Talk
The four S'es of hats will bej
Groups wishing to participate) 7. The director must be active in
in the 1952 Ivy day sing, to be held, the group and regularly enrolled
May 3, must submit their entries in the University.
oi m uc,. Saturday March 22. SDecial rules governing the
discussed at a Home fcc c'uoj Sponsors of the sing Kosmet girl's groups only are:
meeting niursud v ub and A ssociated Women Stu- 1. All members of the group
t-i . : u 1 1
nCbUl VHUUIIV MU'UIU mi((on hoan Hi.
Dean t. t. nenziiK s . , , . . jrtmor,tc
Teachers college. i r,alnA cuhhrr aist
Gomon by performing the sec
retarial duties of the model con
ference. Heading the department of re
search, Nita Helmstadter and her
committee members will collect
background information to aid
delegates with this year's prob-
sentative ot a city Vd 1 dents, announced the deadline for I must be carrying 12 hours the
store. The meeting win De l lic riori mlo. ommJnrocPTit ipmPstir nnH have no
in the
Entry blanks and contest rules m
1 1 a 1 A? ri f Dnil " .
Home Ec parlors at 4:30 ""u
ing tne groups.
be !may be obtained from Prof. Ray, "shell, scoop, skimmer and sailor me entries must contain tne
er ;F. Morgan. School of journalism, X four S'es which are types name of the song the name of the
I of hats that are at the present
particularly popular, ana aie tuu.-
ing into style this spring.
B-4 Burnett hall.
Pharmacy, N-Club Petitioning j
For Council Representation
College of Pharmacy and N-!Council by Friday,
club expect to present petitions to Pharmacy college Dean Joseph
Student Council this week in an B. Burt said Tuesday that 120
attempt to acquire representation signatures had been aquired. He
on the council. : added that he was "fairly sure
College of Pharmacy, which that the petition would be corn
is now represented jointly with pleted by Friday,
the College of Dentistry, is trying The N-club is not now repre
to get separate representation. sented on the council.
The petition must contain 500 At last week's council meeting,
denatures and be submitted to the, the motion to allow N-club reprc-
Women's groups should submit
Jeanne VierK, nome jm: mu -" " - "" thP following snecial rules.
that tnere.iMu. mm Mica, ivic-n s iuu - - ----- -- - ,
present semester, and have no
failures from last semester.
2. Not less than eight, and not
more than 25 girls, including
the director, may represent any
group in the sing. Freshman
women may participate.
Men's groups are governed by
nfjciHpnt announced
would be a short business meet- should
ing following the discussion.
submit their
Widmaier, 410
Rex Knowles Addresses
Ag Campus Joint Dinner
Rev. Rex Knowles, Presbyterian
and Congregational student pastor,
Placement Registration
All Teachers college students,
whether or not they are plan
ning on teaching immediately
after graduation, should regis
ter for placement in the teach
ing field.
James Thorpe, assistant di
rector of University extension
division, said that all individ
uals qualified to teach should
register as a form of assurance
for the future.
Gamma Alpha Chi dinner,
p.m., Parlor X, Union.
Phi Chi Theta meeting, 7:30
p.m., Parlor Z, Union.
YMCA commission group, fine
arts, 4 p.m., southeast room of
!FllPn Smith hall: Flaine Smith-
entries to 1. -Not more man ju ana no less,- , V '
(Vian 15 mpn inrluriine the direc-iucls '""'
io. inn '. . : . .r
tor, may participate in me sing.
conference procedure chairman,
Pat Allen, are to draft assembly
rules and to supervise the1 elec
tions of discussion chairmen.
Allan Garfinkle is director of
the department of technical ar
rangements. His committee will
organize seating arrangements and
room assignments.
Members of the Secretariat
will be present in the NUCWA
room on the third floor of the
Union at all times during the
conference. They will be avail
able to answer questions by
The problems to be discussed at
this year's NUCWA model con
ference are the veto, witii pro
posals for its abolition or limita-
fi tion, and the powers ot the uen
eral Assembly.
The sing is governed by the fol
lowing rules:
1. AU organized groups at the
University, including independ
ent and medical students with
the exception of honorary
groups, may participate in the
2. No medleys may be used and
songs must not exceed five min
utes. The same songs must not be
sung two consecutive years. i r
3. Alumni cannot take part in Modem Dance bfOUpS
YWCA commission group, goals
2. All members of the grouprand values, 5 p.m., southeast room
must meet University scholarship of Ellen Smith hall; Norma Loth
requirements. These include anjrop, leader.
overall average of four and par-j Freshman Music Recital, 4 p.m.,
ticipams must have passed it Social Sciences auditorium.
hours last semester.
If duplications occur, the first
entry will keep its original
choice. Order of prestation
and meetinp of the songleaders
will be announced later.
the singing, but they may assist ,cn cr:n Dor;n
in preparation, providing thcy.rian 3Z Spring KeciTQI
sentation was defeated by a 16 to
5 vote.
Ira Epstein, in charge of the N
club petition, said he expected to
..11 i. 41 . ..nnnp
Collect Ulc ptiLllluns iiuiu voijvjua . i
members of the committee which Phalanx Plans 5mOker
is doing the petitioning Tuesday!- , , - .
:r ' :mV Pommon to ai night. He said that he plans to for I nursaav evening
University students at a fellowship present the petition to Council phalanx, national honorary and necessary. I "A Seasonal Holiday" will be
j: miiv hi, Aa Mnn'c Wednesday. militarv fraternitv.l 5. No sDorial articles of aDnarel the theme used throughout the
Cosmopolitan club meeting, 7:30
p.m., 3rd floor, Union.
Phalanx Meeting, Armory
Lounge, 7:30 p.m.
Search Week Committee meet
ing, 4:30 p.m., Room 212, Social
Block and bridle .initiation,
have not been connected profes- Four seasonal holidays will be, v
cinaiiv u-iti, md, L,.VpH at nrrnpic nnd Pre-! o-Ag club meeting, 7.30 p.m
4. All groups must remain after Orchesis annual spring
their participation for recall if March 28 and 29.
. . Ponm 907 Aa hall Flprtion of of-
recital -
Ificers will be held.
hti excellent openings
in new TEXAS plant
See our Interviewers
The N-club petition would have, wiii hold a smoker Thursday at shall be purchased for the sing.
6. Lach group will be pcr-
pinh AmiUiinc; and Loomis hall
Monrlav nisht. i to be presented to general faculty 7;30 p.m. in the Armory lounge
The dinner was served by the committee on student organization All junior advanced army and
Ag Union. More then 70 members; for approval. ;ROTC cadets and sophomore and
of the three organizations were! If approved, it would be sub- junior NROTC midshipmen are
present. 'mitted to students for vote. i invited to attend.
mitted one hour of professional
supervision by music faculty
personnel, which must be reg
istered with the sing chariman.
program, announced Shirley Sidles
Orchesis president. Christmas,
Halloween, Fourth of July and
Easter are the seasons that will be
portrayed. The program will be
gin at 8 p.m. in Grant Memorial.
Wednesday Schedule. Includes Neligh, O'Neill
University Concert Band Tours Nebraska Towns
'ft'' '
.A. mz.v- .j
ft I
'rV. tWfflL m.JiW,Wrm
1 rsjVffi
y&s "tm sum
tm' ,
' ii, '
University concert band now on a three-day tour of Nebraska communities. (Daily NSbraskan Photo.)
The University ROTC concert'ehartered buses and is accom
band left Tuesday noon for a panied by Lentz, Col. C. J. Frank
three-day tour of six Nebraska forter, sponsor, and Miss Mary
Augustine, assistant to the dean
of women. Equipment and uni
forms are transported in three
The 90-piece organization, di
vopioH Kw rionnlH A. I.antz. ore-
Rented concerts Tuesday at Fre- station wagons
mont and Norfolk. Programs at; Tht program In each town
Neligh and O'Neill are scheduled consists of 13 numbers. Two
for Wednesday. The band will g0,0,sts ac
play at Albion and Central City
Thnrsdav and return to Lincoln companled by the band. The
late that night. four soloists making the trip
In each town the band's ap
pearance is under the sponsorship
of a local civic or school organiza
tion, The band Is traveling In two
are Bonnie Weddel, harp; Lewis
Forney, piano; Denny Schneider,
cornet; and Jack Snider, Trench
horn. Snider Is director of the
University brass choir and the
other three are students major
ing in music.
The following numbers make
up the program: '
"Commando March" by Sam
uel Barber.
"The Roman Carnival" overture
by Hector Berlioz.
"Death and Transfiguration"
finale by Richard Strauss.
"Concerto for Horn" by Franz
Strauss (Jack Snider, soloist) or
"Hungarian Melodies" by Vincent
Bach (Denny Schneider, soloist.
"An Outdoor Overture" by
Aaron Copland.
"Rhapsody in Blue" by George I "March of the Steel Men" by
Gershwin (Lewis Forney, soloist) Charles S. Belsterling.
or "Legend of the Redwoods" by Marches will be played by en-
Grace Vamos (Bonnie Weddel, so-; cores.
To place a classified ad
e Slop in the Buine Office Room 20
Student Union
e C.1I 2-7631 Ext. 4226 fr C ;.
fied Service
Hours 1-4:30 Won. thru Fri.
No. words I 1 dayj:2 days 3 daysj 4 days 1 week"
1 y S J OJ .80 J 1 .05J1.25 L45-
16-20 I .60 J 95)Ji:25J1.50J1.70
I .70J 1.10 1.45 1775 j L95
26-30 I .80 I 1.25 I 1.C5 2.00 j 2.20
"Trauersinfonie" by Richard
"The Blue-Tail Fly" by Clare E.
"Comedians' Gallop" by Dmi
tri Kabalevsky.
"Marche Slave" by P. L.
"Lift of the Latin" (Samba) by
David Bennett,
Last year's tour, the first since
the war, was also three days in
length. Concerts were presented
In Kearney, North Platte, Sid
ney and Curtis.
The concerts are sponsored by
the following schools and organi
zations. Fremont high school ac
tivities association, band and or
chestra parents club of the Nor
folk public schools, Neligh high
"Hail Nebraska," featuring a 'school, O'Neill Lions club, Albion
male glee club and a musical; Commercial club and Central City
take-off on "The Thing." iLions club.
I Ii. .1 1
Kun Snleamen'i vacations on wholesale
bread routee, or aaslat Saleamanauer In
office. Mint b courteoui, responsible
anrl safe driver. Good waftes. Box 6S3
Grand Island, Nebraska. Give full details.
LOST pair dar rimmed Rlajues. gold
rlrm Call Cirolee. 2-13K8.
LOST Brown helltrntned RlissM in
brown case. Around Union, Friday eve
ning. 206 Student Union or 3-4450. REWARD.
FAIRYLAND n Hlf.fc'.N MfH Wv. r,AM c
ninns ana Bumiayi. 6218 "o." CalliDL" r'" " raiin 3'n. n.a. IBn. Vnl
vcrsi!v Kxicnsion 32411: Nishis 2-!IS,-9.
'40 Buick Convcrlibic. Muht Blue. Radio
44?h 64047 Excc'lt'nt condilion- 1436 N.