7,1 j rff we l nrnr n xr n yr n t n U U VI Entries for the 1952 intersoror- Ity and interfraternity Ivy Day Emg are now open, Associated Women Students and Kosmet Club announced Thursday. Entries must be submitted by March 22. .If duplications oc cur, the first entry will keep its original choice. Order of pre sentation and meeting of the songleaders will be announced at a future date. A fee of $3, an alphabetized list of singers participating, ex pected alumnae help, name of di rector and name of song must ac company entries for the inter sorority sing. Intersorority and interfratern ity sing entries are to be submit ted to Pat Wiedman, 626 North 16th and Chuck Widmaier, 410 North 17th street, respectively, by March 22. The woman's sing is governed by the following rules: 1. All organized groups of women at the University, except honorary groups, may participate in the sing. 2. Not less than eight, and not more than 25 girls, including the director, may represent any group in the sing. Freshman women may participate. - 3. No medleys of songs but be sung. Songs may not exceed five minutes. The same song may not be sung for two con secutive years. 4. Alumnae cannot take part in the singing, but may assist in preparation, if they have not been connected professionally with music Each group will be per mitted one hour, which must be registered with the sing chairman. of professional supervision by music faculty personnel. 5. The director must be active in the group and regularly en rolled in the University. All members of the group must be carrying 12 hours the present semester, and have no failures from last semester. 6. All groups must remain after their participation for fiwtioL By DICK RALSTON SUff Writer A fellow pulled up to the bus! stop and asked a fair coed how far she was going. Fair coed replied, "Not that far, thank you." I She eame in with her hair messed and lipstick smeared all " over her face. "What happened," her room mate exclaimed. T was out with that new French student," explained the girl. "I didn't want him to know I couldn't understand a word he said so I just kept nodding my head." Kissing his new girl friend goodnight the freshman mur mured, "Tomorrow night is the big dance. Soft music and you in my arms close, like this. And deep in my heart the feeling that nothing will ever come be tween us!" "Noth ing," the coed re plied hopefully, "except per haps a nice or Snow chid corsage." Someone once said. "Some winters linger so long in the lap of spring that it occasions talk." The weather man ap parently Is trying to get people to talk about this winter: he predicts possible snow or rain for tonight. Skies will be cloudy but temperatures will continue to rise. The mercury is expected to rise to 42 this afternoon. In an editorial yesterday, Joan Krueger stated that men have six times as many auto accidents as women. How many of these acci dents were caused by coeds who couldn't wait till their boy friends parked the car on a dark country road? 70 YEARS OLD Dr. Raun Conducts Old Age Research By ROBERT FIXKERTON SUff Writer At 70, a professor of bacteriol ogy is studying old age. Dr. Otto Raun, visiting In structor from Idaho State col lege, is engaged at the Univer sity in active research on old age and vitamins. Dr. George Peltier, chairman of the University's bacteriology de partment, was a student of Dr. Raun's at the University of Illi nois. Dr. Raun was born in Tiegen hof. West Prussia in 1881. He re- at Cornell, where he remained for ceived his Ph.D. in chemistry at 22 years until his retiiement at Goettingen university in Germany, that school. 1902. I He has had over 50 papers pub- Dr. Raun came to the United lished in various scientific jour States in 1907 where he became nals and also has a number of an assistant professor at Michigan books to his credit State college. Four years later, Dr. Raun Is studying under an Raun transferred to the Univer-, sity of Illinois. In 1914, the professor re turned with his family to Ger many for a visit to bis home town. World War I broke out and he was drafted Into the German army. Alter the war Dr. Raun spent, necessary, 7. No group shall participate witnout the judging fee. 8. No special articles of apparel snan be purchased for the sing. Men's groups desiring to par ticipate must submit name of song, director's name, expected alumnus help, an alhpabetiied list of singers and judging fee of $20. Rules governing men's sing are: 1. All organized groups of men, except honorary groups, may participate in the sing. 2. No medleys may be suns. Songs may not exceed five min utes. The same song may not be used for two consecutive years. 3. Not more than 30 and not less than 15 men. including the director, may participate in the sing. 4. Alumni may not take part in the singing, but may assist in preparation of the sing if they have not been connected professionally with music. Each group will be permitted one hour, which must be registered with the sing chairman, of pro fessional supervision by music faculty personnel. 5. The director must be active in the group and regularly en rolled in the University. All members of the group must meev University scholarship require ments for the preceding semester. Winners of last year's incifra- ternity and itersororiiy sing were Sigma cm ana Aipna cm umega, respectively. Robinson Leads Pep Convention Corn Cob president Gene Robin son, elected Big Seven pep cc' recall ifjOrdinator last year, led the sec ona annual Big ."seven pep conven tion at Kansas City recently. All Big Seven Schools with exception of Colorado were rep resented at the convention, which opened with a general assembly. The Cobs in charge of the dis cussion groups which followed were: Marty Lewis, membership; Dean linscott, rallies and Dutv- licity; Don Noble, finance; George' Robinson, aims and purposes. Missouri .was chosen as next year's convention site and, in co operation with the Student Council convention, the first week of IcciBber -was set as the date With the Big Seven track meet as its destination, the pep convention adjourned. Constitution Revision Attempted By Petition Members of N-CIub are cir culating a petition on the Uni versity campus this week in an attempt to get 500 student sig natures. Next week members of Pharmacy College will circulate petitions, also in an attempt to get 500 signatures. Purpose of the petitions is to amend the Student Council constitution. One of the two amendment methods, under the new constitution, consists of obtaining 500 signatures on a petition. When and if the neces sary signatures are obtained, the petitions are to be cub mited to the Office of the Reg istrar for validation. Following this validation, the petitions will be submitted to the faculty committee on stu dent organisations. If the peti tion, representing N-Club and Pharmacy College requisitions for a representative from their organizations on the Council, are approved by this faculty committee, they will be in line for student approval. The proposed amendments, dealing with representation to the Council, will go on ballot for a student elect'. n. A ma jority of 30 per cent of the stu dents voting at the general election with then be necessary to attach these proposed amendments to the Student Council constitution. I years as head of the physics de partment at Kiel university. I Dr. Raun's sister, Rasma Zem- galis, is a post-graduate student in bacteriology at the University and is also assisting her brother in his research. Miss Zemgalis is a native of Latvia, and was graduated from the University of Erlangen, Germany. In March, 1950, she came to the United States to become a research assistant at Idaho State college. In January, 1927, Dr. Raun be came a professor of bacteriology 88,000 research grant from the United States Public Health Service. Of his research at the Univer sity Dr. Raun says, "I lecture about an hour a week and my sis ter and I do research on the close relation between the process of aging and the vitamin content. VOL. 51 No. 99 National Band Group Pledges 10 Musicians Ten University men have been elected pledges in Gamma Lamb da, national honorary band fra ternity. ' They are: Arthur Becker, Ag college sophomore; David Cohen, Arts and Sciences college sophomore; Duane Johnson. Teachers College sophomore; Charles K 1 a s e k , leachers College sophomore; Vin cent Kramper, Ag college sopho more. Robert McPherson. Arts and Sciences college sophomore; John Moran, Teachers College junior; Kenneth Rystrom, Arts and Sci ences college sophomore; Gerald Sharpneck, Arts and Sciences sophomore; and Frank Wells, Col lege of Business Administration sophomore. Tournament Contestants Announced Contestants and the schedule for the Midwest Bridge. Chess and Table Tennis Tournament at the Union were announced Thursday. The tournament, which will be mmnncpH nf cturlnntc fmm Kan. sas, Kansas State, Colorado and Nebraska, will begin Friday at 3 p.m. wiui iegisirauon. Table tennis and chess games will begin at 7 p.m., Friday. The table tennis tournament, in the Union ballroom, will be open to the public Tournaments will continue and bridge competition will open at 9 a.m. SaturGay. Finals will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. and awards will be pre - aemea u int winners ai uie uau- quet Saturday evening. University students competing in the tournament will be the fol- lowing: Victors Pupols, chess, with Bill Stein as an alternate; Ed Lewis and Don Williams, bridge; and Eddie Sarkissian and Jerry Barrett, table tennis. The third table tennis entry was not an nounced. Kansas University entries will jbe Henry Georgi and Edgar Mari- hugh, chess: William Edmands, Dean Darling, John McBride and Bud Roberts, bridge. Kansas table tennis contestants have not been ESiST Kansas State contestants will be C. M. Phinney and Richard Spie - gei, cnss; am iynuon noyer, irans Aziurews, dui uapyea uiu Robert Knoche, bridge. Membership Lists Needed For Program Secretaries or faculty advisers of all honorary or professional or ganizations are to submit first and second semester membership lists for 1951-52 by noon Saturday. Lists are to be given to Mrs. Eleanor Timken in the office or registration and records. Room B-7, Administration building. This step is necessary, said Floyd W. Hoover, acting director of registration and records, since a new type of program will be printed for the Honors Convoca tion. The name of each student uuuueu uu eiuier semur, junior, i sophomore or freshman lists will appear in the program only once, he explained. j All lists of prizes and awards uj oe inciuaea in ine nonors ion- vocation program must be submit- ted to Ruth Jackson in Room 104, Administration building, by Monday, March 17, Hoover said. Honors Convocation will be held ! Tuesday, April 22. P.M. Headlines By DALE JOHNSON Staff New Writer Truman Requests $7.9 Billion WASHINGTON The Pres ident has asked Congress to approve another $7.9 billion dollar investment in building a defense against Communism. 8,000-word message to the House and Senate warned the lawmakers of the danger of cutting the proposed aid. Pres ident Truman said that it would be "foolish and danger ous." Pinay Elected PARIS An to ine - Pinay was approved as premier of France by a vote of 324 to 208. This was nine more than the mini mum needed for confirma tion. Several of his support ing votes came from the fol lowers of Gen. Charles de- Senate To Probe WASHINGTON Senators have mapped plans for a full scale investigation of the Stale Department's loyalty-security program. The decision came after Secretary of State Ache son announced that he had re versed the department's loyalty-security board in a de cision concerning career dip lomat Oliver Edmund Clubb. House Asks McGrath To Explain WASHINGTON House in vestigators have demanded an explanation from Attorney Gen. J. Howard McGrath after he refused to open up the Justice Department's records to them. Rep. Chelf, (D-Ky), chairman of a special judiciary subcommittee, threatened to use the subpoena powers of Ag Coeds nim.nil' una v. s ' TOP SCHOLARS . . . Ten coeds who as freshmen received the highest scBoIastic averages during the 1950-1951 school year were honored recently at a tea. The honorees are (1. to r., back row) Rose Ann Stiffler, Ruth Greer, Stephanie Allen, Barbara Spilker, Geneva Burns, Barbara Crowe (front row) Connie Clark, Lura Ann Harden, Shirley Eckerson and Marilyn Erwin. (U. of N. Photo.) Career Meeting To Feature Talks On Denial Profession What do you expect from yourjbe a discussion period and stu- career? What does your careerdents may ask questions. A tour expect from you? jof the College of Dentistry will These are two of the topics to.suso be taken. be discussed at a program on den- tistry Tuesday in Andrews hall, Room 301, at 7 p.m. The meeting will be the third in a series en - :titled "Look at Your Career," sponsored Dy tne junior Uivision." Dr. Arthur A. Hitchcock, di rector of the Junior Division, will open the program by giving a definition of dentistry, its his tory and background and pos sibilities in the field of dentistry after graduation. He will dis cuss industrial dentistry, teach ing and research, hospitals and allied institutions, dentistry In the United States Public Health Service and the U. S. army and navy dental service. He will then give the general trends of the profession. Dr. Raymond H. Steinacher.Ung to Mary Lou Huse, Ag Un- d re-dental advisor, wrill discuss nrjpntx1 work, the Drofessional jcourse of study and hospital den- tel internships and residencies. State recfuirements, costs of get ting started in the dental profes sion, and the remunerations in the field, will be stated by Dr. Bert L. Hooper, dean of the Col lege of Dentistry. Jules P. Colbert, director of veteran s anaire ana sLuueut - j -4 s a C?. lecUve bernce, wm preni reid - tionship between the tery and dental students, stressa-.g draft, deferment and KUJA,. A student in the school of dentistry will give this view- points on the profession. After the speeches, tnere win 'Girl Crazy The singing chorus for "Girl Crazy" will meet at 1 p.m, Sat urday in Room 24, Temple building. FN, Bizad College Plan . - rail Insurance institute Flans lor an insurance insuiuw jointly sponsored by the Insur- ance Federation of Nebraska and uie uiuefcc ui ousmcss auujuiu- tration have begun for next iaiL The institute is designed to serve not only the insurance in dustry, but also students in the University interested in any phase jof that field. The request would bring the total defense budget to about $64 billion dollars for the coming year. Mr. Truman did note that the extent of Amer ican aid was reaching the point where we would have to decide whether we could af ford so much money, but he quickly answered that we could stand the strain at the present time. French Premier Gaulle, who bolted a party decision not to participate in the voting. Pinay still faces the problem of forming a cabinet and obtaining a vote of confidence from the Na tional Assembly. Loyalty Program The board had found Clubb as a security risk, and Ache son's action would permit Clubb to retire on a pension. A group of Senators, led by McCarran and Ferguson, have decided that an investigation should be made. It is uncer tain which committee is going to conduct the probe. Congress or go directly . to President Truman. The inves tigation is concerned with corruption and irregularities in government Rep. Chelf said that his committee not only had authority to take action, but that it intendsd to use that authority. LINCOLN NEBRASKA Honored - ijff The last program m the series, which will concern medicine, will; be held March 18. 1 JQ 'POT LUCK' Free Dinner Registration Open To 60 Due to limited facilities of the Ag Union, the number of students who may sign for the free "Pot Luck With the Profs" dinner Sun day will be limited to 60. accord- ion activities director. Mrs. Huse urged Ag students to sign early if they wish to at tend the dinner. "Pot Luck With the Profs" will be held Sunday from 5:30 to 7 pjn. in tht Ar TTninn lannrr. Faculty members sponsoring this week's dinner are Mr. and iactive in sports. He is a member Mrs. Victor Miller, chairmen, and;of the wrestling squad and let- Mr. and Mrs. George Petersen, jtered in football at Lincoln high Mr. and Mrs. Hal Allen, Mr. and; Howard Deems. Mr. and Howard Deems, Mr. M . Whitney 1Ir and Mri played m the orchestra and at- Koch iIrs.jteded clinics for outstanding MniM Pli, hieh school musicians. a a inif "TV I ,jl M!L 'AQ T V-T VY I OlGrlT IM 10111 , s CLJ..IJ CM talent from toe-dancing to ear- Included among those signed up ucity cnairman or ine cuuo, xea wiggling will highlight the Agifor the program at the present are tures at intermission will include YM-YWCA Talent Night Tuesday! pantomine, a vocal quartet and 11 door prizes, serpentines and evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Ag' several instrumental solos. jpopular floor shows of several Union lounge. Ag 'V members who wish to .foreign countries." Ag talent recruited from the Vj participate in Talent Night with) Music will be turnlsned by Bill members will entertain Ag stu-either serious or hilarious talent Albers' orchestra. Tickets may dents in the annual event jare to call Donna Tinkham. be purchased for $1 from any Dirk Mfinsnn. Air YM nrident. B-5046. or Glenn Marsh. 6-2446. Cosmonolitan club member. an(j Marilyn Cook, Ag W presi dent, extended an invitation to all students to attend the Drowam. Appropriate awards will be given to the participants with, the most outstanding talent Three Ag students will Judge the events. They will base their decisions on quality, poise in stage appearance and audi-, ence appeal. INITIAL GREEK. SOCIETY First Phi Beta Kappa Chapter Established In Virginia Tavern By L. J. ZAJICEK Surf Writer j Students from the College of, William and Mary adjourned to the Apollo room of the Raleigh Tavern and established the first1 Greek society. j Phi Beta Kappa, national Greek honorary, recorded some of its first meetings in this gen ial atmosphere at Williamsburg, Va., in 1776. The first meetings were devoted to writing exercises and debating. One of the timely topics members discussed was "whether anything is more dangerous to civil liberty in a free state than a standing zrmy in time of peace." The society soon began to charter other members and the organization became more national ' ' in outlook. Alpha chapter of Phi BCta Kap-' pa came to the University in 1898. The requirements for the society j Piano Quartette Tickets j Now On Sale To Students Student tickets are available for the First Piano Quartet Con cert. The tickets may be obtained at the Union Activities office for 75 cents. Public ticket sales have not yet begun, u Whhnowj pr iigf The annual spring concert of the University symphony orchestra will be presented at 4 p.m. Sunday in the Union ballroom. Under the direction of Emanuel Wishnow the opening selection will be Beethoven's "Overture to Leonore No. 3." According to Wishnow, Beethoven, being a perfectionist, wrote only one opera, ' iiaeiio. ' Displeased with the overture, he rewrote it three times. The third,' which will be played by the or chestra, is the best known. The second number, "Ballet Suite from Cephale et Procris," by Gretry-Motti, is composed of three dance forms set to music. They are "Tambourin," "Menu- etto," and "Gigue." "The Plow that Broke the Plains," by Vergil Thompson, is Roxberg, Ruthann Lavine, Har a suite taken from a documentary old Welch, Don McPherson, Ber government film. It is concerned nita Rosenquist, Frances Locke with the drought and dust bowl and Wanda Barrett, of the middle west in the early Violas: Martha Christensen, Ar 1930's. The six movements in- thur Murphy, Joanne Howland, jcluded in the program are "Pre- lude," "Pastorale G r a s s," "Cattle," "Blues Speculation," "Drought," and "Devastation." The final number will be "The Russian Easter," by Rim-sky-Korsakow. It represents the the music of the Greek Ortho dox church. The melodies are religious in character. The themes are descriptive of the resurrection scene in St. Mark's Gospel and of the words of the sixty-eighth Psalm. The piece was written in 1888. Snlo radpnzas in "The Russian Easter" will be played by Earlj Schuman, violin; Miriam Willey.land Eirul Roy. flute: Aaron Schmidt, clarinet:! T r u m p e t s: Denny Schneider, Janice Liljedahl, cello; and Bon - nie Weddel, harp. The spring concerts have been Trombones: Kooen van voor presented by the orchestra for the his, Clifton Cowles and Stanley past 11 or 12 years, said Wishnow. Shumway. A concert is presented in the early; French Horns: Walter Cole, fall and another is given later in Kathryn Robson, William Barrett, the spring. .Vivian Owen and Dennis CarrolL The orchestra is composed or Tuna: KODerc L-nao. members from all colleges as it Percussion section: Kent Phil la nnt limited to music maiors. lips. Joanne Smith, Hal Mardis The members are chosen by tryouts in September. Conductor of the orchestra sincej W7cox Mixes Do athletics and music mix? According to the example set by Douglas Wilcox, yes. Wilcox, a member of the Univ- ersitv svmDhonv orchestra in which he plays the viola is alsoj school. In the spring he plans to so out for basebalL ttr... . hi h uooi Wilcox w T...j.w Truman Acclaims Prof Starch Elmer A. Starch, assistant professor of agronomy, was compli mented for his part in the fight against "stomach Communism'' br President Truman In a nation wide radio broadcast Thursday evening. The' president said the committee Starch heads in the Point Four program in Turkey had been largely responsible for a 50 per cent increase in grain production and the tripling of the country's cotton output lare: I. All members must be graduates of the Lniversitr. t. The requirements for the College of Arts and Science must be met 3. The members should repre sent the upper per cent of their graduating class. 4. Other students may be Cow Of V ft . Courtier Llneola Journal. SOME BOSSY . , . Dairymen C. W. NIbber and Robert Possland created the above cow naming it Futurs. Lights indicate sufferings from various maladies while four different types f miik come from to cow' uddeu Friday, March 7, 1952 To Lea C oncer 1941, Wishnow has been head of the strings department in the School of Music since 1948. Orchestra members are: Violms: Schuman, Keith Eck, Irene Roberts, Eleanor Flanagin, Pat Felger, Gayle Henkel, Donna Gardner, Sheila Brown, Marilyn Hammond, Charles Davis, Con Woolwine, Ruth Johnson, Alice Saunders, David Fowler, Gayle Carol Patterson, Carol Souser, and Douglas Wilcox. Cellos: Miss Liljedahl, James 'Christensen, Carol Puckett, Jo- ;anna Jorgensen, Robert Patter- son, Rachel Kirkpatrick and Mar vin Stromer. Bases: Barbara Gilmore, John Whaley, Marilyn Paul and Naida Watson. Flutes: Miss Willey and William Krause. Clarinets: Schmidt, Wesley Reist and Paul Jordan. Oboes: Dale Ground and Velda Stonecypher. Bassoons: Warren Rasmussen . Paul Thompson, Duane Johnson, land Paul Bieberstem. and Kathleen Welch. Harp: Miss Weddel. Librarian: Eck. Music, Athletics I A Kappa Sigma pledge, he said his interest in the University j symphony orchestra is heightened by the fine direction of Emanuel Wishnow. A freshman, he has teatati l plans for attending uie xaie v. estry school after his sophorr jr year. Cosmo Club Plans CO Cnmtrn DflnCP UamiVai UOHCe rVismo-fTarnivaL an annual dance for students of all coun- !t"es. will be held in the Union 1 ballroom at 8 p.m. Saturday, j March 29. Cosmopolitan club (sponsors the dance. According to Cyril Bright, pub- elected provided they meet the Arts and Sciences needs and the previously listed requirements. Active members include faculty and administration staff: PBK graduate students who are pur suing further study and under graduates who are elected mem Ibers. The Future y Si' V it. i a "J .'.1 f I V Vi tin .! a a: S