The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1952, Image 1

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    Council Agenda
Student Council will vote
Wednesday on a proposal to
amend the constitution to al
low the N club to be repre
sented, George Cobel, Student
Council president annonneed.
The Council will also dis
cuss the parkins; situation at
the meeting1 to b Hd at 4 P-m.
In Union, Room 815.
Chorus Practice
Practice for the singing cho
rus of "Girl Crazy" will be
held Wednesday at 7 p.m. in
Room 24, Temple bulldlnt,
Jerry Johnson announced.
VOL. 51 No. 97
Wednesday, March 5, 1952
Coeds Enter Politics
ks Aft
The University parking committee Tuesday afternoon
vjv-vtvu u wmucui, vuuiitu o i euommenaauon 10 aDOiisn
segregated panting and return to the former "first-come'
first-serve" system.
Union Picks
M. Moomey
As Director
Marilyn Moomey, University
senior, has been appointed acting
director of Union activities, Union
manager Duane Lake announced
Tuesday. She will take over the
position held by Mrs. Genene
Grimm whose resignation will be
come effective March 15.
Miss Moomey will supervise and
w w A' I J
coordinate the work done by stu
dent activity committees until the
end of the present school term.
As member of the Union
board of managers during the
past two years, she has ac
quainted herself with the acti
vities program. She also estab
lished and served as chairman
of the Union house and office
committee. Last spring Miss
Moomey was the student dele
gate representing the Univer
sity at the national conference
of the Association of College
She is now a Mortar Board,
AWS board vice-president and a
member of Pi Beta Phi. She
helped organize New Students
week last fall and is a former
Coed Counselor.
Miss Moomey will be the
third . Union activities director.
Her predecessor, Mrs. Grimm,
served this office since Sent.
"Genene has done a good Job
and we regret losing her very
much." Lake said. "During her
time a firm foundation of expan
sion of activities was laid. She
helped broaden the scope of the
resDonsibilitv. such as fine arts
nroerams. as well as setting up
the machinery for the long range
activity program."
Staff Writer
"What's the matter with your
"Oh, I was down town getting
cigarettes the other day and some
crazy fool stepped on it."
(Absent Minded Professor to
' druggist) "Give me some pre
pared monacetic-acidester of
salicylie acid."
Druggist "You mean as
pirin?" A. M. Prof. "That's right!
I never can remember that
The student world might be In
terested in a strike that took place
a few years ago where the union
demanded shorter hours. With the
tedium of morning lectures and
afternoon labs, shorter hours
would be a blessing.
Roommate "Say, I thought I
asked you to watch when that cof
fee pot boiled over!"
Recognizing the fact that
spring is just
around the
corner, the
weatherm a n
predicts a
slight let-up
in the cold
spell. Skies
should be
cloudy and
temperature s
will probably
warm up a
few degrees.
The mild Mild
breezes ot yesterday will
freshen into brisk winds. The
high thermometer reading will
be near 20.'
A couple of fraternity men were
trying to do some wiring. One of
them was nuzzled and called to a
pledge, "Pa your hand on one of
those wires." The pledge aid as
he was told "Do you feel any
thing?" "No."
"Good.1' said the active. "I was
not sure which was which. Don't
touch the other one or you'll drop
Tho recommendation was killed
by the expected faculty-student
split in committee.
In an effort to ease the cur
rent parking controversy, how
ever, the committee reduced the
segregated-parklng hours to
permit "firetcome-first-serve"
parking after 1 p.m., effective
Monday. Under the present rul
ing, segregated lots are opened
to students at 1:30 p.m.
The committee also voted to
combine faculty parking lots C,
D and E and thus enable C, D
and 2 faculty drivers to park in
any of the three areas.
According to Dean Carl W
Borgman. chairman of the com
mittee, a greater number of auto
mobiles can be assigned to one
large parking lot than to several
smaller lets with an equal number
of stalls.
The combining of parking lots is
also effective Monday, following
announcement in the faculty bul
The committee expressed its
hope that, through the combined
area! faculty cars assigned to
lot F can eventually be parked
in lots C. D and E. Lot F
would then be left open-entirely
for student parking.
A reporl from the faculty liai
son committee recommended re
serving three large parking areas
for faculty automobiles, instead
of the large number of small lots.
According to the report, presented
by Harold Wise, parking commit
tee and liaison committee member
the faculty areas would not be
centrally located.
The report also recommended
that perhaps the distance from a
student's residence to the Univer
sity necessary to obtain parking
permits could be extended from
the present eight blocks to ten,
twelve or more. By decreasing
permit-eligible students, the ratio
of student cars to parking stalls
could be reduced to the ratio of
faculty cars to parking stalls.
At the present, the student ratio
is 2.75 cars to a space, while the
faculty ratk is 1.75 cars.
Looking toward po s s i b 1 e
parking streamlining for next
year, Dean Borgmann appointed
Student Council President
George Cobel to draw up a set
of regulations for decreasing
faculty parking areas by grant
ing student permits to labor and
clerical workers now possessing
faculty stickers. Borgmann esti
mated that perhaps the faculty
areas could be cut in half by
such a move.
The committee informally up
held rustication as punishment for
an excess of parking tickets. It
thus refused to consider establish
ing a system of fines as substitute
lor rustication.
For Draft lest
Due March 10
Applications for the Selective
Service .qualification test, April
14. must be mailed by midnight.
March 10, to the educational test
ing service.
Eligible students can obtain
application blanks and a bulle
tin of information from any lo
cal Selective Service board. To
be eligible to tafce the test, an
applicant (1) must be a se
lective service registrant who
intends to request deferment as
as a student, (2) must be satis
factorily pursing a fulltlme col
lege course, graduate or under
graduate, leading to a degree,
(3) must not have previously
taken the test.
Results of the examination will
be used by the local draft board
in considering deferment for a
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WE LIKE GRISWOLD . . . Four University coeds are taking an Interest in state republican politics.
Acting as hostesses for senatorial candidate Dwtght Griswold (center) are (I. to r.) Dorothy Elliott,
Sandra Riddell, Damarls Riddell and Elizabeth Gass. (Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
Universtiy Coeds Participate In Events
Of Nebraska Republican founders Day
iour university coeds are
taking an active part in state
politics. As hostesses at a recep
tion Monday for ex-Gov.
Dwight Griswold, now running,
for United States Senate, the
four women assisted Mrs. Gris
wold at the Nebraska Republi
can Founders' Day meeting.
Damaris v Riddell, junior in
Teachers college, said we should
take an interest in whom we
elect because "elections now
will affect us more than they
will our parents."
"I am a young Republican,"
declared Dorothy Elliott, Teach
ers college junior, "and if I
were 21 I would vote for Gris
wold." Miss Elliott called Gris
wold a "good guy," and added
good citizenship "is our duty
something we should start now
instead of after college."
Elizabeth Gass, junior Ag col
lege student, said young people
should be interested in their
leaders and in good leaders. "All
of us should show more, inter
est in politics," she said,'"and
Griswold is the kind of man our
country needs."
Sandra Riddell, senior in
Teachers college, believes it, is
"about time Republicans came
back into power. If they are
to do so," she added, "everyone
must take an active interest in
our future leaders."
Griswold, a Regent of the
University, said, "As long as
students take an interest in poli
tics, this America of ours is
John Riddell, York attorney,
commented that Founders Day
has always placed an "accent on
youth" by the election of young
Republicans as junior president
and junior vice president of the
organization. Riddell added that
University students attend "in
large numbers and get some of
their first political lessons from
the sessions."
The first Republican Founders
Day was held March, 1935, and
was patterned after Kansas
Day, Riddell said.
Senator Everett Dirksen of
Illinois was main speaker at the
Vivian Kellems, Connecticut
manufacturer who refused to
deduct income taxes from her
employees' paychecks, addressed
more than 400 at a women's
Brady, Mesner, Wirsiq Vie For YM
President's Post; Ballotina Ends Today
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C. Lloyd Bailey, executive director of the National Citi
zens Committee tor united xsations uay, was to meet
Wednesday with representatives of Nebraska University
Council for World Affairs and civic and teachers' organiza
tions to learn about University
YMCA city campus elections
close Wednesday. Election ballots
are to be returned to the YMCA
office by noon and results of the
election will be announced in the
Candidates for YM president
are Lynn Brady, Philip Mesner
and Gary Wirsig.
Brady, a freshman In College
of Pharmacy, is president of the
freshman branch of the Ameri
can Pharmaceutical association
and was formerly publicity
chairman of city campus
Mesner, acting president of city of Law, is a member of Delta
YMCA, and former secretary of , Sigma Rho, Corn Cobs, Sigma Al-
YMCA, is an Arts and Sciences
freshman. He is a member of
Brown Palace co-op and Palla
dian society.
A junior in chemical engineer
ing, Wirsig is a member of Persh
ing Rifles and the American In
stitute of Chemical Engineers and
is former "YM News ' editor,
Nominated for secretary are.nalism sophomore in Teachers
Eugene Wohlner and William College. He is a member of
Barnds. . Brown Palace co-op, band and
Wohlner, a student in College Pegasus.
pha Mu and Hillel.
A philosophy major in Arts
and Sciences, Barnds was for
mer vice president of city
YMCA. He is a member of Can
terbury club and the Religious
Welfare Council.
sentstive is Wilson Strand, inur- the Cosmopolitan club dance
NU Teams
For Meet
Two bridge teams have been
named to represent the Univer
sity at the Midwest Bridge, Chess
and Table Tennis tournament on
the campus March 7 and 8.
Chess contestants will be se
lected by play-offs Wednesday
between 12 students.
ine two brldee teams are
Marion Brown and Sydna Fuchs
and Ed Lewis and Don Williams.
Table Tennis Chamn Eddie Sar-
kisian, Runner-up Gerald Barrett
and one other will represent the
University in that event.
The two-day tournament, to
be held in the Union, will draw
students from Kansas, Kansas
State and Colorado, also. En
trants from out-state schools
are scheduled to arrive Friday
evening for the opening of the
chess and table tennis competi
tion. Saturday's program, in addition
to competition in the three events,
includes a noon luncheon and an
evening banquet, at which tro
phies will be awarded.
Colorado now holds the bridge
trophy and Kansas has the table
tennis award. The new chess
trophy to be presented is now on
display in the Union showcase.
The tournament is being
sponsored by the recreation
committee, including: Jean Lou
don, chairman; Nancy Wier,
sponsor; Pat Rogers, Dale Tur
ner and Roger Smith.
Chairman Tom Larson's hos
pitality committeee is in charge
of lodging for the. participants.
James JPorter is in charge of
the bridge division and Dick Kelly
is in charge of the chess tourna
SAM To Paint
Church Interior
For Help Week
Painting the interior of the
Newman Methodist church, 2263
S street, is the project of Sigma
Alpha Mu fraternity in its Help
and urotnernood weeK which be
gan Monday, according to Presi
dent Ira Epstein.
The fraternity plans to aban
don "Hell week" and initiate a
Help and Brotherhood week
project which will serve two
purposes, Epstein said.
"First, the fraternity hopes to
do something constructive instead
of destructive in the community.
Secondly, by working together a
closer oond will be built among
us memoers," n,pstein added, "in
this way both the community and
the fraternity will benefit from
the project."
Rev. Ralph G. Nathan, pastor
of the church, will assist Epstein
in directing the work to be done
by the chapter's actives and
Cosmo Club To Entertain
Wesley an Group Tonight
Members of the Weslevan Uni
versity club will be special guests
plans for observance of United
Nations Day The meeting began
11 a.m. in Union faculty loung
after Bailey met with Chancel
lor R. G. Gustavson.
Different ways to observe UN
, Day will be suggested by Bailey
at the luncheon which will fol
low the meeting. He has rec
orded a broadcast at KFOR
which will be released at a later
Bailey, an attorney and for four
years associate director of the
Friends committee on National
Legislation, is traveling across the
fr j,
Chemical Engineers Plan
Omaha Field Study Trip
Seniors in chemical engineering
will study the manufacture of
soap and industrial alcohol on
their second field trip of the se
mester, Mar. 11.
Associate Professor Herbert T.
Bates and several seniors will
visit the, Haskins Brothers soap
plant and the Central States Co.
alcohol plant in Omaha. The trip
is being sponsored by the student
branch of the American Institute
of Chemical Engineers.
Piano Quartet To Present NU Concert
The First Piano Quartet, billed
as the first musical unit of its
kind, will present an interpreta
tion of the classics in the third
program of the University concert
series, March 20.
Pianists Glauco D'Attili, Adam
Garner, Frank Mittler and Edward
Edson are scheduled to appear in
the Coliseum under the sponsor
ship of the Union,
Tickets for the evening con
cert will go on sale March 10.
Student admission will be 75
cents, the concert committee has
The four pianists, who perform
simultaneously on four instru
ments, have appeared as soloists I
with European symphony orches
tras. They formed the First Piano
Quartet at the suggestion of Ed
win Fadiman, who remains the
quartet's commercial representa
Fadiman's ensemble started its
American career with a radio ap
pearance, followed by a series of
other network performances which
culminated in its concert tour.
The quartet's varied repertoire
is composed of compositions played
in unison, some with two present
ing the melody and two the ob
ligato, some"" with a three-to-one
combination and others with each
member presenting a ' different
The repertoire which includes
some original compositions by
members ot the group, also fea
tures a number of American
written directly for the Quartet.
Four-piano music was originated
in a little-known work by Bach-
the "Vivaldi Concerto" originally
written for four violins and then
arranged by Bach for four pianos,
and a Stravinsky arrangement for
four pianos, "Les Noces."
The concert, according to the
Union committee, will feature a
Coliseum seating arrangement de
signed to assure maximum acous
tics. The four pianos will be placed
on a raised stage, with the au
dience circling the platform.
Wednesday, social chairman Taghi
Kermani announced.
All members of the Cosmopoli
tan club and all foreign students,
members or not, are urged to at
tend. The dance will follow a short
business meeting to be held at
7:30 p.m. in Union, Room 313. Re
freshments will be served.
United States to meet with inter
ested individuals and organiza
tions to further the understanding
of the UN's aims and activities.
The National Citizens Com
mittee for United Nations Day,
with more than 90 organizations
as members, coordinates activ
ities of private citizens and
groups in promoting nation-wide
observance of UN Day.
A3 Ul&C.vU&. .7
prepares and distributes informa
tion materials and kits on the UN.
Formed July 14, 1949, under Mal
colm W. Davis, the NCCUND de
pends on private, voluntary con
tributions for support.
Language Club
To Sponsor
Essay Contest
The Nebraska Modern Lan
guage Association is sponsoring
an essay contest for students of
colleges, high school and uni
verities of Nebraska enrolled in
the language department.
Writers of the winning essays
on the subject, "The Contribu
tion of Foreign Language Study
to World Peace," will receive
cash prizes awarded by J. Gor
don Roberts.
Each contestant shall . submit
only one essay containing not
more than 1,000 words. Entries
shall be typewritten, double
spaced on 8x11 paper with all
pages stapled together.
In order to assure impar
tiality in judging, entries must
not show the name or school of
the contestant. Each entry shall
have attached to it a sealed en
velope containing the name,
address and school of the con
testant. This envelope will not
be opened until judges have
chosen the winning essays.
First prize winner will receive
$25; second prize, $15; third
prize, $7.50, and fifth prize $5.
Entries are to he mailed to
Modern Language Association of
Nebr., in care of Teresina Da-
riese, 1937 t St., Lincoln, e, rjeor.
They must be postmarked not
later than April 1, 1952.
1952 Symphony Orchestra Members
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CONCERT TIME . . . University symphony orchestra under the direction of Emanuel Wishnow will present their annual spring con
cert Sunday afternoon. The 80-piece symphony will play a classical program ranging from a composition by Beethoven to a num
ber written for the U.S. department of agriculture. (Daily Nebraskan Photo.) .
V . .
P.M. Headlines
Staff News Writer
UMT Bill Shelved
The bill providing for uni
versal military training was
sent back to committee by
house of representatives vote
of 236 tc 162 Tuesday night.
This virtually wipe out any
chance of UMT passing con
gress this year. The bill was
recommitted to committee after
six hours of heavy debate.
UMT would have made 18
and one-half-year-old males
liable for six months military
training and seven and one
half years of reserve service
subject to recall..
The house action on UMT is
expected to sidetrack a similiar
bill under consideration in the
Wilson Urges Control Extension
Wilson, chief mobilizer, has
urged Congress to extend price
and wage controls for two ad
ditional years. The act which
gives the government the
power to regulate such controls
is due to expire on midnight
of June 30. Wilson told the
Senate Banking Committee
that inflation could not be held
down unless prices were con
trolled. He also said that prices
could not be controlled unless
wages were held in line. Mobi
lizer Wilson warned, "At least
two more years of hard work
are ahead of us before we
reach our present goals of mil
itary strength and productive
Reds Charge Intimidation Of Prisoners
KOREA The- Communists
have charged that'U.N. forces
are using bayonets, and intimi
dation to keep war prisoners
from returning to the Reds.
North Korean Gen. Lee Sasng
Cho told the U.N. truce team
that could be the only reason
for any refusal on the part of
Red soldiers to return to the
, Communists after an armistice
' was concluded. The U.N. offi
cials have proposed that war
prisoners be given the right
to refuse repatriation. Rear
Adm. Ruthven Libby, U.N.
representative, reported that
the question of repatriation is
right back where it was last
Dec. 18.