The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 04, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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Tuesdoy, March 4, 1952
Could You Use $100?
Two years ago on this campus a certain boy, he Is In a mood to keep in the red.)
with a high scholastic average, became 111 and At 8:30 a.m., Saturday, March 29, Joe takes a
had to miss several weeks of classes. Dr. T. J. few hours off to take the General. Comprehensive
Thompson, dean of student affairs, while writing Examination, a requirement for those seeking aid.
an excuse for the student's absences, accidentally From then on, Joe sits back and lets the general
saw his excellent scholastic standing. He called scholarship awards committee do the work. The
the boy before him and asked, "Have you applied group of faculty members considers Joe's average,
for any University scholarships?" "No," answered his application and his grade on the examination,
the boy. "I hadn't considered it." U be qualifies for more than one scholarship, he
Th modest hov who "hadn't considered it" is given the more valuable one. He is notified of
had great need for financial aid, Dr. Thompson the results before August 1.
discovered, and he urged the boy to reconsider.
That high-ranking student later received one
of the most valuable scholarships offered by the
University and the award led, still later, to a
much greater scholarship from a larger institution.
The same thing could happen to a number of
brilliant students who are either too modest or
too timid to apply for scholarships or grant-in-aid.
The University offers more than 350 such
awards each year through the general scholarship
awards committee, of which Dr. Thompson Is
chairman. In addition, a number of Independent
awards are offered through outside sources or
specific colleges. Of the 350 general prizes, 300
are $100 Regents scholarships, which are based on
academic performance only. The others, ranging
The pitiful thing about this simple procedure
is that too many Joes do not go through it. Ac
cording to Dr. Thompson, only about 600 stu
dents filed for awards last year. He said, "We
always hear of a considerable number of, capable
students who never file applications, which is
to us most regrettable." C. C. Wiggans, profes
sor of horticulture, who served on the commit
tee for many years, said "I would like to see
everybody on the honors list apply for, scholar
ships. We have a limited number of awards,
but we would like to give them to the best stu
dents." He added that students wishing grants-in-aid
do not need to be on the honor list as the
grants are sometimes given to students with
averages as low as 6.5.
Dr. Thompson attributes much of the failure
from $100 to $500 in value, are given on the basis to file to personal modesty and timidity. Wiggans
of need as well as scholastic achievement Many
of these are made possible through the efforts of
the University Foundation.
The procedure for applying for scholarships
Is simple. Joe College, if his weighted average
is near seven and if he's normal enough to want
an extra $100 or more, goes to the office of the
, dean of student affairs in Room 104, Adminis
tration building, to pick up a three-page blank.
If Joe is seeking the Regents award, he fills out
only the first two pages. If he wants a grant-in-aid,
he completes the third page, which asks
for financial data. Then Joe returns the blank
to Dr. Thompson's office by March 15, 1952. (If
Joe is as intelligent as his grades indicate, he
might fill out his income tax blank and his
scholarship application the same evening, when
believes that some students are afraid of the com
prehensive test, which he calls "refreshing" and a
"fine way to check one's general intelligence." He
said one young married woman approached him
after the test and said, "That was lots of fun."
A number of students seem to have the atti
tude that "others need it more than I do." These
persons forget that Regents awards are not
based on need, Dr. Thompson said.
Whether it Is modesty, timidity or fear of the
comprehensive test that keeps students from filing
for scholarships, The Daily Nebraskan urges aca
demically high-ranking students to remove their
light from under the bushel basket long enough
to seek the financial help which they most cer
tainly deserve J.S.
Politics Vs. Statehood
A rather flagrant misuse of Senate debate rules
occurred In the nation's capitol Wednesday over
the question, of Alaskan statehood. By a 44 to 45
rollcall vote, a coalition of Democrats, mostly
Southerners, and Republicans sent the Alaskan
Statehood Bill back to committee, virtually killing
any chance for action at this session of Congress
oa the Bill. '
The vote, carried by the margin of a single
decision, sent the bill back to the Interior and
Insular Affairs Committee coupled with instruc
tions to study a possible constitutional amendment
that would give Alaska more self-government and
some Congressional voting representation, rather
than statehood.
Opponents of the statehood bill say publicly
that Alaska does not have the population or re
sources development to finance state govern
ment. Privately, these opponents, one of the
strongest of whom has been Nebraskan Senator
Hugh Butler, fear Alaskan statehood on the
grounds that Senatorial balance of power might
be disrupted. Specifically, they fear that Alas
kan Senators might attempt to limit Senate de
bate, thereby increasing the chance of action on
proposed "civil rights" legislation.
Advocates of accepting Alaska as the 49th state,
answer that the territory will remain undeveloped
without the privilege of statehood to attract popu-
floor and also made his first major speech in the
Senate favoring Alaskan statehood.
There will be a fight on in Washington, D. C.
with Senators reaffirming their stands, changing
their minds or playing one side against the other
with their cherished vote as the premium. Fred
Seaton, if and when the vote comes on whether to
bring the bill back for debate, undoubtedly will
cast his vote in the affirmative. Sen. Butler prob
ably still opposes statehood for Alaska.
However, with election In the offing, Butler
would not be willing to arouse the ire of his
constituents by going against their wishes on
such an important issue as this. Nebraskans, for
or against Alaskan statehood, should take part
in their government by letting Butler and Seaton
know how they feeL
The Daily Nebraskan heartily approves Sea
ton's stand , on this issue, strongly advocates any
move to get the statehood bill out of committee
and will cheer any efforts to Inform both Senators
Butler and Seaton as to their constituent attitude
on the subject R.R.
Cold Silence
In today's Daily Nebraskan two articles pre
sent opposing views on Universal Military Train-
lation. They also contend that Alaska needs to be ing a program now being debated in Congress,
taken into the United States statehood immedi
ately because of its closeness to Russia.
The action to send the Statehood Bill back into
the committee from whence it came nearly kills
any further consideration of statehood for Alaska
during this session of Congress. If this action of
the Senate stands, January of 1953 would be the
soonest time at which statehood for this territory
could be considered. Between March of 1952 and
the first month of 1953, the world, seething with
the tenseness of relations between Communism
and a program which, if passed, will affect every
male youth in this country.
Despite the importance of UMT, despite the
fact this bill changes the entire philosophy of
this country, it is next to impossible to get Uni
versity of Nebraska faculty members to com
ment on the proposed legislation.
In preparing today's discussion of UMT, The
Nebraskan asked at least 20 faculty members for
a short comment about the proposal. When it be
came apparent that it would be impossible to run
an article containing comments by several faculty
What Am
I Doing
Bob Rehhenbach
Guest Columnist
At approximately 4 :30 p.m.
Monday, a sweet voiced fe
male (your editor) tele
phoned, and told me a very
sad story. According to her,
Bob Reichenbach was piled
neck deep in studies and could
not possibly carry out his duties
as writer of this column (this is
a column?) I replied this was cer
tainly touching, but how , did it
concern me? Then the whole
horrible, scandalous plot came
out. She wanted me to do it.
I was told to write 24 double
spaced lines and that it didn't
make any difference what I
wrote about (which shows the
editor's concern about the read
ers). With this thought in mind
I will proceed to comment on
timely topics. There is a slight
possibility I won't make my 24
lines. They will probably fill in
the space with some interest
ing new slant on how little
progress the committee is mak
ing on the parking problem.
I notice (somewhat regret
fully) that the trend . toward
poodle cuts is still continuing.
The only good thing about this
hairdo is the fact it makes it easy
to tell which girls have big ears
(who looks at ears?)
Did you notice the article in
Thursday's Daily Nebraskan
listing all of those wonderfully
easy ways to pick up lamps,
chairs and other sundry pieces
of furniture. Just walk into any
sorority or fraternity house, the
article said. I humbly thank The
Daily Nebraskan (they made
me capitalize it) for the lesson.
It was the first instruction in
breaking and entering that I
had received since my appren
ticeship with Viper Fagin.
Thank Heavens, 24 lines.
No Statehood
For Alaska
Tom Rische
It looks as if statehood for
Alaska, and Hawaii too, has been
killed again, for this session of
congress. A bunch of die-hards,
among them Nebraska's benator
Butler, managed to end tnis
"threat" to American security by
a narrow 45-44 margin.
The Alaskan
statehood bill
was sent back
to c o m m ittee
for f u r t h e r 1
study. The Ha-
waiian bill will ;
probably suffer
to same fate if
it c o m e s up
during the ses-
s i o n. Indica
tions now are
that the back
ers of Hawaii Rische
will give up for this session.
It appears however that both
Alaska and Hawaii will event
ually become states. Some of the
same objections to admitting
these two territories were raised
when most of the other states
entered the Union. When Ne
braska became a state, 85 years
ago, people thought that there
were not enough people here to
form a stable economy. The
same objections were raised
concerning Alaska.
Much of the real opposition to
the-bill comes from southern sen
ators. and the northern repubh
cans who play ball with them
Universal Military Training?
uy vAiurrs ft. KTOCKMAN
Associate Professor of Naval Science
Chairman, Department of Business Research
The United States should not adopt any system Most of the arguments against Universal Mili-
of permanent peacetime military training such as Training today stem from an almost inborn
- s 1 1 .i ,t l .... A vnrlQM mi
u. M. x. oecause (i) a is uiorougmy abhorrence of a free and democratic people xowara
(2) it would endanger our security, and (3) u lmhided In the minds of
would substitute blind discipline for the American inings muiuu,. ttlmpntatinn rnm
spirit of initiative. I am not discussing the present most Americans is a horror of regimentation, corn-
Selective Service Law, which has been adopted pulsion and loss of civil lioerues guarameca oy
for a limited time and a given emergency, but .
It Is generally agreed that the world is
threatened with a third world war. Such a war
is not inevitable, but it is a matter of fact that
the capability of making war inevitable is with
in the grasp of our chief antagonist We know
that the USSR is well acquainted with the possi
bilities of force as an instrument of national
policy. Russia has used It at home and abroad.
"War," wrote that eminent military philoso
pher, Clausewitz, "is nothing but the continuation
of state policy by different means."
In this age of improved communication, trans
portation and new weapons, war is no longer a
contest between opposing armies or navies but a
contest between peoples. It is the final, violent
form resorted to when diplomacy and all other
means fail. Modern war is total; it engulfs the
nation as a whole, not just the armed forces. Any
citizen of England or Germany of adult age dur
ing the last great war should be able to give a
good definition of total war. We had a taste of it
in our own country.
In simple terms, the next war will come as
the result of applications of force. It is axiom
atic that force respects force. The Russians may
never respect us as a nation, but they must re
spect our capability for force, actual and poten
tial. To give the Russians pause for reflection
before they plunge us into war, we have under,
taken to make our nation strong. The cost is
UMT focuses attention on this question with
relation to our national defense: Are we operating
on an efficient basis in our planning and prepa
rations? From the standpoint of personnel pro
curement and training the answer must be an
unequivocal no.
A glance at our military history reveals that
the outstanding faults of United States military
policy until very recently have been: dependence
on volunteers for increase in the armed forces;
short term enlistments; bounties; state cqntrol of
militia; faulty replacement systems; faulty selec
tion of officers; lack of a coordinating overall
staff; and civilian interference.
Beginning with the organisation of the gen
eral staff in the army and continuing through
with new developments brought about by the
national defense acts of 1916 and 1920, and
finally the national security act of 1947 ai
amended by the Key West agreement, we find
that much progress has been made toward elimi
nating many of the above-listed faults. We hav
achieved a sound structural organisation.
Whether this organisation is to have any real
meaning, as expressed in desired result
achieved, remains to be shown in terms Of effi
cient use of manpower, based on cost involved
and minimum goals realised.
rather the permanent system now being proposed.
One of the great differences between conti
nental Europe and the United States during the
past century has been that the former has, in
almost every nation, maintained permanent sys
tems of military training, while the latter, our
own country, has kept itself free of this burden
except in times of war or threat of war. This
system has neither prevented war in Europe nor
has it insured success to the nations maintain
ing it. In fact, at the end of the century of
military training, Europe is exhausted, disin
clined to rearm in spite of our prodding, while
we are in the most vigorous national health.
There are persons who like this European sys
tem and wish to import it, Just an there are
those who like other European institutions and
wish to bring them here. We do, of course, bor
row ideas from all over the world, but when it
is proposed to bring over the very authoritarian
system which we came here to get away from,
then I prefer the American plan, and intend to
do all I can to keep it.
The nations which formerly were noted for
their individualism and freedom of thought, such
as Germany and Italy, were molded under the
pressure of universal conscription into untied
mental patterns which prepared the way for to
talitarianism. Bismark, the builder of modern
Germany, said contemptously that where he found
five Germans he found six opinions. He knew
how to change this deep seated individualism,
which had produced the Germany of fine litera
ture, great music, and profotmd science, into the
moronic national socialism of Hitler. The most
potent weapon against the personal freedom which
he despised was universal military training. A few
generations sufficed. The same type of leader who
thinks we need universal militarization of the
youth is likely to think, in times of crisis, that we
must extend totalitarian control over the rest of
the population. This we have to look forward to,
if we follow the European path.
With respect to military security, the Pentagon
has given us no evidence that the kind of training
which will be provided will have any appreciable
effect in the event of war. The armed forces have
never shown much respect for the national guard
or ilie reserves, which, on a voluntary basis, have
been trained in much the same manner as under
a universal military training system. About the
most that could be expected from the proposed
system would be some habituation of city boys to
camp life, and this could be done under better
auspices by an extension of our civilian Y. M.
C. A. and boy scout camps. Against any gain
must be set the terrific loss in education in the
usual sense, which is now a great source of na
tional strength.
What are the real reasons back of the de
mand for U. M. T.? The first such reason is that
the boys would be "indoctrinated." The object
of this indoctrination is to insure that all men
should believe in the glories of the history of
the armed forces, in the wonders of the military
system generally, and in the necessity for large
appropriations for defense. The opportunity to
preach military doctrine to every boy in the
nation would be a priceless advantage for the
Pentagon in its struggle for power in Washington.
kan decided to run two views of the situation
by two faculty members. It was impossible to get
the others to state publically their views. For
tunately, there are at least two faculty members,
E. Z. Palmer and Major J. R. Stockman, who are
willing to express their feelings on so important
an issue.
The Nebraskan probably did not contact
some faculty members who would be willing to
comment. However, after 20 futile attempts, it
is possible to get discouraged. To those faculty
members who were "not familiar enough," or
who "did not care" to express their feeling s, The
Nebraskan has no praise. Those who did co
operate, and those who would have cooperated.
The Nebraskan salutes.
We believe in free expression of convictions
right or wrong. We admire hose who will express
and substantiate their views. Unless a person is
willing to support his convictions, it is easy to
conclude tliese convictions are not valid enough
to stand up under scrutiny. J.K.
and Democracy, might appear in quite a different members on both sides of the issue, The Nebras-
ughi to the 88 men who gather In Washington,
D. C, to decide the affairs of this nation.
The greatest motive which tried to kill the
statehood bill, at least for the present, was the
fear in the halls of Congress that the Senatorial
balance of power might be disturbed. The Dixie
crats, plus their Republican cohorts, have seen
fit to block this administration-backed legisla
tion so that their Senatorial power will not be
challenged or disturbed.
In view of the arguments, just and timely, for
bestowing the status of statehood upon the terri
tory of Alaska, the 45 Senators who took advan
tage of a rule of debate to further their own
selfish interests did so as the expense of Alaska
and the nation.
Strategically and economically speaking, The
Daily Nebraskan feels that Alaska is ready for
statehood. The Senators that say the territory
does not have the population or resources de
velopment to finance state government are not
the people who have been most vitally interested
in the development of Alaska. The Senators who
fear civil rights legislation necessarily must be
those who cannot see what an advantage Alaska
would be toward national security.
The administration, the Democrat Senators
backing the administration and some Republican
Senators have declared that the statehood Bill
has not been killed for this session of Congress.
They have announced their intention to fight to
bring the Bill back onto the Senate floor.
To do this would require a majority vote of
the entire Senatorial membership provided the
committee does not report out on the Bill within
the specified time, under one month. The advo
cates of Alaskan statehood have pledged to bring
the Bill back from its premature committee death.
To accomplish this will mean applying pressure
oa Senators to reconsider their votes. It will also
mean a scrambling for the votes of the seven
Senators who were not included in the roll-call.
Sen. Hugh Butler of Nebraska voted to send
the bill back to committee. Sen. Fred Seaton of
Nebraska voted to keep the bill on the Senate
Daily Thought
A man without thought for the future
cust soon have present sorrow. Confucius, iuw "VA
In the past two world wars we turned to se
lective service for manpower. Korea found us
using the same antiquated method of procurement
Instead of having a ready force of trained men
available for emergency call, ready to go into
action with a minimum amount of refresher train
ingand this surely should be a requirement in
this day of atomic warfare we must rely on the
America has held for over a hundred and fifty slow, cumbersome machinery of selective service,
years a reputation as a peace-loving yes, a paci- In times of emergency we skim off the cream of
ffst nation. This reputation has been only partially the manpower crop, construct new camps or re
sullied by our wars. The fundamentally pacifist construct old ones that were temporary in 1918,
heart of the nation has been recognized and re- and, saddle the regular establishment of the army,
The southerners seem to fear that(spected by the world. It has been our greatest navy and air force with the responsibility of turn
four more senators would threaten .t source of security in dealing with other nations. Ing out a creditable citizen armed group in the
their ability to maintain their Mi- They have not felt it necessary to crush our grow- shortest possible time. Instead of being ready to
might ; be able to force dosu?e'in Power: rather ey have been glad of it. Such fight a war, the best we can hope for Is to be
upon the filibustered. I a peace-loving disposition is not necessarily the ready to train an army, navy and air force.
One senator remarked tnai as oi( invariable character of a people, however. It can
J Jul (batty. TkbhaAkcuv
- Associated Collegiate Press
Intercollegiate Press
The Dull Nebraakaa U published by the student of the
University of Nebraska as npmun student' new. and !"- . , ,.
Ion only. According to Article of the By-Laws governing means along Strict party lines,
But the people of Alaska and
Hawaii have been held in terri
torial status long enough. Most of
their citizens seem to be loyal
Americans and as such, should
enjoy the rights and privileges
accorded to Americans.,
now, he is 1ae ot xne oenaie
whereas if the bill passed, he
would be only 1100. This is cer
tainly sound reasoning and is a
great argument against statehood.
One objection some senators
may have to the entrance of Ha
waii is its large Oriental popu
lation. Some of them perhaps
fear that an Oriental-American
might some day be elected to
the senate or to the house, thus
contaminating the e x I s t Ing
membership. They seem to for
get the old American reputation
as the melting pot of nations."
Another objection raised to the
admission of these two territories
is the fact that they are separa-
rated from the main body of
American states Alaska by Can
ada, Hawaii by the Pacific ocean.
Some people seem to fear that
lands would not be as defensible
in case of attack.
Alaska and Hawaii will prob
ably become states af about the
same time, whenever they are
admitted. Alaska is strongly
democratic while Hawaii is Just
as strongly republican in elec
tions. This sort of compromise
would please both parties and
would not throw the political
alignment out of kilter.
Democrats and republicans split
about evenly in their opposition
the bilL The vote was Dy no
tudent publication and administered by the Board of i'ubllca-
tlona, "It l the declared poller of IM Board that publication,
under It Jiuiadlctloa a ball be free from editorial eeruorahlp on
the part ef the Board, or on the part of any member of the
faculty of the University, bat the members of the staff of The
Dally Nebraskan are peruriall responsible for what they say er
do or eause to be printed."
Subscription rates are fl.00 a semester, $2. SO mailed or 93.00
for the college year, 14.00 mailed, single cop, Sc. Published
dally dnrlng the school year eicept Saturday and Hunday,
vacations and examination periods. One Issue published during
the month of August by the University of Nebraska under the
supervision of the committee on Student Publications. Entered
a Second Claw Matter at the Post Office In Lincoln, Nebraska,
under Act of Congress, March 3, and at special rate of
SJf,' f0"1" ' Section 1103, Act of Congress of October
S, M17, authorized September It. 1828.
Editor Joan Krneger
Associate Editor y. Ruth Raymond
Managing Editors .. .Don Pleper, Hue Uorton
Mews Editors Sally Adams. Ken Rystram, Jan Steffen,
Hal luuseibalch. Ssllv rUll
Sports Editor Marshall Kuahner
Aealatant Sports Editor,. Glenn Nelson
V,'!T. Editor Kathy Radaker
Ag Editor WmUl Reynniu
Society Editor Connie Gordon
Photographer g,,, Httrmmn
Business Manager , ...Jaek Cohen
Aaalstant Business Manager. .... .Stan nipple, Arnold Micro,
Pete Herrsten
Circulation Manager.,,, , , George Wilcox
be changed, given (he proper indoctrination. Our
beloved, peaceful, unaggressive America would
become a world menace if the people became mili
tary minded. This could happen as the natural
result of military training, without conscious pur
pose on the part of the Pentagon, simply through
the installation in the minds of the trainees of a
faith in military methods, and the neglect of al
ternative methods. Nor will the rest of the world
stand idly by when this happens. They will join
with Soviet Russia to crush us, as they joined with
her to crush Germany, if our already preponder
ant military power becomes joined with a unified
popular military spirit. It is impossible, of course,
for the military mind to realize that our security
lies in our pacifism. Bismark did not realize where
his program would lead Germany. Changes such
as this do not happen overnight, but in a genera
tion or two.
The second real reason back of the demand for
U. M. T., besides the desire for indoctrination, is
the desire for discipline of the youth. There is
some nostalgia for the old days when fathers are
supposed to have beaten their sons often enough
to break their spirits, and when all children meek
ly called their parents "Sir," and "Madame."
Actually, there was never much of that sort of
thing in America, or we would not have become
the strong nation we are. The two ideals of child
training are . at opposite poles: the one toward
discipline, the other toward individual initiative.
The ideal of discipline is that of a man, or dog,
who will instantly recognize the voice of his mas
ter, and vobey that voice without question. The
On The Air
3:00 Interlude"
3:15 "Guest Star"
3:30 "Your Stake in the Future"
3:45 "Shake Hands with the
4:00 "Memorable Music"
4:15 "Final Sports Ed"
4:30 "Road to Rhythm"
5:00 Sign Off
The present process of building up our com
batant manpower strength is wasteful, allows
for little long-range planning (except for in the
broadest possible sense), takes too much tune,
and contributes directly to inflation. Instead of
it, we could very Veil have throuxh UMT a
steady source for an increasing accumulation of
increments of trained personnel. Our regular
armed force establishments would then be forees
in readiness. Behind them and ready to augment
their strength would be our reserve force UMT
graduates. With UMT we could have a hard
core of combat-ready citizens on call, ready to
go. What an Imposing bulwark for freedom they
would be!
It shouldn't take an efficiency expert to divine
the advantages of UMT over the present horse-and-buggy
selective service machinery when the
two systems are evaluated in terms of national
With regard to compulsion, regimentation,
and loss of civil liberties, what about the status
of the present draftee on his way to Korea? Ask
him if he Joined ef his own volition,' whether
he lives apart from the rest of his platoon er
company, and whose code of justice immediately
affects him.
UMT may not prevent World War III but it
should prove a powerful deterrent force to those
aggressor nations capable of provoking war. To
those men who served in World War II and were
called back to serve in Korea it will mean that
through the training of all generations it will not
ideal of initiative is that of a man who is well be the fate of one generation to bear an unpro-
educated, self reliant, and prepared to act on the portionate load. This should be considered in our
basis of his own judgment. Up to now, we have lon view of national security. UMT will make
preferred the latter. The military authorities like it possible.
to claim' that they can instill " perfect discipline
without damaging initiative, despite the fact that
there are opposites. The most they can accomplish
is some measure of discipline which crushes some
of the initiative and turns some of it into an anti
social bitterness, which eventually may become
communism as it has in Europe. The private soon
learns "never to volunteer." He learns that there
are'two ways of doing things, the right way and
the army way, and that he must act the army
way. He learns about Snafu. In "short he learns
to substitute the judgment of others for his own.
I think the American boy is a better fighter when
he is not too well disciplined. He is superior be
cause in a pinch he can take care of himself and
his comrades in his own way.
I have not taken room here for all the argu
ments or questions which U. M. T. raises, but
merely the most important, namely that we are
threatened with a creeping totalitarianism.
Whether we are headed for faclsm or commu
nism matters little. The main question is, shall
we take the path of Germany and Russia, or
shall we stay on 'the path which has made us
what we are: the strongest, most prosperous na
tion in the world?