The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 04, 1952, Image 1

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    Lutheran Ceremony
ill maIjmv
VOL. 51 No. 96
Tuesday, March 4, 1952
CORNERSTONE LAYING ... The Rev. A. J. Norden, Lutheran
Student pastor, offers prayer at the ceremony held for the new
University chapel. The Rev. Henry Erck (r.), former student pas
tor, looks on.
Cornerstone laying ceremonies
were held Sunday afternoon for
the new University Lutheran
(Missouri Synod) chapel.
"Other foundation can no man
lav than that is laid, Jesus
Christ." This statement by . St.
Paul was the basis for the ser
monette delivered by the Rev.
W. W. Koenig, pastor of Calvary
Lutheran church.
The Rev. Henry Erck, student
pastor on the University campus
for more than 27 years, was the
officiant for the cornerstone lay-
Union Plans
The University will be host to
more than 35 contestants in the
Midwestern Bridge, Table Tennis
and Chess Tournament Friday
and Saturday.
Entrant, from Kansas univer
sity, Kansas State college, Col
orado university and Nebraska
university will arrive at the
Union by Friday evening, ac
cording to Jean Loudon, chair
man of the recreation commit
tee, sponsor of the event
Nebraska's entrants in the
bridge division are Bill Pomeroy
and Jerry Siegel and Harlan
Wiederspan and Charles Wright.
Two participants from each
school will compete in the chess
division and each school will en
ter three students in table tennis
competition. '
Chess and table tennis tourna
ments will begin Friday evening.
A round robia eystein , will be
used for chess.
Informal bridge games will
be played Friday evening with
James Porter in charge. Porter
will also supervise the bridge
tournament play, which will be
gin Saturday morning.
A luncheon for all participants
and officials will be held Satur
day noon. Saturday evening
trophies will be presented at a
banquet. Colorado university now
holds the bridge trophy and Kan
sas university has the table ten
nis award. A new chess trophy,
now on display in the Union
show case, will be presented.
Ag Union Workers
To Hear Goodding
Wednesday Night
Dr. T. H. Goodding, agronomy
Instructor, will speak on the stu
dent's place in the Ag Union and
will explain plans for the new Ag
Union at chili feed for all Ag
Union workers Wednesday at 7:30
p.m. in the Ag Union lounge.
Goodding is faculty advisor for
the student Ag Union building
Committee plans for the rest of
the year will also be revealed at
the chili feed. Ag Union activities
committee is sponsoring the feed.
The chili feed will mark the end
of the Ag Union membership
drive. Students may sign up for
committees any time before then.
The committees are: arts and
handicrafts, general entertain
ment, dance committee and hospi
tality and publicity.
Concert Band To Tour Six Towns
University ROTC Concert band
next week will present concerts
in six northeast Nebraska towns
during a three-day tour.
Full-length programs will be
S resented in Fremont, Norfolk,
feligh, O'Neill, Albion and Cen
tral City.
The 90-piece band will leave
Lincoln Tuesday noon, play af
ternoon and evening concerts
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day and return to Lincoln late
Thursday night.
Director Donald Lentz, Sponsor
CoL C. J. Frankforter and Asist
ant Dean of Women Mary Augu
stine will accompany the band.
Band members will trpvel in two
chartered buses, while equipment
and uniforms will be transported
in three station wagons.
The program to be presented
In each town will consist of
thirteen numbers. Two of the
numbers will feature solists ac
companied by the band. The
four soloists traveling, with the
band will alternate perform
ances. Soloists are Bonney Wed
del, harp; Lewis Forney, piano;
Denny Schneider, trumpet; and
Jack Snider, French horn
The following' numbers will
constitute the program:
"Commando March" by Samuel
The Roman Carnival" overture
r,mirtrv T.lnmln Rtnr
ira on
ing. He was replaced last Sep-
J. Norden, who acted as liturgist
at the ceremony.
Included in the cornerstone
box were: a Bible, copy of the
Augsburg confession and the
small catechism, history of the
building to date, partial list of
Lutheran students enrolled at
the University and clippings
from newspapers announcing
the cornerstone lay ing.
Statements from Pastors W. E.
Homann, A. F. Werner and Erck,
Mayor Victor E. Anderson and
Governor Val Peterson were also
placed in the box.
Music for the ceremony was
provided by the Lutheran Chapel
choir directed by Harry Giessel
man. They sang the anthem "A
Mighty Fortress Is Our God."
The chapel which is being
constructed at the corner of
15th and Q streets, should be
completed by this September, It
will also include a student cen
ter, pastor's office and other fa
cilities. The chapel is a joint project of
the northern and southern dis
tricts of the Lutheran church
(Missouri Synod) which sponsor
a religious program for univer
sity students.
About 300 students now take
part in the activities of the Lu
theran center. Gamma Delta, Sun
day evening student group, meets
in the YMCA lounge in the Tem
ple building at 5:30 p.m. Their
activities include a varied pro
gram of Christian knowledge,
service ana social activity.
Officers or the group are Bar-
" P.M. Headlines
Staff New Writer
French Face Another Crisis
PARIS The unstable
French government again
faces a crisis after Premier
Edgar Faure's cabinet fell
upon losing a vote of con
fidence The difficulty arose
when a proposal to increase
taxes was rejected. There
have been 19 cabinets in
France since the liberation and
the prospects of establishing a
new one that can last are very
New York Keep
preme Court has upheld New
York's anti-Communist teacher
law by a vote of 6 to 3. This
law is known as the Feinberg
Law and was passed in 1949.
It requires that the State
Board of Regents list subver
sive organizations. Member
ship in any of the organiza
tions on the list can disqualify
a teacher from any job in the
school system. The Board of
Regents has not yet compiled
such a list of subversive or-.
Morris Announces Plans
Morris, President Truman's
newly appointed corruption
hunter, announced that he is
sending about 25,000 financial
questionnaires to top govern
ment officials. He announced
that officials will be given
about two weeks to answer
and return the questionnaires.
Morris said that those who re-
by Hector Berlioz.
"Death ' and Transfiguration"
finale by Richard Strauss.
"Concerto for Horn" by Franz
Strauss(Jack Snider, soloist) or
"Hungarian Melodies" by Vincent
Bach (Denny Schneider, soloist.J
"An Outdoor Overture" by
Aaron Copland.
"Rhapsody in Blue" by George
Gershwin (Lewis Forney, soloist)
mmmmm i
1 1 , w,f 4
Feature Editor Needed
Students interested in the
paid position of feature editor
of the Daily Nebraskan should
apply in person at the editor's
office, Union basement, by Fri
day, March 7.
The vacancy, caused by re
signation of Kathy Radakcr
will be filled later upon ap
pointment by the Committee
on Student Publications.
ibara Bredthauer, president; Phyl
'lis Kort, vice president Elizabeth
i Bredthauer, secretary; and James
Koepke, treasurer.
In Open City'
An insight into the traditional
struggle of oppressed men to
overthrow tyranny will be shown
in the YMCA sponsored film this
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The film, "Open City," will be
shown at 8 p.m. each night with
a 2:30 p.m. matinee Saturday at
Love library auditorium.
According to a review in the
New Yorker, the film is "not
merely good, but the best to ever
come out of Italy."
Directed by Roberto Rosselini,
the film tells the personal story
of the Italian people during the
Fascist regime. It symbolizes the
spirit of humility which arises in
times of crisis, the New -Yorker
review continues.
Tickets may be purchased at
the door for 65 cents.
Nu Med To Hear Lincoln
Doctor Speak In Union
Dr. K. 1. McGinnis, Lincoln
physician, will speak on "Develop
ment of Cbstetrics Since 1900" at
Nu Med meeting Wednesday.
The discussion will begin at 7:30
p.m. in Parlor Y, Union.
dim. President Vincent Auriol
has called upon Antoine Pinay,
an Independent, to attempt
the formation of a new cabi
net. It is said that President
Auriol received an offer from
Gen. Charles de Gaulle, but
Auriol was not receptive to the
suggestion. Auriol has been
attempting to keep the gov
ernment control from the de
Gaulle party.
s Feinberg Law
ganizations and no teacher has
been fired under the Fein
berg Law. The law had been
attacked by eight New York
citizens who charged that it
violated freedom of speech
and assembly. The majority
decision was delivered by Jus
tice Minton. He was sup
ported by Justices Vinson,
Reed, Jackson, Burton and
Clark. A minority opinion
was submitted by Justices
Douglas, Black and Frankfur
ter. fused to answer them would
be dismissed by President
Truman. When asked if the
President was going to back
him up, Morris stated that he
had assurances that he would.
He added that if President
Truman did not take such ac
tion he would wash his hands
of the whole investigation.
or "Legend of the Redwoods" by
Grace Vamos. (Bonney Weddel,
"Trauersinfonie" by Richard
"The Blue-Tail Fly" by Clare S.
"Comedians Gallop" by Dmitri
"Marche Slave" by P. I. Tshai
kowsky "Lift of the Latin" (Samba) by
David Bennett.
"Hail Nebraska," featuring a
male glee club and a musical take
off on "The Thing."
"March of the Steel Men" by
Charles S. Belsterling.
Marches will be played for en
cores. Tuesday's concerts will be
presented at Fremont, where the
program is sponsored by the
high school activities association
and Norfolk, sponsored by the
band and orchestra parents
club of the public schools.
Meligh, sponsored by the high
school and O'Neill, the Lions club,
will be visited Wednesday.
The band vill perform Thurs
day at Albion, sponsored by the
Commercial club and Central
City, also sponsored by the Lions
year's tour the first since
the war, was also three days in
length. Concerts were presented
in Kearney, North Platte, Sidney
and Curtis.
em audi I im
Animal Film
For Tuesday
Howard Cleaves, after1 special
izing in after-dark pictures for
many years, will present his first
all-color film, "Animals Un
aware," at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Love
Library auditorium.
Cleaves, a native New York
er, actually filmed much of this
all-color production on Staten
Island, a part of New York City.
Cleaves lives on Staten Island.
and, as the old adage goes, he
found "Acres of Diamonds" in his
own backyard.
"Animals Unaware" contains
the secrets of the 17-year locust:
studies of ospreys on the Atlan
tic Coast, emphasizing the rela
tionship of the bird to mankind;
fascinating adventures in the
haunts of the clapper rail; and a
wild ruffed grouse "boxing" with
human beings.
Cleaves studied under
Thomas Edison and is an ac
cepted ace cameraman in the
specialized field of wildlife pho
tography. He began taking mo
tion pictures of wildlife in 1913.
His films have been released by
Pathe News, Pathe Review, Fox
News and Paramount Pictures
Among his innovations is a
"diving suit" for his camera. This
water-tight box, with powerful
floodlights on either side, can be
lowered by steel cable for subma
rine shots. The camera is oper
ated by remote control.
The film is being shown through
the courtesy of Audubon Screen
tours, the Extension Division and
the state museum. Admission is
60 cents.
Staff Writer
Statistics show that Yale gradu
ates have 1.3 children.
While Vassar graduates have 1.7
- Which proves that women have
more children than men.
The dean was Investigating a
charge made by sorority girls
that the men who lived next
door in the fraternity house
never lowered their shades.
The dean looked out the so
rority window and said, "Why,
I can't see into any of the fra
ternity house windows."
"Oh, yes, you can!" said the
girls. "All you have to do is get
up on a chair."
Judge (to amateur burglar)
"Where did you steal all this sil
verware?" Burglar "Two fraternity
houses, your Honor."
Judge (to sergeant) "Call up
the downtown hotels and distri
bute this stuff."
The "lamb" is scheduled to
make a brief appearance in the
form of partly cloudy to fair
the lamb will
probably be
thankful for
his heavy
wool c o a t
cool temper
atures may
push the
mercury as
low as IS
"Pearl swears that she has never
been kissed by a man."
"Well isn't that enough to make
any girl swear?"
Congratulations to Charles
Miller and the library staff for
taking steps to provide a de
posit slot on the first floor.
However, I, and many others
like me, are waiting for them
to provide a messenger to come
around and collect books when
they come due.
Honors Convocation Program
Group Rosters
The name of each student in
eluded on the senior, junior, soph
omore or freshman list in the
Honors Convocation program will
appear only once, according to
Floyd W. Hoover, acting director
of registration and- records.
Therefore, said Hoover, it Is
important that secretaries or
faculty advisers- of each honor
ary or professional organiza
tion bring the list of the group's
entire membership during the
first and second semesters of
1951-52 to Mrs. Eleanor Tim
ken in the office of registration
and records, B7, Administration
The deadline for filing organi-
zation lists, Hoover said, is noon, A piano recital by Janice Ful-
" ilerton and Gladys Novotny will
Applications For AAUW be presented at 3 p.m. Tuesday
. , in Room 11, Music building.
$ 1 00 Award Due March 7 Miss Novotny, Teachers College
Applications for the American' junior, will begin the program
Associa tim of University Women's with "Scherzo in C Sharp Minor"
scholarship are due March 7. by Chopin. Her other numbers'
Women planning to graduate in include "Intermezzo, Opus 76, No.!
June or August 1953, 1954 or 1955 7" by Brahms and "Bagatelles,
are eligible for the $100. scholar- No. 1 and No. 2" by Tcherepnine.
ship. Applications are available Miss Fullerton, also a junior in
in the dean of women's office in Teachers College, will play,
Ellen Smith hall. "Chromatic fantasy by Bach. I
m t T I - i ,
iwo university sopnomure ae-
baters, Dale jonnson and Wayne
Johnson, talked their way to sec
ond place in the men's division
of the St. Thomas college debate
tournament last weekend.
' The Johnson's, who are net
related, defeated St. Olaf col
lege in the quarter finals, pne
Northwestern university team
in the semi-finals and lost to
another Northwestern team in
the final round by a 3-2 de
cision. Sixty teams participated in the
men's division. The 21st annual
meet was held at St. Thomas col
lege in St. Paul, Minn.
Another University team com
posed of Doris Carlson and Joan
Krueger were elmmated in the
quarter finals by a St. Catherine
college women's team which
placed second in the tournament.
Varsity Dairy Club Plans
Tuesday Dairy Royal Show
Varsity Dairy club will present
the first annual Dairy Royal show
Tuesday night in the newly re
modled dairy barn, featuring two
showmanship contests and a coed
cow-milking contest.
The Dairy Royal will be held
in conjunction with the dairy
barn open house.
The showmanship contest will
be divided into junior and sen
ior sections, junior for contest
tants who have had no previous
dairy showmanship experience
and senior for experienced
Open house will begin at 7 p.m.
with a tour of the dairy barns
and a demonstration of the new
milking parlor. Door prizes will
be awarded for guessing correct
weight of animals.
Seventeen contestants have en
tered the junior division of the
showmanship contest, and six are
entered in the senior division. Rib
bons will be awarded for the top
ten winners in each of the fitting
and showing contests.
. The two winners will compete
for grand championship. A per
manent trophy will be awarded
to the grand champion and a
rosette to the reserve champion.
Winner of the coed cow-milking
contest, in which 14 girls are en
tered, will receive a traveling
cup.. The cup will be presented
each year and, in the event it is
won three times by represent'
American Youth Warned By Latvian
'To Guard Their Democratic Ideals'
Editor's Note: The name "Carl"
is fictitious to prevent reprisals
behind the iron curtain.)
"At last I can live "decent in
this free country," was Carl's ex
pression of appreciation for the
opportunity to come to the u.5.
Carl Is 45, married, and has
a family. He came to this coun
try as a displaced persons from
Latvia throught the auspices of
the Methodist church two years
He lived in York for 18
months, working for a contractor.
He made many friends in York
and often returns to visit them,
He came to Lincoln- last summer
and is employed at the Univer
Carl has had many bitter ex
periences at the hands of the
Russians. He says that even the
atrocities of the Nazis were not
as bad as those of the Russians.
"And now you hate them as we
do," proclaims Carl.
"I was born in Latvio as a
farmer's son," states Carl. "I
have graduated high and agri
cultral schools. Till the invasion
of communists, my business was
farming, some technical and so
ciety work. The Russian invad
ing forces took everything I
ever owned."
We were in constant fear of the
Russians, said Carl. "There was
only one way to get away from
being deported to Siberia and
that was to live in a forest or
Due Saturday
Saturday, March 8,
Organizations wishing to have
lists checked for eligibility. Hoo
ver continued, should turn in their
roster by Wednesday, March 12,
to Mrs. Tlmken.
The statement ofll prizes
and awards which are to' be in
cluded in the Honors Convoca
tion program should be turned
in to Miss Ruth Jackson in 104
Administration hall by Mon
day, March 17, Hoover said.
Fullerton, NoVotny
To Present Recital
IP mi 'Meet
Nebraska's other team, Ken
Philbrick and Dave Gradwohl,
both freshmen debaters, were vic
torious in three of their debates,
placing in the upper half of men's
Eight preliminary rounds pre
ceded the final elimination
rounds. Preliminaries were
judged both on quality ratings
and win-loss records. The finals
were on a win-loss basis only.
In the round determining the
tournament championship, the
Johnsons upheld the negative side
of the proposition: Resolved: That
the federal government should
adopt a permanent program of
price and wage control.
Accompanying the debaters
were Donald Olson, director of
debate, and Bruce Kendall, in
structor in speech.
At least two trips remain for
atives of any one organized house,
it will become permanent property
of the house. A new cup will then
be offered.
Coeds entered in the cow
milking contest are: Mary Ann
Nelson, Catherine Coad, Lynn
Turner, Jo Armstrong, Jo Miller,
Sally Murphy, Joan Legge, Sal
lie Matteson, Phyl Moyer, Polly
Ackerson, Shirley Ochsner, Bar
bara Kokrda, Lois Pierce and
Eleanor Erickson.
Ribbons will be awarded to the
top ten individuals in the cow-
milking contest.
Judges for the dairy showman'
ship contest are C. W. Nibler, ex
tension dairy husbandman, and
Elton Lux, extension agriculturist
H. P. Davis, professor of dairy
husbandry, will judge the coed
cow-milking contest.
Charles Fredericks and Don
Beck, members of the Varsity
Dairy club, are co-chairmen of the
After the program, free refresh
ments will be served, courtesy of
the Nebraska State Dairyman's
The event is presented with the
idea of aquamting students and
falculty members and 4-H club
members with the Dairy Hus
bandry department and the Var
sity Dairy club and its activities,
and .to give students experience
in fitting and showing dairy
a swamp. Also later during Hit'
ler's regime living was not easy.
But with the second coming of
In Like
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Court mt Lincoln Bur. '
SNOW ARTISTS . . . Jinny KoIIoway (1.) and Shirley Murphy
(r.) take advantage of Sunday's snowstorm to build a snowman in
front of their homes in south Lincoln. Bob Oserman of Columbus
helped the coeds.
University debaters. One is ten
tatively planned for this weekem
to the University of Wisconsin
where debaters will participate in
both debate and discussion. The
final trip will be March 28 and
29 on the University of Kansas
for the annual Missouri Valley
tournament. Here debaters will ar
gue: Resolved: That all subsidation
of college athletics should ' be
Colder Film
On Sculptor
Set Tuesday
A full color film. "The Works
of Calder," will be shown at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in Gallery B of Morrill
Alexander Calder is a widely
know contemporary scuptor who
works with moving forms of metar
and wood-which he calls "mo
biles." One of his pieces, "Vertical
Out of Horizontal," is displayed
in the Nebraska Art associa-
v nun s inarcn snow in me uni
versity galleries. An earlier
work of Calder's, "Snake on an
Arch," is in the galleries' per
manent collection.
The film covers a small boy's
visit to Calder's studio, where he
watches the artist at work. The
picture is produced and narrated
by Burgess Meredith, with music
by John Cage and photography
by Herbert Matter.
Twenty-five cents will cover
admission to both the movie and
the exhibition.
?osmopofan Club Invites
Wesleyan Club To Dance
Members of the Wesleyan (Uni
versity) Nebraska club will be
special guests at the Cosmopolitan
club dance Wednesday, social
chairman Taghi Kermani an
nounced. The dance will follow a short
business meeting to be held at
7:30 p.m. in Union Room 313. Re
freshments will be served.
Chorus Practice
Practice for the singing
chorus of "Girl Crazy" will be
held Wednesday at 7 p.m. in
Room 24, Temple building,
Jerry Johnson announced.
the Russians, after the order
given by nazis, we left our home
and, following other fugitives, we
were evacuated to Germany.
Carl said that even in Ger
many "we fled westward hoping
to meet the allied forces before
communists could catch up with
He recalls, "When we saw the
Western forces crush the nazis,
we felt like people again. Bat
(we) still feared the commu
nists," he added.
"When we had a chance to im
migrate to Australia, England,
Canada or U.S.A., we tried for
U.S.A.," he smiled. "We do not
feel sorry that we did, but I
want to tell all Amercians, and
especially American youth, to
guard their country and their
democratic ideals. So God bless
you all," he added.
Carl and his family plans to
become citizens when they be
come eligible in three years . He
stated that he would like to re
turn to Latvia when it is free,
but added that he would prob
ably remain here.
A Lion
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