The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 03, 1952, Image 1

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M Um 'Wed pou' $r YlMis
. I L ..J I M ,,.... ' IU.J1LMIUJIJ y - T v-v,, vf. ..:.-x V','T'--'" '
j. JsWBBSffl&&& fefillif llllSllil . iiiiayiw -vSIf:?; ;
iir dii iirpiiisraii ' xr ' . Wmmmi( v- - if
-11 if iif v tM
! - iiiMniiTmrrtiiW'Miiiotiti MiWWtmi,v:',t , - miMiiiri & , .
j , ..11.1111, in l inn ,nnnm,ll,"'1 tit ri r i i -r-nr nl """T",' - i i. .. " ii-iin " ,i.,ik-. r,f,....w..i.- hi ' "" " ' .. -.1
TAXDAL AT WORK ... One semrity hKSe will l mtssinjr nc
f their price etfr unless they wake to the fact thai Ft ink
KCnwk is about to walk t with. It Bet Ute 4er was pea!
((Daily Nebraska Itrato.)
VOL 51 No. 95
Five ROTC Students
Receive High Honor
By special nSr t Col. James H. 'Workman, Eve wea w
named distinguis'hed military students.
miree were fawn the tofan'ury branidt andl two were ftrota the
military polk braiw T ROTC jgrwuma twees.
The infantry eited Don E. Boil, junior In arimltare. Claries
E. RnsK, senior fen Teachers ellee, and Clifford U Hopp, Junior
in Teachers coilere for the military award.
Darwin I. McAfee, Arts nd SoieTees nir, presiient f fhe
Cadet Officers Association md Stephen R. McKenzie, senior InArts
and Sciences were mamed fey the military police as new distinguished
military students.
TMs honor alMorfls She dets lehe tignt to apply for a regular
army ommission,
The following adets were igiven permanent assignnaemts cy
order f Colonel Workrwan: UL Col. Jaiwes F. Butchanan, Inl Hj.
battalion eoradr.; Mai Jonn B. TTien, CE Rj- battalion esrecutive
officer: Capt. Raymond E. Swanson, MPC, H. feattalion djutant; Charles E. Bi39 ftnl, Uq. battalion Capt Robert G. HoJtz,
ng, Hq. battalion S-S; Capt. John C McElfcaney, wd corps, Ho.
battalion S-4; Capt. Ernest E. Johnson, MPC, 5500 Company Omdr;
Capt Kalph H. 'Taylor, CE, AM company cmdr,; Capt Eugene T,
McKav, orA. corrps, 5jO0 omT)any crodr.
It, col. Frederie I Cady, infantry battalion Cmdr; Mai.
TStvhcD RnsseTl, infantry battalion ex. officer; Capt Jolm M
Kobson, infantry battalion adfc Capt Paal C Woolwine, infantry
battalion S-2; Capt Koland K, Kaspar, infantry battalto S-J;
Capt Charles T. McVay, infantry battalion S-t; Capt Don E. Boll,
Inf, t-M company Cmdr; Capt Frank C Heffsnaa, inf, im com
PMit cmdr; Capt Marion G. tat compaay Ondr.
ILt Col. Arthur R. Bryant artillery battalion Corodr; MaJ.
ji a w ib.m. mriKTlatw Ikk'M'tilinnB 5Tv. iftffvwir CSTlt DaV?(i B.
EneeT, artillery battalion adjutant;
battalion S-z; uapt jonn im, ujuit, wwaj hji,i.iu jj-",
Richard W. Bainerraeister, artmery battalion Capt. Thomas E.
Hruza, Arty. S;00 Battery Cmdr.; Capt. lLeland W, Keister, Arty
4:00 battery Cmdr; Capt Gladwyn A, Youngs, Arty SjOO battery
"iDt. Col Richard 1L. "Phelps, CE, ngr-ord battalion Cmdr; MaJ,
Jean J. Hunter, Ord, Engr-Ord battalion Ex. officer; Capt Richard
J Dunklao, Ord, CTgr.-Ord battalion Adj: Capt Russell A. Holrn
bere CE, engr-ord battalion S-2; Capt 'Thomas P, McCarthy, CE,
ngrlrd battalion S-2; Capt Ie W, Keller, md, wi-gr-wd battalion
S-f Capt John P. Messmer, CE, 3:00 (company cmdr; Capt Thor
wald !U Nelson, CE, 4:00 company cmdr; Capt John B. Rairrigh,
r 5:08 company cmdr,
Jt Cot Jack B. Cohen, military police battalion Cmdr; MaJ.
Stephen B. McKeneie, military police bn, oc V-'
11am X. Knndsen, mflitary police ba. adjutant; Capt Peter J.
.Peters, mflitary police battalion C,pt Donald E. DerHes,
Hrilitary police battalion S-S: Capt Richard A. Cbilds, military
policebattalion S-t; Capt. Frank jr. Kncifl, MFC 2M nnpany
imarl Capt James M. Winter, MTC :00 company eandr; Capt
William L. Bete, MTC 5:09 company cmdr.
The following men ireceivd promotions for this semester to
cadet captain-: Paul C Woolwme, Inf.; Charles T McVay, Mj Ue
W Keller, OTdinance corps; Richard A. ChMs, MPC; Rard W,
XuerSter, artillerr, Roy F. Stohler, artfllery; John H. Durr,
rtfflerv Don E. Boll, Snf; Russell A. Holmberg, engineer.
New Cadet 1st ILt are Charles A. Gasson, tol - John A. Bauer,
frit; Christian S. Yamate, ordinance corps; Duane C Delimont, en
gineer; David L. Jones, artillery,
Delta Delta Delta Offers $100
Scholarships For
tt. mn ffhfilarrihins for
women will be presented by Delta
Delta Delta sorority at Honors
Convocation Tuesday, April 22.
The awards are open to all women
Applicafiom may be btainea
at Ellen Smith ball w a the
fc linme economics effice at Ar
college before March IS. Final
applications sbwnld be mailed
to Elizabeth Kennedy, 1601 R
street, Lincoln, by March 15.
Coeds who file must make their,
grades available to the scholar
ship committee. ....
Members of the scholarship
committee are Mrs. Donald '
Grant, Tepresentlng Delta Delta
Delta alumnae; Mrs. Kennedy,
representing the active chapter;
W. I Leeds, assistant professor
uuJ - u
The Student Council's re
quest for abandonment of the
University's segregated parking
system will not be considered
by the parking committee on
the basis of mere allocation of
parking stalls.
This was the conclusion of an
informal discussion Friday aft
ernoon by two members of the
committee one a student. Rex
Messersmith, Student Council
member; the other a faculty
member, Dr. Carl W. Borgmann,
dean of faculties.
Messersmith and Borgmann
agreed that the basic problem
Involved in the parking contro
versy is one of student-faculty
Both members recognized the
importance and d a ii g e r of
any Question which threatens
to separate faculty and students. '
The immediate issue involved,
of course, is the Council's
ainanimouiily-passed T e (j u es t
that lh University return to
Capt Roy F. Stohler, artfflery
NU Women
f secondary education, aad
Miss Marjorie Johnston, deaa f
women, representing the fac
ulty. CM Omecjo Pledge Class
Works For Urban leaaue
(Chi omega pieage ciass speni
hooks and ifloing general cleaning
for the Urban League, TLyrnrwood
Parker, executive secretary of the
urDan iLeague, announced. )
plained, is an agency seeking to
Denier smiawracuu reiaxions. i
Parker expressed appreciation
thought the event significant in
mat ai -porn-ayi, me spirit 01
the former policy of "Tirst-come-first-serve.''
The Council
action climaxed general student
discontent which began last
fall immediately following in
auguration of the segregated
Messersmlth, to representing
opinion of the Council and stu
dents, advanced three criticisms
of the present policy:
1. The students now bave
more difficulty locating parking
naoes than they did wader the
old system.
2. Segregation bas greatly In
creased the number of parking
violation tickets,
X. Segregation of parklnlr Is
vn -democratic and discrimi
nates against students,
Borgmann cjuickly answered
the first two points. He pointed
out that students almost always
can find parking Stulls within
three blocks of any point on
campus. Be noted particularly
the Bancroft parking area,
LOST: ONK riCTCSC . , . Tnmk Vhk&x that h ' PIXCinXQ rENXIES . . Sm Vor cd Is
lik to m4d to KIs art eolleetiaa w h lifts ; lnr to hT to civ a tw aneals if Frank
a patatin trem anoihr hwctse. Are the fellawa svcreeds ta rabbiar her purse. Even second
all wt far Uta eveftini? (Daily Nebraskaa fleer was deserted when he entered this hosse.
Ittato.) (Daily Nebraska PlMto.)
it happened at nu
What bappened alter Coed
Follies will probably be remem
bered fey two masratine tntra
ders loafer than the show it
self. After viewing the Follies Iron
apper regions backstare, the
boys were spotted by some of
the backstare crew. Follies
was over, so instead of makiac
a tss about the tn traders, (hey
simply removed the ladder lead
in? to the kideoat
Soon the tirts left; UthU
were taraed oat and the boys
coald kear the last key taming
ia the last totk. They taea
realieed they bad beea left to
meditate an their sias all aiebt
high ia the backstare seetiea at
the Nebraska theater.
IT a bad thijif to report, bat
after deciding the boys bad beea
thoroarhly scared, oae of the
mea returned to reseae tbem.
Staff Writer
Late bows, no sleep.
Now wenfke loofcinc Eke a creeTs:!
,joiTee ikjws, aspirm too,
. . . w .. '
seems your eyes are full of glue,
Roman Empire, calculus,
toflttwnnMwm,mistnTtffas;ri"' vhTTT' v TZrTi
iiemper short, walk with roop.
Keep on feeling like a stupe,
Paper spread on the floor.
"Vuiet, Flease n the (door.
Books are stacked in towering pIe"aal Khon; jpaliadians, Mexicon,;
Wonder if if s worth the while?
Tiss a coin, decide the crams;
Beads, Che Army" tails, exams.
A woman's heart is Klce the
moon: it changes ftem but theres
always a man ra it
March wd be vp to ber asoal
tricks today.
like a lioa
each day, she
will briag
rata, snow
aad bigh
winds along
with Immu
Looks like all
cases ef spring
fever will be
carred until
she be gins be-
having like a lamb.
o o
Shy fraternity pledge talking to
widely reputed active: ""What do
yon do when yoriYe an aoubt
about kissing a girir"
Active: "I usually give bar the
benefit of the doubt
Three sorority girls were late
getting ia one tugfat As they
were sneaking tip the fire
escape they aofined three f
their sisters standing at tbe top.
Shh, thej said, -we've beea
nt after boors-'"
ShV replied their sisters,
Ye Just going nt after
Coed tn a parked car: "'Al my
life I've saved my kisses for a
man like you."
Other occupant of parked car:
"Prepare to lose the savings of a
where be believed half of the
lot is frequently empty. Messer
smith agreed that parking as
usually available within three
Dean Borgmann pointed out
that to bis opinion a return to
a tirtlHcame-indserveH sys
tem would work to the disad
vantage of students. Under such
a system, be said, the Univer
sity's service employes who
come to work before It am. and
stay luntH after p.m. would
be able to claim and bold all
day the centrally located park
ing spots.
Borgmann recognized that the
large increase to parking viola
tions bas resulted from the seg
regation system. He (maintained,
'however, that rules cannot be
changed simply becuuete of un
cxceBS of violations. He attrib
ort.ed the violations to misun
derstanding of the system and
to resentment against the rules.
i - .. WW'S -
nv TirrfD)m)AAwi
lFr m
Delegates to tihe Nebraska Cni-.New
versity Council of World Affairs
cooference representing cjeinber
countries in Ute UN were an-
nmanoed Friday by Virginia Koett-
3er, acting .NUCWA presJdent
RepreseatafiTes aad coaatries
were ckosea from each orraa
laed bowse, resUteace ball, embs
aad groaps. They will attend the
mock assembly discassioa April
4, S aad C The assembly deals
with the Teto power problems
aad the legudatire powers of
the general assembly.
Tbe coamtries and delegates,
selected sa far are: Acacna, USSR,
Pat Allen, Doa Cranmanghaiim; Al
pha Phi, Cbima, Catbenine Coad; xhis Thursday Dr. Frank Soren
Alpha 33 Delta, Belguim, Bea 'gen jgjjja Sorensen will speak
BeateJ; Alpha naionon Pi, United cromsu I
trim. j. r - c-; "
wvu.y .-vt m. av
V. r. V,
G1 India, Sydna
inrTn-c I TnTPr?i ha n&Ta i !r?iiArti
r.r' TXir. Tl
JT. Ma tri
Greece, Am-!
house, Netherlands, Jeanette But-
rema; Kappa Kappa
Canada, Jan Scbmidtmann; I
Kappa Sigma, Ciiecboslsvakia,'
jwamsan; jnm lueiia. ineia,;
;Afganistan, Herb Meissner, Dick;
Gerlach, Al Anderson; Residence'
nHalls for Women, Egypt, Pat;
Peck; Sigma Alpha Mm. Aus-
tralia, Allan GarfinMa, Marvin
fTiecanan, Dave Cohen; Sigma
iueiia rao, ranama; sagma JJiiLithat we are asking the fi
Names In
Staff News Writer
PREMIER EDGAR FACRE and bis coalition government
resigned because the French National assembly refused to give
him a IS per cent tax increase to pay for French rearmamenl
Faure bad been in office only five weeks sisace coming inta
power due to the failure of Rene Pleven's government to ffimd
a satisfactory solution to the economic problems of tbe national
ized railway system.
GENERAL D WIGHT EISENHOWER lias definitely agreed
ta make a Hying trip borne within a few weeks. The specific
occasion for his long-irged trip is still mndecided but it is .gen
erally thought that toe will testify in the public bearings of the
senate and bouse foreign relations committee on tbe $18,400,
00,000 foreign aid budget submitted hy President Troman.
OWEN LATXTMORE np again before Senator Pat McCar
rans committee bas caused some red faces in Washington by
charging members of tbe senate internal security subcommittee
with deliberate mfairness toward him. Be stated that fit bad
heard witnesses who had lied against him, smeared Ms reputation,
but bad net cross-examined any other witnesses, tested their
motives or their credibility.
JOHN FOSTER DCLLESin an address at Princeton tmi
versity, warned tellingly of itbe free worlds vulnerability in the
Far East ""There is," be said, ""mo area where amity is so greatly
needed or where lack of it is so (dangerous." . . . the US . . .
can be destroyed, by forces that in themselves, seem weak if
those forces are active and if we are passive,"
SENATOR ESTES KCTATJTIJU-wl,comed the mews that
Senator Richard Russell of Georgia would seek the democratic
presidential Domination. Kefamver told reporters: ""It is a good
thing for the party and for tbe nation to have candidates offer
themselves and express their ideas ... I bold Senator Russell in
high esteem as a capable mam."
mis Pun
The peak to the number of
tickets issued, be said, was
reached around Christmas time.
Since then violations bave de
clined. An increase, however,
bas been noticed during the .sec
ond semester.
Tbe third criticism of tbe
present parking plaa struck to
the heart Jl the controversy.
Mesr ...smith declared that
many students believe segrega
tion of faculty and student park
ing areas denies the principles
of democracy and equality. !FiE
tures Which Borgtnaim bad on
the .distribution of parking stalls
substantiated Mtitertn ith's
claim of inequality. The figures,
based on the number of park
ing permits and number of
parking spaces, revealed Shut
there .are approximately l.TS
faculty automobiles to a stall
While there are 2.75 student
cars. Borgmann added, how
ever, that considering the
Zealand, Mike Hkkey; Ter-
'raoe kail, Argentina, Eileen Oel-
rich, Jeaa Dahlke; Delta Delta
Delia, France, Nancy Dark; Towne
Oub, Israel. Carolee Brehm.
ike first meeiag of NTCWA
delegates aill be 7 pja. Thars
day ia the Caioa. The first fact
sheet giving backgroaad on the
issaes to be discassed at the
confereace win be givea the
represeatatlves. This back
groaad material has beea com
piled by the Department of Re
search aad the Secretariat, aad
is ia charge of Xita Halmstadter.
NUCWA will bold a meeting;
every xnmrsaay amrang A&arca.
fiarence, annoamced that several
l--m- Tte are:
. '
BoSvia, Barma, Byelorassiaa
SSK, OkOe, Cbiaa, Ceiambia.
Caba; Denmark. Dommicaa Re
pablic, Eqaader. Gaadamala.
Haiti, Icelaad, ladoaesa, Iraq,
Lebasoa, Pakistaa, Paragaay,
Pera, PhlGppiae RepabBe, Saadi
Arabia, Siam, Syria, Tarkey,
Ckraaiaa SSR, Caioa at Soatk
Africa, Cragaay, Veaeiaela,
Gomon stressed fiiat amy foreign.
student interested in representing
ibis own cowtrv is welocame to
jsmbrnit bis application. He added
The News
nearly 300 spaces stEH on the
first-come-HfirEt-erve" basis,
the student ratio would came to
about 1.8 cars to a stall ((His
figures shewed that nine-tenths
of the faculty, members find
spaces on the reserved lots and
therefore do not tnse the open
parking atreas.)
Agreeing that the spaces are
tot divided equally between
students and f scatty. Boremama
maintained that tbe difference
la ratio is justifiable. Be men
tioned three reasons:
1. It is mure important that
aa todrvidual faculty member
get to class on time than it us
for any individual student
When an tostruclior is late, be
said, the time of every class
member is wasted.
2. Many faculty members are
to an age group to which a
three or four blocks walk from an
outlying parking area to a
itilaBBroom or office to bad
weather would be a greater
THE LIGHT GOES OUT . . . Everyone rfll be hi the dark fa Oils
htse vnless they catch Frank ta the act at removing ewe ef .their
tabte lamps. Maybe the lirht will dawn vpon then that TandaUsm
is beeomisr serteos. (Daily Nebraskaa Photo.)
Istudents to volunteer their services'
as advisors to representatives of;
t&eir countries.'
Any rroup of two or more peo-
pie who would be interested in
jrepresesttMig a country at use con- ciple speaker will be Clyde Eagle
;ference may sutsEit aa entry, and too. professor of international
do not bave to represent an or -
iganaialtKso or bomse.
En tries sboald be saBbmltted
to Secretariat. Model CN coa-
NU Symphony Orchestra
To Present Concert Mar. 9
A classical cerocert by Uae TJni-!
verstty's SilHpSece Sympbony Cr
ohestra will be presented at 4
P-ira. Sunday in ibe Union baM
The prograaa, coder fbe diree
m of CasMtartor Emaaael
TOsbaow, is sponsored by tbe
Union masie caauaittee. Spoa
sor of tbe committee is Sara
Deroe aad Barbara Reiaeeke is
"Overfaare to Lewaore -No. T
iby Beethoven will begia the pro
gram. According to Wishnow. the
third overture is perhaps the best
known and most generally per
formed by symphony orchestras.
The Orchestra will then rlay
lBal3et Suite from Cepbale et Pro-
cris1' by Cretrr-M-otJJL Tbe smite
contains three parts Taxa-3
DOuram,w enaaetto" aad Gigae."
phony wQl g4ay fbe score of
"The Plow That Broke The
Plains" by Yirril Tbemaeea.
Wishaow said tbe aaane for
this saito is tafcea from a
Top Teams In Moot Court
Prepare For Final Trial
Moot Court competition rounded Moot Court competaKoa. The
into shape Saturday when the rewtert of these wnmia hni
two top teams received the facts
of the case which they are to ar
gue before three ptslioes of the
Nebraska Supreme Court. Tbe
date for the argument bas mot
been set.
Team fiaiJists are: Asa
Cbristensea aad Russell Strom
versus Joha Gradwobl and Ed
ward Carter. Jr.
These teams bave argued suc
cessfully through three years of.
Magntani, Fcbrizi Star
In YM-Spontored Film
The personal story of Italian:
people during tfhe period of Nazi
occupation wiH be told in the
Italian ft'iim, Cpen City." Span-1
sored by the YMCA, tbe movie'
'will be inresentted Ttararsdav. Fro-'
today and Saturday at Love 15-
brary aiadatoirinaaaL
The movie will be s&owm at S
psa. each of tbe Ufcree nights.
There will also be a 2 p,, mora-
j nee Saturday..,
bardshlp Shan it would be for
X A f acalry member, because
ef bis poslidioa. bac a right to a
certain asapnmt of respect aad
recoemitioa. Be compared fac
ulty members to tbe father of a
funny, wiho always sits at tbe
bead if the table aad is ac
corded respect Messersm&k
agreed that sack a relataoailhip
within a family is stot atademo
cratic Feeling that perhaps some
student criticism bas arisen over
the belief that the f acuity bas
reserved She choane parking
spots. Bcrgmama egrgiliatically
declared that sudti is not the
case. The faculty lots, be said,
are mot substantially closer to
dansroom buildings than are
siuoent parking Stalls. Lots are
simply more sattitlaKlory to tbe
usual longer parking periods of
instructors. Eossmaztn added
that faculty members srt sub
Monday, March 3, 1952
fereBce, NXCWA box; or to
Tarciaia. Koehler at 2-7712.
"Charter Amendment Caofer-
ence" is the title of this year's
model UN conference. Tise prin-
law at Harvard. Tke session will
iibegia with a meeting of the ia-
itemational court of justice, April
112, conducted by tie Law College.
Failed States government fSm
depirtiag the terri&le droagat
aad dast bowf fat Nebraska aad.
the middle west ba the 1318".
Tbe movie. fUzmed in &Is part
of tbe country, was snowa aQ
over the US, Wishmow said. I!
was directed and prepared far
tbe Farm Seazzity Adanimslral&n
of tine US department of agracol
tee by Pare Lcsrentc in 1S3S.
The smite us dOTcsaoswd of Tre-
lade,' Pastoral Grass," "Cat-
lie, "Blues SpeculatloxL-
"Droaghtr' and 'KDeTasltatiwa.",
Ta esaende Cha concert the
Orchestra will play The Ras
siaa Easter" by Risasky-Kona-kow.
This eompanftlaa. Wisb
atw exptaii i. bas as its tbe-
autie iaspiraEifa the Greek Or-
thedox serrke aaa is descrip
tive of the wwds of tbe sixty-
eaiaih rsaaa aad the ResBrree
tioa scene ia St Marks Gos
pel. Tbe work, writfara bt 1SSU
is dedicated to tbe memory of
Meassergsky aad Boradia.
received gold medals and
names are recorded cm a
tablet in the College off Law.
Moot Court is set mp cat a three
year schedule. There are two
sessions each year with proges
sive elnrnmalaan of ffreshmea f
Bopcbctmores, nmfij ia t&e sprieg itf
the third year only two teams re
main, These are the finalists wha
wall argue their ease ia tbe Sa
preme Court cham'bers.
The cases that are arraed by
fbe finalists are ooaoposed by
the Law scbool tacalty. This
Tears case was oomaoatd by
Henry Greiber Jr, aad David
Dow professors of taw. aad Ed
ward Morgaa. research assis
tant of law.
The sophomore and fresanea
begin cm Tbmrsdav
March 20.
Moot Court cases involve cues- '
tioos of law which bave received
(different teeatment by difJererfl
jected to tbe same rigid en
forcement of segregEtaon rules.
The discussion revealed that
students favor a return to tbe
old "Srfft-come-firitr-serve" sys
tem net particularly because
they will gain an appreciable
number of bandy parking stalls
tout because they feel that they
are now being tliscriiniDaled
against and are not being treat
ed democraticaEv.
The Rcirrmanm
Eened, prefers segregated park
Tuesdays oaamStee cseeiSxg
wS determine the atcomc of
tbe problem t iest far CI
gwesent. Hbatrrer ttee ewHrasi
tee dwWes 3 incii l... e is
siae. Bxih aes wd am';t
Tuesday's HMsrag mry .ir
afy faulty-staoetii rtlfctoo
ships. It miy clo il.S c'j.ei-1-t.r-whisii
bas deveijiid r
threatens to dtvtlpp ijttrea
iba ts'B ap.'sr-a.
t. ,'.
i -
3 .