The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 29, 1952, Image 1

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Reporters' Meeting
Daily Nebraskan reporters
will receive another short
course on polite news gathering
in the Nebraskan office at 4
p.m. today.
All regular reporters are ex
pected at the meeting.
VOL. 51 No. 94
Friday, February 29, 1952
'Girl Crazy' Cast
All members of "Girl Crazy,"
Kosmet Klub spring; muslcale,
are to meet at 10 a.m. Satur
day in Room 201, Temple,
Jerry Johnson, Kosmet Klub
president, has announced.
arodidbfes Lleve
City Campus YMCA elections
with'balloting by mail, are sched
uled for Tuesday, March 4. BaN
lots must be mailed before mid
night March 4.
Candidates were announced
Wednesday night at the YMCA
all-membership meeting. Lynn
Deadline Set
For SS Test
Applications for the last Selec
tive Service Qualification Test to
Brady, Philips Messner and
Gary Wirslg are presidential
Brady, freshman in Pharmacy,
is president of the freshman
branch of the 'American Pharma
ceutical association and was for
merly publicity chairman of the
City Campus YMCA.
Acting president of city YMCA
Messner is a member of Brown
Palace co-op and Palladian so
ciety. An Arts and Sciences fresh
man, he was secretary of YMCA.
A junior in chemical engineer
ing, iWrsig is a member of Persh
ing, Wirsig is a member of Persh
stitute of Chemical Engineers and
'former "YM'' News editor.
Nominated for the secretarial
position are Eugene Wohlner
and William Barnds.
In Law School. Wohlner is a
member of Sigma Alpha Mu, Corn
cobs, Delta Sigma Rho and Hillel.
A philosophy major in Arts and
Sciences, Barnds is a member of
Canterbury club and Religious
Welfare Council. He was vice
president of city YMCA.
Candidate for District repre
sentative is Wilson Strand, jour
nalism sophomore in Teachers
college. He is a member of
Brown Palace co-op, band and
it happened at nu..,
"Bravery out and beyond the
call of duty" might be the
award given to Ginny Cooper
for the outstanding assistance
she gave to the Lincoln police
force at Coed Follies.
Miss Cooper portrayed an
Irish policeman in the Pi Phi
Follies skit. When the onslaught
. Mt "I .
ui mates vauic, xuua vuuiwr u"l
and dug right in trying to help
get the boys out of the theater.
Truly unselfish service to the
cause of womanhood.
YMCA Doubles Membership
wst .
City campus YMCA has more' recent conflict there
than doubled its membership this Wiens spent four and one-half
be civen this term must, ho rwt- semester, bam Uibson, executive years in Egypt as YM secretary
r riian(Ai rt-. ii a a ,4 TirAJ...JA.. A - 1 A ai l 1 I
Tnirfrticrrit annuuiiLcu w euiie&ueijM s a ineinrjer 01 me wona service
exceeds 200. mittee of the YM, he has visited
Rudy Wiens, YMCA world serv-j Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Greece and
ice secretary, was featured speaker Italy. He also served as secretary
ai me meeting, tie snowed siiaes aim me u.o.
and commented on conditions in
modern Egypt making special ref
erence to the work being done by
the YMCA in that area. He also
discussed the background for the
marked not later than
March 10, according to Maj. Gen.
Lewis B. Hershey, director of se
lective service.
The tests will be given April 24
to an estimated 100,000 students.
Application blanks may be ob
tained from any draft board.
When an application is filled
out the draft board also gives an
envelope addressed to the Educa
tional Testing service at Prince
ton, N.J. The testing service as
signs applicants to the nearest
testing center and gives him an
admission card.
Some of the testing centers in
this area are the University, Wes
leyan university, Union college,
Creighton university and the Uni
versity of Omaha.
To be eligible to take the test,
an applicant (1) must be a se
lective service registrant who
intends to request deferment as
a student; (2) must be satisfac
torily pursuing a full-time col
lege course, graduate or under
graduate, leading to a degree;
(3) must not have .previously
taken the test.
General Hershey emphasized
that a passing grade on the test
does not insure deferment of the
student Results of the test serve
only as guides for local draft
boards. They are not compelled
to follow them. He explained that
a score of 70 is passing in the
test. Only 16 per cent of entire
population of this country is able
to achieve such a score, he said.
Reed, Merle Meet With
School Administrator!
Dr. Calvin H. Reed and Dr.
Merle A. Stoneman of the ele
mentary education department at-
YW Service
Groups Ask
Coeds' Help
Wanted: Girls for YWCA com
munity service work.
Their Reward: Fun, new friends,
new experiences, an introduction
to service agencies and volunteer
woik ana satistaction irom help
ing others.
Ruth Shinn, YW sponsor, an
nounced all YW community
service groups need help. Ex
perience is not necessary, she
said, as youth and old peoples'
groups need girls with new
ideas for recreation and enter
tainment. Girl Scouts and Camp
Fire Girls need leaders and as
sistant leaders. Girls who are
just willing to work are needed
by all of the groups, she added.
Service groups and their mem
bers as follows:
Camp Fire Girls, Joyce Hock
and Dolly Rhodes; Girl Scouts,
Nancy Stimson and Barb Soren
son; Urban league, Barb Tooley,
Harriet Cook, Barbara Nelson,
Dorothy Camp and Sara Stephen
son; South West community cen
ter, Charlene Johnson and Mari
lyn Rabe; YWCA nursery, Penny
Barnes Gets
NU Builders
Board Post
Terry Barnes, former Ag Build
ers publicity chairman, was named
business manager of the 1952-53
Student Directory at a Builders
board meeting Wednesday evening.
The meeting was held after a.
mass meeting of nearly 100 city,
campus and Ag Builders'. In an.
effort to recruit new workers,
for Builders projects each com-,
mittee chairman explained the
functions of his committee.
Bob Hasebroock announced the
expansion of a district chairman
program calculated to reach more
high school students and attract
them to the University.
Plans for accelerating publi
cation of next year's Directory
were presented by Nita Helm- Jciub and Sunshine 4-H club.
siaaier, directory editor.
At the mass meeting Ag and
city Builders had a chance to
meet their sponsor, Mary Mielenz,
and the new president, Dean Lin-scott.
tended the American Association
of School Administratiors meeting! Reese, pat Gaham, Maurine King
in St. Louis, Missouri. and Mary Ellen Brook; district YW
While in St. Louis, Reed and! office, Jean Perrin, and recrea-
Stoneman were also present at.tion for the aged
meetings of the rural education
section of the National Education
Association. The meetings took
place February 23-27.
Girls interested in joining a
service group may contact Miss
Shinn at the YWCA office or
Barb Raun at 2-7820.
Companies To Conduct
Interviews For Ag Grads
Job opportunities for graduat
ing seniors in the College of Ag
riculture will be offered by var
ious companies and manufacturers
this spring, according to Ephrianv
Hixson, associate director of resi-1
dent instruction at the College of
Hixson said that the com
panies would conduct inter
views some time this spring if
enough students were inter
ested. He said that January
graduates, June graduates and
summer graduates that would
be interested in having an in
terview or in finding more in
formation about job opportuni
. ties should leave their name in
Boom 306, Agricultural hall.
Companies that will be seeking
college graduates for employment
this spring include feed manufac
turers and distributors, packing
companies, farm machinery com
panies, farm managing companies
including banks and insurance
companies, and others.
Hixson further stated that he
receives many special inquiries
each year for men to fill jobs
with local or private companies.
The demand for college gradu
ates to fill these jobs is great at
the present, Hixson said. Students
who are likely to be called into
service, and are interested in any
of these jobs, would do well to
go ahead with the interview, be
cause he could keep in contact
with the company, and through
the interview would know what
the company wanted in the line
of employees.
Hixson ent on to say that in
terviews would be valuable expe
rience for anyone, and that one
could obtain general information
about Job opportunities through
' . ... ::. : :'.
Senior Checking
All students expecting to re
ceive associate, baccalaureate
or advanced degrees or any
teaching certificates should ap
ply at the senior checking of
fice. Room 9, Administration
building by March 1.
Office hours are 10 a.m. to
3 p.m. daily and 10 a.m. to
noon Saturday.
2 Contests
To Highlight
Dairy Royal
Showmanship contests and a
coed cow milking contest will
highlight the Dairy Royal program
Tuesday on Ag campus.
The Dairy Royal, a new cam-.
pus showmanship contest, will,
be conducted in conjunction
with open house in the newly
remodeled dairy barn, where
the program will be presented.
A tour of the barns and a dem
onstration of the milking parlor
will begin at 7 p.m. Door prizes
will be awarded for guessing
weights of animals.
The showmanship contest,
which follows, will be split into
two divisions, one for contest
ants who have had no dairy
showmanship experience and
one for experienced showmen.
Winners in each division will
compete for the grand cham
pionship trophy.
Seventeen contestants have en
tered the junior the inexperi
enced division, while only six
have entered the senior division.
Sharing the spotlight Tuesday
night with the showmanship con
test will be a coed cow milking
contest. Fourteen girls have en
Entrants are Mary Ann Nel
son, Katy Coed, Lynee Turner,
Jo Armstrong, Joe Miller, Sally
Murphy, Joan Legge, Sallie
Matteson, Phyl Moyer, Polly
Ackerson, Shirely Ochsner, Bar
bara Kokrda, Lois Pierce and
Eleanor Erickson.
Between acts Dick Pearson will
present magic tricks.
Mothers of Sunshine 4-H club
members will serve a free lunch
following the program.
The Dairy Royal is being spon
sored jointly by the Varsity Dairy
A realistic picture of life in
lower east side New York is the
theme of Elmer Rice's Pulitzer
lPrize winning "Street Scene." The
play will be a University Theatre
production March 25 and 26.
The cast as announced by di
rector Dallas Williams, will in
clude 16 men and 11 women.
The plot centers around three
characters, Mr. and Mrs. Maurrant
and their daughter, Rose. Mrs.
Maurrant is a faithless wife, who
steps- out on her husband. For
this he eventually kills her. The
daughter, Rose, falls in love with
a young Jewish boy, Sam, but
realizing she cannot marry him
due to their difference in beliefs,
and because of the death of her
mother, leaves home, providing
the tragedy of the plot.
Arnold Air Society
Elects Jack Greer
1952 President
Jack Greer. Teachers college
junior, was elected president of
the Arnold Air society Thursday.
Dan Tolman, junior in the College
of Business Administration, will
serve as vice president.
Other officers elected are Phil
Alberts, Arts and Sciences junior,
program director; Roger Noble,
Business Administration junior,
secretary-treasurer; and Cyril Ko
cian, Business Administration
freshman, adjutant recorder.
Ruth Lemke To Present
Organ Recital Sunday
Ruth Lemke, senior music stu
dent, will present an organ recital
Sunday, March 2, at 4 p.m. at the
First-Plymouth Congrega tional
Among the compositions played
by Miss Lemke will be "Toccata
and Fuge in D minor," by Bach;!
Chorale Prelude: "Come, Saviour stock
Block, Bridle
Show Entries
Due Friday
Applications for animals to be
shown m the annual Block and
Bridle show, scheduled for April
5, are due Friday at 5 p.m. in
Room 201, Animal Husdanry hall,
Coeds ' wishing to enter the
western-style horseriding con
test, a special feature of the
show,, are also to have their
names in Room 201, Animal
Husbandry hall, by Friday.
Drawings for animals and
horses will be held Saturday.
Classes . of livestock are swine,
beef and sheep. Students showing
animals will obtain preference of
breed as far as they will go, ac
cording to Rex Messersmith, Block
and Bridle president.
Block and Bridle Show is a tra
ditional livestock showmanship
contest featuring a variety of
horse acts. It will be presented
this year for the 18th time.
Students showing animals in
the Block and Bridie show will
be judged both on fitting and
showing. The coed western
style horesriding contest will be
judged entirely on the riding
ability of the girls.
Co-chairmen of this year's show
are Rex Messersmith and Frank
Sibert. Cal Kuska is master of
Animals for the show will be
furnished by the Animal Hus-
bandry department. Horses for the
riding event will be furnished by
the Block and Bridle club. Coeds
will be permitted to ride their
own horses in the contest.
Winners in each class of live-
will receive plaques with
of the Gentiles," by Bach; "Cor-lthcir names engraved on it. Coed
Sciences; Donald Silverman, Arts
and Sciences sophomore: Ormand
Meyer, Business Administration
sophomore; Ann Wellensick; Pat
Loder, sophomore ' in Arts and
John Lange, junior in Teach
ers college; Ann Griffis, Arts and
Sciences sophomore; Christine
Phillips, graduate 'student; Charles
Peterson, sophomore in Teachers
college; Polly Gould, sophomore
in Arts and Sciences; Jack Wen
strand, graduate student; Vance
Hansen, sophomore in Teachers .
V college. . .
Joe Hinds, senior in Teachers
college; John Churchhill; Jim
Adams, freshman in Arts and
Sciences; Bill Anderson, senior in
Engineering college; John Robson,
Teachers college senior; Walter
Mrs. Maurrant is played by Mary Sidner, a Everett, Business Administration junior; Herb
senior in Arts and Sciences. She has also appeared Wilms; Charles Rossow, sophomore in Arts and
in "Idiot's Delight," and "George Washington Slept Sciences. ,
Here." George Strassler, freshman in Arts and Sciences;
The part of Maurrant will be played by Les Charles Huestis, Arts and Sciences junior; Shirley
Mathis, a graudate student, who apepared earlier Fries, sophomore in Teachers, college; James Wal-
this year in the part of Vann, in "Idiot's Delight;" ton; Don Wagner; Iilene Frailey, Teachers college
Marian Uhe, in the part of Rose, is a sopho- freshman; Nancy Dark, Teachers college sopho
more in Teacher's college, and has appeared in more; Martha Picard, sophomore in Arts and
"George Washington Slept Here."
Mrs. Fiorentino and Mrs. Jones, described as
two gossipy women will be played by Janis Mc
Caw, freshman in Arts and Sciences, and Marjoric
Line, a junior in Teachers college.
The part of Lippo, husband of Mrs. Fiorentino,
will be taken by Harry Stiver, graduate student.
Janice Harrison, freshman in Arts and Sciences;
Maxine Zimmerman, Teachers college sophomore;
James Ehret, Teachers college sophomore; and
Bob Hoig, Arts and Sciences . sophomore.
"Street Scene" was first produced in 1929. It
was later made into a musical and played in New
Sam, the young Jewish boy in love with Rose, York City for a season. It is well known abroad
will be Kenneth Clement, sophomore agriculture for its convincing realism.
economics major, who appeared in "George Wash- All the action of the play takes place in front
ington Slept Here." of a Brownstone apartment house in the tenement'
Other members of the cast are Hamilton How- district. The people are of all nationalities and live
ard, Business Administration sophomore; Harriet by violence and passion. :'
Ewing, graduate student; Curt Siemers, graduate - "Street Scene" will be the last University
student; Richard Marrs, sophomore in Arts and Theatre production of the season.
Second Junior Division Career Program
To Feature Nursing Speeches, Discussion
Have you looked at your career
lately? - Would you' like a stu
dent's viewpoint, as well as an
authority's, on a vocation?
The second program in a series,
sponsored by the Junior Division,
will be presented on the field of
nursing Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Ellen
amith hall.
Dr. Arthur A. Hitchcock, di
rector of the Junior Division and
Counseling Service, will open
the program by giving informa-
Pi Mu Epsilon
Initiates Members
New initiates recently an
nounced by Pi Mu Epsilon, mathe
matics honorary, are: Emerson
Jones, Herbert Meyer, Thomas
Reed, William Sawrey, David
Shettz, Dale Winder, and James
Wolford of the Graduate school;
Amis Aumalis, John Blazek, Dean
Buckingham, John Lliteras, John
Marks, Robert Tefft, and John
Warren from Engineering college:
Charles Ackerman of Arts & Sci
ence; and Marvin Rhodes, Ag col
Professor Edwin Halfar, spon
sor, announced the group's next
meeting will be Tuesday.
1 Wy'ig
tion on fields of nursing, includ
ing practical, hospital,' private
and teaching nursing and their
duties. He will also mention
the history and importance of
nursing, prerequisites for nurs
ing, demands in the field, occu
pational trends, nursing abroad
and retirement.
Miss Irma N. Kyle, director of
the school of nursing in Omaha,
will cover the details in the nurs
ing field. She will discuss re
quirements for admission, neces
sary education, and methods of
job placement.
Miss Kyle will also mention the
number of persons in the nursing
profession in the state, the number
who apply for training during the
year in Nebraska and how many
are accepted and how many are
rejected. She will also discuss the
salary of nurses, giving starting
pay ana advanced pay, cost of
training, nursing practice possi
bilities in Nebraska and state
A senior nursing student from
Omaha will accompany Miss Kyle
to give a student's point of view on
the profession.
Following the program, stu
dents may ask questions con-,
cerning the nursing field. The.
Junior Divisions feels that bene
fits were received from student
questions at the first program,
on law, Feb. 26. '
Two more programs will be of
fered in the "look at Your Car
eer" series. Dentistry will be dis
cussed March 11, and medicine,
March 18.
Country Dance
Group To Plan
Meeting Series
Ag Country Dancers will decide
on plans for the remainder of the
second semester at a special meet
ing Friday night in the College
Activities building, according to
Dick Kollars, president.
Dancing will be from 7:30 to
8:30 p.m., and the meeting will
follow, from 8:30 to 9:30. All
members of Country Dancers and
other students interested in square
dancing are urged to attend, said
Ag Country Dancers meets each
Friday night and holds one all
University square dance every
month. It is now planning for the
Square Dance Festival, a meeting
of local square dance clubs, to be
held next month in the Coliseum.
tege et Litanie," by Dupre; andjhorse riding contest winner will's king
Staff Writer
Prof: "What is a monarchy?"
Frosh: "A people governed by
'Divertissement," by Vierne.
I receive a trophy.
FIVE YEARS OLD . . . Peggy Nelson, University Junior, cele
brates ber fifth birthday Friday, Febr. 29. Since the 29th only
occurs once in four years, Peggy has been cheated out of a few
real birthday parties. (Dally Nebraskan Photo.)
Senior Ma Queen Candidate
Filing Period Opens Today
Senior women have their last
opportunity to file for May
Queen Friday,
Requirements are a 5.5 weighted
average and participation in canv
pus activities.
Applications are to be filled
by 5 p.m. in Dean Frank M.
Hallgren's office, Room 209,
Administration building.
Names of all eligible applicants
will be placed on ballots for the
all iunior-senior women spring
election, March 18. The candidate
receiving the greatest number of
votes will be revealed as May
Queen on Ivy day, May 3.
The second-high candidate will
serve as maia-or-nonor. Monar
Boards will select the remainder
of the court. '
The system of filing for May
Queen was inaugurated in 1950.
However, this year the Mortar
Boards have abandoned the
practice of sending letters to
organized houses asking them
to submit nominations.
Candidates for May Queen will
be announced by The Daily Ne
braskan prior to the March 18
election. -
Tryouts For Two
University Plays
Scheduled Friday
Try-outs for two plays will be
held Fridav from 3 tn 4-3n n m. in1.
the Temple building. The Splays ff 7V
are "The Mat in the Rnmlsr Hat",11 C K 1 n g IIS
- , . v. , -. . rhnns?"
ana " Ann r i ne rvunn " 1
"The Man in the Bowler Hat"
is a melodrama, complete with a
villain, hero and heroine. Director
of the play is Sharon Fritzler. Pro
duction manager is Phyllis Fire
stone. ;
A dramatic tragedy. "Anoli: The
Blind" requires a cast of two men
and one woman. Students may try
out for the play either Friday aft
ernoon or Saturday morning from
9 to 11 a.m.
The play is directed by Lynn
Kunkel and produced by Wayne i
Jostis. i
Prof: "Who would reign if the
king should die?"
Frosh: "The queen."
Prof: "And if the queen should
Frosh: "The jack."
"Our economics professor
talks to himself. Does yours?"
"Yes, but he doesn't realize
it he thinks we're listening."
First Ag student: "What part of
a cow do the chops come from?"
Second Ag student: "Don't you
First: "Do you?" j
Second: "Haven't
you ever
Pew (our
i nfallible
weather fore
e a t e r)
reached into
the hat and
drew out the
f o 1 11 o w-
ing weather
forecast for Cloudy
today: Cloudy, temperatures
ranging from a low of 20 to a
high of 35, possible intermit
tent light snow. Winter's back
"Modern Man is Vulnerable." The coffee hour of the Grad-I First Student: "The dean says
This will be the contention of uates club will begin at 4 p.m., in he is going to stop smoking in the
Dr. Paul Meadows, associate pro-, the faculty lounge of the Union, college."
fessor of sociology, as he speaks! Reservations should be made in Second ditto: "Huh! The first
to Teachers College graduate stu- Room 211 Teachers College. Each thing you know he'll be asking
dents Friday afternoon. member wilJ pay 25 cents. I us to stop too."
Meadows To Address TC Grad Students:
P.M. Headlines
Staff News Writer
U.S. To Increase NATO Air Power
ed States will add no more
Army divisions to its ground
force in Europe this year but
will send considerable more
air power to help meet the
present goals set ' up at the
Lisbon session of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Defense Secretary Lovett
stated this and other points in
outlining the part the United
States would have under the
NATO master plan. Since
Lovett talked only of divisions,
it seems reasonable to expect
smaller, sub-divisional units
such as antiaircraft outfits to
continue appearing overseas
U.S.-Japan Sign Defense Agreement
sion in the Pacific. The agree
ment implements the U. S.
Japanese security treaty and
becomes effective with the
ratification of the Japanese
peace treaty and the end of
Russell Announces Presidential Plans
tee. His announcement gave
no indication whether he is
prepared to lead a Southern
Democratic revolt if President
Truman is nominated and if a
. third party is formed during
the 1952 campaign although
there has been speculation as
to this in some quarters.
TOKYO State Minister
Katsuo Okazaki, on behalf of
Japan, has signed an agree
ment granting the United
States air, naval and Army
bases in Japan to serve as a
defense of the islands and a
barrier to Communist expan-
Richard B. Russell of Georgia
has announced that he is a
candidate for the Democratic
presidential nomination. Rus-
sell announced his decision af
ter being formally urged to
run by the Georgia state
Democratic executive commit-
Truman To Announce Election Plans Before
March 29
Truman said he would not an
nounce whether or not he will
seek re-election until after he
returns from a trip to Key
West, Fla. The President ia
leaving on Friday of next
week. He is expected back in
time for a speech in Washing
ton to the $100-a-plate Jefferson-Jackson
day dinner March
Alaska-Hawaii Fight Continues
Truman said the fight is still
on for statehood for both
Alaska and Hawaii. The senate
has voted 45 to 44 to send the
Alaska statehood bill back to
committee, thereby shelving it.
Mr. Truman expressed hope
that the Senate will recon
sider its action. Proponents of
Hawalan statehood immediat
ely bid to bring the measure
to the floor, but the Senate
recessed without reaching a
decision on what to consider