The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 27, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    Local Stuff - - - - By Kessel
Wednesday, February 27, 1952
Barbed Wire
Heb Week: It's About Time
The University of Nebraska has been known in
national collegiate circles as the stomping grounds
lor the Cornhuskers, the alma mater of Roscoe and
Louise Pound and the center of the athletic de
emphasis program. Now, thanks to the efforts of
the Interfraternity council, Nebraska may be added
' to the ever-growing list of colleges and universities
who have found their Hell Weeks obsolete and
replaced them with Help Weeks.
-Every year, without fail, The Dally Nebraskn
has had editorials to point out the fallacies of
Hell Week. And every year the fraternity men
continue to sit hack in their chairs and say, we
had to do it; why can't they? Fraternity men
have always come np with stereotyped answer
that Hell Week is necessary to unite the pledge
class. Maybe It writes them, but only in a com
bined dislike towards the actives who have con-
tributed to the foolishness and childishness which
' makes np Hell Week.
7" For years fraternities have been vulnerable to
attack on the one question of their programs for
the initiation of new members Chief contention
of the fault-finders has been (and still is) that Hell
dent of IFC, and IFC members Larry Nordin,
Charles Anderson and Cy Johnson.
Carrying out the decision of the convention, an
IFC Help Week committee has been set up for the
purpose of unifying Help Week at the University.
Next year the committee will contact welfare
agencies to see what community projects may be
undertaken by fraternity groups. Glenn Rosenquist
Cy Johnson, Bob Anderson and Charles Anderson
are the committee members.
Bob Reichenbach, IFC vie, president, told The
Daily Nebraskan that Help Week would function
on a voluntary basis. He also feels that Help
Week is the only logical course, for certain things
have happened to put fraternities in the pub
lic's bad eye. A Help Week, he said, would show
the public what fraternities are really like.
Hod Myers told The Daily Nebraskan that fra
ternities can do projects to better the community
which will in turn do away with the public senti
ment against Greeks. Help Week Committee mem
ber Cy Johnson told The Daily Nebraskan he feels
a national movement is underway, and Help Week
will eventually take the place of Hell Week.
Week activities are anti-educational and do not
instill Into neophytes true Ideals of fratemalism. Participants Increasing
But If a fraternitv is unable to build its nledjres It is obvious that within only three short years
Into the desirable type of man without Hell Week, since its founding. Help Week Is on the University
th. lorieal conclusion to be drawn is that the fra- campus. All but four fraternities told The Daily
ternity is-not a good one. One of a fraternity's Nebraskan they had either made plans for Help
promises to a pledge Is that it will endeavor to Week or have already carried them out. This may
Runyand cancer fund.
Theta Xis and Sigma Nus and Farm House
already have added a Help Week to their pledge
program by donating services to the Cedars
Home for Children and Camp Min-Is-Kuya. Last
weekend Phi Delta Theta pledges and actives
spent 1000 man-hours in painting the home, both
inside and out, of a semi-crippled widow. Fra
ternity members also put In a plumbing system,
plastered and repaired the roof. All materials
were donated by local business men and only two
merchants refused the requests. Chick Battey
who was in charge of the project told The Daily
Nebraskan that their Help Week "work besides
adding something to the community, brought
unity to the members of the fraternity in a
way Hell Week never would. Their project was
endorsed 100 per cent by Chancellor Gustavson.
Ira Epstein, Sigma Alpha Mu president, told The
Daily Nebraskan that SAM Monday night com
pletely abolished Hell Week from their constitution
and Help Week plans are underway.
campuses were raised. We take
it as a matter of course, but to
smaller schools the whole idea
must sound horrifying.
make him better for the experience. Some frater- be compared to last year when only one frater-1 theft and vandalism on college
nities are able to turn out men, granted; but others nity made an ellort to do someinnig constructive!
only succeed in producing over-grown high school outside their house by raising money ior me uamon
How Is This Explained?
To the fraternity men suporting the advantages
of Hell Week, just how would they say that the
boy at Lynchburg college who lost one eye bene
fitted from it? And the pledge who died of burns
at St Louis University? and the sophomore who
was killed at Brown university?
A Hoosier athlete Bob Lollar in Feb. 1949
realised that fraternities were wasting manpower
and brains with the destructive Hell Week. As
rhdrmMi of the Alpha Tan Omega's Hell Week,
he talked to the assistant dean and it was de
cided they have a Help Week. Under his direc
tion, pledges painted a half-dosen churches,
helped a widow, repaired homes. By the follow
ing year, 2t of the 31 fraternities at the Uni
versity f Indiana were following the idea of a
Help Week and now all SI fraternities have Help
But the idea of Help Week did not stop on the
Bloomington campus. Within the next year it had Qnance f or fj$
snread to Purdue. Butler. Bowling Green and De- .
Paw. SieTdiaa faculty believes HeU Weeks - Maybe Hell Week wfll die on the Universrfy
IT on the wane all over America. After watch- camps. Maybe it won't But the tatesi
lng the new spirit at work for more than two years the opportuniy to be one of the leading pioneers
ttey are convinced the Greek-letter societies have of Help Week. The Daily Nebraska agrees with
come of age. They say the GI students who brought Dean Hallgren who believes that fraternities are
s j j wirmincr tn realize thev have a responsibility
serious purpose w scnooi, prooaoiy arc fiic.iajr - - . . .
responsible for the new attitude.
Nebraska Joining Movement?
As plans ofr pre-initiation are now underway,
it appears as if the University of Nebraska may
become part of the Help Week tide. At the Na
tional Interfraternity conference at Old Point Com
fort, Va. last November, those attending felt col
lege Hell Weeks should be replaced by Help Weeks,
and the campus fraternal groups should also play
an increasingly important role in worthwhile civic
and community affairs. Representing the University
IFC at the conference were Harold Meyer, presi-
to the community as well as their chapters and
that a worthwhile project will unite the pledges
far better than a Hell Week ever wilL
Help Week has finally gotten a start on the
campus. The Daily Nebraskan commends all organ
izations backing it and hopes that it will continue
to stay as long as Greek organizations exist on the
To the narrow-minded fraternity men who
insist on giving the pledges hell, The Daily Ne
braskan suggests they talk to some veterans who
have been through real heU. It would make Hell
Week look mighty silly. S.G.
Barb Wyiie
What I would like to know
is what are the ATO's going
to do with the 14 nound eoose
that was recently deliveredj
to them? It seems four cam
pus coeds, finding the day
dull and uninteresting, set out
on a two hour search for a
eoose to surprise certain
brothers in the fraternity,
The bird was presented at the
front door decked in a bright
blue jacket with ATO in gold
letters on the back and a pert
blue and gold derby. At last
reports, the Tau s had decided
to have the goose for dinner,
not as a guest, but couldn't
find a pledge that could or
would kill it.
News of the recent debate
tourney held over the week-end
on the campus Is that various
delegates from other universities
were shocked when the prob
lems of fixed and paid elections,
To you who are beginning to
worry about six week exams, here
is a helpful hint from Princeton.
A Princeton University student
got a high grade on an exam by
relaxing with a couple of beers
at the half-way mark in the test.
See, it just takes the right kind
of "cramming" to pass.
At a recent Monday night
meeting of a local womens
group, the social chairman of
the clan arose and announced
that a delegation of fraternity
brothers from various chapters
was coming to this campus for
a convention and they wanted
dates for the weekend. She then
asked for names of interested
girls to be referred to the local
chapter. One coed, evidently
looking for greener pastures,
piped up with:
"There's no percentage in dat
ing a fella from another campus."
After quietly looking over the
group for a few seconds the so
cial chairman said:
"No, but it's an excellent way
to acquire a pen pal."
Thought for the day: Just be-
Follow The Leader?
Dear editor
We are all in college now and
old enough to make our own de
cisions. Why do we all play a
make-believe game of 'follow
the Leader," relying too much on
what the next guy does or has?
How many are really here for
an education? Is everyone on
campus trying to outdo the next
guy? What is the real reason for
Greek letter societies? Why
should dates come before study
ing? After you have been on a
date, why do the fellas and girls
always ask "What Is he or she?"
before they ask "Who is he or
she?" Is it better to live a clean
life and have few dates or have
many dates and live with a
guilty conscience? What kind of
girls do the fellas really want?
Why are three-fourths of the
students on this campus trying
to impress somebody?
There are many students on
this campus who would like the
answers to these questions. We are
signing this "anonymouse" because
everyone thinks they know all
the answers, but our last question
is, "Do they really?" :
"You sure came in high last night Ed." (Daily Nebraskan Cartoon.)
Korn Kernels-
Ag Better Living Series
To Discuss Marriage Adjustment
Dale Reynolds
Kenneth L. Cannon, instructor! ret starting at 7:30 pm. in the Ag!
in family relation and child de- Union. Also leatured at the t-aoa-velopment
at Ag college, will lead! ret are television, dancing and
this week's Ag Better Living se- other games,
rles at 5 p.m. today in the Ag1 The movie will also be shown
Union lounge. Cannon will speak Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m,
nn adlustment in marriage. This
is the last chance to catch up on
the latest in marriage, as the next
Better Living series will be on
finance. After finance, the series
will swing into discussions on
Also on the Ag agenda this
week is "Pot Luck With the
Profs Sunday night. This of
fers a swell chance to get ac
quainted with some of the
members of the Ag faculty and
their wives. Also, you get a free
meal (and they really heap up
the plate, too) and get to use
some of the games and enter
tainment provided by the Ag
Union. If you wish to attend,
sign up by Friday in the Ag
Union office.
Work on the outside of the new
Agronomy building has been com
pleted and big bronze
If any of you Aggies like to
square dance, now is your
chance to get in with the Ag
Country Dancers. They are hav
ing a special meeting Friday
night to decide future events.
Also, they are planning for the
Square Dance festival, a meet
ing of all local clubs to be held
next month.
This is the last week that stu
dents may sign up for livestock
showmanship contests in the
Block and Bridle show. Also,
this is the last week that coeds
may sign up for the coed west
ern style horseback riding con
test Drawings for the animals will
be held Saturday.
Chords And Discords
Nutcracker Suite Tells
French Story In Music
'Dave Cohen 1
cause you keep your chin up is spelling agronomy now stand out
no reason you have to look down 'on the front of the building. There
your nose. lis still a lot of work to be done
Has your bucket got a hole'on the inside, ana it s nopea wai
in it?
Spiritual Spring
Lent, th season of "spiritual spring," as one The leaflet lists:
writer expresses it, begins today. "1. A half hour each day spent in private wor-
It is the "season of repentance," he continues, ship before 9 a.m., including prayer, devotional
-wnen pghSS go de7P intone sou, break- reading, study of the Bible and memorization of
big furrows to receive new seed. Lent Is the season
of decision, when fields are planted, weeded, culti
vated. Lent is the season of awakening, when
leaden skies open into vistas of blue, when the
Sun calls forth to new life the sleeping seeds of
The writer baa used a physical metaphor to
express a spiritual truth truth that is too tre
mendous for mem words and even beyond human
understanding. Using the "spring" figure of
speech, the writer has described at least one as
pect of Lent, but merely describing it has no
meaning or purpose for Christians. True, Lent is
a state of mind, or more correctly, a state of
spirit. But such eondtiions are so abstract as to
be incomprehensible to the human mind.
Somehow Lent must be translated, if not in
"2. Prayerful evaluation at the day's end.
"3. Thanks to God before each meaL
4. Weekly attendance at public worship.
"5. Weekly participation in some program of a
student religious group.
"6. Regular Christian giving in proportion to in
come." "7. Intellectual growth as a Christian by read
ing at least one book each month in the fields of
Christian biography, doctrine, devotion, church his
tory or emotional problems of living.
"8. Earnest and regular endeavor to confront
others with the claims of Chrsit by deed, honest
and prayerful discussion and a persuasive convic
tion that Christ is the Lord of all life.
"9. Expansion of one's sense of social concern
Engineers To Entertain i
Power Superintendents
Faculty members of the electri
cal and mechanical engineering
departments will be hosts to some
100 public power district superin
tendents Wednesday night
The superintendents, represent
ing districts throughout Nebraska,
will attend a dinner at the Union.
Prof. Walter F. Weiland of the
mechanical engineering depart
ment will address the group on
Stability of Oils' at Richards
laboratory after the dinner, then
the superintendents will tour
Richards laboratory and Ferguson
th a rronomv department can
move to earlythis summer.
We also hope that the new side
walk will be comoleted in time so
that the re-routing of traffic will
not cause more cutting across tne
grass, which seems to cause a lot
of trouble on Ag campus.
Ag YM and TWCA now have
the ball rolling on plans for
Estes Carnival. Estes Carnival
will be held March 21 in the
College Activities building, and
proceeds will go towards send
ing YM and TW representatives
to the summer Estes confer
ence in Colorado. Ag organiza
tions that wish to have a booth
in the carnival are to turn in a
rough draft of the booth by
March 7. The winning booth
will receive a traveling trophy.
The Ag Union handicraft com
mittee meets again mursnay
Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite!
ranks as an outstanding favorite
among his compositions. He wrote
it in 1891 for the St. Petersburg
letters. Opera, along with a ballet.
The story of the Nutcracker
Suite concerns' a Christmas
party and what happens after
it Of all the presents she re
ceives, Marie, the daughter of
the host Is particularly fond of
a German nutcracker. It is
shaped like an old man with
massive Jaws that cracks the
nuts. During the course of the
party some boys break the nut
Rifiers Drill For Meet
The University rifle team will
fire a shoulder-to-shoulder match
with the University of Wichita
and the University of Kansas at night from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Ag
Lawrence Saturday. I Union. Arts and handicraft is
Eight of the following men will sponsored by the Ag Union activi
be chosen for the trip: John Mc- ties committee for students who
Elhaney. Vincent Goeres. Paul wish to work with metals, leather.
Jordon, Don Overholt William plasties, painting textiles and!
Norris. Richard Jackson.. P. U other interesting hobbies.
Perry, Duane McCutchan, Ron "The Killers" is the movie for
McKenzie. 'this week's Saturday Night Caba-
depict the children marching to
the party. "Dance of the Sugar
Plum Fairy" is a very delicate
dance featuring the piano. The
other numbers in the album in
clude Russian Dance, "Dance of
the Reed Flutes" and "Walts of
the Flowers."
It is interesting to note that
several name bands, including
Freddy Martin and Glen Miller,
have recorded Tchaikovsky's Nut
cracker Suite in dance tempo. Al
though their arrangements do not
fall within the same category as
those of the symphony orchestras,
their recordings have brought
That night Marie cannot sleep j Tchaikovsky's themes to millions
for thinking of her broken toy
Quietly she slips downstairs to
have another look at it She hears
a rustling sound, and before her
eyes the Christmas tree grows
taller and all the toys come to
life. The rustling noise has been
caused .by a group of mice, who
attack the toys. During the course
of the battle the nutcracker chal
lenges the mouse king to single
of new listeners.
Ella Mae Morse's new record,
"The Blacksmith Blues," is one
of the top discs on campus. Miss
Morse does a fine Job of sing
ing. Her phrasing is smooth and
with the rhythm pattern set by
the band, she sets a strong blues
Gordon MacRae's latest disc is
spirit at least in action, into the physical, everyday through constructive Christian attitudes and ac-
m-1t Va rriio nnrnnu ramntic rpllffimi hmiXfS UOnS.
and organizations are trying to define a portion of
the meaning of Lent in specific attitudes and ac
tions. Roman Catholics have long incorporated
giving np something" for Lent; Protestants have
sot been so definite.
: .
Tp vivify Lent Christian denominations, includ
ing Protestants, seem to be realizing the signifi
cance of the visible Lenten participation and have
come to include in their programs definite actions
and programs.
One student house on campus this year has
. distributed to its students a leaflet enumerating
sereral suggested Immediate objectives of Lent
Margin Notes
Che University daily takes both little and big
"steps toward strengthening: and expanding its fa-
"10. Doing all things, no matter how small, to
the glory of God."
While the accomplishment of these projects
is not the purpose of Lent, the student house
hopes that through action may come inspiration;
that through a combination of the physical and
the spiritual. Lent may become a season of true
Christian growthor at least a season for plant
ing the seeds which may sprout and bear fruit
KJty. '
Dr. Leverton Discusses Health
In Book, 'Food Becomes You'
The way to health lies in the
direction of knowing and under
standing good food. Dr. Ruth M.
Leverton, professor of human nu
trition in the department of home
economics, wrote in her new book,
"Food Becomes You."
. The book deals with general
information about what should
be eaten and why. It answers
specific questions about calories
and .vitamins. Charts are pro
vided in it for calory study,
which shows the nutritive value
of different foods.
Separate chanters are devoted
to the importance of weight, los
ing and gaining weight and needs
of motherhood. Daily diets are
outlined for men. women and
children. Food fads, habits and
costs are also discussed in the
The University of Nebraska
Press expects to have the book
out by March 1.
David W. Seylor, instructor in
drawing and painting of the uni
versity School of Fine Arts, ill us
trated the book jacket
combat. Just as the mouse is about also a campus hit "Green Acres'
to kill the nutcracker, Marie is done in a free, easy-going style,
throws her shoe at him and he MacRae's singing is characteristic
is killed, while the other mice of the crooners of today, but he
scamper away. Immediately the is far above the rest with clear
nutcracker is transformed into a unadulterated singing.
handsome prince, wno tnamcs Ma
rie for saving his life and invites
her to go with him to the magic
realm of the sugar-plum fairy.
Tchaikovsky used a French
fairy tale entitled "Story or a
Nutcracker" as the plot for bis
suite. The Columbia album of
the Nutcracker Suite begins
with the opening overture en
titled "Overture Miniature." It
serves as introduction to the
coming party and is scored for
strings and light woodwinds.
The cellos and bases are eonpic
nons by their absence, and the
overture is light in class. The
sole excerpt from act one is the
"March." It's strong rhythms
Fellcn snd VYcIi
Your Exclvsbe Smhhorona
Dealer in Lincoln
e Kent a NEW portable type
writer. e If you desire to purchase the
portable, rental cost will be
deducted from price of type
writer within S months
Phone 2-8577 1228 P
J Jul (Daily. Vldha&kcuv
Member .
Associated Collegiate Press
Intercolleriate Press
Tfca DaBy Xearaakaa to narlahe' by tfc atadVnta af thai
T.lTcnltr af Hrbrmtk M exprraalfln a new. MS of--'
ataaeat vabtlrattona aa4 4mlnltrHI by the Boara af PabHea-
c ill ties. Action by members of the Board of Regents Vmmt "it i to ercari pnr a the oar that Mirtio,
n Well recent meeting sciu uws uimcianj ung taa pan ai im nosra, ar '-"";"; ,
way on its road to academic perfection. Highest on
the list of University improvements is the addition
'of psychiatric unit at the College of Medicine in
Dmaha and a one million dollar grant for a Uni
versity Teachers college high school to relieve
crowded conditions at the present high school,
fnntrrafnlatlnna and heartv thanks from The
... Editor JUi Kraecar
Daly Kcbraskan to the Board of Regents and all
famtr af tha Untventtr. bat tka BMmlwra at tha t" af Tha
IMUIr 'rrka ara amooaUr raapeaalbla far wha they oj ac
Sa ar eaaae ta ke PTiniea." , .
SabaertsUaa ntea are ft.M aawtar, ?.& maiieS ar S3.W
for tha collet yaar, M- nM. WnHa eapr fa. raMtohca
4flr diirtnr the arhaol yew except Saturday aad Handera,
nesttoae aaS examination aerloda. One imnw aaMUhed daring
the month af Anew br the lafrmtty of NVnrMks ander tha
eapervtewni af the eammlttea on Ktndrnt PnbllcHm. Kntered
M Heeaajd Cum Matter at the Pout Office ta IJn.-oln. Nehraska,
ander Act af Cona-reea, March 1, 1H7I, and at apeelal rate af
mtare ararided for hi Section 113. Aet af Caavreae af October
S, U17, MUHTtxed Heptemoer It. 12J.
Jsea Kraeceri
Daily Thought
Hi who overcomes his anger subdues his
t enemy Syrus.
ijiim fall. Alum. Ken Rritrom. Jaa Hteffea.
Hal Haeeelbaieh. Sallr Hafl
ftparl Editor llanhall Kmbaer
Aufctant Kvort Edller .....Glean Kelson
Feature Editor ,...Kthy Badaker
Af Editor Dale Reynold
Kwiely Kdltor. .......Connie Oordaaj
Phatoa-rapher ....Boh Ban man
l:Zt . M'er;'.::::,.St'8ippie.' aXu aEnTH '" tafar-atle. Uj1 rr ae.r-t
rirr station MaiuMrer .....Ceorce Wlleex,
Klfht ew Suitor...... Dalai aVejnaid.J , ,
Alpha Kappa Psi luncheon,
Chamber of Commerce, 12 noon.
TWCA Fine Arts commission
group, 4 p.m, Ellen Smith south
east room; leader, Elaine Smith-
TWCA Goals and Values com
mission group, 5 p.RL, Ellen Smith
southeast room; leader, Norma
Lo thorp.
Phalanx-meeting, 7:30 p.m., 208
Armory. All members requested
to be present
German crab, 7:30 p.m- Parlor
X, Union. (
"All's Fair," one-act comedy,
7:30 p.iru, Room 201, Temple.
Ag Country Dancers, College
Activities building, 7:30 p.m.
Leap Tear dance, 9-12 p.m.
Union ballroom.
"All's Fair," one-act comedy,
7:30 p.m., Room 201, Temple.
On Tho Air
To place a classified ad
Stop in the Business Office Room 20
Student Union
CsJl 27631 Ext. 4226 for Chssified'
Hoars 1-4:33 Aba, thrw frl
No.words 1 day 2 days I days 4 days 1 week
1-10 I .40 I Mi I I .85 I $T0O I 11.20
I .50 I JO I 105 1.25 1.45
16-20 .60 Ji 1.25 UQ 1.70
.70 1.10 1.45 1.75 1.95
SO 1 L25 1.65 2.00 . 120
2:09 "Musle from Everywhere"
1:15 "Land of the Free'
3:30 "Your Student Union"
3:45 "Reading For All"
4:00 "Musics) Grab Bag"
4:15 "Moose Calls'
4:30 "UN8CO Show"
4:45 "Pretty Girl Is Like a
5:00 Sign Off
LOST Oratn allljator llgtittr. "P.A.P."
Wadnaadtr, 10 a.m. In Earl Wood.
Call Fuy Petar, KKO Hbiua, 2-7820.
ipar D Oraflax. Sttrtu. rs.i r,t
Sail , condition perfnet. Room 2ui
T!iphr' ptum xunMUa . Ughta
Man Waotwl : Part tlmj work Tburarl&y
ouur enaajr. vemonnrauon aalling
of Sunbaam Shavara at local atore.
Writ: R, JPoaUlman, 2335 SU Mary
Persona!: Want to gat lu web witn Mika
Hock. Call AtU-l-iiU
Fairyland Oraanbouaa. Ol
aunaara. Kila "O".