The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 27, 1952, Image 1

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VOL. 51 No. 92
Wednesday, February 27, 1952
1 wm 9t ens n . 11
If the western world escapes
the threat of communism, future
historians may regard Russia as
a sheep in wolfs clothing, de
clared Herbert Agar, convoca
tion speaker, in a press confer
ence Tuesday.
"Agar thus reflected the theory
of Arnold Toynbee that the
communist threat may force
westerners to define their civil
ization and reverse the so-called
downward trend of their cul
ture. A Pulitzer Prize winner and
former foreign service official.
Agar stressed this need for an
understanding of "our civiliza
tion" in terms as definite as the
doctrine of communism.
"If we can bring the world
together from the Iron Curtain to
San Francisco," Agar said, "we
can have a better society and
one that begins to make sense."
The North Atlantic Treaty or
ganization is a step in this di
rection, he said. Its speed of
developemnt, he added, will de
pend upon the pressure Russia
exerts on western Europe and
other American allies. Agar
sees an eventual semi-political
arrangement among North At
lantic nations, by which deci
sions can be made rapidly and
effectively. He pointed to the
joint chiefs of staff during
World War II as a similar ar
rangement The need for cooperation be
tween western European nations
and the United States, Agar
. said, is the result of the Iron
Curtain, which has effectively
divided an interrelated Europe
into two parts, neither of which
is self-sufficient.
Russia's purpose in erecting
the Iron Curtain, Agar spec
ulated, was two-fold. First, the
communists intended to "bust
the economy of Europe" by di
viding industry and agriculture.
Second, they hoped to "such the
Americans in to make endless
handouts in the way of food
and raw materials."
The objective of the United
States therefore, is to supple
ment the American economy
with that of western Europe,
emerging into something like a
western world."
To accomplish this, he said,
western nations must establish
a "free flow of men, money and
goods." Agar recalled that this
free flow was attained accident
ally during the nineteenth cen
tury. A rise in nationalism and
trade barriers during the pres
ent century has been largely re
sponsible for its end, he said.
The flow will not be affected
again, he said, by accident
Planning and designing are nec
essary to restore this movement
of men, money and goods.
Brooklyn Chem Professor
Inspects NU Facilities
Dr. Donald F. Othmer, chair
man of the department of chem
ical engineering, Poltechnic In
stitute of Brooklyn, N. Y, in
spected facilities of the Univer
sity's chemical engineering de
partment Tuesday.
Dr. Othmer was in Lincoln to
address the Nebraska section of
the American Chemical Society.
Se also spoke to other societies in
e state on his tour.
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DAWSOtf COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES . . . More than 100 farmers and alfalfa dehydrators
learned if hat the College of Agriculture is doing to help solve their problems. They learned causes
of plant Iliseases, means tor testing alfalfa varieties, and ways of controlling pests. They also saw
how r re ''.house work was set up to improve alfalfa in Nebraska, Desn W. V. Lambert (standing)
of the ( 'lege of Agriculture met the delegation at 1 Monday noon luncheon. He is shown greeting
(L to r ) Kenneth Giffin, Fred Twitter and Geor ft Sanderman. (Courtesy Lincola Star.)
West 'PefuGiiiHHi
Western civilization must
ern" definition of inter-nation
here intensely and loyally, Diplomat-Author Herbert Agar
said Tuesday.
The only thing we can be is
ourselves in the second half of the
twentieth century," the lecturer
said in his address at the third
All- University Convocation in the
Agar, advocating the doctrine to
combat Communistic doctrines in
the "war of words," scolded
westerners for boasting about
their civilization as a represent
ative of Christianity. "More than
one-half of us are not Christians,"
he said.
He also accused westerners of
'civil war" and suicide," pointing
out that 50 million westerners
have been killed by westerners in
an internal war of economics and
politics. j
Exclusive nationalism, accor-j
ding to Agar, prefaced the "deadlyj
wars" of the twentieth century.
This nationalism, the speaker
said, grew up side by side with
economic prosperity in the nine
teenth century.
Defining this nationalism. Agar
described it as the belief that a
man ceases to be a patriot if he
considers the interests of another
state. In contradiction. Agar said
nations of the western world "can
grow together."
Disunity and a failure to realize
the western community as a com
mon society are threats to the
Agar noted a "rim of starving
people," just outside the sphere
of western civilization, susceptible
there to communist influence.
The author, one time Pulitzer
Prize winner in American History,
accused the western world of
helping some nations "magnifi
cently" with one hand, then being
savage with them with the
other. In between the two hands
we blame the nations for not
being more independent, Agar
Defining the doctrines the west-
tern world is now defending, Agar!
cited a "persistent attempt to
create a society in which there is
freedom of concience." In this
society are restrictions which
"keep government feet out of
certain areas."
One of these areas, he noted, is
the church. The western world, ac
cording to Agar, has attempted
to maintain "a distinction
between the things that are God's
and those that are Caesar s. He
ation," whose energy derives from
tension of double service to God
and to Caesar.
RCCU Installs Officers
At Saturday
Red Cross College Unit board
and executive board members
were installed in their respective
offices at a Saturday morning in
stallation coffee hour in the Union.
Joan Hanson, out-going presi
dent, presided over the installa
tion ceremonies.
New Board and executive board
members present at the installa
tion and their positions are: Bob
LaShelle, president; Barbara
Tooley, orphanages; Marlene Rees,
Orthopedic hospital division;
Phyllis Colbert, Veterans hospi
tal; Marvin Friedman, penitenti
ary division; Harriet Wenke, Ci
vil Defense; norma Enckson, en
tertainment; Shirley Murphy,
blood chairman; Pat Lindgren,
secretary; Nancy Whitmore, treas
urer; Jane White, publicity.
Other new board members not
present were: Connie Gordon,
publicity; Joan Mines, water
Meets Alfalfa Growers
isn! fl
develop an "essentially west
obligation to which it will ad
Cell Study
The study and growth of cells
may be taken from the laboratory
and put into commercial use
within the next few years, Dr.
Wilton R. Earle said Monday.
Dr. Earle. head of the Tissue
Culture Division of the National
Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md.,
said that the potential uses of
cells are unlimited in the field of
medical science. He cited the
grafting of human skin as one
Earle aided in initiating: the
development of the new Insti
tute of Cell Growth recently
organized en the campus under
the direction of Dr. Donald M.
He spoke Monday before a
group of students and faculty in
Besse Hall auditorium, on the
"consideration of certain recent
advances in animal tissue culture
and methods pertaining to physi
ological research."
He. said that scientists are con
fronted with the necessity of ac
quiring a background of know
ledge of cells which may be used
in the future.
Magnified photographs of cell
structures and cellular growth
were shown on a slide projector
as Dr. Earle explained them.
A new machine used for the
photograpbJe recording, in mo
tion picture iorm, of cell growth
was pictured and described. This
machine, he said, became neces
sary for this study because the
ordinary microscopic study
failed to reveal many of the
details of the growth.
In illustrating the high cost of
cellular research equipment, Dr.
Earle said that the new machine,
composed of three high-power
cameras, costs about $12,000.
Dr. Earle will present two lec
tures at the College of Medicine
in Omaha on Wednesday.
Coffee Hour
safety; Chuck Marshall, motor
corps; Virginia Poppe, Gray La
dies unit; Beverly Davis, handi
craft; Joyce Johnson, vice presi
dent. Mrs. Pleasant Elwood of Om
aha was special guest at the
installation. Mrs. Elwood be
came interested in establishing
a Bed Cross college unit in Om
aha similar to that of the Uni
versity's. Mrs. Elwood said the
work of the University RCCU
has become well known in Om
aha and elsewhere.
Other guests at the installation
were: Harold Hill, head of the
Lancaster county Red Cross chap
ter; Patricia Wall, RCCU faculty
advisor; Mrs. Blanchard Ander
sen; Lloyd E. Corpe; Mrs. J. P.
Colbert; Mrs. Marvin Grimm;
Lloyd C. Jenkins; Mrs. R. G. Sim
mons; Harry Simon; Dean Mar-
jorie Johnson.
Trmrtcfr Lincoln Sur.
William F. Carr, associate pro
cessor of air science and tactics
for the University air ROTC pro
gram has been promoted to the
rank of major according to Lt.
Col. Alex Jamieson, head of the
University air ROTC.
Major Carr enlisted in the
infantry in June, 1942 and in
Jane, 1943 he was commis
sioned. In August, 1943 he
transferred to the air force.
Carr toook up flight operations
in the air force and served as a
momber pilot in Italy for a short
time during World War II. Until
nis appointment to the staff of
the University, he served with the
occupation forces in Germany.
He was commissioned as a
captain in the air force while
serving in Germany. Carr was
promoted to the rank of major in
Germany on December 22, 1951
but the promotion has just been
released by the air force.
Carr was assigned to the Uni
versity Air ROTC staff in Sept
T951. Juniors taking flight opera
lions courses at the University
are under his supervision.
At the present, he is seeking
an M. A. degree in the college of
Business Administration along
wh his teaching duties.
Council Agenda
Further consideration to the
campus parking problem will
be given by the Student Coun
cil Wednesday when the facul
ty parking committee will pre
sent its report.
The report is in conjunction
with a motion now before the
Council to dispense with segre
gated faculty-student parking.
The motion concerning rep
resentation of the colleges of
pharmacy and dentistry, which
was tabled at the last meeting,
will again be brought up. These
colleges expressed a wish to
have .a .representative from
each college on the council.
Representatives of the N
Club will be present at the
meeting to present a petition
to the Council concerning mem
bership of that group on the
Council meetings are held on
Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 315, Union, and are open
to the public
P.M. Headlines
Staff New Writer
Fewer Committee Sessions On TV
WASHINGTON Rep. Sam Correspondents' association,
Rayburn, Speaker of the House called a special committee meet
of Representatives, created pro- ing to consider the ruling. In fa
test when he ruled that from vor of the ruling was the Amer
now on fewer House committee lean Bar association, whose dele
sessions would be covered by gates in a Chicago meeting
radio and television. Rep. Paul passed a resolution favoring the
Shafer (R-Mich) called the de- ban on congressional proceed
cision "one of the rawest ex- ings. Regardless of the opposi
amples of censorship" he'd ever tion it appears that Speaker
seen. The chairman of the ex- Rayburn's decision will remain
ecutive committee of the Radio unchanged.
Raecke Agrees To Head Democratic Slate
LINCOLN New developments circulated petitions in his behalf
came on the Nebraska political in the hope that he would accept
scene when Democrat Walter R. if nominated. Mr. Raecke an
Raecke of Central City agreed to nounced that his decision had
accept a draft to head the party's not came easily," but that he
state ticket in the fall elecion. would accept the nomination if
This announcement came after it given tc him. He revealed
Mr. Raecke had announced that however, that he would not cam
he would not become a can- paign for the primary election of
didate. Democratic workers then April 1.
Big Three Powers' Cecide German NATO Role
LIBSON, Port The role that was reported that the Bonn
Germany is to play in the arm- Government had accepted the
Three powers in Lisbon after a recommended by top Allied plan
session with West German Chan- ners. Difficulties in the agree
cellar Konrad Adenauer of Ger- ment text were removed by the
many. It was agreed that Ger- ministers in a three hour session
many should pay IIV4 billion and now ail that remain is the
marks ($2,677,500) for Western formal approval of the West
defense for the coming year. It German Government -
Mock, Bridle
Show Animals Saturday
Drawings for livestock and
horses to be shown and ridden in
the 18th anDual Block and Bridle
Show will be held Saturday, m
Animal Husbandry hall, accord-;
ing to Rex Messersmith, Block
and Bridle club president
The classes of livestock are
swine, beef and sheep. Students
who show these animals will be
judged both on fitting and show
The coed western-style horse -
back riding contest will be judged
entirely upon thb riding ability of
the eirls.
The mock and Bridla Show is
a traditional livestock show
manship contest, featuring a
variety of special horse acta. It
Is scheduled for April S, in the
Coliseum at the State Fair
Animals for the show will be
...Typical Coed
Joan Hanson is Typical Ne
braska Coed for 1952.
Miss Hanson, one of 20 TNC
candidates, was presented at the
annual Coed Follies Tuesday night
by AWS board president Nancy
Vivacious Miss Hanson was
presented in a formal and wore
a skirt and sweater representing
an activity girl in the style show
that preceded the TNC presen
tation. The typical University coed is
the Dresident of the all University
Fund and the Red Cross , College
Unit. She is also a member of
Alpha Ensilon Rho. radio honorary
and Pi Lambda Theta, teachers
College honorary.
The Teachers College junior is a
member of Gamma Phi Beta
The other candidates and their
costumes in the style show which
showed the all-coed audience
"How To Catch a Man" are:
Elizabeth Gass who wore a
nightgown and carried a stuffed
Nancy Whitmore exhibited
matching pajamas and robe and
carried a towel.
Lura Ann Harden carried a book
and wore a skirt, sweater and
Marilyn Irwin was presented in
a jerkin and sweater and carried
a -
Mary Ann Kellog wore a rain
Harriet Wenke stepped onto the
stage in a ski outfit
Georgia Hulac wore shorts and
Joan Holden exhibited a swim
wing suit and a terry cloth jacket
Marilyn Cook was dressed in a
knit dress and coat
Jane Calhoun wore a suit, hat
and jacket
Neala OTiell was dressed in a
wool jersey outfit
Mary Sue Gorton wore a wool
dress, hat and gloves.
Tina Wooster was presented in
a black dress and accessories.
Connie Clark wore a brown
dress with pink accessories. .
Syvia Krasae exhibited a cock
tail length . dress and carried a
Terry Barnes was dressed as a
Artie Westeott wore a formal.
Mary Jean Niehaus was a brides
maid and carried flowers.
Susan Reinhardt entered as a
bride in the traditional white
Mary Sidner was master of
ceremonies for the style show.
Gladys Novotny was pianist
Typical Nebraska Coed was
chosen by judges and AWS board
members. Last year's TNC was
Jean Vierk.
To Assign
furnished by the Animal Hus
bandry department The Block
and Bridle club will furnish
horses for the riding event
Winners of each class of live
stock will be awarded a plaque
with their name engraved on
it Runner-up will receive rib
bons. The coed riding contest winner
will receive a trophy,
Superintendents of the classes
, of livestock are: beef, Dave A us
tin; sheep, Wayne Frost; and
swine, Ralph Hild. Clayton Yeut
ter is in charge of special events
for the show.
Committee chairmen for the
Block and Bridle Show are:
Dale Reynolds, publicity; Ward
Hansen, coliseum; Bill Burrows,
coed riding; Tom Lelsy, awards;
Bill Johnson, cards and eloth
lati and Don Johnson, music
en C
rash Annual Hvefini
. . Skits, Curtain Acts
Managing Editor
The annual Coed Follies was a
madhouse for a while Tuesday
night as traditional troops of male
students stormed through the lie
braska theater.
But they were shortly evicted
by Lincoln and campus police and
the 1,226 members of the all-coed
audience saw Delta Gamma win
the skit competition and Sigma
Delta Tau take the cup for the'
best curtain act.
The Delta Gamma skit saw
Hannah try to pick a man in
Havanna. Hannah, a blue singer,
turned down offers by a scholar
and three sailors before a fat
hot tamale man stepped onto the
stage to win her heart.
The tamale man thought that
Hannah was the "hottest thine" he'
had seen in a long time. The skit, 4
was spiced with catchy singingl
and dance routines. I
The dopm of this perilous
atomic pge was presented by
Sigma Delta Tau in a weird cur
tain act called "Up and Atom."
Dressed in black costumes on a
dark stage the SDT women re
lated dim news that
all men will,
be cremated equal." J
A dancer dressed in white
brought life into the skit.
The second place skit was pre
sented by Kappa Kappa Gamma.
immigrant WOmen chose the
American cities in which they
wanted to live.
The perplexity of a college
graduate was the theme of the
third place skit winner, Love Me
morial hall. It was called "What
Next?" and showed a graduating
coed torn between the city and the
The Alpha CM Omega curtain
act won second in that division
with the story of captive jewels
that were freed by fish. Lob
sters had made the diamonds,
rubies, emeralds end pearls
There were five skits and four!
curtain acts. Other groups wnh
skits in the AWS production were;
Delta Delta Delta and Pi Beta
Phi. The other curtain acts were
Gamma Phi Beta and Alpha Phi.
The show featured excellent
between act entertainment This
part of the show was not judged.;
The Alpha . uu umega trio,
Mickey McKie, Kathy Radaker!
and Beverly Kunc sang Bluei
Mood and Mood Indigo.
A dance number with Jean
Sweeney and Mimi DuTeau liv
ened the period between skit and
curtain act in one spot
Another break number featur
ing the marimba music of Mary
maude Bedford was well received
by the audience.
Lois Srb imitated records and
Jo Hinds did a monologue in
other between act entertain
ment Marilyn Lehr performed a solo
dance and Charlotte Hervert
played Toccata by Khatchaturian
on the piano to nil in Between
other acts.
Another added attraction to
regular Follies entertainment was
US Delegate
To Describe
The main address at the Ne-
braska University Council on tour will ue to raise xunas ior
World Affairs model United Na- fifty dollar scholarship to be given
tions conference April 3 will be to a male student interested in
founded on the speaker's intimate music. The remyer of the award
knowledge of the mechanism, pro- will be chosen later by the execu
cedure and results of post-war in- v commiee, Jni a
ternational conferenceiT "J?"!
The speaker, Clyde Eagleton,
professor of international law,
was a United States delegate
to several of most important
the conferences, among them
the Dumbarton Oaks conference
in 1944 and the UN Conference
on International Organization
in San Francisco in 1945.
Eagieton is a member of many
national legal, political and edu
cational organza tions, where his
ability is evidenced by the num
ber of important posts which he
holds. He is on the executive
councils of the American Political
Science association, the American
Society for International Law and
and the Conference of Teachers
of International Law. He is vice-
chairman of the American Com.
mission to Study the Organization
of Peace.
Eagleton served the state de
partment as a legal expert in 1943-
45 and was a consultant to the In
terin Committee of the United
Nations in 1948. He has been con
sulted by various governments in
cases of international law.
In addition to his numerous
governmental and consulatory
activities, the speaker has writ
ten a number of books en inter
national law, International gov
ernment and the problem of
war. He contributes to several
American and foreign legal and
political science publications.
He is now professor of inter
national law and director of grad
uate programs in United Nations
and World Affairs.
He was a Rhodes scholar at Ox
ford, where he receive an A. B.
degree. He was granted his Ph, D.
at Columbia,
; A. 3 I
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Courtesy Lincoln Star.
TYPICAL ... Joan Hanson was
named Typical Nebraska Coed
Tuesday night at the annual
Coed Follies.
the Mortar Board satire on Mor-
tar Boards,
themselves Motor
Boats, the senior women's hon
orary society showed some of
its members as Red Dots, man
hunters and chorus girls, nomi
nated George Cobel for May
Queen this Ivy Day and told
the audience that they did not
have to behave any more be
cause they got the vote."
The general arrangements and
the announcing were under the
direction of Jean Loudon. Her as
sistant in charge of skits and cur
tain acts was Janet Steffen.
Other AWS members in charge
of sections of the show were:
Sharon Fritzler and Marilyn
Clark, style show; Mary Jane
Barnell, TNC; Marilyn Moomey
and Pat Weidman, tickets; Sally
Hall, notifications; Gertrude
Carey, Sue Holmes and Phyllis
Kort, program; Ginny Koehler,
lighting and Marilyn Bamesber
ger, stage manager.
Phyllis Kort, dressing rooms;
Nancy Button, flowers and cups;
Connie Gordon, ushers; Sue
Holmes, between act entertain
ment and Juanita Rediger and
Hester Morrison, publicity.
Judges for the skit" and cur
tain acts were Dallas Williams,
director of the University thea
tre; Miss Mary Mielem, asso
ciate professor of secondary ed
ucation; Earl Jenkins, instruc
tor in voice; Mrs. Lois Weaver,
instructor in physical educa
tion, and Miss Maxine Trauer
nicht instructor in speech and
dramatic art
Sinfonia Plans
Annual Spring
Concert Tour
Phi Mu Alpha, Sinfonia, mem
bers will begin their annual
spring concert tour of Nebraska
high schools April 8, according to
tentative plans announced by
Denny Schneider, Sinfonia presi
dent The tour group will consist of
the Sinfonia chorus and instru
mental ensembles, which will pre
sent a program of American mu
sic to high schools in Syracuse,
Ashland and Tecumseh.
The purpose of the two-day
including the same program to be
given during the tour.
Staff Writer
First coed I don't like some
of these modern dances. They're
nothing but hugging set to music.
Second coed well. What ao
you object to about that?
First Coed The music
In the good old days, when s
fellow told a girl a naughty
story she blushed. Nowadays,
ne memorizes it :
I wish I were a kangaroo,
Despite his funny stances;
I'd have a place to put the junk
My girl brings to dances.
The weste
rn a n (bless
his poor mis
guided soul)
predicts fair
weather to
day with high
around 5
(Fahrenbe 1 1,
that is). Me
thlnks that
whoever con
trols the wea
ther is trying
to weaken us with warn wea
ther so we'll get double rwa
monia when the nest cold ej'tU
1 !T
5 l?