The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1952, Page 2, Image 2
Wednesday, February 20, 1952 Little Man On Campus By Bibler Barb Wire Lotforip THE -DAILY NEBRASKAN EDITORIAL PAGE Progress Slowing Down A progressive step toward better faculty-stu- the committee are, what their part on the com- dent relations was taken last fall by the members mlttee is to be and in general, have not aroused of the Student Council. Seven Council members themselves from their own collegiate activities long were selected to represent student views on three enough to fulfill an Important duty, faculty committees. At present, 13 Council mem- It must be granted, however, that one or two hold nositlons. both ex-officlo and voting on of the committees have not had problems requlr- eight faculty committes, Student legislatures had been working toward this goal during past years and th,e final work and action of getting students on faculty commit tees wm achieved by this year's Student Council. ',' George Cobel, Council president, asked Council members to Indicate whether they would like to serve on faculty committees and whether they had a committee preference. These preferences were taken Into an execu tive committee meeting, Council officers and hold' lng them to meet so far this year; some of the student members have not been able to work the meetings utto their schedules; some of the stu dents have not been properly notified of the meetings. There seems to be quite a question as to just what the position of the student committee mem bers should be. Some have a vote on the commit tee; some do not. Some voiced appreciation of hav ing other student views to take to the meetings; over members, and used as the basis for deter- some felt they, alone, represented student opinion mining which people were to serve on which com- adequately. Some felt the work of the committee mittees. The entire Council then approved these se- was extremely important, interesting and worth- lections and the new faculty committee members while; some spoke lightly of the duties of their were to report to the chairman of their committee, committee. Committees on which the "student viewpoint" ' Is represented are parking, Coliseum rental, gen eral organizations, commencement and special degrees, student conduct, social affairs and final examinations. Students serving on these committees are: George Cobel, George Wilcox, Rex Messersmith, Peg Mulvaney, Miriam wmey, urn aerquisi, Sharon Fritzler, Jack Cohen, Joe Gifford, Dan Lar son, Joel Mead, Georgia Hulac and Delores Gade. Every student representative questioned Indi cated that the faculty have accepted their opin ions, suggestions and point of view very well. All Indicated that faculty members were happy to have students on their committees and regarded it as constructive progress. It appears that faculy members axe receiving very little support and cooperation from the very students who advo cated this progress. The Daily Nebraskan would like to suggest that It has become apparent to The Daily Nebraskan a reorganization of the student-faculty committees, that the new program is falling down somewhere. Only a few of the students serving on these committees have found time In their busy academic-activity schedules to attend meetings. The faculty chairman of some committees takes Into consideration the schedules of all members and then calls a meeting accordingly. Some commit tees meet at the same hour each week or month. Council members on the latter committees who have found it Impossible to attend any of the meetings, have not notified Cobel of the situa tion and have failed to remedy the problem through the selection of a substitute. Some student solons, supposedly members of faculty committees since early last fall, do not know when the committee meets, whether or not they have a vote on the committee, who is chair man of the committee, what the specific duties of from the student point of view, be undertaken. It would be wise to correlate schedules of student members with the meeting time of the faculty committees. It would be profitable to select stu dent members on the basis of interest shown, time available, and sincere desire to work with faculty members and to carry the "student viewpoint" to the faculty. It would be advantageous to find some method whereby student opinion not just one stu dent's opinion, but a overall campus attitude could be taken to the faculty meetings by the stu dent members. It would be helpful if University students would realize they do have a voice on faculty committees, would know who was repre' senting them and on which committees. It would strengthen the position of student faculty relationships if the Student Council would organize, supervise and endorse more effectivefy one of their own projects. R.R Don't Draft Me Last summer and spring over 339,000 draft eligible college men subjected themselves to a Selective Service Qualification Test. They wanted to stay In school. ! The test was given because the government realized that security in this nation depended not on large armies alone but also on a high educa tional level. In the press of military needs during the last war we lost sight of some more important long range requirements with the result that we now have considerable shortages In many techno logical areas. . The Selective Service regulation which provides that college students high in edu cational aptitude may be deferred to continue their training is an attempt to avoid the same costly error in the present emergency. The Educational Testing Service, who gave the tests, released examination results especially to The Dally Nebraskan. These statistics show the percentage of students in different academio majors and in different undergraduate years of study which passed the test. Although there Is no Information available about the results of the test in Nebraska or at the University, the testing service report does draw conclusions from nation-wide results. Across the country, only S3 per cent of the regions of the country "interesting." But no explan ation is given. The west north central score was the second highest, three percentage points behind leading middle Atlantic section. The per cent of freshmen who passed the test according to their major field of study provides an interesting commentary on the different col leges within a university. For anyone's informa tion, students in education (physical education included) had the lowest per centage of pass ing, freshmen and engineering students had the highest The per cent of candidates passing the test from engineering, and in physical sciences and mathematics, was well above average throughout. The social science students were above average, but not to such a great extent In business and commerce, agriculture and edu cation the per cent passing is well below the average. Humanities students were right on the average. There must be some reason why engineers would be so much better in an examination like that. The test was not devised to test on scientific ability alone but was divided "equally" between "linguistic and quantitative aspects of, the general aptitude." If the figures prove anything, they prove that the engineers know more about other fields freshmen taking the test received a grade above of study than general students know about "quan- the required 70, whereas 62 per cent of the sopho- titative" subjects. There are more men in engineer morec, 71 per cent of the juniors and 76 per cent tnan m education, but the figures are percent of the seniors passed the exam. The increase in aSes and this shouldn't enter into the picture. At percentage as the year in school increases is in a any rate. these actf might well be studied by ad large part attributable, the report said, to the pro- ministration leaders. gressive drop out of less able students. It might Another curious aspect of American education be the result of increased mental maturity. was brought out by the tests. Certain universities Another chart shows the per cent of freshmen found 98 Per cent of their students passing the la various regions around the nation that were test while others found as low as 35 per cent able able to pass the examination. In the west north to Pass- A2all engineering schools had the highest central section (which includes Nebraska) 57 per number of institutions with large amounts of stu- cent of the freshmen who took the test passed. This dents Passing. The lowest group of schools were the Is compared with the national average of 53 per business colleges. The Service has no answer for cent The report calls the differences in perform- tne seeming paradox that one arts school has ance found among students in various eeoeranhlc nearly perfect passing record and another suppos edly equal school could find hardly anyone who Barb VVyJe Proerams that use electric applause meters to'determine the winning contestant have finally contributed something constructive to campus lite. Junior-Senior prom organ' izers are making plans to use the instrument in deciding their queen. Maybe this mno vation will eliminate the queen who is wortn every cent of it. It may not be April fools day, but evidently some campus per sonalities think it is. About S a.m. one recent morning occu pants of a local boarding house, known nationally as 'sorority,' were awakened by the shrill ringing of a telephone. Upon answering, the girls were in formed that one of the sisters was in the elink on numerous charges and would someone please come down to the police station and bail her out Imagine the look on the night sergeant's face when two sleepy- eyed coeds, heavily armed with pen and check book, marched in ana announced they had come to post bau tor sister so-and-so. Now imagine the thouahts lean ing through the two coed minds as they were told someone must have gotten phone-happy because tnere was no one "there by that name. , A man from Michigan was reported to have said his wife made him stand in the lobby of a theater during scenes showing "bathing suits or abbreviated costumes. "I wonder if she gave him pop corn money? Statistics show that American tourists lost 396 DassDorts in Paris last year. Of the 197 recovered, 78 were iouna in bars. The rest in the front row of the Follies uergere, no doubt. Headline in Monday's Rag: "Ag Club Offers Scholarship To HE Coeds." This Ms the first time I have heard of he coeds and in capital letters yet Stand on your head. "Betcha ole Prof. Snarf popped a rough quls In here last period this room smells like th' boys' gymnasium." Council Blamed This is my first attempt at writ ing a Letterip but this time I am mad. For weeks you have fea tured stories by Student Council regarding campus parking, but what specifically, is being done by Student Council? As a Lincoln resident I must drive my car back and forth to school. It is not new to observe that these well-kept parking areas are for faculty. Also, if faculty parking areas are not filled and a student parks In the faculty area the "rustication pro cess begins." Those few parking lots which are open to the students are often in such deplorable condition that it is next to Impossible to park without the risk of getting stuck. As a junior and somewhat real istic about campus political pro cesses, can you do something edi torially or otherwise to bring Student Council out. of its faculty Inertia and do something con structive for the students they represent. T3n-VI4 Is maI si Ian A I ceil a mm far as many of my friends are concerned. The Student Council should show concrete results and not empty promises. DISGUSTED. Korn Kernels' Ag Organizations Begin Membership Drives Second semester membership drives are getting into full swing this week and next week here at Ag. The Ag Union wants more workers, especially those students who take an interest in the Ag Union and who use its facilities. The four committees that students may sign up for are Arts and Handicraft, Dance, Publicity and Hospitality, and General Enter tainment. Ag Builders' m e m b e rship drive will also start soon. Aggies can sign up for tour committee, membership committee, parties and conventions committee, publicity committee and sales committee. Dale Reynolds Trl-K and Block and Bridle de partmental clubs both are having member ship drives this week. Tri-K is for students having com pleted three hours of agron omy, a 4.5 av erage and an interest in agronomy. Block and Bridle is for students having completed three hours of animal husbandy, sophomore standing, a 4.5 average Lurk Reynolds ChordsjXnd Discords Columnist Attempts To Interest, Readers In Classical Music I have had several requests to1 review classical recordings, and I sincerely hope my effort, as trival as it is, will bring some under standing and possibly entice some of you, the readers, to the Union Music Boom. To understand and enjoy classical music it is important to know not only the compo ser, but the meaning behind each movement he writes. -Dave Cohen Margin Notes1 Congratulations to the faculty committee (with one student member) that decided upon and arranged for Trygve Lie, Norwegian secretary-general of the United Nations, to visit Lin coln this spring as speaker at commencement exercises. His acceptance of the commencement offer may be an indication that the University of Nebraska is becoming more aware of world affairs. His appearance may spark University students to sit up and take notice of what's going on outside the campus. From the Daily Kansan editorial pages comes the suggestion that advocates of requirements hav ing to do with subjects other than a student's major field of study, think up new reasons for their annual arguments. The author felt that prattle about mental discipline and cultural values was bunk in the face of the little good derived from language, science, physical education or military requirements. Students might forget their continual griping about required courses for a minute and see if some could pass the examination One answer might be that only the' more bril liant students took the non-required test at the school with the better average and at the other institution .sudents with low school averages took the exam. This Is quite possible because students In the upper per cent of their class were automatically deferred and the test was unnec ssary for them. Nevertheless, the quality of In struction some schools offer must be definitely inferior to that of other institutions. The Daily Nebraskan will present more of the statistics at a later date and consider the usefulness of the test as a reason for draft deferment. D.P. JhsL ' (Daily, TMto&kaiv FIFTY-FIRST YEAR Member Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press that George took an interest in jazz, bneanng developed rus sxyie and did some arranging beiore ne came to the United States in 1947. The quintet on the LP disc entitled "Discovery" was formed for the recording date and they have remained intact to become known as the George Shearing Quintet The opening t" "' I mgs new releases are a far cry irom tne line sides of this disc. There have been several fine recordings made of Charmaine, but after listening to several of them including Billy May, Ralph Flanagan and Vaughn Monroe I picked out the one I believe to number -Uf. With FatheT" to 'be toPs- Gene .Amnions and his number, Lire mtn ramer, is . , rhnina Ammr. The Daily Nebraskan ii published by the student! of the University of Nebraska) u expression of itudenta' news and opinion! only. According to Article II of the By-Laws governing student publi cations and administered by the Board of Publications. "It Is the declared policy of the Board that publications, under III luruv dlctlon shall- be free from editorial censorship on the part of the Board.' or on the part of any member of the faculty of the Tnlver- practical, actual good could possibly be derived WSVK printed. Subscription rate are 12.00 a semester, iz.og mauea or is.ou ror Mozart's life and music are very interest ing, because he was the Iirst great child pro digy. Histori ans say that Mozart as a child was char acterized by a sweetness and serenity not possessed by any other child Cohen in history. He was an excellent musician and even his composi tions were acclaimed great before he reached early adolescense. Mo zart s music follows a definite trend. His early life was one of seclusion and wealth. After this period his life was one of ups and downs. From good health to ill, from riches to poverty. Mozart's Symphony No. 34 In C Major is one of the earliest of his works. The symphony was written just after his father had disapproved of his pro posed marriage. Mozart fol lowed his father's wishes and soon after completed this sym phony, while working as or ganist in the court The opening movement is an Allegro Vivace, and the vigorous theme appears at the beginning. The second movement is scored onlly for strings and bassoons. In contrast to the first movement it is quiet and delicate and played much in the manner of chamber music. The finale is a lively on rushing rondo which brings the symphony to a joyous conclusion. The theory that jazz is strictly an American art has taken a beat ing at the hands of George Shear ing. Shearing was Dorn in im- don, England. His musical edu cation was entirely classical, ano it wasn't until he was seventeen a bright paced arrangement and a fine example of how shear ing builds up the tempo of a song. On "Midnight On Cloud 69" Shearing sets a slow serene mood with some rjrettv chord changes i Am the melody progresses. Shear ing plays the accordian on "cner- akee" and sets a last pace wnicn brings some fine results. Shear- band were my choice. Ammons plays a fine tenor sax and the disc features him on the solo. He plays a dreamy legato style and his phrasing and ad lib work is good. The reverse side "Unde cided" is done in the same style as "Charmaine" with a leading tenor sax solo, and a lull band background. Both sides are danceable and llstenable Main Featnre Clock Schedule Famished by Theater Esquire: "Lost Horizon," 7:12, 9:22. State: "On Dangerous Ground," 1:00, 3:55, 6:50, 9:45. "Whip Hand." 2:33. 5:28. R:23. Varsity: "Another Man's Poi son," 1:32, 3:33, 5:34, 7:35, 9:36. from "useless requirements." It Is amazing to glance through the pages of The Dally Nebraskan or the city papers and note how wide and how varied are the "out-of-class-rooua" activities . of University instructors. In Tuesday's Nebraskan seven stories concerned "extra-curricular" doings of faculty members. It Is commendable that University instructors so wueiflshly share their time, their education and tS&ir intelligence outside of the classroom. f Doily Thought Kt puts tip with small annoyances to Cia great results. Latin. the college year, 14.00 mailed. Sinsle copy 5c Published daily durlna the school year except Saturdays and Sundays, vacations and examination periods. One issue published during the month of A uniit h the University of Nebraska under the supervision of the Committee on Student Publications. Entered a Second Class Hatter at the Post Office in Lincoln. Nebraska, under Act of Congress, March 3. 1879, and at special rate of postal provided for In Section 1103. Act of CongreM of October B. 1H1Y, autnorUcd September 1U, 1922. EDITORIAL STAFF " Editor . . . Joan Krueger Associate Editor Ruth Raymond Managing Editors Don Pteper, Sue Gorton News Editor. , Sally Adams. Ken Rystrom, Jan Steffeo. Hal Hatselbalch. Sally Hall Boortg Editor Marshall Kushner Asa't Sports Editor Olenn Nelson Feature Editor Kathy Radaker Ag Editor JDaie Reynolds Rnrl,-tv Editor Connie Gordon Photographer Bob Sherman BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Jack Cohen Asa't, Business Managers Stan Slpple, Arnold Stern, Pete Beresten rirculatlnn Manaier Qeoraw Wilcox Night News Editor Bally Adams SHE CARED TOO m ASOUT KEN... TOO LITTLE ABOUT RULES! pfpl rorson' A ' Jim and an interest in animal hus bandry. Feb. 29 is the deadline for applications for entering the coed's western-style horseback riding contest, which is one of the special features of the an nual Block and Bridle Show, a livestock showmanship contest featuring special horse acts. Coeds may se their own horses or use horses furnished by the Block and Bridle club The drawing for the horses pro vided by the club will be held the following week. Aggies can also sign up for live stock to show in the Block and Bridle Show. The different divi sions are swine, beef cattle and sheep. Students may sign up in Animal Husbandry hall for the fitting and showing of these animals. The deadline is March 1. The Ar Union ping pong con test is still going strong, and will last for six more weeks. Men play from 12 to 1 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday and eoeas piay rrom 1 to i p.m. Thursday. A winner will be named each week, and at the end of the eighth week, a tournament of the win ners will be held. The Better Living series dis cussion this week in the Ag Union lounge on war marriages will fea ture a panel discussion. Members of the panel will bring out many of the problems that couple en counter when trying to decide whether to marry or wait when a man is called to the service. The movie for the Ag Satur day Night Cabaret Is entitled "The Prince and the Pauper." NU BULLETIN BOARD Wednesday Ag Builders membership com mission, 4 p.m., Ag Builders 01 lice. French clubi 4 D.rn., Union. Council of rW Project chair man, 5 p.m., Ellen Smith hall. YW Fine Arts commission, south room, Ellen Smith hall, 4 p.m., Elaine Smithberger, leader. YW Goals and Values commls mission, southeast room, Ellen Smith hall, 5 p.m., Norma i,otn rop, leader. Alpha Kappa Fsl, professional business fraternity, smoker, 7:15 Room 316, Union. IDA LUPINO-ROBERT RYAN with WARD BONO CHARUt KEMPER Matlnrrs Sat. 1 p.m. Hun. S p.m. Xve. till A t p.m. "a -13 n All-Tlme Motion rieture Hlasslcl tail -"Fa "Ski ' ..V,,,. I J ' i IS95 wf n --v 1 ...end Red Rubber Scb J fcr Srocrt Styb cd Beta Ccrfit Frostly white buck upper leather, underscored by a soft, deep-yielding red rubber sole, gives you comfort pellefj out in smart style. It's the national campus favorite. Come in today and discover for yourself th superb comfort of Jarman's "friendliness of fit." Men' Shoe . , , MAG EE'S Flrt Floor L.