Korn Kernels- 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, February 13, 1952 Barb Wire EDITORIAL PAGE One-Way Streets? Better Living Series, Box Social, 'Pot Luck On Ag Agenda ! i . . . Pro . . . Con r ll One-way streets through the campus may be- A proposal is soon to come before the Lincoln come a reality if the proposal now before the Lin- city council which provides for making 16th and cola city council is adopted. There Is a definite 17th streets one-way lanes, possibility that 16th and 17th streets from R to Under the new plan 16th would be used for Holdrege may be limited to traffic traveling in a south bound traffic only while 17th would be re- sinirle direction served for north bound traffic. The pros and cons , of this issue are involved and varied as with any Students ana many otner persons wno wouia progressive chtmge. be effected by such a plan are echoing protests AOP(,inir fitmrti. released by the wollce against it. Their arguments seem to revolve around a central theme "One-way traffic would be such a nuisance. We would have to go out of our way to reach houses on 16th street or to go to Ag campus." Their argument against the plan seems to be logical if they are considering one-way traffic from a purely selfish stand-point. However, if they would consider it from the viewpoint ot what will bring the greatest benefit to the driv ing public both University and Lincoln resi dentsthey must concede that it has certain merits. department, approximately 6000 cars use 17th street dally. Only about 3600 drivers now use 16th street each day. Assuming that half of the trafflo goes each way, 3600 cars ge north on 17th and about 1800 on 16th for a total of 4800 north bound vehicles. If all south bound traffic were routed over 16th it would mean approximately 580i) autos passing daily in front of the Residence Halls for Women, organized women's houses and organized men's houses on 16th street; an increase of 1200 cars or one third more traffic. Even before the change was proposed, coeds nrtmnlnirnsrl nf Vioftw rnrn Vinnr Treffio ixrhon ptacc These merits seem to outweigh any of the dis- Jng J6th t(J t tQ thdr houses 0f Unlesg advantage , orougnt lorm oy ine opponents oi strict speed Jimits were enforced along with sev It was shown in the survey made by George Barton, Chicago traffic consultant employed by the city of Lincoln, that 17th street was carrying a heavier traffic load than the width of the street could adequately accommodate. With the assistance of the traffic division of the local police depart ment, Barton has shown that something will have to be done to remedy the situation. Two possible solutions were offered widen 17th street or re strict it to one-way traffic. The present city budget eral stop signs, the danger to pedestrians will in crease immensely. According to City Commissioner of Publio Welfare and Safety, Ray Osborn, no improve ments are immediately forthcoming on 16th. Railroad crossings have become exceedingly rough and the brick paving comprising most of the street Is none too smooth. Osborn was un certain as to whether traffic signals could be obtained to regulate crossings at R and possibly Vine streets. In additoin to the increased hazards for pedes- Barb Wylie Read an article the other day where a woman dropped into a newspaper office and calmly told the editor she would like to run the news paper for a few weeks be cause there were a few people in the town that needed tell ing off. With the thought of a long dark cell in mind, the editor told her of the impos sibility of such a stunt. Guess things is tough all over. Maybe a full- time psychia trist employed by the Univ ersity would be a good deal. He could let us all in on why students try to arrange sched ules so they in clude a 10 a.m. coffee hour and why most of the a.m. coking Dale Reynolds 1 mm I , j. v of vou Aggies are interested r,N.in B Mate." is the toDic of discussion at Union lounge. j unum ,.,,- :- - - nrofessors. tt tav t 5 n.m. as the second se- in gating and visiung w.. -- .L,.A " rfWnsdnn o-ets under sien up in the Ag w r . .. ' . mesicr jjciier A-uvi"e owv. way. Speaker for the discussion is Pat Wall. 5he is n up m xne js v - -The dinner is free to all students and all you i it.. A rr TTnlrtA ic hftlrv. working with the co-ordination of religious groups ve to do issign up. by at the University such as checkers, chess, cards and ping Ail Ag siuaems buu .u.v - - , d in(, the lunch period. pong ior evnp" can not bear the expense which widening the trians and the poor condition of the 16th street, street at the present time would bring about, the change would place heavy restrictions on the Therefore, single direction traffic would at least business operations of the Reimers and Kaufman cement company. Under the present system trucks enter the grounds from the south on 16th streets. The company manager said the proposed change would force their trucks to detour nearly a mile to enter the plant without going against traffic. Furthermore, the manager pointed out, the com pany pulls gravel cars across the street several times a day thereby completely blocking traffic for a number of minutes. Omar bakery and the Elgin Watch company spokesmen had no objection to the revision. Watson Brothers trucking firm had no strenuous objections. However, the manager indicated he would rather leave the street system as it is. The new plan would be inconvenient for stu- offer A temporary solution. In spite of the inconvenience which such a plan might cause, it seems like a very reaction ary view-point to argue against a plan which would benefit the majority of the motorists who travel these streets. How can the casual observer disagree with the wisdom of men who have made it a career to solve traffic problems and elimin ate trafflo hazards? Opponents of the plan stress that they would haveto travel out of their way to reach their des tination. A true statement. But have they stopped to realize that by adding an additional traffic lane to each street that the flow of traffic will be dents when one wanted to approach houses along greatly speeded up? By allowing more cars to go 16tn from aU streets south of Vine crosing from through traffic signals at the same time, the time the west 0nlv during late afternoon and early wasted in waiting for red lights will be greatly morning rush hours is it ever difficult to turn left reduced. Thus, the longer distance will br alanced off Q or R street. A traffic light would solve that by the shorter time element So what difference situation any time of day. does it make if cars are routed down 16th street Under the present system the major part of Instead of 17th street? the traffic bypasses the campus on 17th street. - Few houses border the thoroughfare and few t m students cross. Those who do are protected by a vuivonuiy residents ana citizens oi Lincoln signals, wish to be selfish, they will opose one-way streets. Untu a more satisfactory solution to Lincoln's If they are forward-looking, progressive per- traffic problem is found, the present system, with sons, they will believe in what is best for the a few minor but important improvements, is the community as a whole and will vigorously support safest and more satisfactory of the two plans. the proposal for one-way streets. S.A. H.H. Ignorance Don't Pay All in all, we Americans are an ignorant lot knowledge of knowing and understanding geog just like most other people. But while others try raphy of both the U.S. and the rest ot the world, to hide their Ignorance, we take pleasure in find- The U-S. is the leader of the world and some ing out just how ignorant we really are and widely University students will become future leaders, publicize our shame. The New York Times has But to understand our own country, as well as made its contribution by interviewing 4,752 col- others we must have a firm knowledge of geog lege students on geography and flunking them out raphy." s 1 Wylie tend the series. The subjects that . will be under discussion are tht qualities to look for in a mate how to go about choosing one and how to know "whether he or she is the right one or not." Next week the discussion will center on marriage during war periods when it is proper and different problems that enter into the situation. "Choosing a Mate" will also be the topic of the Better Living series discussion at the Student Union on Thursday. "Pot Luck With the Profs" will be held again is at Dirty Earl's and why the Crib is filled in the afternoon. He might even tell Bob Richenbach why he is here. A recent Ripley column stated that mothers in some tribe in Africa have to seal their lips with pins every time they pick up their baby sons. Mothers or not, what a stupendous plan for college women when they start to think about saying some Heard lately that the newest, or soon to be new, thing on TV is telecasting of symptoms and treatments by medical associa tions. Pretty soon viewers will be able to see a doctor arrayed in plaid shirt and levis and packing a little black bag chase the orn ery head cold across a barren laboratory table. Instead of the gasping hero dying from a bullet hole between the eyes, the plaid shirted doctor will be listing the symptoms of double labor pneu monia and glandular fever. On graduation day the medi cal studen; won't be handed a sheepskin, but a high outdoor aerial. As I said before, things is tough all over. Friday night in the Ag Union is the Ag Valen tine's box social. Girls are supposed to bring boxes to be auctioned off, with the proceeds going Vo the March of Dimes. Everyone is to bring a small valentine. It's sponsored by the Ag Union. Every one coming can enjoy television, a movie, danc ing and other games. The Varsity Dairy club has decided to have a showmanship contest of their own. Scheduled for March 4, it will include several special events, in cluding a coed cow milking contest The name of the movie for next Sunday at . .... aa. j -!. this Sunday evening form 5 to 7 p.m. in the Ag 3 p.m. in the Ag Union is "House on ou.. Chords And Discords Reynolds Jerry Gray Gives Poor Imitation Of Glenn Miller's Style Jerry Gray's album "A Tribute to Glenn Miller" is made up of eight Gray sides that were per formed by the Miller band, "if lag Waver" sounds like anything but the Glenn Miller style. It sounds like the music Woody Herman played just after the war. "Har vest Moon" is played in the Miller style but like all other imitations it lacks the precision and section effect that Miller's crew pos sessed. "St. Louis Blues" is a dreamy arrangement and the tenor sax solo wanders aimlessly through it. This power packed album is in contrast to the easy' going dance numbers Gray has been turning out. Tony Bennet and his dreamy voice make "Since My Love Has Gone" and "Silly Dreamer" top Dave Cohen 1 In what country is the Ob river? ' List and give the approximate population of the five largest cities in the U.S. Which states border the Great Lakes? What is the population of Great Britain? Name the largest state. The University administration should agree with this. Why then, in the College of Arts and Sciences, is geography not acccepted as a science require ment while it is in Teachers college? It is doubtful If the knowledge of philosophy, chemistry, botany and physical education will prove more beneficial to the world than learning a knowledge of the world itself. What advantage is there in knowing NU BULLETIN BOARD Thanks to the Hit parade, the Rangers and the ntinf and classes over knowing the 48 Democrats who live there, 62 per cent knew the right answer to that last question Texas. But when it comes to geography in the greater sense, most of us are like the lady from Lincoln who pro posed to drive to California. When she was asked by what route she was going, she replied, "By Chi cago of course." We all know our own neighborhood better than we know Ob. The Samoyedes who live on the Ob Do students receive a well-rounded educa tion? Or, are they leaning too far towards spe cialized fields? The goal of education, we are often reminded, is a well-trained mind. Years ago, the philosopher Bernard de Fontenelle said, "A well-trained mind is made up ... of all the minds of past ages; only a single mind has been educated during all that time." For better or worse, whether others like it or Wednesday YW Fine Arts Commission meeting, Ellen Smith hall south east room at 4 p.m. Leader, klame Smithburger. YW Goals and Values Commis sion meeting, Ellen Smith hall, southeast room at 5:00. Leader, Norma Lotnrop. "Street Scene" tryouts, 201 Temple from 7 to 9. ASME meeting, 7:15 p.m., Rich ards laboratory, Room 206. Candidate Officers association, 7:30 p.m., Love Library auditor ium, featuring a debate on UMT. Thursday "Street Scene" tryouts. 201 Temple, from 3 to 5 p.m. Red Cross board filings close, 4 p.m. Search Week executive commit tee meeting, 4:30 p.m., Wesley Student house. Tri-K meets in Crop laboratory at 7 p.m. NUCWA, business, meeting at 7:15 p.m., speaker at 7:30. Coffee discussion hour, faculty lounge, 5 p.m., subject of discus sion "Is He the One." Block and Bridle club, 7:15 p.m., Room 208, Animal Husbandry building. Phalanx meeting, 7:au p.m Room 206. Armory; all members requested to be present; corn- husker pictures to be taicen. Fine Arts ensemble concert, p.m., union ballroom. songs despite Bennet's strain to reach the high notes. Dean Martin does some nice relaxed singing on "Blue Smoke" and on the reverse side, "The Night Train to Memphis,' he opens un and shows his versatility by going hillibilly. The first half of the famous Martin ana JjOuis twosome has a natural crooners voice. "Charmaine" is one the top tunes of the month and Vaughn Monroe's disc is one of the best. Mr. Emotion's singing is big and mellow, and his big band in the background follows suit. Johnny Ray has taken the spot light as the number one singer of the season. Such songs as "The Little White Cloud that Cried," "Please Mr. Sun," and "Broken Hearted" have placed Ray far above other vocalists in styling. Ray moans, groans and screams on his discs, but there can be no doubt that his releases are great and that Ray will climb new heights. Listen to his songs and hear for yourself. Janet Ross Reigns As '52 Sweetheart Of Amikita Janet Ross was revealed as the Amikita Sweetheart at the annual Amikita Ball held Saturday night in the College Activities building. The three attendants were Lucy Snyder, Jo Hines and Janet Lynch. The sweetheart was chosen from the active members. Chaperones for the ball were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams. Letterip Good Work ... Dear Editor: Since my Teturn from "the country," I have been reading many inches of newsprint in re gard to the present flare-up of the old parking problem. Congratulations are in order for both the staff and theme of our Daily Nebraskan. Journalists who have the will and instight with which to expose the cause and effect of such problems allow our daily clarion to live the creed of America journalism. After reading your commen taries and a slight misrepresenta tion of the tacts by Dean Borg mann, (there have been chronic violators other than students,) I feel that the chance of alleviation of the Darkinff problem and the resultant humiliation may not yet be lost. We students and faculty do need assurance that an effort is being made in our behalf. Those of us who are to be premanently rusticated after our next ticket are vitally concerned. And wil those who follow us be snared as easily as we? WILLIAM ELDER Felton mi VcIf Your fxcusve Smith-Corona Deafer in Lincoln Rent a NEW portable type writer. If you desire to purchase the portable, rental cost will be deducted from price of type writer within 3 months period. Phone 2-8577 1228 P probably never heard of Lincoln, however improb- t th American e have been entrusted with -VI - 41 L . I - 41 T 1 1 A f C the conservation and direction of mankind. This requires not only the firm knowledge that the world is round, but ability to read, understand and interpret what men of high inteligence have said about this world, to pass it on to another gen eration and to add a few words of our own. The Daily Nebraskan hopes the Requirement committee will keep this in mind when it again decides the various colleges' requirements. S.G. KNUS On The Air 870 ON YOUR DIAL 3:00 "Music From Everywhere" 3:15 "Vaughn Monroe Sings" 3:30 "Student Union Show" 3:45 "Memorable Music" 4:00 "Musical Grab Bag" 4:15 "Moose Calls" 4:30 "U N E S C O" 4:45 "Girl Like a Meldoy" 5:00 Sign Off JhfL (Daih TkbhasJiatL FORTY-NINTH YEAR . Member Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press The Dilly Nebrankan b published by (he ttndenti of the University able that may seem to the Lincolnites, Unlike the Samoyedes we are people who take the responsibility for a lot of geography. We have a poor excuse for not knowing much more about the subject. It is one thing for a student not to be able to locate a river in Germany, but it Is something else to find that only 18 out of 4,752 eould name the largest American cities and give their population. Only 4 per cent could name the states bordering the Great Lakes and only 5 per cent could name those bordering the At lantic. The New York Times is not alone intesting students about -geography knowledge. Geography instructors at the University also give general knowledge tests to beginning students. Esther S. Anderson, assistant professor of geography, told The Daily Nebraskan that the majority ot her N""1" ,re",on. "L ,1"de?u' ncw ?d r'!!lo, "?'? J "ijmij nci Accord t0 Article I of the By-Liiwi governing ttudent publi- StUdentS Cannot Correctly locate the 48 States, and eatlong nd administered by the Bord of Publication!, "It k . , . . , . . the declared policy of the Board that publication., under Its lurla- SOme StUdentS have been known to locate Wrongly diction shall be free from editorial cenionhip on the part of the tf. 4ft A cvoot mmv., ,, ji' u j Board, or on the part of any member of the faculty of the Unlver- AIjU 48. A great number Of Students, She Said, do ,H,, but the memben of the itaff of Tb. Daily Nebraskan re not even know the states bordering Nebraska and ed""y ,e,pon"bl ,or ,hev m " do or lo SOme Cannot locate Chicago, Boston and New York Subscription ratei tn 2.00 semester. IS.BO mailed or M.OC I for I ' college year, 14.00 mailed. Single copy Be. Punished dally City. A Surprising number, She revealed, do not during the school year except Saturdays and Sunday., vacations and , ... , . . . , , . etamination periods. One Issue Published during the month of Know the rivers and major towns in Nebraska, and August by the University of Nebraska under the supervision of the 4.,. j,t Viln1r , TU!L,r,iMr.i i , Committee on Student Publications. Entered as Second Class Matter SOme StUdentS think the Mississippi river Separates at lh. Post fWlce In Lincoln. Nebraska, under Act of Congress. March 8, 1H79, and at special rate of postage proviaea lor in bection 11(13, Act of Congress or tlcloMr . lull, authorized bepumoer 1U, 1B22. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Joan Krueger Associate Editor Hutn nsymona Managing Editors Don Pleper, Sue Gorton News Editors Bally Adams, Ken Rystrom. Jaa Stcffen. Kal Haaselbalch. Bally Hall Sports Editor Marshall Kushner Aas't Sports Editor , Glenn Nelson Feature Editor Kathy Radaker Ag Editor Dale Reynolds Society Editor Connie Gordon Photographer bob Sherman BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Jack Cohen the U.S. from Canada, as well as Mexico. Prof. Leslie Ifcwes, geography department chairman, told The Daily Nebraskan that the majority ef University students lack the physical Daily Thought If you love yourself overmuch, nobody . im -t a ti t:zi wiii iovb you ai an. Ass't. Business Manager! Circulation Msnaaer Might News Editor kttao BiPPle. Arnold Stern, Pete Bere-stcn , . George Wilcox . , . . BatftjT Radaker ctoQna cScgjS- " " UJidmofr m i t i LIQUID CREAM SHAMPOO More than just liquid, more than just cream ... new Wildroot Liquid Cream Shampoo it combination of the bttt of both. Even in the harden water Wildrout Shampoo washes hair gleaming clean, manageable, curl inviting without robbing hair of it natural oils. Saapless luslsy ,., Lanolin Levelyl TMPiri lltlfl 29- W 9f I P. S. To keep hair neat bttwten shampoos utitady Wildroot Crtam Hair Dsrmg. fe WYEAR OP SERVjCETs .itfTlhrlav Special Purchase! KMWT n Usually 29.95 to 35.00 Pink Beige Lilac Navy Yellow Aqua Wardrobe wonders that take you most every where. So basic bo wonderfully priced! Beau tiful spring colors in batwing and short sleeve styles . . . jewel neck lines and petite collars. All 100 wool chenille. Sizes 10 to 18. 0' 6 Style$ From Which to Choose! COLD'S Sportswear . Second Floor