The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tuesday, February 5, 1952
Wr tffl i
food For Thought-
ACP Reporter Compares Time's
'Younger Generation' To 1920 Views
ieiir'i nilit TSU if raarlnl of Tk Yoanfr Genera
tion: A Vivid Portrait Sllfhtly Blurred , , , iy jamea Tlntner,
Aaaaelateet 1'nlleflat Press reparter.)
All older generations have one tradition in
common: their tiabit of talking about younger
generations. Last November, Time magazine car
ried on the tradition.
" Time asked the question, "Is it possible to paint
portrait of an entire generation?" What fol
lowed were four pages about "The young Genera
tion" a portrait painted In vivid, brilliant color.
According to Time, "Each (generation) has
a quality as distinctive as a man's accent."
Maybe so. But whether or not an older genera
tion is capable of feeling out these distinctions
H another question. To find out how other
Younger Generations Time's for Instance have
been sized up by their elders, we went back to
articles written in the 20s and '30s.
Below are 10 Time quotations plus an equal
number of quotations about other younger genera
tions. The results, we believe, is that Time's colors
become slightly blurred.
I believe, drink less today than they did 10 years
ago and a great deal less than they drank in 1300.
So with college boys. They may go on occasional
gaudy toots, but the steady boozing of 30 years
ago is now out of fashion.
Time: But youth's "ambitions have shrunk.
Few youngsters today want to mine diamonds in
South Africa, ranch in Paraguay. ...
Literary. Digest, 1936: Ambitions have been
humbled: enterprise has been chilled.
Time: Novelists likeTruman Capote, William
Styron and Fredrick Beuchner are precocious
technicians, but their books have the air of sus
pecting that life is long on treachery, short on r&
wards. What some critics took for healthy revolt
in James Jones' "From Here to Eternity" was
really a massively reiterated gripe against life.
But Jones is not the only young writer to wallow
in a world of seemingly private resentments. Most
Am I
Connie's Corner
Sofa Reichenbach
First of all. let's set those
dates straightened out that
appeared in Thursday s "col-f of the oarties included everv
umn lior the benetlt Of the thina from the Droverbial soud to
tnree or you who read this nuts.
mess.) The vsh r.n HhnvirMii "Black and White" was the
Connie Gordon
The party line was really buz-
jsin' this weekend. And the themes
f his fellow writers suffer from what k k
. . .v uao UVVU1I1C
their occupational disease: belief that disappoint
Time: Today's generation, either through fear, ment is life's only certainty,
passivity or conviction, is ready to conform. Saturday Review of Literature 1935- It ran fc
1776 not 1796 and 1789 not
1849. These are the dates of
the American and French
revolutions, as if you didn't
Know, wow embarrassm .
Belated to- Patsv Peters 1952
1FC Sweetheart. To squelch all
me adverse comment surround
ing the selection and the basis
for the choice of the IFC Sweet
heart, just look at Patsy. The
"fallacious methods of choice".,
can't be too bad as they result in
the selection of a girl like Patsy
who is a real sweetheart in anv-
Doctys book.
There is an impending event
on campus which speaks well
for the improvement of campus
spirit and better efficiency. It
is the Leadership Training pro
gram which is being arranred
Is- l,
- I i-" --- ' ikt- I
theme of the ATO's Beaux Arts
ball. The basement of the house
was decorated to simulate a
French cafe. The first floor of the
ATO house was decorated with
modern art. The color scheme, of
course, was black and white.
Some of the dates to the
party included: George Cogan
and Janet Schenken (Omaha);
John Tatum and Mary Jo Shain
holts (Omaha); Dick Claussen
and Barbara Turner; Mae
Bailey and Susan Reinhardt;
mon; Claude Berreckman and I HILLBILLIES, NU STYLE . . . Throwing fancy duds and city
Carole Gifford (Lincoln); Nick 1 ways aside for an evening at the Tneta Ai tiuiDuiy party are jun
Amos and Janet Ickes; Jerry
Jensen and Kay Yeiter; Bruce
Kennedy and Jo Ann Wallace;
Lee Moore and Marilyn Lehr;
Mary Ann Lauer and Dean
Rings n' things 'n buttons 'n
bows were definitely out of style
Mavin nawiV W Th T.nt HonerBfinn 1J3fi' snir! l.u.i.v-. j . , a1, wnicn 13 DClng arranged
en ,: r -:r.:: :z: ";r:r "rciu wa or coni0n that by the mnocenu and Morur at the Theta xi mubiiiv partv.i Place and a Night club was the ?f" r:?"" rjrsssLa
This lack of revolt is more ominous than active
Time: The most startling fact about the
younger generation is its silence. With some rare
exceptions, youth is nowhere the rostrum. By cism because it never hoped for much.
Tighe (standing), and (1. to r.) Dave Knapp, Barbara Gtrmore and
Betty Hall. (Datiy weDrasaan rn,;
Butch Williams; Carroll Swift !Jack Baugher and Jan Harrison;
and John Olson; Jan Carter and I Howard Dennis and Sue Porter;
Chick White pick Worrall and Jane Fletcher;
Saturday was the date: the Al-' 2d tx,?!.6,!!!'
SULG! 'h0e Was lh!'Arnie Strashelm and
Time: In real life, youth seems to know, people
always drop the ball. Youth todav has little ri.
. comparison with the Flaming Youth of their
fathers and mothers, today's younger generation
is a still small flame. It does not issue manifestos,
make speeches or carry posters. It has been called
the "Silent Generation." But what does the silence
mean? What, if anything, does it hide?
Forum, 1922: Bat perhaps their (youth (s)
scandalous failure in expression, when expres
sion is what they yearn for and demand at all
costs, may be a symptom of something deeper:
; ef a radical mistake they have made in the di
rection of their efforts and aspirations.
h i , '" at me xiieia jvi xilUDUiy fariy. I uiiu a inigiu ciuu was lite
uie miaaie generation of American writero in Boards. It's rommonlv referred rwniinne iniioi them fnr tr.R nioso 9ri
defeatists written on their foreheads. . M. L004P Leadership hay and other landmarks of hill-1 Seen at the AGR Night Club sonCo nrratulatlons are in order
oiuy country. Ciu y n,gcl 7ere: JJot ere; for the following couples who
I Some of the couples seen at the and -Nancy Sanders; Dean Lins-j are engaged They are: Kay
party were: Lloyd Zelewski and and Cecelia Pinkerton; Bill Moore tnd Bob Banks: Mary
Julie Yost; Larry Poppa ami Johnson and Kaye Nelson; Art waits and Dick Shonard (ma
Janet Rogers; Bob Albers and "ttU" and Norma Wescott; Lee rines); Jean DeLong and Bill
Ann Lundy; Wes Jensby and Ma- George and Marilyn Larson; Jack1 Murphy; Diane Manning and
rion Uhe; Jack Moore 'n' Betty Lemon and Yvonne Moran. I rUss Cugler.
iester; uave Knapp and Barbara' jwome carlo was the theme ofi others seen together over the
Literary Digest, 1927: Can yon be mmrU.
if a generation robbed of its youth, with its
ideals empty as blown bubbles around it. turned
for a time to a mood of pessimistic cynicism.
... The mood has passed, and the younger
generation is attempting soberly to adjust itself
to this bruised world.
ocnooi. uui seriously, sucn a
program is long overdue on this
this campus. There is a definite
lack of coordination between
the various activities. This fact
was brought home to me with
sobering force during the cam
paign to maintain the existence
people T talked we? party that was1 weekend were: Tom Durm and
iicwpic t taiKea io w ere in ravor i - c-. t .cn.i, -j ru,.n,,. held Saturdav nitrht TWnr.i!M D.L. - ,: r.-
or college Days, BUT . . . "we've
lis Seger; Tom Spahn and Phvllis ' neld Saturday mght Decorations vhn Srvrlini?: Darlen Fisns
c-i ii . iitlti4Aj'1 3 m i . . r .
somethinr planned already and i"1"'""" rel ocnmiai ana uccoiauons oi rea and Hal Bauer; Ann renner and
wTprobfbS won aWe to Joyce Laase- ' j and white flowers that later John Henderson; Lee-Ellen
help wHh youT proram! Wed .Cat was speUed KAT Saturday !se as boutonnieres. Favors Creasman and, Jerry Matzke;
sure like to bit " 'm' We d night in honor of the Theta's &vn Je party were packs of, charlotte Hervert and Denny
buic iinc w, out . . . v.t vt cards and a mul. .
Now I'm probably prejudiced . . .1 , ualc.1- !eora.uons ts ti I "'"'.""aer; d u exanaerana
on this matter, but the examniLuse? or J"? iormai xouowed the, . uiem- lJoan -nn Irom CWU; Dolly
.... ... ' C TroniTIATl I n nlf 1 I ISIu a a II. I
vnnncr rnnU . i IS Still valid I behevt Kanh r HU1MU"ai guia coiori ccii we casmo were
young people seem to have no militant beliefs. ! ganization places ite own obieI scheme- Streamers, table decora-' Norma Lothrop and Steve Car
They do not speak out for anything. j lives over those of tte campus as' 00118 aU followed this scheme. The : Beth Alden and Larry
New York Times, 1920 (in an editoriaiv xrJ collective body. Of course thatiafs f b'ack cats were placed erifa; Barb Hershberger
are mllAT . seems to be a nafnpai "e warn ana on the ends nusn; itiarsna Ireland
ow -'-' o 1 1 J r" I I Cl C-AIIsnvm 1 I . jx vuu WWII . a J n
Time: Educators across the US complain that!
n: .. . , .7 selaom reDels orj which exists in the national nolit.
xuxk. mere is no iormai religious revival veiai eiaporate and tar-Mr irai mtm .k- TJ
among the young Americans, God . . . is still a PIanations have lately been made by college pro-!jects the interests of the country
vaguely comforting thought, theology a waste of
time, and denominations beside the point To
large numbers of them, religion is still merely an
ethical code. But God (whoever or whatever, they
understand by that word) has once more become
a factor in the younger generation's thoughts.
Outlook, 1925: That most young people, and
especially that growing number of them who are
finding their way to and through college, are
comparatively indifferent to many of the ques
tions that have divided the churches into camps
and factions is apparent To some this appears a
sign of religious indifference. It may be indeed a
Time: Perhaps more than any of its predeces
sors, this generation wants a good job
Literary Digest, 1926: A resume of the re
Plies to the question, "What would yon like to
accomplish within the next 10 years?" shows
. . . uw me majority indicate a desire .
s an economically safe position
to obtain
to their own. But to eet bar tn
the point, this Leadership Train
ing should provide a good starting
iumi io e rearer eamnus sn iriaHtw
j More power to the Mortar Boards
:and Innocents if this program
Speaking of cleaning up un
desirable situations, Billy Gra-
jnam, tne famous evangelist hit
w jin a pang last week.
of the streamers.
Some of the dates to the for
mal included: Marilyn Bergh
and Chick Thompson; Harriet
Wenke and Charles Wright;
Joan Alexander and Kirk Lewis;
Phyllis Colbert and Tony
Winey; Mary Claire Flynn and
Tom Beal; Mary Jean Neely and
and Bob Pecha: Janet Bailer
and Keith Mumby; Betty Due
and Stn Reynolds.
Orchids were the theme of the
Paynter and Frank Evans; Jackie
Murphy and Ken Cramer; Mary
Ann Wohl and Dick Rasmussen.
Together for one thing or an
other (from the basketball game
to King's and Ralph Flanagan in
cluded): Ray Pred and Bernice
Wintroub (Omaha); Jeanne
Stockstill and Harry Galloway;
annual DU Orchid party (natur- Betty Stratton and Bruce Ber
ally). Orchids flown in from Ha-'quist; Dick Goll and Beth Ron.
waii were given to each girL Iwer; Duane Neilsen and Ruthe
! Dates to the formal included: Jewett; Dick Bennett and Anita
iKirk Lewis and Joan Alexander; Spradley; Tom McVay and Sally
iPick Asmussen and Jean Wilson; Kjelson.
a good position in society ... to be a surcefni lMore than 200 Washington clerev
businessman ... to attain money men supported a series of huee
ivivat meetings m the glittering
Time: "I observe that
j " e uie prevailing
sign oi lnoirrerence to doctrine and dogma, but it mooa or tne bour," Yale's president A witr,-,
is not a rim f RrisnmM nu " -liuney
- "e uiuuinciu;c to religion. . v-
Tune: The younger generation seems to drink
less. "There is nothing glorious or inglorious
anymore about getting stewed," said one college
American Mercury, 1931: Most American men.
Graham style. At one of his mnt
mgs, Graham denounced the cityj
asningion as a sink of mi-
told his irraduat; ,ia T. an caiiedfor a cleanup.
-whirh ir, . une, i vn xne otner nand, at another re
wluch m your case consists of bargains privately val, Graham praised the pres
struck with fate on fate's terms " jent Congress . . . because, he said.
Commencement speech, 1937. b h-m w !L-S sfi crime and corrup-
: . . . - rtaana:
"" ircsiaent or mnceton university: "It is
easy In these days to feel that fate plays with
crooked dice loaded against you."
Fashion Folly-
Blue Named 1952 Leading Color;
Several Different Shades Popular
Dolly McQuistan
Modern Art With Its Hidden Meanings
Suggests 'Soul-Vibrating Journalism'
One of the biggest puzzles I have encountered
during my University career is modern art. I have
been completely at a loss to understand how a'
series of multi-colored dribble on a piece of wall
board or a few child-like lines on a piece of paper
could be called art
I was particularly intrigued the other day in
Inspecting a painting hanging on the third floor
f Love library called "Battle of the Insects."
This to me was a jumble of color with some
ague forms and an insect's head clearly dis
cernable. Otherwise, it meant nothing.
Or I recall seeing some- - ,
-thing that looked like a sec-
ond-grade drawing of a est
hanging in Morrill Hall, with
an astoundingly high price tag .f
hanging on it I think that
my little cousin in grade school
could do as welL
I belong to the old-fash
ioned school when it comes to
art. I like to know what I am
Tom Rische
. lites. It is true
ine death of Harold T. T.Vo v.ra n,;u
- i Ult U1U C W Ul
last week brings to mind some appear names
j1., amoU! "Ickes idioms." that take time
Said Ickes of Thomas E. Dewey to become fa
To4!n W!y ran for sident in'miUar with like
I. hear he's thrown his the new names
diaper into the ring." m the line of
tour years Ister, when Dewey fabrics.
ral,fg,aiv'G-O P- "ndidate, Ickes I was very
labelled him "the candidate in!surprisedto
I learn that one
when Wendell WiJkie ran 'of last year's
against Ickes' sponsor. FDR-
nn tho-n nrftrc maroh 4K,,rrv. I 6, Ickes described him
streets in his birthday suit to show his "clothes" bar6fO0t WaU Street law-: dominant color for this spring. I
. Know VOU ar all anvimiclv ota;f
Ickes Matted Louisiana's one- ing to find out what it is, so as
u.uor, nntf Lciif, wits me surprise package is opened
cam km. ickcs saia mat tne
SAXtaLrs; - - ff4,"SS SATS
be able to tell you of several d, 7 inow- . , also own
colors that would be new f avo ...n,1!" contrasting colors a background for those navy
will be shown for accessories. For and black prints.
example, since blue is the num-
one color, different shades
t blue will be used for
. '
hats, and gloves.
i Everyone will probably agree
that nothing looks more sharn
t . r a
' '
to his subjects. All his subjects thought that there
must be something wrong with them, if they could
not see the clothes, so they remarks on the fineness
of the clothes. Finally, one little boy remarked
that he didn't see anything on the king, and every
one else began to admit that they didn't either.
It seems to me modern art is something like
that I thick it is intellectual snobbery to claim
that a person's soul must vibrate correctly in
order to see the meaning of paintings. Maybe I
am wrong but I can't see much beauty in a con
fused mass of lines or blobs of color. I like to
know what I am looking at Many of the
"artists" I know delight in "explaining" the
meaning of modern art Their souls are vibrat
ing; mine Isn't
I wonder what would happen to newspapers
if they would adopt something called modern writ
ing. I wonder what would happen if newspaper
men allowed their souls to vibrate as they wrote
if the result
looking at Somehow, in my amateurish way. I up their new stories- I wonder
like to appreciate beauty, but some of this modern "VUUJl-'" 1 uc ""tuuni is:
art doesn't look like beauty, or anything else to
then Senator Long was suffer
ing from "halitosis of the In
tellect" That is, added Ickes,
"if Senator Lorif has an Intel
led" Nor did Ickes spare himself. He
once said, "I've known for a long
time that I'm not loved with i
I fervor to which I'm entitled. If,
a man worked hard at it he.
couldn't get a bigger list of ene
mies." Whether or not you agree with
his policies you must admit that
here is American wit at its best
For the girls:
you will find the color blue as
tne leading 1952 color.
When I speak of bine I do
not mean just one shade of blue,
but several different shades
with navy being the most popu
lar. Different manufacturers will
have different names for their
blue shades each as Flight Blue
and St Louis Bine. Too will.
Aowever, that many of the
shades wll be similar but have
different names. The other color
"Aquamarine" which in the past
nas been used for dresses, will
be shown as suit and coat
When you do your spring shop-
Since I have spoken mostly
about those dominant colors.
I want to say that prints this
year will also be very good, es
pecially the space prints and
tne oriental prints.
A Yalentir.8 Gift Idea for Mm,,.tr her!
1 7-Jewel
To keep mascara from smearing pmg you may hesitate about bu
use a waterprooi product. Brush in a . k k "...
from the root of the eyelash up
ward to the tip, curling the eye
lashes as you brush them. So
that s how they do it!
I happened to attend an art lecture a while
back, in which the values of modern r,rt were
discussed. The speaker, s so-called authority
from the East explained that modern art is an
expression of the soul you have to look for the
bidden meaning. Re went on to explain some
f the possible hidden meanings or soul expres
sions w hich were present in some modern paint
ings he had with him. I could hardly keep my
anaesthetic soul from laoghing when he came
to one particularly muddled piece of art and said
1 cnt Imagine what the author's meaning was
In this painting."
Ooeledy bloop 1 gyprws beck. Now yip yip
nqtery lyvix moopfedy. Rag mop tufeldy bop
bop. 16V4 hut hnt ralston and rvtambogy. Floy
floy with a dodo boojy. Exterjay Moop A ter
beldy hat
Can you see the meaning of these soul vibra
tions? It's very simple Rische has gone over the
JhsL (Daihp Th&Aci&kcuL
Member . k
Associated Collegiate Press
Intercollegiate Press
The Daft? Nebrukan k subliihud hv rki. mtnAmntm r .v.. rr..if.
of Nebritak a cxprcmion of itudrau' am and opinion! only.
I i i According to Article II of the By-Lam aovemine atndnit nuhli-
catlona and administered br the Board til Publication. "It fc
the declared policy of the Board that publication!, nnder 111 iorla-
Aner Hearing mis man epeaK. I was reminded J!1"'"? lrBC eoiionai cenjomnm on the pan of tne
. . , . , " , . , .7. Board, or on the part of any member of the faculty of the L'niver-
Ot R lairy tale I heard as a Child. Jt Seems there " ,he wtnbcn of the tff of The Daily Nebnukaa are
, , . . , ... fienonall reaponsible lor whtrt ther aar or do r cauae to -fae
was a kin,g who wanted a new suit of clothes. So printed."
h Mred a tailor t fh. tj.. uboriptlon War, 12.00. i aemeater. S2.50 mailed or M00 far
- w uiii uib to coiicm year, .uu maued. binale copy 5c. Published iiaily
feUlBf was UnablS tO make them. When th an. chol ar except featurd and Pundan. acationi and
3 c uicra. nnen Xne Bp- examination penrOi. One mue puhlinhed durim the momk of
pointed day arrived, the tailor appeared with JJnjvm'ff ."f ebrakii under the aupervuion of tbe
. . . , , 7 A . , Hi'"ou Wiui Commit t on Student Publication. Entered as Second Claw Matter
What he Said Were the finest Clothes ever WOVen. S ,he .I'J?mc' ln Uneoln. Ncbrato. under Act of Conares..
-i,,.11lT v- n. . a . . . , KVSh ?L lJ A nd ' 5ial ntt "f Pustaae provided for in Section
Actually, the tailor brought nothing, but the king 11 P3- Coturcsa of Octotwr S. i17. autaorued September 10.
una his court were afraid to admit that they could
not see the clothes. So they raved about the ?dl,0T .
clothes they couldn't see and the king put them Manaamt Ediuot
tetm diton . .
. . .... Joan Krueaer
Ruth Raymond
Dob Pleper.' Sue Gorton
........... .. . Sally Adams. Ken Ryatrom.
Jaa Stetien. Hal fianelbalca, Bally Hall
. Marshall Kushner
............................ Glenn Nelson
Kathy Ruduker
Dale Reynold
Connie Gordon
- Bob Sherman
""-a wiBusw uvb tlx Xi.LLl UiUt Muatness mnnater .
.... . Am' U i i. i."
Daily Thought
Sporti Editor
Ass't Bporu Editor
feature Editor ....
Kt Editor
Society Editor
nlHost fear but ia being resoluta minded
ia & jast causa.
Business Aianagcra
ClrculBtion Mann bit
ntaa Blpple.
. Jack Cohen
Arnold Btern.
Pete Bcrtmtcn
v,.h si. t.Z: Oaorae.W 'm
. .4 ba:
illy Hall
Council Replies . . .
To the editor:
A few comments in regard to
yesterday's editorial in The Ne
braskan headed. Hear Ye. Council.
i-he comments made in regard
to Article C, section 3, concern
ing newspaper publicity in your
editorial seem to indicate that you
have a somewhat incorrect idea of
the purposes of that section of the
first, the section is not In
tended Is any way to govern
tne editorial policies of The
Nebraskan, no matter how
biased they may be. It does In
tend to make sure iitst aU data
necessary for an Impartial ar
ticle about each candidate will
be available. This has not
always been true in the past
The Nebrakan is in no way
limited to the elections com
mittee as a source of their in
formation. This portion of the
section was meant as an aid to
The Xebraskan and not as a
The portion reauiring that the
publicity be non-partinan, factual,
and of equal coverage is a prin
ciple of good journalism, not
Hearst journalism, but eood Jour
In order that no misunder
standing take place and in order
that both the Council and The
Nebraskan understand what is
desired I invite you to submit a
rewritten Article C, section S for
our consideration.
Sincerely, GEORGE B. COBEL.
Student Council President J
might feel that it is a definite
winter color. This year brown
wm be very good up through late
summer. One of the outstanding
coiors or xne crown family will
be the Benedictine shade which
is a blending of brown and beige
ana is nest worn with grey, oy
ster, white, black, or navy. The
new color Neige which will be
used mostly for hose will also be I
a nice blending color with your
enure attire. Jveige is considered
as one of the outstanding pale
colors which Vogue is promoting
this year. Vogue stresses pale col
ors lor suits, coats, and dresses.
As yen probably remember
last summer and even this
fall the different shades of pur
ple were shown In every line
ef clothing. This year, however,
tne color wiu hardly be shown.
Many women will not discard
Chf29 Ccf.9 Cf
(NalionaUr Accredited )
An caUlsndioa; collage
ing apian did proiMaion.
Doctor of Optontotry doeroe to
tbroo roars tor students ontep
ing with sixty or r&ore acmaa-
tor crodits ia spociiiod Lihored
Arts couraas. .
Studoats exa ora&tad profes
sional 'cognition bf tho UJS.
Dopetrtmont of Daienaa ad
Soloctiro Sorrico.
ExceDant clinical iarilitiea.
Athletic and racreationcd aa
iiri&M. Dormitorieg mu tho
1845-1 Larrabee Stroot
Chicago 11 Illinois
WW Waives
10K rolled gold plate,
steel back case.
Handsome strap watches
for men
Beautifully styled cord for women
pfiw 10 tec
Another wonderful purchase of men, and women'.
1 7-je wel watches.
Take advantage of this
low price nd buy now
for yourself or tor
Men's Servici Yietthu
LuGunons Dials
Water and shock-resistant
watches with 17-Jewel movo-
nienu. sweep inga
19 au
GOLD S JFWELET . . . Street Floor