The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1952, Image 1

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F Cto
Tuesday, February 5, 1952
. 51 No. 77 !
f79 . I . n ; Era fin
The Union ballroom will again assume a Mardi Gras
atmosphere with the arrival of the Annual Penny Carnival.
Sponsored by Coed Counselors, the carnival will be
from 2 to 4 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 9. Sixteen organized wom
en's groups will be operating the booths.
Feb. 3, 4
University parking permits canf"?18.0011?.'
be obtained Tuesday and Wed-1 .?udnt yoUnS yill take place
nesday from 3 to 4 p.m. in the wth tickets good for one vote
Student Council office, 305 Union. afer navmg been punched at six
Starting- Friday, permits will
be sold by Sgt John Furrow
in the buildings and grounds
office at the west stadium from
1 to 5 p.m. on Mondays and
Rex Messersmith, chairman of
the Student Council parking per
mits committee, announced that
all persons receiving tickets are to
turn them into rurrow as is
stated on the tickets. After three
violations a student will be re -
ported to Dean T. J. Thompson.
The Council committee is now
formulating a plan which would
allow students to park in a stall
on campus after 1 p.m. rather
than after 1:30 p.m. as it is
now7. This plan would allow stu
dents with 1 p.m. classes to
wait until the last minute and
then use unfilled faculty park
ing spaces.
However, the committee em-
thasizes that no action has been
taken as vet
The Dailv Nebraskan will cub-
lish a map of University parking
areas next week along with new I
parking rules which may
adopted by the committee.
Tickets For
Ag Sno-Ball
Go On Sale
Tickets for the Ag Sno-Ball
dance Friday from 8:30 to 11:30
p.m. in the College Activities
building ,are now on sale in the
Ag Union office. The price is $1.50
per couple.
The Sno-Ball is the first Ag
dance of the second semester, and
is sponsored by the Ag Union
tdance committee. Bobby Mills and
his orchestra will provide the mu
sic. A special feature of the dance
Is the presentation of the win
ner of the baby picture contest
and the penson whose picture is
voted the "cutest"
The baby picture contest ends
Wednesday at 5 p.m.
The idea of the contest is to
identify as many of the baby 'pic
tures on display in the Ag Union
as possible.
Twenty baby pictures, 10 boys
and 10 girls, of prominent Ag stu
dents are on display in a show
case in the Ag Union. The per
son who identifies the most pic
tures will win the contest, and
will receive a valuable prize at
the Sno-Ball.
Ag students are also asked to
pick one of the baby pictures
as the "cutest" one, and place
its number on the ballot This
person will also receive a prize.
The contest is sponsored by the
Ag Union and is under the direc-1 13 inches al
tion of Jeanne Vierk and Fred m o s t far
Hosterman. jenough- to
Teacher Placement
All students planning to
teach during the year 1952-53
should attend the second tweet
ing of prospective teachers,
Thursday at 4 p.m. The meet
ing, sponsored by the Teacher
Placement Division, will be
held In Love library auditor
lam. Twenty finalists for Typical
Nebraska Coed will be chosen!
Tuesday evening from 41 candi
dates. The 20 girls will take part in
a style show as part of annual
Coed Follies, sponsored by As
sociated Women Students board.
The all-woman show will be pre
ontvf fnr coeds onlv Tuesday.
Feb. 26, at the Nebraska theater.
Interviews Tuesday evening
will begin at 7:30 p.m. In Par
lor X. Union. Candidates, rep
resenting organized women
houses, should wear dresa
clothes. '
Judging the candidates will be
nine members of the AWS board
and three faculty members. Ac
cording to Jean Loudon, chairman
of Coed Follies, probable list of
faculty judges is as follows:
Woodrow W. Reed, guidance
consultant and Junior Division
instructor; Sumner J. House, in
structor of political science; Miss
Virginia Trotter, assistant profes
sor of home economics.
Sharon Fritzler, Marilyn Clark,
Mary Jane Barnell, Nancy But
ton, Marilyn Moomey, Pot Wied
man, Gertrude Carey, Hester Mor
rison and Jean Loudon, AWS
board members, will be the other
The Typical Nebraska Coed
will be selected from the final
ists at a second interview ses
sion Feb. 12. Judges will be the
same AWS board members and
n n
A traveling trophy Is awarded
to the organization which is
named the best and most origi
nal booth. The trophy Is now
held by Alpha Chi Omega. Sec
ond and third places, and hon
orable mention will also be
The judging will be by three.
racuity judges and a student vote.
The judges, whose votes count
40 per cent, are: Maxine Trauer-
nioht, instructor of speech and
dramatic art; William Hice. as
sistant professor of journalism;
and Don Clifton, instructor in
jl me uiH'tua. iivKtui may ltc
purchased for 25 cents at the door
or from the persons in charge of
each booth. Student voting counts
60 per cent.
Funds from the ticket sales will
be used for the Coed Counselers
freshman party in the fall.
Toting- closes at 4 p.m. and
at 4:30 p.m. presentation of the
winners will take place.
Jean Loudon and Dolores Gade
are co-chairmen of the carnival,
The following are supervising
booths: Pat Bradley, Residence
Halls for Women; Betty Topliff,
Towne Club; Mary Lou Ginn.t
Sigma Kappa; Diane Cooper, j
Sigma Delta Tau; Nancy Hemp
hill, Pi Beta Phi.
Alison Faulkner, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; Lee Simodynes, Kappa
Delta; Mary Ann Worrell, Kappa
Alpha Theta; Margie Schurman
'and Jerne Laneelett Gamma Phi
13eia' Marilyn namer, ueiui
iGamma; ftancy Dahigren, ueiia
Delta Delta; Fam Khoades,
Lorene Graver, Alpha Xi Delta;
Karen Hagarity and Marilyn
Brewster, Alpha Phi; Ruth Ran
dolph and Joan Bryson, Alpha
Omicron Pi; and Rosellen Vogel
tanz and Marlene McCullough,
Alpha Chi Omega.
First Aid Certificates
All students who took Pub
lic Health 170 last semester are
requested to pick up their Red
Cross first aid certificates from
Mrs. Patricia Wall at the main
office. Temporary C.
7174 almanac
Two pipe-smokers were con-
versing in an opium-den.
One said casually: "I've just de-
cided to buy all the diamond and
emerald mines in the world.
The second dreamy gent con
sidered this seriously for a few
moments, and then murmured
softly: "I don't know that I care
to sell."
May: "So you told Charlie yon
loved him after all?"
Mary: "I didnt want to but
he squeezed it out of me."
The professor rapptd on his
desk and shouted:
"Gentlemen order!"
The entire class yelled: "Beer!"
Perfect week
end weather
will arrive
Wednesday, as
usual. It is pre
dicted that in
structors will
be able to raise
classroom win
dows at least
crawl out aftei
roll call (Not
advised for courses
room numbers, that is.)
tw.fAMnr "rion tl nmrm T Jim
dismissing you ten minutes early ,
today. Please go out quietly so as
not to wake the other classes."
These jokes may be corny, but
always remember, no matter now
bad prose may be. it might be
Royce H. Knapp, professor of
secondary education; Miss Ger
trude L Knie, assistant profes
sor of commercial arts and AWS
sponsor; Miss Mary E. Guthrie, I
assistant professor of home eco- I
nomics and AWS sponsor; Rev.
Rex II. Knowles, student pastor
of Presbyterian student house.
The TNC will be presented dur
ing the Coed Follies show.
Tryouts for skits and curtain
acts for Coed Follies will be held
Wednesday and Thursday eve-
above 100
POISE PLUS . . . Alpha Omicron Pi's chorus line gets in a few
measures of dance rehearsal in' preparation for Coed Follies. Dis
playing titelr common talents are (1. to r.) Darlene Stephenson,
Ka Yelter, Evelyn Nelson, Mary I'uelberlh and Marlene Rees.
V Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
owe earners ueou
111 tCij' 1 I ! T iilf)! I lllm j -X : ! ftir J
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' Courtesy Lincoln Journal.
AIR WORLD AFFAIRS . . . Lincoln conference on World Affairs h eld last weekend featured these persons. Discussion leaders were
(standing, I. to r.) Willi Hoechel, German teacher; Dr. Otto Hoiberg of the University; Doris Carlson, president of NUCWA, and Prof.
Robert C. Sorenson. Research speakers were: (1. to r seated) Dr. Amiya Chakravarty, India, professor at the University of Kansas: Dr.
Tibor Koeves, Hungary, executive editor of the United Nations World; Dr. Clyde R. Miller, Institute of Propaganda Analysis and the
Rosenthiel foundation; Dr. Maynard C. Krueger, professor at the University of Chicago; and Dr. Edgar Palmer, co-chairman of the
conference. (Courtesy of the Lincoln Journal.)
hsquers Will Present Kaufman, Hart Play hk 27-23;
Miller, Clement Play Lead
"George Washington Slept
Here" by Kaulman and Hart has!
been selected for the 1952 Mas-
quers piay. starring roies wiu
be played by Marty Miller ana
Ken Clement. Wes Jensby wiu
direct the play and Norma Erick
son will be technical director.
Nebraska Masquers, Univers
ity chapter of National Collegi
ate Players, will present the
play Feb. 21, 23 and 23 at 201
Temple building. Each year the
honorary fraternity presents a
three-act play for University
audiences, taking complete re
sponsibility for production, di
rection and acting.
The male lead. Newton Fuller.
will be played by Clemente. a!
sophomore majoring in agricul -
tural economics. He has had roles
in "Othello," "Caesar and Cleo -
patra" "Special Guest," "Through
I a Glass Darkly," "Summer Fury"
and "Riders to the Sea."
Miss Miller will play the role i
of his wife. Annabelle Fuller. She1
is a senior majoring in speech and
drama. She starred as Emilia m
"Othello" and had major roles m
ladies or tne Jury," "curse you
Jack Dalton," "School for Scan
aai ana "Glass Menagerie.
Wes Jensby, director, is a jun
ior majoring in speech and
drama. For the past year he
has been make-up stervisor
for the University Theatre, in
addition he played major roles
in "Caesar and Cleopatra,"
"Othella," and "Idiot's Delight."
He has also directed "27 Wagon
Loads of Cotton" and "Home
coming." Technical director, Norma
Erickson, is majoring in speech
correction. She will supervise the
make-up, wardrobe, property,
stage, light,
crews for
Slept Here."
sound and scenery
George Washington
Chasson To Speak Thursday
On Aspects Of Cosmic Rays
Robert L. Chasson, assistant I cent work in the Dirichlet prob
professor of physics, will speak on lem.
geographical and meteorological j Mr. 20 Harold C. Urey, Mont
aspects of cosmic ray research, at gomery lecturer, subject to be an-
4:10 p.m. Thursday. The lecture
will be held at Brace laboratory
""g, i at 3j50 p.m
This is the second of the
spring series of physics collo- April 17 Miguel A. Basoco, ge
quium lectures. The series will ometry of dynamical trajectories.
continue with the following: May 1 Walter E. Militzer, sub
Feb. 21 Hugo B. itibeiro, com- ject to be announced.
binatorial problems.
I Mar. 6 Lloyd K. Jackson, re-
nines. About five skits and five
curtain acts will be selected to
take part in the show.
No costumes or scenery are
to be used for the tryoute, ac
cording to Miss Loudon.
Judges for the preliminary try
outs will be Miss Helen T. Mar
tin, instructor of physical educa
tion for women; Jack Wenstrand,
business manager of University
Theatre; Nancy Button, Sue
Holmes. Sally Hall, Juanita Redi-
cer. Virginia Koehler, Connie
r;, W
lit I M ir t
Other members of the cast are:
Mary Sidner as Madge Fuller,
She has had roles in "Idiot's De-
ugnt, -unce in a iueume, "jsnec-
iai Guest," ":ihe Dreamy Kid,
Media" and "Aria de Capo."
David Sisler as Steve Eld
ridge. A Junior majoring in
speech and drama, he has been
in "Othello," "Curse Yon .ck
Dalton," 'Tor Each Man Kills"
and "Caesar and Cleopatra."
Christine Phillips as Rena Les
lie. She had roles in "Homecom-j
ing," "Ladies on the Jury," "Curse
You Jack Dalton," "School for
Scandal" and "Glass Menagerie"
and is a graduate student of
speech and drama
Richard Marrs as Clayton
; kvans. A sophomore, he has hao
'roles in "Idiot's Delight" and
j "Another Way Out" as well as in
Circlet theater plays.
Charles Peterson as Raymond,
tne little boy. A sophomore major-
ing speech and drama, he has
acted in "Idiot's Delicht." "Caesar
'and Cleopatra", "The Proposal"
and "The Innocents. He has been
property supervisor for the theater
this year.
Ruth Ann Richmond as Hester.
She is a junior majoring in me
jchanical engineering and treasu'-er
.of Masquers. She was a member
of the cast of "Once in a Life
time." Sharon Fritzler as Mrs. Doug
las. A senior majoring in speech
and English and secretary of
Masquers, she has had roles in
"Faust" "School for Scandal"
and "Caesar and Cleopatra."
Marilyn Morgan as Katie.' She
has acted in "Faust", "Once in a
Lifetime" and "Antigone."
Don So'oolik as Mr. Prescott.
He is costume supervisor for the
i University theatre and is a speech
major. He has been in "Once in
la Lifetime," "Three Men on a
April 3 Leonard Nelson, cel
lular localization of biologically
active substances.
May 15 Emerson Jones, range
energy relations.
Gordon, Phyllis Kort, Marilyn
D ..V,,...rt.- lAr,M T mwlnn anI
Janet bteffen, ,AWb Doara mem
Tryouts have been scheduled as
7:00 Judges meet at Union.
7:15-.Delta Delta Delta.
f ? I if I 2 J
. I ' ; i .. "' . sf
' i
1 : ' '
CLANG, BOOM, CLANG ... Go the cymbals and bass drum in
Sigma Delta Tau's rehearsal for Coed Follies. Doing their best to
look Intelligent during the racket are (standing, I. to r.) Adele
Chasanov, Reva Gittlesnan, (sitting) Rita Krantz, Elberta B'ish &nd
Ilrlene Sherman. Clashing the cymbals is Rosanna Locke, and
beating drum Ruthann La vine. (Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
Holes In Annual Production
Horse" and "School for Scandal." ,omore, she has played in "C?esar condition of the world" he con
Marvin Stromer as Mr. Kimber.j and Cleopatra," "Homecoming," eluded. '
A speech major, he has had roles, "For Each Man Kills" and "Thej Speaking on the Point IV pro
in "Othello," "Idiot's Delight" and Innocents." gram, Tibor Koeves, executive
"Special Guest." j Jack Moore as Leggett. He is a editor of the United Nations
Dick Garretson as Uncle Stan-jjunior majoring in speech andjWorld, said, "We must go through
ley. President of Masquers and a,drama and last appeared in'with the Point IV program not
speech major, he had the lead ."Idiot's Delight." j because we want to fight Com-
role in "Curse You Jack Dalton." Charles Huestis as Tommy. He munism, but because we want to
Betty Lester as Sue. She had 'also was in "Idiot's Deileht" and is Kive the underdevelnnprt rurtc
Inip rt nnli. . Tl T .
inimi6 F' "i xiie innocents
ami iuiui s leugnx ana is a ncieeis tor "ueorge wasmng
sophomore. I ton Slept Here" will be 50 cents
Marian Uhe as Marion. A soph-1
P.M. Headlines
Staff News Writer
Harold Ickes Dies
Ickes, secretary of the interior
under two presidents, died in
Washington. Ickes succumbed
OMAHA A carelessly
tossed cigarette was blamed
for a spectacular apartment
house fire in Omaha in which
5 persons were burned to
death. A dozen more people
were injured, one seriously.
Omaha Fire Chief Clyde P.
40th, 45th Guard
KOREA The second of two
national guard divisions has
been committed to battle in
Korea. Since their activation a
year ago the 40th (California)
and the 45th (Oklahoma)
guard divisions were sent to
Japan for occupation and
training duty. The department
of defense announced that
both divisions are now in the
line in Korea.
Russian Mig -
of Defense Robert Lovett says
the US now has a better
fighter than the Russian MIG
15 jet The secretary testified
before a joint session of the
senate-house committees that
we had a superior plane but
that it may take some time to
equal Russian aircraft production.
Kremlin's Control
state department bulletin an
nouncement to the contrary,
most other authorities agree
that the Kremlin's control
over the 200 million Russians
is not being seriously chal
lenged from within the USSR.
7:30 Alpha Xi Delta.
7:45 Delta Gamma.
8:00 Kappa Delta.
8:15 Pi Bete Phi.
8:30 Gamms Phi Beta.
8:45 Kappa Alpha Theta.
9:00 Alpha Omicron Pi.
9:15 Alpha Phi.
9:45 Love Memorial hall.
s !Fir Skit Jydgionfp
j . 1 1
a junior in speecn ana arama.
and will go on sale soon.
to complications from an old
arthritic condition. He was 77
at his death.
Causes Fire
Dunn estimated the property
loss at $10,000.
The flash fire blazed
through the Liberty Apart
ments near downtown Omaha
forcing 40 residents to flee
their quarters.
Units In Korea
The 45th division replaced
the famed 1st cavalry division
which in turn has been sent
back to Japan for a rest On
the basis of agreements reach
ed at Panmunjom on, allied
rotation policy it is assumed
that the 40th will also replace
one of the units which has
been in the battle zone since
the beginning of the war.
15 Outdated
Lovett condemned the dis
armament policy which this
country followed at the close
of world war II, calling it
"disintegration." He urged
congress to adopt the proposed
defense budget without cuts as
the only way to narrow the
gap between US-Russian
aircraft production.
Sources described by the
United Press as the "best
available reports sad expert
opinion on Soviet life" give no
basis for thinking that resis
tance to the Moscow regime is
7:00 Judges meet at Union.
7:10 Towne club (at Union).
7:30 Sigma Delta Tau.
7:45 Chi Omega.
8:00 Residence Halls for
8:15 Kappa Kappa Gamma.
8:30 Sigma Kappa.
8:45 Alpha Chi Omega.
A winning skit and winning
curtain set will be chosen from
those taking part by five faculty
...k. -v.
- i i-
i )
$ f 1
INDIANS ON THE WARPATH . . , Releasing their emotions la an
original Cheyenne war dance are the Chi Omega moderns, rehears
ing for Coed Failles. Prancing (L to r.) are Mary Hartman, Janet
Glock, Tatty Ila&aon, Ann Lammers, Joan Iloyt and Card Lise.
(Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
At the Lincoln World Affairs
conference in Love library Friday,
aaiuraay ana bunday five re
search speakers discussed the po
sitions that have been taken by
the United States or stands that
should be taken in the interna
tional situation.
Dr. Clyde R. Miller of New
York said that leaders of power
ful nations in the world like
American military power be
cause they have received impor
tant US handouts.
"Those not in power do not like
our might," he said, "and those
who do not like our military power
do not like us for other reasons."
Maynard C. Krueger, profes
sor of economics at the Univer
sity of Chicago, said the econ
omically developed and the
economically underdeveloped
nations have been senaratinr
more and more in the 19th and
I first half of the 20th centuries.
, Krueger believes that the un
j cer-developed nations do not lack
jin natural resources or human re
sources but in technical skill.
"American productive power is
I the greatest force for reducing the
;great ineoualitv in th
. 1 J i .
wuna a cnance lor a good
"The US explains its en
tanglement with colonial pow
ers by saying it is fighting com
munism all over the world," said
Amiya Chakravarty, "but Com
munism did not produce all the
problems of the colonies."
In the second day of the con
ference Miller pointed out that
"By the manipulation of sym
bols, millions of people are
persuaded to believe anything."
He continued by saying, "Uncle
Sam looks too much like a pen
ny pincher and doesn't portray
enough f the robust humor and
feeling of generosity of ur
Krueger said "We cannot hope
for political stability in such na
tions as China and India until a
more decent standard of living is
achieved there."
"Peace is only possible through
good will," said Chakravarty,
"the fact that the individual's life
can only influence a few is not
a limitation."
Miller, Krueger, Chakravarty
and Koeves agreed .that the
problems facing the V. S. today
are colonialism in Asia and the
Middle East and suspicion and
distrust with which foreign
peoples view ur expanding
military might
Paul S. Cadbury, member of the
recent English Quaker delegation
which visited Russia, said Sunday,
"The real challenge to communism
is not criticism. We've got to show
by example that we have a better
system and we've got to make our
system work better."
Cadbury outlined the fears
prevalent in the U. S. and Rus
sia. Russia fears that the West
will start a war, the West' in
dustrial potential and a re
armed Germany, adding German
industrial potential to that of the
Americans, he said, seem to fear
Russia and the possibility of her
starting a war, the atom bomb and
its unknown power, and appease
ment. Earlier he said, "Appease
ment and peace-making are not
the same thing."
University YWCA, YMCA and
NUCWA were three of the 46 civic
groups sponsoring the conference.
judges. Acts will be judged on
length, originality, costumes and
audience appeal.
Judges at the performance will
be Miss Mary Mielenz, associate
profesor of secondary educa
tion; Earl Jenkins, instructer in
voice; Dallas Williams, director
of University Theater; Mrs. Lois
Weaver, instructor of physicr.l
education for women; Miss Maxine
Trauernicht, instructor insspeech
and dramatic art.