janifl'iiiiiii THE DAILY NEBRASKAN DYING GRANDMOTHERS Students Use Many Excuses To Register Early- Hoover Thursday, January 31, 19521' A -I I I AM II A It t rtnnuai Lincoln vvona Mnairs conference To Discuss U.S. Peace Responsibilities "So many grandmothers die in registered in the class. In the case Podunk Center during registration of dropping and adding, the stu weeks, I' can't see how all the i dent must get his card from us morticians " keep up with the. before dropping the course. This times,? quoted Dr. Floyd Hoover, way we know that the person has acting director of registration and; dropped, whereas before we didn't records. ' 'know for a couple of weeks. This Students try to use all types of: system should be very effective,"! excuses so they can register early,' Professor Barnard stated. ' Hoover laid, but this one seems; Arthur asslstant pr0i Despire all the bruises and small headaches over registration. Dr. Hoover says, he is very glad that registration is going so smoothly. "Something that surprises me is that there are very few stu dents' dropping and adding this semester. According to other semesters, we fully expected to be overflowing with students dropping and adding after the first day of classes," he stated. A new feature started this se mester is the use of brown cards. Students were given a brown card for every class to present to their instructors. These cards register the student in the class. tical arts, also states that the use of brown cards is very good. "Every semester efficiency is increased and I think these cards will prove themselves worthwhile to the student as well as the in structor," he says. , Another faculty member ap proached on the subject of the new brown card system used this semester was S. J. House, in structor of political science. : "Since my classes are so large, I usually don't know the correct ' attendance for several weeks after the semester starts. This system will also tell me when a student drops a course or if he is just skipping," states Mr. House: Aggies To Attempt To Identify Baby Pictures Of Classmates' By KATHY JRADAKEN Feature ditor Attention all Ag students!! Could you identify one of your ifellow classmates by looking at his According to Hoover, results ofy Picture? Here's your chance Union to see if your baby pic ture is posted there. You may have a long nose, mole on your cheek or big bright eyes The theme of the third annual i Guest speakers for the confer- Lincoln Conference on World Af fairs, scheduled to begin Friday at 7:45 p.m. in Love Library audi torium, will be " Our Responsibil ity for World Peace and Free dom." Promotion ' of a better under standing of world affairs is the purpose of the conference. The main topic of the opening conference will be "The Dil emma of American Power." Saturday's theme will be "How Should a Peace-Loving Nation Behave?" "How Shall We Meet Our Responsibility for Peace and Freedom?" wiH be Sunday's topic. How Other Nations View Our Military Might Miller. The Impact of American Pro ductive Power Kreuger. Our Technical Leadership and is presently executive editor of.foint four K.oeves. the United Nations World: May-1. Our Relationships with the Co- ence will be: Amiya Chakravary, professor at the University of Kansas, formerly of India; Tibor Koeves, native of Hungary, who nard C. Kreuger, University of Chicago professor; Clyde R. Mil ler, member of the Institute of Propaganda Analysis and of the Rosenthiel foundation; Paul Cad bury, vice president of the Cad bury Chocolate company. The program: FRIDAY v 7:45 p.m. The American Power. Dilemma of lonial Powers Chakra varty . Forum Discussion SATURDAY 10:00 a.m. General Assambly. 4:30 p.m. Informal tea. 7:45 p.m. How Should a Peace Loving Nation Behave? The Position of the Military in Domestic and Foreign Affairs Kreuger. , The Internationalization of Edu. cation, Science, and Religion Chakravarty. SUNDAY 2:30 p.m. How Shall We Meet 10:15 a.m. Four workshops, each Our Responsibility for Peace and with one of the main speakers as Freedom? a resource person and with local i Understanding Present-Day discussion leaders Propaganda and Peace Miller, Capitalism and Peace Kreuger Russia Cadbury. Admission is free to all stu dents. Tickets for the general pub- Proposed By-Laws Student Council Election Rules this new system are proving very successful. Niles Barnard, professor of me chanical .- engineering, said he thinks the use of the brown cards is a very good idea. Occasionally student forget their cards, but very few. . . "At least we know they are to try your skill on the matter Who know, you may have un known talent! If yon see anyone on campus look at you rather queerly, don't think anything of it They are busy studying your facial Ed. note: The following is a list of the proposed election rules to be- included in the by-laws. It is incomplete and probably will undergo certain changes. A. General Elections ' 1. The elections committee shall have charge of general elections be careful you might be a deadiand sna11 conduct the elections according to the provisions of the give-away. ' Constitution and the By-Laws. Twenty baby pictures of prom-! 2- College representatives and class officers shall be elected at inent Ag students will be shown ithe spring general elections. in the Union and all Ag students! 3. Similar' filing procedures shall be maintained for both class may have one guessing chance. I officers and representatives of the Student Council. (It will be guessing, as every pic ture looks like it might be at least five different people.) There na- f.a(.n.r onj 4u' ,.!, i ... iturally would be a catch in the features, and then quickly going rftnti cnmmru rw on over to the show case in the Ag Builders Elect Fourteen New Members To Board Fourteen Builders Board mem-, who have been re-appointed to bers -were elected Wednesday their same positions. night by the old board members, old and new officers. These new members ar: Jane Calhoirn membership chair- pictures and 30 names, so even if you thought you would try to use the process of elimination, it wouldn't work. While standing around the Union you hear all kinds of comments. "Isn't she darling but who could it be?" "But that couldn't be him he's so cute!" man; Margery DeLamatre, office manager; Nita Helms tadtcr Student Directory editor; Sue Brownlee, campus tours chair man; Bob Hasebrook, district chairman; Joy Wachel, parties and conventions chairman; Shir ley Hamilton, First Glance edi tor; Sharon Cook, Scarlet and Cream editor; Shirley Murphy, Special Edition editor; Wayne Frost, Ag tours chairman; Chuck Beam Ag publicity chairman; Barbara Raun, Ag parties and conventions chairman and Dale Reynolds, Ag sales chairman. Elected as assistants to the sec retary are Judy Wiebe, chairman of the art committee and Susan ! Reinhardt publicity chairman. They will attend board meetings also. All students were new elected Board members with the exception of two, Miss Raun and Reynolds, Hficc falllAllTl ie o ennhnmnra in I Teachers college, secretary of! .. Any.wa you finally guess at all' AUF, cheer leader and members ! ine Pictures and then take one of Delta Gamma. Nita Helmstadterfmal lok to Put down J'our Pref" is a sophomore in Arts and Sci-.erence for cutest baby er.ee, secretary of NUCWA, YWCA Valuable prizes will be awarded district representative and mem- the Person identifying the most: iber of Alpha Phi. Miss Brownlee 'Pictures correctly and the person 4. The Student Council may arrange for special elections. B. Election Rules 1. Supervision of polling places a. There shall be a minimum of three polling places, the lo cation of which shall be designated by the Student Council. b. There shall be a minimum of one faculty advisor at each polling place. c. There shall be a minimum of one Student Council rep resentative at each polling place. d. The Student Council' may designate other groups to fur nish additional student help at the polling places. 2. Tabulation of Results a. There shall be a minimum of one faculty member and one graduate assistant present at the counting of the! ballots, b. The ballots shall be tabulated solely by Student Council I members under supervision of faculty "members present. ! c. Results shall be published by precincts. The United Nations and Peace lie are 25 cents for single admis- !sion or $1.00 for series tickets. Koeves. Peace throigh Goodwill Chak- NUCWA, University YMCA ravarty. and YWCA are the joint Univer- 2:30 p.m. How Should a Peace-.sity sponsors of the conference. Loving Nation Behave? Student automobiles will be American Propaganda at Home t needed to chauffeur conference and Abroad Miller. attendants to and from meetings. Should America Deal MoreiStudents interested in the project Through the United Nations? 'are asked to contact Sam Gibson Koeves. I at the YMCA office. Instructors Emphasize RegularClassAttendance A survey of 175 University fac- tee of Teachers college, noted a ultv members shows that most in-1 definite correlation between at. strucors place a large amount of tendance and test grades. Many importance on regular class at-1 commented mat Deing present m- tendance. The survey, conducted recently by the Student Advisary commit- M. J. Martin GetsFleming Scholarship Marilyn Jo Martin was awarded the Bette Fleming scholarship at The ballots shall be kept bv the senior Student Council !the annual active alumnae meet-jdo you like best? davs after the election lnS : is a sophomore in Teachers col ; lege, vice president of AUF, mem- Mr ot i wua and Dela Gamma. Bob Hasebrook is a sopho more in Arts and Science, mem ber of Kosmet Klub, AUF speaker bureau and member of Delta Tau Delta. Miss Wachel is a sophomore in Teachers college, member of YWCA, WAA, Union worker and Delta Gamma. Shir ley Hamilton is a sophomore in Arts and Science, member of YWCA and Gamma Phi Beta. Miss Cook is a sophomore in Teachers college, YWCA cabinet, secretary of Alpha Lambda Delta and member of Alpha Phi. Shirley whom the students select as the' cutest baby. The person must at- c. iena me bno-Ball to enable him to receive the prize. The baby picture contest which started yesterday will end Feb. s. It will be the feature hi,-v lisht of the first Ag dance of the second semester to ue heiu in the College Activities Build ing. Hobby Mills and his orches tra will provide the music for dancing from 8:30 until 11:30 p.m. The contest is sponsored bv the Ag Union dance committee and is' under the direction of Jeanne Vierk and Fred Hosterman. Ad- '52 Handbook Applicants Due Tuesday, 5 P.M. advisor for a period of thirty day for the purpose of recoun e. If there must be a recount, it will be taken in the pres ence of complaining parties and those designated in 2a. Pre-EIection Campaigning 1. Pictures a. Each candidate shall be photographed. b. The photographs shall be paid for by the Student Coun cil and all candidates' photographs shall be taken at the same studio. c. Pictures shall be displayed in at least two places one of which shall be the Student Union. One of the displays! shall feature 8 xlO ' pictures in black and wri'e. 2. Bulletin boards. of Zeta chapter of Kappa national club for Methodist college women. The scholarship is awarded to the outstanding active Kappa Phi enrolled in the University each year. It was established in mem ory of Bette Fleming who died during the summer of her sopho more year in University. Miss Fleming had been elected vice- president of Zeta chapter the pre-' humor. vious spring. 7. Ability dicates a student's attitude and in terest in the subject. Attendance, it was revealed, is especially im portant in physical education classes, seminars and labs. Approximately 70 per cent of the professors answering the question, "Hew much does the final examination count toward the final grade?" indicated that it counts b- ween one-fourth and one-thira of the ovcr-Ml grade. About 12 per cent indi cated that it counts very heavily (one-half or more). In response to the question. What characteristics m students these qualities were highly rated: 1. Dependability and willing ness to assume responsibility. 2. Industry or diligence. 3. A desire to know the subject rather than to make a credit or grade. 4. Aggressive energy and alert ness. 5. Honesty. 6. Cheerfulness and a sense of to think indepen- The scholarship is granted on dently and objectively. a. Material to be placed in the locked bulletin boards speci-itne oasls 01 ideals, scnoiastic fied in the Constitution shall be specified bv the election I standing, financial need and m committee. Iterest in fne purposes and aim of b. All candidates shall have equal space in these boards. Kappa Phi. 3. Newspaper publicity. I Miss Martin is recording secre- a. The Dailv Nebraskan shall hp the. snip anont thrnnoh I tary for Kappa Phi. She is a Uni- h The. owtinne mmmittw shall hn recmrncihio fn.r f.it- versity junior majoring in radio Murphey is a sophomore in Teach-J miss'on to th-e dance is $1.50 per ers college. Coed counselor, pub-jcouPle- licity chairman of Search Week.l T land member of Sigma Kappa. Ag Fellowship To Honor j Frost is a junior in Ag college,! , w...g Corn Cob Worker, manager editor Student HOUSe Heads A ikA i and member of Alma Gamma Rho.LPul an Harnet Kemling, Ag . , . . .Student House supervisors for Chuck Beam is a sophomore in. the past two and one-half years, Ag College Corn Cob Worker, wiU honored Sunday at the I managing editor of the Corn- a TntPrHoniatioi vtK nuiner uiumryman, ana memDer Fellowship meeting. Kemling has worked for the ersity junior majoring and speech. Twenty-three women were re cently initiated as members of Kappa Phi. They are: Joan Clap per, Elaine Eddy, Ruth Green, Marion Hatzenbuehler, Conme Deadline for applications for! of Alpha Gamma Rho. editor, assistant editor, business) Miss Raun is a sophomore in Ag manager and photographer for the i college, YWCA cabinet. Home Ec 1952 Husker Handbook is 5 p.m,'ciub cabinet and member of Kap Tuesday. - Pa Kappa Gamma. Dale Reynolds, Application blanks for the posi-jis a sophomore in Ag college, edi tions may be obtained at Public 0f Cornhusker Countryman, Ag Relations office 1125 R street, editor for the Daily Nebraskan, Admmistration Annex. i member of Block and Bridle and A weighted average of 4.5 is r5rm ho, requirea ior ail appucanis. xncy extension department at the College of Agriculture, and is moving back to the farm. He will be replaced by Sam Gib son, executive secretary of YMCA. The Ag Fellowship meeting will cer elections. b. The elections committee shall be responsible for fur b. The elections committee shall be responsible for fur nishing The Daily Nebraskan with sufficient facts for non-partisan publicity. c. Publicity should be factual, and of equal coverage. 4. Handbills and placards may be used by candidates. 5. Forums. . a. The Student Council shall sponsor assemblies and rallies for the purpose of informing the voters. b. Attendance at these assemblies shall be compulsory on the part of the candidates. v c. Those Student Council sponsored assemblies shall be confined to the Wednesday night prior to the election day. 6. Campaign Time a. Campaign time shall be limited to the two weeks prior to the election date. h TVi oro cVtoll Via win rmm i-i. ? irn i r n ...ititin 4 V. l... : 1 ,4 . S v. it.wv ,11.- vct1.itc1.g111115 wjuiill me UUMUUlg ill . . . which the voting is being done on election days other nOme EC I.IUD IO InSTCIII than encouraging the Student body to vote. ' uflul nfflror Thurcrlnu 7. The election committee will specify procedure for class offi- Mew Iters inursuay New Home Economics Club 8. Consideration and courtesy. Qualities in students not lifted by faculty members: 1. Irresponsib'ity and unde pendableness. 2. Lack of preparation. 3. Poor attitudes (alibiing, disdain, insincerity, bluffing, ap ple polishing, arguing over grades, griping, demanding spe cial privileges, martyrdom, com plaining to the dean, etc.) 4. Inattention and indifference Lindly, Helen Lomax, Nadine j (sewing, sleeping, reading, visit- Malsbury, Donna Malsbury, Mar ian Marienau, Beverly Murray, Beverly McClure, Jean McDuffee. Elfrieda Naumann, B e v e r ly Norris, Maxine Patterson, Eliza beth Peterson, Alice Reece, Joyce Schobert, Dorothy Sears, Marga ing, smoking, chewing gum, mani curing nails, refusing to take notes, etc.) 5. Cheating. 6. Cutting class. 7. Tardiness and late work. Except for three instance the start at 5:30 p.m.; and they will; 8. Candidates names will appear on the ballots in their order . seat promptly at 6 p.m. Later on of filing. In,they win go to hear Paul Scherer,! 9. If there is any violation of the rules, the candidates will be uon. disqualified must also be carrying at least 12 . , a c u """'"' "'.tney win go to hear Pai hors oTcouele work. tit? T' ot at the Applicants will be interviewed T"'"" ctic r"u ' t , i . ESHfeGround Clearing Proecf M Continue The remainder of the Husker I y' r . i, " do f Handbook staff will be chosen ,"c'"otr "l eiw oumma. later by the four staff members.' A business manager for the di- Ijjst vear' staff members wpre: Leonard Bush, editor; Jackie Sor enson, assistant editor; Bob Sher wood, photographer; and Shirley Murphy and Gerry Fellman, man again editors. The bankbook, published for the first time last year, included sec tions on housing, finances, acti The newly elected board members will be installed Wed nesday evening, Feb. 6, accord ing to Deau Linscott, president of the organization. Other officers in Builders are: Pat Bechan and Shirly Coy, vice University Program Of Dorm Expansion The house moving between 15th the priorities for building ma and 16th streets is part of the: terials some time after July 1. uiuvcphs program oi expan-j mere is a possiDiniy mai con-i Norris House sion, according to William C. struction of the men's dorm's will residence wiil Harper. Director of Commercial , begin in the fall of 1952. iH,mn, Tn. the dorms might be completed in the fall of 1954. and one private be moved thisj fraternity houses NUCWA president: Jeanne vierk, vice nierpnses ana aiucient Activi- ine money situation will De ai , ' . . .. vities and honoraries, traditions.) president and Ag director, Cecelia ties. The houses are being moved(taken care of in the same man-!turbed by tne expansion program"' Union, Parlor 2 maps, calendars of events and , Pinkerton, secretary; and Eldon to clear ground that is part ol ner used in building the Residence! . Inter-Varsitv other features of the University.! Park, treasurer. ,me pioi ior me addition of new Halls for women, which are selt- ' men's dormitorier. supporting. No tax money will be End Of Long Trail . . . Although building plans cannot used. A loan will be floated with ret Smith, Mildred Snyder, Lea faculty expressed an eagerness to Spencer and JoAnn Trickle. iknow their students better. In re- sponse to the question, "What recommendations can you make 'for improving student-faculty re lations?" the mo't'' frequently I mentioned suggestion was that of having informal get-togethers. Other significant recommen dations were the following: faculty-student interviews and conferences, exhibiting more friendliness, article in The Daily Nebraskan giving past expe riences, achievements, and bio graphical data of the faculty members rather than the deans, joint faculty-student committees to plan functions, faculty-student planning for courses, student-faculty discussion groups (such as the YWCA has spon sored), cooperation between faculty and students in working out goals and solving students' I problems. Members of the Teachers col lege student advisory committee 'are Barbara Gilmore, Jack Greer, Dee Irwin, Jean Loudon, Joan , Miller, Shirley Ransdell and Mar ilyn Coupe, chairman. Dean Henz- officers will be installed Thurs day at 5 p.m. in the Home Ec parlors. The new officers are Jeanne Vierk, president; Marilyn Bamesberger, vice president; Joyce Kuehl, secretary; Barbara Spilker, treasurer; ' and Norma Westcott, historian. Retiring president is Joan Raun. NU BULLETIN BOARD Thursday meeting, 7:00 p.m. V.Mtl- fUm.tit- Volt - ,1311J VU1 UtWII rCUUW- Ship, 7:30 p.m., Room 315, Union. Rev. C. M. George speaking on I i tr I - i 4 1 I - : ir I ' i 1 I ! 1 : " . " i . I ..... .. s .... . be definite unt 7 understanding that interest ing money and materials are com-' f.nd Pcipal will be paid from pleted. the ground clearing pro-lthe,mon.ey acquired from the use cess has been carried on for the past few years so that there ..uU be no delay when building be-. gins. Harper indicated that there might be a good chance to get of the dorms. Harper estimated that ap proximately 2 million - dollars will be required to finish the men's dormitories. In the mean time, architectural plans are be ing completed and with luck. Slightly over 900 students will be accommodated by the uim ami new mens aorms. iney i Inhn Wotlo. "Ifnmi.l.Hii. m .. J '-"k-. will be furnished with botn ilySS!LVaM U housing and dining facilities. 7:30 pm Voc. Ed rooms in Food .advisers. . The long range building plan of and Nutrition Buildinc at Af Jm i m nU the University includes the clear-jNew constitution to be discussed.!Ves,ey "layers lo "Oia ;ing of all the ground between S and U Streets and from 16th to ' 14th Streets. Fifteenth street will ibe a sidewalk and a curved drive- jway for entrance to the square of!Enen Smith Hall uunus win oe aaaea IReactivation Meet Friday p.m., Room) Wesley Players drama erouD of Admission Tax Exemptions Now May Apply To University, Student Sponsored Functions Many University and student j Applications are to be filed at i sponsored functions may be ex- Room 201,, Administration build- j empt from the federal tax on ad-. ing. j missions according to an. an-j According to the provisions otj nouncement oy William c Harper, I the federal law the following re- normally have a regular faculty, curriculum and organized stu dent body. 3. Any community chest, fund dean of commercial enterprises ligious. educational or charitable 1.'" 'if jr and student activities. entertainments will be exempt: j purposes if the orunSn - u Student organizations which I 1. Church or a convention miJbrtunteXi wish tn annlv for .vamntmn'.hti f ur-r maintained by funds contributed should do so well in advance, at Z Educational institutions least two months before the tunc-, supported by political division Uon is to be held. Harper said.1 (state, local or federal) which Friday Bible studies, 5:00 a ,t, the Wesley. Foundation Methodist i T o -Ti . ,. ' 0--, " P-m- student house will hold a reacti- len Smith Hall. U,atinr tnnatino at thn ctllHpnt Texas Star Square Dance. 9 house Fridayi at 7:30 p.m. p.n.. Union ballroom Free danc-i Mrs. Ruth Mulder, former mem mg to the calling of Tom Graham ber of Nebraska Wesleyan Plains ami the music othis Texas Stars. man Players, will serve as spon f ir nf' nn ' jsor-director of the group. The in- .,VM1V7r- 7:30 p.m., Meth-;itial meeting is being called to set odist student house. Organization UD orcanization and DreDare a program for the second semester. and planning of second semester program. Open o all students. Saturday Bridge Tournament, 1-5 pm Union. Anyone interested in drama is urged to join the group. For full information call the student house i office, 2-S117. Grade School Art Show Set Approximately 170,000 er ad e drawings. Four ouoils who sub- .school pupils in Nebraska's pub-lmit exceptional drawings will be llic and parochial schools have awarded S50 scholarships donated, benefit of national guard oreani- Dy Miller and 1'aine to the uni-izauons reserve omcers' associa- Dy rederal or state government, or is supported by funds donated by the general public. 4. An organization conducted for the sole purpose of main taining symphony orchestras or operas and is supported by vol untary contributions. Functions which are for the "VV, - " 4 0 CLI IAX 103 A STUPORED STUDENT . . . Mid-year has come n4 gone nd left its scars for Shelly Johnstone. If he can r . it p those five steps tn Student Health, perhaps another I sf Morphine will carry him through the co-iing semester. I J future? . . More mid-year problems next year. What an existence! (Daily Nebraftkin Photo.) versity All-State high school fine arts course to be held next sum mer. C. M. George To Speak At IVCF Meeting Tonight been invited to participate in the fifth annual All-State Elementary School Art Exhibit. The exhibit, sponsored by the University I apartment of Art and extension division will be held April 19 to 26 in the Miller and Paine auditorium. K - XTli: t ' u!u:. JI wis. ncme Venice, exinuii ill . rector, said invitations have been "John Wesley Knowledge on mailed to nil Nebraska schools to Fire" will be the subject of an take part in the exhibit. IjisI ye.n uituiess by the Lev. C. M. George schools submitted 3,200 drawings! at the Inter-Varsity Christian Fel to the state judging committee, lowship meeting Thursday night which selected 408 for the exhibit ! Rev. George now teaches at the secondary school This year about 500 drawings will! Omaha Bible Institute. He was a i 2. Wrestling or boxing be selected. " graduate student at the University matches. The entries can be water color.jlast year and served as campus 3. Carnivals, rodeos or circuses crayon, pencil, ink, finger paint- pnstor for the Methodist church. in which any performer or opera- iiiK, rn;ir.;uHi, on or snow cam ine meciins win oc nein in tor participates lor pay. tions or organizations posts or or. ganizations of war veterans wil! also be exempt frqm the tax. Any admissions to concerts con ducted by civic or community membership associations will be exempt if no part of the earnings benefit the members. The following functions will NOT be exempt: I. Any athletic game or cx hition unless the proceeds are for the benefit of an elementary or work. They must be original I Room 315, Union, at 7:30 p.m. 4. Motion picture exhibitions, Students To Decide AUF Beneficiaries Students may choose four organizations that they think should receive some of the money contributed to the 1951 All University Fund drive. The following 11 organizations are on the list of approved charities. All of these organizations would profit from the donations. Therefore, AUF is asking the students themselves to choose the four organizations which they believe to be most worthy. Check four of the following organizations and leave your selection at the special AUF booth in the Union today ' Check four of the following: 1. American Cancer Society 2. American Hearing society 3. American Heart association 4. Lincoln Community Chest. ...... 5. National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis 6. National Society for Crippled Children and Adults 7. National Traveler's Aid 8. National Urban League 9. Nebraska Tuberculosis association 10. United Cerebral Palsy association 11. World Student Service Fund