The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 07, 1952, Image 1

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The University Senate hasl
passed and established a teachine
evaluation service . to be made
sSfto use fifUUy mmberS dG"
SirrlVVrLra ,
SrnnVtT nfthV-tir"
study of evaluation systems used
vA mv A uVnl mill
at various colleges and universi
ties in the nation.
Conducting the research have
been Dr. E. R. Washburn, pro
fessor of chemistry; Dr. Ephriam
Hixson, associate director of
residence instruction at the
College of Agriculture; Dr.
C. W. Borgmann, dean of fac
ulties; two Student Council rep
resentatives. Dr. C. O. Neidt,
associate professor of educa
tional psychology, was commit
tee consultant.
The evaluation system selected
by this committee and to be used
at the University is the Purdue
university evaluation system. The
rating system, as applied to Uni
versity faculty members, will be:
i" . V.MM .MVMWV
Now Open
Interviews for 1952 staff posi
tions on the Cornhusker Country
man will be Friday, Jan. 11, at, 2
p.m. Room 207, Agricultural hall,
according to Rex Messersmith,
editor of the monthly publication.
Students desiring positions are
asked to write a letter of applica-
? Hoom 207, Ag
hall, by Wednesday, Jan. 9.
The letter should include: po
sition desired, listed in order of
preference; year in school; ma
jor, plus any journalism courses;
grade average, checked in ad
ministration office and initialed;
experience on, Countryman; any
other journalism experience;
other campus activities; and ad
dress and phone number.
The Cornhusker Countryman is
a magazine published monthly by
the students of the College of Ag
riculture. Editorial positions open to ap
plicants are: editor, managing edi
tor, home economics editor, pho
tographer and editorial assistants.
Business staff positions open
are: business manager, assistant
business manager, advertising
manager and circulation man
' ager.
Members of the publications
board to select the Countryman
staff are Margaret Cannel, home
economics instructor; C. C. Min
teer, vocational education instruc
tor; R. J. G aham, agricultural
editor; and George Round, direc
tor of public relations for the University.
Mueller Gives Gift To
For Medical, Dental Display
Establishment of the Ralph
Mueller Gallery in the University
Museum is announced by Dr. C.
Bertrand Schultz, Museum direc
tor. The Gallery will be made pos
sible by gifts to the University
Foundation by Mueller, president
of the Mueller Electric company
of Cleveland, O.
The Mueller Gallery will
house an outstanding display of
medical and dental science ex
hibits, Dr. Schultz said, and will
be housed in a special room
containing over 700 square feet
of floor space. The Gallery Is
expected to be open to the pub
lic next spring.
Exhibits will be under the su
pervision of Dr. B. L. Hooper,
Dean of the College of Dentistry,
Dr. S. I. Fuenning, director of the
University Health Center and Dr.
Mueller has purchased as the
first major exhibit for the Gallery
a three-dimensional life-size
sculptured models of human re-
kchelors, Coeds Plan Leap Year Battle
Feature Editor
A year long Sadie Hawkins day
has begun. Leap year is finally
With no holds barred, coeds are
now working out their plan of at
tack. The male population, now
on the defensive, will get to sit
around for a year and witness fe
male strategy. However, they too,
have formulated some plans which
might prove troublesome to the
female contingent.
Some of the University Eli
gible Bachelors have already
made plans for the new year in
addition to resolutions to stay
Jim Terry said that he has
thought out his plans pretty well.
He said, "I'm going out for track
this year."
He explained, "I want to stay
Terry . . . because. , ."
Con Woolwlne is also "playing
it safe" this year.
He commented, "I'm practicing
And just so he wouldn't be half
safe, Woolwine commented, "I'm
going to bed at 0 p.m. every night.
I don't want to be caufcht on the
These hints will probably
help some other male students.
But in order to be fair, some of
fensive hints to eoeds are also
in order.
In an article by Hal Boyle, a
few tips were given on how to
get the man in your life.
Here is the formula:
"Look for a man with circles
under his eyes. Here Is ob
viously a felloe who needs a
rood long rest, All you have
to do is convince him that If he
marries you he will get it."
"Single men with melancholy
dispositions are first-rate pros
pects. Marriage is a serious pro
position, and nothing is so trying
to a wife as a mate who braggs
about his sense of humor. What
2 .results of .pari, ratine, ctn
dents will hp maHp nvailahlp nnlvt
to the instructor evaluated.
Members of the Senate commit'
tee selected the Purdue Rating
'J8'"8 fOT instruction for the pur
pose described by its authors,
H. H. Rememrs and D. N. Elliott.
"No teacher has any choice
as to whether he will be 'rated'
by his students. Such rating
goes on in every classroom ev
erywhere. The only real choice
the teacher has is whether he
wants to know what these rat
ings are.
"Whether the students' judg
ment is correct is largely beside
the point. The real point is that
his attitude toward the teacher
and the course exists and is a
vital factor in the total learning
situation. The students' attitude
is probably next if not equal in
importance to his general learn
ing ability as a factor in his learn
ing, "If the instructor chooses to find
by his students, he will be in a
position to profit thereby. He will
have obtained the possibility of
control of one of the important
elements in the total learning
situation. V
"The Purdue Rating Scale for
Instruction was constructed to
provide instructors witn toe
means to determine accurately
and reliably the attitude of his
students toward him and his
course of instruction
Under the Purdue plan, an in
structor passes out the evalua
tion sheets to his students, with
no comment. The instructor is
evaluated on the blank and the
student makes no mark' on the
paper which could serve to
identify the rater.
' n lhe btoeft
The student "grades" the m-
1. Interest in subject.
2. Sympathetic attitude 'toward
3. Fairness in grading.
4. Liberal and progressive
5. Presentation of subject mat
ter. 6. Sense of proportion and
7. Self-reliance and confidence.
8. Personal pecularities.
9. Personal appearance.
10. Stimulating intellectual cu
Norris House To Be Site
Of New Men's Dorm
The grounds of the present
Norris House are going to be
cleared this summer in order to
make possible the continuation of
construction of the Men's dormi
tory. ,
Plans for the new addition are
not completed, but some advance
ment has been made towards the
new project, according to William
C. Harper. Director of Commer
cial Activities and Student Af
fairs. useum
production, which will be known
as "The Wonders of New Life"iTyers
collection, Dr. Fuenning said.
"The models make clear the
j fascinating and wonderful story
of human birth from fertilization
and pregnancy to delivery,'
Fuenning said. "For public edu
cation they replace ignorance and
superstition with realities hitherto
Mueller plans to add to this
collection other life-like ex
hibits about the function of the
human body, about milestones
in medical and dental history
and about great men in these
Mueller, an alumnus of the Uni
versity, has previously given the
University Foundation funds to
construct the Ralph Mueller Car
illon tower at a cost of about
$100,000, and more recently has
established an endowment fund
for its perpetual care. Mr. Muel
ler has also given 'the Department
of Electrical Engineering many
valuable electrical and electronic
gives a husband the right to think
he's got anything to laugh about
"Don't worry if the man
you're after doesn't seem able
to hold a steady Job. Six months
after you land him, he'll be glad
to get up every morning and go
to work anything to get out
of the house."
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ALL IN THE GAME . . . Sylvia Leland and Janet Nuss have al
ready made plans for the year-long Sadie Hawkins day, com
monly known as leap year. They are trying cut th:!r plan on
unsuspecting Eligible Bachelor, Jim Terry because ...
VOL 51
V '
-No. 67
: hnnnpnpH nt nil
NUppenea II U...
"Happy New Year!" shouted
the party of University students
as they welcomed in 1952.
This was followed by a period
of darkness while the dates ex
changed kisses.
When the light were turned
on, two boys looked at each
other in amazement. They had
just realized in the surrounding
darkness they had kissed each
Tickets Go
On Sale
Tickets go on sale today
the Metronolitan Ooera's nrodun.
itlon Fledermaus,'' by Strauss,
which will be presented at the
TTnivprsitv nniiM.,, m
ning, Jan. 21. The performance
of the Broadway hit will be
sponosred by the Lincoln Sym
phony Orchestra association, Inc.
Tickets may be bought at the
Union activities office or Mol
zer Music company at a spe
cial student price of $1. Other
prices are $4, $3, $2 and $1.50.
The performance will begin at
8:30 p.m.
The original Metropolitan Opera
House production will be used,
complete with settings and cos
tumes designed by Rolf Gerard.
The company, directed by author
Garson Kanin, who also wrote
"Born Yesterday," will feature a
number of new artists.
The new English version of Jo
hann Strauss' "Fledermaus" was
written by Howard Dietz and
Kanin with the Strauss score in
tact. According to James Hughes,
Metropolitan Opera representa
tive, tickets to the 19 perform
ances given at the Met were -in
as great demand by the public as
those for "South Pacific" and
"Guys and Dolls."
Tibor Kosma, who conducted
the Metropolitan orchestra at
most of the New York perform
ances, will be on the podium for
the coliseum presentation
Jack Gilford, theater and night!
club comedian, has joined the
Metropolitan roster in the non
singing role of Frosch, the janler,
and the ballet troupe, directed by
Zachary S'olov, will dance Strauss'
"Roses from the South." Tatiada
Grantzeva will be premiere bal
lerina. 'T-""
Appearing in the leading roles
will be Brenda Lewis as Rosa
linda, Donald Dame as Eisenstein,
vr tw. oJ t.w rvwcw'
nri u "a r Triors as "Miss Rag Mop" will be
liliaill A J.U1 I1C OS Alii CU, tUIlll
as Dr. Falke. Kenneth
Schon as Frank, the warden,
I Howard Jarratt as Dr. Blind and
iGiltord as Frosch.
Supporting the
j stars are singing chorus of 60 and
the corps de ballet.
Termed the most sensational
success in the Met's 67 year
history, "Fledermaus" attracted
more than 70,000 people last
season during its 19 New York
John Chapman of the New York
Daily News selected as the three
most exciting Broadway produc-
tiorrs of the first half of the 1950 -
1951 season "Guys and Dolls," iwell, Diane Downing, Lois Fred
"King Lear" and "Fledermaus." erick, Carol Haerer, Joanne Kjeld-
Chapman said of the Strauss
"The Metropolitan Opera, which
is the oldest theater on Broadway,
finally went 'Broadway' by pre
senting a smartened-up version of
Johann Strauss' waltz operetta,
'Fledermaus.' It is a distinguished
musical comedy with a magnifi
cent cast.
Boyle gave a final warning to
women on their year long prowl:
"Don't marry a man who wears
bow ties and a crew haircut. He'll
never grow up."
Well, there are the rules. Go
back to the neutral corners and
come out fighting.
The battle of the sexes is on
1 '
fort. If 71 I
If U. (
Erf -r '-rsv-.
HOW MANY? . . . Hal Hasselbalch (r.) checks with Dr. Floyd
W. Hoover (1.) to see how many University credit hours he has
earned. Other students will be following his example this week
for admittance to the registration assignment committee will be
based on the total number of earned credit hours.
A University student and a
faculty member will join Chan
cellor R. G. Gustavson, Tom
Novak, Dean Carl Borgmann, Sue
Allen, Bill Glassford, Bobby Rey
nolds, Mary Mielenz and Rob
Raun this week on the growing
list of "outstanding Nobraskans"
chosen by The Daily Nebraskan
staff each semester.
Nominations for the 1951-52
fall award will be accepted from
students or faculty member un-
Staff To Select
Miss Rag Mop
On Wednesday
.thirteen candidates vying for hon
J 1. V J . j , .
' ul vu YV cll,,e!ua- allwell as his support of the Uni- u.ui, .
Each candidate will be inter-
viuweu uy me inaiu memDers oi
Thp Dailv Nphraslrnn Etnff Tn-n
Rische Don pjeper, Ken Rystrom.
Banks, Marshall Kushner.
Dale Reynolds, and Bob Sher
man. The room for the interview
will be announced later.
Candidates will be judged on
personality, attractiveness and
grades. The winner will claim tht
title "Miss Rag Mop" and have
her picture in The Daily Ne
braskan. me thirteen canaiaates are:
Nancy Benjamin, Barbara Col-
Igaard, Marilyn Kranau, Jean
Loomis, Barbara Mann, Marilyr
Morgan, Lennie Stepanek, Bonnie
Varney and Mary Ann Zimmer.
7LU Ctlmarwt
Staff Writer
"How old is you?"
"Ah's five. How old is you?"
"Ah don't know."
"Yo don't know how old you
"Does women botha' you?"
' "You's fo"
And so as the cow said to the
milkmaid "Go ahead, see if I
give a dram!"
The welter
1 a u g h e d at
at me when
I spoke to
him in
No wonder,
it was my old
French pro
fessor. Weather for
toduy: Partly
cloudy today
and tonight
with little change in temperature
Low will be 5-15 degrees and the
high 30. No more snow In sight.
Gather your kisses while yon
For time brings only sorow.
The girls who are so free to
Are the chaperone. tomorrow!
Hallmark Art Contest
Offers $12,500 In Prizes
A second international Hall'
mark Art Award competition with
$12,500 in prizes for the best water
color paintings on Christmas has
been announced by Vladimir Vis
sion, director of the Wildenstein
Galleries in New York
The contest is open to all
artists who are 18 years of age
or over. First prize is $2,000: sec
ond, $1,500; third, $1,000; fourth,
The 100 award winners will be
announced in November. The
winner's paintings will be on ex
hibit during November at the
Wildenstein Gallery.
f f
Open For '51
til 5 p.m. Wednesday in The
Daily Nebraskan office.
Letters of nomination should in
clude the qualifications of the
candidate. The awards will be
made on the basis of the nomi
nee's "meritorious service in pro
moting the welfare and spirit of
the University."
Announcement of the winners
will be made in Friday's Daily
Nebraskan, the last issue of the
fall semester.
The titles, originated in 1949,
were first awarded to Chancel
lor R- G. Gustavson and athlete
Tom Novak. The Chancellor
received his award for his will
ingness to cooperate with stu-.
He btice said, "There is always
a place in my appointment book
for a student who wishes to dis
cuss his problems and those of the
Novak was honored because of
his outstanding football record as
Borgmann and Miss Allen re.
ceived the second semester
awards. Borgmann was honored
for his contacts with students
and his efforts to work out stu
dent problems, while Miss Allen
was recognized for her work in
connection with the U.N. Model
Assembly in spring, 1950.
Two well known football fig
ures took the titles in last year's
fall selection.
Coach Bill Glassford, who
placed his Cornhusker football
eleven high on the list of the.
nation's team's in his second
season as Husker mentor, was.
chosen the outstanding faculty,
'ifu c '
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The latest recipients of the
award were Miss Mielenz, fa
culty adviser to several campus
organizations, and Rob Raun,
president of Student Council at
the time of his selection.
Miss Mielenz was honored for
her work with Student Council,
University Builders, Coed Coun
selors, Mortar Board and the
Teachers college advisery com
mittee. Raun was selected for his work
with Student Council and for his
contribution to campus activities,
both on city and Ag campus.
All students and faculty mem
bers are eligible for the award
except past-receipients and mem
bers of The Daily Nebraskan staff.
Filings For Builders Board Positions
End Wednesday; 13 Posts Available
Applications for Builders board
positions must be turned in to the
Builders office, Union Room 308,
by Wednesday.
Thirteen positions are open to
Builders workers. An applicant
must have a five average: be
carrying 12 University hours; and
be a Builders worker.
New Builders executive board,
former executive board and
senior board members will make
the appointments the third week
in January.
Positions to be filled are of
fice manager, membership
chairman, parties and conven
tions chairman, campus tours
chairman, First Gianee editor.
Scarlet and Cream editor, Stu
dent Directory editor, district
Art Instructor Awarded
Prize For 'The Dental'
A University graphics and
painting instructor has been
awarded a purchase prize for his
water color, "The Dental." .
The artist, Rudolph Pozzatti,
exhibited "The Dental" at the
Butler Art Institute ut Youngs-
town, Ohio. His oth?r water color,
"Animation," was also included in
the Art Institute exhibition.
3 T iegim
Assignment Committee To See
Seniors With 110 Hours First
Registration for second semes
ter will begin Monday, Jan. 14, at
1 8 a.m. in the Military and Naval
Science building drill hall, accord
ing to Dr. Floyd W. Hoover, act
ing director of registration and
Seniors with 110 hours are more
as of Sept. 1, 1951, will be the
first to fill out their schedules.
Students with less than 27
semester hours as of Sept. 1,
1951, may pick up registration
tickets Friday, at the Military
and Naval Science building be
ginning at 8 a.m. Those with
27 or more hours will not need
registration tickets.
Ag campus fresnmen may get
their tickets from Dr. Ephriam
Hixson, associate director of resi
dent instruction in the College of
Agriculture, in Room 206, Agri
cultural Hall.
After all seniors have regis
tered the assignment committee
jwill register those on the junior
level with the greatest number of
hours. Others will be taken des
cending in order according to
number of hours until the fresh
man level is reached.
Students who are not certain
about how many hours of credit
they have on record may check
in Room B7 of the Administra
tion building. Hoover has an
nounced that an open record
book will be available for stu
dents throughout registration.
Junior Division students may
-Names In
t Staff News Writer
CAPT. KURT CARLSEN remained aboard his floundering
freighter Flying Enterprise despite the fact that all 40 of his crew
and his 10 passengers had left the suposedly doomed ship. Caught
in a heavy gale off the southwestern coast of England, the vessel
was badly damaged by the pounding seas. After ordering the
others to lifeboats, Capt. Carlsen elected to remain on board alone
on the chance that the million-dollar vessel might be saved
Under maritime law an abandoned ship becomes salvage for the
first person to bring her in tow.
Capt. Carlsen's week-long battle with the elements brought
praise and admiration from seasmen throughout the world.
An American destroyer stood by to take off the captain
if the Flying Enterprise started to sink, but at week's end the
seas were going down and a British tug was attempting to put
a line aboard the stricken vesel to tow it and the plucky
skipper to port.
SEN. ALEXANDER WILEY of Wisconsin demanded a "full
investigation" of the Alien Properties office on the basis of some
tips he received from an undisclosed source. The senator sus
pects irregularities in this justice department bureau which
handles the half a million dollars in Japanese and flerman assets
which this country seized at the beginning of World War II.
W. STEWART SYMINGTON, former secretary of the air
force, will leave his present post as head of the RFC in the
near future to return to "civilian" life. Symington was placed
at the head of the RFC by President Truman after investiga
tion revealed corruption in the previous regime.
gating trade in the far east came up with a disquieting announce
ment. Testimony revealed that large quantities of critical mater
ials are being smuggled to Communist China through the British
port of Hong Kong. Much of this illegal shipping originates in
the Philippines.
HARRY J. ANSLINGER, treasury department narcotics
commissioner, announced that more than 500 suspects were ar
rested in the biggest national crackdown on the dope traffic
in history Every major city in the country was involved.
Anslinger said the action was part of a national clean-up aimed
at curbing drug addiction especially in teen-agers.
Agents posed as addicts, peddlers and middlemen to get the
evidence for the arrests. In New York agents were reported to
have spent $10,000, most of which went to buy dope from greedy
peddlers, thus setting the trap for their arrest.
WINSTON CHURCHILL, British prime minister, is expected
to get assurance from President Truman while the Briton is m
Washington that no American bombers will leave British bases
on atomic bombing missions without the knowledge and consent of
the British government.
The British have been worried that they might be the
target for retaliation bombing by Russians in event of war
They would like to have a hand in deciding whether or not
to run this risk by sending A-bombers out from Britain,
IVAN E. HALL, ship's purser working out of San Francisco
collects animals on his trips to the far corners of the globe He'
has brought back lions, cobras, leopards, and monkeys and he
keeps them cither in his cabin or in deck pens. The steamship
line says it doesn't mind Hall's hobby, but passengers comments
are not recorded.
chairman, Ag tours chairman,
Ag parties and conventions, Ag
sales and publications chair
man, Ag publicity chairman and
Ag membership chairman.
. Work of the Builders on the
various committees will be evalu
ated by the former board mem
bers. The reports will be taken
into consideration when the ap
plicant is interviewed and selected
for his position.
Present board members and
their work includes:
Gretchen Hein as office man
ager supervises typing, mimeo
graphing and other office work
for Builders committees.
Membership chairman, Shir
ley Coy, plans mass meetings
and membership drives on city
Ting Lilly, parties and con
ventions chairman, plans activ
ties for high school students at
tending the .pep convention,
Band day, 1 state basketball
tournament and similar func
tions. Campus tours chairman, Cecilia
Pinkerton, supervises and plans
tours for all organizations visiting
city campus.
Barbara Adams, First Glance
editor, plana the yearly magazine
Monday, January 7, 1952
obtain their worksheets in the
registration hall immediately be
fore they register. Junior Division
officials will be on hand to ap
prove the schedules.
Students are expected to bring
the worksheets and schedules ar
ranged by their advisers last
Lists of closed sections will be
printed in The Daily Nebraskan
as registration continues.
Undergraduate registration will
officially close Jan. 18 and new
students will take pre-registration
tests Jan. 23 and 24. Registration
of new students will be Jan. 25.
Graduate students may register
from Jan. 22 until Feb. 2.
Dr Hoover pointed out that
no late registration or adds will
be accepted after 12 noon, Feb.
Students who have conflicts in
their class schedules may enroll
in evening classes, according to
Evelyn Splichal, extension super
visor. Classes are free to students
carrying 12 hours if tuition fees
are paid at registration time.
Students must have permis
sion of their advisers to enroll
in evening classes. Those car-
Irying more than 16 hours must
also have permission from the
dean of the college. Permission
blanks may be obtained in Room
101, Architectural hall.
The official enrollment lor
first semester, according to
Hoover, was 6,952.
The Newi
which previews University life to
Nebraska high school students.
Scarlet and Cream editor, Shir
ley Stehlik, plans the Builders
newspaper which is sent to Ugh
school students three times dur
ing the year.
Loo Kennedy, Student Direc
tory editor, supervises the an
nual University roster.
District chairman, Jack Davis,
co-operates with the athletic
department to contact high
school student personality dur
ing vacations to publicize the
Jean Vierk, Ag tours chairman,
supervises visiting groups on Ag
Ag parties and conventions
charlmun, Barbara Raun, plans
entertainment and hospitality tar
students visiting Ag college.
Dale Reynolds, Ag sales and
publications chairman, handles
sales of student publications on
Ag campus.
Ag publicity chairman, Terry '
Barnes, plans all Builders pub
licity for Ag students.
Artie Wesoott, Ag member
ship chairman ttandla mm
meetings and membership drives
on Ag cam pas in co-operation
with the city campus chalrmaiu