The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    Tuesday, , December 1 1 , 1 95 1
. 1
t k
V f t
Innocents Join Mythical
State Navy As Admirals
The names of 1.1 members of In
nocents society will be listed with
those of actresses, emperors ana
generals Saturday morning at
1 1 -Sft n in. when thev receive titles
of Honorary Admiral in the Great
Navy of the State of Nebraska.
This Is the first time the title
has been presented to the Inno
cents as a group. Governor Val
I- iiiiiii(BiirffiiMlilillillfi"'r3JBp'mr1''i""r"'m'
Oourtrsr Lincoln Star.
Peterson was made honorary In
nocent last spring-.
The honorary Admiral titles
will be given on the basis of the
contribution of the 13 members to
the state of Nebraska and to the
Honorary Admirals are selected
for patriotism, valor, fidelity and
abilities. Those chosen must be
g oocU'ellows and loyal friends and
ITach Admiral mav demand the
obedience of "all officers, seamen,
tadpoles and goiausn unaer nis
command." His commission con
tinues in force during the period
nt his ennri behavior and the
pleasure of the Chief Admiral oi
the Great Navy of the state o.t
Nebraska, Theodore W. Metcalfe.
All senators in the legislature
are honorary Admirals. Others receiving-
the honor include Bud
Abbott and Lou Costello, Bob
IiupSw Bing- Crosby, General
Wedemevvr. rtlnah Shore and her
husband, George Montgomery and
the ambassador to Ireland,
Francis Matthews.
General Dwight Eisenhower
and Francis Cardinal Spellman
are honorary admirals in the
mythical navy of Nebraska, as are
Spyros P. Skouras, president of
20th Century Fox and Haile Silas-
sie, emperor or ,tmopia.
YW Area Meets Begin Today
With Inspection Of Art Exhibit
Little Man On Campus ByBiblerlAUF To Sell Bobby Reynolds, Pledge
. I .A . I A JL A A.!
Classes, Almost Anyrning mt muchou
...... tnrt Acsnntnteil Women Stu-
rlAinrr ffrvtritr crnn?!
ffhe familiar auction cry will
become a familiar campus cry at
the annual AUF auction, Wednes
day, Dec. 12, in the Union ball
room. x
This annual AUF sponsored
event gives students the oppor
tunity to purchase almost every
thing they desire from AU
Amerlcan football player, Bobby
Reynolds, to their favorite fra
ternity or sorority pledge
classes. In addition, a page in
The Daily Nebraskan will be
sold to the highest bidder.
Dr. Curtis M. Elliot, associate
professor of economics and insur
ance, will serve as faculty auc
tioneer. In keeping with another AUF
tradition that began last year,
each person at the Auction may
cast a vote for the University
Activity Queen. The Queen will
be chosen from six sophomore
candidates, each of whom repre
sents a University activity.
"The report on all your aptitude tests shows you're not qualified
for anything Have you ever thought of teaching?"
Higher education. Christian
heritage personal growth and na
tion and world YWCA area meet
ings begin today and continue
until Dec 13. !
Higher education area will ,
take a ridded tear of the new
modern livinr exhibit la the art
department of Morrill Hall at
4 pm. today. This area includes
the following commissions; fine
arts, Anne Jane Hair; student
f acuity coffee hour, Barbara
Bredthaaen campus critics,
Kaaey Weir; jobs and futures,
Barbara Bann.
Christian heritage area meeting
Is Thursday, Dec. 13, 4 p.m. in
Boom 315 of the Union. Rabbi
Joshua Stamfer will be the guest
speaker. This group consists of
comparative religions, Virginia
Cooper; worship workshop,
Sharon Cook; Christianity and so
ciety, Mary Sidner.
On The Air
3:00 Interlude with Ray Brown
and Bruce Hollander.
3:15 Something for the Girls,
Mnr Tnlliver and Janet Peterson.
3:30 Charlotte Plays, Charlotte
3:45 Dream Awhile, Dick Blynn.
4:00 Fun with Facts, Jo Mellon,
Dodie Elliott and Al Don a van.
4:15 Curtain Call, Bob Wells.
4:45 Story of Jazz.
Voc Ed Majors Consider
Constitution For Group
Students majoring in vocational
home economics are considering
the organization of a Vocational
Homemaking Education associa
tion. At recent meeting officers
were elected to draw up a consti
tution, to be submitted to the Ag
Executive board for approval.
The officers are Shirley Miles,
president; Mary Ellen Anderson,
vice president; Jan Holmes, president-elect;
Janet Lynch, secretary;
Mary Ann urunaman, treasurer,
Marilyn Cook, publicity chairman
and Rati Hoffmeister, program
Dean Pohlenz. state house re
porter of the Lincoln Journal, will
speak at the nation and world
area meeting, Thursday, Dec 13,
5 to 6 p.m. in Room 315 of the
Union. Five commissions have
been set up and their respective
leaders are social service tours,
Barbara Hershberger; current af
fairs, Barbara Mann; human
rights, Sue Neuenswander; world
organization, Nita Helmstadter.
Personal growth area will
meet Thursday noon, Dec. 13,
for lunch at the Presby house.
The senior commission is pre
paring the lunch, which will
cost 30 cents. Each commission
will give a skit depicting the
work of that commission for the
program. Camp counseling,
Shirley Coy; community serv
ice, Kathy Dill; leadership train
ing, Doris Carlson; skeptics
corner, Barbara Young; noon
discussion, Hester Morrison and
Ginny Cnmmings; senior com
mission, Lis Moodie, are the
commissions and leaders in this
The purpose of having area
meetings instead of commission
groups this week is to acquaint
members of the different groups
with the work and members of
other groups within their areas.
Freshman commission groups
will meet as scheduled but they
'are urged to attend as many area
meetings as tney can.
Dr. Schultz Talks
To Genetics Institute
Ratps of develoDment in various
groups of mammals were discussed
last week by C a. &cnuitz,
nrofessor of Geology and director
of th University State Museum,
i before the University's Genetics
Radio-carbon dates recently ob
tained at various Late Pleistocene
(lee Age) sites in Nebraska have
proved most valuable in the study
of the rate of evolution which has
taken olace during the past 10,000
years. Dr. Schultz said.
He pointed out that for the first
.11,11 .1 Wxvr.vb'wau " ml
have definite evolutionary "yard
sticks' which are aiding in a
clearer understanding of mam
malian development during
geologic times.
Governor Appoints Innocents
Admirals In Nebraska's Navy
The Innocents Society
'University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska
Reed, Brewer
Will Address
iSchool Clinic
Two University professors will
speak at the clinic for elementary
srhnnl nrinci rials which will be
iheld Saturday in the Union.
"Role of the Elementary tcnooi
Principal" is the topic of Dr.
MaHisnn Rrcwer. chairman of the
elementary education department
at the University, tie win spean
at 10 a.m.
Dr. Calvin Reed, assistant pro
fessor of elementary education at
the University, will discuss -ftod-lems
of the Elementary School
Principal" at 11 a.m
Tiii var'K finalists are Bar
bara Adams, Corahusker year
book representative; Sue Gor
ton, Coed Counselor board rep
resentative; Sue Holmes, Union
activities representative? Geor
gia Hulac, Women's Athletic
Association representative;
Shirley Murphy, Dally Ne
braskan representative; Janet
ctoffAn. Associated Women Stu
dents' board representative.
Last year's Activity Queen was
Tulie Johnson, who represented
the Cornhusker yearbook.
Tickets for the Auction are on
sale for 25 cents in a Union booth.
They are also being sold in or
ganized houses. Ticket sales will
end Wednesday.
RCCU To Sing Carols,
Make Toys For Children
Christmas Dlans of the Red
Cross College Unit are caroling
and narties at Lincoln hospitals
and orphanages and making toys
for needy cnudren.
The second annual all-University
Christmas caroling party is
Dec. 19. The carolers will spend
about half an hour at the Vet
erans hospital, Orthopedic hos
pital, state mental hospital, St.
Thomas orphanage and Tabitha
Two chartered buses will pick
up students outside their houses
r,n l fith street and R street around
6:40 p.m. Those who do not live!
On eillier VI uicac suroo von in-..
mittee are Mitzi Marquesen, Bev
erly Brown, Sally McGlasson,
Marilyn Lane, Ginny Mann, Bev
erly Davis, Norma Goodrich,
Karen Broady, Pat Nellis, Jackie
Switzer, Joan Chicoine, Jackie
Heath, Sandra Gadd, Kathy Shank,
Mary Patterson, Bernita Rosen
quist and Martha Hill. Joyce
Johnson is head of the committee.
Freshmen workers on the
orphanage committee will have
a Christmas party at St Thomas
orphanage. A party given by Pi
Beta Phi at the Orthopedic hos
pital, Dec. 18, will be sponsored
by the College Unit.
The Big Show presented at Vet-
at the Union at 6:40 p.m. Students! efans hospital last week will be
may join the caroling party and; . n at thJ state mentai hospital
fnllnur th hnsps in their own cars. j it-; r...
" . J t inursaay. vuueee u"n
Freshman women who want toLadies wU1 conduct a dance after
carol can get special permission to he ghow They afe vil.ginia p0ppe,
stay out until 9:30 p.m n Paula Witney, Mary Lou Carnaby,
Each person wdl be given a vinsantiJ Margie DeLamatre,
song sheet as he boards the bus.; Armstrong and Sally
Aaron Schmidt will lead tnelBartiing.
SmBoh" LaShelle and Jo Berry ! Marvin Friedman plans to show
more iooioau movies a i. me ic
formatory this week. He said the
movies have been well received.
Ag Better Living Series
are in charge of the caroling.
They are making indefinite
plans for a coffee hour at the
Union after the trip.
The College Unit handicran
uwr mi. U1UW.X..I. nrmcipai- at n a.m. !.'" .' v.. vM.
i It gives me great pleasure to appoint you an Admiral m the After a noon luncheon, the'" t. c.-4.... I C:,
Great Navy of the State of Nebraska. Your commission is enclosed, icnnic win resume ax i p.m. wiui. needy children
As rol no dob , .he. iS but one ran in our Kavy. We S&TlS&SSA menlC.,. JJ o
are all Admirals and enjoy the same privileges. There is no one from I speaking on "Development of the j serving overseas. ! the Better Living series in the
whom we must take commands, nor is there anyone to whom we may Elementary School Principalship j Members of the nandicratl Lcom-j Ag Uni(m loungej Tuesday and
... . - lanH T?AlatfH Prohlpms." . iiir.j c -
pass tne duck. - . r"rmi rt will he riven TnkorrnlAU Sea S Now " -
;' v..i r. u , . , sessions will Mature
The morale of our organization is very high, and I am sure you
will find your duties most pleasurable.
,at 2 p,m. Dr. Archer L, Burnham,! , . . R ,
Jexecutive secretary of weorasKa vn juib hi wiuwh
Sincerelj', jState Education association, will
cTTTTTDcriM talk about "Why An Elementary!
(discussions by members ' at-the
. . , , . . . Ag college faculty and Ag stu-
ThP sale of Tuberculosis Christ- A ,
:talk about "Vhy An Elementary h b in tne Union , .
iSchool Principals' Association" at till continue until Thursday,! M. A. Alexander, Dave Sander
'2:15 p.m. conUnue and their wives are faculty mem-
juiiiu viuu) iu i icjiuc ni mm .iiiiiiiiu runy i The TB Christmas seal sale is
.... . . , . ... . . n x , - v,i Bnnegar and his wife will re-
The Ag union ennstmas pany tred Allen, who is in charge VCimpUS riw the Sanders on Wednes-
for employees and committee of the program, announced that! . AUF and under the county spon d
iworkers wiU be held Wednesday Santa Claus will be there to pre-firm m nnncnroH Isorship of the Lancaster CountyjJ
'at 7:15 p.m. in the Ag Union sent the eifts. Students and work-iw' WT Tw j Tuberculosis association.
Santa Claus To Preside At Ag Christmas Party
German Club Christmas
L rv f L T. . . . i .
prs attenrlinff th. narty ara. to n.-li..: I..U Funds collected Irom tne saie
c " h r If liSff n B. K .SIIKB . -
bring 25e gifts.
Christmas seals on campus will
.. . . . . . . - Hp lispd in the University Tuber-
orSL of aScST K culosis canpuntrolprogram.
run iuuciiciu usk. iu MDisionoiu Hiiiwui ,on the University campus. B L t D- T
! A German "Merry Christmas" . t-l Circle K Klub is an organi- ProphefS IO Be lOpiC
wiU be extended to all guests at wnnsrmas rany ionium zation o University men who qi Cw:ncjlers Lecture
line annual vierman ciuo iiiim- . - yT an1 YWC will bold worK logeuier ior me ueunurau; - -
!mas party, Tuesday, Dec. 18, at'f annual Christmas party to- of campus conditions and activi-' "Who Were the Prophets" will
,7:30 n.m. in Ellen Smith Hall. L.rJll ?a,TL ties. be used in the University Tuber-
30 P-- inllen Smith HalL ni ht fa the Ag Union at 7:30 pities
The Christmas story and noa-; di to Steve Eberhart. Ag . 9
Sx" uv. a-; Organizational Droblems are swinmer av u unrauui, WUu
day poems will be read in Gr.:W.Srt. by all interested ;meeting Sunday. This is the tird
man. Refreshments and games .7 "irimt men. me next meeiing wiu " ul
will also be provided. f held in the Union at a p.m. rues- , tne cioie cunuucieu uy ou.ulcI,
German club is" open to stu-: Rollie Reynolds, second vice day. faculty sponsor.
Dntc in r.prm9n rlascpc mil all Dresident of Ae YM. is in charge Arthur Hitchcock, director of Members will meet at 7 p.m..
Ipersons interested in the language, of the party. The program will, the junior division and counseling , in the club rooms of the Lmver-
The club holds social ana cxuvurai consist oi games auiguig aim ic- civi(.c w"'6 j "j
meetings once a month. freshments. Sponsor. I However, they will get some
Ohnsiras Sp3csl$!
Special Reduced Prices Qn
Cashmere Sweaters
Sportshirts Argyle Socks
Golf Equipment
World's Longest Golf Ball
MacGregor Tourney
$1.00 each or $9.75 per doz.
Lincoln Counlrv Qub
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Q. Do you need a ride home
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A. Advertise in your Daily
Hebroskan Want Ads.
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The PUw NeJtrmsUmn Buninet
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From th Report of a Well-Known Raiaerch Organization
Cojyntfu 191, Liccm k Uviu Tomccd Ok