Wednesday, December 5, 1951 PAGE 2 THE DAILY -NEBRASKAN Formal Fashion The Millionth Person '. As Lincoln's traffic death record reached ; seven this week, we again are reminded grimly ; that someone this year will be the millionth traf fic casualty in the first half of the 20th century. This will be a title without honor. There's nothing glamorous about traffic accidents and funerals which follow too many of them, and there's nothing exciting about injuries which occur in so many accidents. But the gruesome and heartbreaking incidents continue. The possibility of joining the fatality list doesn't seem to phase most persons. For some reason we think the accident will happen to the next person and that we are immune. Thus, the death total climbs largely because of care lessness. Since Sept 13, 1899 when a bachelor real-estate man was knocked down and run over by an electric taxioab in Central park, New York, marking the first traffic fatality, the list has grown to about 922,000 names. It doesn't do much good to write about safety: it doesn't do much good to warn drivers their name might constitute the next fatality. We condemn political leaders who lead the world into chaos and ruin because of ambition and disregard for taking lives of the innocent. Yet we tolerate and even practice the same disregard for the next person's life In traffic. Joan Krueger There's a tendency to believe most accidents occur in rain, fog or snow. However, the National Safety council reports that only one out of six last year occurred under such conditions. The time to be careful is under normal conditions when you must decide not only what you person ally should do, but when you must decide what the other driver might do. We're not going to urge anyone to drive carefully. No one will make that decision but the Individual driver. We're not warning anyone to refuse to drive when under alcohalic influ ence. The fact that 17 per cent of drivers in volved in fatal accidents in 1950 should speak for itself. A year ago about this time, the University was praised by Lincoln's director of public wel fare, Ray Osborn, for an excellent record of safety the previous year. The University student accident rate was under the nation's average The record was fine, but there is no record to compensate a death notice or serious injury. Un fortunately, only those directly affected by such experience can understand the meaning. There are many other fields In which the University can achieve fame without claiming the millionth traffic fatality in its roster. That ts a record we don't want. From Other Schools It is gratifying to see delegates from Big Seven schools meet to discuss topics other than athletics as was the case at the Big Seven Government association convention in Boulder, Colo., last weekend. The Nebraska delegation brought back some interesting ideas which will be reported in detail when University of Colo rado delegates compile proceedings. Two points delegates discussed deserve spec ial attention. The idea of co-ordinating grading Systems within Big Seven schools to achieve better means of transferring and better seating arrangements for students and closer co-operation between schools while visiting others were brought up. Any Nebraska student who has transferred from another school would welcome the idea ot common grading system. Confusion and red tape which accompany transfer students might be les sened by similar grading systems. However, if any change is to be made the administration first must be convinced with advantages of such a re vision. It is the responsibility of student dele gates to carry to administrative officials results of their conference if any action is to come. Re vising the grading system would be no easy task for any school if the decision eventually is reached to establish a uniform system. However, it would be a wise move for University Council members to investigate the possibility. The other point concerning inter-school re lations also has merits. In recent years, Corn huskers have received both good and poor treat ment on migration trips and individual jaunts. In addition to giving fans of the visiting team better seats, closer co-operation would promote more friendly rivalry between schools which should be sought in all athletic contests. Critic ism of college football is not confined to the gridiron. Students also must adopt a new atti tude or perhaps rather take back the old at titude of football. Improved relations among Big Seven Schools would be a good forward step. Regardless of the merits the ideas possess, thev will go no farther than newsprint and con vention reports unless delegates themselves take action on individual campuses. This should be taken with the possible result of the ideas be coming concrete action. . . o v. 1 u . . llilMSIIIilLj - j i i oi f". MILITARY BALL FASHION . . . This Friday evening will un doubtedly see many University coeds fashion out at the opening of the formal season, the Military Ball, in the latest designs. Pop ular number this winter modeled by Sonna Holmes, University sophomore, will be the cocktail-length dress dressed up with lay ers of crinoline and taffeta petticoats. Stoles will be adding to the distinctiveness of this year's party dresses. (Daily Nebraskan photo.) Party Styles For Winter Follow 'Either-Or1 Trend QlwhdA find QLbjdwhdA 'Young Man Wit Record Releases Included In Newh A Horn1 Music David Cohen, Do you remember the movie "Young Man with a Horn?" If so, you will remember the warm, distinctive preformance of Doris Day on "I May Be Wrong," "The Very Thought Of You," "Too Marvelous For Words" and "With a Song In My Heart" The fine job of Harry James is outstanding on "The Man I Love," "Limehouse Blues" and the warm driving theme song of the movie "Melancholy Rhapsody." The entire seore of these songs as played in the movie are now on a LP disc. If you enjoyed the movie, I know you will enjoy this new Columbia album. Tommy Dorseyy Glenn Miller, Duke Elling ton, Hal Kemp, Larry Clinton and Ted Weems are featured on the second in a series of LP releases of Immortals. Tommy Dorsey's "Boogie Woogie" was first recorded in 1938, and it has become one of the biggest selling records of all time. The figure to date Is between wiree end four million. This disc is a better example of orchestral Boogie Woogie. The unsung pianist who made "Boogie Woogie" Dorsey's top hit is Harvan Smith, who now leads his own outfit on the Garry Moore TV show. The reasons for the survival of the Glenn Miller legend are very clear to anyone who list ens to the re-issue of the famous "Song Of The Volga Boatmen." The same musical qualities that have kept Miller's albums on the best seller lists six years after his death are very much in evi dence here. This album is a collection of six great band leaders and the songs they made famous. Each man has earned his place in the music hall of fame. Hear Duke Ellington with "Mood Indigo" and Ted Weems with "Heart Aches." Here are six per-( formers of various styles and ages that have sur-1 vived the test of time to live on as brillant ex amples of the modern dance band era. Lionel Hampton has a new LP disc out entitled "Moonglow." On this disc Hampton shows his ability to please every taste in dance music. This albumn features Hampton on the vibes on such favorites as ''Moonglow." 'Tent- ' bouse Serenade," "You Go To My Head" and "Memories Of You." Don't forget the Military Ball. By ANN GILLIGAN Society Editor This is the "either-or" season for formal or cocktail party fa shions. Skirts are either slim and slinky or flounced with layers of ma terial and made fuller by crino line petticoats. Slimness is emphasized by formals that fit tight to the knees and bell out enough for walking room. The full-skirted dress is usually made of mul tiple layers of tulle and net over heavy satins and taffetas. Most necklines are either low and scooped out or high with a swather throat cover-up look. And these necklines are ac centuated by large pins, earrings,) or chokers made of rhinestones, crystal beads or pearls. Formal hems either sweep the, floor, reach upward on one side or hang at ballerina length. Bal lerina skirts are still favorites; and come into their own with! this year's fashionable full, full skirt. j For cocktail parties or teas, the fashion is either a glamerous suit or a lace dress some with cling-' ing skirts and others belled out; with taffeta and crinoline under skirts. The winning color in satin, taffeta, faille and velvet is either black or white. But the (Continued on Page 4) GLOBE Laundry-Dry Cleaning We can give you top quality service on your formal Wardrobe LET ONE CALL DQ IT ALL 2-6755 1124 L Candid itywhifVc CR Turns Fiend, Vainly Attempts To Crash First Basketball Game The business of column writing isn't all it's cracked up to be; In fact, at this stage of journal istic endeavor, about the only thing that is cracked up Is your Candid Reporter. The public just doesn't realize the amount of brain fatigue which Is generated by a hap teas reporter when she is trying to think of some thing original to say in time for a deadline. I can remember a far distant time when I was calm, sympathetic young human being. Now, alas, I can only be described as pathetic. Time was when I beheld a misfortune befalling a friend of mine, my first and only thought was, "How awful. I hope she lsnt hurt too badly." Now the first thing that pops Into my carer little mind is, "Aha, material for my column the gorier the better!" You can see that this Is Indeed a sad state of af fairs. I have now degenerated Into such a fiend that ym can be almost sure to find me peering tSSsroaga keyholes, eavesdropping on all sorts of .Amy Palmer, conversations and at the scene of every cata strophe. My beady little eyes are always looking for something new to print. Just to show you how bad things are, your CR tried to crash the basketball "game the other night without a ticket. Choosing a quiet minute and an alert ticket taker, the old approach was used. When asked for a ticket, the CR answered she forgot hers, but had an ID card to show she was a student. This didn't work too well so a, football ticket which had seen better days was produced. After all other efforts had failed, a good old tear-jerking story about "My brother Is on the team and wants me to be here" was tried. The ticket taker was just starting on his third kleenex when some wise guy walked by and yelled, "Hey Candid, what are you up to now?" Your CR did not get into the game. You see what I mean? Sometimes you just can't win. FIFTY -FIRST YEAS Member Intercollegiate Press Tha Ptltf Makrukaa hi !) T ataale at 'tm umvcrK t i t.rdi, to ArMela U af tea Bt-Lwi (oTbIbi .taaaai aaa Ju, J i. tfc. aolaraS oUir at SMHtra thai aahllaatlaaa ena.r Ma lartadletiaa (hall aa (raa from a ?. a tha af tfea ar. a H Ui aarl at aa amaar at lb taaaitjr af tha a at tea warn STaf a tm Naanuima an aaraaaallr rsapmalMa for what they aa. ar aa ar eaaaa la a ortntca." SMr!p4a. mm rm amaaiar M M tiar or l.a. far tha aallcra raw, M W mall Statia 91 tm Nnaraata) aa expraaaloa af ataJaBta bows and hlteatlaaa aa admlnlataraS ar tha nr4 af tr mm froia anrui ban af cgMMiial ffc af tmatea-a arrk44 v 'a , , , . , ibuiiar t -,- ,r I flaa ,,-. . . tar -"business STAFF f-"Bn ffwpor . ... ..sav, f i, Maaafera . M . i I "far... ..,...,..,..,..,... fa. eabliiba rabilelaioB. 17, and at IKS. EDITORIAL STAFF fan ataeha laaa Krgarar Bath Barneaa. Daa Flaaar ........ Sua Gar to a, Jaa Stattaa. Kaa ftratra, Sblrlay Marah. Sal) Adama . , .. Sab Bunk. ...... .........- Buraoaii aaanaar Canal Gardsa .............. .. ............. ...... Dal Btraalda Ana Gtlhraa ... .. ......... MB Baarataa Jack Oahca Staa Slapta. SraoM Strra, Fata aVrcatea . ..... Cbaak Barmalatar FORMALS FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON . . . SOME like them long . . . SOME LIKE them short . . . BUT ALL LIKE THEM hauntingly lovely Be sure to cast a bewitching spell on any stag line for the gala evening just ahead. Over the phone ... on the campus ... in the dorms . . . it's the talk of the town . . . that fabulous FAMOUS COSTUME JEWELRY ... at prices that will even make dad smile. 1218 0 Street Of coune you may charge. And of course the Military Ball Is the big event this weekend. Just a "short" list of some of the dates includes Joan Spohn and Everett Smith. Joanne Eppard and John O'Brien, Kay Kopecky and Jerry Lawson, Ann Lundi and Bob Albers, Bonnie Ciries ana Reed Daffer, Lillian Rogers and Claude Organ, Janet Beran and Max Littleton, Alice Reade and Carl Olson, Lianne Farrell and Norm Rasmussen, Rose Gingery and Haskell Fishell. Janet wecker and Del Cross, Yvonne Moran and Bob Young, Marj Nelson and Tim Nelson (no relation). Rita Angell and John Kalverey, Jane Brode and Don Overhalt, Ann McKamy ana Duffy Olson, Ray Fritzler and Larry Smith, Muggs Bedford and Bernie Goodman, Jim McGeachin ana Wlb Gass, Bert Linn ana Shirley Langhus, Bill Cannon and Shirley Devier, Katy Kelly and Lloyd Knapp, Marilyn Stanley and John Carr, Dee Smith and Pat Engle, Jim Weber and Sandra Daley, Betty Scoville and Don Anderson, Letha Zalkin and Bob Pitlor, Mary Ludi and Eugene Riddle, and Carol Milroy and Wink Stebbms. Looks like the Student Di rectory, doesn't it? But to take a short breather from military affairs, let's look at the more romantic side of thi" s. Sally Kjelson and Tom McVay, Doaie lhott ana Jim Massey, ana Marilyn Mangold and Dale Sass decided that things were getting just a little more serious than just casual dating. They're now going steady. Things became even more seri ous for frequent daters Kay Som- mers and Rocky Yapp, Shirley Hamilton and Dick Duerr, Sue Holmes and Bill Hodder, Gary Ford and Neala O'Dell, and Reva Gittleman and Leonard Moser. They announced their pinnings last Monday. Also, some may have noticed Bev Reckewey's pin from Neil Prince, who is now serving Uncle Sam. And the newest engagement is that of Joan Chicoine and Bud Koyen, of Fremont. Also someone told me that Jo Dosek was seen wearing Jack Scoville's pin Saturday night. Maybe it was a joke, but it looked pretty serious at the time. Congrats to Mary Fuelberth, who was chosen Sigma Chi pledge sweetheart. And now back to more Military Ball news. More of the dates to look for will be those of Pete Bergsten with Ginny Franks, Charlie Meehan and Faye Nelson, Rv ANN GILLIGAN firnnr Whitnev and Beth Alden. Bruce Kennedy and Jo Wallace, Claude Berreckman and Connie Sehnert, Shirley Mead and Don Gustafson, Barbie Arendt and Marty Mathieson, buzie btoenr and John Tatom, and Dave Jones and Suzl Adams and Donna Pres- cott and Dick Goll. And now. cals. it's your turn to ask vour date to the Black Masque ball! Art Honorary Sells Christmas Cards Christmas cards, designed and printed by Delta Phi Delta, na tional art honorary, are now on sale. They may be ourchased from any memDer or ordered in the art office in Morrill Hall. These cards priced at two for 15c, are an art project set each year. This year they were printed from original woodcuts featuring Christmas designs in abstraction, based on the type used by Adolph Gottleile, a leading obstractionist Proceeds from the car sales are used by theorganization to fi ance exhibits, social functions and sending delegates to the national convention. PENDING POW WOWS Wednesday Union committee meetings: per sonnel, 5 p.m.; public relations, 7 p.m.; square dance, 7 p.m.; con vocations, S p.m.; music, 5 p.m. YWCA: office staff, 3 p.m.; freshman commission. 4 n.m senior commission, 4 p.m.; fresh- man commission, 5 p.m. Cosmopolitan club: movie on Brazil, 7:30 p.m., Union 316. Cornhusker pictures at west stadium; Delian Union, 5 p.m., de bate squad, 5:15 p.m. A lovely young thing name of Joy, Masked her hoy friend cog nomen of Roy, Said she, "First, I'll mask you, And then I will ask you To the Black Masque BoM" "Oh Boy!" Joctors warn smokeis about throats iaywoodie Pipes have Three Throat-Guards o give extra throat protection. t ii "fltailatilf' I FIRST THROAT-GUARD: "Wider-ODenin?" bit- Spreads out smoke, helps cool it. No hot smoke to irritate throat or "bite" tongus. s"C ' " - SECOND THROAT-GUARD: Exclusive, patented "DRINKLESS" device. Cuts down irritating tars... keeps every pipeful lit longer. Ai'?f,.V,.-XiM.Vt THIRD THROAT-6UARD: World's best im ported briar. It'sspeciallyheat-resittantsnd porous. Makes smoke cooler... lest irritating. Continental Cafe Reservations now being accepted for Military Ball Phone 2-3939 1511 "O" St. GUARD IHAI THROAT, DOCTORS SAY! Only KAYWOODIE pipes have these Three Throat-Guards for extra throat protection! Don't gamble with your throat! Kaywoodie has three Throat-Guards working for you, protecting your throat as no other smoke can. They reduce tars and make smoke cooler. And just hold that Kaywoodie! Feel the satin-smooth briar. It's the world's best Admire it as you would the finest piece of sculpture. And what a real smoke a Kaywoodie gives you... what a man's smoke! Plus so much extra throat protection! ' Kaywoodie imports the finest briarand then throws 90 of it away. Keeps only the finest 10. the very heart, for cool, sweet smoking. Dial 2-2775 . H1LTN FLORAL CO. or stop In at 135 So. 12 Corsages that you will be proud to give -at reasonable prices 6 KAYWOODIE NEW YORK LONDON SINCE 1 S 8 1 Koywoodi Pipes ore available ino vidt) . ' variefy ot shapes and wVr $4 to $25 "' r7 r'.-T tlovsrltef frct-Vr- , fctiiwr SaJricjr Murpbjr